Is it possible to cure cancer with baking soda? Official research into the effects of baking soda on cancerous tissue. Consequences of treating cancer with soda

Cancer is a serious and often fatal disease that kills millions of people every year. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, the incidence of cancer reached an alarming level. In terms of the number of patients, cancer ranks next stage after stroke and myocardial ischemia.

It turns out that regular soda can help fight cancer!

What is cancer and what causes it?

Oncological diseases are whole line pathologies that can affect all human organs and systems. Malignant tumors are distinguished from benign ones by 3 main factors:

  • invasion, that is, the ability to grow into nearby organs and tissues;
  • formation of metastases - cancer cells migrate along with lymph and blood to other parts of the body;
  • rapid uncontrolled increase in tumor size.

It has long been scientifically proven that malignant particles are systematically formed in the human body, which die under the influence of immunity, preventing the disease from developing. The leading factors in the development of malignant tumors are:

  • radiation and radio wave exposure;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • entry into the body of dangerous carcinogens due to the consumption of low-quality products;
  • smoking - nicotine and others chemical substances, produced during combustion, provoke certain types of cancer;
  • frequent infectious diseases.

According to doctors, people most often at risk are:

  • living in environmentally unfavorable areas;
  • presenters sedentary lifestyle life;
  • those suffering from immunodeficiency and obesity;
  • having bad habits.

Research has confirmed that poor nutrition directly affects acidity and water-salt balance body.

For many, a diagnosis of cancer sounds like a death sentence, but despite this, not every malignant tumor is fatal. There are many ways to treat cancer, both traditional and not so traditional. A famous doctor from Italy, oncologist Tulio Simoncini, discovered a method of treating cancer with baking soda.

What Tulio Simoncini says

An Italian doctor not only acted against the system in the treatment of cancer, but also publicly stated that traditional medicine not only does not develop anti-cancer drugs, but simply extorts money from people by providing drugs that prolong their suffering. He believed that all these medications could not cure anyone, they completely destroy the immune system, and in most cases lead to death.

Oncologist Tulio Simoncini went against the system, which, as he believed, simply does not search for cures for cancer, but only pumps out money by selling patients drugs that only prolong the suffering of terminally ill patients

For these antisocial speeches, the Italian oncologist had to spend three long years in prison, but this did not change his opinion or break his spirit. Simoncini continued to adhere to his beliefs and heal people from fatal disease in our own ways.

How cancer develops - the opinion of Dr. Simoncini

Tulio Simoncini began his work precisely when he understood how a cancerous tumor grows. It develops due to a fungus of the Candida species, which is found in every human body. Most women are familiar with it because it causes vaginal candidiasis, popularly called thrush. Based on his observations, the doctor identified several stages of the formation of cancer cells:

  • when the body’s defense mechanisms are weakened, the fungus enters the active stage;
  • it further reduces immunity, after which it affects the body;
  • in response to the action of the fungus, the body begins to produce special protective cells;
  • protective cells that protect tissues affected by the fungus from healthy cells and tissues form a malignant tumor;
  • In the fight against fungal cells, protective cells most often lose, as a result of which the disease begins to progress and metastases develop.

All generally accepted therapeutic methods, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, do not solve the essence of the problem. They contribute to the destruction of the immune system without destroying the fungus responsible for the development of the tumor. In his attempts to discover a way to destroy it, the oncologist noticed that only one simple remedy had this ability - baking soda.

Method of treating cancer with baking soda

Treatment of malignant tumors with soda according to the method of an Italian oncologist has today received great publicity on the Internet. The point of therapy is to take a fixed volume of soda orally daily. Numerous experiments conducted by Dr. Simoncini confirmed that a malignant tumor susceptible to alkalization was cured in several procedures. The most effective treatment was for bowel and throat cancer. Soda reduces the acidity of the cellular environment, thereby preventing the development of the disease. The artificially created alkaline background eliminates fungal diseases and viruses.

After conducting a huge number of experiments, Tulio Simoncini discovered that by exposing a malignant tumor to an alkaline environment, cancer can be cured in just a few sessions

But, as the ex-oncologist noted in his developments, this method is not a panacea for cancer. They are curable in cases where the formation is in initial stage and no more than 3 centimeters.

Which path to recovery to choose is a purely individual matter for each person. But still, you should not rely on miracle cures and self-medicate. Any treatment option, even an unconventional one, must be agreed upon with the attending oncologist.

U healthy people The normal acidity level in the body is 7.4, while in cancer patients it drops to 5.4.

Results of treatment with soda

Tulio Simoncini, by treating cancer with soda, simultaneously achieved the following results:

  • the body's defenses are increased and maintained at the required level;
  • calcium loss is prevented;
  • the body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
  • the acid-base balance is normalized;
  • metabolism is restored;
  • the proliferation of cancer cells is reduced;
  • the body is freed from the fungus.

When drawing up a treatment regimen, Simoncini focused on proper nutrition. He argued that the diet should be varied and include the required amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. If it is not possible to eat properly, he recommends that patients take vitamin complexes. During treatment, sugar and all sugar-containing products should be eliminated from the menu.

Methods of treatment with soda according to Simoncini

There are 5 recipes for treating cancer with soda; Tulio Simoncini recommends starting treatment with small portions.

