Is it possible for breastfeeding women to have liver? Video: Casserole with liver “Tender”

The first months after childbirth are very difficult in every sense. The mother is especially required to follow the principles healthy eating. Otherwise, the baby is promised the notorious colic, allergies and a host of other problems. Unfortunately, focusing on well-known stereotypes, many women begin to exclude even what is not only allowed, but also necessary. For example, dishes made from animal and fish by-products. Can a nursing mother have liver? What types of it are allowed, and how is it useful?

Read in this article

Is it possible or not to eat cod by-products during breastfeeding?

Once upon a time, the Scandinavians considered the liver an excellent remedy to restore vision. Moreover, it was said that if this type of meat is eaten raw, a person will begin to see in the dark. Oddly enough, in some sense this can be considered true. Thanks to the “deposits” of retinol and vitamin A (growth vitamin), which is easily absorbed, cod liver really “heals” the retina.

Quite a lot of retinol is also found in other fish: halibut, salmon and sea bass.

If we talk about cod liver in the context of breastfeeding, the former Soviet delicacy is incredibly useful for the growth and development of the baby. Thanks to these elements, the composition of the blood improves and it “builds” more actively. bone tissue, the heart works more energetically and the brain works better.

Some experts assure: if a nursing mother eats a cod liver dish at least once a week, the baby will have a serious chance of becoming a child prodigy.

Chicken liver dishes

Chicken liver is a product that is very loyal in terms of breastfeeding. Experienced specialists not only do not prohibit, but also allow its use almost immediately after the baby appears. The fact is that this type of meat does not provoke allergies, so even the mother of a newborn child can eat it. Let's say more: chicken liver protein contains iron proteins, which contribute to the formation of hemoglobin.

Therefore, chicken liver is a favorite “cure” along with drug treatment.

Useful microelements of the product:

  • a lot of vitamins A, D, E, K;
  • a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc;
  • low percentage of fat (from two to four).

Chicken liver has one peculiarity: this offal contains an impressive amount of water, which significantly reduces shelf life. If, when buying chicken liver, gloss and smoothness are noticeable, or after the dish is ready, bitterness appears, you should throw away what you cooked. Most likely the product was spoiled.

Beef liver dishes

Can a nursing mother eat liver? Despite previous successful options, with beef liver everything is not so simple. Because of high content cholesterol, this offal is not recommended for young mothers in large quantities.

However, a couple of times a week it is acceptable to treat yourself to dishes from beef liver. This way you can get the most out of it. The fact is that this type of meat allows you to saturate the body with many vitamins (K, PP, C, E and others) and microelements (copper, chromium, iron, zinc). It also contains large quantities of selenium, whose antioxidant properties have long become legendary.

A small, 100 gram piece can give the body of a nursing mother daily norm all the vitamins he needs.

Doctors especially recommend beef liver to those who want to become stronger and more energetic. And what mother small child Will additional forces interfere? An explosive cocktail (heme iron, heparin and chromium) stabilizes the heart, eliminates the risk of thrombosis and provides sufficient active life amount of energy. However, cholesterol, which is several times higher in beef liver than in beef, puts this offal on the list of “persona non grata”.

Can a nursing mother eat beef liver? To potential benefits didn't block it possible problems, expectant and nursing mothers should not get carried away with eating such dishes. Moreover, it is advisable to “dilute” beef liver vegetable salads and cereals.

Who should not eat by-products?

On breastfeeding, in fact, you only need to remember one thing important rule: When introducing this or that product into your diet, watch the baby. Can a nursing mother eat cod liver? If the next day after the meal the child does not develop a rash or appear allergic runny nose or cough, a woman can continue to indulge herself with her favorite offal.

This rule also applies to the liver.

Except those useful substances, which have already been mentioned above, eating this type of meat can help the mother in solving the following problems:

One way or another, it wouldn’t hurt to periodically include all types on the menu. Cod liver will be especially useful during breastfeeding.

