Symptoms and treatment of hydrocephalus of the brain (dropsy) in adults. Conservative and surgical treatment of hydrocephalus, possible complications and prognosis for life


The cause of hydrocephalus in a newborn child can be an infection suffered by a pregnant woman (herpes, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection). The fetus has metabolic disorders cerebrospinal fluid and it happens overeducation, resulting in increased intracranial pressure. Acquired hydrocephalus develops as a result of head injuries, chronic intoxications, as well as after meningitis and meningoencephalitis, stroke.

Promotion intracranial pressure manifests itself differently in children under 2 years of age and older. In young children, the first symptom is an increase in the size of the head and a change in the shape of the skull. Since the fontanelles have not yet overgrown, the bones of the skull move apart due to the fact that the brain begins to increase in volume. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly measure the child’s head circumference, usually done by a pediatrician during an examination.

Another symptom of hydrocephalus is a bulging, significantly increased in size and pulsating large fontanel. Normally, it should close by one year, but with this disease it can remain open for up to 2-3 years. At the same time, the bones of the skull become thin, and the frontal part, a vascular network appears on the skin of the face and forehead.

The child begins to lag behind his peers in development, cannot hold his head up, sits or walks poorly, becomes capricious, whiny and lethargic. A sick child has increased muscle tone, severe cases may arise seizures.

In older children, the bones of the skull become overgrown, so hydrocephalus has other symptoms. The very first and most common symptom is headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Attacks of pain and nausea most often occur in the morning and at night and are in no way related to food intake. Often these symptoms are mistaken for poisoning, diseases gastrointestinal tract, and the child begins to receive too late correct treatment.

Other symptoms of hydrocephalus include visual disturbances, endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, growth retardation, premature sexual development), seizures of the epilepsy type, increased muscle tone, poor performance at school. The diagnosis is made based on the clinic, examination of the fundus, the most reliable method is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

In addition, it is possible to use drugs that promote the excretion of sodium from the body, which increases diuresis and reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid.

Surgery to normalize intracranial pressure and optimize brain function, but problems may arise due to inflammatory complications, hyperdrainage and dysfunction of drainage systems.

Typically, excess fluid accumulates between meninges happens after some infectious diseases(for example, meningitis), as well as due to previous head trauma or illness blood vessels, feeding the brain. Sometimes dropsy is congenital.

Hydrocephalus may be accompanied by impaired reflexes, deterioration in coordination of movements, gait, and weakening of muscle tone. It is also common for people with brain problems to have vision problems. In some (fortunately, very rare) cases, it can lead to complete blindness. Often there is numbness in the arms or legs, up to numbness in half the body.

Dropsy of the brain is manifested by symptoms characteristic of increased intracranial pressure: headache, nausea, and at times bouts of vomiting.

With severe dropsy, cerebral edema and mental disorders may occur. Such a patient should receive qualified assistance doctor-.

How is hydrocephalus treated?

Brain damage can be either medical or surgical. In the first case, the patient is prescribed medicines, which have anti-inflammatory and dehydration effects, as well as restorative and soothing physiotherapy procedures (for example, pine-salt baths). Practice that hydrocephalus is most successful in older people.

If the patient has a mental disorder, along with the above procedures, he is prescribed psychotropic drugs. Treatment must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor!

If drug therapy turns out to be ineffective, we have to resort to surgical intervention. Before it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the patient and the severity of hydrocephalus.

Medicine can save the patient from the troubles associated with the manifestations of hydrocephalus, mitigating

Treatment of the disease in question is a difficult task. There is not a single medicine that can effectively fight this disease alone, so conservative methods can only be used in combination. Surgical intervention is considered more effective means in the fight against hydrocephalus.

When is drug treatment for dropsy of the brain sufficient?

