The best herding dogs. Description with photos and videos

Since ancient times, livestock provided people with meat, clothing and helped transport goods. But keeping and protecting livestock from predators is just as difficult as caring for them. To simplify their task, farmers began to train and herd sheep and other farm animals. And our Top 5 opens with the Bergamasco shepherd dog, bred just for these purposes.


Purpose of herding breeds

It is believed that several thousand years ago, the tribes of Asia first had dogs trained to protect their master's herds from attacks by people, wolves and even bears. From that time on, an image began to emerge. Initially, all herding breeds were called Sheepdogs, and only over time the breeds received different external qualities and different names. It became clear that in addition to good instincts, courage and bravery, the dog also needs special external qualities: it must have a special color that would not allow it to be confused with any predator, thick skin and warm wool that would protect it from any weather conditions .

The Europeans decided to breed a breed that would meet all these qualities and began crossing fluffy shepherds with local dogs until they achieved the desired result. It is also believed that the warlike Romans made their contribution to the development of shepherd breeds: they paid special attention to ensuring that the shepherd dog could repel the attack of the largest and most evil beast.

In addition to the ability to herd livestock, as well as protect it, the dog was a constant companion and friend of its owner; it happily went hunting for small game to satisfy its owner’s hunger.

Rating of cattle dogs

Each country with developed cattle breeding sought to breed an ideal shepherd dog that would feel great in certain conditions and protect the owner’s livestock from a certain animal. Dogs with particularly thick coats appeared, such as the Bergamasco Shepherd Dog, the fast Mallorcan Shepherd Dog, the small Picardy Shepherd Dog, the sociable Baskak Shepherd Dog and the unusually colored Catahoula Leopard Dog. We will talk about each of these breeds in more detail below.

Bergamasco Shepherd

One of the most unusual-looking shepherd dogs is the Bergamasco Shepherd. It got its name due to the fact that its homeland is the province of Bergamo, in Italy. Italian farmers use the dog primarily for herding sheep in the valleys of the Alps, near the Po Piemonte River, where they descend with their flocks for the winter.

There, in a fairly cool climate, the Bergamasco Shepherd is protected from the cold by its coat, which looks matted and forms flat, hanging patties. This is what gives the dog such an exotic look.

Smart, patient and balanced, the Bergamasco Shepherd, in addition to protecting and herding sheep, is also an excellent companion to its owner. The animal treats the predator with all ferocity, but it honors its owner and unquestioningly carries out all his orders, understanding him perfectly.

It is believed that the Bergamasco Sheepdog has such a delicate sense of smell that it can distinguish the sheep of its flock literally by smell. The animal is unpretentious when it comes to nutrition and, on long-term grazing, makes do with what it has, without being picky. Genetically, an animal is designed to live in open spaces, therefore, the Bergamasco Shepherd will not get along in apartment conditions.

Mallorcan Shepherd

The Mallorcan Shepherd, also known as Ca de Bestiar in Spanish, is a black dog of medium height and strongly built. A dog's coat can be long or short, but the short-haired variety is more common. This breed first appeared off the coast of Spain, on the Balearic Islands in the 16th-17th centuries. It is believed that the Mallorcan Shepherd was developed by crossing local peasant dogs with animals imported from Castile.

The Mallorcan Shepherd was originally used for herding sheep, goats and even cattle. Her appearance due to invisibility at night. After a while, when they gained popularity, the breed began to be used as a fighting breed, and soon as a guard breed.

The Mallorcan Sheepdog breed is very loyal to its owner, but is suspicious of other people and can be unfriendly. In 1975, the Mallorcan Shepherd received an approved standard.

Picardy Shepherd

The Picardy Shepherd is originally from France. It is believed that its ancestors were also the dogs of the Celts; the image of the breed is also found in engravings of the 9th century; it is this century that is considered the century of the origin of the breed. For many centuries, the Picardy Sheepdog was used as a herding and guard dog, and at the end of the 19th century they decided to present her at an exhibition, but her simple and slightly sloppy appearance did not ensure her success.

Today, the Picardy Shepherd is found only in the north of France, in the Pas-de-Calais region, but in other places they know practically nothing about it.