Despite all the “advantages” listed, there are nursing mothers who should not consume offal of this kind. If the baby is allergic, and the woman suffers from low blood pressure– it’s better not to include it in your diet. People suffering from kidney disease should eat liver very carefully, in small quantities. This by-product contains very large number protein, which puts an unbearable burden on unhealthy kidneys.

Cooking correctly

There should be no questions about the method of preparation. During breastfeeding, we consume liver exclusively in boiled or stewed form. You should not overuse fatty and fried foods.

Boiled liver is an excellent addition to salads. In addition, there are a lot of recipes online for rolls, pates and casseroles, minced liver pies made from beef, chicken or fish liver. The most delicious thing is, of course, stewed beef liver with sour cream. A classic recipe loved by many.

The liver cooks quickly. To prevent slight bitterness from remaining after cooking, it is recommended to put the meat in water or cold milk for half an hour.

Some people, and especially nursing mothers, are afraid to include liver dishes in their diet due to the fact that “during life” it is through this organ that the body is cleansed. There are fears that it could have accumulated harmful substances(growth hormones that are injected into animals, etc.). However, such assumptions are nothing more than a myth: everything harmful comes out of the animal’s body along with bile. In order not to deprive your table of this healthy dish because of this kind of thoughts, purchase meat from trusted suppliers.

Any type of liver is useful and delicious product, which nursing mothers should eat from time to time. You just need to know when to stop, be sure to buy only fresh product and prepare it correctly.

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Mothers with breastfeeding are especially careful about their diet. But the diet should also not be very strict, so as not to deprive the mother necessary vitamins and microelements. This by-product is just such a product that can enrich the body with the necessary substances.

From what month?

Moms who love this product will be happy to know that liver can be included in the menu in the first month of the baby’s life.

However, some experts say that you need to wait about two weeks after birth for the baby’s body to adapt to new conditions.

Preferred type of heat treatment

It is preferable to eat beef offal in stewed or boiled form. It is better not to consume fried product, as this cooking process kills vitamins, and even on a baby fried food may not have the best effect.

Beef liver is pre-soaked in milk to remove bitterness.

How can it be useful for a mother?

If before the birth of the baby, when choosing food, a woman was guided by her own taste preferences, then after the birth of the child these criteria will have to change. The benefits of food come first when breastfeeding. Beef liver is a fairly popular product.

It is where fats and proteins are ideally combined: for 3-4 g of fat there are 18 g of protein. This property allows us to call the product dietary. If mom is a fan of liver, then she knows that this product is a storehouse of useful substances.

Beef liver is rich in:

  • B vitamins, which are responsible for metabolism, development, and full growth;
  • vitamin C, essential for immunity;
  • vitamin A, responsible for good vision;
  • folic acid, which develops nerve cells;
  • calcium, essential for the skeletal system;
  • copper, beneficial for the nervous and respiratory systems(strengthens the bronchi and lungs);
  • zinc, which forms the bone skeleton;
  • iron, which ensures the required level of hemoglobin.

One serving of liver contains daily dose essential amino acids. When compared to meat, liver is digested much faster, since it contains virtually no fat.

Is a child allowed?

The beneficial properties of the liver are known to every person: it strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin levels. Answering the question of whether beef liver can be in a child’s diet, the answer is unequivocal - yes.

Age of introduction to complementary foods

There is no consensus on the age at which liver can be given to children. Most pediatricians advise introducing liver along with meat products at 6-7 months.

Other doctors believe that the child's liver is heavy product, and it is better to introduce her diet from 8-9 months, when the gastrointestinal tract gets stronger.

The product will benefit the baby and enrich him with useful substances, because at this age the child’s teeth begin to form.

In what form?

It is best to give children boiled beef liver, since fried foods are not beneficial to the baby. It should be ground and added to milk. You can also make pate, pudding or soufflé.

