Why do you sweat a lot after drinking? Stress for the body

Quite a lot of people the next day after drinking alcohol ask questions: “Why do you sweat more than usual when you have a hangover?”, “How can you explain such strange behavior of the body?”, “What is the best way to cope with this problem?”

Due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in human body certain things begin to happen chemical reactions who are trying to process all the ethyl alcohol produced ( this product included in almost any alcoholic drink). Since the human body is not accustomed to such phenomena, it is not only possible to “sing” or “dance” after long drinking bout, but also get enormous stress. That's why it happens increased sweating. Sweat can also appear during drinking, but the drinker will feel the greatest effect during sleep. It is during sleep that hyperhidrosis (i.e. excessive sweating) has its full effect.

Sweating will also be greatly affected by the toxic substances contained in ethyl alcohol. When a person drinks, he voluntarily exposes his body to a process of intoxication. In order to quickly get rid of toxins that have entered the body, the internal organs try to cope with them by any means. One of the most common is the removal of harmful substances through the pores of the epithelium. It is because of this that the drinker will smell rather strongly and unpleasantly of sweat.

No less important reason sweating after alcohol lies in the fact that excess fluid formed after the complete breakdown of alcohol comes out through the epidermis. If excess liquid does not leave the body, the kidneys will begin to experience quite severe overload. Most likely, everyone has noticed that along with hyperhidrosis, urination and swelling of the body increases. All this is directly related to strong discharge sweat.

Many people believe that alcoholic drinks can warm you up. But this is a misconception. Alcohol can only provide a temporary warming effect. After the body temperature rises, the body will try to return the thermal balance back. This is another reason why people sweat after drinking alcohol. Therefore, in in this case, cold sweating is normal.

Not all people suffer from hyperhidrosis. The fact is that there are individuals for whom the process of neutralizing alcohol is balanced. Their body itself produces the required amount of antidote, which almost immediately removes all the resulting toxins. Such people drink, do not get drunk and do not suffer from a hangover.

There are also complete opposites. In such people, the antidote is not produced in sufficient quantities or not at all. This is a peculiar genetic trait body. There is no complete neutralization of harmful substances. Because of this, a person suffers from a hangover and all other “delights”.

Having understood the main causes of hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to understand how to combat it further.

How to reduce the hyperhidrosis effect?

To begin with, it is worth understanding that it is necessary to fight the causes of sweating, and not the sweat itself. In any case, a refreshing shower will only be a plus, since it will fight off unpleasant odors, and for hygienic purposes it will not be superfluous.

The best and effective method to avoid hyperhidrosis - complete failure from alcohol. Then intoxication, hangover and sweat will not appear. Otherwise, when you cannot give up alcoholic drinks, your body needs to help with the detoxification process. This will help avoid excessive sweating.

The first step in detoxification is to drink plenty of fluids. Water will help launch the body's metabolic processes. They, in turn, will eliminate toxins from the human body. Thanks to this, the drinker toxic substances will not come out with sweat. You will have to drink quite a lot. The most the best option will become drinking water, and not something else.

Another good way removing toxins from organs is the use of sorbents ( chemical substances which absorb toxins). They will help you get out harmful substances fastest, and you need to wash them down sufficient quantity water. The most common are:

A very good, but less “pleasant” method would be an enema. It will cleanse the intestines, thereby eliminating sweating much faster. In several stages (2 liters of water is possible) the body will get rid of ethanol, which harms the blood and all internal organs.

Another interesting detoxifier is honey. Thanks to the fructose it is saturated with, honey breaks down alcohol quite quickly. Despite the fact that many fruits contain fructose, they will not help cope with the effects of a hangover.

Physical activity will help you bounce back after a party and restore your previous thermal balance. This does not mean that after a binge you need to run to Gym and work there until failure. The simplest exercise in the morning will be enough.

Sweat profusely in hot weather, during viral disease or physical activity is quite normal. Excessive sweating is observed during serious emotional experiences, pain, and the consumption of spicy, hot foods.

Sometimes a man sweats due to wearing tight shoes, clothes made of artificial materials, or being in a stuffy room with high humidity. The cause of sweating may be improper drinking regime. These factors are a protective function of the body and are called physiological hyperhidrosis.

