Akds vaccination adverse reactions Komarovsky. What is the reaction to the DTP vaccination, and how to help the child in case of complications? How much and when

Today, quite often from young mothers you can hear about the refusal of any vaccinations to your baby. Often, parents are afraid of complications that occur on post-vaccination days.

Any intervention in the human body can have two scenarios - benefit or harm. But sometimes it is difficult to imagine what would be better - to postpone the vaccination and possible complications after it, or put the child at risk of contracting a serious illness, after which the baby may simply die.

Today we will consider the DTP vaccination and talk about the complications that arise after the vaccine. What is a normal reaction of the body, and what should alert parents and be ready to provide the child with the right help.

Is DTP vaccination necessary?

modern medicine is quite developed and offers medicines for almost all diseases. But for some reason, reports are still being heard about the death of children and adults from acute respiratory infections or influenza.

People do not always seek medical advice and proper treatment, so there are neglected situations when it is no longer possible to help.

The DTP vaccine is aimed at developing natural immunity against three serious viruses:

  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria;
  • tetanus.

The causative agents of these diseases can easily get inside a person. The consequences after infection are very serious. Sometimes there is not enough time for proper treatment. Some of the symptoms of whooping cough and diphtheria are similar to those of common cold. The person does not realize that he is infected with whooping cough or diphtheria.

DTP vaccination allows the body to develop antibodies in advance, which, when infected, will begin an immediate fight against the enemy and prevent complications. This will allow a person not to start the disease to a critical state.

To generate an immune response to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, you must enter DTP vaccines or ADS several times.

In children, vaccination is carried out three times up to a year, and then drugs are used for revaccination, that is, to prolong the effect. You can't get one shot and feel safe for the rest of your life.

8-10 years after vaccination, immunity weakens and reacts incorrectly. Therefore, it is necessary to administer a new dose of DTP vaccine. After 7 years of age, serum without a pertussis component is used for children, because the main risk of infection exists only for a small child.

Reaction to DTP vaccination - complications or norm

If your baby has yet to be vaccinated with DTP, then you should not ask incompetent acquaintances about complications. All children are different and tolerate any change in different ways. Vaccination is an individual procedure. Exciting questions should be asked to a pediatrician or an infectious disease specialist who plans the timing of vaccination of children.

It is impossible to say that the vaccination is easy, and you will not notice changes in the condition and behavior of the newborn. There will be a reaction, but each in its own way.

Please note that the manifestations after vaccination are of a general and local nature.

External reactions after DPT

Local reaction after DPT - these are changes in the injection area. The norm is redness, thickening and slight swelling on the thigh.

Recall that any vaccination in children under 3 years of age should be done in the leg, more precisely, in upper part. In the thigh of newborns, the most developed muscle, there is little subcutaneous fat in it.

Until a certain time, vaccines were placed in the buttock. booty has a large number of fat to protect the baby from serious injury when falling. When serum enters the fatty layer, the medicine is not absorbed into the blood and does not desired effect. With stagnation, sepsis could form, which was serious complication. The place of inflammation had to be opened, which caused trouble and pain for the baby.

Currently, such problems do not appear, because the injection is made into the muscle. Complications in the form of inflammation can appear if the mother does not properly care for the vaccination site.

Post-vaccination complications of a local nature are manifested in lameness or temporary immobility of children, when the leg is swollen and it is painful for the baby to lean when walking.

Individual manifestations are expressed in infants, when the baby stops even crawling or rolling over. Everything goes away in a few days. The serum dissolves, the pain disappears. During this period, you can use gels for resorption or a compress with Vishnevsky ointment.

Carefully! Sometimes well-wishers advise applying alcohol compress to the injection site. But alcohol gives only a warming effect, but the swelling will not be removed. Alcohol vapors are well absorbed through the skin, which can harm the baby, causing intoxication.