Benefits for the baby

In addition to a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, liver is of particular value for children who have low level hemoglobin. Also this the product is rich in folic acid, which is responsible for proper development nervous systems s in a child.

What is dangerous for mother and baby?

Beef liver, although it is dietary product, but there is also a risk when using it. For example, a large portion can cause gastrointestinal upset. If a woman has high cholesterol, she needs to be careful when consuming liver, since the harmful substance is deposited on the blood vessels and promotes the formation of blood clots.

As for the harm to the child, there is no harm if you follow the consumption standards, prepare the product correctly and know how to choose beef liver.

If a woman has chronic kidney disease, beef liver should be included in the diet after the recommendation of a nutritionist.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

An important question is how to choose fresh and high-quality liver:

Despite the low allergenicity of this product, its use should be moderate. Before cooking, you need to remove the veins and bile ducts.

You can add liver to salads, make pate, casserole, roll with beef liver - there are a lot of dishes. Sour cream would be a good topping for such dishes. It is not recommended to stew beef liver for a long time, as this will make it tough.

Even a small portion of beef liver can quickly cope with the feeling of hunger.

How to properly introduce the product into your diet?

You should start with a small portion and monitor the baby’s condition. It is better if the mother consumes the liver in the morning to see how new product affects the baby. After the first dose, take a break for a couple of days. If all is well, continue eating liver.

If the child is born ahead of schedule, with the introduction of beef liver into the diet, you should wait until the baby’s digestive system is formed.

Daily and weekly norm

A nursing woman can consume 20 g of liver per day, and no more than 100 g per week. Liver should be consumed 4 times a week.


Beef liver dishes are healthy and tasty and do not require much time to prepare. This is important for a young mother. The product must be present in a woman’s diet if the baby does not have allergic reaction.

Chicken liver is a dietary meat by-product that is easily digestible and contains a large amount nutrients and vitamins, and also has excellent taste qualities. Despite all its advantages, nursing mothers may treat it with some caution. After all, during lactation it is very important to study information about all food products, which are included in your diet, otherwise you risk harming your baby. Is it possible to eat chicken liver while breastfeeding? You will find out the answer from this article.

Useful properties

Before answering the question whether a nursing mother can have chicken liver, we should talk about its beneficial properties. It contains very little fat and is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, this product is recommended during a diet, which is important for women who have recently given birth to a child. After all, after pregnancy you really want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. excess weight and fit into your old jeans. The liver is rich in vitamins and promotes hematopoiesis, which is why it is included in special diets that must be followed after blood loss or surgical intervention. Just one serving can fully provide daily requirement in amino acids. In addition, chicken liver contains choline, which stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system. And this factor is very important for young mothers, who, as a rule, are different increased anxiety and exhausted due to recent childbirth.

It is important to note that chicken liver is very easy to prepare. And this factor is very important for young mothers who do not have a lot of free time.

By the way, it contains a large amount of folic acid, which is vital in the first trimester of pregnancy. Thanks to folic acid it is possible to minimize the risk of development in the baby various pathologies. Therefore, while carrying a child, you can safely consume chicken liver, naturally, in the absence of allergic reactions to this product.

During breastfeeding?

Chicken liver helps you quickly recover after childbirth and gain strength to care for your newborn. In addition, you can eat it a couple of weeks after the baby is born: this product is considered permitted during lactation. However, you need to exercise some caution, in particular, you should monitor the reaction of a breastfed baby to his mother’s consumption of chicken liver. An allergy to this product is extremely rare, but it is not excluded.

It is necessary to remove it from your diet if you notice that after feeding your child has the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • decreased appetite;
  • malfunctions gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, colic, constipation, etc.

To determine which food the baby’s body gave a negative reaction to, introduce one new product per day. Take a break of at least two days between tests.

If a reaction does not appear at this time, you can safely use the new product.