Independent and intelligent, the Picardy Shepherd is easy to train, but over time it can become stubborn, so it always needs the control of a strong owner. The hardworking Picardy Shepherd dog has difficulty getting along in apartments, because she always needs to occupy herself with something, idleness deteriorates her character and she can begin to damage the furniture.

Baskak Shepherd Dog

This breed was bred in Spain, in the northern Basque Country, where the use of the Basque breed in herding is already considered a tradition. According to some assumptions, this breed takes its roots from Central European shepherd dogs. The dog is widespread mainly in its homeland, but it is not considered rare.

The Basque Shepherd has a coarse, golden-colored coat. general view strong, compact. The dog is very loyal to its owner and his family; it can be wary of strangers. In addition to herding livestock, the dog is used as a guide dog and in search operations.

Catahoula Leopard Dog

The Catahoula Leopard Dog first appeared in the United States, Louisiana, where it was bred by colonists. It got its name for two reasons: because of the similarity of color to a leopard, and also in honor of Catahoula County, where it is very popular.

In 1979, the Catahoula Leopard Dog became the official state dog of Louisiana.

The most remarkable thing about the dog's appearance is its amazing color. These are various spots on short hair that create an interesting pattern. Blue eye color is highly valued among breeders.

Video of how to train a Catahoula dog.

Catahoula Leopard Dog - true friend, patient shepherd, good hunter and a security guard. He maintains a warm relationship with the owner, but can be unfriendly in the territory entrusted to him. The Leopard Dog is used for herding and guarding large and small livestock.

Like any other cattle breed, the Catahoula Leopard Dog does not do well in apartment conditions or even in small areas. The ideal place for such an animal is a small farm, where it can always find something to do.

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Video "Shepherd Dogs"

This video talks about herding dogs oh and taking care of them.

Among the basic instincts of any dog, the most valuable is the ability to protect something. Since ancient times, through livestock people had meat and leather, carried out transportation of various goods, which was significant for the people. For this reason, dogs were used to guard various livestock, since there was always a risk of attack by predators.

The dogs were specially trained for herding livestock. This is how herding dogs appeared, descriptions of which are presented in this section of our website.

How did herding dogs appear?

It is generally accepted that herding dogs appeared long ago among nomadic Asian tribes. Their large and brave animals could easily drive away a bear, a wolf, or a stranger from the owner’s herd. Improving the skills and abilities of such dogs began in Europe. The inhabitants of this continent believed that considerable size and boundless courage were far from full list qualities that shaggy shepherds need.

These dogs must be different in color from predators in order to be noticeable at night and not act as a target for the owner’s gun. To obtain this color, Europeans began crossing their dogs with local dogs, resulting in the desired results being obtained.

Also, a significant contribution to the development of this group of breeds was made by the Roman people, who wanted to adapt the animals to fight various predators. This section presents herding dog breeds with photographs and names, which makes it possible to get general idea about these animals.

Since ancient times, people have domesticated sheep, goats, and then cattle. At the same time, a person’s constant companion in the pasture is a dog. This magnificent comrade not only assisted in grazing the herd, but also protected it from attacks by predators. Initially, all representatives of this group were called shepherds, and only centuries later were herding breeds identified. Each breed of herding dog has its own positive qualities and characteristics.


All representatives of this group have the following common features:

  • medium size, proportional build;
  • significant endurance, the presence of developed muscles - for long-term stress;
  • thick fur, undercoat – protection from all weather conditions;
  • poorly developed hunter instinct;
  • excellent qualities of a security guard, distrust of strangers. When the need arises, the dog begins to chase the animal;
  • boundless courage, bravery;
  • devotion to his master.

Currently, the shepherd dog, the shepherd dog, is especially popular, as it has amazing guarding qualities, magnificent appearance and many other excellent characteristics.

These dogs can do various jobs. They do not get tired, for this reason they need exercise and activity. Also, representatives of this group get along well with small children, so they can be kept in a private house where there is a baby.

Naturally, it is undesirable to leave a child alone with a dog, since these dogs are medium and even large in size. During play, a pet may accidentally push a child. Moreover, all herding and cattle dogs presented in this section have a large number of positive qualities and advantages.

When a person began to engage in cattle breeding, the dog became his constant assistant. The faithful four-legged friend not only helped herd the herd, but also protected it from attacks by predatory animals. Herding breeds The dogs were not bred immediately; initially, all herding dogs were called shepherd dogs.

