All about temperature and its changes in cats. A cat’s temperature after sterilization: what to do with high and low readings

Owners often try to determine a cat's body temperature by placing their palm on its forehead, but this method is not at all informative. And sometimes the owners of the animal do not know what the cat’s temperature should be, believing that 36.6 is the norm. Temperature adult cat fluctuates between 38-39 degrees, and the temperature of a kitten can reach 39.5 degrees, that is, in young animals the indicators are slightly higher. But it is worth noting that each cat’s body is individual, so healthy pet it can be either 37.5 °C or 39.5 °C. To talk about an increase or decrease in an animal’s body temperature, you should know the cat’s norm and the main signs of hyperthermia (increase in temperature) and hypothermia (decrease in temperature).

Condition of a cat when the temperature rises

Hyperthermia is characterized by the following symptoms that may indicate illness:
  • Actually, the temperature rise itself (more than 40°C);
  • Dehydration;
  • Rapid heart rate in a cat (over 200 beats per minute);
  • Rapid breathing (50 breaths per minute);
  • Convulsions;
  • Fever;

Causes of high fever in cats

An increase in body temperature can be a signal of many diseases. Body temperature above 40°C - 41°C in a cat can occur due to infections (bacterial and viral), poisoning, malfunction internal organs, any inflammatory process, if present. That is, the reasons for the occurrence high temperature a cat may have many, but the owner must carefully monitor others alarm signals ill health (constipation, cramps, discharge from the nose and eyes, increased salivation etc.), which will help when contacting a veterinarian to quickly diagnose and select correct treatment.

When the cat's owner is sure that (for this you should know its normal temperature), you should immediately seek help from a doctor. You should not give your cat Paracetamol or other antipyretics made for humans. You can wrap the animal in a damp towel, apply ice or soaked in water to the groin and forehead area. cold water a rag. To avoid dehydration, it makes sense to give the animal something to drink. cool water, in cases where the cat refuses to drink, you can force it to drink by pouring liquid into the mouth from a bottle or syringe without a needle.

Causes of low body temperature in cats

A decrease in temperature (less than 37°C) also indicates that the animal is unhealthy.

Symptoms that usually accompany hypothermia:

  • Depressed state of the animal;
  • Shiver;
  • Paleness of the mucous membranes;
  • Solitude in warm places, curling up into a ball (the cat tucks its paws, burying its nose in its fur coat).
Low temperature can be a consequence of hypothermia, a disturbance in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, or in diseases endocrine system, also with blood loss. The animal can be wrapped in a warm blanket to avoid drafts and being in a cool room; a warm (but not too hot) heating pad wrapped in a towel can also help the animal feel comfortable. But if the cat’s body temperature does not return to normal after warming procedures, you should consult a doctor for help.

When are temperature changes not dangerous?

Despite the seriousness of the situation, when an animal has elevated temperature, you should not immediately panic if there are no other signs dangerous to your health (digestive disorders, fever, unusual behavior, etc.). For example, in the morning the cat's temperature is lower than in the evening, when physical activity(after running, games) the indicators are also higher. A cat that has eaten will have a temperature slightly higher than normal. In such cases, the animal will not look sick or tired. As mentioned above, kittens most often have a temperature that is about 1 degree higher than that of an adult animal. have a higher temperature compared to other females. A decrease in temperature can be considered normal if the cat was outside during the cool season, if the room is fresh or there is a draft, that is, a frozen animal will have decreased performance. Older cats often have a low body temperature.

How to measure a cat's body temperature?

The process of measuring temperature, which is unpleasant for a cat, is carried out rectally, by inserting the tip of a thermometer into the animal’s anus. Depending on the type of instrument, the measurement may take less than a minute ( electronic thermometer) or exceed 5 minutes (mercury thermometer). A mercury thermometer has the most accurate readings, but not every animal can withstand such torture. Before starting the measurement, you should make sure that the animal is calm; it is advisable to carry out the process together with an assistant, since cats often break out, bite and scratch the owner. The animal should use another cloth for fixation, and then insert a thermometer lubricated with Vaseline or cream about 1 cm. Sometimes owners use infrared thermometers, measuring the animal’s body temperature in the ear, but such information is less accurate when compared with readings from electronic or mercury devices.