Each person decides for himself how to treat him, the most important thing in such a situation is not to give up and believe
  1. This method is the easiest. For the first three days, dissolve 1/3-1/5 teaspoons of baking soda in half a glass of lukewarm water. boiled water, drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Half an hour after this you need to refrain from drinking and eating. After 3 days, the dose can be increased to a level teaspoon. Starting from the 2nd week, the soda solution should be taken twice a day, from the 3rd week - three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. This method effectively treats early-stage cancer.
  2. The second method is a little more complicated, its effectiveness has been confirmed by many patients, including Dr. Donald Portman, who successfully got rid of terrible disease. He improved this treatment option, which is based on the developments of Tullio Simoncini. Pour a full glass of water into an enamel bowl, add a spoonful of soda and add two tablespoons of molasses. Place the container on low heat and, stirring constantly, boil for no more than 5 minutes. Cool the mixture and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. In the evening, prepare a fresh mixture and take it according to the same regimen before dinner. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. In the first days of treatment, your health may worsen; such a reaction is considered normal and will soon go away.
  3. The next treatment option according to the Tulio Simoncini method includes, in addition to soda, lemons. These citrus fruits themselves are capable of destroying cancer cells, and under the influence of soda they healing effect intensifies. Mix two tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice with 200 ml of water, add half a teaspoon of soda - this cocktail should be drunk three times a day. This method is not only a treatment, but also a prevention of the appearance of a cancerous tumor.
  4. Combine a glass of soda with three glasses of fresh honey, mix well. Place the mixture in a water bath, heat to a boil, but do not boil. When the honey melts, pour the medicine into a clean glass container and store in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon at least 5 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Next method Simoncini considered treatment with soda effective against stomach cancer. Duration of therapy is 3 weeks. The scheme is as follows: for the first week, every time half an hour before meals and half an hour after, you need to drink a teaspoon of soda dissolved in 200 ml hot water. In the second week, you do not need to drink this solution every time 30 minutes before meals; after meals. In the third week, drink a soda solution once a day, regardless of meals. When treatment is completed, you should take a 30-day rest, then repeat the course.

Disadvantages and contraindications to soda therapy

Although Tulio Simoncini considered treating cancer with soda more effective than traditional remedies, he did not hide the fact that this method has a number of contraindications and disadvantages. Regular use soda can lead to a decrease in acidity gastrointestinal tract, and this creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogens. The result of such a deficiency can be gastritis, colitis and even a stomach ulcer.

Accordingly, soda therapy is contraindicated for people with low stomach acidity. For patients suffering diabetes mellitus, the use of such treatment is also not recommended.

Basic principles of soda treatment

According to Dr. Simoncini, cancer can be successfully cured if you do not ignore following very important rules:

  • during treatment, the body’s acidity level must be controlled in any available way;
  • from the first day of treatment it is necessary to strengthen the immune system;
  • the majority of the patient’s diet should consist of fruits and vegetables;
  • do not let concomitant diseases take their course, but treat them, since they can become provocateurs for further development of the tumor.

For many years, controversy has raged around Dr. Tullio Simoncini's technique. Adherents of his method claim that cancer can be cured with the help of soda. Opponents consider recovery through such methods to be a coincidence or an accident, and recommend traditional methods. But as long as there are such ardent adherents of their cause as Dr. Tulio Simoncini in the world, humanity will not lose hope of eventually getting a cure for cancer that guarantees 100% results.

The increase in the incidence of malignant tumors is taking on alarming proportions. Every year, millions of new cases of the disease are reported worldwide, and the mortality rate remains high. Scientists are constantly struggling to develop effective ways to combat the disease, however, despite undoubted successes, patients continue to die. In such conditions, cancer patients are ready to grasp at any straw, but sometimes such experiments are fraught with loss of time and tumor progression, and the proposed methods often “smack” of outright quackery, such as, for example, treating cancer with soda.

Trying to find at least some methods of combating the disease, in addition to those proposed by official medicine, patients turn to healers, herbalists and relevant literature. The Internet is replete with information about new discoveries miracle cures, which, however, the scientific world does not recognize. To be convincing, data are provided on the income of pharmacological companies producing anticancer drugs, which supposedly do not benefit from the emergence of new accessible and cheap anticancer drugs.

Periodically, information appears about the discovery of another method of treatment, proposed, as a rule, by people who do not have medical education and knowledge in the field of oncology, but their convincing Pseudoscientific reasoning makes the masses believe in the correctness of new theories.

As arguments in favor of the need to move to unconventional methods treatment, information from the category is provided "conspiracy theories", according to which both scientists and doctors different countries, and those in power are doing their best to obstruct research in this area, having some kind of material interest.

Some “theorists” have gone so far as to believe that the difficulties in promoting ideas similar to treatment soda, associated with necessity natural selection due to overpopulation of the Earth. Of course, the number of those who can get sick and die will include the bulk ordinary people. However, this assumption does not explain why very wealthy people who have access to various innovations in the field of medicine, presidents, and eminent scientists still die from cancer. It's a paradox, though.

The soda craze is reaching alarming proportions. With its help, you can lose weight, get rid of foot fungus, treat heartburn and many other diseases. If not millions, then thousands of patients agree to drink soda against cancer, many of them have running forms diseases in which official medicine may be powerless. Truly universal remedy, and also cheap and accessible to absolutely everyone. You do not need to go to the pharmacy to buy this medicine; it does not require a prescription or consultation with a specialist. However, it is still worthwhile to figure out whether taking sodium bicarbonate is effective and safe.

In order to understand whether the treatment of cancer with baking soda is a myth or reality, it is necessary to analyze both points of view from the standpoint of modern ideas about the essence of tumor growth.

Modern ideas about cancer

From point of view medical science, the tumor is a continuously growing autonomous pathological process, whose cells are capable of multiplying indefinitely. By using available methods research has studied not only many tumors and their cellular composition, but also characteristic gene mutations are described. It can be said with absolute certainty that the essence of cancer has almost been solved, and scientists - geneticists, biologists, doctors will readily confirm this. The ability for unlimited growth and metastasis often makes the tumor difficult to treat, and the presence of altered properties of the cancer cells themselves contributes to the loss of sensitivity to various types of influences.

