Cardiovascular products CJSC "Production Pharmaceutical Company Obnovlenye" ​​Riboxin Bufus - "Riboxin is a vitamin for the heart. Mildronate and Riboxin are similar drugs in action, what is their difference?”

Mildronate and Riboxin were created for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. These drugs have similarities and some differences.

Similarities between the compositions of Mildronate and Riboxin

Riboxin is a medication intended to normalize metabolism in the myocardium and treat tissues during hypoxia. The product is manufactured in Russian Federation. The drug is produced in the form of coated tablets. Active substance- inosine. The medicine is produced in a dose of 200 mg.

Additional components:

  • starch;
  • stearin;
  • cellulose;
  • sucrose;
  • iron oxide.

The drug is packaged in cardboard boxes with blisters of 10 or 25 tablets. In pharmacies the medicine is sold by prescription.

Indications for the use of Riboxin:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • long-term use of glycosides;
  • heart attack;
  • varicose veins;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis caused by taking medications or alcohol.

Athletes drink Riboxin to increase endurance.


  • intolerance to the components of the product;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • allergy to fructose;
  • glucose deficiency.

For kidney disease, the medicine should be used under the supervision of a physician. Riboxin is well absorbed.

Can be adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • burning;
  • increase in urea in the blood;
  • exacerbation of gout.

The medicine should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Mildronate is a medicine that improves metabolism in tissues and provides them with energy. Athletes used the drug during increased physical activity during training.

The medication is available in two forms:

  • capsules for internal use;
  • ampoules with liquid for injections.

The active substance is meldonium.

Mildronate is a medicine that improves metabolism in tissues and provides them with energy.


  • silicon;
  • starch;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide.

The medicine is packaged in cardboard packs containing 6 blisters of 10 tablets each.

It is used in complex treatment:

  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmias;
  • heart attacks;
  • decreased activity;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • overexertion in athletes;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholics.


  • deficiency of potassium in the blood;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • severe kidney disease.

Adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • increased fatigue.

The drug is prescribed by the attending physician. Riboxin and Mildronate are potent drugs, so you need to strictly follow the duration of the course and dosage. Riboxin is taken half an hour before meals. The tablet is swallowed whole and washed down with water. The course of treatment is 1-3 months. The medicine is taken every day. The first dose is 600-800 mg. Greatest daily dose- 2400 mg, it is divided into several parts. If adverse reactions occur, stop taking the drug.

Mildronate is taken in the morning, because... in the evening the patient may have nervous excitement. Athletes take 50-100 mg 2 times a day before training. For ischemia and damage to cerebral vessels, 50-100 mg is prescribed. Duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months. The drug is prescribed for increased loads. In this case, they drink the drug 2 times a day, the daily dose is 5 g. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

What is the difference between Mildronate and Riboxin

Medicines have different compositions. Mildronate contains meldonium, and Riboxin includes inosine, a natural component found in human body. Riboxin increases metabolism. It normalizes the heart rate and improves blood circulation.

Inosine is involved in the transformation of glucose and improves its metabolism during a lack of oxygen. Riboxin normalizes the processes of enriching cells with oxygen.

Once in the tissue, the active substance:

  • increases energy metabolism;
  • normalizes the metabolism of the heart muscle;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • increases stroke volume of blood.

The medicine reduces blood clotting and promotes tissue repair, restores the heart muscle and stomach walls.

Mildronate has similar properties, but, unlike Riboxin, is not consumed by the body to form substances. Meldonium improves the formation of enzymes that produce energy, normalizes metabolic processes. Riboxin, in contrast, is involved in chemical reactions, is a metabolite.


Mildronate cost:

  • capsules 500 mg, 60 pcs. Latvia — 599 rub.
  • capsules 250 mg, 40 pcs. Latvia - 270 rub.

Cost of Riboxin:

  • ampoules 0.2 ml, 10 pcs. Volgograd — 70 rub.
  • tablets 200 mg, 50 pcs. Volgograd — 79 rub.

What's better

When treating with Riboxin, it is necessary to take dosages of the drug that correspond to its absorption by the body. Mildronate is not wasted during metabolism, it has a long-lasting effect and can be taken in smaller quantities. Doctors may prescribe using these medications together, then healing effect rises.

