Vitamins in rose hips: how they are useful and whether they can harm. What vitamins in rose hips improve health and how to get them

Wild rose is a beautiful flower with a delicate aroma. But it is better known as rosehip.

What vitamins are contained in rose hips?

Everything is good in moderation. This simple truth must be remembered when it comes to such a popular and familiar folk recipe as rosehip decoction. And all because 100 grams of freshly picked berries contain ten daily norms of ascorbic acid, and the same amount of dried raw materials contains twice as much. Hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamins in the body is dangerous to health.

In addition to ascorbic acid, berries contain many other useful substances. What vitamins are most valuable in rose hips and why?

. Vitamin A(retinol, beta-carotene) strengthens the immune system, vision, prevents cancer, as it prevents the destructive effects of free radicals. Retinol is one of the vitamins that gives women beauty.

. Vitamin B1(thiamine) is beneficial for the nervous system. It provides normal nutrition to cells, gives energy, vigor and strength. By participating in the breakdown of fat and sugar, it helps with weight loss.

. Vitamin B2(riboflavin) regulates metabolic processes, restores normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, helps to lose weight, ensuring stable functioning of the digestive system. In addition, riboflavin is important for the health of the reproductive organs and visual system.

. Vitamin B3(niacin, nicotinic acid) is called the vitamin of calm; it ensures the normal course of redox processes, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents cardiovascular diseases, and helps the body get rid of toxins.

. Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents aging and the formation of cancerous tumors. Fights viral infections, strengthens the walls of capillaries and large blood vessels, helps remove cholesterol and toxins, and participates in metabolic processes.

. Vitamin E(tocopherol) thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helps to conceive and bear a healthy child, lowers blood sugar levels, and prevents cancer. Tocopherol is one of the “beauty vitamins” that has a beneficial effect on skin, nails and hair.

Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, pectins, and easily digestible sugars. It turns out a wonderful cocktail of biologically active substances and vitamins in rose hips. This explains why the berry is so respected and loved by the people. It is considered almost a panacea for many diseases, and here's why.

The benefits of vitamins in rose hips

The berries are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, and oils to treat various diseases. Rosehip can simply be added to tea when brewing and drunk to prevent colds. Rosehip decoction will help avoid vitamin deficiency and cure colds faster.

In addition, the vitamins in rose hips will help to quickly cure the following ailments:

Diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines;

Inflammatory processes in the urinary system;

Impaired kidney function, including urolithiasis;

Cardiovascular diseases;


Bronchopulmonary diseases;


Rosehip infusion is very effective for removing sand from the kidneys and bladder. It reduces headaches, helps with renal colic, is used to improve visual acuity, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly relieve symptoms of vitamin deficiency, and strengthen vascular walls.

Rosehip oil is used to treat seizures, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina. The oil is applied to the skin for dermatitis, scratches, burns, and acne marks are treated. The product is used to treat the throat and nasal passages for inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and nasal cavity.

Traditional healers use all parts of the plant. For example, a decoction is prepared not only from fruits, but also from roots and petals. They also contain a lot of vitamins.

How to get vitamins from rose hips

To get all the benefits that a wild rose can give to a person, you can prepare a decoction, infusion, or oil from rose hips.

Rosehip infusion

The easiest way to consume rose hips is an infusion of dried fruits. Pour a tablespoon of crushed berries with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Another method of preparation is heating over boiling water. Pour boiling water over the berries in the same proportion, simmer them in a water bath for about fifteen minutes, then let stand for half an hour, strain and drink.

The infusion turns out to be very concentrated. For medicinal purposes, drink it before meals, half a glass a day. If you have problems in the gastrointestinal tract, take the infusion after meals. It is advisable not to add sugar to the drink.

You can drink the infusion for preventive purposes. It tones well, improves performance, and helps the immune system resist viral attacks during the flu and cold season. The vitamin composition of the drink accelerates tissue regeneration and bone fusion.

Rosehip oil

To use vitamins from rose hips in the form of oil, pour 200 grams of crushed fresh or dried fruits with 700 ml of any vegetable oil. Cook for 15 minutes at a low simmer, then simmer for 5 hours in a water bath. Strain the cooled oil and pour into a glass container. You can take a tablespoon of oil orally on an empty stomach to stimulate bile production, treat gastritis, and heartburn. For external use, lubricate the affected areas with oil several times a day.

Rosehip root decoction

Rosehip roots contain vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances in large quantities. Medicines prepared from this raw material have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A decoction of the roots is used to restore motor activity in case of paralysis, and to relieve pain from radiculitis.

For 15 grams of dried crushed root, take a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes, leave for half an hour. Then strain and drink or give to the patient a little at a time throughout the day.

Can rose hips cause harm?

You cannot constantly infuse rosehip infusion and add it to tea when brewing, since the concentration of vitamins in the drink is very high. Therefore, drink the drink every two days for prevention purposes and no longer than 2 weeks in a row. If you have hypervitaminosis, you should not take drinks with rose hips.

There are diseases for which you will have to give up this tasty healing drink:

Increased acidity of gastric juice;

Gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage;

Sensitivity of teeth;

Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including endocarditis;

Increased blood clotting;

Tendency to increase blood pressure.

Be sure to rinse your mouth after drinking rosehip infusion or tea. The drink contains a lot of acid, which destroys tooth enamel. You can drink it through a straw to protect your teeth.

Allergy to rose hips is rare. However, if you are prone to allergic reactions to flowering plants, you need to be careful when using the decoction for the first time. An atypical reaction may manifest itself in the form of a rash, watery eyes, or runny nose.