Considering that the tumor occurs against the background of immune disorders, its growth is often accompanied by the addition of secondary inflammation and infection by microorganisms. Often in the focus of neoplasia you can find well-known fungi of the genusCandida (Candida). It is believed that their appearance is secondary in nature and is associated with the formation of immunodeficiency, which is aggravated in the presence of tumor intoxication and metabolic disorders. However, not all neoplasms are accompanied by the presence of these fungi. It is worth noting that candida can be found in the intestines of healthy people, where they coexist quite peacefully with natural microflora and are not a sign of pathology.

It is known that the presence of a malignant neoplasm is accompanied by various metabolic disorders both at the site of tumor growth (including the notorious attachment of Candida), and throughout the body as a whole. Thus, tumor cells are capable of secreting various biologically active substances, hormones, enzymes, as well as lactic acid, which quickly leads to acidification of tissues, causing damage, pain, and also partly contributing to tearing and spreading tumor cells with the formation of metastases.

Metastases from the point of view evidence-based medicine is nothing more than the result of tumor cells entering other organs and tissues through the bloodstream or lymph, where they further multiply to form a tumor. Cellular composition metastases are usually similar to those in the primary tumor node.

At timely detection, cancer is curable in many cases, but this requires the involvement of specialists and the entire arsenal of methods available today - surgery, chemotherapy, radiation.

This is the idea of ​​​​official medicine, supported by many proven scientific facts and the results of effective treatment of many malignant tumors.

Alternative origin theories and views on cancer treatment

Unfortunately, the level of trust in doctors on the part of many patients in post-Soviet countries is terribly low. This is partly due to the low availability of quality medical care, and partly due to insufficient level education and awareness regarding disease management. All this creates the preconditions for patients to search for other, alternative, ways to combat the disease. The main paradox is that many patients believe more and blindly follow the advice of people who have no idea about medicine, however, they are able to beautifully and convincingly talk about the miraculous results of healing using their techniques.

There is quite a lot of information on a variety of sites for every taste, for any disease and with a 100% positive effect. Emphasizing the economic interest of pharmaceutical companies in sales antitumor drugs, as well as taking advantage of the gullibility and despair of many patients, such “healers” do not forget to offer literature and even “potions” for cancer for a fee that is quite moderate compared to traditional treatment. Unfortunately, if you buy into such promises and stories that someone was helped by unconventional treatment, you still shouldn’t expect a positive effect.

Treatment of cancer with soda is becoming very popular, and patients are ready to drink its solution, administer it in the form of enemas, make lotions and compresses, etc. The world owes this fascination with soda to Tulio Simoncini, an Italian doctor who expressed his theory regarding the origin of cancer and methods of treating it.

According to the ideas of Tulio Simoncini, cancer is nothing more than a focus candida infection, in response to which the body builds a barrier in the form of excessive cell proliferation - a tumor. From his position, a fungal infection is not a consequence of disorders of the immune system and the presence of a tumor, but their root cause.

Candida fungus, known as the causative agent of thrush

Simoncini on his website suggests that when things go wrong, candida spreads throughout the body, forming both a primary tumor and metastases, which should also consist of colonies of yeast-like fungi. The doctor believes that the reason for this spread of the fungus is the inferiority of the immune system’s protection against cancer.

Following this logic, every tumor and every metastasis must contain fungi, and recurrent vaginal candidiasis (thrush), which is quite common in women of all ages, is nothing more than tumor growth.

Based on such conclusions, Simoncini began to actively use soda for injection into the tumor itself using an endoscope, as well as as enemas and for oral administration.

It is worth noting that Simoncini himself does not provide any research or evidence of the effectiveness and safety of such treatment, and the available data are very controversial and contradictory.

A few words about the author of the alternative theory...

Tulio Simoncini is an Italian doctor who, however, has been deprived of his license to medical activities. Promoting his views and applying his method of treating cancer, he opposed himself to the entire scientific world. A rather addicted person, prone to scams, luxurious and evading taxes on his very impressive income.

Despite all prohibitions, Simoncini continues the work he started, involving in treatment significant amount patients, and also actively consults cancer patients on the Internet and even in telephone conversation, offering various recipes for using soda.

There is no exact data on cured patients, but the lethal outcomes of such therapy are absolutely known.

Thus, one patient died from intestinal perforation due to the administration of a soda solution, and the doctor was convicted and served a prison sentence. Another young girl, judging by blog entries, refused the help of specialists and trusted Simoncini, died of uterine cancer, and the doctor assured her of the success of the therapy and cure. Surely this list could be continued and give many more deplorable examples of treatment in this way. The Italian explains the effectiveness of using soda by its ability to alkalize the environment, and fungi of the genus Candida, as is known, lose their ability to reproduce and grow. If we assume that cancer is candidiasis, then this method should be effective. In addition, everyone knows that vaginal candidiasis at home is still treated by many women with a soda solution. This leads to the disappearance of the clinical symptoms of thrush, however, the infection can develop into a chronically recurrent form, since the fungus can be completely eliminated

only when taking antifungal drugs. Simoncini suggests drinking soda against stomach and esophageal cancer. Everyone knows that hydrochloric acid is formed in the stomach, which means that when soda is introduced, it will be neutralized with the release of carbon dioxide. This chemical reaction will lead to expansion of the stomach and an even greater increase in its secretory function, which For the same reason, it is highly not recommended to treat heartburn with soda.

In Russia there are also scientists who claim that there is a rational grain in the treatment with soda, in particular, professor Neumyvakin I.P., who believes that the use of sodium bicarbonate is justified in cases of acid-base imbalance. This point of view is supported by knowledge in the field of medicine and is quite rational, but in no way echoes the conclusions of the desperate Simoncini.

There are many ways to take baking soda described on the Internet. Its quantity, frequency of use is indicated, and even treatment regimens are given. They suggest injecting soda into the tumor itself, drinking it with hot water or milk, make enemas from its solution, but about the safety of such treatment, the need to take into account the condition of patients and the presence concomitant pathology is kept silent.