By the way, you can give chicken liver to a child up to 1 year of age when introducing complementary foods. True, it is important to consult with a pediatrician and carefully monitor how the baby’s body reacted to the new product. Well, after one year you can give it quite safely.

How to choose?

The main thing to remember when choosing chicken liver is that this product is classified as perishable. Therefore, under no circumstances should you purchase a liver with an expiring date. If you notice that she makes bad smell, do not cook or eat it under any circumstances!

It is advisable to purchase liver from farm chickens that are raised in environmentally friendly conditions. clean conditions. This product is more expensive than what can be found on supermarket shelves, but the baby’s health is more valuable than money. Usually in each city there are shops selling products from a specific farm. It is advisable to find such a store and buy it only there. Always inquire about the production date of the product: you can ask to see special documents and certificates that prove that you are buying fresh liver.

Store the liver in the freezer. In the refrigerator, the product will quickly begin to deteriorate: after two days the product will become unfit for consumption. The liver must have dark color without white spots, the surface of a good liver is smooth, no blood clots can be seen on it.

If possible, choose refrigerated rather than frozen. Assessing the quality of frozen liver is quite problematic; in addition, supermarkets often change production dates.

How to cook properly?

It is advisable for a nursing mother to refuse fried foods. They are quite difficult for the body to digest, and often cause an allergic reaction in infants. It is advisable to stew the liver with the addition of a small amount of carrots or onions.

You can quickly make a delicious and nutritious pate from chicken liver. This is very simple to do: simmer until soft state with coarsely grated carrots, chop them in a blender and add a small amount of butter. You need to salt it during stewing, but you should not put too much salt: it is harmful to the body of a nursing mother. The pate can be eaten with bread and even with all kinds of side dishes.

The liver can also be stewed in a slow cooker, in just 20 minutes you will get delicious low calorie dish

When cooking, be sure to ensure that no gallbladder birds. Therefore, rinse it thoroughly and inspect it before placing it in the pan. The gallbladder has an elongated shape and green tint, so it’s quite easy to see. Just one gall bladder in a frying pan of liver - and the dish will acquire a bitter taste and become unfit for consumption!

When can chicken liver be harmful?

It can be harmful if the chickens were raised using hormones and antibiotics. Of course, sellers almost never admit that the chickens on the farm are fed substances that are harmful to health. Therefore, all that remains is to look for a reliable store in which you are completely confident.

If a woman has diseased kidneys, she should eat chicken liver with caution. The fact is that the liver contains a lot of protein, which puts a strain on the kidneys. And this can lead to aggravation of existing chronic diseases excretory system.

Breastfeeding mothers should be very careful when trying new foods. Chicken liver or baked chicken, which seem to be dietary safe dishes, sometimes cause allergies in children. However, if you introduce foods into your diet gradually and be careful when choosing recipes, you will protect your baby and be able to recover quickly after childbirth!

Immediately after giving birth, the diet of a young mother requires a serious revision - all foods that pose a potential threat to the baby are removed from it.

In this regard, many women have a lot of questions regarding the safety of certain products, for example, is liver allowed during breastfeeding or is it strictly prohibited. There is a widespread belief that this offal is particularly useful, but is it really true and how to prepare the liver so that it can be eaten during lactation - let's figure it out together.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat liver and what are its benefits for the woman and the newborn?

Among all the by-products that are consumed by humans, it is the liver that nutritionists highlight most actively. The fact is that the liver contains such a rich set of useful substances and minerals that regular use Even a small amount of such a product allows you to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body.

It’s not for nothing that pediatricians hold an absolutely similar opinion - liver, during lactation, is not only a permitted product, but also mandatory, since it beneficial properties literally necessary for the healthy development of the baby and the normal recovery process of the mother.

The most commonly eaten foods are beef, chicken, cod and pork liver. However, it should immediately be noted that pork liver is considered undesirable and sometimes dangerous for nursing mothers.

