The earlier you get up, the earlier you leave! Do I need to get up after the operation. Features of the recovery of patients after medical manipulations of various types

modern medicine improved and diseases that were previously considered incurable are successfully cured. In order to avoid the subsequent development of the disease or to eliminate flaws, doctors resort to operations.

At the same time, the body experiences stress, but with their quality and proper postoperative care body returns to normal. Therefore, it is important to know what you can eat after surgery.

Whatyou can eat after surgerydoctors are obliged to recommend. General rules postoperative food:

  • 3-4 meals a day, optionally making snacks;
  • give preference to small portions;
  • reduce intake of salt, sugar and fats;
  • avoid sugary sodas and alcohol.

After the procedure, you need to adhere to the gradual introduction of products. At first it will be some water, then light soups and broths, steamed cereals, low-fat dairy products, low-fat fish, vegetable and fruit purees. It's better to cook for a couple. You can use whole grain bread or crackers.

The body must recover as quickly as possible and for this it is necessary good nutrition, which includes vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates. To do this, diversify food with cereals, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat. It is not recommended to eat vegetables such as cabbage and radishes.

Torestore the broken balance useful substances you can take special supplements.

What can you eat after appendicitis surgery: menu for the first days

After cutting out the appendicitis, the food intake system becomes one of the points for restoring the patient's body. On the initial day after the manipulation, it is not even allowed to drink. The next day it is allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water.

After 1-1.5 days, it is allowed to take weak concoctions and soups, which are preferably cooked in water or vegetable broth. For the second, you can cook porridge from the core, rice or oatmeal. From the liquid it is allowed to drink a decoction of rose hips and fruit jelly.

It is not advised to use borscht, pea or fish soup, okroshka. As for meat, pastries, fast food, carbonated drinks, fatty dairy products, you can forget about them for two weeks. Some rabbit meat is allowed, which is considered dietary meat. It is permissible to eat a low-fat dairy assortment and always berries, vegetables and fruits.

Fromsome taste preferences should be abandoned for a while, and you should also heed the following tips:

  • chew food thoroughly;
  • on days 2 and 3, resort to small portions;
  • eat better 5-6 p. in a day;
  • it is necessary to give preference to liquid food and avoid solid;
  • eat dishes at room temperature;
  • when choosing a food processing method, give preference to steam cooking;
  • you can eat soup with grated vegetables after the operation, which helps to adjust normal process digestion.

Diet (nutrition) after gallbladder surgery

After elimination of the organ responsible for the processing of bile, the schedule of meals is vital and significantly changes the diet of the convalescent.

What can you eat after gallbladder surgery
  • products must be steam cooked;
  • apply fractional nutrition, less is better, but more often;
  • eat at the same time.

The strictest diet following cholecystectomy is prescribed in the postoperative 12 hours. In the first hours, it is advisable only to wet the lips with water, and a little later rinse the mouth with unsweetened herbal decoctions. The next day, it is allowed to drink fruit compotes, low-fat biokefir and weakly brewed tea. Drink water in small doses after a certain time, no more than 1.5 liters per day.

On the third day, crushed potatoes, juice from pumpkin, apples or beets, light rich soups with the addition of 1 tsp are provided. sour cream or plums. butter, cooked fish low-fat varieties. You can drink sweet tea.

On the 4th and 5th day, the portion is added to small amount white bread, crackers and simple cookies.

On day 6, buckwheat, wheat liquid porridge or oatmeal, cooked in a 1: 1 ratio with milk or water, low-fat meats and low-fat sour-milk provisions are allowed.

After a week and up to 1.5 months, you must follow a sparing diet. After this time, it is allowed to follow a general diet. It consists of vegetable and fruit salads with the addition of vegetable fats or sour cream, chicken meat, rabbit meat, low-fat veal, cereals, milk, one egg every 5 days, lean first meals.

Dessert may consist of jam, marmalade, honey or marshmallows.
It is forbidden to use:

  • spicy, fatty foods, smoked meats;
  • supplies that excite the mucous membrane (onions, garlic, spices, pickles);
  • fatty meat or poultry;
  • soda, alcohol and sweets;
  • a provision that has great amount fiber (coarsely ground bread, legume family);
  • provisions in cold or hot condition.

Following a planned diet after getting rid of the gallbladder, you can return to your normal lifestyle with slight food restrictions.

What to eat after gallstone removal

Subsequently, the purification of the bile ducts from stones restores the outflow of bile.

IN the postoperative period of time should be kept from the use of products that prevent bile secretion:

  • preservation and pickles;
  • food of spicy and fatty quality;
  • semi-finished products, sausages;
  • fish and meat fatty delicacies;
  • muffins, sweets and fresh pastries.

In the following medical intervention day it is only allowed to hold the liquid in your mouth or blot your lips with a napkin. After their expiration, you can drink in small sips a decoction of wild rose or mineral water, from which gas has been released in advance.

