Practical and applied psychology. Psyche and psychology difference

A.V. Petrovsky identifies the following significant differences between the psyche of animals and humans:

    Differences in the thinking of humans and animals. Many experiments have proven that higher animals are characterized only by practical thinking. Human behavior is characterized by the ability to abstract from a given specific situation and anticipate the consequences that may arise in connection with this situation. The “language” of animals and the language of humans are different and this also determines the difference in thinking.

    The second difference between man and animal is his ability to create and preserve tools. Outside of a specific situation, an animal never singles out a tool as a tool, does not retain it for use.

    Man creates a weapon according to a pre-planned plan.

    The third difference is in feelings. Both animals and humans do not remain indifferent to what is happening around them. However, only a person is able to empathize in grief and rejoice at another person.

The most important difference between the animal psyche and the human psyche lies in the conditions of their development.

The development of the psyche of the animal world followed the laws of biological evolution. The development of the human psyche itself, human consciousness, is subject to the laws of historical development. But only a person is capable of appropriating social experience, which develops his psyche to the greatest extent. 3.4. Consciousness as the highest level of the psyche A qualitatively new level of development of the psyche was the emergence of human consciousness. Consciousness is the highest level of human reflection of reality. The main condition for the emergence and development of human consciousness is the joint instrumental activity of people mediated by speech. Consciousness is interpreted in Russian psychology as the highest form inherent only to humans mental reflection

The sphere of scientific interests of psychology includes two fundamental problems of consciousness: 1) the socially determined nature of the formation of consciousness in ontogenesis; 2) the dynamic relationship between conscious and unconscious substructures in the holistic system of the human psyche.

The psychological structure of consciousness includes the following most important characteristics: the first characteristic of consciousness is already given in its name: consciousness is knowledge about the world around us. A person gains knowledge through cognitive processes; the second characteristic of consciousness is the distinction between subject and object enshrined in it, i.e., that which belongs to the “I” of a person and his “not-I”; the third characteristic of consciousness is ensuring goal-setting human activity; the fourth characteristic is the presence of emotional assessments in interpersonal relationships.

The characteristics of consciousness are formed in the speech activity of people.


Not all mental phenomena are realized by a person. Some phenomena of reality that a person perceives, but is not aware of this perception, are recorded by the lower level of the psyche, which in turn forms the unconscious. The unconscious is understood as a specific form of reflection of reality, in which an account of the actions being performed is not given, the completeness of orientation in time and place of action is lost, and speech regulation of behavior is disrupted. The unconscious principle is represented in almost all mental processes, properties and states of a person. The sphere of the unconscious includes all mental phenomena that arise in sleep; some pathological phenomena; human reactions that arise in response to sensations that actually affect a person, but are not felt by him; movements that were conscious in the past, but through repetition have become automated and therefore no longer conscious.

For the first time, the unconscious in the structure of personality was identified by S. Freud. According to his theory, the personality structure includes three spheres: the unconscious (id - “it”), consciousness (ego - “I”), superego (“super-I”). In the development of mental states, S. Freud identified a number of mechanisms, which he called the defense mechanisms of the “I”. These include mechanisms of denial, repression, projection, rationalization, inclusion, compensation, identification, sublimation. Psychological defense mechanisms work in combination.

At present, the question of the relationship between the unconscious and the conscious remains complex and is not resolved unambiguously.

Ideas about the normal psyche and threats to it different time vary. A couple of centuries ago, it was believed that any strong experience must make a decent girl faint. And although the young ladies fell not because of sensitivity, but because of corsets that interfered with blood circulation and breathing, this confidence was very tenacious.

Somewhat later, psychiatrists heroically fought against violent hysterical attacks, accompanied by spasms and convulsions. Nowadays this problem is hopelessly out of fashion.

The psychological trend of our days is psychotrauma. But is this problem more serious than fainting sensitivity or violent hysterics?

When talking about psychological injuries, it is necessary to distinguish them from mental ones. In case of mental trauma (by something or someone), disturbances in mental reactions are easily visible. It can be:

  • memory disorders;
  • inability to recognize close people4
  • attention disorders;
  • thinking failures.

With psychological trauma there is nothing like this, and the person fully retains the ability to exist normally in normal environment. Until the 80s of the last century, no one used the term “psychotrauma”. No one was afraid of such injuries, and people around them and in themselves somehow did not observe them. Now everything has changed, and many people see these very traumas literally at every step.

They used to say: “she has Bad mood", "he's upset", "he's angry", "she got off on the wrong foot." Nowadays, instead of these usual expressions, they use the terrifying “they have a psychotrauma!” However, this term is not accepted in medicine, and it has no scientific definition.

Who benefits?

Why then has this concept become widespread? Because it benefits many. First of all, psychotherapists benefit, for whom the fear of psychological trauma helps them get financial clients for long time. Then, these are children and people of an infantile nature, for whom the conviction of their own psychological trauma helps them “turn the arrows” on others when explaining their own unmotivated demands and failures.