Today there are many breeds whose representatives are excellent shepherds. We'll talk about some of them.

  • The Swiss Cattle Dog, or as it is also called the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, is a strong and confident dog. The Sennenhund is used not only as a shepherd, but also as a “cab driver” - representatives of this breed love to perform hard work, enjoy participating in strength tests and even go mountaineering with their owner.
  • The Languedoc Cattle Dog is native to France. However, it is considered to be larger and tougher than any other French Cattle Dog. For the role pet the dog is not suitable, as it is only suitable for service.
  • The homeland of the collie breed is Scotland, for this reason it is also called collie. The dog has a thick long wool which protects it from bad weather. Representatives of this breed have high mental abilities, do an excellent job with their shepherding duties.
  • The Bobtail is a shaggy breed of herding dog. Their specialty is cattle. The large dog comes from Great Britain. Today they are more often kept as pets.
  • The English Shepherd dates back to the times Ancient Rome. The shepherd dog was used to guard and herd livestock, and also as a home guard.

  • Turkish Kangal breed is a shepherd clean water. Brave, resilient and very clever dog is distrustful of strangers, but will never snap or growl at a stranger. This indigenous breed has lived in Asia for centuries. All data about this shepherd indicates that the dog comes from Turkey, but this country denies this breed. But be that as it may, it is Turkish cattle breeders who note the excellent herding qualities inherent in the Kangal.

Features of shepherd dogs

Herding dog breeds have their own behavioral characteristics that can be noticed even in puppyhood. In order to check whether your dog has the herding instinct (which we will talk about below), just watch your pet. You shouldn’t immediately go with your animal to a place where sheep graze. The latter can frighten an untrained dog. Test your four-legged friend, for example, on a flock of ducks. If the dog shows interest in the bird, it may be the call of the blood.

A feature of shepherd dogs is also close attention, because you need to keep an eye on the flock. The animal must also have highly developed obedience. The dog will not work alone, it must follow the commands given by the shepherd. The hunting instinct will also not hurt, because the dog will have to protect the herd. For this reason, experienced shepherds recommend developing the hunter instinct first, and only then moving on to training.

How to teach a dog to herd

Signs of herding instinct

So, eight-month-old puppies already show signs of a built-in herding instinct. Pay attention to following features baby behavior:

  • the puppy often runs in an arc, as if trying to patrol what is happening around;
  • the dog watches children, looking for those who need protection and control;
  • the baby pushes the ball with his nose or forelimbs, forcing it to move in a given direction;
  • the dog inspects the territory, driving away “strangers” from the yard;
  • the animal chases birds and passing cars;
  • imitate the behavior of a mother hen towards people and animals.

When to start training

The owner must be patient, because in one day even the most simple command It won't work. You should not start training too early, because the pet will forget all the acquired skills. We have already said that a herding dog must be very obedient. Therefore, training begins with simple commands.

At 1 month you can already train to respond to a nickname. From 2 months to six months, communicate closely with the puppy so that he learns to respond to you. Already from 8 months you can begin to introduce an obedience course, and from 10 months you can begin specific training. However, it is important to understand that the puppy not only learns, but also imitates. If the baby is from the very early age watch other herding dogs, he will learn a lot on his own.

Process and commands

There are the following special skills for training a herding dog:

  • habituation to the herd;
  • bringing up lagging animals;
  • herd gathering;
  • patrolling and leveling.

It is necessary to accustom oneself to the herd from puppyhood. It is enough if the baby simply accompanies the mother during grazing. The main thing is not to allow the young “student” to bark for no reason and chase grazing cattle. It will be more difficult to accustom an adult pet to a flock.

The dog must hurry up those who have strayed from the herd with the command “Drive!” The training begins with a visual demonstration. They take the dog on a long leash, allow some sheep to lag behind, and then give the dog the command “Chase!” It is also important to work on the moment of stopping the rut, so that the animal develops the habit of running away from the dog pursuing it into the herd, and the dog stops the rut when the “fugitive” approaches the herd. At first, the shepherd can help the dog by shouting until the cattle learn to obey the dog. As a result, the pet must, without a command, see the lagging animal and drive it into the herd.