Cure with the specified method probably 40-45%. Not uncommon phenomena mental retardation, unstable psyche with overall positive results in eliminating dropsy of the brain. Individually selected variations of conservative treatment cannot always solve the issue of psychomotor development, so doctors resort to more drastic measures in such cases. The key goal when trying to treat the disease in question non-surgically is to reduce the level of intracranial pressure and eliminate inflammation. Eliminate hydrocephalus through conservative methods realistically in such cases:

  • this disease is diagnosed on initial stage, is not endowed with a progressive onset. This does not include occlusive hydrocephalus: this type of disease is rare, but it can only be eliminated through surgery;
  • the disease is going through acute stage. This applies to those cases where there was meningitis: a strong inflammatory process. This phenomenon should be combated with the help of antibiotics and absorbable drugs;
  • dropsy of the brain is accompanied by serious errors in the aspect of the mental, neuralgic state, which are caused by the influence of bacteria.

Conservative treatment for the disease in question includes the following drugs, procedures:

  • diuretics. Needed to inhibit the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Doctors often use injections of diacarb, glycerol, and piracetam, the number of which should not exceed 12 in one course. Since this drug promotes the elimination of sodium, magnesium, and potassium, medications are administered in parallel, which prevents the development of a deficiency of these microelements. Such medications include Asparkam, magnesium sulfate;
  • antibiotic therapy: rovamacin, hexicon. At certain stages of pregnancy, depending on the reasons that provoked the visualization of cerebral hydrops in the fetus, treatment with these anti-infective drugs is possible;
  • medications that help stabilize the structure of blood vessels (tinctures medicinal herbs), improving blood flow in the brain;
  • vitamin therapy. This applies to vitamins B, C, E. Thanks to them metabolic processes in microcells of the brain improve;
  • absorbable medications. Enzymes of animal origin are popular, which promote the breakdown and removal of fluid from the body: lidase, pyrogenal;
  • physiotherapy , which consists in the use of electrophoresis, treatment with heat and water. Such methods are relevant at the stage when the disease has stabilized;
  • physiotherapy. It is practiced to accelerate the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, to improve psychological development young patients. Such exercises should be carried out by a specialist. For adult patients, when diagnosing hydrocephalus, massages, acupuncture, manual therapy: this helps relieve muscle spasms, improve blood flow, and temporarily relieve pain. Doctors recommend that people who have been/are being treated for the disease in question attend yoga classes, gymnastics;
  • gluticorticoid therapy. Apply as extreme case. Very rarely do doctors practice X-ray treatment: the number of procedures cannot exceed 5-6.

Modern methods of surgical treatment of hydrocephalus - indications for surgery, results

This method of eliminating cerebral hydrocele is used in the following cases:

  • the disease in question is in a state of active progression;
  • attempts at conservative treatment have failed;
  • conservative treatment was fruitful in terms of stabilizing the disease, but the patient’s psychomotor skills do not develop;
  • when diagnosing closed hydrocephalus, regardless of the patient’s age.

If there is a strong inflammatory process in the patient’s brain, there is a total infection of the entire body, and surgery is prohibited. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate foci of infection using anti-infective drugs. Inflammatory phenomena in the body and taking antibiotics are a temporary reprieve from surgical intervention. In this case, medications cannot provide a cure for hydrocephalus.

Surgical intervention for hydrocephalus involves the formation of optional pathways through which accumulated fluid can leave the cranium. This surgical procedure is called bypass surgery. For adult patients, if there is a cause for such an illness (tumors, adhesions), it must first be eliminated, then shunting should be performed. There are several systems that are used for such maneuvering, the most common of which are ventriculoperitoneal and lumboperitoneal shunts.