Children, threatening psychological trauma (“they will laugh at me in class!”), extort completely unnecessary expensive “toys” from their parents - mobile phones, tablets, fashionable clothes, unhealthy food. Adults (according to their passports) explain their inability to make decisions, protect their own interests and achieve success by childhood experiences and improper upbringing.

There are people who actually attract psychotraumas to themselves. These, as already mentioned, are infantile individuals who willingly shift their inadequacy onto their parents or teachers. They are also hysterical people who just really like it when something bad happens to them. If such an event does not exist in reality, they will readily invent it.

Should we completely abandon the concept of psychological trauma? Naturally, no, since there are situations when a very strong psychological impression can really harm a person. The following need the help of a psychotherapist:

  • those who lost loved one;
  • fell ill with a dangerous painful disease;
  • became a witness or victim of a crime, military action, catastrophe, natural disaster.

But it is worth turning to the concept of psychological trauma only when no other explanation for what is happening can be found.

In order to be able to use the concept of psychotrauma on a truly scientific level, it first of all needs to be refined. Today it has no precise definition. Instead, a set of features is used. But upon closer examination, all of them turn out to be very unreliable and cannot replace solid, clearly defined criteria.

The main sign is the presence of an event that has a shock effect on the psyche. These include, for example, parental divorce (for a child) or rape. But in the world, the parents of millions of children divorce every year, and (according to statistics) every fourth woman is raped at least once in her life. However, most of these people cope with negative experiences without losing their adequacy. After all, the perception of an event is subjective, and depends more not on the event itself, but on the interpretation of it that is instilled in the individual by society and his immediate environment.

Intrusive negative memories are also considered a sign of psychological trauma. But it is more likely that the person susceptible to them simply has too few real things to do and too narrow a circle of interests. Those people who are interested in many things and work a lot have no time to think about the negative.

They also consider the inability to abstract from the situation and identify any incident with oneself as a sign of psychotrauma. But isn’t it worthwhile, instead of attracting psychotherapists, to be concerned with developing modern man abstract thinking?

Another sign is a stop in personal development. But passive development occurs exclusively under the influence external factors, so in order for it not to stop, they must be included, not excluded. Active development is the property of a few, and they owe it to the absence of mental laziness, and not to psychological trauma.

Finally, a tendency to self-destructive behavior is considered a sign of psychological trauma:

But the question arises: why are there so many such people in the most prosperous societies, where they are protected in every possible way from negative impressions? Probably, there are many of them without any psychological trauma because they were poorly taught to be needed and find their place in life.

One can make a reasoned assumption that salvation from psychological trauma lies in the ability to be reasonable and adult. Wise people They understand that there is evil in the world and are ready to face it. And adults know that their parents and teachers introduced them to value systems and certain methods of action in certain situations, but how to use this knowledge is their own business. Now they are adults, and no one will be responsible for what they now do with their lives. Adulthood is the ability and desire to be responsible for oneself and for others. An adult cannot focus only on the negative - he has too many practical tasks.

It remains to wish all children (both small and large) to grow up quickly, and then they will not be afraid of psychological trauma.

Psychotherapy and psychology: what are the differences and what are the similarities?

Psychology – independent humanities, based on real data, patterns, experiments “according to all the rules” (with scientific hypothesis and its verification). Psychotherapy is a type of activity close to art, which allows a person to become more holistic, to face his usual actions, mental defense mechanisms (“resistances”) and other types of mental activity.

Psychology describes, psychotherapy acts. Psychology - teaches, informs, psychotherapy - allows a person to invent his own, unique and inimitable “bicycle”.

What else is characteristic of psychotherapy and psychology, in what ways do they differ and in what ways do they converge?

Perhaps today it is not shameful to call psychology “the queen of all sciences.” Indeed,

“If a person has a “why” to live, he can withstand any “how” F. Nietzsche

On the other hand, every practicing psychologist working with people is:

A little - a teacher: he teaches adults “how” to cope with various situations,

A bit - a consultant, a popularizer: he gives the client who comes to him up-to-date information about how it works human brain, what are the characteristics of perception, what are typical family crises in a certain period of life,

A little - a researcher in an organization: working for companies that act as customers, he “seems to create nothing,” but finds out, for example, what advertising will work best for a children’s toy of this type and type, what are consumer expectations, how to offer a discount 90% and not look like a manufacturer of a bad product in the eyes of the buyer.

All this is for a psychologist.

But a psychotherapist, by definition, should not work for an “organization” as an “educator for adults.” His work is unique. A client, turning to a psychotherapist, often expects him to tell him “how to do it right.” This is where most of the disappointments with psychotherapists come from - because they are extremely reluctant to take on the position of the know-it-all expert (who people hope will tell me what to do).