The herd is collected by the command “Around!” The training begins in a fenced area. First, the trainer leads the dog on a leash in a circle, gradually loosening it, while the dog should not move away from the fence. Next, the trainer lets the four-legged assistant pass a little forward, gives him the command “Around!”, and he quickly walks towards the pet. Having met, he rewards the dog with a treat.

They patrol and level the herd with the command “Forward!” and “Equal!” First, the skill is practiced without a herd, sending the dog, for example, to cross a bridge. They begin patrolling when the four-legged assistant has learned to quickly execute the command “Forward!” The dog must not allow sheep or livestock to approach dangerous places, for example, ravines.

In addition to the above skills, a herding dog must be able to find lost sheep, turn the flock left or right, and also guard and protect the flock from predators.

Video “How to teach a dog to herd”

From this video you will learn how to train a dog and teach herding.

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Decorative, hunting, service. The list is incomplete without herding dogs. Name classes is associated with the purpose of dogs. They are livestock guards, guiding them to and from pastures, and fighting off predators.

The last task was relevant centuries ago. Therefore, the first herding dog breeds were distinguished by their power, large sizes, ferocity. These were brought out by the nomadic peoples of Asia. Once in Europe, the dogs began to transform into smaller, nimble, flexible and smart dogs. What are metamorphoses associated with? Let's figure it out.

History and characteristics of herding dogs

Cattle dog shredded due to a change in profile. Since the 17th century, wolves began to be shot so actively in Europe that they were almost exterminated. There was simply no one to protect the herds from.

On the other hand, the need to protect the gardens of sprawling cities from grass has become more acute. This is what is called trampling of plots by livestock. The dogs were required to skillfully manage the herd during its movement and herding.

Fury and enormous size were no longer required here. It's not like fighting a bear. However, although rare, attacks on herds continued. Therefore, fearlessness herding dogs saved.

In order to preserve the dogs themselves, Europeans focused on selecting dogs with colors that were different from the colors of the skins of predators and visible in the dark. People also protected their livestock and sometimes accidentally shot their four-legged helpers. After sad stories, buy a shepherd dog began to try a light color.

In accordance with their mission, herding dogs are proportionally built, physically developed and hardy. Running for kilometers after herds over rough terrain is exhausting. All shepherd dogs are hairy for a reason too.

Dense and long wool protects from rain and heat. The fur coat maintains body temperature even when it’s 40 degrees outside. In addition, the fur gets stuck in the mouths of attacking predators.

The fight against attacking predators in herding dogs is associated with a protective, rather than a hunting instinct. If the latter is developed, the dog will begin to be distracted from its main duties, because not only wolves run across the fields, but also hares.

Representatives of the breed group should not pay attention to them. The beast is only interested in dogs when it threatens livestock.

Pictured is a Border Collie herding dog.

Individuals that expressed aggression towards humans and disobedience were rejected from herding dogs. Therefore, the heroes of the article are selflessly devoted to people, flexible in communicating with their owners.

However, shepherd dogs are wary of strangers. Not only animals, but also people can cause damage to the herd. Dogs instinctively know this, announcing the arrival of strangers with loud barks.

By nature, shepherd breeds are reserved and observant. These are not upstarts raving about or without reason. But, if there is a reason, the dog can be aggressive. Pasture plots are usually divided between people.

The dog knows his territory and carries this over into apartment life. When getting a shepherd as a companion dog, you need to understand that the pet will protect its home, its plot, the path along which it walks, and the owners’ car. However, we will talk about the nuances of the content of the heroes of the article in a separate chapter.

Care and maintenance of herding dogs

A herding dog needs an observation post in the house. The pet instinctively strives to keep the situation under control, to hide and be vigilant. Because of this, shepherd dogs are perceived by many as phlegmatic. However, in moments of danger and threat, dogs show miracles of reaction speed, dexterity and intelligence.

In domestic settings, herders are often considered aggressive. Meanwhile, until the age of 3-4 years, dogs behave atypically. This is due to the late maturation of the shepherds.

An animal growling at guests in the corridor is only insecure puppy.Cattle dog asks the owner for help. He must show that he is in control of the situation and there is nothing to worry about.