After 12 hours, the operated person should be given an unsweetened infusion of dried fruits or fat-free kefir, adhering to the interval of 3 hours and in the amount of 100 ml. Take juices and vegetarian soups with 1 tsp. sour cream is recommended for 3 days.

sticking tosparing diet you can eat:

  • omelets;
  • sandwiches with cheese and a thin layer of butter;
  • vinaigrettes;
  • porridge diluted in milk or water;
  • meatballs;
  • liquid vegetable or fruit dishes;
  • light low-fat soups;
  • low-fat milk, herbal infusions, tepid tea are suitable for drinking;
  • for dessert - cottage cheese pudding.

To make work easier gastrointestinal tract It's good to stick to a fractional diet.

To resort to edible provisions in a warm state and cook with a steam method or boil. It is necessary to organize the required intake of fluid in the body. From the bakery assortment, you should choose products with bran.

You can eat cereal soups with well-ground vegetables in the first month after the operation, which prevents irritation of the walls internal organs. After 2-3 months, you can carefully expand your menu.

Nutrition after bowel surgery: allowed and prohibited foods

There are many reasons why bowel surgery is performed, but all operated patients face the problem of what to eat after surgery.
The postoperative diet is divided into three periods:

  1. Lasts 2-3 days after surgical exposure and consists in taking warm unsalted products of a jelly-like or liquid consistency, not more than 250 g at a time. Reception frequency - 7-8 p. per day. In the first 12 hours, even drinking water is forbidden. After this time, wiped vegetable first dishes and decoctions, compotes without sugar. The volume of the necessary liquid in 1 day is 2 liters. The next day, it is allowed to eat low-fat meat broth and fruit jelly. On the third day, it is allowed to take liquid cereals, fish or meat soufflé, one egg.
  2. The period lasts 7-9 days, and at good health a moderate load of the intestine with solid food begins. It is allowed to use wheat, oatmeal, rice or semolina porridge on the water, meat broths, low-fat milk.
  3. Following the release, diet should be followed for at least 3 weeks. Preference should be given to steamed foods and low-fat first courses. It is necessary to carefully eat vegetables and fruits to prevent excessive gas formation. After 2 weeks, it is allowed to add any dairy products to the diet. Food must be at room temperature.

There is a list of foods that you should abstain from for a long period:

  • rich and fresh bakery products, chocolate;
  • alcohol;
  • fat provisions;
  • smoked meats, spices and salt;
  • raw milk, fatty dairy provisions;
  • pasta and legumes;
  • raw vegetables;
  • nuts and mushrooms;
  • cocoa, coffee, soda and cold drinks.

Diet after intestinal surgery (oncology): menu for the week

In the first week after operational impact the patient can eat broths, vegetable purees and liquid concentration cereals, juices and herbal infusions.

Valid menu for 7 postoperative days:

Day of the week Nutrition
MondayBreakfast: dried fruit juice with cracker biscuits
Late breakfast: steamed rice with raisins and dried apricots, fresh berries or apricots
Lunch: Assorted vegetable thin soup, assorted cabbage, potato and asparagus, tea or herbal infusion
Afternoon snack: baked apples, tea with biscuit pastries
Dinner: low-fat biokefir
TuesdayBreakfast: orange juice, pear or peach
Brunch: peach juice, simple salad, steamed oatmeal
Lunch: pureed lentil soup, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled beets
Afternoon snack: barley porridge, carrot-beet cocktail
Dinner: green tea, prunes, dried apricots.
WednesdayBreakfast: oatmeal filled with milk or kefir, warm tea with oatmeal pastries.
Brunch: Carrot and celery salad, lean boiled fish
Lunch: stewed sweet peppers with carrots, boiled poultry meat, coleslaw
Snack: rice milk porridge, low-fat yogurt
Dinner: oatmeal with yogurt and berries.
ThursdayBreakfast: carrot juice and some nuts
Late breakfast: boiled buckwheat, fruit, lightly brewed tea
Lunch: lean soup, baked eggplant, fruit juice
Snack: whole grain bread, some rabbit meat
Dinner: ryazhenka with cookies "Maria"
FridayBreakfast: juice from apples, carrots and beets
Late breakfast: zucchini or stuffed with rice bell pepper, unsweetened tea
Lunch: pickle, steamed meatballs, apple-plum compote
Afternoon snack: steamed rice with raisins, green tea
Dinner: 250 g curdled milk
SaturdayBreakfast: herbal infusion, a piece of diet bread
Late breakfast: vegetables, orange or carrot-cucumber juice
Lunch: pureed soup, cabbage and carrot salad, wheat porridge
Snack: zucchini stewed with bell peppers, tea
Dinner: kefir, baked apples
SundayBreakfast: low-fat yogurt
Late breakfast: coleslaw, a piece of black bread, fruit juice
Lunch: bean soup, beetroot juice
Snack: buckwheat, boiled rabbit meat, weak tea
Dinner: yogurt with oatmeal cookies

Diet after surgery to remove hemorrhoids: menu for the week

INthe first postoperative 24 hours, the patient is given only water. On the second day, they begin to feed in small and fractional portions.