Wild rose is a beautiful flower with a delicate aroma. But it is better known as rosehip.

What vitamins are contained in rose hips?

Everything is good in moderation. This simple truth must be remembered when it comes to such a popular and familiar folk recipe as rosehip decoction. And all because 100 grams of freshly picked berries contain ten daily norms of ascorbic acid, and the same amount of dried raw materials contains twice as much. Hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamins in the body is dangerous to health.

In addition to ascorbic acid, berries contain many other useful substances. What vitamins are most valuable in rose hips and why?

Vitamin A(retinol, beta-carotene) strengthens the immune system, vision, prevents cancer, as it prevents the destructive effects of free radicals. Retinol is one of the vitamins that gives women beauty.

Vitamin B1(thiamine) is beneficial for the nervous system. It provides normal nutrition to cells, gives energy, vigor and strength. By participating in the breakdown of fat and sugar, it helps with weight loss.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) regulates metabolic processes, restores normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, helps to lose weight, ensuring stable functioning of the digestive system. In addition, riboflavin is important for the health of the reproductive organs and visual system.

Vitamin B3(niacin, nicotinic acid) is called the vitamin of calm; it ensures the normal course of redox processes, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents cardiovascular diseases, and helps the body get rid of toxins.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents aging and the formation of cancerous tumors. Fights viral infections, strengthens the walls of capillaries and large blood vessels, helps remove cholesterol and toxins, and participates in metabolic processes.

Vitamin E(tocopherol) thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helps to conceive and bear a healthy child, lowers blood sugar levels, and prevents cancer. Tocopherol is one of the “beauty vitamins” that has a beneficial effect on skin, nails and hair.

Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, pectins, and easily digestible sugars. It turns out a wonderful cocktail of biologically active substances and vitamins in rose hips. This explains why the berry is so respected and loved by the people. It is considered almost a panacea for many diseases, and here's why.

The benefits of vitamins in rose hips

The berries are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, and oils to treat various diseases. Rosehip can simply be added to tea when brewing and drunk to prevent colds. Rosehip decoction will help avoid vitamin deficiency and cure colds faster.

In addition, the vitamins in rose hips will help to quickly cure the following ailments:

Diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines;

Inflammatory processes in the urinary system;

Impaired kidney function, including urolithiasis;

Cardiovascular diseases;


Bronchopulmonary diseases;


Rosehip infusion is very effective for removing sand from the kidneys and bladder. It reduces headaches, helps with renal colic, is used to improve visual acuity, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly relieve symptoms of vitamin deficiency, and strengthen vascular walls.

Rosehip oil is used to treat seizures, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina. The oil is applied to the skin for dermatitis, scratches, burns, and acne marks are treated. The product is used to treat the throat and nasal passages for inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and nasal cavity.

Traditional healers use all parts of the plant. For example, a decoction is prepared not only from fruits, but also from roots and petals. They also contain a lot of vitamins.

How to get vitamins from rose hips

To get all the benefits that a wild rose can give to a person, you can prepare a decoction, infusion, or oil from rose hips.

Rosehip infusion

The easiest way to consume rose hips is an infusion of dried fruits. Pour a tablespoon of crushed berries with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Another method of preparation is heating over boiling water. Pour boiling water over the berries in the same proportion, simmer them in a water bath for about fifteen minutes, then let stand for half an hour, strain and drink.

The infusion turns out to be very concentrated. For medicinal purposes, drink it before meals, half a glass a day. If you have problems in the gastrointestinal tract, take the infusion after meals. It is advisable not to add sugar to the drink.

You can drink the infusion for preventive purposes. It tones well, improves performance, and helps the immune system resist viral attacks during the flu and cold season. The vitamin composition of the drink accelerates tissue regeneration and bone fusion.

Rosehip oil

To use vitamins from rose hips in the form of oil, pour 200 grams of crushed fresh or dried fruits with 700 ml of any vegetable oil. Cook for 15 minutes at a low simmer, then simmer for 5 hours in a water bath. Strain the cooled oil and pour into a glass container. You can take a tablespoon of oil orally on an empty stomach to stimulate bile production, treat gastritis, and heartburn. For external use, lubricate the affected areas with oil several times a day.

Rosehip root decoction

Rosehip roots contain vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances in large quantities. Medicines prepared from this raw material have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A decoction of the roots is used to restore motor activity in case of paralysis, and to relieve pain from radiculitis.

For 15 grams of dried crushed root, take a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes, leave for half an hour. Then strain and drink or give to the patient a little at a time throughout the day.

Can rose hips cause harm?

You cannot constantly infuse rosehip infusion and add it to tea when brewing, since the concentration of vitamins in the drink is very high. Therefore, drink the drink every two days for prevention purposes and no longer than 2 weeks in a row. If you have hypervitaminosis, you should not take drinks with rose hips.

There are diseases for which you will have to give up this tasty healing drink:

Increased acidity of gastric juice;

Gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage;

Sensitivity of teeth;

Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including endocarditis;

Increased blood clotting;

Tendency to increase blood pressure.

Be sure to rinse your mouth after drinking rosehip infusion or tea. The drink contains a lot of acid, which destroys tooth enamel. You can drink it through a straw to protect your teeth.

Allergy to rose hips is rare. However, if you are prone to allergic reactions to flowering plants, you need to be careful when using the decoction for the first time. An atypical reaction may manifest itself in the form of a rash, watery eyes, or runny nose.