Pictured is an Australian Cattle Dog

Mindful of natural obstacles to protecting herds, shepherd dogs are especially vigilant in dark time days, fog, in a smoky area. If there is heavy smog in the city, evening, it is better to take your pet on a leash.

The rest of the time, herding dogs walk well without a leash or muzzle. However, you need to keep your distance from the four-legged animal. He perceives the approach of strangers and their attacks in his direction as an attack. In the crowd they walk with a shepherd on a leash, controlling the dog’s behavior.

The wariness of herding dogs requires systematic socialization during puppyhood. Stroking from the owners gives positive emotions and reinforces the touch in the mind as something pleasant.

Try to take your puppy to crowded places, playing with him there and rewarding him with treats. Raise a calm and loyal friend. True, he won’t stop barking. The need is related to informing the surrounding areas that there are guards near the “herd” and they should not approach.

Loud barking makes keeping herding dogs in an apartment building problematic. The heroes of the article are more suitable for private homes. Precisely for homes, not enclosures in the yard. Shepherds have a hard time being excluded from the family circle. Ignore measure in educational purposes also unacceptable.

Pictured is a Hungarian shepherd dog

It is important for the owner of a shepherd dog to prove his independence. Otherwise, the pet will perceive the owner as a weak unit in need of protection. From now on, even a relative will not be able to shake hands.

The dog will begin to defend the ward. It could be a child. The attitude of herding dogs towards children, by the way, depends on upbringing and socialization. Working dogs are not always patient with children.

The physical characteristics of herding dogs require long walks with their pets. The heroes of the article are not for busy people. A four-legged animal needs to be devoted to at least several hours a day. However, the nuances of care depend on the chosen breed. Let's look at a few popular ones.

Breeds of herding dogs

The list will open Australian Cattle Dog. It is ideal for driving livestock over long distances, but is problematic in the house. The breed is thirsty permanent job, actions.

Every day the dog should lie down and fall asleep “without hind legs" Lack of fatigue leads to behavior problems. Energy begins to spill out into aggression, eccentricity, and waywardness.

Pictured is a Hungarian shepherd dog called Mudi.

On photo of herding dog Australia with wool middle length, erect ears, elongated muzzle. The animal is of medium height, lean and muscular. Genetically, the breed is a mixture of a dog brought by the colonialists and a wild dog. Later, blood was mixed in. The first option was too biting and aggressive.

Also deserves attention Hungarian Cattle Dog. It is also called mudi. Unlike Australian shepherds, representatives of Hungary are universal. Moody become not only shepherds, but also hunters, companions, and search engines.

Dogs of this breed are especially good at detecting drugs. Hungarian dogs get along well with active people, be they hunters, fishermen or athletes. Only one person is recognized as the owner. Members of the mudi owner's family are treated calmly.

Externally, the Hungarian shepherd dog resembles. The same wedge-shaped head with a pointed muzzle and erect ears. Mudi sizes are medium. The coat of dogs of this breed is moderately long and silky. The hair on the head and paws is curly.

French Cattle Dog larger than its predecessors. At the withers, dogs of the breed reach 70 centimeters. Pets weigh about 50 kilograms. The appearance of the shepherd is typical of shepherd dogs, since the breed belongs to them.

Pictured is a French Cattle Dog Beauceron

Pictured is a French Cattle Dog Briard.

At the withers, Azorean dogs reach 60 centimeters and weigh more than 50 kilos. This indicates a dense, broad-boned and muscular build of the breed. There is something about them from terriers.

Like the latter, Azorean shepherds are monogamous and have difficulty surviving a change of owners. Representatives of the breed are overly aggressive towards strangers, but they are distinguished by intelligence. This fact allows you to train your pets.

In the hands of professional dog handlers, shepherd dogs from the Azores become calm and easy-going towards everyone. Only now, the breed is included in the top “20 most rare dogs peace." The price of the dog corresponds. For an animal with a pedigree they ask for at least 800 US dollars.

Pictured is an Azorean Cattle Dog

Completes the list Bernese Cattle Dog. Also known under the name. Representatives of the breed originated from Roman Molossians. Outwardly, the Mountain Dog resembles, equally powerful, with a wide muzzle and slightly loose lips.

The dog's power comes from historical uses. In the old days, Bernese dogs were used not only as shepherds, but also as draft power.