Forsolving the problem: what you can eat after the operation, several examples are recommended:

Menu option Nutrition
1 optionBreakfast: boiled oat bran with raisins and dried apricots, tea
2nd breakfast: croutons, cherry juice
Lunch: shredded cabbage soup
Snack: a portion of curdled milk or low-fat cottage cheese
Dinner: steamed meatballs
Option 2Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, lightly brewed tea
2nd breakfast: two apples, preferably baked
Lunch: potato and cereal soup, boiled poultry meat, fruit cocktail
Snack: croutons, decoction of rose hips
Dinner: semi-liquid cottage cheese, tea
3 optionBreakfast: semolina, green tea
2nd breakfast: berry soufflé
Lunch: light lean puree soup, boiled lean meat, fruit juice
Afternoon snack: steam omelet, baked apple, orange juice
Dinner: boiled low-fat fish, tea

This menu is kept for 7 days after the operation. Within a month after the intervention, it is forbidden to eat food that contributes to flatulence, as well as vegetables that can irritate the intestines (onion, garlic).

From the diet, it is necessary to remove the food that causes blood flow to the pelvis. It's all spicy, smoked, marinated. It is necessary to give up alcohol.

Nutrition after gynecological surgery

Compliance with the feeding regimen after gynecological abdominal surgery is of great importance in the renewal female body. In the first 24 hours, as needed, they are introduced intravenous injections that have an anti-inflammatory effect and are not allowed to eat. After this period, infant formula can be introduced into the diet.

A little later, it is allowed to use cereal liquid cereals containing fiber. During this period, it is forbidden to take bread, full-fat milk and soda. The menu should be diversified with light food and avoid eating raw foods.

After a week, the diet should be significantly increased by adding leafy greens, low-fat meat and fish delicacies, processed by the steam method.

It is desirable to drink a decoction of wild rose and dried fruits. Cranberries and prunes have anti-inflammatory properties and are recommended during this period.

What can you eat after gastric ulcer surgery

The scheme of the postoperative nutrition system is built in the image of therapeutic diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, only it is somewhat stricter.

INthe first few postoperative days it is recommended to refrain from taking drinks and any food. You can only drink water from a spoon. Gradually, liquid food, mainly broths, is added to the diet. Small amounts of sour cream are allowed.

On the third day, 0.5 liters are allowed. liquid food, for fourths up to 1 liter. After five days, it is allowed to eat cottage cheese, semolina and semi-liquid soups. After a week, you can dilute the diet with boiled lean meat and gradually return to the main diet, which consists of boiled and steamed dishes of a thin, soft consistency.

Large pieces need to be crushed. Acceptable food temperature is neither cold nor hot. It is allowed to eat steam omelettes, boiled eggs, cod. For drinking, a decoction of wild rose and jelly is suitable. In the first few months, lightly dried bread should be taken.

Everything smoked, fatty, spicy, pickled is contraindicated. It is preferable to cook fruits in compote, and choose vegetables without the content of coarse fibers.

SpecialThere are no diets for people with a colostomy. The menu must be selected individually and best solution after surgical manipulation, there will be a return to the usual mode of eating, subject to the systematic emptying of the digestive organs. It is advisable to avoid constipation.

You need to eat regularly, carefully choosing foods. During the period of formation of a postoperative scar (1 month), products that promote gas formation should be discontinued ( Rye bread, varieties of cabbage, eggs, onions and garlic, grapes, spicy additives). WITHspecial care should be taken with fatty and hard-to-digest foods.

For a normal bowel reaction to newly introduced foods, you need to consume them gradually. It is necessary to observe moderation in taste preferences, eat edibles often, but in mini-portions.

Nutrition after bladder surgery

The first couple of days after the operation, the patient is injected with a highly nutritious material intravenously. On the second day, moisten the lips with a damp cloth. On the third day after the operation, you can eat low-fat meals- chicken broth, grated cottage cheese, non-solid cereals, which is allowed after the restoration of peristalsis digestive system.

On the fifth day, it is allowed to enter into food steam cutlets and other dishes from dietary meat, boiled cereals and other light foods. Latera decade after the procedure, the patient can return to preoperative food.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia removal

About what you can eat after the removal operation inguinal hernia, the doctor should say. This is one of the points of postoperative recovery, which is very important. After the hernia repair, you need to monitor the work of digestion, avoiding diarrhea and constipation and avoiding excessive gas formation.

ShouldRemove the following foods from your diet:

  • high-fat, spicy and smoked meats;
  • legumes;
  • representatives of the mushroom family;
  • sweet pastries and rye-ground bread;
  • soda and alcohol, kvass.

An important component of nutrition is provisions with high content squirrel. Following the removal of the stitches, you can gradually return to the usual diet of food intake under the supervision of a doctor.

What foods can you eat after heart surgery

After surgical manipulations on the heart, feeding should be given great attention.

