The benefits of hazelnut nuts for the body. Useful properties of hazelnuts

inconspicuous forest plant- hazel, gives us unusually useful and tasty fruits. Now hazelnuts are also grown as an industrial crop; more productive varieties have even been bred for this. Hazelnut kernels are often used in confectionery, sweets and drinks, but few people know about the beneficial properties of hazelnuts.

Hazelnut can "boast" of the content unique oils, which are vital for us to work the heart and the elasticity of blood vessels. They contain polyunsaturated acids, essential and non-essential amino acids, as well as glycerides. What else is rich in hazelnuts?

  1. Most (about 60%) are fatty acids: palmitic, oleic, linoleic and Omega 6. They are not produced in the body on their own, so it is very important to get them with food. They improve lipid metabolism, blood microcirculation, as well as regenerative processes in cells.
  2. Vegetable protein, the share of which is approximately 20%, is vital for the formation of muscle and bone tissue, processes of blood formation and metabolism.
  3. Important chemical elements contained in hazelnut kernels are also represented by phosphorus, and. In smaller quantities, fruits contain sodium, copper, and fluorine.
  4. The nut also contains vitamins of groups B, A, and C. They help strengthen the immune system, improve digestive processes, and also strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  5. All essential amino acids (20 types) are present in this product. Without them normal work is impossible. internal organs production of hormones, hemoglobin and antibodies.

It is very important to observe moderation when using this nut. Its calorie content is 670 kcal / 100 grams, so an overabundance can lead to weight gain. The recommended dosage is 5 to 15 nuts per day.

Useful properties of hazelnut

Hazelnuts bring undoubted benefits to our body due to their exceptional chemical composition. Despite the calorie content of this product, the carbohydrate content can be called a record low (only 13%), which makes it useful in diet food(within reason, of course).

What is useful hazelnuts:

  • Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Strengthens and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Helps normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Enhances cerebral circulation.
  • Strengthens hair, teeth and bones.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Saturates the body vegetable protein and fiber.
  • Helps build muscle mass.
  • It has a calming effect in stressful situations.

Vegetarians often replace meat with such a product, because it contains natural protein.

Hazelnut is also useful for the elderly, because it enhances the regeneration processes in the body, helps strengthen bones and increases the body's resistance. According to some reports, regular use reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and even cancer.

It is very important to include hazelnuts in the diet after a long illness, and with anemia.

Useful properties of hazelnuts for women

The girls will love the rich vitamin composition nuts. Regular use will help keep skin supple and hair shiny and strong. Another advantage will be fast saturation that occurs after eating nuts. Recall that despite the high calorie content of hazelnuts, its use within reasonable limits is an excellent addition to the diet.

What is useful hazelnuts for men

Athletes and amateurs physical training You should definitely check out this product. Hazelnuts contain an optimally balanced amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates. This will help to quickly replenish the spent forces, will give " construction material for muscles, and also helps to relieve tension.

Many men use nuts as a restorative remedy for physical activity. In addition, hazelnuts are very useful for people in the mental sphere of work, improve memory and concentration ability.

Medicinal use

The allowable daily portion of nuts is only 5 - 15 pieces (about 300 gr.), so about possible treatment speech is difficult. Rather, it can be noted preventive properties hazelnuts, which help strengthen the body and promote feel better. Most often, such recipes also include other healthy ingredients.

IN traditional medicine branches, leaves and bark of hazel are also used. They are made from them useful infusions, helping to get rid of varicose veins, bring down the heat and remove inflammation in the kidneys. In urban conditions, the use of such methods is difficult, because raw materials for decoctions are not so easy to get.

Areas of application of hazelnuts

Roasted hazelnuts are often used in the confectionery industry. It goes well with chocolate and icing, being an indispensable attribute of many famous food products. Crushed hazelnuts are added in the manufacture of cakes and cookies, as well as for sprinkling glazed pastries.

Hazelnut oil has found its application in cosmetology. It is an excellent strengthening agent for hair and skin, softens well and keeps them youthful and flawless. In addition, it is recommended to use one tablespoon natural product to slow down the aging process in the body.

Is it possible to eat hazelnuts during pregnancy and lactation

The opinions of experts on this matter are very different. Of course, eating nuts during pregnancy will provide the expectant mother and baby with the necessary fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, but high calorie content will interfere if there are problems with overweight. In addition, nuts can provoke an allergy, even if a negative reaction has never occurred before.