If a man notices inadequate sweating that occurs regardless of exposure high temperatures, it is associated with neuroendocrine disorders and is referred to as pathological hyperhidrosis. Discharges can be general or local in nature.

Often a man notices excessive sweating after consuming alcoholic drinks, and the dose and type of drink does not play any role at all. It is noteworthy that not all men experience increased sweating after drinking alcohol, this phenomenon- This individual feature body.

Cold sweat after alcohol is observed immediately after drinking the drink, at night or in the morning during a hangover. The man’s face begins to turn red, sweating increases in the armpits and palms. It happens that after drinking alcohol, they only sweat:

  1. lower limbs;
  2. rib cage;

Sweating can be so severe that all clothes and bedding become sticky and wet, the sweat acquires a specific bad smell. Excessive sweating may indicate serious alcohol poisoning.

What are the harms of alcohol?

For what reason does a man break into a sweat after drinking? In fact, an alcoholic drink is a toxic substance, therefore, with the onset of a hangover, signs of intoxication develop. These include headache, dryness in oral cavity, attacks of nausea, changes in blood pressure.

Sweating is accompanied by tachycardia, loss of appetite, abnormal bowel movements, abdominal pain, heaviness in the head, loss of orientation in space. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on all internal organs and systems, resulting in the development of dangerous diseases, existing health problems worsen.

A person breaks into a sweat after drinking because the body rejects alcohol and the liver begins to cleanse the blood. It makes no difference what drink the man drank. Sweating occurs as a result of the body's attempts to get rid of excess fluid.

The mechanism of excessive sweat production is simple:

  • ethanol has a bad effect on internal organs and systems;
  • heat exchange processes are disrupted;
  • the body is under stress;
  • actively breaks down ethyl alcohol.

Exists erroneous opinion that alcohol helps a person relax, but in practice the opposite effect occurs. Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the brain and causes overexcitation of the cortex.

If you drink alcohol frequently, a man poisons his body, each time it becomes more and more difficult for the liver to cope with toxic substances, and sweating increases.

Symptoms of intoxication

During intoxication, sweat has an unpleasant odor and a sticky consistency; it cannot be masked with deodorants. When increasing physical activity and high air temperatures, the intensity of emissions increases. This process is determined by the need to get rid of excess liquid that formed during the breakdown of booze.

The body tries to get rid of fluid by any means. possible ways. In addition to sweating, hangover syndrome is manifested by swelling, constant thirst, increased volume of urination.

A man will be faced with a situation that makes him feel hot. The reasons are related to heat transfer disturbances. Sweating can be a consequence of withdrawal syndrome; this phenomenon should be understood as a state of alcohol withdrawal or simply a hangover.

A man begins to experience so-called withdrawal symptoms, he develops:

  1. nervousness;
  2. pain, muscle weakness;
  3. sleep disturbance.

The condition can be severe and is accompanied by heavy sweating.

If a person suffers from severe alcohol addiction, he tries to solve the problem by drinking a new portion of alcohol. The discharge stops for a while, but hyperhidrosis will make itself felt again as soon as the man begins to sober up.

The toxic effect is explained by the fact that ethanol molecules have small size, due to which they penetrate into cells without obstacles. After absorption in the stomach, they are transported throughout the body, attacking it cellular level.

As a result, deep intoxication is noted. Each internal organ tries to get rid of the threat; toxins come out through the skin.

Prevention methods and detoxification

The condition for getting rid of it is to stop drinking alcohol. If a man does not abuse alcohol, but still has bouts of excessive sweating, he is recommended to drink large amounts of alcohol. clean water. This is required to evacuate the main part toxic substances.

Succinic acid is used for detoxification, this substance helps accelerate metabolic processes and the processing of ethyl alcohol. If everything is done correctly, toxins are eliminated into as soon as possible, the man feels much better. Since alone succinic acid It is not enough to improve well-being; for treatment it is used together with other means.

Before taking the sorbent, it doesn’t hurt to do cleansing enema, rinse the stomach. The procedure is recommended for any severity of poisoning. Both methods are equally effective, since they make it much easier to recover from a hangover and get rid of sweating. There is no point in doing gastric lavage when a man has been drinking alcohol for a long time and the alcohol has had time to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

To prevent the active secretion of sweat, it would not be amiss to take several sorbent tablets, for example, drink activated carbon. Night sweats after an alcoholic drink it goes away if you take the following in the evening in advance:

  • Alka-Seltzer;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel.