Character bernese mountain dog easygoing for a shepherd dog. But, you need space. Bernese dogs get along well in the courtyards of private houses. You shouldn't put it on a chain.

The photo shows a Bernese Cattle Dog, also called the Bernese Mountain Dog.

The house is cramped for the mountain dog, and the owners are uncomfortable, because the shepherd sheds all year round. The dog has a lot of hair, it is long. In general, you will be tired of cleaning sofas, clothes and floors.

Each person has his own calling: some love hunting, others love adventure and fighting, and still others are farmers. And for each type of activity, people have bred excellent helpers - dogs. Dachshunds, spaniels and others help the hunters hunting breeds, lovers of extreme sports, strength and death grip admire bull terriers and fighting dogs, and for the farmer it is important to protect the herd and territory, so a shepherd dog is given to him to help.

Qualities and character of dogs

The main purpose of dogs was to protect estates and livestock, so a large, hardy, courageous dog with good guard qualities and the ability to chase and fight a predator was needed. Previously, shepherd dogs were used for this craft, and then a whole list of breeds was determined.

The guarding and hunting qualities of the dog are important for the shepherd. So that while grazing in places where wild birds gather, the dog could bring prey and raise the bird on its wing for hunting.

The pet must have thick and warm fur so as not to freeze in bad weather. Unquestioning obedience, discipline and balance mandatory requirements requirements for a “security guard”.

Gallery: breeds of herding dogs (25 photos)

Types of herding breeds

Each region uses its own national herding dogs to guard the herd. There are many varieties, but the purpose is the same - to protect the herd from attacks by predators and to help the shepherd drive the cattle to the field.

Initially, this craft used bloodthirsty, fearless dogs huge size, ready to fight with a wild predator and even a bear. But the years passed, the world improved, wolves and foxes were shot, which made grazing easier and safer. Shepherd dogs have become smaller in size, and their character has become more loyal to others. Let's look at the most common types of herding dogs.

The breed originates from Scotland, where it is valued for its loyalty and love for its family. An excellent loyal friend and assistant, she has a high mind and intelligence, she is characterized by responsiveness and compassion, affection, and courage. Despite the herding type, the collie is a welcome friend in every family. She is easy to train, disciplined and smart, loves children and is ready to stand up for her family no matter what.

The Scottish shepherd dog became very popular in the 50s after the release of the film "Lassie", which showed a real collie, brave, smart, loyal and loving.

Collie height is 65 cm, and weight is up to 35 kg. The breed is characterized by long, thick red-and-white fur. They tend to lead active image life: they love to play, run, bark and chase moving cars. They are participants in many contests and competitions, but at the peak of their fame, unscrupulous breeders were engaged in breeding puppies, so their purebredness weakened.

When buying a puppy, you need to pay great attention to its gender and get acquainted with the documents of the parents. It is better to make a purchase from a breeder with a good reputation, who values ​​​​his name and sells quality puppies. The cost ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Border Collie

An incomparable shepherd dog, one might say, one of the best. The Border quickly learns commands and is very smart, which sets it apart from other breeds. The origin comes from England, or more precisely, from the border area between England and Scotland. Historical data indicates the emergence of the Border family as early as 1570.

Graceful, slender, but at the same time strong and strong dog. The coat is short and medium length, there is an undercoat, thanks to which it does not freeze in cold weather. Outwardly not as beautiful as a collie, but quite smart. By nature, the dogs are very smart, balanced, easy to learn and trainable.

The English Cattle Dog is an excellent herder. She can independently graze the herd, knowing each sheep by smell, controls the process of pasture and the presence of the herd in the field, preventing predators and strangers. You will have to pay a lot for a border puppy: their cost is 25,000-50,000 rubles.

Australian Cattle Dog - Heeler

The heeler was bred in Australia for driving sheep and cows over long distances. To breed extremely hardy “shepherds” they used short-haired collies and wild dogs dingo. As a result of selection, a new type of pet was developed, capable of very long walks, hardy, smart, flexible, strong, brave, but a little stubborn.

The dogs are easy to train, smart, strong, with a muscular build, very active, but despite this, affectionate, loyal and loving, ready to defend the family in any situation. Their population around the world is growing every day.