General symptoms

After observing patients who were vaccinated with DPT, certain manifestations after vaccination were noted. Most common symptoms have been listed as follows:

Increase in body temperature

The average thermometer usually does not exceed 39 degrees. It should be noted that in some babies it can rise to 40 or higher. Typically, temperature fluctuations last no more than three days.

If the situation does not change after the third day, then there are complications. This indicates the penetration of another virus into the body, not related to the vaccination.

Post-vaccination complications occur due to weakened immunity, which is aimed at producing antibodies to serum components. A high temperature signals the development of some kind of disease. It is necessary to report all the symptoms to the doctor, give the baby an antipyretic or apply a compress on the forehead and wipe it with a damp towel.

Intestinal disorders

They are a manifestation of the body's reaction to vaccination in the form of vomiting or diarrhea. Diarrhea can be single or prolonged.

  • Diarrhea occurs if children have problems with digestion or any organ. Weak stomach always responding to a new product.
  • Also, diarrhea can be a reaction to the polio vaccine if it was administered orally in the form of drops.

Usually, the nurse warns the parents that the child should not be given food or drink for an hour so that the vaccine is well absorbed. If the mother did not follow the post-vaccination recommendations, then diarrhea may appear. It usually resolves on the first day and does not require treatment. For prevention, you can give Enterosgel, which will collect toxins and eliminate diarrhea.

But sometimes bacteria that cause intestinal disorders can join a weakened body. The diarrhea then becomes prolonged and can harm the baby in the form of dehydration.

Limit the baby from new products and walks in crowded places, communication with other people's animals to avoid development intestinal infections, which will signal severe diarrhea at the crumb

Rash on the body

Manifested as an allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine. It is necessary to observe how the rash spreads:

  • It can appear only in one place or strew the entire skin.
  • Rarely, but there are situations when a rash on the body is not a manifestation of an allergy, but side complication. A child may have chickenpox, which appeared due to weakened immunity by vaccination.

Then the rash has a different character - not small dots, and a red spot with a watery head. This spot appears in a single amount or spreads throughout the body. The difference between chickenpox is also that the rash begins to itch a lot. Itching does not go away until the rash is covered with a crust, which indicates the passage of the disease.

If you see a rash in your baby during the post-vaccination days, be sure to call the doctor and let him know. antihistamine.

The temperature can rise not only from vaccination, but also due to the development of chickenpox. Sometimes it reaches 40 degrees. The disease is more severe because the body has to fight more than one virus. wind rash- this is a rarity, because it is not always possible for an infected person to be near the baby at the time of vaccination or after it.

allergic rash

Usually appears on the first day and even in the first hour. Dangerous allergy that causes swelling respiratory tract(Quincke). A rash in this case may not appear, but it will be difficult for the child to breathe due to the rapid development of edema.

At the first DPT vaccination, it is advisable to stay near the clinic for 40 minutes or more in order to have time to get needed help. The temperature may remain normal.

Subsequent vaccinations are usually canceled or given ADS vaccine without pertussis component. Serum ADS is less reactive and is usually tolerated without serious complications.

Cough and snot

This is one more side symptoms after DTP vaccination. The whooping cough component is a weakened form dangerous virus. By direct contact, the disease causes coughing. It can reach such a shape and frequency that a person cannot breathe air. This cough is especially difficult for young children. Their lungs are very weak and may simply not withstand endless bouts. Cough with whooping cough has a paroxysmal character.

After DTP vaccination, some children may cough. But these are not complications, but a reaction to the pertussis component. Usually such a cough does not require a special solution and disappears in a few days.

Temperature and seizures

These are the side effects that parents are most afraid of. A convulsive state can occur in two cases:

The temperature rose, which provoked convulsions. The parameters usually exceed 39 degrees. small organism such a temperature is undesirable, so it is necessary to bring it down and constantly monitor general condition baby. The temperature can be lowered:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • warm compress based on water;
  • rubbing.

The temperature of the compress should be equal to body temperature in order to prevent shock spasm.