In winter, the majority of the population in our country receives relatively large amounts of vitamin C from potatoes, as well as from fresh and sauerkraut.

Although potatoes at this time contain relatively little vitamin C (about 10 mg% per 100 g), and sauerkraut less than 20 mg%, thanks to their consumption in large quantities, the total amount of vitamin C supplied with these products is significant .

With a lack of vitamin C, scurvy develops. Excessive doses (up to several g per day) of ascorbic acid are also not harmless to the body and can lead to serious complications, such as kidney stones.

Required amount of vitamin C(adults from 50 to 100 mg, children from 30 to 70 mg per day) should be ingested with food.

The main sources of vitamin C are berries, vegetables and fruits. The daily need for vitamin is met with cabbage, potatoes, green onions, tomatoes, etc.

The largest amount of vitamin C is found in rose hips (up to 1200 mg), black currant berries (up to 200 mg), and red pepper (up to 250 mg). There is a lot of vitamin C in sea buckthorn, oranges, lemons; very little - in animal products.

Vitamin C content in products. Table

The product's name

Vitamin C, mg/100 g.

Rosehip (dried)

Fresh rosehip

Cilantro (coriander) greens

Hot pepper (chili)

Red pepper (sweet and bitter)

Dried boletus (mushroom)

Sea ​​buckthorn

Black currant

Parsley (greens)

White dried (mushroom), Cloudberry

Sweet bell pepper

Brussels sprouts, horseradish

Dill, Kiwi


Cauliflower, Rowan

Green onion

Orange, Papaya, Kohlrabi, Pomelo

Sorrel, Cranberry, Strawberry

Red and white currants

Spinach, Pineapple

Red cabbage

Lemon, Grapefruit, Strawberry

Beef liver

Tangerines, green onions (feather)

Fresh white cabbage, leek

Apples, Porcini mushroom, rutabaga, Garlic, Mango

White cabbage (sauerkraut), Patisson

Green peas

Radish, Red tomato

Chicken liver

Pork liver

Radishes, Green beans, Asparagus

Potatoes, Lingonberries, Quince

Cherry, Sweet cherry, Cherry plum, Honey mushrooms, Lettuce, Zucchini

Peaches, Bananas, beets, plums, Butter, Onions.

Beef kidneys, Avocado, Pomegranate

Watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, eggplant, pear

Peanuts, pistachios

Sea fish

Milk, Cottage cheese, River fish


Vitamin C is not found in rye bread, or in cereals such as semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, and millet.

The table shows that the main sources of vitamin C are greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, and fruits. The daily need for this vitamin is satisfied by cabbage, potatoes, green onions, tomatoes, etc. A lot of ascorbic acid is also found in green sweet peppers, red peppers, black currants, horseradish, strawberries, sorrel, lemons, oranges and many other products of plant origin.

Its natural concentrate is rosehip (100 g of dried fruit contains up to 1500 mg of vitamin C). Dried rose hips are an excellent source of vitamin C and are especially valuable in winter and spring. Infuse for 10-12 hours. a decoction of rose hips contains a daily dose of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is also obtained synthetically, it is produced in the form of powder, dragees, glucose tablets, etc.; It is included in various multivitamin preparations.

But it's strange. The aborigines of the Far North - Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos - who do not consume vegetables, fruits, and greens, showed no signs of vitamin C deficiency. At one time there was the following hypothesis: a long, centuries-long diet of many generations, very poor in vitamin C, led to the fact that the body of these peoples adapted, adapted to small amounts of vitamin C, and sharply reduced its need for this nutritional factor.

What actually turned out to be? Research by the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute in the Far North of the USSR, conducted on the Nenets, and observations by American scientists on the Eskimos showed that these peoples still receive up to 50 mg of Vitamin C per day due to very large, from a European point of view, quantities of meat, fish, internal organs, often consumed lightly cooked or raw.

The supply of vitamins and other nutritional factors to the body largely depends on the nutritional structure, which varies sharply among different peoples. For example, cabbage and potatoes, compared with many other products, are not so rich in ascorbic acid.

But the population of our and many other countries consumes them almost all year round in such significant quantities that their need for vitamin C is satisfied to a much greater extent than through, for example, pineapples or oranges, which are much richer in ascorbic acid. On the other hand, pineapples and oranges, which do not grow in Russia, are products of mass consumption in a number of southern countries and, therefore, serve as very significant sources of vitamin C.

In our area, rose hips can be considered the richest source of vitamin C.

100 g of wild rose hips (Rosa canina) contains about 500 mg of vitamin C; in the wrinkled rose, called rose hips (Rosa rugosa), - from 800 to 900 mg. If you believe the legend, the wrinkled one was brought from Siberia to Poland by participants in the 1863 uprising, returning home from exile. It has large, round fruits; it blooms and bears fruit at the same time from August until the first frost. The flowers are large, strongly scented, carmine, white or pink. Bushes - up to 1.5-2.5 m tall.

Rosehip garland - cinnamon rose (Rosa cinnamomea) contains more vitamin C than any other form - up to 2400 mg per 100 g. The flowers are red, bears fruit in August. On level ground it can form a creeping hedge. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, with protruding entire sepals.

There are more than 20 types of rose hips. The fruits of each of them are a very valuable food product. Usually they only talk about vitamin C, but they also contain a lot of minerals. Of course, it is best to eat fresh rosehips, but without seeds. Children most often do this. For adults, you can make wine, marmalade, jams and juices from rose hips, which, by the way, are very tasty. Rose hips can be dried and then cooked from them.