Bernese Mountain Dog or Bernese Shepherd

Another type of four-legged shepherd is swiss shepherd. The roots of the breed grow from the city of Bern, hence the name - Bernese Mountain Dog. Pets make you fall in love at first sight with their beautiful appearance, aristocratic behavior and manners; four-legged animals often appear in films and are wildly popular as pets.

By nature, the representatives of the family are calm, good-natured, affectionate, balanced, do not show aggression towards other pets and strangers, but are ready to become excellent guards and family protectors. They tend to be peaceful, so in suspicious situations they bark and growl loudly, but rarely attack. Amenable to training and strict discipline.

French breeds

Briard belongs to the genus of herding and cattle dogs, it originated in France back in the 12th century, but the official breed standard was adopted in 1897. Four-legged animals are often used in protecting farmland, livestock, the private sector, in security and rescue services, to help people with disabilities. Dogs are funny by nature, playful, smart, easy to train, disciplined, a little stubborn. Briards are frequent participants in all kinds of livestock competitions and competitions.

French shepherd dogs also include:

  • Beauceron.
  • Picardi.
  • Pyrenean Shepherd Dog.
  • Pyrenean mountain.

All dogs have excellent guard qualities, but are outwardly distinguishable from each other. Beauceron- an aristocrat, has smooth black fur with red markings, these dogs are incredibly loyal and sociable, hardy and brave. Externally there is a similarity with Dobermans.

Picardi - unusual dog medium size with protruding, coarse hair. It looks funny and harmless, but in reality it is a real watchman, brave and devoted, ready to defend its owner and its territory until the last breath.

Pyrenean Shepherd- an excellent nanny and watchman, ready to protect both a flock of sheep and a very tiny baby. The average height of a four-legged animal reaches 40 cm, but despite this, they have high herding qualities.

Pyrenean Mountain Shepherd looks like alabai. Just as strong, strong, muscular and well physically developed. The Snow White Shepherd is very affectionate, calm, good-natured, a real bodyguard and a loyal friend. It’s not scary to go into the deepest forest with this one.

Pride of the CIS countries

Among the French, English and Swiss breeds, Russian and Asian representatives are not lost. Dogs are characterized by a formidable and massive exterior, but a kind and flexible character, these include:

  • Alabaya.
  • South Russian Shepherd.
  • Caucasian Shepherd.

South Russian Shepherd

Another formidable good fellow. As a result of crossing greyhounds with shepherd dogs, a fantastic dog was obtained with long thick hair and excellent guard qualities. Very smart, discreet, positive and intelligent dogs are often used as watchmen and perform guard duty, and also fulfill their direct responsibility - protecting flocks of sheep, merging with total mass, because outwardly they resemble a harmless lamb.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The most common breed in Russia. She is often kept for protection state border, serious objects and private lands. The Caucasian is a strong, muscular, brave, fearless, intelligent and determined watchman. At proper training and skillful upbringing, he grows up obedient and restrained, obeys the owner and does not attack without reason, but you should not contact him without the presence of the owner.


A seemingly menacing, strong, impressively sized dog can become affectionate and loving friend, an excellent watchman and shepherd. Central asian shepherd dog went through strict natural selection, surviving in harsh conditions and fighting off attacks from predators - all this left a mark on the character of the animals. They have become more resilient, stronger, smarter and more reasonable; Asians will not stupidly carry out commands if they do not see its need.

They are very popular in security organizations, on farms, border areas and private sectors.

All pets of herding breeds are kept in enclosures or spacious pavilions; it is not advisable to keep them on a chain, but big size will not allow them to live with you in the apartment. Dogs love long walks Fresh air, training, don’t mind hunting and observing the situation. Thick and dense wool will not allow the pet to freeze in cold weather and cold; for insulation, it is enough to add hay to the kennel.

When raising a puppy, you should be strict and reward him with goodies for positive achievements in training. Try to walk your puppy in in public places When accustoming to society, in adulthood it is necessary to have a muzzle and a strong leash. Remember, full maturation and maturation lasts up to two years, during this period the pet may behave atypically, be patient and do not stop training.

Diet features

Like all pets, herding breeds require careful selection of diet and balanced nutrition to maintain strength and health in such big body. Main components natural nutrition dogs are:

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