Cramps can appear not only because of the heat. Sometimes the temperature on the thermometer is below 38, and the child has a cramp. This indicates damage to the central nervous system in the brain area. Such complications are very dangerous and can harm the development and growth of the baby.


We talked about complications after DTP vaccination, which are possible in the first days after vaccination. Many mothers share their stories on the forums, where they learned about the dangers of vaccinations after a few months or years. Facts are noted.

In our country there is national calendar vaccination, which is regularly reviewed. It contains information about vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health, along with the child's age when they should be given. Some vaccinations are quite difficult for children to tolerate, primarily DPT.

DPT vaccination is included in the list of mandatory vaccinations

What diseases are vaccinated against?

DTP is complex vaccination designed to protect little patient at the same time from three dangerous diseases: pertussis infection, diphtheria and tetanus. Vaccination does not always eliminate infection, but it does easy flow diseases and protects against the development of dangerous consequences.

Whooping cough - acute illness respiratory tract, characterized by paroxysmal spasmodic cough. transmitted by airborne droplets, the probability of infection by contact (contagiousness) is 90%. The infection is especially dangerous for children under one year old, up to death. Since the introduction of immunization of the population, the incidence of whooping cough has decreased significantly.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease that can cause blockage of the airways with a film. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and through household contact (skin forms). According to the severity of the disease, children are in a special risk group.

Tetanus - acute bacterial infection, striking nervous system, manifested in the form of convulsions and muscle tension of the body. The disease has a traumatic way of infection: wounds, burns, frostbite, operations. Mortality from tetanus today is about 40% of total number sick.

Types of vaccine

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On the territory of our country it is allowed to use several types of DTP vaccines. In polyclinics serving the population under compulsory medical insurance, they use the domestic DPT vaccine produced by NPO Microgen. It contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, as well as killed pertussis cells - that is, the drug is whole-cell.

Pertussis infection is most dangerous before the age of 1 year, so children older than this age can use ADS vaccinations and ADS-M. These are lightweight versions of the vaccine that do not contain the pertussis component. Given that it is this component that most often causes allergies in children, ADS is especially indicated for allergy sufferers.

In the district clinic, you can also get an imported vaccination, but at your own expense. Similar services are provided by various private clinics and centers.

Foreign analogues approved for use in Russia:

  • Infanrix (Belgium, GlaxoSmithKline) is a cell-free vaccine, due to which there are practically no post-vaccination reactions and complications. It has been used all over the world for 10 years, the effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies, immunity is formed in more than 88% of those vaccinated. In Russia, she passed the examination in GISK them. Academician Tarasevich. Other injectable vaccines can be administered simultaneously with Infanrix.

The Pentaxim vaccine is generally well tolerated with no complications.
  • Pentaxim (France, Sanofi Pasteur) is a five-component immunization preparation that protects, in addition to whooping cough, deftheria and tetanus, from poliomyelitis and meningococcal infection. Such a vaccine significantly reduces the number of vaccinations (eliminates the separate administration of a substance against polio). Pentaxim may be given at the same time as hepatitis B, measles, rubella and mumps. If the first dose was given to a child aged older than a year, then the rest are made without a hemophilic component. The vaccine is well tolerated and is widely used worldwide, in 71 countries. Registered in Russia since 2008. According to the results of studies, the effectiveness of immunization against whooping cough reaches 99% (after three injections, without delay).

Earlier, another whole-cell vaccine Tetracoccus produced in France was presented, but due to the frequent development of complications, it was discontinued. Imported vaccines without a pertussis component are not registered in Russia, and therefore are not used.

It is worth noting that, according to indications, foreign vaccines should be provided in polyclinics free of charge. The list of diseases is constantly changing, so you need to check with your pediatrician or call your insurance company.

Preparing your child for vaccination

Regardless of which DPT vaccination the child will be given, it must first be examined.

Before immunization, it is imperative to take blood and urine tests, measure the temperature of the child.