Doctors believe that Riboxin is better than Mildronate if the patient takes the medicine on an outpatient basis. Mildronate is used in the hospital because... it may cause adverse reactions such as racing blood pressure or dizziness. The attending physician prescribes the drug depending on the form of the disease.

    06.04.2006, 18:41


    Heart... such a strange animal...

    - “Protein, amino acids...”
    - “And what else?”

    mildronate, added riboxin And Potassium orate

  • 06.04.2006, 23:00

    A friend of mine was also as healthy as an astronaut, and then bam and all training was banned, he had some problems with his cardiogram. He also takes Meldronate and takes heart vitamins. Soon he will also go for examination again and they will see what’s wrong with him..
  • 10.04.2006, 03:52


    Message from Admin

    I periodically undergo heart examinations, just for myself. The cardiologist said that in her 10 years of practice she could literally count on one finger the number of people with this condition. healthy heart. And the other day I dropped in to see her for another ECG (computer)
    They connected me..., after 10-15 seconds:
    - “Sergey Alekseevich, besides vitamins, what else do you take???”
    - “Protein, amino acids...”
    - “And what else?”
    -“It’s been two weeks since I finished the Deca + Dough course and I’m now on PCT (clomiphene)”
    - “You have significant, and clearly medicinal, changes” ... “I even find it difficult to say what condition your heart is in” “But I still recommend mildronate for prevention and then come see me again!!!”

    I decided not to limit myself to one mildronate, added riboxin And Potassium orate. Plus I bought special vitamins (heart vitamins). In general, I practically restored my heart, but I concluded for myself that during the course you definitely need additional nutrition for the heart muscle, that is, mildronate and I think almost certainly riboxin, especially before training.

    This is fine. More often than not, the changes are positive. But small glitches also happen. More often they are associated with changes not in some cunning secretions of cunning hormones. And with the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    And I made the right decision; such therapy never hurts. Although the tablets, and even in such quantities, even with healthy filling, the same load is only on the intestines. After all, in a sense, eating pills is like eating candy and a candy wrapper together.

    I should note that this combination can be the first and key for many beginning bodybuilders. After all, this combination is almost as effective as “methane”. True, you will have to eat more tabs. But this is not suitable for everyone. Lately I have also received complaints about this bundle. More often they complain of arrhythmia. Be careful. Go from small to large.

    Usually recommended for beginners riboxin And Potassium orate. Let's simply and angrily add for example Vitrum two tablets after breakfast and your first anabolic complex for building masses ready. Now it's a matter of nutrition and sleep.
    I got carried away and fell asleep.

  • 10.04.2006, 07:37

    Why does the heart most often fail?
  • 10.04.2006, 20:36

    Basically, with an incorrect load, if this is not harmful, of course, it also happens when adolescence but this can be treated quite quickly, the main thing is to stop sports during this period. In general, if the load is not distributed evenly and there is not enough rest, very often if you suddenly start playing sports, and then suddenly quit, this is very harmful and has a great effect on the heart. I can give you an example: professional skiers who were on the national team take 2 years to train! and if not even after the construction, then at least a year! so take care of your animal!)))
  • 11.04.2006, 03:19

    True words, although a little chaotic.
  • 12.04.2006, 21:23


    Message from Voland

    True words, although a little chaotic.

    In what sense?

  • 13.04.2006, 01:38

    So don't bother.
  • 13.04.2006, 20:49

  • 13.04.2006, 22:32


    Message from Sandr

    I regularly use Riboxin or Mildronate. But from Riboxin I feel more invigorated than from Mildronate, although the cost, you know, is 4 times cheaper. And in general, what is the significant difference between Riboxin and Mildronate???

    Listen, why pierce regularly?:

  • 14.04.2006, 01:04


    Message from Sandr

    I regularly use Riboxin or Mildronate. But from Riboxin I feel more invigorated than from Mildronate, although the cost, you know, is 4 times cheaper. And in general, what is the significant difference between Riboxin and Mildronate???