Breastfeeding mothers are in the same situation. On the one hand, nuts help to improve the quality and nutritional breast milk. On the other hand, they are indigestible foods that can provoke digestive problems in the baby. To find a reasonable compromise, hazelnuts can be introduced into the diet at breastfeeding only with the permission of the pediatrician and not earlier than two months after childbirth. The daily safe portion is three to four nuts, but in case of any negative reactions, it is better to stop using it altogether.

At what age can children

Like any other nuts, they are introduced into the diet of babies in minimal quantities and not earlier than two or three years.

If the child has a tendency to allergies, it is better to postpone the “acquaintance”, and in case of digestive problems, try to exclude it from the diet if possible. If there are no negative reactions, the recommended serving is no more than three pieces per day.

In what form is hazelnut most useful?

Most often on sale you can find peeled hazelnut kernels and even pre-fried ones. When buying, keep in mind that the maximum shelf life is only six months. To ensure safety nutrients packaging with hazelnuts must be airtight and opaque. Otherwise, the nuts will quickly become damp, acquire bad taste and smell, can become a breeding ground for mold, dangerous to humans.

Contraindications and harm

Within reasonable limits, any product usually does not pose a danger to humans. The exception is explicit contraindications, so this point should definitely be taken into account. Due to the rich composition, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, but can also be harmful.

Possible contraindications:

  • Overweight problems. The maximum allowable number of nuts in this case is no more than three to four pieces per day.
  • Violations digestive function. Nuts are very heavy for the stomach, therefore, in case of any dysfunctions, it is advisable to exclude them from the diet.
  • Allergic reaction. When food allergies on nuts, the use of hazelnuts can provoke swelling of the larynx and even anaphylactic shock.
  • Problems in the liver. The hazelnut contains a large number of vegetable oils and fatty acids that create increased load to this organ.

So, hazelnuts are an extremely useful and valuable product. Apart from good taste, walnut kernels are able to improve blood circulation, stimulate mental activity and contribute to the saturation of the body essential vitamins and micronutrients. Before use, read the possible contraindications.

Did you know about the benefits of peanuts for our body? Read more in the article peanuts Delicious and healthy peanuts.

Hazelnuts, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, are called large hazel fruits. Hazelnut is a fairly large nut with many useful properties. He helps a lot with common cold. Excellent for the treatment of more severe diseases. It can be eaten raw, fried. Healing nut oil is made from it.

Ancient people sincerely believed that it was this nut that was even able to save human life. But is it really that simple? After all, hazelnuts have another side that can be harmful to health, especially if abused.

Botanical description

  • Hazel large- a large shrub whose fruits are called hazelnuts;
  • Latin name: Corylus maxima
  • genus: Hazel (Corylus)
  • family: Birch (Betulaceae)
  • other names: lombard nut

From point of view botanical characteristics, hazel is a large shrub, the height of which is from 3 to 9 meters. The leaves of the shrub are round and big size. In addition, the leafy part of the walnut has a rough structure and a jagged shape along the edges. The moment of flowering of the Lombard nut falls at the beginning of March, and ends by the time of April. Hazel fruits (hazelnuts) are oval or spherical in shape, dark brown or light brown in color.

The hazelnut kernels themselves are covered dense shell. In terms of prevalence, large hazel is equally found in Europe, the Balkans, Scandinavia, Asia Minor and the Crimea. There are many varieties of hazelnuts. All of them are useful. The only difference is the thickness of the shell and appearance. In the old days, hazelnuts were considered a magical nut.

The chemical composition of the nut

Due to the rich chemical composition, large hazel fruits are a valuable nutritional ingredient, as well as an indispensable component of many products. alternative medicine. The composition of hazelnuts includes the following components:

  1. Oleic acid.
  2. Stearic acid.
  3. palmitic acid.
  4. B vitamins (especially B1, B5, B6, B9).
  5. Tocopherol ().
  6. Phylloquinone (vitamin K).
  7. Potassium.
  8. Calcium.
  9. Silicon.
  10. Magnesium.
  11. Copper.
  12. Chromium.
  13. Iron.

In addition, nut kernels contain: amino acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other components.

Nutritional value of nuts

  • Proteins: 15 g;
  • Fats: 61 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 9 g;
  • Alimentary fiber: 6 g;

Hazelnut calories

  • Calories: 650 kcal.