The operations that are practiced to remove cerebral hydrocele can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Palliative. This intervention is carried out in several cases:
  1. In the presence of open hydrocele of the brain - spinal and ventricular puncture is performed;
  2. at closed form, acute course For this disease, palliative surgery may be prescribed if radical intervention is unacceptable. This treatment measure is temporary and involves taking up to 100 ml of fluid from the brain ventricle. If closed hydrocephalus has reached its peak, and radical surgery is prohibited, temporary drainage of the frontal ventricle of the brain is performed by introducing a silicone tube. The latter is connected to the drainage system;
  3. For small patients, puncture through the eye socket is used. By puncturing the front side lateral ventricle the outflow of fluid into one of the layers of the organs of vision is ensured.
  • Radical. There are two types according to the scope of application:

Internal drainage facilitates the removal of fluid to another system of the body. This procedure can be of several varieties:

  • operations for a certain form of the disease in question:

Often, surgical treatment of this disease has beneficial consequences - the patient recovers. If it happens malignant tumor, which caused dropsy of the brain, such manipulations will help prolong the life of the person operated on by an average of 4-5 years.

After surgical treatment, exacerbations may occur:

  • the lumen of the drainage tube becomes clogged, as a result of which the outflow of fluid will be stopped;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • releasing the tube from the cavity where fluid outflow was ensured: abdominal cavity, heart;

To minimize such consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor at the slightest discomfort.

Possible complications and consequences of hydrocephalus - prognosis for life

If measures to eliminate the disease in question are not taken in a timely manner, the consequences can manifest as serious errors in the functioning of the brain, and the risk of death is quite high.

The consequences of this disease will depend on several factors:

  • degree of development of hydrocephalus. On late stages detection, treatment of the disease may be unfruitful, which can lead to loss of legal capacity/death;
  • time from the onset of the disease to the start of its treatment. If the disease was detected at the stage of active progression, there is Great chance that mental condition the patient will not be restored. For newborns hydrocephalus moderate severity may be fraught with developmental retardation, idiocy;
  • relevance of the selected treatment method;
  • Availability additional diseases, which are often combined with hydrocephalus.

If hydrocephalus was diagnosed at an early stage, the treatment was selected correctly, the likelihood of complete relief from this disease is high, and the risk of consequences in the future is negligible.

Regarding the influence of the disease in question on the mental development of children, there are statistics according to which about 35% of small patients who suffered hydrocephalus had errors in the aspect of speech. In 23% of cases, aggression is not observed in such patients, but the ability to show positive emotions (joy, happiness) is limited. Reaction to basic questions may be slow. Surgical treatment of patients in the later stages of progression of cerebral hydrocele negatively affects psychomotor skills in the future, but there have been cases of full mental development.

In terms of behavior with others, in 90% of cases, children are friendly and get along well with their peers. In other cases, depression, a gloomy mood, and cruelty are noted.

When intracranial pressure surges, confusion and psychosis may occur.

In adults, also popularly called “dropsy of the brain” - clinical syndrome, the main manifestation of which is the excessive volume of cerebrospinal fluid accumulated in the cavities of the cranium.

In accordance with the specifics in the mechanism of development of hydrocephalus of the brain in adults, the disease is divided into subtypes:

  • occlusive form, which is characterized by disturbances in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid due to blockage of transport routes;
  • dysresorptive type, which occurs when there is a failure in the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • hypersecretory type, starting due to excessive secretion of cerebrospinal fluid.

Also, hydrocephalus of the brain in adults is divided into three forms in accordance with the patient’s typical level of pressure inside the skull: hypertensive type, normotensive type, hypotensive type.

Hydrocephalus of the brain is a serious illness, untimely treatment of which can cause disability and premature death. fatal outcome. The pathology causes irreversible changes in the structures of the brain, as a result of which the patient loses his ability to work and becomes incapable of independent self-care.

Memory problems, deterioration mental abilities, the appearance of depressive and manic states, decreased or loss of vision, inability to navigate in space, uncontrollable urge to urinate – these are just a few of the symptoms that occur with hydrocephalus of the brain in adults. Due to existence real threat In a person’s life, at the slightest sign of illness, it is necessary to urgently go to a neurological clinic, undergo a large-scale examination and follow all the doctor’s treatment instructions.

Hydrocephalus in adults: causes

Today, the causes of the development of cerebral hydrocephalus in adults have been well studied and described, but the question of the true mechanism of development of the normotensive type of the disease remains unclear. Let us describe the main factors that provoke the onset of the disease in adults.