Alcohol leaches magnesium and potassium from the body, which causes heart problems. vascular system, seizures. Similar changes are especially pronounced after a long binge, however, even one-time consumption of alcohol is harmful to health. Therefore, a man is recommended to take magnesium and potassium supplements; they will help to cope with a hangover more easily and normalize sweat production.

To increase the production of sweat, in the morning after a feast you need to: do exercises, go for a morning jog, take a walk. Thanks to exercise, you can quickly remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. It will help to cope with intoxication drinking plenty of fluids, the more liquid you drink, the more active your metabolic processes are. It is useful to drink regular bottled or mineral water.

It’s good to eat a small portion of honey, citrus fruits, foods:

  1. eliminate symptoms of malaise and;
  2. get rid of a hangover;
  3. neutralize toxins.

To others in a simple way there will be a reception contrast shower, warm bath with essential oils.

Thus, the production of sweat during the day is considered a normal phenomenon, ensuring the evacuation of toxic substances and waste from the body, and regulating body temperature. In some situations, increased sweating is possible; this occurs during active physical activity or exposure to high temperatures. environment, when overeating.

If a person sweats a lot after drinking alcohol, the body’s protective function is triggered, causing active elimination of toxins.


Many people nowadays devote themselves to drinking alcoholic beverages to have fun, relax and simply unwind. In addition, today not a single festive event is complete without drinking strong drinks. After drinking any alcoholic drink, a person suffers from unpleasant symptoms, namely headaches, wet palms, weakness and so on. One known signs hangover is cold sweat, which manifests itself in 2/3 of alcoholics.

A person begins to sweat much more after drinking alcohol than after jogging or playing sports.

But why do you sweat when you have a hangover, and how to overcome this condition?

Causes of excessive sweating

Sweating after alcohol occurs for a number of reasons, which is determined by the development of reactions that are observed in the human body after the introduction of strong drinks with a high degree of strength.

The most well-known and common causes of cold sweat are:

  • The body’s reaction to stress, which develops in a person as a result of alcohol entering the bloodstream.

This kind of stress, unlike what everyone knows, brings more harm health, therefore, in this way, the body tries to notify a person that there has been a malfunction in its work and many organs cannot fully function. Ethanol is an unusual and foreign component for the body’s cells, so the immune system tries to destroy it with all its might. That is why profuse sweating at night in men and women who took alcohol the day before is considered common. When any poison enters the blood (this also applies to ethanol), it is abundantly released through the skin, thus leaving the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person wakes up in the morning on a wet sheet.

  • Intoxication of the body (poisoning) caused by drinking too much alcohol.

The reasons for the appearance of sweat during a hangover also appear due to serious ethanol poisoning, because, according to doctors, it... That is why all organs try to remove it as quickly as possible - for this the body spends a lot of effort and energy, which as a result leads to severe “overheating”. It is important to note that hangover sweat is not the only way to get rid of harmful toxic elements.

The body also removes the breakdown of alcohol through urine, which is why a person who drinks the night before constantly wants to go to the toilet.

It is important to note that this is why a person produces an unpleasant odor called fume. It can come not only from the oral cavity, but also from the skin. That is why you can tell by sweating that a person had taken alcohol the day before.

If you are interested in the answer to the question - why do you sweat a lot with a hangover, you should note that most often the reason for this is considered to be the breakdown of ethanol, which leads to the requirement large quantity water. In this case excretory system forced to work with redoubled force, because she needs not only to bring out excess water, but also neutralize the effect of ethanol in the body. That is why the skin takes on part of this responsibility, removing moisture through its own pores.

These reasons are considered the main ones in the development excessive sweating, so it’s worth paying attention to them Special attention when this hangover symptom appears.

How to help your body with excessive sweating

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is considered a serious condition of the body, so you need to get rid of it urgently. Beyond the mass discomfort, this condition also leads to the development of colds and certain types of diseases. Of course The best way To combat this condition, don’t drink at all. However, situations are different, so each person needs to know how to reduce sweating.