Rose hip wine. Peel the fruits (do not remove the seeds), wash them thoroughly and pour 1/3 of the volume into a large bottle. Pour 3/4 of the volume with cooled boiled water and sugar. Add wine yeast according to the instructions on the bag and leave for 3 months. After this, pour the liquid through a plastic tube into a smaller bottle so that it is almost full, and leave again for 3-4 months. Then the wine is bottled without sediment into regular bottles.

The remaining fruits in the bottle can be refilled with water and sugar, seasoned with yeast and left for another 3-4 months. Sugar consumption is 250-300 g for every liter of water.

A glass of this rosehip wine contains about 70 mg of vitamin C, many other vitamins and various substances soluble in water and alcohol.

Rose hip marmalade. Crush the sorted and washed berries with a mixer and 1/2 cup of water. Pass through a sieve, discard the seeds. Add and cook or pasteurize in jars.

Rosehip jam. Peel the berries from the stalk and flower calyx and remove the seeds. After this, rinse thoroughly in several waters, let the water drain and pour the berries into hot syrup. Cook in the usual way, put the hot jam into perfectly clean steamed jars, immediately preserve and place under a blanket (dry). Turn the jars upside down after they have cooled.

In second place after rose hips - as a rich source of multivitamins and polyminerals - is parsley. It is especially rich in vitamin C: 128-193 mg per 100 g. The following table gives a good idea of ​​foods rich in vitamin C:

Other vegetables and fruits have less vitamin C; apples and pears, for example, contain small amounts. It is also worth recalling that ascorbic acid decomposes very easily during cooking; in boiled foods there is much less of it. It also decomposes upon contact with iron (pots with chipped enamel, knives); its content decreases during storage. For example, in potatoes in autumn and winter there are 20-33 mg% of vitamin C, after 6 months - only 10 mg%, and in spring - 7-8 mg%.

We have devoted a lot of time to this vitamin, and it deserves it, but it’s time to move on to the description of the next, no less important -

This is a shrub 1–1.5 m high. There are small thorns on the branches. The fruits are smooth, fleshy, orange berries. The pulp is soft; inside there are hard seeds with numerous bristly hairs. It has a peculiar sour taste.

Rose hips are widespread throughout Europe. It grows wild in forests, forest-steppes, along rivers, ravines, near roads, on the sandy sea coasts of the Pacific Ocean - from Kamchatka to Korea. Rose hips are cultivated in gardens and forest nurseries as a vitamin, medicinal and ornamental tree.

Rosehip is very rich in ascorbic acid: it contains up to 7100 mg/100 g. This is about 10 times more than in black currants, 50 times more than in lemon, and 100 times more than in apples.

In addition, rose hips contain 1400 mg/100 g of bioflavonoids, 42 mg/100 g of carotene, 600–800 mg/100 g of vitamin C (in some varieties its content reaches 2500–17800 mg/100 g, 200–1500 mg/100 g). g P-active substances, 13–19% soluble substances, 2–3% tannins, 4% pectins, 4% organic acids (citric, malic, etc.), as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9, K1, E, sugars, nitrogenous substances and cellulose.

Rose hips contain flavone substances (quercetin, kaempferol, isoquercetin, tiliroside), catechins (epigallocatechin, gallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate and epicatechin gallate) and minerals (iron, potassium and calcium salts, manganese, phosphates).

Rosehip seeds contain fats that have healing properties, which include unsaturated fatty acids and aromatic essential oils.

Properties of rose hips

Rosehip preparations have a beneficial effect on the entire body, increase its resistance to various diseases, and increase performance. The fruits of the plant have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as choleretic and diuretic effects.

Rosehip seed oil has a choleretic effect.


In the food industry, rose hips are used for the production of oil and fats, since its fruits have an antioxidant effect.

Rosehip improves the color, smell and taste of fats.

Rosehip berries are eaten, brewed as tea, syrups are made from them and rosehip oil is obtained.


Rosehip tea with honey

5 tbsp. l. Rosehip berries are poured into 1 liter of water and soaked for 10 minutes. Then put to boil over low heat for 5 minutes, add 1 glass of apple juice and 3 tbsp. l. honey, bring the mixture to a boil, filter and pour into a thermos. The drink can be drunk both hot and cold, 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

Rose hip decoction

100 g of dry rose hips are lightly kneaded with a pestle, cleaned of hairs and filled with 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled in a closed saucepan for 5–7 minutes, then left for 2–3 hours to infuse. The broth is filtered through 3 layers of gauze and drunk 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day.

You can boil whole rose hips. In this case, they must be boiled for 10 minutes, after which the broth is poured into a thermos and left to infuse for 2-3 hours. You can add a little sugar or honey to taste.

Application in medicine

Rose hips have been used in medicine for a long time.

Hippocrates also used it in the treatment of colds. In the Middle Ages, rose hips were considered miraculous for hemoptysis.

Currently, vitamin preparations - holosas and syrup - are prepared from rose hips. Holosas is used as a diuretic, it is prescribed for hepatitis, as well as radiation therapy for cancer tumors. For laryngeal cancer, the irradiated area is lubricated with holosasal; for cervical cancer, tampons with holosas are used. It is especially effective in the stage of formation of an inflammatory-necrotic film. With the formation of ulcers and progressive necrosis, the use of this drug also brings relief to the patient.

Rosehip oil is a good wound healing agent. It is used for cracked nipples in nursing mothers, bedsores, trophic ulcers of the leg and dermatoses.