If the baby is to receive the initial vaccine, or neurological reactions were noted to the previous ones, you should obtain permission from a neurologist. Any manifestations of diseases are the basis for the transfer of vaccination.

Due to the fact that doctors often neglect pre-vaccination examinations, parents should be vigilant. This will help to avoid severe complications from DTP.

A few days before the manipulation, it is not recommended to introduce new foods into the baby's diet. Allergy-prone children are advised to “cover up” vaccination with an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug. Usually the medicine is given a few days before and after vaccination.

How is the breast vaccination done?

Usually, during vaccination, parents hold the baby in their arms, having previously freed the necessary part of the body from clothing. Nurse cleaning the injection site disinfectant and injects. Vaccination is unpleasant procedure Therefore, after the injection, it is recommended to give the baby a breast so that he calms down faster.

Vaccination Schedule

The full course of immunization consists of 3 vaccinations. The first injection is given to a child at 3 months. Two subsequent ones with an interval of 1.5 months each, and revaccination is performed a year later. The second revaccination is carried out at the age of 6-7 years, the third at 14 years and then every 10 years. By medical indications an individual schedule can be drawn up.

The first DPT is given to a child at 3 months

Where and how should a physician give an injection?

According to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, children before school age vaccinations are given in the thigh. This is also confirmed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”, which clearly states that intramuscular injections administered to children of the first years of life exclusively in the upper outer surface of the thigh. Starting from school age, vaccinations are given in the shoulder area (we recommend reading:).

Care after vaccination

Special care after vaccination is not required, most children tolerate it absolutely normally. Walking and swimming on the day of vaccination are not contraindicated, however, for their peace of mind, parents can refrain from them. If side effects occur after vaccination, a walk should be excluded.

After DTP vaccination, the main thing is to carefully monitor the child for several days. It is worth paying attention to any unusual behavior of the baby - tearfulness, drowsiness and monitor body temperature.

Normal baby reaction to vaccination

TO post-vaccination complications refer side effects that began in a child within three days after vaccination, although the vast majority of symptoms appear in the first 24 hours. How the child will react and how long it will last depends on individual features organism. The reaction to vaccination is general and local.

Local manifestations of the reaction

A local reaction to DTP is of the following types:

  • Induration at the injection site. This can happen as a result of getting part of the vaccine under the skin, or be a reaction of the body to its composition. To get rid of swelling as soon as possible, absorbable gels and ointments, for example, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Badyaga, will help.
  • Redness around the injection site. If the spot is small, then nothing needs to be done - it will pass on its own.
  • Urticaria around the injection site indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, it is worth giving the child antihistamine. Additionally, you can anoint the inflamed areas with an anti-allergic gel, for example, Fenistil.
  • Soreness at the injection site. It happens that after the introduction of DTP, the baby complains of pain in the leg, limps and does not step on the foot. To alleviate the condition, you can apply cold to the sore spot. The pain should subside after a while, otherwise you should consult a doctor.

Seal after DPT vaccination (we recommend reading:)

The photo shows a reaction at the site of DPT vaccination in a child. Such swelling is acceptable and does not require medical attention.

General condition of the body

TO general reactions vaccinations include:

  • Increase in body temperature. In this case, it is worth giving the child an antipyretic drug "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen".
  • The cough may be caused by the whooping cough component. Usually goes away on its own. Any other catarrhal phenomena are most likely not DPT complications, but indicate the development respiratory disease. Often it turns out that weakened immunity (the body is busy producing antibodies for vaccination) is superimposed by viruses accidentally picked up in the clinic on the day of vaccination.
  • Capriciousness, restlessness, refusal to eat. When similar symptoms the baby should be offered a breast, the older child should be given a drink and put to bed, probably the baby was just nervous (more in the article:).

If, despite compliance preventive measures, it was not possible to avoid a reaction after vaccination, it is necessary to act in accordance with the symptoms that arise.

Although the DTP vaccine is considered one of the most difficult for a child's body, the consequences usually disappear within a few days.