Hydrocephalus in adults: symptoms

Clinical symptoms of the pathology depend on the factors that gave rise to the disease, the duration of the disease and the level of intracranial pressure. In hydrocephalus that occurs after a traumatic brain injury or subarachnoid hemorrhage, signs may appear during the first week of the disease. At chronic course hydrocephalus, they appear and become aggravated gradually.

Almost always, the earliest and most prevalent symptom of hydrocephalus is the subject having problems with walking.

As the disease progresses, walking impairment becomes more severe. It is very difficult for a person to move from his place: it looks as if his legs are “magnetized” to the floor. The patient moves in small steps. His legs are usually wide apart. His shuffling gait is very noticeable. It freezes in place when turning. Sometimes, when moving, a patient with hydrocephalus stops and freezes in place because he is unable to complete the next step.

Moreover, if the patient is in a sitting or lying position, he can easily imitate a normal walking step or movement on a bicycle. While lying down or sitting, he is able to “draw” intricate symbols in the air with his feet. Sometimes there are signs of impaired control over movements in the upper limbs.

At neurological examination The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • increased muscle tone of the lower extremities;
  • resistance to passive movements of varying degrees;
  • involuntary tension in the leg muscles;
  • increased segmental reflexes;
  • decreased strength in the legs.

Simultaneously with the above symptoms, other signs of hydrocephalus in adults also appear, including imbalance. This anomaly is manifested by a feeling of instability of the torso, which occurs when trying to stand up, take a step, or turn around. Over time, these signs become aggravated: the person loses the ability to stand independently, and in complex forms of hydrocephalus he cannot even sit.

  • Many adults with hydrocephalus complain of severe headaches. Typically occurs after waking up in the morning. Headaches are accompanied by other symptoms - discomfort and discomfort in the epigastrium. Vomiting is possible, after which the patient with hydrocephalus experiences relief.
  • A common symptom of hydrocephalus in adults is a feeling of pressure coming from inside the eyes. A person may experience a burning sensation in the eyes or feel as if they have been filled with fine grains of sand. Dilated vessels are visually noticeable eyeballs. Many adults experience decreased visual acuity. The person describes the appearance of a veil and “fog” before the eyes. The development of optic nerve atrophy is likely.
  • As hydrocephalus becomes more severe, mental symptoms, which differ in their brightness. In adults, there is a lack of motivation for mental, speech, and motor activity. A state of complete indifference, indifference to ongoing phenomena arises. The patient may become disoriented in time and not understand where he is. There is a dulling of the emotional perception of reality. Common anomalies are productive symptoms, including visual and verbal hallucinations. A manic syndrome may develop, which is characterized by a triad of symptoms: high mood, acceleration of thinking and speech, motor excitement. In other adults, symptoms of depression predominate: low mood, inhibition of intellectual activity, motor retardation.
  • Poor prognostic signs are excessive sleepiness V daytime, failure in sleep-wake mode, persistent insomnia. U separate group patients develop epileptic seizures
  • . The progression of hydrocephalus leads to a significant deterioration in a person’s cognitive functions. Some patients lose the ability to care for themselves independently. Often patients are already early stages hydrocephalus indicates increased frequency of urination. Most adults expel most of the daily amount

urine at night. Subsequently, patients experience an imperative urge to urinate. Later, people suffering from hydrocephalus cease to be aware of the urge to urinate. At the same time, they have complete indifference to the involuntary urination that occurs in them.

Hydrocephalus: treatment

The choice of treatment strategy for hydrocephalus in adults occurs only after an extensive neurological examination and neuroimaging diagnostic methods. The treatment program for the disease is selected depending on the type of hydrocephalus, taking into account its severity and the rate of aggravation of symptoms. In mild forms, conservative treatment of hydrocephalus is possible by prescribing pharmacological agents . As a rule, the patient is prescribed to take the diuretic Diacarb. The action of this medication is aimed at ensuring the removal of excess fluid from the body. Good therapeutic effect shows treatment with the diuretic mannitol. helps reduce intracranial pressure, promotes increased excretion of water by the kidneys. In parallel with these drugs, it is advisable to take the diuretic drug Lasix. To compensate for calcium deficiency associated with taking diuretics, it is recommended to include Panangin in treatment.