Rose hips are successfully used in the treatment of chronic anacid and achilic forms of gastritis. The fruits are also part of Traskova’s anti-asthmatic medicine.

For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, eat rose hips on an empty stomach. For anemia, rosehip infusion is used as a diaphoretic. When the branches of the plant are burned, a resin-like substance is formed, which is used to lubricate lesions of psoriasis.

Strong green tea with rosehip extract (cholosas or syrup) instead of sugar is very useful. It is drunk for headaches and colds.

Rosehip leaves are rich in vitamins, so they are included in vitamin teas.

Syrup with honey is prepared from rosehip leaves. This remedy is used to treat inflammatory diseases, as well as ulcerations in the oral cavity.

Indications. For kidney and bladder stones, it is recommended to take a decoction of rosehip roots, and for gastrointestinal diseases, a vodka tincture of the roots.

Indications. A decoction of rosehip flowers is very effective for various eye diseases.

The leaves and roots of the plant are used to treat diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin, as well as hepatocholecystitis and residual effects of viral hepatitis.

In folk medicine, rosehip infusion is used to treat diabetes.

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Rose hips - chemical composition, healing properties, medicinal uses


  • Medicinal properties of fruits, use for
    • influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI
    • anemia
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • pancreatitis and gastrointestinal diseases
  • Infusion for diseases of the gall and bladder, pain in the liver and kidneys
  • Contraindications
  • Treatment for men
  • Benefits for women
  • Can the plant be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
  • Does it thicken or thin the blood?
  • Infusion in a thermos: benefits and harms
  • How to cook medicinal compote from dried fruits: recipe
  • Collection and procurement of raw materials

Rosehip is a well-known shrub plant from the Rosaceae family, distributed throughout Russia, except for the Black Sea region and Crimea. The medicinal and beneficial properties of rose hips have been equally widely known for a long time, but not many are familiar with the contraindications.

The plant is widely used in both official and folk medicine - its popularity in ancient times is evidenced by the fact that Hippocrates himself prescribed prescriptions based on rose hips to his patients.

Almost any part of the plant can be used as medicine - flowers, branches and even roots. But most often its fruits play this role. They contain a variety of useful substances:

  • Mineral salts – potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium
  • Sugars and organic acids
  • Pectins
  • Flavonoids, etc.
  • Essential oils

In addition, they contain a rich “collection” of vitamins:

  • vitamin E, which strengthens the body's immune system;
  • vitamin K, necessary to increase the strength of bone tissue and improve blood clotting;
  • The content of vitamin C in rose hips is especially high, the level of which is “overtaken” even by black currants.

In addition to wild ones, many varieties of cultivated shrubs are currently known. The plant does not require complex care and takes root easily when replanted. All that matters is timely watering, weeding and thinning.

>Rose hips: medicinal properties and contraindications

Due to its composition, the fruits of the plant help fight many diseases, including various inflammatory processes, sore throat, influenza, ARVI. Also, decoctions of rose hips are used as a basis for oxygen cocktails, which increase the overall tone of the body and its resistance to these and many other infections.

Flu, ARVI, immunity

♦ This recipe will help with kidney diseases, for the prevention and treatment of rheumatism, as well as with anemia, scurvy and flu. In addition, this remedy improves metabolism. To prepare the infusion you need:

  • two teaspoons, maybe with a heap of rose hips, dried and crushed;
  • take a glass of boiling water and pour in the mixture;
  • let it stand for ten to fifteen minutes;
  • then strain;

Should be taken after meals, three times a day. For each use, you should brew a fresh infusion.

♦ The beneficial properties of rose hips, taking into account contraindications, have a healing effect in combination with other medicinal plants. So, for colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections, the following collection will help:

  • Take equal quantities of dried and crushed coltsfoot, rose hips, chamomile and linden flowers, raspberries (berries or twigs);
  • Pour a liter of boiling water over this mixture (three tablespoons will be enough) and boil;
  • cook for five minutes over low heat;
  • let sit and strain.

Drink half a glass a day three to four times. A fresh decoction should be prepared every day.

♦ To strengthen the immune system:

  • Two tablespoons of ground dry fruits should be boiled in a glass of water;
  • strain;

Take a tablespoon three times a day.

♦ Also, to activate the body’s defenses, a collection of medicinal plants is used:

  • Take 5 g of black currant berries, 2 g of strawberry leaves, 10 g of rowan berries and the same amount of rose hips, chop everything and stir;
  • pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for a month (preferably in a cool and dark place), then strain;

Take 20-30 drops in the morning and evening for a month. Then take a break of 15 days and take it again for a month.

  • Take chopped rosehips (about 5 tablespoons) and pour 1 liter of water into an enamel bowl in the evening;
  • the infusion should be brought to a boil and boiled for another 10 minutes over low heat;
  • remove from heat, cover the pan and leave to steep overnight.

This decoction can be drunk as tea or instead of it, at any time as desired.

The cardiovascular system

Rosehip infusion is taken with benefit and without harm in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system - angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertension and hypotension. Ascorbic acid contained in berries prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on their condition and reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

♦ Recipe for people with heart and vascular diseases. It will also be useful for vitamin deficiency and people with metabolic disorders.

  • Take 5 tablespoons of pine needles and 3 tablespoons of rose hips, chop everything;
  • Pour the resulting mixture with a liter of boiling water. Only enamel cookware should be used;
  • boil;
  • then close the lid and wrap the pan, let it brew for 5 hours;
  • the resulting infusion should be filtered.

Drink one third or half a glass with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice, preferably fresh.