The main task of parents is not to miss really anxiety symptoms and see a doctor in time.

When should you see a doctor?

Apply for medical assistance necessary in the following cases:

  • unbreakable temperature above 39°C;
  • high-pitched crying for a long time (longer than 2-3 hours);
  • profuse swelling at the injection site - more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • severe allergic reaction - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis skin, convulsions.

Serious complications after vaccination

serious side effects after vaccination occur extremely rarely, less than 1 case per 100 thousand vaccinated children. The main reason for such consequences is the negligent attitude of the doctor when examining a baby before vaccination.

Post-vaccination encephalitis

These complications include:

  • The appearance of convulsions without an increase in body temperature. This symptom accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  • Postvaccinal encephalitis. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, vomiting, headache. As with meningoencephalitis, feature is the voltage neck muscles. The condition may be accompanied by an attack of epilepsy. There is damage to the cerebral membranes.
  • Anaphylactic shock is a rapid allergic reaction accompanied by severe swelling, a sharp drop blood pressure, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, sometimes fainting. Death occurs in 20% of cases.
  • Quincke's edema is another type of reaction to an allergen, also characterized by severe swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. The greatest danger is edema of the respiratory tract.


There are some absolute contraindications to DPT vaccination about which the attending physician must notify

are absolute contraindications.

There is controversy about the benefits of vaccination, and about the side effects. Let's find out what kind of reaction is possible in a child. And also - about the existing contraindications.

The reaction of the child's body to the vaccine

First, let's figure out how the name is deciphered. The abbreviation means adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine. Thus, she must protect the baby from three serious and frequent infectious diseases:

  • : the causative agent is the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough). It is expressed by a strong convulsive cough. Very dangerous for children under two years old.
  • : The causative agent is Loeffler's bacillus. It affects the oropharynx, but can cover the bronchi, larynx, skin, and other organs. Manifested by high temperature, general intoxication, sore throat. Most characteristic symptom- gray-white film raids. Also, with diphtheria, there is a specific sweet smell from mouth.
  • Tetanus: transmitted through damaged skin, mucous membranes. It affects the nervous system, accompanied by sharp convulsions.
DTP vaccine children's body is quite difficult to bear. In the first 24 hours after it, the baby may experience a negative reaction and various ailments. Moreover, it can cause undesirable consequences- side effects, complications.

Did you know? It is believed that the English pharmacist and surgeon Edward Jenner introduced vaccination. In 1796, he vaccinated an eight-year-old boy cowpox, and a little later - human, and the boy remained healthy. Although the history of this method is actually older. In the East, the contents of the pustules of patients were rubbed into the forearm. Chinese doctors put smallpox scabs in the nostrils, Circassians and Georgians made injections, wetting the needles in the liquid of smallpox sores.

The reaction to DTP vaccination is different. Therefore, it is important to know what is normal and what is cause for concern.

Local side effects

There are local side effects in children from DTP vaccination:

  • Seal the site where the vaccine was injected.
  • Redness around the injection (if the spot is small, don't worry - it will soon go away on its own). To get rid of swelling, absorbable gels, ointments help.
  • around the injection, which indicates. In such cases, children are given a remedy.
  • Painful sensations where the injection was made. Sometimes after DTP child complains of pain in the leg, limps or does not step on this leg. In such cases, cold can be applied to this place.
If some time after DTP the situation does not change and it still hurts, be sure to go to the pediatrician.

Common Side Effects

There are also common adverse reactions from DTP:

  • in a child (then after DTP they give babies).
  • which the pertussis component of the injection may contribute to. It usually goes away soon. If not, then go to the pediatrician. It is possible that the child has a respiratory disease.
  • Anxiety, capriciousness, loss of appetite. If after vaccination DPT appear similar reactions, offer the baby, and give the older child a drink, put it down. Most likely, the baby was nervous.