However, there are similarities between psychology and psychotherapy. First of all, this is a relatively general theoretical basis. Existential psychotherapy “came” from existential philosophy and psychology, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is based on the psychology of behaviorism and uses the principles of learning. Gestalt therapy is partly related to Gestalt psychology. That is, psychology and psychotherapy still have common roots - however, psychologists largely rely on the theoretical level, while for a psychotherapist of any direction the most important tool The work is not information (“how to do it right”, “as usual”, “but according to statistics”), but skills - acquired over years of training in the psychotherapeutic approach and psychotherapeutic work.

And even here one should not unequivocally lump “all psychologists” and “all psychotherapists” into the general set. There are psychologists at the enterprise and in educational institution, to work with disadvantaged families or to work in an incredibly competitive market. There are psychologists who can listen better than the average psychotherapist, without imposing their opinion on the situation, but following the needs of the client, who work with groups or families. And there are psychotherapists who have a clearly verified, mathematically precise plan of action (intervention) for a specific client.

How does the psyche differ from consciousness?

In some sciences, the concepts of “psyche” and “consciousness” are fundamental. Each of them has its own meaning. Let’s try to explain these terms and find out how the psyche differs from consciousness.

  • Definition
  • Comparison


The psyche is the property of some living beings, in particular humans and animals, to reflect reality in a special way.

Consciousness is a complex manifestation of brain activity observed at the highest level of mental development.

People and creatures that are one step lower in their development—animals—have a psyche. It is a function of the brain and acts as a kind of tool that helps to adapt to the environment and survive. The processes occurring in the psyche can be elementary and very complex.

The totality of the highest manifestations of such activity forms consciousness. Only the human brain functions at this level, not animals. The latter are able to operate exclusively with visual thinking, acting on the basis of objective perception. This is typical even for such “smart” creatures as monkeys, dolphins or dogs.

At the same time, the possibilities of consciousness inherent in man, are not limited to the formation of images. Here great role speech plays. It allows you to perform important abstract logical operations and acquire new knowledge that can be passed on even through generations. People tend to plan and set goals. In addition, they are prone to evaluating their own behavior and self-control.

Even themselves mental processes People, having consciousness, are able to control to some extent. This happens when, for example, we force ourselves to memorize a poem or specifically concentrate our attention on something. Animals with their simplest psyche cannot do this. Human consciousness has historically developed and exists together with his social and labor activities.

What is the difference between psyche and consciousness? The fact is that the latter, despite its complexity and versatility, is only part of the system. In all mental activity There is a lot going on that is unconscious and not yet fully understood.

mental, psychological is... What is mental, psychological?

 mental, psychological mental, psychological

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999.

  • clean the buckle
  • scare

See what “mental, psychological” is in other dictionaries:

    mental - abnormal, crazy, maniac, mentally damaged, crazy, kettle, crazy, psychological, crazy, mentally ill, psychopath, schizo, sad-headed, madman, spiritual, insane, spiritual, crazy, touched Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms

    psychological - mental, psychological, spiritual, emotional Dictionary of Russian synonyms. psychological mental (outdated) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Dictionary of synonyms

    MENTAL DYSONTOGENESIS - (eng. mental dysontogeny, dysontogenesis) a violation of the development of the psyche as a whole or its individual components, a violation of the pace and timing of the development of individual spheres of the psyche and their components. The term “dysontogeny” was first introduced by J. Schwalbe (1927) for... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Psychological sex - Gender identity Branch of sexology Generally accepted classifications Transsexuality Dual role transvestism Other gender identity disorders Androgyny Other classifications Transgenderness Cisgenderness Benjamin Scale ... ... Wikipedia

    PSYCHOLOGICAL PARALLELISM is a hypothesis according to which any mental phenomenon corresponds to a certain physiological phenomenon (in particular, nervous) and vice versa. It follows from this that every mental phenomenon is a sign of some nervous phenomenon and vice versa. This... ...Philosophical Dictionary

    Binet-Simone mental age- psychological age of intellectual level of development, determined by the results of repeated testing (from the first year of life to 18 years), determined by the results of the Binet Simon test. The quotient of dividing the indicators of this age by... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

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    PROJECTION is a mental process accompanied by the transference of subjective experiences to the outside, the endowment of external objects with internal unconscious desires, the transfer of guilt and responsibility for rejected inclinations to someone else, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Denial is a psychological defense mechanism that protects a person from anxiety or guilt by ignoring or refusing to acknowledge unacceptable thoughts, emotions, or desires. The concept of denial arose in PSYCHOANALYSIS (3. Freud), but now... ... Dictionary-reference book for social work

Practical and applied psychology - Psychologos

Applied psychology is psychology aimed at practice, but aimed at PSYCHOLOGISTS.

Practical psychology is psychology aimed at practice and focused on the POPULATION.

Practical psychology is not a synonym for the term “applied psychology.” Applied psychology can also be applied to the process of making a stool (studying the activities of a carpenter or teaching him the basics of psychological knowledge in relation to carpentry), but practical psychological help it won't be practical psychology have a relationship too.