  • taking a cold shower - this will ensure an even balance of temperature, which will quickly;
  • taking a large amount of water, mineral water or green tea - this will help stimulate the elimination of dangerous substances from the body (in this case, their release will be carried out through urinary system, not skin);
  • taking activated carbon or another type of sorbent (Liferan, Polysorb) – active ingredients these medicinal compositions allow you to reduce the signs of a hangover, as well as neutralize the breakdown products of alcohol;
  • charger - physical exercise allow you to stimulate the circulatory system, as a result of which toxins are eliminated much faster.

By quickly getting rid of sweat, you can easily cope with hangover syndrome, as well as restore the body after poisoning. If these methods do not help, the victim will have to take anti-alcoholism medications, which can be purchased on the Internet.

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Everyone noticed that those who drank alcohol the day before smelled unpleasant. And it’s not just the “aroma” from the mouth, bad smell comes from the person himself. This is due to the fact that alcoholic drinks affect work sweat glands and cause excessive sweating in the drinker or drinker. French scientists have proven the harm regular use alcohol even in small doses.

A hangover may also cause you to sweat.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis after alcohol

Not everyone sweats when drinking alcohol. Excessive sweating called hyperhidrosis. If a person has similar reaction alcohol, sweating occurs regardless of the number of drinks. This type of sweating can occur immediately after drinking alcohol, at night, or after a hangover.

After a person drinks an alcoholic drink, his face turns red. Excessive sweating is most common at night. But if in daytime The palms, armpits, and feet are more susceptible to sweating; then in a dream, sweat comes out through the pores on the chest and neck.

Sometimes sweat makes the bed wet and sticky, as a lot of fluid is released.

  • This problem is faced not only with alcoholism; 4/5 people suffer from hyperhidrosis. However, alcoholics have a strong, persistent smell of sticky sweat after drinking. The symptoms are:
  • discomfort;
  • bad breath;

body smells strong.

Causes of sweating Alcohol is rejected by the body as a toxic substance. The liver immediately begins to cleanse the blood, and if dose taken

  • - rather large, the organ may not be able to cope, which leads to intoxication of the body. This leads to the fact that sweating after drinking alcohol increases significantly. The body tries to remove fluid, which is why sweat is also released the next day. The reasons for increased sweating after drinking are as follows:
  • toxic effect of ethanol on organs;
  • the stress that the body experiences;
  • heat exchange disturbance;

Many people think that if you drink an alcoholic drink, you can relax a little, but the effect of alcohol is the opposite. Alcohol has an adverse effect on the brain, stimulating its cortex, which entails stress for the whole organism.


The toxic effect is ensured by the fact that the ethanol molecule is small, which helps it penetrate into cells.

Absorbed in the stomach, these molecules are transported throughout the body, attacking it at the cellular level. This leads to deep intoxication. Every organ repels “intruders,” including the epidermis, which helps flush out toxins, which explains the bad smell.

Fluid removal

Another reason why sweating increases is that during the breakdown of alcohol, excess fluid is released, which must be removed from the organs. If this does not happen, the kidneys will be overloaded. It's no secret that in the morning after drinking, urination becomes more frequent and the body swells. This is how you get rid of excess fluid.

Heat exchange disturbance

Many people are used to warming themselves with alcohol, without thinking that this has the opposite effect. It may temporarily become a little warmer, but after this the heat exchange is disrupted, and the drinker breaks out in a strong sweat, often in .

How to avoid hyperhidrosis? It is better to prevent a problem than to fight it, but few people will completely give up alcohol for this reason. If you drink a small amount of alcoholic beverages, drinking a large amount of non-alcoholic drink will help prevent a hangover and heavy sweating. This contributes to what is happening constant urination

, which helps to immediately remove some of the toxins, and the person will not sweat.

In order to prevent hyperhidrosis, it is recommended to drink a sorbent or anti-hangover drug at night.

Eating salty foods with alcohol will also help. Salt slows down metabolic processes, which protects cells by clogging them. Almost no important event in life is complete without alcoholic beverages. Why do you sweat when you have a hangover and how to get rid of it? This question often arises because copious discharge sweat is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and sometimes redness.

skin Alcoholic drink good quality in small quantities generally has positive influence

It is noted that a person warms up only for a while. After a short rise in body temperature, heat exchange processes are disrupted. As a result, the sweat glands produce a lot of sweat.

Despite the imaginary benefits of alcohol, the harm from it is enormous. Nausea and even vomiting occurs, increases or decreases arterial pressure, violated heartbeat, pain in the head and stomach. A person may feel hot in the body or, conversely, may become cold.