Possible Complications

After vaccination, it is very rare, but the following complications still occur:

  • serious (angioedema, anaphylactic shock);
  • without temperature increase;
  • post-vaccination encephalitis (temperature jumps, headache, appears, it can happen);
  • severe swelling and even a bump after DTP (more than 8 cm in diameter);
  • high temperature (more than 39.5 ° C);
  • wasting for more than three hours.

Did you know? The first of the Russian vaccinated was Catherine II, under whom such a thing as vaccination appeared.

How to avoid

To avoid severe consequences from vaccination should be prepared for this child:

  1. A few days before vaccination, do not add new foods to your baby's diet.
  2. If the child has allergic rash be sure to give him the medication he needs.
  3. After the vaccination, when you come home, give your child an antipyretic suppository, it will prevent swelling and pain; also give an antihistamine.
  4. If the temperature is too high the next morning after DPT, re-insert the suppository. Keep track of how much the thermometer will show throughout the day. If the temperature rises, apply another one. Probably, at night you will have to enter a third, and also give an antihistamine again.
  5. On the second day, at an elevated (!) Temperature, an antipyretic is introduced. At small temperature limit yourself to an antihistamine.
  6. On the third day after DTP temperature should not be. Otherwise, another reason for this is possible - for example,.

Important! Be sure to ask your doctor how long the temperature lasts after DTP!


Today, there are main contraindications to DTP vaccination:

  • any acute pathology;
  • allergy to the vaccine;
  • immunodeficiency.
Vaccination is temporarily postponed due to exacerbated chronic diseases, colds / infectious diseases.

When should you see a doctor

As already mentioned, after DTP vaccination, children occasionally experience undesirable consequences: severe allergies, swelling / cyanosis at the site of the injection, convulsions, temperature over 39 ° C. And the child can cry for many hours in a row.

For any of these manifestations, immediately go to a specialist!

Important! At neurological symptoms, convulsions with high temperature, children are often injected with a vaccine without a pertussis component - ADS.

As you can see, the DPT vaccine also has side effects and complications. But do not forget that they appear very rarely. Therefore, there is no need to worry ahead of time. It is better to consult a pediatrician before the injection and find out about possible contraindications just for your toddler.

After vaccination with DTP, the baby may show fever, anxiety, tearfulness. The baby does not sleep well, loses his appetite. The reaction to DPT in a baby can be different: proceed in acute form or almost imperceptible. What reaction is considered normal, what to expect for mothers, we will tell you in more detail.

Normal body reactions to vaccination

After DTP, children may experience the following reaction:

  • an increase in the mercury column on the thermometer to 38.5;
  • redness or itching at the injection site;
  • tearfulness or restlessness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bad dream.

An increase in temperature in children up to 38 degrees, in the first three days after DTP vaccination, should not cause concern to parents. This physiological response body for the administered drug. Worth giving to a child antipyretic drug according to the scheme and monitor his well-being.

Redness or itching at the vaccination site can cause big trouble for the crumbs. The reaction provokes bad sleep. To alleviate the condition, give the baby an antihistamine and lubricate the reddened area with Fenistil-gel. You can bandage the leg with a thin cotton cloth or gauze. If the baby stops combing the reddened place, then the itching will pass faster.

The child becomes whiny because of general malaise. Calm the baby, provide him with peace. Do not play with the baby in active games, wrap, overheat. The room should not be hot. Follow the daily routine. You can not switch to new bait within 7 days. For babies, give breasts more often, let the baby suckle in small portions. Keep track of your baby's weight.