Beneficial features

  • Specialists in the field of alternative medicine in different countries, widely use the kernels and leaves of hazelnuts for the prevention and treatment skin diseases including psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
  • The deciduous part of the shrub has been successfully used to treat benign hyperplasia. prostate in men.
  • In addition to the diseases mentioned, hazelnut leaves are used in chronic and acute bronchitis, to prevent the formation of stones in gallbladder, as well as at excessive gas formation in the large intestine feverish conditions and deficiency of breast milk in lactating women.
  • The use of nuts is useful for the prevention of diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • The inclusion of hazelnuts in the diet has a positive effect on strengthening bones and teeth.
  • The hazelnut is known for its anti-cancer property, due to the high content of vitamin E, which removes carcinogens from the body. And also the nut contains paclitaxel - a plant substance that actively fights against the formation cancer cells.
  • Hazelnut essential oil is an effective treatment for helminthiasis in adults and children of all ages. Besides medicine, essential oil hazelnut has been used in cosmetology for many years to strengthen and general health hair follicles on the head.
  • In addition, a mixture of grated hazelnuts with egg yolk, has a pronounced anti-burn activity.
  • Regular consumption of hazel fruits allows you to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, give a charge of vivacity, and also maintain immunity at a high level.
  • The inclusion of walnut kernels in the diet has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system, helps with psycho-emotional exhaustion, depressive disorders as well as sleep disorders.
  • It is useful for women during breastfeeding to consume hazelnuts in moderation, as the components of the nut have a beneficial effect on the lactation process, stimulating the production of breast milk.
  • For women, this product is an elixir of youth, because due to the content of vitamin E, hazelnuts rejuvenate the skin, improve the condition of hair and nails.
  • Despite the high calorie content, moderate use hazelnut kernels, you can not worry about gaining extra pounds.
  • Daily use of peeled hazelnut kernels is useful for people who have anemia problem, as it is part of this product iron, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The benefits of hazelnuts for the body

Hazelnut is useful for children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, nursing mothers. The use of hazelnuts stimulates the work of many systems of the human body.

The benefits of hazelnuts for the cardiovascular system

The vitamins that are part of the nut perfectly stimulate the work of the cardiovascular and muscular systems. Contained potassium, calcium have a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the heart and vascular walls. Thanks to hazelnuts, they remain quite elastic.


Scientists have proven invaluable benefit nuts in the fight against cancer. Hazelnut contains a special substance - paclitaxel. It is it that stops the process of random division of cancer cells, significantly inhibits growth pathological processes. And for healthy people is the prevention of cancer. And also hazelnuts are useful in the content of tocopherol, which has a carcinogenic property.

Circulatory system

Various blood diseases and even anemia are diseases in which the use of hazelnuts is simply necessary. by the most miraculously it benefits the vessels, veins. In diseases such as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins, the use of nuts prevents the occurrence of blood clots.

Nervous system

Hazelnut has a truly unique ability. It perfectly strengthens the nervous system. Quite effective in the aftermath nervous diseases expressed by insomnia, severe headaches, strong irritability. IN winter period walnut perfectly copes with beriberi, thereby eliminating the likelihood of stressful situations.

The benefits of hazelnuts for bones

The presence of micro, macro elements (iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc.) are directly involved in the formation of the skeleton. That is why children should definitely introduce hazelnuts into their diet. In addition, these substances help strengthen teeth.


Pounded hazelnuts with milk prevents severe coughing and shortness of breath. His healing properties help in the treatment of bronchitis, pulmonary diseases.

Benefits for men

Men suffering from prostatitis should include 40-50 grams of hazelnuts in their diet. Walnut will not only delay the approach of old age, but also prevent Alzheimer's disease.

The benefits of hazelnuts for breastfeeding women

The use of hazelnuts stimulates increased milk retention in the mother. Prevents the process of gas formation in the baby.

Hazelnut harm

The benefits of a nut are invaluable, but unlimited use can cause significant harm to the body. There are few contraindications, but you need to know them.