What are the main differences between applied and practical psychology?

Both practical and applied psychology are aimed not at theory, but at practice. The difference between them is that applied psychology is aimed at specialist psychologists, while practical psychology is aimed at non-specialists, at wide circles population.

Applied psychology is written strictly in academic language, in the language of scientific articles. Practical psychology is based not only on a scientific basis, but also on working metaphors that have proven themselves in practice and do not have a scientific basis.

Applied psychology is concerned with the education of professionals. Practical - aimed at educating people for whom it is not professional knowledge.

As F.E. writes Vasilyuk (Vasilyuk F.E. “Methodological analysis in psychology”): “Domestic psychology has changed so dramatically over last decade, which seems to belong to a different "biological" species than the psychology of 1980.

The occurring “mutations” are noticeable even in the sleepy atmosphere of official academic psychology, and even in the elements of social life they simply dazzle the eyes: a mass market for psychological services has appeared - individual counseling and psychotherapy, child and family therapy, development of memory and imagination, sensitivity training and communication skills, psychological preparation managers and deputies and so on and so forth.

But what, they may ask, is such a fundamental novelty? Isn't this simply an extension of a long-standing applied, practical psychology? The fact of the matter is that we had precisely and only applied, practical psychology (that is, applications of psychology to various social spheres, which received their names from these spheres - pedagogical, medical, sports, engineering, etc.) , but there was no psychological practice (that is, special social sphere psychological services). If, for example, healthcare were what psychology was just recently, we would have several medical academic institutes and faculties, hundreds medical departments in universities, various research fields - from molecular to space medicine and throughout the country - ... no clinic, no hospital, but only a dozen self-taught paramedics practicing underground."

Psyche is (in psychology)

The human psyche is the ability of the brain to sense and evaluate what is happening, creating an internal picture of the events that happened. It is the created image that influences the further attitude towards life situations, things, subjects and oneself.

A fictional performance is very different from real events, because it is filled with greater emotionality and brightness. In addition, the final judgment is often influenced by other stories that happened a little earlier.

Mental images that relate to some sensations are called primary. If they are based on memory or imagination, then they are called secondary. They greatly influence future attitudes towards certain situations and objects.

It is worth noting that this property can only be Living being. The psyche of humans and animals is similar and is based on some general principles, but there are still significant differences. For example, in animals, decision making is based only on specific situations, and motivation is only biological in nature. As for feelings, animals can also experience them, but their range is much smaller.

Scientific interpretation

The concept of scientists on the issue of the emergence of the psyche is as follows:

  • According to scientists, the psyche appeared at a certain stage in the development of living organisms. It is a reflection of their manners, habits and actions. As living beings progressed, the psyche also developed. In its evolution, it went through two stages: instinctive and personal training.
  • Psyche and consciousness are the culminating phase of evolution. This achievement arose thanks to active work, which took place in a society that was quite civilized for that time.
  • The psyche in action has the strongest development. It is movement and activity that creates change. An important pattern is the transition of activity and any actions into a mental image, and vice versa.
  • The human psyche is shaped by the functioning of the brain, but in fact it is an individual phenomenon that depends on social actions.
  • Mental phenomena have a specific system and structural organization.

Group phenomena

The concept of “psyche” is quite broad, so it is not easy to explain it in one sentence or example. The structure of the psyche is supposed to be divided into four main groups: properties, processes, qualities and states.

1. Properties. Mental properties represent personal qualities and characteristics that belong to a particular person. They can be repeated in other individuals or be exclusively individual.

In addition, these characteristics can be passed on to other generations. These traits include the properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, calmness, etc.).

2. Processes. These are qualities that received their definition in the process of life. They are based on some knowledge, observations and feelings. Two types of processes can be distinguished:

  • Cognitive (memory, thinking, imagination, sensations, etc.).
  • Emotional-motivational (emotions, motivation, feelings, etc.).

3. Qualities. These features appear thanks to environment, as well as the genes of the parents (character, intelligence, emotionality, etc.).

4. Condition. Reflects the degree of human performance. Conditions depend on physiological characteristics And external influences(mood, inspiration, etc.).


Mental functions represent individual characteristics inherent in a particular individual. They help a person cope with various situations in life.

During evolution, not only physical abilities developed, but also the human psyche and brain. Animals also achieved some changes, but it was man who was able to achieve more advanced modifications.

Each person has his own unique psyche, and the state of mind is influenced by the world around him. It is in communication that people progress, so creating the right environment is very important.

For example, if a child is deprived of society from birth, he will behave like Mowgli, resembling a wild animal. In this case, the psyche as something neglected will not develop. There are several functions of the psyche that can be distinguished:

1. Cognitive. This function forms the foundation for the rest. It exists in all living organisms in the world. Flowing through the nervous system, it affects the brain, creating the effect of a mirror reflection of any situations and things. However, it takes into account the individual qualities of the individual.