The secondary goal of treatment for hydrocephalus in adults is to improve blood supply and nutrition to the brain tissue. Drugs are used for this various groups. An effective corrector of violations cerebral circulation is Cavinton. To activate cellular metabolism Actovegin may be included in the treatment program. For quick recovery normal functioning central nervous system, affected by negative influence hydrocephalus, it is advisable to use Cortexinum. Cerebrolysin (Cerebrolysinum) can help improve metabolism in brain tissue.

However, carrying out drug treatment in acute and severe conditions for hydrocephalus in adults, it is not advisable, since the rapid development of symptoms can lead to irreversible changes in the body and cause premature death of the patient. Therefore, if there is a threat to the patient’s life, immediate surgical treatment. IN in case of emergency

To ensure the outflow of excess cerebrospinal fluid, external ventricular drainage is performed. This technology involves ensuring the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid through the drainage system and intracranial catheter into a sterile container. In case of chronic hydrocephalus, various shunt operations are performed. This type of surgical treatment is aimed at ensuring the outflow of excess cerebrospinal fluid into the natural cavities of the body by placing a variety of shunts. This surgical treatment

Today, the safest and most atraumatic method of treating hydrocephalus is endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy of the floor of the third ventricle. Ventriculocisternostomy is an operation aimed at artificially creating a line between the basal cisterns of the brain and the ventricle. The use of this method allows you to restore the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid and stimulate the process of its resorption in natural parts. However today this type

treatment is characterized by its high cost and is not particularly common in clinics of the Russian Federation.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written Hydrocephalus of the brain is a pathology characterized by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cerebrospinal fluid spaces. This problem may be independent disease

or occurs as a result of injury, tumors, infection or other causes. The disease is also known as hydrocele.

Classification of hydrocephalus

  1. People experience:
  2. External hydrocephalus of the brain. The problem occurs when the cerebrospinal fluid is not absorbed into the bloodstream. It is the malabsorption that leads to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, increased pressure in the skull and expansion of spaces in the brain. Open hydrocephalus most often occurs due to infections.
  3. Internal hydrocephalus of the brain. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid inside the ventricles and cisterns of the brain. The most common form of this form is congenital hydrocephalus.
  4. Mixed hydrocephalus of the brain. In this case, cerebrospinal fluid accumulates not only inside the ventricles and cisterns, but also in the space around them. It can be compensated, when the functioning of the organ is not disrupted, or decompensated, in which the brain tissue is compressed and malfunctions in the functioning of the organ occur. Replacement hydrocephalus of the brain in adults. During this pathological process, the brain substance decreases in size and is replaced by cerebrospinal fluid. Mixed replacement hydrocephalus develops when cerebrospinal fluid fills internal cavities
  5. organ and the space between them.
  6. Non-occlusive hydrocephalus. This form is different in that it does not develop intracranial hypertension. The causes of the disturbances have not been clarified; the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and its circulation remain within normal limits.
  7. Normal pressure hydrocephalus. This syndrome combines impaired motor function as a result of significant expansion of the ventricles. The pressure in the skull is normal.
  8. Moderate hydrocephalus may not manifest itself in any way, but it leads to impaired blood circulation in the brain, which can subsequently cause complications, so treatment is necessary.
  9. Obstructive hydrocephalus. In this case, the accumulation of fluid occurs due to the fact that the outflow pathways of the cerebrospinal fluid are blocked. This can occur as a result of formations in the organ.
  10. Congenital hydrocephalus. As a result genetic predisposition and developmental defects, hydrocele of the brain may develop from birth, which causes serious violations organ functions.
  11. Post-traumatic hydrocephalus. Fluid accumulation occurs after severe traumatic brain injury.
  12. Atrophic hydrocephalus is accompanied by brain atrophy, in which tissue is replaced by fluid.
  13. Vicarious hydrocephalus. The pathology is manifested by enlargement of the ventricles in the absence of changes in the anatomical structure.
  14. Asymmetric hydrocephalus. This problem is reported when one ventricle is enlarged. Enlargement of all ventricles may be observed.