It is better to refuse hazelnuts or limit consumption to a minimum for such cases:

  • Liver diseases. The high calorie content of nuts and great content fat has a rather tangible burden on the work of the liver. For people suffering from any problems with this organ, the use of hazelnuts is highly undesirable.
  • Metabolism. Caution should be taken to hazelnuts by people suffering from disharmony of metabolism.
  • Harm to the gastrointestinal tract . Digestive system. Nuts are very long and hard to digest, so when problems with the gastrointestinal tract It is better to completely exclude hazelnuts from the diet. People even with healthy digestive tract it is worth chewing nuts thoroughly enough, tk. there is a possibility of too much load on the digestive system.
  • Diabetes. People, especially children, who have been diagnosed severe form diabetes, hazelnut is simply contraindicated.
  • Obesity. Due to the high caloric content of this product, people who are more or less obese should be completely abandoned.
  • Allergy. Sufficient caution should be introduced into your diet for those people who suffer from allergic reactions, because hazelnuts are quite a high allergen.

Abuse. Very important condition- exclusively used daily allowance(30-50 g per day). Overeating is fraught with consequences, severe headaches, vasospasms, and sometimes disorders of the gastrointestinal system.

If you follow the rules for the use of hazelnuts, then it will not bring harm.

Traditional medicine recipes

The leafy, rind and kernel parts of the hazelnut are valuable components of many therapeutic and prophylactic agents that are used by alternative medicine to combat a variety of diseases. most popular and effective means, will be discussed below.

Hazelnuts for anemia

An effective remedy for iron deficiency anemia, is a mixture of crushed large hazel kernels and natural honey. In addition to a positive effect on hemoglobin levels, this remedy effectively helps with a breakdown, as well as psycho-emotional overwork.

Nut honey mixture

To prepare the mixture, you need to mix 1 cup of crushed peeled hazelnuts with ½ cup of natural honey. In order to achieve homogeneity of the mass, the mixture must be mixed in a blender. It is recommended to use this remedy 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals.

The benefits of hazel leaves for the cardiovascular system

The components of the leafy part of hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and the heart muscle. Regularly using a decoction of the leafy part of hazelnuts, it is possible to normalize the level of the so-called bad cholesterol, and reduce the risk of atherosclerotic changes in coronary vessels hearts.

Leaf decoction

To prepare a therapeutic and prophylactic decoction, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry hazel leaves, previously ground into powder, and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. The resulting mixture is hermetically sealed and infused for 15 minutes in a water bath. Finished product additionally insist for 60 minutes, filter and consume 50 ml 3 times a day, regardless of food intake. The total duration of treatment is 90 days.

Hazel bark from heat

Experts in the field of alternative medicine recommend using a decoction of large hazel bark in febrile conditions, high temperature and general intoxication, which was provoked by the course of the infectious and inflammatory process.

Antipyretic decoction of hazel bark

To prepare a decoction, you must first stock up on powder from the dry bark of a shrub. 3 tablespoons of hazel bark powder, pour 1 liter of boiling water, then soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. The finished product is filtered and consumed 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The recommended single dose is 50 ml.

Dish recipes

In addition to an important component of many alternative medicines, large hazel is a valuable ingredient in cooking. Desserts, snacks, drinks are prepared from hazelnut kernels, and they are also used as an additive to dishes. The most popular recipes will be discussed below.

nut milk

natural substitute cow's milk, made from peeled large hazel kernels, is a healthy alternative dairy product. This drink is recommended to use not only for people with intolerance milk sugar(lactose), but also for anyone who wants to diversify their diet.

hazelnut milk recipe

To prepare a drink, you will need such Ingredients:

  1. 100 g peeled Lombard nut kernels.
  2. 400 ml drinking water to mix with prepared hazelnuts and 250 ml of water to pre-soak the nuts.
  3. Salt, cinnamon powder or natural honey to taste.

How to cook. Peeled hazelnut kernels are soaked in the specified volume of drinking water for 8-9 hours. During soaking, hazelnuts absorb some of the liquid, as a result of which they become soft and increase in volume. After the specified time, the liquid is drained, the finished nuts are placed in a blender, 400 ml of water is added to the bowl and beaten thoroughly for 3-3.5 minutes.

ABOUT proper preparation nut milk testifies appearance product. In the process of mixing water with nut raw materials, a characteristic white liquid with thick foam on the surface. The finished product is filtered through two layers of gauze, nut cake is squeezed out and milk is consumed as desired. For improvement palatability finished product, you can add salt, honey or cinnamon powder to it.

Walnut buns

To prepare lush buns with grated hazelnut kernels, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 500 g wheat flour top grade.
  2. 80 g butter.
  3. 200 liters of milk.
  4. 60 g peanut butter.
  5. 70 g sugar.
  6. 50 g dark or light raisins.
  7. 60 g roasted hazelnut kernels.
  8. 2 chicken eggs.
  9. 1 teaspoon of salt.
  10. 2 teaspoons dry active yeast.
  11. 1 egg yolk.