The authorship of the most common recipe for using soda is attributed to Professor Neumyvakin, who recommends taking it daily, starting with a quarter teaspoon, with hot milk or water, on an empty stomach, before meals or two hours after meals. Gradually, the professor recommends increasing the amount of soda.

A spoon of tar…

We all studied chemistry at school, and reproducing the simplest chemical reaction in memory is not difficult. Sodium bicarbonate, entering the stomach, reacts with hydrochloric acid, resulting in the formation of sodium chloride, water and carbon dioxide. How this changes the acid-base state of other organs and tissues is unknown, but such a process in the stomach is fraught with adverse consequences.

Alkalinization of the stomach environment leads to disruption of food digestion and reduces the protective barrier against various microorganisms. It is known that intestinal infections Residents of hot countries suffer more often, where acidity decreases due to natural causes, and with the help of soda this state can be achieved artificially. In addition, the likelihood of developing an ulcer increases sharply, since in response to carbon dioxide, the secretory activity of the stomach increases to compensate for the changes that have appeared.


Considering the above facts, doubts involuntarily creep in: is it really possible to cure cancer with soda? Based on logic, people, even those far from medicine, can ask simple questions:

  • If cancer is fungi of the genus Candida, then why not every relapse of candidiasis, be it thrush or damage to the oral mucosa during antibiotic therapy, is actually a malignant tumor?
  • If candida mutates and adapts to fungicides (according to proponents of Simoncini's theory), then why doesn't it become resistant to baking soda?
  • If the tumor is Candida, then why not all tumors or their metastases reveal at least some representative of the Fungi family during histological examination?

In addition, following Simoncini’s theory, it is absolutely unclear on what the classification of tumors is based, on what principles their types are distinguished and what, in fact, pathomorphologists see under a microscope, because it is absolutely known that with the help of modern instruments and methods yeast-like and other fungi are distinguished from a tumor, which is a cellular conglomerate, is quite simple.

Is there any rational grain in the use of soda for cancer?

Having set ourselves a goal, we tried to substantiate the possibility of using sodium bicarbonate for malignant neoplasms. Since tumors cause disturbances in metabolism, electrolytes and minerals, a shift in the acid-base balance is quite likely. In such situation infusion therapy, which consists of administering various solutions, including those containing soda, is completely justified and indicated.

infusion therapy (droppers) with soda-containing substances can be used for cancer, but strictly for medical reasons

This component of treatment is part of complex cancer therapy in addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy and does not contradict the ideas of official medicine. The dosage of injected solutions is made strictly taking into account the indicators of acid-base balance when examining the patient’s blood, since even minor changes with inadequate intravenous use of soda are fraught with various complications.

In this case, there is no talk of taking soda orally or introducing it into the intestines. since, as mentioned above, this can lead to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Simple conclusions

To summarize, I would like to draw some simple conclusions, which will be to a certain extent subjective, since they reflect the ideas of modern traditional medicine, are based on scientific research and conclusions of specialists in various fields of science.

Baking soda is not a panacea, and miracles don’t happen in oncology, therefore, curing cancer is only possible with the help of specialists using all available methods. Soda will not cure cancer!

Passion for folk methods and pseudoscientific data on the effectiveness of soda and other similar miracle remedies leads to the loss of precious time and progression of the disease, and the patient comes to the doctor already in advanced stage when practically nothing can be done.

Don't forget that Most neoplasms are available for diagnosis in the early stages. You need to be sensitive to your body and if symptoms of any disease appear, immediately go to the doctor.

Before trusting poorly educated doctors or specialists without medical education, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, because lost health and then even life will not be returned, and it will be quite difficult to find the culprits.

Everyone is responsible for their own health and decides whether to trust official medicine and doctors or follow unproven theories and test unknown treatment methods on themselves, becoming like a guinea pig. I would like to believe that common sense will still prevail, and scientists will be able to find a real cure for cancer.

The words “You have cancer” sound almost like a sentence. And no one is insured: neither an old man, nor a child, nor a woman, nor a man. For more than two thousand years, scientists have been searching for effective medicine, a weapon against the insidious enemy lurking within. It is from within that the body is in danger, since for some unknown reason healthy tissue suddenly begins to degenerate into diseased tissue.

Regular baking soda can be a cure for a deadly disease.

Carcinoma is a malignant tumor (or cancer) that develops from healthy skin epithelial cells, internal organs, mucous membranes. The ancient Greeks compared appearance tumors with a crab, hence the name.

Malignant formations are characterized by pronounced cellular atypia, that is, a violation of the structure of the tissues from which the tumor degenerates. The cells grow aggressively, affecting both the organ itself and other nearby organs. When tumor cells spread through the blood or lymph flow throughout the body, forming new foci of tumor growth in organs distant from the focus, metastases appear. Most malignant tumors exceed benign ones in growth rates, reaching short time significant sizes. Archaeologists claim that non-Ardeltalians were susceptible to cancer.

The disease was first described in Ancient Egypt Edwin Smith (1600 BC). The Roman Cornelius Celsus proposed in the 1st century. BC e. remove a recently appeared tumor. Galen described all neoplasms with the word ὄγκος, and today oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with tumors. Both traditional and alternative medicine have treated cancer with everything, but a panacea has not yet been found.

Tullio Simoncini's theory

Born in the middle of the last century, the Italian oncologist took the side of alternative medicine. His theory is known as the Tullio Simoncini method - treating cancerous tumors with soda. The Italian claims that the cause of the disease is multiplied fungi of the genus Candida albicans. Fungal colonies are sensitive to alkali, so injections of ordinary baking soda should help destroy the tumor. More details about the method are written in the book “Cancer is a Fungus” by Simoncini.