Cognitive function has special features:

  • A stable psyche always continues to develop, because the world around us also evolves.
  • The psyche as a subject of psychology tends to change under the influence of the psychological characteristics of an individual, his emotions and sensations at a particular moment in time.
  • The real world exists for a person in pictures that he forms throughout his life, relying on smell, taste, sight, hearing and other senses.

2. Regulatory. Consciousness adapts to external influences, forming within the individual an incentive to certain actions and behavior.

Thanks to it, the personality creates a certain system of movement in reality:

  • Realizes his desires and needs in a specific period.
  • Understands the tasks.
  • Comes up with methods to solve problems and achieve results.

This function helps you react thoughtlessly to external stimuli. IN in this case a big role is played by the feelings that a given stimulus awakens. It is the emotions experienced that will influence the volitional qualities that are so necessary for making decisions.

3. Communicative. Communication is the main link of interaction with other individuals. It is the signs that the interlocutor hears during the conversation that give him the opportunity to draw conclusions about a particular person.

Communication forces other people to unite together, because this way goals are achieved faster. It has two types:

  • Verbal (speech).
  • Non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures).

Even in the primitive era, man came up with means of communication that significantly influenced his consciousness, although he did not understand it. For example, by taking a spear in his hand and briefly exchanging some judgments with his tribe, he could catch his prey faster. In addition, communication skills in tandem with certain experience were greatly useful to new generations.

It is worth noting that it was man who was the only one who was able to move from nonverbal communication to higher forms of communication.

4. Emotive. This function is responsible for the state of mind and feelings of the individual. The world and its manifestations evoke specific emotions, which subsequently create a mood.

Very often, feelings collide with the function of thinking, thanks to which a person makes more rational decisions. That is why sometimes you should not act rashly, but think everything over carefully. Decision making is no longer based on emotions, but on what is vitally important at the moment.

For example, a small part of an apple has a rotten spot that causes disgust and dislike in us. If we are guided only by feelings, then the apple will immediately go into the trash. However, you can cut off this part, because the other half is suitable. Such smart decisions leave a noticeable mark on our lives.

5. Conative. A healthy psyche initially reacts to certain actions and behavior. Thanks to them, a person forms an attitude that has a clear course.

An example would be the situation with selecting a nanny for a child. For example, two candidates who have higher pedagogical education come for an interview. However, the first has extensive experience in such work, while the second does not.

Of course, mom would choose the first specialist, but this teacher behaves too reserved and cold, unlike the other nanny. Thus, the second woman suits the inexperienced mother, because it will be easier to build communication and establish communication with her.

This preference occurs unconsciously, because it is obvious that the first candidate is objectively better. However, the conative function does its job.

Development in psychology

Psychology studies social communications and behavior, their connection with mental phenomena, as well as the dependence of the development of these phenomena on them. Currently, there are many innovations and conclusions in psychology that are associated with constant changes in people and their psyche. The immediate goals in this science are:

  • Disclosure of the principles of the psyche.
  • Identification of a certain chain of logical means and positions.
  • Acceptance of a system of mental activity.
  • Study of the nature and manipulation of different mechanisms along with other branches.

Over several decades, a list of psychological areas has been created that are absolutely occupied various studies. Scientists present new hypotheses and theories to the world.

Thus, psychology is a science that analyzes events and patterns of the psyche. Determining some relationships takes a long time, but is very significant for the development of science.

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Psychology of individual differences - Psychologos

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​​​​​​​​ The psychology of individual differences is a branch of differential psychology. Studying individual internal features people and their manifestations.

TO individual characteristics The characteristics include both the deepest, personal characteristics, and more superficial - psychological characteristics. In fact, it also touches upon the characteristics of people of a physical and psychophysiological nature. Within the framework of the psychology of individual differences, it is of little importance whether we mean an individual with characteristics or a person with individuality: what is important, first of all, is the fact of individual differences without any ethical assessment.

The psychology of individual differences is a popular topic in practical psychology.

People differ in character: a strong-willed and courageous person differs from a weak-willed and cowardly one. A person with a lively, strong and at the same time balanced temperament is usually more attractive than a person with a sluggish, weak and uneven temperament: sometimes he lights up, sometimes goes out or gets upset.

People differ in their abilities: tenacious attention, ear for music, artistic talent, good memory, quick thinking and rich imagination help you achieve more in life.

When we take a closer look at people, it is usually very important to understand what he strives for, what his values ​​are, what his interests and inclinations are. A person who cares only about himself is usually less attractive than someone who naturally cares not only about himself, but also about others. In the process of career guidance, it can be important to understand whether a person likes to be among people more or whether he is more comfortable working alone; he is focused on working with objects or with signs: pictures or numbers. Physicists are different from lyricists, people have different interests: interest in science or art. If a girl has a love of cleanliness, and a young man has a penchant for order, they will most likely complement each other, although they will not always understand each other.