You can knead the dough for making buns manually, or use a bread machine. Mix sugar in a bowl chicken eggs and milk, then add the sifted flour mixed with salt. After that, you need to add softened butter, yeast and peanut butter. From the combination of ingredients, the dough is hung out, after which it is placed in a warm place to increase the volume by 50-60% of the original.

On average, this process takes from 1.5 to 2 hours. The finished dough is divided into portions, and placed on a baking dish previously greased with butter. After that, the formed buns are left for 15 minutes in a warm place, covered with a damp cloth. After the specified time, the buns are smeared with raw egg yolk and generously sprinkled with grated hazelnut kernels. Buns are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for half an hour. Finished products can be consumed with milk, sour-milk drinks and coffee.

How to grow hazelnuts

The most purchased nuts are still walnuts and hazelnuts. Unfortunately, they are very expensive, and not everyone can afford to eat this. useful product. If available country cottage area, then it becomes possible to grow it yourself. It is enough just to get acquainted with some rules and features.

What to Consider Before Boarding

Before you plant a hazel, you need to choose the right site for growing. It turns out that hazel is an unpretentious plant, it is easy to plant and care for it, but still something needs to be taken into account.

The shrub can grow in any kind of soil, but still you want to have a healthy plant on the site, so you should not use soil where there is water or sand alone. The land needs to be fertile with timely watering. It is desirable that the allotted area is flat. Walnut can be planted in spring, but most best time it will be autumn. It is better to choose a place sunny and protected from the winds.

Planting hazel seedlings

In order to plant a hazel seedling, it is necessary to dig a hole to a depth of about 60-70 cm, depending on the size of the roots of the plant. It is better to do this a few months before planting. It is important when digging a hole to lay the upper fertile layer on one side of the hole, and the lower, clay layer on the other.

As soon as everything is prepared, the roots of the walnut seedling are soaked in a clay solution, then lowered into the pit, they try to straighten the roots, and begin to fall asleep. upper layer earth, and the one that was at the bottom is placed on top, since the top one is more fertile.

It is desirable to compact the soil well, but it is better not to level the surface, you will need a small recess for watering. The plant needs to be watered immediately. It usually takes about 15-20 liters of water. It must be remembered that nuts love moisture.


Planting a nut with a ready-made seedling is not particularly difficult. If everything is done correctly, it will definitely be accepted.

At first, you will have to monitor soil moisture and irrigate. Walnut loves moisture so much that you need to pour 3 buckets for each seedling. If the summer is dry, you will have to water even more.

To obtain nuts, it is important that they are pollinated. It will be better if several hazel trees grow nearby at once, when the wind blows they will be pollinated, but the distance between them should not exceed 4 meters.

The development of the nut will depend on the fertility of the soil, moisture, enough light, weather conditions, varieties. The first nuts can be harvested in 4-5 years, in the future it will be possible to receive an annual harvest.

Today we will talk about hazelnuts and its benefits and possible harm for men. All nuts have positive influence on men's health, but each of their varieties has its own special composition vitamins and microelements. Hazelnut occupies a special place in this series.

Hazelnuts for men - what's under the shell?

Cultivated hazelnut contains the following elements:

  • Vitamin E, which is known for its strengthening effect on the body and the ability to slow down aging.
  • Calcium, which strengthens bones.
  • Iron improves blood composition.
  • Potassium, which positively affects the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
  • Zinc, accelerating the production of testosterone.

Useful properties of nuts

So, what is the use of hazelnuts for men? At regular use nuclei, the concentration of cholesterol in the vessels decreases, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to high content vitamin E hazelnut is able to provide positive action on the work of the organs of the reproductive system.

Another useful property for men has long been noticed - the ability to increase male strength. It is known that in some Eastern countries before the alleged intimacy, men ate a handful of hazelnuts to increase potency.

How to use hazelnuts for potency

In order to get the maximum benefit from eating nuts, you need to follow some simple recommendations. The best time to eat your daily serving is with breakfast. It is recommended to pre-soak the kernels in cold water within half an hour. So, the digestion process will be faster, and the body will be able to get all the useful elements in them.

When buying hazelnuts, it is better to choose unpeeled nuts, because in this form they retain their healing properties longer.