    This is what I don’t know, this is what I don’t know. But I like Riboxin the same way.:eek:

  • 14.04.2006, 05:27


    Message from Sandr

    I regularly use Riboxin or Mildronate. But from Riboxin I feel more invigorated than from Mildronate, although the cost, you know, is 4 times cheaper. And in general, what is the significant difference between Riboxin and Mildronate???

    Without going into the intricacies of chemical processes. You can simply say the following.
    riboxin, as it were, nourishes the cell from the inside, promoting the synthesis of certain substances, making its work more efficient, and mildronate, as it were, configures the cell for best entry nutrition, and removal of toxins. To exaggerate it further, mildronate expands the “gate” for substances to enter the cell and remove waste products.
  • 14.04.2006, 09:49

    The heart muscle increases as a result of constant loads and it is the same as others muscle tissue requires regular replenishment. And you feel better when you take cores.
  • 14.04.2006, 13:59

  • 14.04.2006, 22:47

    Hmmm, I'll have to take note!
  • 15.04.2006, 13:49

  • 16.04.2006, 00:21

    I just think it’s unnecessary to take pills if nothing hurts, with the exception of vitamin complexes.. I don’t think orotate is somehow terrible drug:) as it might seem because of the word “SUCH”.
    We agree that the reception medicines must be justified?
  • 16.04.2006, 00:34

    it seems they didn't understand each other
    potassium, we are talking about it, is ALWAYS needed, especially for those who exercise; no one has canceled the hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium when playing sports
  • 16.04.2006, 00:46


    Message from Doctor

    it seems they didn't understand each other
    potassium, we are talking about it, is ALWAYS needed, especially for those who exercise; no one has canceled the hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium when playing sports

    I am not against the prevention of heart disease, why would I give up happiness :)? Only I have my own approach to this.

  • 16.04.2006, 00:50

    I’ll try to post one translated article on the topic topic in the near future
  • 16.04.2006, 07:15



  • 23.04.2006, 03:25


    Message from Admin

    Is there a way to improve absorption? orotateand potassium. You see, the point is this: When using OK, the interval between meals becomes prohibitively long, more than 5 hours.
    (let me explain: you need to take OK an hour before meals plus 0.5 hours of the food itself, and then wait 4 hours to take the next dose, a total of 5.5 hours and so on 3 times a day) But with such intervals in meals, the gym is practically contraindicated .
    In my opinion, there are two options:
    - We forget about the interval and stupidly increase the dose, but then the question is by how much?
    -Additionally we use substances that accelerate absorption potassium salt orotic acid

    I went through tons of literature and asked physiologists about how strange it is that you can increase absorption with the help of insulin and glucose, but the catch is that insulin is a rather capricious drug and it is not so easy to get, if necessary I can lay out the dosages... but I warn you...
    Not so much about increasing the dosage the best option in terms of the fact that with hyperkalemia the symptoms include such fatigue, weakness in calf muscles, general weakness, which can be mistaken for a lack of potassium and increase the dose, which can worsen the situation

  • 26.04.2006, 23:22

  • 27.04.2006, 00:58

    Less discos:) And finally, in adolescence, many people have heart problems (apparently due to the restructuring of the body, etc.)
    In general, quit secretly smoking! :)
  • 27.04.2006, 02:50


    Message from DioEm

    people, I have a problem... A year ago, around winter, I started doing sports intensively, running, pull-ups, abs, push-ups, dumbbells... I went to a sports camp from school for 3 weeks... they didn’t push us there, but there was real opportunity don’t neglect your preparation, as a result, several times a day doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, inversions... and even discos in the evenings... somehow at one of the discos I felt uneasy... I didn’t go anywhere... .thought it would go away..after that the heart became aware of itself no no and lets you know....sometimes for days: it seems like some kind of load in the area of ​​the heart, sometimes everything is the summer I actually ran in the mornings, not every day though, then my classes have completely come to a standstill, now I’m going to go in for sports again, I want to improve my health, but I just don’t know where to start... the trick is that I’m still alive with my parents, and I don’t want to strain myself with my problems, and I don’t want to swallow any pills , you never know what the effect will be.. please advise something.. what kind of exercises might be useful for restoring the heart.. thanks in advance.