In general, any liver has approximately the same set of qualities, with the only exception being cod liver, since it contains substances that are not found in any other liver. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of this truly unique by-product.

  • The most important advantage of the liver is the huge volume it contains. vitamin B12. Main task this substance - maintaining normal condition nervous system and brain. For babies, this vitamin is useful primarily because it helps it develop more actively and improves the functioning of all its systems in the body.
  • The liver also contains significant amount vitamin A. This compound is necessary for the human body to maintain the health of several systems at once - vision, bones, the functioning of the thyroid gland and immune system. In addition, this vitamin has antioxidant properties, and therefore helps cells recover faster and protects them from damage.
  • The liver is saturated with iron. This microelement not only helps prevent anemia, but also participates in hematopoietic processes, which means it promotes better production breast milk. In addition, iron helps saturate the organs with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and all its systems.
  • Great content vitamins and minerals even a small volume of this product makes it an excellent remedy against the deficiency of nutrients in the body of a young mother. Most internal reserves of nutrients, as is known, go into milk, and therefore a woman needs to replenish them in a timely manner.
  • Surprisingly, when eaten, the liver performs the same functions as it does as an organ. Substances in it promote active withdrawal toxic substances from the body and cleanse it as quickly as possible. This feature allows you to prevent the development of many diseases, and also has a positive effect on the health of both mother and baby.
  • Like anyone else meat product, the liver is real a storehouse of protein. Protein is building material For human body and without it, the growth and development of a child is impossible, and therefore high-protein foods must be present in the diet of a nursing mother.
  • Cod liver compares favorably with the animal version of the product, since it is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids . These acids perform a lot of functions in the human body, but their main positive property is associated with cardiovascular system. Thanks to them, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic, the risk of thrombosis is reduced and the functioning of the heart muscle improves.

Possible harm from maternal consumption of liver while breastfeeding

Like many others indeed healthy products, the liver has not only positive properties, but also harmful. Of course, they are mainly related to individual characteristics, however, every nursing mother needs to know about them.

  • Significant amounts of liver, especially beef or pork, can lead to high blood cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and negatively affects the condition of the entire organism as a whole.
  • Animal protein contained in the liver can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Considered especially allergenic cod liver– Children suffer from it most often.
  • Also, the consumption of liver by the mother can cause digestive problems in the baby. They are expressed in colic, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and flatulence.
  • If the mother suffers from diseases associated with thyroid gland, then she should stop eating liver. This product may aggravate the situation and cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • If the animal has been improperly handled, or if the product has been spoiled, the liver can lead to severe food poisoning, or more serious consequences. That is why the issue of choosing an offal should be taken as seriously as possible.

How to properly introduce liver into a nursing mother’s diet during lactation and is it possible to do this in the first month?

In order not to harm your baby, pediatricians recommend adhering to the rules for introducing a new product into the diet of a nursing mother. This precaution will avoid serious consequences and respond to negative reactions in a timely manner.

First, it should be said that the liver of a nursing mother can be tried at the end of the first month after birth. Of course, it’s better to wait a little longer, then the risk of any problems with introducing a new product will decrease even more.

For the first time, it will be enough to eat a very small piece of liver - the size of a teaspoon.

After which you should wait - if within 1-2 days the child does not experience characteristic features allergies, for example, rash, redness, cough, then everything is fine and you can safely increase the amount of liver consumed.

If you notice a negative reaction in a child, then the introduction of such a product will have to be postponed for a month to allow him to grow a little and adapt to the arrival of new food. In any case, you are allowed to eat no more than 60-70 grams of prepared liver per day.

Liver recipe: how to prepare it for a nursing mother

Now let's look at the question of how liver is prepared for nursing mothers. In fact, there are a lot of recipes, but not all of them are successful. Using this method, the liver will be soft, healthy and safe at the same time.

You will need

  • Liver – 500g;
  • Water – for cooking;
  • Onion – ½ onion;
  • Flour - a tablespoon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.