  • meat and fat of high fat content;
  • vegetable and cream fats, margarine;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • fast food;
  • salt;
  • heavily brewed tea and coffee.

Acceptance only allowed olive oil. It is useful for the heart and blood vessels to take fish fat containing omega acids. It is recommended to eat boiled red meat and poultry. The diet should be diversified with vegetables, berries and fruits, nuts, prunes, leafy greens, seafood.

As for dairy products, it can be consumed in small quantities and only low-fat. From drinks it is allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions, rosehip infusion, dried fruit broths, plain and mineral water. You need to stop baking.

  • proportion of saturated fat in daily rate calories should be no more than 7%;
  • the share of transgenic fats - no more than 1%;
  • cholesterol rate - less than 300 g per day;
  • the menu should contain foods high in fiber and natural fibers;
  • you need to burn extra calories by playing sports;
  • Don't go on a high protein diet.

Products for wound healing after surgery

For the speedy healing of wounds, the body needs products containing:

  • high protein content (meat, fish products, poultry dishes);
  • vitamin A (orange fruits and vegetables, liver, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables);
  • vitamin C (citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, black Eyed Peas, leafy greens);
  • zinc (meat and beef liver, seafood, legumes, greens);
  • arachidonic acid ( pork fat and liver)
  • fatty acids (oil and fish oil).

It is necessary to create for the patient comfortable conditions, comfort, gentle treatment and these comprehensive measures will contribute speedy recovery organism.

What you can eat after heart surgery and what not:

Elena Malysheva tell the audience what you can eat after the operation:

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. That is why the diet after it should be as varied and correct as possible and contain enough nutrients needed for a speedy recovery. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to compile it, because most right products can be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

For many of us, food is a source of strength and energy needed to perform. daily work, but not more. Meanwhile, in fact, ordinary foods are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that can have a huge impact on our body, including promoting the rapid healing of wounds after operations.

This is happening, according to orthopedic surgeon and author of numerous publications Selena Parekha, “ due to the content in them of special substances with anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Thus, including these products in daily diet, you can quickly return to normal life after surgical interventions ».

Due to the fact that there are several types of operations, to make daily menu it is necessary only together with the attending physician, since he alone knows how the treatment is going and what to fear.

General rules for diet planning

In order for the recovery process to proceed faster, and the person himself does not encounter all sorts of complications, such as constipation or digestive problems, in postoperative period necessary:

  1. 1 eat fractionally, but often (5-6 times a day);
  2. 2 give preference to whole foods, refusing "processed". In other words, eating an orange instead of orange juice, a baked potato instead of french fries, etc. Simply because processed foods not only lose their beneficial features, but also contain more fat, salt, sugar and all kinds of additives to extend their shelf life. Is it worth talking about what harm the latter can bring to an already exhausted organism?
  3. 3 remember fiber. This substance improves digestion and relieves constipation. It is found in cereals, cereals, fruits and vegetables;
  4. 4 choose only products with easily digestible protein. He has essential amino acids promoting rapid wound healing and skin regeneration. You can find it in lean meats like chicken, turkey, or lean pork, as well as fish and seafood;
  5. 5 refuse solid food in favor of light pureed soups, semi-liquid cereals and broths;
  6. 6 Eat only fresh foods, refusing frozen or canned foods in order to get the maximum benefit.

What the body may need after surgery

Exists whole line vitamins and minerals that contribute to the speedy recovery. This:

  • Vitamin C . After the operation, its reserves in the body are quickly depleted, since during this period the immune system tries to prevent the development of any diseases and struggles with pathogenic microorganisms. Nevertheless, regular use products with vitamin C not only restores the body's defenses, but also allows it to more actively produce collagen, which is necessary for skin regeneration.
  • Vitamin A . Takes part in the formation of connective tissue components, promotes skin regeneration.
  • Zinc is a mineral that boosts immunity and promotes faster healing of wounds.
  • Iron - it is responsible for the formation of red blood cells and the optimal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Its deficiency leads to anemia, or anemia, while its content in the diet leads to a quick recovery.
  • Vitamin D - ensures the growth and development of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin E - protects cells from toxins, has antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Folic acid - takes part in the formation of red blood cells. The body especially needs it after strip operations.
  • Phosphorus - doctors can prescribe it after stomach or kidney surgery. In the latter case, for example, in the postoperative period, the body actively restores bone mass lost as a result of kidney failure, using more phosphorus than usual. In order to avoid problems associated with its lack, you need to increase the number of foods with its content in your diet.

Top 12 Fast Recovery Foods

Almonds are a source of vitamin E and an essential mineral needed for fast healing wounds.

Beans are a source of iron, on which the formation of red blood cells depends.

Chicken breast- source of protein responsible for growth and development muscle tissue which after surgery is damaged and requires restoration.

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, which is involved in the process of collagen production and skin regeneration.

Sweet pepper is a source of vitamins A, C, E and fibrin, which are actively involved in the process of skin regeneration.