The theory has both supporters and opponents. The PhD degree obtained at La Sapienza University is evidence in favor of the doctor. But the deprivation of a medical license in 2006 due to illegal prescriptions of sodium bicarbonate to patients is against it. Simoncini's hypothesis was rejected by the scientific community due to the lack of peer-reviewed studies that could confirm the theory. Causes mistrust and deaths in an unofficial clinic organized former doctor in Albania (for example, the death of Luca Olivotti). Simoncini is facing trial for fraud and manslaughter of a 27-year-old man, but this does not prevent the enterprising doctor from treating at home and via the Internet. Whether or not to trust your life to this person is up to the patient to decide. Desperate people are clutching at straws.

Baking soda as a cancer treatment by Tullio Simoncini

According to the Italian oncologist, the development of the disease goes through the following stages:

  1. Candida fungi, which in a healthy body are controlled by a strong immune system, in a weakened state begin to multiply and form a huge “colony”.
  2. When any organ is infected with thrush, the immune system begins to protect it from foreign invasions.
  3. Immune cells line up protective barriers from the cells of the body itself. This is cancer in the traditional interpretation.
  4. Metastases appear - malignant cells spreading throughout tissues and organs. Simoncini says it's a fungus taking over new healthy territory.

Destroying the fungus is the task of healthy immune cells, strong and functioning normally. Exactly the immune system is capable of destroying the enemy, and soda, to which the fungus cannot adapt, will help it.

Tumors are usually white

How does baking soda affect cancer tumors?

  • The body's protective functions are normalized, increased immunity copes with cancer;
  • calcium levels are restored;
  • the acid-base balance is normalized;
  • prevents the growth of cancer.

Tullio Simoncini's patients are treated with soda, an oral solution, and sodium bicarbonate is injected directly to the tumor using a device similar to an endoscope (a long tube for viewing internal organs).

Tumors provoke metabolic disorders, minerals and electrolytes, and the acid-base balance shifts. Infusion therapy (introduction of soda solution by dropper) is included in complex therapy against cancer. The dosage of the administered solution is calculated based on the acid-base balance after testing the patient’s blood, since improper use of soda intravenously is fraught with complications.

About the method of Professor Ivan Neumyvakin:

Injecting soda into the body using a dropper

To decrease malignancy, a soda solution is injected directly into the tumor. Positive effect especially often achieved immediately after surgery to remove malignant tissue.

The concentration of the solution for the dropper, the duration and intensity of the infusion, according to the doctor, must be carefully calculated. The size of the tumor, the location of the cancer pathology, and the age of the patient are taken into account. The solution is administered exclusively by qualified medical personnel.

The procedure is carried out for 6 days, one dropper with soda per day, then a 6-day break. The cycle is repeated 4 times. Droppers are combined with taking sodium bicarbonate orally. The amount of the substance is strictly controlled to prevent negative consequences.

Adverse reactions of the procedure are elevated temperature body, feeling tired, increased thirst and hematoma in the puncture area.

Scientists around the world are trying to find a cure for cancer

Rules for cancer patients treated with soda

Before deciding on soda therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with the following truths:

  1. Treatment is carried out by a doctor and only a qualified, certified, experienced doctor.
  2. The solution for droppers and injections is purchased at the pharmacy or prepared by medical staff.
  3. Treatment with soda is used when all the possibilities of traditional medicine have been tried: surgery, chemotherapy, etc.
  4. The proportions in recipes cannot be changed.
  5. When side effects stop therapy immediately.
  6. You should not take soda orally during or immediately after meals.
  7. The method of administering the medicine (orally, injections, droppers, enemas) is determined by the doctor.
  8. A quarter spoon of dry bicarbonate is washed down with a glass of boiled water.
  9. When taken orally, the solution does not need to be washed down.
  10. An antifungal diet is followed and excluded from the diet. flour products, sweet dishes.
  11. Treatment is carried out according to the scheme. It is necessary to remember daily norm sodium bicarbonate: drink less than 25 mg at a time.
  12. Acid-base balance is controlled using litmus strips; the indicator should not exceed 7.41 pH.

Recipes for treating cancer with soda

To prepare a drinking solution, stir one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiling water. Drink half an hour before meals in the morning.

For skin cancer, lotions and compresses with soda are used. The optimal proportion for external use: a tablespoon per glass of water.

Microclysters are used for intestinal cancer (a teaspoon per glass), and inhalations are used for problems with the lungs (the doctor selects the proportions individually).

The douching procedure is prescribed for pathologies of the genital organs, but the solution should not be hot. A teaspoon of baking soda per liter of water is usually enough.

Prostate cancer treatment

An Italian oncologist believes that cancer pathology occurs in prostate gland due to increased acidity levels, this leads to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

If you use soda initial stage prostate cancer, the result is usually positive. The human immune system is strengthened, the required amount of calcium is replenished, the body is cleansed of harmful substances, and acidity is normalized. Examination of patients after soda treatment shows a decrease in the ability of atypical cells to divide.

Many men suffer from prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is treated with soda according to Simoncini's recipe: half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate is diluted in a glass of water, the liquid is consumed orally half an hour before meals three times a day. If necessary, you can use lotions and douching.

Danger of the method

Uncontrolled use chemicals it is impossible, otherwise there is a danger of worsening the condition. Disadvantages, contraindications and consequences of soda therapy:

  1. When soda enters the body, carbon dioxide is released, which has an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa that produces hydrochloric acid.
  2. The process of acid secretion in the stomach is activated, and heartburn is felt.
  3. Ulcers may appear on the stomach lining.
  4. Increased quantity carbon dioxide provokes flatulence, laxative effect, bloating.
  5. Alkalosis - alkalization of the blood due to prolonged use of soda in large quantities. The process causes loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and malfunction of the entire body.
  6. An excess of alkali leads to spontaneous prolonged muscle contractions - cramps, headaches, nervousness, and anxiety.
  7. Sodium increases blood pressure.
  8. Pregnant women should not use soda internally, as irreversible negative processes have been observed in the body.
  9. Drinking the solution for a long time leads to nausea.
  10. When used externally, there may be burns and skin irritation.
  11. Inhalation may cause burns to the mucous membrane.
  12. Alkali requires water from the body, which is why swelling occurs.
  13. The microflora of a woman changes, which leads to failure and proliferation of harmful microorganisms.
  14. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear.