In order to confidently declare that a cat is sick and has a high fever, it is worth knowing the indicators in cases where the cat is completely healthy. A really high (or low) temperature does not appear out of the blue; most likely, a complex and painful process is occurring in the cat’s body. Self-treatment can lead to a threat to life, which is why timely contact with a veterinarian is necessary.

If your a pet If you are sick, you should know how to measure a cat’s temperature and what temperature is normal for cats. These are the very first steps to check the condition of your beloved animal.

So, how to measure a cat's temperature and what is normal for cats?

When should you check your pet's temperature?

If you notice changes in the behavior and character of your pet, then you need to check its health. There is an opinion among people that you can understand that a cat is sick by a dry and warm nose. But this is not entirely true, since this may not be related to the animal’s body temperature.

IN following situations When one or more of the following symptoms occurs, your cat may have a decrease or increase in temperature:

1) the fur and ears become obviously hot;

2) refusal of any food;

3) increased thirst, the pet cannot get drunk;

4) apathy - the cat shows no interest in anything, hides from everyone;

5) the cat is suddenly afraid of people, does not come close or be picked up;

6) uneven, rapid, hard breath and increased heart rate;

7) dilated pupils and poor coordination;

8) discharge from the nose, ears and eyes, vomiting or chills - it is urgent to find out the cause.

What is normal temperature for cats?

Normal body temperature for cats is a couple of degrees higher than normal human temperature. Exact value normal temperature for cats – from 38C to 38.5C.

It is important to remember that this value can vary within normal limits with age and even depending on the time of day. So in newborn kittens the temperature can be even lower than human - about 35-36C. Weak kittens may have low temperature, and the mother cat may not pay attention to them, be sure to provide them with warmth by heating the area for them or placing a heating pad. During the first months of a kitten's life, the temperature may also be one degree lower or higher than that of an adult cat, but this is absolutely normal.

Regarding the time of day - in the morning the temperature is half a degree lower than in the evening. The temperature can also drop significantly during a pet’s deep sleep - up to 37C. Therefore, you should not measure the temperature of a sleeping animal!

Even healthy cat Temperature may vary due to different external factors, for example, when you are on extreme heat, nervous shock (moving or going to the doctor). This is a normal reaction of the body and there is no need to worry.

Another important note is that the body temperature of hairless breeds of cats is the same as that of fluffy ones. They feel hotter to the touch compared to our skin, and with furry pets There is no such difference due to the fact that wool serves as a thermal barrier.

How to measure a cat's temperature

If you observe several symptoms of disease, then first of all you need to measure the cat’s temperature. This is usually a bit of a hassle, but in practice it shouldn't be too difficult. Can be used at home ordinary thermometer(mercury thermometer), electronic universal or rectal thermometer. The advantage of electronic thermometers is that they give results much faster and will cause less inconvenience to your cat. It is advisable to buy a separate one that will be used only for pets, and family members will use the other one.

The only and most reliable way is to measure the temperature rectally. It will be easier if you hold the cat together.

Follow following rules When measuring a cat's temperature:

1) Prepare - trim the cat’s claws so that it cannot accidentally injure its owners.

2) It is important to secure the animal well. There are two options - either use a towel and wrap the animal tightly in a “cocoon”, making sure to hide its paws and hold its head. Or one person holds the cat with both hands - paws and head by the scruff of the neck, and the second one already takes the measurement. The cat should not be allowed to curl up in a ball or tuck its tail between its legs! Be sure to monitor the cat's position.

3) Before and after measuring the temperature, be sure to disinfect the thermometer.

4) Before inserting the thermometer, you need to lubricate it with Vaseline or fatty cream so as not to injure the animal.

5) Raise the tail and insert the thermometer 2-3 cm.

6) Do not make sudden movements so as not to frighten the animal. Talk to your cat in a calm tone to calm her down.

7) Mercury thermometer you need to hold it for about three to five minutes, the electronic one will signal completion.

8) Be sure to wipe the thermometer with something containing alcohol. Pet the animal, give favorite treat as an incentive.