When drinking drinks containing ethyl alcohol, changes occur in the functioning of internal organs:

  1. Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels dilate. As a result, blood flow and all biochemical reactions accelerate.
  2. There are changes in processes nervous system. Ethanol begins to irritate the receptors that transmit impulses to the brain. The heart rate increases and blood flows through the body faster.
  3. When drinking alcoholic beverages, appetite increases. Along with the intake of food, energy increases, which is converted into heat.

Why does a person start sweating with a hangover? Toxins contained in alcohol quickly spread throughout the body at the cellular level. There are several explanations for why a person sweats a lot with a hangover:

  1. A person independently puts his body into a state of stress. Heavy sweating arises in response to stressful situation. You can break into a sweat both while drinking drinks and after. But most often people sweat while sleeping.
  2. The process of thermoregulation is disrupted, which manifests itself in a malfunction of the brain and nervous system. Sweat begins to be produced not in response to external stimuli (heat, excitement, exercise stress), but as a result of the breakdown of alcohol.
  3. The result of a feast with alcohol is overeating. There is a malfunction in the functioning of organs digestive system. Excess energy and accumulated toxins come out along with sweat.
  4. In people, the liver is activated, which tries to get rid of toxins. The constituent components of alcoholic beverages have a toxic effect on the body. The liver begins to produce a lot more enzymes, trying to get rid of them. All these processes are accompanied by the release of sweat.
  5. Sweat from a hangover is released due to the fact that the blood vessels and heart react to drinking alcohol.
  6. There is a lot of stress on the kidneys. In the process of breaking down ethanol, a liquid is formed that the body needs to remove. The next day after drinking strong drinks it becomes frequent urination. If sweating did not increase, then the entire load would fall on the kidneys.

If a person does not take alcohol every time after a binge, then a state of body aches occurs. The constant presence of toxins in the body causes addiction to alcohol. Feel severe pain in my head muscle weakness, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are observed. Serious changes occur in thermoregulation and the body enters a state of stress, which is characterized by severe sweating.

Consequences of alcohol

The time associated with a hangover brings a lot of discomfort and unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Excessive sweating leads to unsightly stains on clothes. Sweat, combining with bacteria, begins to smell unpleasant, repelling those around you.
  2. If treated colds alcohol (the recipe for vodka with pepper is widely known), then the condition can worsen. The risk of developing influenza and pneumonia increases.
  3. Develops due to alcohol intake diabetes and diseases of the heart system.
  4. Sometimes after drinking alcohol I break into a cold sweat. Excessive sweat feels sticky to the touch. The condition indicates developing alcohol dependence and the emergence of problems with metabolic processes in organism.

To avoid all this, you need to completely give up strong drinks. In case of a feast, it should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

Ways to get rid of an unpleasant symptom

What can you do if you have to sweat after drinking alcohol? All known remedies, which help get rid of sweat and unpleasant odor, do not work after drinking. From advanced education sweat (hyperhidrosis) can only be eliminated complete elimination toxins from the body:

  1. Morning water procedures will help eliminate odor and prevent bacterial growth.
  2. The most important means of combating is increased fluid intake. Suitable teas, juices, milk, ordinary water. A glass of citrus juice will help relieve a hangover. mineral water, pickle sauerkraut, cucumber pickle, tea with honey.
  3. Normalize the functioning of organs digestive tract Fiber-rich foods will help.
  4. Take off nervous tension and decoctions and teas based on medicinal herbs: mint, chamomile, motherwort, valerian.
  5. To restore liver function, hepatoprotectors can be prescribed. These drugs speed up the process of ridding the body of toxins.
  6. You will need the help of drugs that normalize heart function. The most basic medicine in this case it is Asparkam.
  7. From increased sweating If you have a hangover, you must take enterosorbents, for example, activated carbon (you need to take 8-10 tablets), Sorbex capsules, Smecta powder. Activated carbon It is recommended to take it before the expected feast.
  8. You can take a warm bath, but not hot water. Useful to add essential oils or chamomile decoction.
  9. You can do exercises that speed up blood circulation and normalize the functioning of the sweat glands.

IN folk recipes to combat hangover and its unpleasant symptoms Honey is present almost everywhere. This product contains fructose, which can break down ethanol.