Despite the huge benefits of hazelnuts for men, it must be consumed with some caution. First of all, this concerns daily rate. Experts recommend consuming no more than 40-50 g of kernels.

Hazelnuts should not be added to the diet of men with diabetes on late stages, organ diseases digestive system. It is also worth remembering that sometimes kernels can cause an allergic reaction.

At correct use hazelnut kernels can improve general state body and maintain men's health.

Experts know what are the benefits and harms of hazelnuts for the body. It is also interesting for those who enjoy it. Nuts are a pleasant lean, but satisfying product that perfectly complements the festive and daily meal.

Of the many types of hazelnuts, it takes an honorable second place in the popularity rating after walnuts. Hazelnut is a shrub, cultivated wild hazel, which grows in many countries, in Russia it is common in the Caucasus. The second meaning of the word is an edible nut.

shrub and fruit

It's time to get to know the tree on which such wonderful fruits grow, and the nuts themselves.


A hazelnut tree (more precisely, a shrub) is interesting to many gardeners:

  • Lives anywhere in the area.
  • Easy to care for, easy to grow. In Italy, this shrub is called "a plant for the lazy."
  • Unpretentious to the climate, soil and topography of the site.
  • The harvest pleases, they collect up to 7 kg of nuts from a bush.

The shrub is amazingly beautiful. In winter, pink, greenish or orange earrings are amazing on white snow. foliage different varieties strikes with its variety of colors: from green different shades to yellow and red.


The hazelnut fruit is used fresh and fried. Used in vegetable and meat dishes. Confectioners use this product when preparing cakes, cookies, pastries. They put it in chocolate and sweets, they even produce a coffee surrogate.

The composition of hazelnuts is a cocktail of necessary substances: 63-72% fat, 15-23% protein, 6-10% carbohydrates, 6% water, protein, vitamins. This proportion is ideal for the body!

Unique composition defines beneficial features. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins in hazelnuts are a topic for a separate discussion. As part of 9 groups, the list is impressive: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, PP. Vitamin E, 100 gr. product provide the body for 4 days and make it a forest medicine.

There are macronutrients: potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc. Amino acids are present folic acid, fatty acids, niacin, iodine, vegetable proteins.

But there is little sodium in the product, so it is allowed for patients with hypertension.

Interesting calorie content of hazelnuts. All nuts have a lot of calories, hazel is no exception, raw product 650 kcal per 100 g.

Raw and roasted hazelnuts are not the same in terms of calories and benefits. IN fried calories more (704 kcal). In diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVS) and digestive organs, it is recommended not to fry the nut. Should not be used when dealing with extra pounds. It is better to take raw, there will be no harm from it. The product retains all substances that are lost during processing. But in fried, the taste is richer and sweeter.

Many people ask how to peel hazelnuts if the natural shell is too hard? A nut in a shell is placed in a cloth (or in a bag) on ​​a wooden board and beaten with a hammer. The grain will pop out. Unsplit specimens are placed in the oven for 10 minutes. The shell will come off.

forest medicine

Hazelnut is a delicacy product, which, according to nutritionists, has no big disadvantages. Hippocrates also made a description of hazelnuts and said that it heals the stomach, kidneys and liver. Doctors say that people who constantly use this nut have better health, less often they also have a heart. Eating more nuts is advised to patients with a sick stomach, high cholesterol in blood.

The beneficial properties of hazelnuts are enormous. It is often referred to as the "nut from everything." There are polyunsaturated fatty acids that we need so much. If a person constantly consumes these nuts, the brain works more actively and helps protect against atherosclerosis, other cardiovascular diseases, and anemia.

The benefits of hazelnuts for the body have been proven for:

  • feeling tired;
  • loss of strength;
  • exhaustion;
  • beriberi;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • varicose veins and inflammation of the veins;
  • phlebitis;
  • kidney stones;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • impotence;
  • high cholesterol;
  • constipation.

The presence of important elements in nuts guarantees the effectiveness of the fight against all of the listed diseases and conditions.

What else is hazelnuts useful for systematic use?

  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • cleanse the liver;
  • warn putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • slow down cell aging;
  • prevent the appearance malignant tumors;
  • are important element menu of vegetarians, replacing them with meat and dairy products.

Who suits?

Useful hazelnuts for women: removes chronic fatigue, which happens after 35 years, reduces menstrual pain. Vitamins A and E contained in the product will prolong youth and stop cell aging.