Causes of low temperature and what to do

After you have measured the temperature, you need to compare it with normal.

If the temperature is below average, then the following are possible: non-infectious causes:

1) First of all, this is hypothermia. If your pet spent a large number of time indoors/outdoors with low temperatures. At the same temperature, different animals react differently. How far the animal will freeze will depend on the breed and age of the cat.

2) Anesthesia. After operations with anesthesia, the cat's temperature may drop as well as in deep sleep.

3) Getting injured and state of shock. If your pet has just been injured or suffered severe stress, then your body temperature may drop temporarily.

4) Diseases associated with cardiovascular system. If there is a disturbance in the functioning of the heart or poor functioning of the blood vessels and a decrease in pressure, a constant low temperature is also observed.

What to do when the temperature drops?

Try to warm the animal. Wrap the cat in a blanket, blanket or towel, apply a heating pad or give warm water/soup. Under no circumstances should you attempt to warm an animal in hot water! Abrupt change temperature can cause heart problems!

If the temperature is too low or cannot be raised within a couple of hours, and also if the above reasons are not present, then you should contact your nearest veterinary clinic for testing!

Causes of elevated temperature and what to do

An increase in temperature is very dangerous for cats, as it leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Most often, elevated temperature indicates inflammatory processes. At a temperature of 40-41C and above, immediately contact your nearest veterinary clinic!

The reasons may be the following:

1) Various infectious diseases. From a simple cold to viral and fungal infections, when the body tries to fight them by raising the temperature. Be sure to consult a doctor to get tested and identify a specific disease.

2) Poisoning. Often, in addition to disruption digestive system the temperature also rises.

3) Oncological diseases. One of the symptoms is constant increase temperature.

4) Metabolic disorders. For example, older cats may have problems with the glands that are responsible for removing fluids and moisturizing mucous membranes.

5) Reaction to medications or allergens. If you have given your cat any medicine, check side effects temperature increase.

6) Inflammation of the gums, ear or nose diseases. Often inflammatory processes in the ear-nose-throat system lead to an increase in temperature.

We all love our pets and worry when something is wrong with them. One of the symptoms serious illnesses the animal may have a low body temperature. The thermoregulation center is located in the brain, or rather in one of the departments medulla oblongata(hypothalamus).

The normal body temperature of an adult cat is recorded within 37.8 – 39.2 °C, in kittens - from 38.3 to 39.7°C.

The scientific name for a condition characterized by a drop in body temperature is hypothermia.

There are three stages of the disease:

  1. Mild (body temperature 32 – 35°C);
  2. Moderate (temperature drops to 28 – 32°C);
  3. Deep (body temperature below 28°C).

A decrease in body temperature leads to centralization of blood circulation. Blood rushes to the brain and heart, protecting them first, and peripheral blood flow decreases at this time. Metabolic processes slow down and the body's defense mechanisms turn on (muscle tremors, fur fluffs up, breathing slows down).

The acid-base ratio in the blood changes, hypercapnia develops ( increased content carbon dioxide), then the interstitial and interstitial fluid rushes into the alveoli. In this case, the process of cellular respiration is disrupted, and the supply of oxygen to the tissues is insufficient. Against the background of currents in the body pathological processes, blood clotting is impaired, and pulmonary edema develops.

Causes of hypothermia

There are two main reasons for a decrease in body temperature: physiological (old age, pregnancy) and pathological.

A day before giving birth, a cat’s body temperature drops by about one degree.

Remember, lowering your pet's body temperature By physiological reasons Fine. It is enough to provide the cat with access to a heat source.

Hypothermia is also observed in animals during hypothermia that lasts for a long time. chronic diseases, thermoregulation disorders, skull injuries, tumor processes, long-term anesthesia during surgical interventions, diseases of the endocrine glands.

How to recognize a threat?

  • Spending a long time outside in cold weather should already make you think about the development of hypothermia in your cat.
  • Upon tactile contact (to the touch), the animal is not as warm as usual. Minor muscle tremors are typical in initial stage a decrease in body temperature, then this protective mechanism disappears.
  • The animal is lethargic, does not run away, does not play. The wool is raised to increase the air gap and retain heat.
  • Visible mucous membranes and skin become pale and cool to the touch.
  • The pet tries to find a warm place and curls up into a ball.