Ginger - contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also gingerol, which improves blood flow and metabolic processes, including on damaged body area due to which the wound healing process is faster.

Water ensures the functioning of all organs and systems, reduces the feeling of nausea and fatigue, relieves dizziness, and also removes toxins from the body that are formed as a result of inflammation in the wound after surgery. You can replace it with green tea, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoctions and jelly. Meanwhile, the amount of water drunk per day should be determined by the doctor, based on the type of operation and its course.

Seafood - they are rich in zinc, on which the speed of wound healing depends.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the terms of the sick leave after a person has undergone surgery.

Today you will learn:

  1. Which doctors and organizations set the term and for how many days;
  2. Types of operations. What terms are applicable for different species;
  3. Is it possible to extend the sick leave after its expiration;
  4. How is the period of illness paid, what factors affect the amount of benefits;
  5. What to do if the sick leave is closed.

Who and how sets the term of the sick leave

Upon the occurrence of illness, the employee has the right to receive. It has its own terms, according to which the patient is treated at home or in a hospital.

The document defining the disease is issued only by the attending physician, but in no case by an ambulance doctor or honey. blood transfusion station worker.

The maximum time that a doctor can provide for self-treatment, reaches 15 days, and the dentist - 10 days. If a person has undergone surgery, then the sick leave has its own terms, which are determined by a special medical commission.

Initially, upon admission of the patient to the doctor and the discovery of a disease in him that requires surgical treatment, the doctor writes out a document on the disease for 15 days. If necessary, the doctor prescribes an operation for the patient and a postoperative stay in the hospital for his rehabilitation.

After restoring strength, for self-service, the rehabilitated person is discharged at the place of registration, that is, then he must again contact his clinic to receive a full course of medical treatment.

On the date of admission to the hospital for surgery, the surgeon opens a new sick leave, and closes only at the time of discharge from the hospital. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 255. This law allows you to extend postoperative treatment for another 10 days.

When a person needs additional treatment and 10 days were not enough to restore strength after the operation, then the duration of the sheet is extended by the medical commission (VC).

When observing the positive dynamics of the patient's recovery, VC specialists can extend the sick leave period up to 10 months, and if the patient had to be treated after a complex operation, then up to 1 year.

feature postoperative treatment is a visit to the hospital once every two weeks, where the operation was performed, so that the surgeon confirms the need to extend the disability certificate.

If a patient is sent for rehabilitation to a dispensary or sanatorium, then this fact implies an extension of the medical document for another 24 days, including the day of travel to the place.

If, while being on the ballot, a person does not experience any changes in health in positive side, then he must pass the ITU - medical and social examination.

This is a council of doctors who, having studied the patient's condition, put forward a decision to further extend the period of treatment or assign him a degree and disability group. The patient is sent to the ITU after 4 months. from the date of the onset of the disease.

Sick leave after various surgeries

In medical practice, all types of surgical interventions are divided into two groups:

  • Lungs;
  • Medium severity;
  • Heavy.

Light operations- these are those after which the sick patient gets up on his own the next day and can be discharged from the hospital on the 3rd or 5th day. In some cases, sick leave can be issued for 15 days, and on the 16th day, you must begin to perform work duties.

Medium- these are operations after which the stay in the hospital can be delayed, and recovery takes up to 30 days.

Heavy operations– cases when a person after surgery may need long-term help qualified personnel to rise to their feet. In this case, the duration of the disease can be delayed for several months.

These operations include:

  • Open or displaced fractures
  • Injuries to the cranium of a person with a concussion;
  • Deep severe wounds or abrasions resulting from work in heavy production;
  • Appendicitis with peritonitis;
  • cardiac interventions;
  • On the spine.

Consider how long it takes to stay in the hospital after various operations.

Type of surgical intervention

sick leave period

When cutting out the uterus

20 to 45 days

Removal of the vertebral hernia

From 21 to 45 days, with extension up to 10 days

Cutting out the gallbladder

Depends on the neglect of the disease and can take up to 3 weeks, in some cases more, until full recovery

On the joints

It lasts about 30 days, after which the extension of the sick leave is carried out by the ITU until full rehabilitation and access to the workplace

Depends on the complexity of the operation. Lasts from 14 to 60 days with an extension up to 10 days on an outpatient basis

On the heart

1-2 months, depending on severity. Exit only for light work. If the operation is complex, then the ITU assigns disability

Elimination of male inguinal hernia

Max up to 45 days

Simple removal of the appendix

Removal of appendicitis with antibiotics

Up to 30 days

If there are complications during the operation to remove the appendix

More than 30 days as agreed by the attending physician and the head of the hospital

brain operations

Within 8 days, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor in intensive care, only after that he is transferred to a regular ward, where he can stay up to 1.5 months. Moreover, such a period is set by the doctor himself without VC. But in case of complications, the ITU should examine the patient and decide on a further type of treatment.

The period of stay on sick leave depends on the type of operation:

  • Laparotomy;
  • Laparoscopy.