In any case, people are distinguished by selectivity of attention and memory, different nature of thinking, feelings and experiences.

Unfortunately, psychological characteristics can also be negative: touchiness, forgetfulness, tearfulness, irritability, and can easily become confused or angry. A tendency to argue and object, a tendency to gamble, an interest in peeping and eavesdropping, an interest in gossip or nightmares. As such features become stronger, they become problems.

Psychological characteristics are easier to understand and predict if you are able to attribute a person to one or another psychological type.

Division into psychological And mental, as a norm and a pathology, is historically understandable, but terminologically unjustified. If they say that a person has mental problems, most often, in fact, they mean psychotic problems, which narrows the concept of the psyche to psychosis, an extreme form mental disorders. And if they want to say that a person is experiencing universal human difficulties, then they talk about psychological problems, which, strictly speaking, is very strange, because psychological problems can only exist in the scientific sense (yes, science has psychology many problems), but a person can only have mental problems. Talking about “psychological problems” in a person is just as semantically incorrect as talking about “ medical problems" instead of "health problems".

Nevertheless, not only in everyday life, but also in science, two concepts have taken root: “human psyche” and “human psychology”. Thus, the word "psychology" has become a defense against the recognition of the disturbing truth that every person is endowed with a psyche. It must be admitted that psychologists themselves greatly contributed to this, avoiding in every possible way the use of the word “psyche”. And the word “psychology” has become too tightly integrated into speech in its second, figurative meaning, that it is no longer possible to abandon this meaning of the word. For example, the phrase " psychological support“ cannot be replaced with “mental support”. The word “mental”, however, has acquired a more negative character, and the phrase “mental support” will most likely cause associations with “mental treatment”.

By the way, the definition of psychology as the science of the soul is historically understandable, but not justified. The term “soul” (in Greek “psyche”) has an exclusively religious meaning and is not used today among scientific terms in psychology. The soul was “studied” by religious philosophers, and modern psychologists study the psyche, or rather, its manifestations.

However, if someone is frightened by the word “psyche” due to its association with “mental illness,” then he should also be frightened by the word “soul” due to its association with “mental illness.” However, I must admit, the word “mental” is more repulsive, and, obviously, the merit for this is, first of all, psychiatrists.

But if a person is “afraid” of everything related to the psychic, there must be many reasons for this.

Of course, these difficulties and confusion in concepts are associated not only with historical development these two sciences about the human psyche, but also with the history of attitudes towards people with mental illness. It is unlikely that psychiatry and psychiatrists could earn trust when, just a few decades ago, such barbaric methods of “treatment” as electroconvulsive therapy and loboectomy were used (remember, for example, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”).

But it's not even about those horrors psychiatric clinics, which we read about in books and saw in movies. The point is, first of all, in doctors, whose task is to treat, for which it is necessary to study the disease. And doctors who studied mental illness spoke about the psyche only in connection with illness. But worse than that, because doctors treat patients; anyone who goes to see a doctor who treats mental illness turns out to be, as if right away, mentally ill.

And this is the main frightening meaning of the word “psyche”. And the point is not even that if a person turns to a psychiatrist, or even starts talking about mental problems, those around him immediately classify him as a “crazy person,” so to speak, stick a label on him, although this is very important.

It's scary to think about the mental, because a mentally ill person can almost never notice his mental problems, and we all know this. Of course, psychiatrists know about this, and we know about it too. And we are terrified by the very fact of a visit to a psychiatrist (and, at the same time, to a psychoneurologist, psychologist or psychoanalyst), because we are scared not only by the fact that we may be diagnosed with mental disorders, but to a greater extent by the fact that we won’t even know about it. won't try to tell the truth.

But some people pluck up courage and come to a psychologist, despite the fact that the name of his specialty contains the root “psycho”.

As a rule, people come to a psychologist for advice.

But who is a psychologist to give advice?

In some sciences, the concepts of “psyche” and “consciousness” are fundamental. Each of them has its own meaning. Let’s try to explain these terms and find out how the psyche differs from consciousness.


Psyche- this is the property belonging to some living beings, in particular humans and animals, to reflect reality in a special way.

Consciousness- a complex manifestation of brain activity observed at the highest level of mental development.


The basis for the existence of both qualities is nervous activity. And the difference between the psyche and consciousness is that it is the first of the two concepts that is basic.

People and creatures that are one step lower in their development—animals—have a psyche. It is a function of the brain and acts as a kind of tool that helps to adapt to the environment and survive. The processes occurring in the psyche can be elementary and very complex.

The totality of the highest manifestations of such activity forms consciousness. Only the human brain functions at this level, not animals. The latter are able to operate exclusively with visual thinking, acting on the basis of objective perception. This is typical even for such “smart” creatures as monkeys, dolphins or dogs.