Preparing liver for nursing mothers

  • We wash the liver, remove the veins and films. Soak in water for 20 minutes, then rinse and let dry.
  • Place the offal in water and cook until tender.
  • Remove, let cool and cut into small cubes. Then mix the resulting broth with flour, sour cream and chopped onions, pour into the frying pan. Add the chopped liver here and salt everything.
  • Simmer until the sauce thickens, then let cool. The dish is ready!

This liver turns out to be very tasty, but it is advisable to first check whether the baby is allergic to sour cream.

How to eat liver correctly during breastfeeding, and which one is better to choose

  • For women during lactation best choice will become chicken liver. She is not at all fat and at the same time has good taste. It is better to postpone beef and cod liver until later in life.
  • The liver can be boiled or stewed. You should never fry it, as this will further increase your cholesterol levels.
  • Make homemade pate from the liver - this product is absorbed much better and faster.
  • When preparing liver, be sure to check all other ingredients of the dish for allergies, so you can accurately determine which product gave a negative reaction.

So, is it possible to have liver while breastfeeding? Undoubtedly, many pediatricians recommend using liver as an alternative to meat, since this offal has approximately the same properties and also additionally has a lot of other unique qualities.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hello guys! Lena Zhabinskaya is with you! indicator strong immunity for doctors it is an indicator of the level of hemoglobin in the blood. IN postpartum period it may decrease due to breastfeeding, thereby increasing the risk of developing diseases in mother and baby. To prevent this, doctors advise women to include in their diet foods that directly affect it. This includes the liver.

There is an opinion that chicken liver is most preferable during breastfeeding. Is this true and why? Let's figure it out together.

Chicken liver is an offal. In other words, it contains most of the beneficial substances found in meat. The only difference is that the liver is less fatty. Is it possible to eat it during lactation? Definitely. Moreover, the body itself absorbs it more easily, allowing a woman to recover and recover faster after childbirth. notices beneficial effect offal and children's body. Thanks to him, it is growing and developing rapidly.

The benefits of chicken liver during breastfeeding are determined by its composition. Judge for yourself, it contains:

  • Vitamin A, which is responsible for visual acuity, as well as healthy skin and hair. This includes the absence of a grayish tint on the face and a minimum of split ends in the hair.
  • B vitamins. It is difficult to list all the processes in which these substances participate. But, in general, they are responsible for metabolism, as well as the timely development of all organs and systems of the adult and child’s body.
  • Vitamin C. It provides strong immunity.
  • Folic acid. Its effect on the body is multifaceted, but first of all it ensures the formation and development of nerve cells.
  • Calcium is essential for healthy bones, nails and teeth.
  • Zinc. The speed of wound healing depends on it. In addition, it helps strengthen bone tissue.
  • Iron. This is the very substance on which the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is so necessary for nursing mothers, directly depends.
  • Sodium. It is responsible for the sodium-calcium balance, the disturbance of which affects nerves and muscles, and also provides normal rhythm hearts.
  • Copper. This substance affects the functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems and is involved in protein synthesis.
  • Choline. Improves memory, activates brain activity, relieves fatigue, promotes speedy recovery.


Scientists are still arguing about the dangers of chicken liver for a young mother and newborn. There is an opinion that in some dishes that involve the use of fats during cooking, it becomes too high in calories.

In addition, it itself is a kind of filter for the body, which passes through itself all harmful substances entering it. And let in normal conditions They are excreted in bile; when choosing a liver for use during breastfeeding, you should be extremely attentive to its quality.

Another drawback of the product is excess cholesterol. In moderate quantities it is even useful, but in huge quantities it is not.

  • overweight people;
  • those who have been diagnosed peptic ulcer, kidney pathologies due to the high protein content of the product;
  • allergy sufferers and those who have been identified as individual intolerant to the product;
  • people with high level cholesterol.