♦ Collection for heart pain

  • In the evening, mix 1 tablespoon of crushed mint leaves, a tablespoon of valerian root, the same amount of rose hips and pour boiling water (half a liter will be enough, be sure to take an enamel container);
  • Boil over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • let it brew, then strain.

Take two tablespoons at night.

♦ For atherosclerosis

  • Fill two-thirds of a half-liter bottle with crushed rose hips;
  • pour vodka, then leave for about 2 weeks in a warm place;
  • The infusion should be shaken daily;
  • strain.
  • Take 20 drops per piece of sugar.

You can prepare this medicine from whole fruits. Take 5 drops of this tincture, increasing the dose by another five every day. Thus, increase the dose to 100 drops. The dose should then be reduced in the same way again to five.

Rosehip for pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases

As a component, rosehip is included in medicinal decoctions used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

♦ So, for pancreatitis there is a wonderful recipe with rose hips:

Boil 100 g of dried fruits in a liter of water for 5 minutes, leave covered until completely cooled and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

♦ For intestinal diverticulosis

  • You should take rose hips, dill, motherwort, nettle and chamomile flowers in equal parts, all this needs to be crushed and stirred;
  • Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a thermos with a glass of boiling water;
  • Let it sit for an hour and a half, then strain.

You need to drink half a glass in the morning and evening after meals. The course of admission is one month.

♦ If you are worried about an inflamed intestine, liver or bladder, you should do the following:

  • Fill an enamel pan with a liter of water and boil;
  • take 50 crushed rose hips and throw them into boiling water;
  • remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid;
  • let it brew for at least 12 hours, then strain.

You should drink one glass three times a day. You can add honey to the infusion.

Rosehip infusion: how to take it beneficially without harm for diseases of the gallbladder, bladder, liver and kidneys

♦ For cholecystitis:

  • Take 1 handful of rose hips per half liter of water and a teaspoon of sugar;
  • simmer over low heat for three or five minutes. It is not advisable to brew in a thermos;
  • It is advisable to boil the broth again for 7-10 minutes, then the broth will be more useful.

You should drink it instead of tea or water.

♦ For kidney and liver diseases, as well as for the treatment of alcoholism, you can prepare the following recipe:

  • Take two liter enamel containers with lids;
  • put a glass of crushed rose hips in the first container, and a glass of birch chaga mushroom in the second;
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water into each container and bring to a boil. Do not boil!
  • leave for an hour, then strain and mix.

Drink half an hour before meals in equal proportions. It is important to brush your teeth immediately after taking it - rose hips destroy the enamel. A portion of rosehip infusion can be infused 2 times, and another portion with birch mushroom - 4 times.

The course of treatment is at least 2 months. A new one should be prepared every day.

♦ In order to use rosehip infusion without harm, and with maximum benefit, for diseases of the bladder or kidneys, gastritis (with high acidity), tuberculosis and atherosclerosis, you need to do the following:

  • 150-200 g of rose hips (it doesn’t matter whether dry or fresh) pour a liter of boiling water;
  • then leave for a day, then strain.

Drink half an hour before meals two or three times a day, 100 ml per dose.

Vinegar from fruits for kidney diseases

Rosehip vinegar can help with kidney disease:

  • To prepare vinegar, take a glass container with a wide neck and fill it with dry fruits;
  • Next, dissolve sugar in boiled water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100-150 g of sugar;
  • then pour this water into the jar to the top. The water should be at room temperature;
  • Cover the container with gauze and leave in a dark place for one and a half to two months.
  • if you want to add strength to the vinegar, you can add fresh shoots or leaves of the plant when infusing;
  • Afterwards, the vinegar should be filtered and bottled. Store in a dark place and preferably at room temperature.

Vinegar should be drunk for at least a month, a tablespoon a day three times, diluted with water or added to tea.

Cleansing the Lymphatic System

The following recipe will help cleanse the lymph:

  • Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of ground rose hips (half a liter is enough);
  • let cool;
  • then strain.

You should drink about twenty minutes before meals, a quarter glass through a straw, as rose hips contribute to the destruction of enamel. Take three times a day.


Like most medicines, rosehip preparations, in addition to beneficial and medicinal properties, have contraindications. So, for gastritis with high acidity, stomach or duodenal ulcers, it is not recommended to use them for a long time, because The vitamin C they contain can worsen the condition of the mucous membrane.

Also, long-term use of rose hips can provoke stagnation in the liver tissue, which can lead to inflammation. Due to its ability to increase blood clotting, the decoction is not useful for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and heart failure in the stage of cardiac muscle dystrophy.

When taking rosehip infusion as a vitamin drink, you should drink it with a special straw in order to protect tooth enamel from the damaging effects of ascorbic acid. After this, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water.

Rosehip: beneficial properties and contraindications for men

♦ For prostate adenoma, the following recipe will help:

  • Take pine needles, five tablespoons will be enough, then one handful of onion peels, a handful of rosehips and hawthorns each, chop;
  • pour this mixture with boiling water (half a liter) in an enamel bowl;
  • put on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for another five minutes;
  • then cover with a lid, wrap and let it brew overnight;
  • strain in the morning.

You need to drink half a glass 3 times a day for at least three months.

♦ To restore potency and sexual strength in men, the beneficial properties of rose hips are also useful, but you need to take into account the contraindications of all plants, since the collection is used:

  • Take lemon balm leaves, sage, rowan berries and rosehip berries, dried and in equal quantities per 100 g for everyone;
  • pour boiling water (500 ml) and simmer over low heat for no more than five minutes;
  • let it brew for half an hour and strain.