Hazelnuts during pregnancy should be consumed after consulting a doctor. It contains the elements necessary for expectant mothers:

  • tocopherol - will bring toxic substances and increase immunity;
  • phosphorus - prevents anemia in future mother;
  • paclitaxel - protects against tumors;
  • folic acid - protects against premature birth;
  • zinc - will produce the necessary sex hormones.

In the first trimester, the unsaturated fatty acids of the nut will help the embryo form, develop the bone structure, muscle tissue, fetal nervous system.

At the end of pregnancy and after childbirth, it will improve lactation, strengthen female body.

Important: pregnant women should eat hazelnuts with caution.

The norm is 50 grams per day. Larger amounts may cause an overdose. active substances With unwanted reactions: pain in the head and liver, heaviness in the stomach.

How to use for pregnant women?

For the maximum benefit of the kernel, you need to follow simple rules:

  • choose unpeeled hazelnuts, in it more benefit;
  • eat only fresh nuts;
  • store the kernels for six months. After losing a lot of useful properties.

Hazelnuts during breastfeeding stimulate lactation in nursing mothers. Promotes quick recovery after childbirth, improves the quality of milk, which becomes more nutritious and healing. But nuts are an allergen that is introduced into the diet of a nursing mother carefully, like anyone else. New Product.

When the baby is 2 months old, you can include it in the menu. Start with 1 nut per day, gradually increasing the amount to 8, no more. If a child develops a rash, itching, bloating, or intestinal problems, nuts are canceled.

Benefits for men

Hazelnuts are essential for men. Many generally consider it a male product that gives the body protein, muscles need it. We must not forget the development of which hazelnut contributes. How many nuts do you need to eat in order to get maximum effect and do no harm? For an adult, 7-8 pieces or 50 grams 2-3 times a week. This has been proven by medicine. Men can only make friends with this nut.

Can diabetics eat hazelnuts?

If you eat no more than 50 grams per day, the health of a diabetic will improve. It is low in carbohydrates and high in vegetable fats that provide the necessary energy. In 100 g of nuts there is a daily norm of proteins. The product relieves harmful substances and strengthens the immune system. Fatty acid have a positive effect on digestion and metabolism.

For diabetes and obesity, it is useful to eat 5-8 kernels a day, which will satisfy your appetite and give vitamins. Abuse will cause headache and discomfort in the stomach.

It is not advised to eat hazelnuts in diabetes in the morning or in the evening. The product is heavy, it is not easy for the body to digest it. They eat nuts from 11 am to 6 pm.

Hazelnut in cooking

The product is popular in cooking, so recipes with hazelnuts are available in mom's greasy cookbooks, on the Internet. Unique confectionery dishes are prepared from nuts, giving a piquant taste to chocolate, cream, and muffins.

Hazelnut cake is always a gourmet dessert. Recipes are available for every taste, wallet and cooking time. From some names in the mouth begins increased salivation: “Chocolate with hazelnuts and brandy”, “Carrot with hazelnuts from Y. Vysotskaya”. How can you not like this one?


  • - 200 g.
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 200 g.
  • butter - 100 g.
  • hazelnuts - 150 g.
  • chocolate paste
  • sugar - 100 g.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Beat eggs well with sugar.
  2. Add flour, mix everything.
  3. Melt chocolate with butter in a water bath.
  4. Chop the nut.
  5. Mix the dough with the chocolate mixture. Add hazelnuts and stir.
  6. Pour the batter into a greased mold.
  7. Put in the oven (temperature 180 degrees) for 45 minutes.
  8. Remove from oven, apply chocolate paste.

Any hazelnut salad is delicious and easy to make. The Internet is full of sites with step-by-step or video recipes. Prepare this one.

Salad with shrimp


  • shrimp - 250 g.
  • hazelnuts - 50 g.
  • banana - 2 pcs.
  • tangerines - 2 pcs.
  • lettuce
  • mayonnaise - 30 g.
  • nutmeg.

How to cook:

  1. Coarsely chop the lettuce.
  2. Boil shrimp.
  3. Peel banana, cut into slices.
  4. Grind hazelnuts and nutmeg.
  5. Put lettuce, bananas and shrimp in salad bowls.
  6. Sprinkle with hazelnuts.
  7. Make dressing by mixing mayonnaise with pepper, nutmeg and squeezed juice from tangerines.
  8. Fill the salad.