    You need to consult with a good specialist who can supervise your activities. And then everything will return to normal without problems. You just quickly began to put a strain on your body, and then your heart couldn’t stand it. You just haven’t learned to feel your body well yet - that’s the result! So turn to a good trainer!

  • 27.04.2006, 05:45


    Message from DioEm

    people, I have a problem... A year ago, around winter, I started playing sports intensively, running, pull-ups, abs, push-ups, dumbbells... I went to a sports camp from school for 3 weeks... they didn’t push us there, but there was a real the opportunity not to neglect your training, as a result, several times a day, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, inversions... and even discos in the evenings... somehow at one of the discos I felt uneasy... I didn’t go anywhere. ..I thought it would go away..after that the heart became aware of itself no no and lets you know....sometimes for days: it seems like some kind of load in the area of ​​the heart, sometimes everything is the summer I actually ran in the mornings, not every day though, then the classes completely stopped, now I’m going to go in for sports again, I want to improve my health, I just don’t know where to start... the trick is that I’m still alive with my parents, and I don’t want to bother with my problems, and I don’t want any pills swallow, you never know how it will affect you... please advise something... what kind of exercises can be useful for restoring the heart... thanks in advance.

    See a doctor for examination immediately!!!
    I'm not kidding with this. You never know, maybe you had a heart attack. And you can do sports in any situation, but when you know the true state of your heart, you can choose the right loads. Otherwise, everything could end very badly. And don't be afraid of pills: Dmany of us do not accept any: 11:
  • 27.04.2006, 10:43

    Well, at 16 years old, a heart attack is too much, but Admin is right for an examination
  • Quote:

    Message from DioEm

    Today I went up to my mother and said that my heart was playing tricks, she showed me, well, he showed me roughly the area, Onea says that the spleen is actually located there, well, anyway, one of these days I’ll go to the clinic (it’s just that it’s 120 km from home, and the May holidays’s possible that the loads are acting on the spleen???I also noticed that when I eat a lot after school, it’s as if this load increases...and I also discovered all this in the camp.. .it was just May, and we drank carbonated water terribly there, several bottles a day, maybe this had something to do with it?? And again, the weight somehow affects the spleen..sorry if I bothered you;)

    Well, why did you get it?...Maybe, in fact, from the soda, the heart went into the spleen? By the way, what are the loads....?,....from a heavy lunch? :)
    Oh, I wish I had your years and your loads... Probably when you pulled girls’ tits at the disco, your heart didn’t interfere with your spleen?
    But seriously, at your age many people have heart problems, don’t worry about it.

  • 12.07.2006, 21:23

    Well, guys, you've done something really clever here... And potassium orthorate, and spleen, and soda... You've collected everything in a heap... Listen to the old akyn: it so happened that I was passing through full examination on the subject heart health. An enlargement of the left ventricle (in common parlance, “bull’s heart”) was revealed. The doctor explained to me that this change in the size of the heart muscle does not occur because the heart is somehow miraculously pumped up, like the biceps or deltoid. With increasing load, there is a significant increase in blood flow, which pumps the heart per unit time. Accordingly, the walls of the heart muscle (read: left ventricle) are stretched, thinned, losing their elasticity to a certain extent. If you miss this moment and do not attach importance to it, the walls can significantly lose their elasticity, which will lead to real cardiac problems, especially in old age. But it’s not all that scary, gentlemen! There is a way out and it’s called cardio training (even from the name itself you can determine their purpose)! There is no need to invent anything - treadmill, exercise bike, ellipse... there can be many options. You need to run for 20 minutes or more. It is after 20 minutes that the training (real training) of the heart muscle begins. There is no need to be overzealous, both the pace and the load should be average, you should run comfortably and without being out of breath. Whoever says that aerobic exercise should be excluded - I absolutely disagree with you. In case of heart problems, this is the most important path healing. But anaerobic (strength) training will really have to be limited during this period. What do I mean by limit? In my understanding, this means that you do not need to perform one-time approaches, create splits based on 8-10 repetitions. The weight of the weights is no more than 80% of the maximum... Enjoy your training, return to the weights you worked with six months or a year ago, concentrate on the technique... I assure you that in 2 - 3 months you will feel significant improvements.. And finally - do not be afraid of a visit to a cardiologist, and do not delay the examination... The doctor will not give you bad advice, I learned this at by example. Thanks everyone for your attention...
  • 13.07.2006, 05:21

    It’s not a fact that he has the same thing as you...
    In one case, aerobics can become a panacea, but in another case it will drive you into a place where there is no way out...
    In any case, first you need to consult a doctor.