You should drink a quarter glass before meals. It is important to prepare the decoction every day so that it is fresh. The treatment is long-term.

Contraindications for men

Rose hips do not have any negative effects on the body of the stronger sex if taken in reasonable quantities. Therefore, contraindications to the use of all parts of the plant are the same for all adult organisms. No violations of the reproductive system and functions were observed with its use.

Benefits for women

Pine needles, rose hips, onion peels for infertility and high blood pressure

  • Take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2 tablespoons of rose hips and the same amount of onion peels, chop everything and mix;
  • pour boiling water, 600 ml of water is enough;
  • let it sit.

You need to drink it constantly instead of other drinks. The recipe helps not only with infertility, but also reduces high blood pressure.


For inflammation of the ovaries, you can prepare the following decoction:

  • Take equal parts of yarrow, rose hips, calendula, water pepper and horsetail;
  • Brew at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of water;
  • let it brew.

Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

Is it possible to drink rose hips during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Many sources provide information that the use of the plant during gestation requires special caution: in some cases, an overdose threatens miscarriage. The author of books on herbal medicine, R. Akhmetov, gives more detailed recommendations on how to properly drink rose hips during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, and breastfeeding. In particular, he gives a specific recipe:

For low blood pressure in pregnant or lactating women, you need to thoroughly grind 100 g of rose hips into powder, pour half a liter of homemade vodka and leave for a week. Drink the medicine 20 drops three times a day until the condition improves. We would like to add that the duration of the course should not exceed three weeks. You should also take into account contraindications!

Does rosehip increase or decrease blood pressure?

We will find the answer in the same book by R. Akhmetov. A wonderful naturopath, he is perhaps the only one who gave an exact answer whether rosehip lowers or increases blood pressure. So,

  1. Alcohol tincture of fruits increases blood pressure!

  2. Decoctions, infusions, teas and steams made from fruit water reduce!

Does rosehip thicken or thin the blood?

The contraindications stated that the plant has the ability to increase blood viscosity, so it is not recommended to take it for characteristic diseases - thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, circulatory failure, and scanty menstruation.

Rosehip infusion in a thermos: benefits and harms

For maximum benefit without harm, it is better to prepare an infusion of dried rose hips in a thermos with a glass flask - if the flask is made of stainless steel, contact of the raw material with the metal sharply (by 30-40 percent) reduces the level of vitamin C in the finished drink. But usually thermoses with a stainless flask have a wide neck, so you can use a trick by putting a suitable-sized glass bottle with the decoction in it, in which it will be infused.

The dried rosehip shell (without seeds) is poured into a thermos (or glass bottle) and filled with hot water, but not boiling water. The proportions do not matter much: like tea, rosehip infusion can be more or less strong - it all depends on the taste of the one who prepares it. After 6-9 hours of infusion, the drink is ready to drink. If the infusion is prepared from whole fruits, the preparation time increases to one and a half days.

Attention! In order to obtain the maximum benefit and not harm, pour the rosehip infusion into a thermos with recently boiled water, but not with boiling water. When prepared using only boiled water and infused in a thermos, some of the beneficial substances in the fruit are destroyed, without which the healing properties of the plant are reduced.

How to cook compote from dried rose hips: both tasty and healthy

For those gourmets who find a simple infusion too “bland” a drink, we advise you to prepare an equally healthy, but much more tasty compote. So, how to properly cook dried rosehip compote - a proven recipe.

The dried pulp without seeds is soaked overnight in warm water - it should be slightly above room temperature. In the morning, drain the soaked pulp in a colander, pour the infusion into a saucepan, add a little cinnamon and the zest of one lemon. Then add sugar to taste to the infusion and cook over low heat, stirring gently. After the sugar has completely dissolved, you can add a little orange juice. After waiting 2-3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and cool. The compote is ready!

How to properly harvest fruits

Be that as it may, the beneficial properties of rose hips far exceed its possible negative effects, which, moreover, are easily neutralized by reasonable caution. So, how to turn this plant into a “healer for seven ailments”?

Rules for harvesting rose hips

  1. First of all, it is necessary to harvest the crop on time. Rose hips reach their peak usefulness in September-October, turning red or bright orange.
  2. The berries should be smooth and fairly firm to the touch.
  3. They must be collected before the onset of frost, because when frozen and thawed, they lose most of their beneficial qualities.
  4. The collected fruits need to be sorted, washed and dried, then placed in the oven, with the door slightly open for ventilation, or in an electric fruit dryer. For proper drying, it is necessary to maintain a temperature range of +70 – +75 degrees. The berries reach the consistency required for storage after about 3-4 hours of drying.
  5. It is important to ensure that they do not lose their natural color and do not darken by “frying”: by acquiring a dark burgundy or brown tint, the raw material may lose a significant part of its vitamins, which naturally reduces its medicinal properties.

You can dry both whole and seed-free berries. Both of these methods have both pros and cons.

  • In the first case, in addition to the vitamins contained in the orange pulp of the shell, the rosehip also preserves the essential oils contained in the seeds, which makes them much more healing. But when making a decoction from whole berries, it must be carefully strained to avoid getting the prickly seeds of the plant into the drink, which can injure the mucous membrane of the mouth or digestive tract.
  • If the fruits are processed before drying, separating the pulp from the seeds, there is no need to worry about this, however, such processing reduces the medicinal qualities of the prepared raw materials.

The article provides detailed information about the beneficial and medicinal properties of rose hips, contraindications to its use and the rules for proper harvesting of fruits. Let medicinal plants help you maintain health for many years!