Often only surgery offers a chance of success

Cancer and statistics

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, killing 8 million people every year alone. Most deaths are from cancer of the lungs, liver, stomach, colon, and in women – breast cancer. The most common types of the disease differ between women and men.

Almost 30% of deaths from carcinoma are caused by five main risk factors: obesity, lack of vegetables and fruits, low physical activity, tobacco smoking, and alcohol abuse. More than 20% of deaths are caused by HBV infections, HPV, HCV, which precede cancer. The use of tobacco products is the most significant risk factor, leading to 20% of deaths from cancer, of which 70% are from lung cancer.

A tumor develops as a result of changes in one cell. This change is caused by both external and hereditary genetic factors. More than 60% of the latest cases of the disease have been reported in Africa, Asia, South and Central America. Scientists predict that the number of sick people will rise to 22 million in the next decade.

In Russia alone, there are 3.6 million people who have recovered from cancer, and perhaps some of them used soda therapy.

Is there a rational grain in the use of soda for cancer?

Baking soda is not a panacea at all, oncology is not a joke, but fatal disease, it is stupid to hope for a miracle, because cure is possible only with the help of specialists. Soda alone cannot defeat cancer; it is necessary to use heavy artillery in the form of surgery, chemotherapy, etc.

Passion for exclusively folk remedies, pseudoscientific methods, unverified data on the effectiveness of salt, soda and other substances often leads to the progression of the disease. Precious time is lost, the patient comes to his senses too late, and medicine can do practically nothing. But most neoplasms can be diagnosed on early stage and treat successfully. You should listen sensitively to your body and immediately consult a doctor if you have any suspicious symptoms or conditions.

Video: the mechanism of action of soda on the body

Soda therapy can be beneficial if it is approved by the treating doctor and does not have a negative effect on the body. Everyone decides for themselves whether to trust official medicine or unproven theories. Trying unknown treatments on yourself is dangerous. Scientists have been searching for a cure for cancer for a long time and persistently; perhaps the disease will soon be defeated.

Tulio Simoncini– a doctor known throughout the world as a person who approached the treatment of oncology completely in an unconventional way. At the moment there is no panacea method, capable times and save a cancer patient from his illness forever. Chemotherapy, radiation or surgery do not provide a 100% therapeutic result, which means the likelihood of metastases and death is extremely high. An oncologist from Italy claims that cancer is a fungus, and you can get rid of it with simple soda.

Who is Tulio Simoncini?

Tulio - until recently was a professor in the field of oncology and metabolism (diabetes). Using his biography as an example, the Italian specialist promotes a healthy lifestyle: he actively plays sports (running, football), eats exclusively healthy food. Simoncini's daily menu includes an ingredient such as baking soda.. It is on this substance that the scientist builds a hypothesis regarding the fight against cancer.

“Three pillars” of Tulio Simoncini’s cancer theory

Tulio Simoncini is confident that cancer is curable. His teaching is based on 3 hypotheses:

  1. Cancer is not the result of immune and genetic mutations, as official medicine believes;
  2. are formed due to excessive activity of a fungal infection. The causative agent is a fungus called Candida Albicans. It grows and affects all cellular structures of the body;
  3. Treats tumors by taking baking soda. It can be introduced into the body in various ways;

According to Simoncini's theory of cancer, the latter appears if the fungus is very “aggressive” and actively multiplies, and the immune system is so weak that it is not able to resist it. Numerous criticisms have been leveled at the doctor and his theory, since Simoncini’s assumption runs counter to the official version of the formation of tumors.

Baking soda as a cancer treatment by Tulio Simoncini

It is reliably known that a malignant tumor forms an acidic environment. The formation of lactic and pyruvic acid is necessary for the tumor to neutralize T cells, which are responsible for protecting the body. However, these cells are able to resist foreign agents only in normal conditions, but not in an acidic environment.

Tulio Simoncini believes that the activity of the fungus, and therefore the tumor, can be reduced by taking. Soda creates in the body alkaline environment, thereby eliminating the nutrition of the tumor (acidic environment), preventing it from growing in size and spreading to healthy tissues and organs.

According to the scientist, treatment with soda can help cancer patients of any age. The main caveat is that the tumor should not be larger than 3 cm. Simoncini recommends using their method to treat cancer, without abandoning the traditional ones.

Baking Soda Helps Cancer: Fact and Fiction

After Tulio Simoncini's statements regarding , a number of researchers conducted experiments on mice. They were carried out to refute or prove positive therapeutic effect sodium bicarbonate at malignant tumor.

During the tests, scientists came to the following results:

Book by Tulio Simoncini about the fight against cancer

The book, published by Tulio Simoncini, says that baking soda helped 18 of his patients cope with cancer.. It presents evidence of the results of successful treatment: certificates, data from laboratory and instrumental tests, photographs of patients “before” and “after” therapy.

Interesting! Tulio Simoncini was deprived of his license for 2 years and suspended from medical practice. An unpleasant moment in the biography is due to the fact that Simoncini arbitrarily prescribed treatment with soda without the use of chemotherapy.

According to the data given in the book, in 3-4 sessions Simoncini dealt with the patient's colon cancer, using an enema and a dose of soda in the amount of 200 g per session.