From what time and in what quantities can it be introduced into the diet?

At proper preparation, without using huge amount fats, doctors allow nursing mothers to introduce chicken liver into their diet from the eighth day after the baby’s birth. The main thing is to remember in moderation.

If everything went well, you can repeat the test after 2 days, after which it’s time to gradually increase the amount of food eaten. Any negative manifestations– a reason to give up chicken liver for 30–60 days.

The optimal frequency of use is 1 – 2 times a week.

How to choose correctly

When breastfeeding, it is important to carefully monitor the quality of everything you eat, and liver is no exception. It is better to buy it defrosted. It should be dark brown, glossy, smooth surface, on which there are no pronounced blood vessels or blood clots. The latter speak of depravity, as does a strong unpleasant odor.

By the way, about smell and taste. Young mothers often wonder if they can eat chicken liver. After all, even fresh and cooked, it is slightly bitter and has a special aroma. Will it affect the taste of the breast milk itself, causing the baby to refuse it?

Doctors answer this question in the negative. According to them, get rid of unpleasant phenomena You can simply follow all the rules for preparing the product. About them below.

As for where to buy offal, everything is clear. During breastfeeding, it is extremely important to give preference to trusted manufacturers. The fact is that unscrupulous people can add feed with harmful additives to poultry food. accelerated growth or use antibiotics to prevent the development of various ailments.

If you have the slightest suspicion of this, it is better to purchase chicken liver from farms or with familiar relatives in the village, especially in the first month after childbirth.

We should not forget that due to the huge amount of water in its composition, chicken liver was and remains a perishable product. Therefore, it can be stored for no longer than 2 days.

How to prepare liver for nursing mothers

Every housewife has a lot of ways to prepare offal. Among them: frying, boiling, baking, steaming, stewing. All of them allow you to get a tasty product, but not for a young mother.

Both in the first and second months after birth, she needs only low-fat, low-calorie foods. In other words, the following will do:

  • boiled liver dishes;
  • dishes with liver baked in the oven;
  • stewed liver;
  • steamed liver.
  1. The prepared liver is washed, dried, and then cut into pieces. Then place in a saucepan and boil in water under the lid for 15 - 20 minutes. Alternative option- stewing in a frying pan. Do not overcook the product, otherwise the finished pate will turn out too tough.
  2. While the liver is cooking, it’s time to peel the vegetables, after which you should cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots. Then they are laid out in a frying pan with butter and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. When all the ingredients are ready, they are cooled and ground in a blender. The finished pate is tested for salt and placed in a container.

It is worth noting that for all its usefulness, such a dish can be harmful for mom. It should not be abused, especially if the baby has a liver allergy that has manifested itself previously. In addition, the pate is heavy on the stomach, so in large quantities it can provoke the development of colic and tummy discomfort in the baby.

Liverwort in a slow cooker

Prepare delicious and healthy dish maybe even a real mom’s assistant. To do this you should take:

  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • flour - enough to bring the mixture to the state of thick sour cream;
  • salt, black pepper optional;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication.
  1. The liver and onions should be chopped in a meat grinder.
  2. To the resulting mixture you need to add eggs, salt, and lastly flour.
  3. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and pour the ingredients into it. Bake in the “oven” mode for 70 minutes (temperature 160 degrees).

Liver stewed with potatoes

You will need:

  • liver – 500 gr.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • broth – 2.5 tbsp;
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • parsley, salt.
  1. The liver is cut into slices and placed in a casserole dish along with onion rings and potato cubes.
  2. Then salt, pour in broth and leave covered over low heat for 25 minutes.
  3. The finished dish is seasoned with chopped parsley and served in a casserole dish. In addition to it, you can prepare a vegetable salad.

I hope, thanks to the article, you learned whether you can eat chicken liver while breastfeeding. Share it on social networks and subscribe to the blog! It was Lena Zhabinskaya, see you soon!