First aid

If you find a freezing animal on the street, the first thing to do is bring it to a warm room. At home, wrap your pet in a wool blanket or any other item. Be sure to place the cat on a heating pad or cover it with them. Give warm milk or broth. If the animal does not refuse food, feed it. This will help restore energy reserves in the body and normalize metabolism.

Specialized assistance

The best solution when identifying signs of hypothermia in a pet is to contact a veterinarian. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease in an animal rescued from the street and in your cat, and carry out a number of diagnostic measures:

  1. Examination by a specialist.
  2. Collection of tests.
  3. X-ray of organs chest and abdominal cavity.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  5. X-ray of skeletal bones.

Depending on the severity of the condition, when examining the animal, the doctor will detect a decrease in heart rate, a violation heart rate, lowering blood pressure, decreasing the amount of urine excreted, changes in breathing - becomes superficial and rare. The animal reacts sluggishly or not at all to inspection; consciousness may be absent.

IN severe cases breathing practically stops, single breaths appear, foam may appear at the mouth (a sign pulmonary edema), lack of consciousness, pulse and arterial pressure may be barely noticeable or undetectable.

The doctor prescribes intravenous infusions warm solutions, relief drugs, symptoms of the underlying disease, oxygen therapy. The clinic staff constantly monitors the cat’s vital signs.

For more severe hypothermia, internal warming is performed: the stomach is washed with warm solutions, enemas with heated solutions, and inhalation of warm air.

In case of condition clinical death the animal begins to be resuscitated immediately. If the measures are not successful, the death of the animal can be declared if the body temperature is above 30 – 32°C. In surviving patients, especially old ones, there may be consequences in the form of impaired brain function, a shift in the point of thermoregulation, cardiovascular failure. Some experts believe that animals that have experienced severe hypothermia are more likely to experience repeated episodes of hypothermia.

On a note!

If you do not have special veterinary education, do not engage in self-treatment their pets. Providing first aid to an animal should be a step on the way to transporting a cat to a specialized clinic. The doctor will find out the causes of the disease, prescribe treatment and provide qualified observation and care. Take care of your pets.

Health domestic cat directly depends on the conditions in which he lives. However, no one can be immune from disease. This is why a cat’s body temperature may rise, despite high-quality care and excellent living conditions. Violation of heat transfer in cats occurs due to exposure to external, internal factors: stress, infection, simple overheating.

Normal temperature for a cat

It is important to know that cats' body temperature is higher than that of humans. 37.8 is optimal temperature your pet.

Cat owners need to know that the optimal temperature for their pet ranges from 37.5-39 degrees, which is much higher than that of humans. It is important to note that different breeds are considered the norm different indicators. For example, for a sphinx the norm is 40 degrees, but for others this is already a signal of pathology.

How to find out about elevated temperature without a thermometer

A thermometer is the most reliable way to measure a cat's temperature.

And just like people, cats often suffer from fever. As a result, the question arises, how do you know if the temperature is elevated? The methods that people use are not suitable for this. If you feel your pet's forehead, you will not be able to judge the presence/absence of temperature. Most people are used to determine the condition of cats by their nose. If it is damp and cool, then everything is fine, but when it is hot and dry, you should sound the alarm.

The most proven and reliable method temperature determination is using a thermometer. It is placed either in the rectum or ear canal. Don’t be afraid of the animal’s reaction, naturally, whims and manifestations of character will begin, but despite this,!

If your pet's body temperature rises, there is no need to take risks. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

In addition, there are certain symptoms that signal this pathology. With their help you will know whether you need to measure your temperature or not. If the result shows 39.4 degrees Celsius, seek help from a veterinarian.


If your cat has become lethargic and sleepy, this may be due to an increase in its body temperature.

  • Lack of usual appetite.
  • Apathy, .
  • Presence of tremor, trembling.
  • The cat has a rapid heartbeat.
  • Happening.
  • Strange behavior, state of shock.