The book presents all the “advantages” of using soda:

  1. Normalizes the body's defenses;
  2. Restores normal level calcium and acid-base balance;
  3. Inhibits tumor development.


Methods for taking soda according to Tulio Simoncini

Tulio Simoncini developed several options for taking sodium bicarbonate:

  • Orally in dry form or in a mixture;
  • With help intramuscular injections(to the place where the tumor is localized);
  • As a rinse or douche.

The method of using soda depends on the location of the tumor and its type. According to the author of the technique, sodium bicarbonate effectively copes with the tumor at its initial stage of development.

Universal recipe for taking soda according to Simoncini:

  1. Dissolve ¼ spoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water;
  2. Drink the product 30 minutes before your first meal;
  3. If the substance is consumed in dry form, it is recommended to drink it with water or milk.

Attention! It is forbidden to use soda after eating.

For the treatment of cancer pathology, it is important that soda intake is regular.

For skin cancer, you can make compresses or lotions based on soda solution. Malignant tumors of the rectum are eliminated with the help of enemas, cancer of the genital organs - with douching.

Injecting soda into the body using a dropper

Simoncini advises infusions of soda solution under the supervision of medical personnel. The procedure is carried out daily for a week. After the course there is a break of also a week. You need to complete 4 such courses. The introduction of soda using a dropper can be combined with its intake.

The administration procedure may cause the following side effects:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • Feelings of fatigue;
  • Increased thirst;
  • Formation of a hematoma at the site of puncture by a needle.

Diet for cancer

In addition to using baking soda, it is recommended to follow an antifungal diet . It should exclude flour products, as well as products with high content Sahara. The patient needs to saturate the menu with fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as take vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system.

Rules for cancer patients treated with soda

Simoncini advises following these rules if you are being treated with soda:

  1. Gradually increase the dosage of the folk remedy. It is necessary to listen to the doctor’s opinion on emergency alkalization of the body, because a sudden overdose can negatively affect your health;
  2. Monitor acidity during treatment. This can be done using litmus indicators. Indicators should not exceed the pH value, which is normally 7.41:
  3. The use of sodium bicarbonate as a preventive measure is prohibited.

As practice shows, the failure of traditional medicine increasingly leads patients to Tulio Simoncini. How can I contact him? His contacts are publicly available on the Internet: the doctor can be contacted via social media and mail. The specialist gives advice in Italian and English.

One of the reader’s complaints, I must admit, puzzled me.

Dr. Mercola was accused of supporting "another charlatan", a certainTulio Simoncini, who hypothesized thatcancer is fungal disease . Dr. Simoncini abandoned chemotherapy and began treating malignant tumors with ordinary baking soda, which, as is known, has an antifungal effect, for which he was deprived of his license in his homeland, Italy.

I had never heard of Dr. Simoncini, and decided that over time it was necessary to fill this gap. I added another item to the list of current topics: “Dr. Simoncini. Treatment of cancer with sodium bicarbonate." My list is long and a month or two would have passed before it would have been the turn of “another charlatan” if, quite by chance, on one of the Internet resources not directly related to medicine, I had not seen a link to this article by Grant to Fuel Baking Soda Cancer Therapy Research, which literally means the following: "Grant to support research in the field of baking soda as a therapy against cancer". “Wow, quackery! “I gasped, “The University of Arizona is receiving $2 million from the US National Institutes of Health for research!” - and drinking soda, together with Dr. Simoncini, moved from the end of my list to the shortlist.

University of Arizona study

Here are excerpts from the same article from the official website of the university:

“There is evidence that baking soda reduces or completely stops the spread of breast cancer to the lungs, brain and bone tissue patient, but too much can cause damage healthy organs. $2 million National Institute of Medicine grant will help University of Arizona improve performance measurement methods oral administration drinking soda in the fight against breast cancer."

That's what it says project leader Mark Pagel, employee of the university’s department of biomedical engineering:“...malignant tumors during their growth produce lactic acid, which destroys adjacent tissues, paving the way for the tumor to neighboring areas, thus metastases penetrate into other organs. The acid also increases cancer resistance to chemotherapy.”

Here's an opinion Professor Jennifer Barton, Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering: “...some cancer drugs are effective only at a certain acid-base balance in the patient’s body. Adjust your acid-base balance and thus make medications effective patients can very easily, simply by taking a solution of baking soda, but always under the supervision of a doctor.”

In medical databases, I found several references to earlier studies by scientists at the University of Arizona on the use of baking soda to treat malignant tumors, as well as very interesting work Chinese scientists who observed an improvement in the condition of 88% of liver cancer patients with arterial administration of sodium bicarbonate solution.

Amazing, isn't it? What could be more terrible than a malignant tumor, like an octopus spreading its tentacles into the organs and tissues of a living thing? human body? What could be simpler than baking soda, which is in any, even the most modest and cheap kitchen cabinet? The idea of ​​​​overcoming a monster with a pinch of penny white powder at first glance really seems crazy, but imagine that both the University of Arizona and National Institute The health of the United States is captured by charlatans, it is possible only in a nightmare.

What about the fungus?

There is a lot of material on the Internet in both Russian and English language, dedicated to exposing the method of Tulio Simoncini. Some of his critics write that the Italian doctor considers the cancerous tumor to be a fungal colony, others - that he calls the fungus the cause of this terrible disease. The hypotheses differ quite significantly from each other, but both are characterized by debunkers as nonsense, not confirmed by modern ideas about the origin of cancer.

To find out what exactly it is Simoncini theory, let's give the floor to the accused himself.

“...the answer to the question, what causes degenerative disease, can be found in the discipline that gave brilliance to medicine, turning it from a simple practice into a science, namely microbiology,” Simoncini writes on his website. “It is quite clear that, with the exception of such a section as bacteriology, our knowledge in microbiology is still very limited, especially in terms of viruses, sub-viruses and fungi, whose pathogenetic potential, unfortunately, is still very poorly understood. I am confident that by focusing on just one of the shadow areas, namely mycology, which studies fungal infections, we can get answers to many questions related to the problem of tumors.” And further: “There are elements of knowledge that support the view that everything types of cancer- how it happens in floracome from fungal infections" (Emphasis added).