At the same time, the possibilities of consciousness inherent in man are not limited to the formation of images. Speech plays a great role here. It allows you to perform important abstract logical operations and acquire new knowledge that can be passed on even through generations. People tend to plan and set goals. In addition, they are prone to evaluating their own behavior and self-control.

Even the mental processes themselves, people, possessing consciousness, are able to control to some extent. This happens when, for example, we force ourselves to memorize a poem or specifically concentrate our attention on something. Animals with their simplest psyche cannot do this. Human consciousness has historically developed and exists together with his social and labor activities.

What is the difference between psyche and consciousness? The fact is that the latter, despite its complexity and versatility, is only part of the system. In all mental activity there is a lot that is unconscious and not yet fully understood.

Psyche and consciousness

Psyche and consciousness are such close, but different concepts. Having a narrow and broad understanding of each of these words can confuse anyone. However, in psychology the concepts of psyche and consciousness have been successfully separated, and despite their close relationship, the boundary between them is quite easy to see.

How does consciousness differ from the psyche?

The psyche, if we consider the term in a broad sense, is all mental processes conscious of a person. Consciousness is the process of a person controlling himself, which we are also aware of. Considering the concepts in a narrower sense, it turns out that the psyche is aimed at perceiving and assessing the external world, and consciousness allows us to evaluate the inner world and realize what is happening in the soul.

Human psyche and consciousness

Talking about general characteristics these concepts, it is worth paying attention to the main features of each of them. Consciousness is the highest form of mental reflection of reality and...

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Consciousness is the connection between speech and the psyche and, as a result, the ability, to some extent, to control the psyche (for example, force oneself to remember something, consciously concentrate attention, etc.). Speech and consciousness are parts of the psyche, so the separation of these concepts is conditional. Moreover, consciousness is, by and large, all that we have. As far as I understand, if you cut the corpus callosum (stop the exchange of information between the hemispheres), then one eye will stop seeing, that is, the right (usually) hemisphere does not have speech centers and therefore visual information will not be conscious. A person will claim that one eye has stopped seeing. At the same time, if you make a sharp movement in his direction (simulate a blow), he will jerk his head back (try to dodge). It happens that, as a result of some kind of brain damage, visual information stops flowing to the speech centers of the cortex and the person goes blind. However, if such a person is greatly frightened by something and starts to run away, then he will not...

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Consciousness and psyche Consciousness in Russian psychology is usually interpreted as the highest level of mental reflection of objective reality and self-regulation. Consciousness in the form in which a person has it is available only to him. This is not a tautology, but rather a statement of the fact that in mental development man has greatly outstripped other animals. Psyche is the ability, based on the work of the central nervous system, of humans and animals, to reflect and respond in a complex way to changing conditions environment. In what way do the concepts of “consciousness” and “psyche” actually differ, other than the fact that a certain higher level is inherent in consciousness?

Consciousness acts as a continuously changing set of sensory and mental images that directly appear before the subject in his inner world. This totality includes images that are very visual, and vague, and completely unreflective. Consciousness is an integrating process. This is the place where visual...

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Section 1. Basics of psychology

Topic 1.2. The concept of psyche and consciousness

1. The concept of the psyche, functions and structure of the psyche, mental reflection. The relationship between the psyche, nervous system and brain.

2. The main differences between the psyche and behavior of humans and animals.

3. The nature of human consciousness, its characteristics.

4. Personal self-awareness: concept and main components.

1. Psyche is a property of highly organized living matter, which consists in the ability to reflect the objective world in its connections and relationships.

The human psyche is a qualitatively higher level than the psyche of animals; This is a systemic quality of the brain, realized through multi-level functional systems of the brain, which is formed in a person in the process of life and his mastery of historically established forms of human activity and experience through his own active activity. The human psyche is not given in a ready-made form to a person from the moment of birth and is not...

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Psyche and consciousness

Psyche and consciousness


Man has a wonderful gift - the mind. Thanks to the mind, man gained the ability to think, analyze, and generalize. Since ancient times, thinkers have been intensely searching for a solution to the mystery of the phenomenon of human consciousness and psyche.

The path of development of ideas about the psyche can be divided into two periods - pre-scientific and scientific. Even in ancient times, it was discovered that along with the material, objective, external, objective world, there are immaterial, internal, subjective phenomena - human feelings, desires, memories. Every person is endowed with mental life. The first scientific ideas about the psyche arose in ancient world(Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome). They were reflected in the works of philosophers, doctors, and teachers. We can roughly identify a number of stages in the development of a scientific understanding of the nature of the psyche and the subject of psychology as a science. A turning point in the development of views on the psyche was...

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Psyche and consciousness

Both people and animals have a psyche. Consciousness arose at a certain historical stage formation of the human psyche and is the result and product of his work activity.

Consciousness, like the psyche, is one of the most complex and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the brain.