If the baby does not sleep well, often wakes up crying, you can try to alleviate the condition in well-known and simple ways:

  1. Make an infusion from the collection of mint, lemon balm, hawthorn. Dry collection (1 teaspoon) you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a warm place for 3 hours. Give the baby from a bottle 2-1.5 hours before bedtime. The child will calm down, the itching will pass, sleep will return to normal.
  2. Make a compress of honey with flour, apply it to the sore spot. The cake should not be warm, only room temperature. Remember, you can’t warm the place after DTP, this can provoke inflammation.
  3. If the cause of poor sleep after DTP heat, wipe the body of the crumbs with warm water. You can add alcohol to the water, in a ratio of 5/1. Do not try to bring down the temperature by wiping with vodka or vinegar. The compositions are aggressive and you can easily dry out the delicate skin.
  4. Do it before bed baby easy soothing massage. But do not rub the vaccination site. Help the baby to relax, then the sleep will be calmer.
  5. Before going to bed, ventilate the room and put on a humidifier. If there is no purchased device, you can simply hang a damp sheet or towel on the batteries.
  6. Well soothe children infusions of chamomile. Dried flowers are brewed like tea and given to babies from a bottle. Chamomile will help relieve itching, reduce inflammation and the baby will calm down.

It is important to monitor the general condition of children. If the temperature is high, and the child eats and sleeps well, then there is no cause for concern. When he sleeps poorly, and at the same time has a high temperature, which antipyretic compounds do not bring down, it is worth calling specialists.

How many days should I expect a reaction after vaccination?

The reaction to the vaccine in children may not appear immediately. The crumbs react individually to the drug, so not everyone may have a reaction after the first vaccination. After the second vaccination, the picture can change dramatically - the temperature rises, appetite and sleep worsen.

It cannot be said for sure that if children do not have a temperature on the first day after DPT, then on the second and third it will not rise. Monitor the condition of the baby and often put a thermometer. We recommend giving the baby antipyretic drugs for three days after vaccination: Nurofen, Ibuklin, Paracetamol. children infancy put candles: Viferon, Efferalgan. This will help the baby bring down the fever and the allergic reaction will pass. Giving an antihistamine continues 3-4 days after vaccination, according to the scheme prescribed by the pediatrician.

Each baby is different, so the reaction in each case may be different. In some children, the temperature lasts only a day, the second are unwell for 3-4 days. But do not set yourself up for the worst, in 60% of cases the DTP vaccination is painless.

Poor sleep in a baby can be provoked not by a vaccination, but nervous excitement. After vaccination, you should not immediately leave the clinic with a crying baby. Sit a little near the office, let the child calm down. Attach to your chest, talk to him in a calm voice. The child will calm down and there will be fewer side effects.

If bad sleep is not accompanied elevated temperature and repeats for 2-3 nights, then it is worth showing the baby to neurologists. Children may experience increased muscle tone nervous ground and vaccination has nothing to do with violations. The baby will be prescribed massage and physiotherapy.

Do not worry if the child after DTP does not sleep well for 1-2 nights, the temperature rises in the evening, and during the day the baby rests and eats well. Parents should be alert the following signs in children:

  • the temperature is above 38.5 and does not subside;
  • the DTP site is swollen and hot;
  • an abscess appeared on the leg, from which pus flows;
  • after each meal the baby is sick;
  • the dream is gone, the child roars incessantly;
  • the skin has changed color to yellow or pale with blue.

Any reaction requires immediate medical care. We recommend calling an ambulance.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about complications, we recommend watching the video:

The condition of the baby after DPT depends on the preparation. If you perform the correct preparatory steps and follow the recommendations of the doctor, then the baby will sleep well, and vaccination will not cause negative consequences.

DTP vaccination - when can I bathe a child?

The introduction of any vaccine to a child is. first of all, excitement and worries for parents for the condition and health of the baby. Nobody can guarantee positive reaction for vaccination, as well as for the introduction of a new drug into the baby's body. It is also difficult to understand the possible consequences of such assistance for fragile immunity.

DTP vaccination is included in the complex of allergic and severely tolerated vaccines. A rare mother will not complain to the treating specialist about changes in the behavior and well-being of the baby after the introduction of a new drug. What complications after the DTP vaccine can you expect? How can you help your child cope with possible complications?

Why do newborns react so strongly to the vaccine?

So this vaccine carries diphtheria and tetanus toxoids which help the body protect itself from various infections. But the reaction is most often able to cause another component of the vaccine - killed pertussis microbes.