The statement that all types of cancer arise from fungal infections sounds far-fetched, but otherwise Simoncini’s logic seemed quite sound to me. Cancer cells are mutated healthy cells organism, but the factors that provoke such mutations, i.e. Carcinogenic agents are numerous: radiation, various chemical agents, and even viruses, so why does the hypothesis of the carcinogenic potential of the fungus seem quackery to Simoncini's critics? This is how I reasoned, entering into medical databases variants of phrases linking fungal infection and cancer. And here another discovery awaited me.

Evidence-based medicine

Only in the electronic database of studies published in reputable scientific journals, SpringerLink, a very superficial search revealed 664 references to studies confirming the carcinogenic properties of mycotoxins. There are quite a lot of them in another reliable medical base- on PubMed. The earliest research I have found is the work of Japanese scientists forty years ago "Carcinogens Produced by Fungi"(Annu Rev Microbiol. 1972;26:279-312. Carcinogens produced by fungi. Enomoto M, Saito M.) Here is a paper from 1985 "Mycotoxins as carcinogens"(Mycotoxins as carcinogens. Hussain AM.)

Simoncini on his website refers to modern research, indicating that for cancer patients, as a concomitant disease, candidiasis(damage to the body by strains of the fungus Candida). Indeed, in September 2000, a report from an international group of researchers was presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Toronto "Risk and prognostic factors for cancer patients with resistant candidiasis", which notes that the risk of death is significantly increased in patients suffering from resistant (non-treatable) forms of candidiasis compared to patients whose candidiasis has been cured.

Similar data can be found in recent publications of works by Greek and French scientists. A French study noted that up to 70% of patients with cancers localized to the head and neck suffered from candidiasis during and after radiotherapy. The Greek refers to the increased risk of death for patients with invasive forms of fungal infections.

Simoncini challenges the generally accepted view of candidiasis as a consequence of the weakening of the body as a result of cancer and under the influence of anti-cancer therapies. He himself considers candida to be the cause, and not the consequence, of a malignant tumor. But the cause or effect is candidiasis, by curing it, we increase the patient’s chances of survival, - this is what evidence-based medicine says, and the Italian doctor, called na a huge number Internet resources charlatan.

In addition to the discrepancy in assessing the cause-and-effect relationship between cancer and candidiasis, Simoncini’s theory has another important difference from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. He fundamentally believes that the introduction of sodium bicarbonate is intended only to get rid of the fungus, while scientists from Arizona see its important function in regulating the acid-base balance of the body. Based on these discrepancies, can we say that Tulio Simoncini is a charlatan? If, for a very specific diagnosis, a doctor uses the same therapy, which some time after his first experience is recognized as very promising, in my humble opinion, this cannot be called quackery. Another question, What are the personal qualities of Tulio Simoncini? After all, even a highly qualified doctor can turn out to be a soulless doctor-grabber, for whom his patients are only a source of enrichment.

Who are you, Dr. Simoncini?

Alas, I did not come to a definite conclusion. There are many blogs and sites on the Internet that criticize not only Simoncini’s method, but also himself. On his conscience, judging by this article, is the death of several patients, from whose illnesses he nevertheless managed to profit. It seems that this article is to some extent tendentious, if only because the authors write that Simoncini’s theory and method are entirely outside the scope of modern evidence-based medicine, without bothering to check whether this is actually so. Perhaps the information about deceived patients and ruined lives was not verified by the authors of the article and represents idle rumors? It is also possible that the patients listed actually died, but the doctor is not to blame, it’s just that cancer is a disease that, unfortunately, ends in the worst way for many. Most likely, you can trust the information about the court sentence Simoncini received and served for the death of a patient in 2003, especially since this information is accompanied by a link to an Italian newspaper. A terminally ill patient died from intestinal perforation during the administration of sodium bicarbonate solution. It is unclear whether a fatal error is due to apparent medical negligence or the result of a tragic accident, but even in a situation where the patient is terminally ill, such an error is punishable by law. And here is an article about the death of another of Simoncini’s patients, from which it is clear that the family of the deceased has no complaints against the doctor, because the chances of their father and husband surviving were extremely low. I feel incredibly sorry for the girl who died at the age of 25 from uterine cancer, who, according to the blog entry, was deceived by Simoncini, saying that she was completely cured. But with uterine cancer, from which the young woman suffered, the chances of survival with timely surgical intervention very high. But was everything exactly as the blog told us?

They also write that the Italian doctor loves luxury and, on the contrary, really does not like paying taxes on his far from modest, to say the least, income...

Of course, on Tulio Simoncini’s website and other resources on the Internet there are testimonies of patients cured by him, but again it is unclear whether they can be trusted. Probably, we could better appreciate him as a practicing doctor, having before our eyes his personal (reliable!) statistics and official statistics on the ratio of cases of recovery and deaths for cancer patients.

I'll try to give portrait of Tulio Simoncini, as I see him after I have familiarized myself with all the available materials about this clearly extraordinary person. I do not pretend to be objective, because, as I noted above, a number of facts remain in question. So: a talented doctor, thinking outside the box, passionate, daring, breaking the mold, loving money and luxury, prone to scams, making hasty decisions and acting without delay, saving lives and making tragic and unforgivable mistakes. But whatever the situation with Simoncini personally, the method of treatment cancer diseases using baking soda is not nonsense or quackery, it is a therapy that gives hope that the outcome of cancer will increasingly be not death, but life. Will this hope come true? This, as always in medicine, is a question, but Scientific research