Both medications improve metabolism (metabolic action), are released for intravenous administration or oral administration, not approved for medical use in USA. It is widely used by cardiologists, neurologists, and pediatricians in Russia. This is where they end general qualities, there are much more differences.

What is the difference between Riboxin and Mildronate?

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

This chemical substances, synthesized in the 70s of the 20th century with different points applications on intracellular metabolism. The poor effectiveness of Riboxin quickly relegated it to the category of dummies with unproven effects. Mildronate (its other name is Meldonium) has gained scandalous popularity among athletes as a doping. Let's consider the main characteristics of the funds presented in the table.

comparison table
Mildronate Riboxin
Active substance:
Meldonium Inosine
The type of exchange affected
Fatty, carbohydrate Protein
Physiological effects
  • Improves tolerance to lack of oxygen, increases muscle endurance.
  • Provides vasodilation.
  • Helps utilize carbohydrate breakdown products.
  • Improves the synthesis of proteins and enzymes necessary for full muscle contraction.
  • Supposedly increases antiviral immunity.
Duration of action of a single dose
Till 12 o'clock Some effects last up to 4-6 hours
Release forms
  • Capsules 250 mg 40 pieces; 500 mg, 20 and 60 pieces per package.
  • Ampoules of 500 mg (5 ml).
  • Tablets 200 mg.
  • Ampoules of 2% solution, 5, 10 ml.
Daily dose, courses
0.5 g 1-2 times a day;
from 2 to 4-6 weeks
0.6-2.4 g per day in 3-4 doses;
3-12 weeks
Latvia Russia

Professional athletes have no question about what is best to use during the training period to achieve best result. Meldonius has firmly taken his position in big sports, the army, where physical exercise require endurance. Military experts used it during military operations in Afghanistan. The drug is distinguished following features with the development of oxygen deficiency:

  • Slowing down decay fatty acids.
  • Acceleration of glucose utilization.

These effects occur with the participation of enzyme systems affected by Meldonium. As a result, there is no accumulation acidic foods breakdown of fatty acids. They reduce the effectiveness of muscle contractions. An increase in the rate of glucose consumption leads to the formation of additional energy (ATP - adenosine triphosphate) necessary for muscle function.

Meldonium stimulates the nervous system, improving its functions of endurance of mental and physical overload. It can cause agitation, so it is recommended to take the medicine in the morning. The result of utilization of fatty acids (ketone bodies) when using the Lithuanian drug is interesting for treatment diabetes mellitus(ketoacidosis).

The difference between the effects of Inosine

It is part of transfer RNA (ribonucleic acid), which carries components of protein synthesis into the cell; this is done by ribosomes (intracellular structures that form protein). Action with short period effect of the drug creates the impression of its uselessness. Amateur athletes have a different opinion. “Modest and leisurely” influence of Inosine on protein metabolism manifested by the following results:

  • Improving muscle structure.
  • Expansion of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Increasing immunity.

Inosine enhances the effect of anabolic steroids, helps to gain faster muscle mass. It is used by bodybuilders and bodybuilders. In medical practice, the medicine accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues (after injuries, operations), enhances the effect of certain medications (for example, if you take Mildronate and Riboxin at the same time), improves digestion, and relieves symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

In patients, the result of a course of using Riboxin tablets is comparable to taking a placebo, providing only psychological impact; long-term use of the injection form is justified in rare cases. For this reason, in many reputable clinics it has not been used for a long time as remedy. Quick effect with the help of the drug is unattainable, its consistency has not been proven, which is why the drug is excluded from the list of vital medicinal substances.