Wild rose is a beautiful flower with a delicate aroma. But it is better known as rosehip.

What vitamins are contained in rose hips?

Everything is good in moderation. This simple truth must be remembered when it comes to such a popular and familiar folk recipe as rosehip decoction. And all because 100 grams of freshly picked berries contain ten daily norms of ascorbic acid, and the same amount of dried raw materials contains twice as much. Hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamins in the body is dangerous to health.

In addition to ascorbic acid, berries contain many other useful substances. What vitamins are most valuable in rose hips and why?

Vitamin A(retinol, beta-carotene) strengthens the immune system, vision, prevents cancer, as it prevents the destructive effects of free radicals. Retinol is one of the vitamins that gives women beauty.

Vitamin B1(thiamine) is beneficial for the nervous system. It provides normal nutrition to cells, gives energy, vigor and strength. By participating in the breakdown of fat and sugar, it helps with weight loss.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin) regulates metabolic processes, restores normal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, helps to lose weight, ensuring stable functioning of the digestive system. In addition, riboflavin is important for the health of the reproductive organs and visual system.

Vitamin B3(niacin, nicotinic acid) is called the vitamin of calm; it ensures the normal course of redox processes, normalizes metabolic processes, prevents cardiovascular diseases, and helps the body get rid of toxins.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents aging and the formation of cancerous tumors. Fights viral infections, strengthens the walls of capillaries and large blood vessels, helps remove cholesterol and toxins, and participates in metabolic processes.

Vitamin E(tocopherol) thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helps to conceive and bear a healthy child, lowers blood sugar levels, and prevents cancer. Tocopherol is one of the “beauty vitamins” that has a beneficial effect on skin, nails and hair.

Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, pectins, and easily digestible sugars. It turns out a wonderful cocktail of biologically active substances and vitamins in rose hips. This explains why the berry is so respected and loved by the people. It is considered almost a panacea for many diseases, and here's why.

The benefits of vitamins in rose hips

The berries are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, and oils to treat various diseases. Rosehip can simply be added to tea when brewing and drunk to prevent colds. Rosehip decoction will help avoid vitamin deficiency and cure colds faster.

In addition, the vitamins in rose hips will help to quickly cure the following ailments:

Diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines;

Inflammatory processes in the urinary system;

Impaired kidney function, including urolithiasis;

Cardiovascular diseases;


Bronchopulmonary diseases;


Rosehip infusion is very effective for removing sand from the kidneys and bladder. It reduces headaches, helps with renal colic, is used to improve visual acuity, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly relieve symptoms of vitamin deficiency, and strengthen vascular walls.

Rosehip oil is used to treat seizures, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina. The oil is applied to the skin for dermatitis, scratches, burns, and acne marks are treated. The product is used to treat the throat and nasal passages for inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and nasal cavity.

Traditional healers use all parts of the plant. For example, a decoction is prepared not only from fruits, but also from roots and petals. They also contain a lot of vitamins.

How to get vitamins from rose hips

To get all the benefits that a wild rose can give to a person, you can prepare a decoction, infusion, or oil from rose hips.

Rosehip infusion

The easiest way to consume rose hips is an infusion of dried fruits. Pour a tablespoon of crushed berries with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Another method of preparation is heating over boiling water. Pour boiling water over the berries in the same proportion, simmer them in a water bath for about fifteen minutes, then let stand for half an hour, strain and drink.

The infusion turns out to be very concentrated. For medicinal purposes, drink it before meals, half a glass a day. If you have problems in the gastrointestinal tract, take the infusion after meals. It is advisable not to add sugar to the drink.

You can drink the infusion for preventive purposes. It tones well, improves performance, and helps the immune system resist viral attacks during the flu and cold season. The vitamin composition of the drink accelerates tissue regeneration and bone fusion.

Rosehip oil

To use vitamins from rose hips in the form of oil, pour 200 grams of crushed fresh or dried fruits with 700 ml of any vegetable oil. Cook for 15 minutes at a low simmer, then simmer for 5 hours in a water bath. Strain the cooled oil and pour into a glass container. You can take a tablespoon of oil orally on an empty stomach to stimulate bile production, treat gastritis, and heartburn. For external use, lubricate the affected areas with oil several times a day.

Rosehip root decoction

Rosehip roots contain vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances in large quantities. Medicines prepared from this raw material have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A decoction of the roots is used to restore motor activity in case of paralysis, and to relieve pain from radiculitis.

For 15 grams of dried crushed root, take a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes, leave for half an hour. Then strain and drink or give to the patient a little at a time throughout the day.

Can rose hips cause harm?

You cannot constantly infuse rosehip infusion and add it to tea when brewing, since the concentration of vitamins in the drink is very high. Therefore, drink the drink every two days for prevention purposes and no longer than 2 weeks in a row. If you have hypervitaminosis, you should not take drinks with rose hips.

There are diseases for which you will have to give up this tasty healing drink:

Increased acidity of gastric juice;

Gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage;

Sensitivity of teeth;

Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including endocarditis;

Increased blood clotting;

Tendency to increase blood pressure.

Be sure to rinse your mouth after drinking rosehip infusion or tea. The drink contains a lot of acid, which destroys tooth enamel. You can drink it through a straw to protect your teeth.

Allergy to rose hips is rare. However, if you are prone to allergic reactions to flowering plants, you need to be careful when using the decoction for the first time. An atypical reaction may manifest itself in the form of a rash, watery eyes, or runny nose.