Hydrocephalic syndrome in adults can be different types. But in each case, the prognosis depends on the stage at which treatment was started. If therapy is carried out when the pathological process has not led to, then there is a possibility of restoration of organ functions.

Risk factors

Pathology most often develops in newborns, but can also occur in adults. According to research, any disturbance in the functioning of the central nervous system can cause a problem. Such reasons are called acquired. In this case, hydrocephalus is caused by:

Hydrocele can affect all brain systems. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of the disease occur when intracranial pressure increases and is compressed various structures organ.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in adults are signs intracranial hypertension, they are gradually accompanied by neurological disorders, and with increasing pressure on the tissue, the symptoms worsen.

Hydrocephalus can be suspected in the following cases:

  1. If you are bothered by headaches and a feeling of heaviness, which are especially intensified during sleep and in the morning after waking up. The exact location of the pain center cannot be determined. If a person accepts horizontal position, the symptom intensifies, which is explained by an increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure.
  2. At morning sickness and vomiting, regardless of what and when a person ate.
  3. If you feel pressure in your eyes.
  4. When standing.
  5. If a person begins to get tired quickly, constantly feels weak and drowsy, and often yawns.
  6. Difficulties arise with concentrating and performing simple actions.
  7. For nervousness, apathy, decreased intelligence.
  8. If it changes suddenly arterial pressure, the pulse quickens or slows down.
  9. A person constantly appears under the eyes dark circles. If you stretch the skin over them, you will see that the capillaries are filled with blood.
  10. Sweating increases significantly. There is a possibility of loss of consciousness.

These are symptoms of intracranial hypertension. Manifestations neurological disorders will be as follows:

  1. Vision is impaired. There is double vision, it is difficult to focus on one object, and visual acuity decreases.
  2. Fields of vision disappear.
  3. Atrophies due to compression optic nerve, which can lead to complete blindness. This is possible if the disease lasts for a long time.
  4. Strabismus develops.
  5. The pupils do not react to bright light.
  6. There are dysfunctions of the vestibular apparatus. The patient suffers from dizziness, the gait becomes unsteady, in the ears, involuntary vibrations of the eyeballs appear.
  7. Paralyzes limbs.
  8. Reflexes and muscle tone increase.
  9. Sensitivity decreases or disappears completely.
  10. The arms and legs become stiff and cannot be straightened because the muscle tone has increased.
  11. Signs are observed cerebellar ataxia, which causes splayed handwriting and impaired motor function.
  12. A person becomes emotionally unstable, his mood changes sharply.
  13. If the pressure inside the skull increases sharply, the patient becomes aggressive.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis of hydrocephalus can be confirmed only after a series of laboratory and instrumental studies. More information is provided by instrumental techniques. Lab tests prescribed to determine general condition health of the patient. In order to determine the presence pathological process, carry out the following procedures:

  • measure head circumference using a tape. If a child suffering from hydrocephalus is checked, the diagnosis is confirmed if the head has grown by more than one and a half centimeters in a month. In adults, any increase is considered a sign of illness;
  • An ophthalmologist examines the fundus of the eye. If there is disc swelling optic nerve I confirm that the pressure inside the skull is increased. This may also indicate that dropsy of the brain is developing;
  • carry out ultrasonography skull, which is also called neurosonography. This technique is very inaccurate and allows you to obtain the necessary information only when examining infants through the fontanel. The study is almost never prescribed for adults;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. This is the main one diagnostic technique if a person is suspected of having hydrocephalus. With its help, you can not only confirm the presence of a problem, but also determine what disorders caused it, and assess the degree of damage to brain structures and the vascular bed. The procedure allows you to determine: external hydrocephalus the human brain is either internal or its other types. Confirm the diagnosis if there is periventricular edema based on the results;
  • tomography This is an x-ray method that does not give such detailed information, like magnetic resonance imaging, so it is prescribed infrequently;
  • echoencephalography and rheoencephalography are also used to determine the disease;
  • may perform a lumbar puncture to examine the condition and composition of the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • X-rays of the skull are rarely prescribed. But the procedure makes it possible to determine that the bones of the skull are thinned.