The word “consciousness” is used quite widely in everyday speech and scientific literature. However, there is no common understanding of what it means. Indeed, this term denotes two concepts that are different in content. In a more elementary sense, it is simply wakefulness with the possibility of contact with the outside world and an adequate reaction to ongoing events, that is, what is lost during sleep and is disrupted in some diseases.

However, in scientific literature, especially in philosophy and psychology, the word “consciousness” is understood as the highest manifestation of the psyche, associated with abstraction, separation of oneself from the environment and social...

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In the process of evolution of living beings, the psyche, as a reflection of objective reality, developed depending on living conditions and acquired increasingly complex forms. The highest level of its development is human consciousness.

Psychology explains the emergence of human consciousness by the social way of being of people and labor activity, which determined its development. With the transition to social forms of life, the structure of human behavior radically changed.

Along with biological motives, which depended on the direct perception of the environment, higher, “spiritual” motives and needs, higher forms of behavior arose, which were determined by the ability to abstract from the immediate influences of the environment.

Along with two sources of behavior - a hereditarily fixed program and the individual’s own experience - a third source arose, which forms human activity, - transfer and development of social experience. In satisfaction...

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Psyche and consciousness, as stated, are not two completely different phenomena. Consciousness is a part of the human psyche, and at the same time a special and highest level his psyche, developed in the conditions of social life, work and other communication between people.

“Consciousness,” writes K.K. Platonov, “is a psyche that has endured labor forever. Animals do not have consciousness, but Engels very figuratively called their psyche the prehistory of consciousness.

Consciousness... from the very beginning is a social product and remains so as long as people exist at all, said Marx”-1. “The concept of the psyche,” notes V.V. Orlov, “is broader than the concept of consciousness. Consciousness is the highest form of the psyche, characteristic only of man. At the same time, the human psyche is also not covered by the concept of consciousness, since a significant part of the human psyche is of an unconscious nature” *.

Following Darwin, Haeckel, Sechenov and Pavlov, modern physiology of higher nervous activity and materialistic psychology...

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The psychic has a twofold form of existence. The first, objective, form of mental existence is expressed in life and activity: this primary form his existence. The second, subjective, form of existence of the mental is reflection, introspection, self-awareness, reflection of the mental in itself: this is a secondary, genetically later form that appears in a person. Representatives of introspective psychology, defining the mental as a phenomenon of consciousness, believing that the existence of the mental is exhausted by its being given to consciousness or being represented in it, mistakenly accepted this secondary form existence or manifestation of the psyche for the primary or, rather, the only form of its existence: consciousness was reduced to self-consciousness or derived from it.

Meanwhile, sensations, perceptions, ideas, which form, as it were, the composition of the psyche, and the corresponding mental processes are not what is primarily realized, but that through which something - an object - is realized....

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Almost any formulation of consciousness points to it as a mental phenomenon. However, not every one gives an idea of ​​the relationship between the psyche and consciousness. G.V. Akopov remarked on this matter: “The explicit or implicit identification of consciousness and psyche is consistently reproduced throughout the history of Russian psychology.” Let’s add: foreign ones too. Nevertheless, in Russian psychology the dominant idea is of consciousness as the highest level of mental activity and a specifically human quality of the psyche. Consequently, the scope of the compared concepts must be different, namely: the concept of “psyche” must be broader than the concept of “consciousness”. We are talking here about individual consciousness and psyche (at the same time we understand them as single integral formations, which automatically excludes from discussion the ideas in the literature about consciousness as a set of albeit interconnected, but different specific consciousnesses).

Firstly, the psyche is inherent and...

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Features of the human psyche and consciousness. Differences between the mental activity of animals and humans. Unconscious motives for committing a crime. Psychoanalysis as a method for determining unconscious motives for crime. Motives for protection from imaginary dangers.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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1. Psyche and consciousness

2. The difference between the mental activity of animals and humans

3. Unconscious motives for committing a crime: psychoanalysis




Since ancient times, philosophers and thinkers have been intensely searching for clues to the psyche, consciousness, and the unconscious.

For many centuries, there have been debates around the essence of the psyche, consciousness and the possibilities of its knowledge.

Without consciousness there can be no attention, memory, thinking, life goes on, but this...

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Goal: to give a concept of the psyche and consciousness, to reveal the relationship between the brain and the psyche, to show the difference between the psyche of humans and animals.


reveal the concept of the psyche,
consider the levels of reflection and the phenomenon of mental reflection as prerequisites for the development of the psyche,
identify differences in the psyche of humans and animals,
give the concept of consciousness,
consider the relationship between consciousness and the brain,
show the socio-historical conditionality of the origin of consciousness.

During the classes

Today's topic is complex, but very interesting. We will look at the concepts that underlie all psychology, where it began, the brain, psyche and consciousness. Throughout the existence of psychology as a science, there have been debates about how these concepts are interconnected, but no definitive answers have been found. All answers are hypotheses: we can only assume that this is true, but how can we test it? After all, we cognize psychic reality (what is in our heads),...

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