The first case of abdominal surgery is the most difficult and requires a long inpatient stay, so the attending physician himself can issue medical document on long time.

The second type is less traumatic for a person. Assumes punctures special tools, after which the body is able to quickly recover, so the period of stay in the hospital is 15 days.

The maximum period of the disease period cannot be determined unambiguously, it all depends on the complexity of the operation itself and the speed of restoration of human health.

All of the above cases of meeting with the surgeon must be paid by the employer in accordance with the law.

How is it with plastic surgery? If the patient turned to plastic surgeon for help to improve a particular part of the body, then the sick leave in this case is not issued.

But when performing an operation to eliminate difficulties in life, for example, a deviated septum in the nose or oral cavity, the doctor can not refuse a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued for the period from admission to the hospital until discharge from it.

Is it possible to extend sick leave after the expiration date?

The laws do not establish rigid boundaries for the sick leave period, they are determined individually in each case. But the last day depends on the complete recovery of the patient, which determines his fitness to start work.

Another outcome of the disease and postoperative treatment is the assignment of a degree or group of disability, which is within the competence of the ITU.

In the event of a disability being established, the certificate of incapacity for work is closed automatically on the day of the examination. And if this option is excluded, then the period of the disease is set for a period until complete recovery.

Example: tuberculosis patient T.T. Ivanova underwent resection in 2012, that is, the removal of tuberculoma (1/3 of the upper lobe of the right lung). This is an open operation. After 1 month after the operation, an examination was appointed. To be present at the examination from the place of work, it was necessary to provide a description that reflects the nature of the work, position, personal qualities of the employee, etc.

Based on the results of the examination, a council of doctors made a decision to extend the treatment. Because this disease is complete cure and deregistration. And after a year and a half of outpatient treatment, T.T. Ivanova was deregistered at the tuberculosis dispensary.

If the patient has another form of tuberculosis, it can be fibrous, with decay or cavernous, then in such cases the treatment can last for years and there is no cure. In such cases, ITU specialists assign a 3rd disability group.

The example shows that the extension of the deadlines depends on the ITU specialists.

How is sick leave paid?

When accepting a sick leave from a patient, an accounting officer should pay attention to the correctness of filling out a document confirming the disease.

  1. If the duration of the disease is more than 30 days, then in addition to the signature of the attending physician, the signature of the VC specialist must be present.
  2. And when passing medical expertise, the columns must be filled in indicating the date of the holding, extension of the sick leave or its closure with the appointment of another.
  3. Employee personal information.

In case of violations, the employee must contact the place of treatment with a request to correct the errors. If this does not happen, then the certificate of incapacity for work is considered invalid.

In any case, the sick leave after the operation or not, if the employee is concluded and paid for insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

When the operation and rehabilitation fit within a 15-day period, the employee must submit a sick leave to the enterprise, where it will be paid within 10 days.

The payment of any sick leave depends on several factors:

  • The duration of the disease from the first day of the disease until the moment of discharge;
  • The length of service of the employee, during which insurance contributions were made for him;
  • Average earnings for two recent years previous illness.

If the term due to illness is calculated in months, then payment is made in installments, for each extended sheet. This is due to the fact that the form provides only a few lines for the extension of the disease.

The patient is obliged to hand over all the sheets as each one closes, otherwise the absence of such is defined as absenteeism for no reason.

The accountant calculates the disability benefit, reimburses the funds from the FSS, and then pays the employee. The amount of the payment depends on the number of years of service and is paid in the amount of 60, 80 and 100%.

What to do after sick leave

The performance of the employee will depend on the transferred operation. Many diseases after discharge require light work.

  1. If an employee has undergone eye surgery, and his activity is associated with a long stay in front of a computer, then the employee can count on an extension of the sick leave.
  2. If an employee has an operation on his legs, for example, when varicose veins veins, then the period is extended to 30 days, but such a disease requires a longer rest, so the employer must provide his employee with light work for another two or three months.
  3. If a woman has lost her fallopian tube or uterus during surgery, then she will three months you can not lift heavy objects (up to 3 kg), this should also be taken into account by the employer.

Anyway surgical intervention, for the first time after going to work, loads on the body are contraindicated for the patient, so in order not to lose a good specialist, the employer is obliged to provide him with a gentle mode of work.

What can you eat after the operation? Every second patient asks such a question to his doctor.

Unfortunately, doctors do not always give complete recommendations on nutrition to patients after surgery, while it is simply necessary to comply with certain restrictions.

There is no need to think that the diet after the operation should be scarce, rather, it needs to be taken under control and prohibited foods should be excluded from it. The body should fully eat and gain strength after the test. Food should be rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Be sure to organize at least 4-5 meals, with snacks, if necessary. The amount of food consumed should not be large. After any operation, the stomach decreases in size, so you should not immediately load it. In order not to feel the feeling of hunger, it is better to increase the frequency of meals.

It is important to limit the intake of salt, the excess of which can lead to an increase blood pressure at the patient. After the operation, sugary carbonated drinks are banned.