The main evaluation criteria for making a diagnosis are the results of magnetic resonance imaging and fundus examination. If after all the tests the diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment for hydrocephalus begins. If the results of the procedures do not correspond, hydrocephalus is rejected and it is found out which disease caused similar symptoms.


Dropsy of the brain is severe and dangerous pathology. This disease can only be treated with a set of measures, since there is no one medicine that can eliminate the problem. Depending on whether a person has congenital hydrocephalus, atrophic hydrocephalus, occlusive hydrocephalus, or normal pressure hydrocephalus, treatment may involve a combination of medications and surgical procedures.

Some are trying to improve the situation with traditional methods. But this can only be done after consultation with a doctor and used as an auxiliary treatment.

Conservative treatment

Given this pathological condition treatment is carried out using:

  • diuretics. They slow down the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Doctors achieve a similar result with Diacarb, Piracetam, Glyserol. They are used in the form of injections. Since the use of diuretics is accompanied by the removal of sodium, magnesium, and potassium from the body along with fluid, vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed to prevent deficiency of these substances;
  • antibacterial agents. They are prescribed if an infectious process develops in the body. Typically, drugs are used to eliminate hydrocephalus that develops in the fetus;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • vitamin products. Vitamins of group B, C and E are especially used. They improve metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • animal enzymes. Lidase and pyrogenal break down and remove excess fluid from the body;
  • glucocorticoids. Hormonal drugs prescribed in extreme cases.

If conservative treatment does not produce results, then they try to eliminate the problem surgically.

Surgical methods of treatment

For acute and chronic form diseases may be prescribed surgery. If in the brain there is severe inflammation, and the infectious process has spread to the entire body, then surgical procedures are contraindicated. First, the infection is eliminated, and then treatment is carried out.

During surgical treatment, pathways are created through which cerebrospinal fluid can exit the skull. This procedure is called "". If there are tumors or adhesions in the organ, they are first eliminated and then bypass surgery is performed.

Dropsy of the brain can also be removed using:

  • palliative interventions. Carry out for open dropsy with, if there are contraindications to the procedure radical operations and for treating children through the eye socket;
  • radical operations. The procedure can be performed for any type of dropsy. During the procedure, shunts are placed to remove excess fluid. They can be external or internal. With external interventions there is a high risk of contracting meningitis, so they are practically not used. Using internal drainage, fluid is removed to another system or organ.

In most cases, surgical treatment can effectively eliminate the problem. In the presence of malignant formation in the brain that has caused dropsy, surgical procedures can prolong life by several years.

After surgical interventions, exacerbations may occur in the form of:

  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • blockage of the lumen of the drainage tube;
  • the tube falls out of the organ into which excess fluid should be removed.

To reduce the risk of such consequences, you should contact a specialist if you experience any symptoms.

Folk remedies

By using folk remedies the course of the disease can be alleviated. This effect is achieved using:

  • adonis infusion. A tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass. boiled water and keep on fire for 20 minutes. After this, take 50 ml three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is 3 weeks, after which they rest for a week and continue treatment;
  • parsley infusion. You can reduce swelling by preparing a medicine from chopped parsley. It is poured with boiling water and infused. After this, consume during the day before meals;
  • juniper infusion. Two spoons of cones need to be poured boiled water, place in a thermos and leave. The product eliminates swelling due to its diuretic properties. You need to drink the infusion half an hour before eating in the morning and evening time. The course of treatment should last several months. If a person has kidney problems, then the medicine is contraindicated;
  • cornflower infusion. With this remedy you can achieve a choleretic and diuretic effect.