Both drugs are aimed at correcting metabolism, however, with joint use The leading role is given to Meldonius. Rehabilitation treatment uses its influence mechanisms in two ways. This:

Clinicians trust the use of the Lithuanian drug (as opposed to Inosine) due to a better understanding of its mechanism of action and the breadth of its use by healthy and sick people. It is a leading metabolism corrector different schemes treatment (disease of the central nervous system, hearts, eyes, endocrine pathology). If the course of diseases for which Mildronate is constantly used worsens, courses of intravenous administration may be repeated. This is done when treating patients with consequences of cerebrovascular accidents.

The prices of these drugs vary widely. A package of Riboxin tablets can be purchased for 30-50 rubles, injection solution costs 10-12 times more. Capsule medicine from Latvia is comparable in cost to the ampoule form, which is 400-600 rubles.

Hi all!*********************************************** *********************************

What to do when your heart starts to play tricks? That's right, go to an appointment with a cardiologist!

I had minor discomfort; my heart seemed to be squeezing a little. The doctor did an ECG and said that I had minor changes and my heart needed to be nourished. Prescribed to pierce the intravenous Riboxin and Mildronate for 10 days.

Now I will introduce you to one of them - Riboxin

Package – cardboard box with instructions and 10 ampoules of the drug.

The ampoules are not the usual glass ones that we are used to, but are made of polyethylene, which is somehow unusual, I like glass better. They open very easily.

Riboxin – stimulant drug metabolic processes. Increases the energy balance of the myocardium, improves cardiac circulation, enhances metabolism.

Indications for use

Contraindications not numerous

Hypersensitivity to the drug, gout, pregnancy. lactation

Price 30-40 rub.

If we compare Riboxin with Mildronate, the drugs are very similar in their action.

At the beginning, I was surprised that I was prescribed two such similar drugs at once.

But, as the doctor explained to me, despite the similar end result, the drugs achieve this result in various ways. Riboxin is a natural compound that is directly involved in metabolism, and Mildronate itself does not participate in the exchange, it seems to direct it.

If Riboxin and Mildronate are used in pairs, they complement each other’s action, enhancing the effect.

I completed a 10-day course of treatment with these drugs. First of all, I felt a “burst of strength.” Improved mood, lethargy and constant desire gone to sleep.

A month later I saw a doctor. The cardiologist said that the cardiogram had improved and recommended taking tablets, one of these drugs, to consolidate the results for another month.

Riboxin , although an “old” drug, it is quite effective, and also costs a penny. I recommend.

I'm taking off a star for the product from this particular manufacturer, for the plastic ampoules.

Maybe this is not objective, but somehow I trust drugs in glass more.

In the section on the question Mildronate or Riboxin. Mildronate or Riboxin, which is better? given by the author Fantom the best answer is Riboxin is a natural compound that is also found in the human body. It is a metabolic agent, a precursor to ATP; has antihypoxic, metabolic and antiarrhythmic effects. Increases the energy balance of the myocardium, improves coronary circulation, prevents the consequences of intraoperative renal ischemia. It is directly involved in glucose metabolism and promotes the activation of metabolism under hypoxic conditions and in the absence of ATP. Activates the metabolism of pyruvic acid to provide normal process tissue respiration, and also promotes the activation of xanthine dehydrogenase. Stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances the activity of some Krebs cycle enzymes. Penetrating into cells, it increases the energy level and has positive action on metabolic processes in the myocardium, increases the strength of heart contractions and promotes more complete relaxation myocardium in diastole, resulting in an increase in stroke volume. Reduces platelet aggregation, activates tissue regeneration (especially the myocardium and gastrointestinal mucosa).
Mildronate acts similarly, but unlike riboxin, it itself is not used for the synthesis of any substances. At the same time, mildronate regulates the activity and biosynthesis of those enzymes that take part in energy production, that is, it corrects metabolic disorders.
Thus, mildronate is a metabolic corrector, while riboxin is one of the participants in biochemical reactions, the so-called metabolic agent (metabolite).
To obtain a noticeable effect from the metabolic agent riboxin, it must be administered in quantities comparable to its consumption in the body, therefore, a lot of it is needed, since it is used by the body.
Mildronate itself is not consumed in metabolic reactions, and its effect takes much longer to manifest itself and it is needed significantly less than riboxin. Therefore, Mildronate will most likely improve the use of Riboxin by the body and their combined use will enhance each other’s effect.