First DTP vaccination happens to the baby three months after birth is the time when the weakening occurs general immunity baby, which goes to the child together with mother's milk. That is why vaccination most often coincides with a decrease in the body's ability to protect the body's immune system. Together with this, the introduction of foreign cells, even of a non-living type, is considered important, because of which the vaccination process can lead to negative consequences in newborns after vaccination with DTP. Their the immune system answers in most cases various kinds reactions to the introduction of such foreign substances into the body.

Who should get vaccinated?

In what cases is it forbidden to vaccinate? There are several types of contraindications. Absolute contraindications occur when immunization is not carried out due to a developing type of disease or a pronounced type of reaction to the components of a particular drug. There are temporary contraindications when the attending specialist advises to postpone the vaccination of the vaccine for several days or weeks.

How DTP vaccination is dangerous- it is not for some time able to reduce the immunity and protective functions of the child's body. This is quite normal and passes favorably when the child is completely healthy. But if the baby’s body temperature even slightly increased (above 37 degrees Celsius) before vaccination, you should immediately tell the treating specialist about this, because such a sign may indicate the beginning of the development of an infection inside the human body. You should ask the doctor to provide a referral for a detailed blood test in order to understand whether it is possible to vaccinate with just such a means. This method is considered the most effective in order to avoid unnecessary consequences and difficulties.

What types of complications exist for the vaccine?

  1. Local or local, which occur at the site of the vaccine.
  2. General at the time when the reaction of the whole organism occurs, an increase general temperature and other changes in indicators of well-being.

The time during which it takes place active reaction of the body to vaccination, depends mainly on the immune parameters of the body, as well as on the correct observance of the injection regimen and rules. For example, body temperature can rise in completely different ways, as a result of which there is:

How long does a high temperature last during DTP vaccination? IN normal condition such a reaction of the body quickly disappears within a few days, but sometimes longer reactions occur. They can occur due to many concomitant factors - the development of acute or viral infection, the presence of allergic reactions in the body.

What complications can the vaccine provoke? Each child is able to individually respond to the components of the drugs. The main instruction that all parents should follow is not to listen to other parents about reactions and complications to the drug.

Local reactions of the child's body

What are the complications after DTP of a local nature?

The general reaction of the baby's body to DTP

They carry a completely different character of manifestation. Body reactions The child can be divided into four broad groups:

  1. Toxic reactions of the body.
  2. Damage to the nervous system.
  3. The development of complications due to improper technique of maintaining the substance.
  4. Severe manifestations in the form of allergic reactions.

Each reaction should be analyzed separately:

Another class of complications can be distinguished - this is the addition of any infection after the use of the drug. Cough after DPT. Pain in the throat, general weakness and reddening of the tonsils for several days develop when the baby made contact with a sick person before or after the injection procedure.

Diarrhea after vaccination, vomiting, nausea and general weakness are manifested by the development of infection in the intestine. The reason for this is the consumption of low-quality food.

How to treat adverse reactions of the baby's body?

In order to qualitatively eliminate complications after the DPT vaccine, you need to consult with the attending specialist in advance about possible consequences vaccinations and first aid to the baby during their development. More often treatment is symptomatic and it consists in the appointment of certain medicines to treat a baby.

How to avoid the development of adverse reactions after the introduction of DTP?

Introduction of the DTP vaccine- this is a certain burden not only on the body of the baby, but also on the people around him. Nerves, running, going to the treating specialists - all this does not make the life of parents happy and full of joyful moments. To avoid this, it is worth prepare for the upcoming vaccination process.

  1. Before carrying out DPT, you should visit the attending pediatrician and undergo complex analysis on donating blood.
  2. You should consult with your doctor about possible complications and what to do if they develop, as well as what means should be stocked up in advance.
  3. If the baby had a certain reaction to the previous vaccination, check what analogues of DTP exist.
  4. It is forbidden to wash the baby during the first day after vaccination, do not wet the area with vaccination.