All these remedies can only be used as an addition to the main therapy. It is impossible to eliminate hydrocephalus with herbs alone.

Complications and prognosis

If you do not start treatment for hydrocephalus on time, there is a high probability of death. Life expectancy and the development of the consequences of the disease are affected by:

  1. Stage of disease development. Severe disease causes disability or death.
  2. Time to start treatment. If therapy was prescribed when the pathology was actively progressing, then the patient’s mental state cannot be restored.
  3. The correctness of the selected therapy.
  4. Associated pathological processes.

Under the influence of these factors, the following complications may develop:

  • weakens the tone of the muscles of the limbs;
  • auditory and visual functions are impaired;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems develop;
  • the water-salt balance is disturbed;
  • epilepsy attacks occur;
  • develops ;
  • If atrophic processes have begun, then the probability of death is very high.

If pathological changes was diagnosed at the beginning of development, and the treatment was chosen correctly, then it is quite possible that the problem can be completely eliminated.

Hydrocephalus in children

Congenital hydrocephalus is quite common. It develops as a result of:

  • anomalies and developmental defects. Their formation occurs during intrauterine development under the influence of various factors. It can be infectious processes, which the mother suffered during the formation of the brain. Pathology most often develops after rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking by a woman during pregnancy;
  • intracranial injury received during childbirth. In this case, hemorrhage may occur in the subarachnoid spaces of the brain or inside the ventricles. The chances of developing pathology increase if the baby is born with low birth weight and prematurely.

Hydrocephalus in children can also be acquired. This happens as a result:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • tumors in brain tissue;
  • skull injuries;
  • rupture of malformations.

The pathological process in infants has slightly different manifestations than in other children. The main manifestation is considered to be enlargement of the head. Since up to two years the bones have not yet grown together tightly and are quite elastic, under the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid they separate, and the seams between them increase. The fontanel may also bulge and pulsate if the pressure has increased significantly.

The child sleeps poorly, cries a lot, and spits up profusely after feeding.

The disease in children can be treated conservatively and surgically. The first option is suitable if the disease has an open and non-progressive form.

To improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, the child is prescribed diuretics and drugs to improve blood circulation. If they do not produce results, then surgery may be performed. Liquor shunt operations are usually performed. During the procedure, systems of tubes and valves are installed, with the help of which cerebrospinal fluid is removed to the area abdominal cavity, atrium, pelvis. The procedures are quite traumatic, but they give a chance for normal life, as they prevent disorders of physical or intellectual development.

The impact of the disease on the mental development of children depends on many factors. 30% of children who have suffered from pathology have disorders speech function. In 20% of cases, patients find it difficult to express joy, happiness and other positive emotions. Reaction inhibition also appears.

If surgery is performed on last stage development of the disease, psychomotor disorders may develop. Although there are cases when mental development is not impaired.

Most children after hydrocephalus grow up to be friendly and communicate normally with people around them. Only a small proportion of children suffer from depression and grow up sullen and cruel.

If attacks of increased intracranial pressure persist, the patient may suffer from psychosis and confusion.

Disease Prevention

The occurrence of hydrocele in both adults and children can lead to disability or death, so every effort should be made to prevent this. You can reduce the risk of developing the disease using the following recommendations:

  • a woman during the period of bearing a child should lead healthy image life and closely monitor the condition of your body and the course of pregnancy;
  • it is important to treat everyone in a timely manner infectious pathologies which may contribute to the development of hydrocephalus;
  • it is necessary to try to avoid head injuries, as they can also give impetus to the development of pathology;
  • V Everyday life you need to be careful, avoid collisions and falls.

Hydrocephalus is not easy to cure. Especially if the therapy was carried out on advanced stages development of the disease. There are chances for recovery if you notice the development of pathology in initial stages and take measures to eliminate it. Treatment options should only be selected qualified specialist, self-medication in such cases is unacceptable. It can lead to death.