What should patients pay attention to after surgery?

Each individual case requires a more careful approach, because it all depends on the organ on which the operation was performed.

On the first day after the operation, you can only drink a little. The first meal after surgery on appendicitis, stomach or intestines is possible only after 24-36 hours. You can start using a light soup or broth. Borsch, fish, pea soups, okroshka, saltwort and other first courses should be avoided.

Porridge or mashed potatoes should be considered as second courses. Among cereals, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat should be distinguished. During the first week after the operation, meat should not be eaten. Sometimes doctors allow a small amount of rabbit meat, which is dietary. Pastries, cakes, fast food dishes fall under the ban. Special attention you need to pay attention to the temperature of the dishes, which should not be hot or cold.

As products from the dairy series, low-fat yogurts, kefir and milk porridges can be considered. Reception fresh berries and fruits, you should start with small portions to see how the body reacts to them.

Post-surgery diet promotes weight loss and correct mode nutrition. If the operation does not belong to the category of too complex, then the subsequent diet should include foods rich in protein with low content calories.

At this stage of recovery, it is important what and how much patients eat. The process of eating food should be unhurried - about 20 minutes. Also, it is undesirable to drink during meals, so as not to provoke an increase in the stomach.

Most food restrictions are imposed on patients who have undergone.

If the operation was performed, for example, on the arm or leg, then no special restrictions are implied.

If the operation was performed on one of the organs abdominal cavity, then the first few days food intake will be carried out through intravenous injections. It will be possible to start normal food on the second or even third day.

After surgery on the stomach, you can start eating in the same mode only after 14 days. If the cause of the operation was appendicitis, then one week is enough.

While eating, you should listen to your body so as not to miss the moment of satiety. When overeating, there is Great chance appearance of vomiting.

  1. At the first stage after transferred operation eat only liquid foods. In addition to 150 ml of light soups, drinks can be added to the diet. Only 100 ml of liquid should be consumed: low-fat kefir, apple, orange juice.
  2. At the second stage after the operation, you can start using soft food(porridge, puree).

For breakfast, you can afford 150 ml of low-fat yogurt. A small slice of bread with pâté or soft cheese. For lunch, you can diversify dishes with 150 grams of mashed potatoes. Moreover, mashed potatoes can be prepared from both banana, pear, melon, and boiled zucchini, potatoes or squash.

After surgery, the intestines are less able to absorb nutrients. For this reason, food should not only be easy on gastric tract but also high in protein.

A balanced diet is an important aspect of a quick recovery after surgery.

The diet needs to be balanced. What is included in the concept of healthy and nutritious nutrition?

This is the consumption of foods that can saturate the body with about 40 various substances. Therefore, products should be varied: cereals, fish, fresh fruits, dairy products, vegetables, meat.

Milk should be consumed, but only skimmed. The same applies to yogurt and kefir. When choosing bread, you should stop at crackers or whole grains. Fish and meat on the fourth and fifth days after the operation is better to use low-fat varieties. They should only be steamed or boiled.

Porridges at the second stage after the operation are very useful, only they should be given a softer consistency. Vegetables and fruits are recommended to be consumed chopped on a blender or grater. To give a digestible form to cereals and pasta, it is recommended to use sauces, only their concentration should be reduced. If meat broth is used as the basis of the sauce, then it should not be greasy. Fatty cream, a high content of spices, salt, sugar and tomatoes are also excluded.

At the third stage, after the operation, you can eat a homemade omelette made from eggs, boiled potatoes, tomatoes and onions.

Between meals on the third day, you should restore the balance of fluid in the body and drink plain water in the amount of 1.5 liters. It is necessary to drink 15-20 minutes before meals or between meals. This will not cause bloating and possible vomiting.

It is recommended to limit the intake of animal fats. Unsaturated fats, such as vegetable and fish oils, are very necessary for the body as a building material. Therefore, it is recommended to add them in small quantities to the first and second courses in the form of mashed potatoes.

But from the use butter and margarine with a significant fat content should be discarded. On the fifth day, you can allow sandwiches with light oil or vegetable-based margarine.

After surgery, the patient has a decrease in nutrient absorption. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the vitamin and mineral balance by taking special supplements.

Possible Complications

Correct is very important for the normal process of recovery.

If dietary recommendations are not followed, the patient may and will experience various complications. In the event that after eating a person experiences lightheadedness, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, vomiting, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

The cause of unpleasant symptoms can be:

With improper nutrition. This is due to the fact that after a decrease in the amount of food absorbed, the amount of fluid consumed also decreases. For this reason, the intestines are rarely emptied, which leads to stagnation. stool. In between meals, you need to drink enough water (1.5 liters).

Recovery after abdominal surgery is a process that requires a certain amount of time and serious attitude.