Contraindications and harm

Contraindications of hazelnuts, unfortunately, also occur. Few, but you need to know about them. Do not consume the nut or do so with caution when present:

  • obesity;
  • individual intolerance;
  • atopic diathesis in children, when the body is hypersensitive and predisposed to allergies and inflammatory processes;
  • hazelnut allergy. Symptoms: swelling and itching of the lips, tongue, larynx.

Excessive use of this product exacerbates diseases of the liver and pancreas, overloads all organs of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract).

Let the "food of joy", as nuts are called in India, bring health, joy and good mood.

Be healthy!

Hazelnuts are the fruit of cultivated hazel. The hazel itself can grow both in the forest and in the household, so people quickly adapted the wild nut to their needs. Positive traits nuts for health were obvious, but as it soon became clear, he is a real storehouse for men, and the benefits of hazelnuts for the body are undeniable.

The value of a nut for men

Hazelnuts contain many useful substances for men:

  1. tocopherol (vitamin E) as a prevention of cancer and to slow down aging;
  2. calcium to strengthen bones;
  3. B vitamins to improve the functioning of the heart and muscles;
  4. zinc, which positively affects the production of testosterone;
  5. potassium, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  6. iron essential for blood.

The role of hazelnuts in the fight against cholesterol

Let's find out how hazelnuts are useful for men, and how it affects men's health. First of all, let's pay attention to cholesterol - the main cause of atherosclerosis. The problem of cholesterol is especially relevant in the 21st century, as people eat more and more fatty foods, fast food, abuse alcohol. All this brings atherosclerosis to a leading position among diseases leading to death.

Atherosclerosis is also relevant for men, because together with high level cholesterol they get obesity, heart problems, hypertension, and loss of male sexual vigor. Due to the content of tocopherol, the nut not only cleans the blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol, but also improves the work of the testicles to produce healthy sperm.

Due to the fact that the nut contains a minimum of carbohydrates, but at the same time, hazelnuts are rich in healthy fats, several cores will help not only to get enough without harm to health, but also to restore male strength. Even in Rus', women were advised to give their husband hazelnuts several times a week so that he would not suffer from sexual impotence. The product is effective prophylactic in the fight against prostate problems.

hazelnuts for stress

The beneficial properties of hazelnuts for men are also manifested in its anti-stress properties. It's no secret that severe stress can cause long-term sexual problems. It seems that there is no disease, but men are more and more eager to relax than to indulge in love pleasures. overcome such depressive moods walnut kernels will also help. They have unique property normalize the functioning of the nervous system, so hazelnuts are simply irreplaceable for potency. With it, depression will go away, and sexual desire will return.

How to eat hazelnuts

In order for the male nut to bring the most benefits, you need to buy unpeeled nut fruits. Most perfect option- plant a bush in the country, and you need to buy seedlings from the nursery, so as not to make a mistake and not choose a variety wild plant. The plant is quite unpretentious, so after a few years a man can harvest his own crop and provide himself with it. valuable product for the whole year.

It is best to eat kernels in the morning, but do not overdo it - you are allowed to eat no more than fifty grams of a nut per day, and this is not so much. Before eating the kernels, it is recommended to soak them for half an hour in cold water - so the nut is better absorbed.

For daily use, it is better for a man to set the norm - 5-6 nuts a day and not exceed it, so as not to harm health. If you eat hazelnuts more than the recommended amount, you may experience headache due to vascular spasm.

Why hazelnuts can be harmful

The usefulness of hazelnuts is obvious, but do not forget that the nut can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is not recommended to use nuts in the following cases:

  • if a man suffers from diabetes;
  • with pathologies of the liver;
  • with diseases of the pancreas;
  • when allergic reactions occur.

It should be borne in mind that hazelnuts are quite difficult to digest. His energy value is 667 kcal per hundred grams of product. - Approximately 20 percent are proteins, and 60 percent are fats. Therefore, if a man does not lead an active lifestyle, does little sports, then such a calorie content can provoke unpleasant sensations in the stomach - nausea, heaviness.

Those who spend a lot of calories can eat a nut without any special restrictions, remembering only the recommended daily allowance product. If a man has contraindications to the use of this type of nuts, you should not eat it, it can be harmful to the body, and the nut should be replaced with another product.

Hazelnut for men's health is an indispensable tool in the fight against sexual impotence and diseases of the genital organs. With the daily use of only a few kernels, a man can ensure his health for many years.

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