If these symptoms occur, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.

The cat has a temperature of 40, what should I do at home?

If you see a temperature reading of 40 degrees on the thermometer, this is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

If the thermometer mark exceeds the indicator 40 degrees, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Cat owners should be aware that if their pet's body temperature rises above 40.5 degrees Celsius, the body loses fluid and becomes dehydrated, breathing becomes difficult and the heart beats faster.

The critical indicator is considered to be 41.1 degrees Celsius, the body loses great amount liquids. Similar condition fraught dangerous consequences, since it is the brain, it disrupts the activity of all internal organs.

Clinical picture

Vomiting in a pet is a signal that he is sick!

The clinical picture is as follows:

  • The pet and. , then you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. Possible internal bleeding.
  • The heart rate increases significantly.
  • The rhythm of heart contractions is disturbed.
  • On skin hemorrhages may be noticeable.
  • , severe shortness of breath.
  • Bleeding from the intestines.
  • The oral mucosa turns yellow.

It is important! The listed complications can cost your pet's life, so if you notice something wrong, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Otherwise, the cat may die!

If you have a cat or cat, it doesn’t matter at all; you should familiarize yourself with the main reasons why similar pathology. This is necessary so that you detect the problem in a timely manner and consult a doctor without wasting unnecessary time on reflection.

Causes of high temperature in cats

  1. Overheat. This reason is considered one of the most common. If an animal is exposed to the sun for a long time, temperatures can jump to 41 degrees or higher.

    Why is this happening? In addition to exposure to the sun, this happens due to the fact that the cat is locked in a stuffy room or during transportation. It is important to provide first aid to your pet correctly. Place the animal in a cool room and give it some water. The temperature should stabilize within two hours. Overheating is the most common reason

  2. fever in cats. Viral diseases. It is common for cats to get sick even from viral diseases. The following signs are observed: mucus from the nose, and.

    In this situation, you need to make sure that the humidity of the room in which the pet is located increases, and give it water.

  3. If your cat has a fever, he may have contracted a viral disease. Infectious diseases. Pets may encounter. In addition to high temperature, this is indicated by the following symptoms: weakness and vomiting, poor appetite.
  4. Rest assured, this is a reason to seek help from a veterinarian. Emotional shock. Stress is considered to be one of the causes of pathology. Often cats experience emotional stress in such cases: visits to the veterinarian and exhibitions, loss of their owner, moving, long separation from the owner, etc. To help your cat, take everything

necessary measures

to calm her down. Basically, stressful temperature surges pass when everything falls into place.

Separation from the owner can cause serious emotional distress in a cat.

In addition to the reasons listed, such symptoms are observed in overly active and pregnant cats, as this is a physiological process. By measuring your cat's temperature rectally, you will get the most accurate data.
It is advisable to measure temperature rectally. For this purpose, it is necessary to swaddle your pet. It is best to do this together, it is much more convenient and safer. One measures, and the second holds the cat.. It is advisable to use an electronic thermometer.
The lubricated tip needs to be inserted in a circular motion into the anus by 3 centimeters. After five minutes you will know the temperature of the animal.

What can you give your cat for fever at home?

You should give medications to your pet only after the doctor’s recommendations.

As for treating a cat, it all depends on the cause of this pathology, as well as the severity of the situation.

In some cases, there is no need to panic, since the animal’s body is able to independently fight some viruses and infections.

Treatment with antibiotics If the diagnosis is not entirely clear, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment using antibiotics. Antipyretics are often prescribed, but it all depends on the cause. Before giving any medicines

cat, contact your veterinarian to avoid serious complications.

Folk remedies What to do at home? It is advisable to use cool water to moisten. cat hair If you have ice, you can safely apply it to your neck, as well as to inner surface cat's hips. As for more radical treatment
, it is better to consult a doctor. Provide the animal sufficient quantity drinking. If the situation is urgent and the cat gets worse, you can perform a little trick

. You will need vodka, diluted vinegar or alcohol to lubricate the paw pads every hour.

Video on how to measure your pet's temperature

conclusions Thus, it is extraordinary dangerous symptom, which cannot be ignored or left unattended.