Although modern surgery behind Lately has reached a certain perfection, carrying out the most complex operations with minimal damage, high-quality rehabilitation plays an important role in the healing of the patient after surgery. After all, healing and recovery does not occur immediately after surgery, much depends on how the rehabilitation course will take place. Where to conduct a recovery course, at home or in medical sanatorium is a private matter for everyone.

In the postoperative period, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The room should be well ventilated, the lighting should be subdued.
  2. The position of the patient depends on the type of operation performed. During operations on chest- raised, on the spine - recumbent, etc.
  3. After the permission of the attending physician, it is necessary to start moving - this will prevent bedsores, thromboembolism, etc.
  4. In the first days after surgery, the patient may be disturbed abdominal pain in the seam area. In this case, painkillers are used, ice is applied to the excision site. If the bandage is too tight, it should be replaced or trimmed.
  5. Any operation is accompanied by profuse fluid loss. During the rehabilitation period, the daily fluid intake is from 2 to 4 liters.
  6. A therapeutic diet is simply necessary, its composition depends on the type of pathology.

Hygiene measures

The bandage is usually removed two weeks after application, before that it should not be wetted. You can take a shower with a special waterproof sticker. If the bandage becomes wet, peeled off or excessively dirty, it should be replaced. It is not recommended to do this on your own, there is a risk of infection, it is better if an experienced nurse changes the bandage. It is better if special sterile stickers are applied to the seams, they need to be changed from time to time.

Recovery Methods

  1. Physical exercise. A tool tested for decades, it perfectly helps to recover from various injuries, stroke, and joints. But any physical activity should be carried out only with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision. Physiotherapy should be combined with other physiotherapeutic procedures - massage, heating and magnetotherapy. These include ergotherapy - a complex restorative technique aimed at adapting the body to physical activity.
  2. Massage. Universal remedy, which helps with many diseases, in particular, accelerates regeneration processes in the postoperative period, improves blood circulation, and contributes to the tone of the central nervous system. Combined with various massage oils and medicinal ointments gives excellent results.
  3. mineral therapy. Mineral water contribute speedy recovery, increasing the protective functions of the body. Special baths with mineral additives or natural water especially effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal functions.
  4. Electrical stimulation. The impact on the body of specific electrical impulses has a very positive effect on the tone of muscles and nerves. This method is shown with various violations motor functions, stimulating muscles and nerves, improves blood flow in all systems, activates cell structure brain.
  5. Diet. A special way of eating after various operations is a whole layer of information.
  6. The goal of any restorative nutrition system after abdominal surgery is to minimize the load on the operated organ, but at the same time provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. Specific nutritional regimens have been developed for different types of diseases and related operations.

The optimal, but rather tough option in the first days after the surgery is considered to be zero diet. It consists of lightly sweetened tea, various decoctions and jelly, fresh diluted juices, low-fat meat broths, rice water. Meals should be frequent, but in small portions.

In many diseases, nutrition in the full sense of the word is prescribed only after a few days, before that the body is fed only through a special probe. Special nutritional preparations and vitamins are administered intravenously.

The zero diet is divided into three options:

  • 1st option (surgical) - described above;
  • Option 2 - includes the use of various cereals;
  • Option 3 - introduction into the diet is allowed lean meat, various mashed potatoes, fermented milk products, bread croutons.

In gynecology, for example, after surgery on the uterus, there are some nuances. Liquid soups and purees are excluded, the emphasis is on dairy products, cereal porridge, vegetable salads, with the exception of cabbage.

What else do you need to know?

Sex. It is not recommended to have sex earlier than two weeks later, in order to avoid divergence of the seams.

Restoration of working capacity. Return to work after the operation occurs strictly after consultation with the doctor. It all depends on the severity past illness, the quality of the operation and the intensity of rehabilitation. Typically, the recovery period averages about 2 months. If the job involves physical labor, then lifting weights is not recommended for six months.

Psychological condition. For a certain time after the operation, there is a high probability of a general breakdown, apathy and depression. Don't be afraid of it, it's normal. During the rehabilitation period, changes in metabolism occur, the body adapts to new circumstances. After some time, these symptoms should pass, a course of psychotherapy is not excluded.

Pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth should be strictly regulated by the attending physician. The timing of a possible pregnancy after surgery depends on the patient's condition, the specifics of the disease, and the characteristics of the rehabilitation period.

Warning signs. If you have these signs, you should immediately seek medical help:

  1. Persistent pain, swelling, inflammation in the area of ​​​​the sutures.
  2. Continuous release of fluid from the seam.
  3. Regular temperature increase, over 38 C ̊.
  4. Systematic increase in heart rate above 120 beats per minute.
  5. The occurrence of night chills or sweating.
  6. relapse pain syndrome in the affected area.
  7. Regular nausea and vomiting.
  8. Chronic diarrhea.
  9. Prolonged bouts of hiccups.
  10. Protracted weakness, disorientation, depression.
  11. Signs of infection.

It is not so important what kind of operation was performed, no one canceled elementary caution and attention to one's body.

Respect for the doctor's prescriptions and a careful lifestyle are the basis of any rehabilitation course.