Asymptomatic course of SARS. Causes of fever without signs of a cold

Our medical illiteracy becomes the key to serious complications from acute respiratory diseases. Many do not know that the flu without a runny nose and cough is a threat, but there are still signs by which you can determine the development of a serious infection.

Sometimes flu is accompanied only by fever, but without cough and runny nose

Often people are lost in identifying the signs of the disease. Sometimes, the flu is confused with ordinary fatigue, loss of strength. ARVI, unlike a cold, can begin with symptoms such as weakness, pain in the muscles and joints, and in the throat. The first stage is also characterized by dizziness, headache, flu without a runny nose is a threat. While a person believes that this is just fatigue, the virus multiplies rapidly and spreads throughout the body. The absence of temperature suggests that the immune system has not yet recognized the infection or is simply not able to fight it. Doctors characterize this condition as atypical. To know what measures to take, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with what the flu is and identify the symptoms.

There are several types of the virus - A, B and C. The first type affects not only people, but also animals, and B and C pose a threat only to the human body. Once in the body, hitting the cell, the infection multiplies rapidly and intoxication occurs, fever occurs.

Antigenic polymorphism, that is, mutation, allows the infection to spread at a tremendous speed, affecting millions of people. This is the reason for seasonal epidemics and the inability to create a single vaccine, researchers have to create more and more new types of vaccines. The infection has no borders and leads to epidemics in many countries. More than 5 million people fall ill every year, and at least 250,000 people die. In the summer months, the disease is practically not recorded, it is known that the virus dies when exposed to direct sunlight.

In the summer, influenza is very rare, because Sun rays kill the virus

Is there a flu without a cough and a runny nose?

The main attribute of SARS is headache, dizziness, high fever. Breathing becomes difficult, only on the 2nd or 3rd day there is a dry cough, runny nose, which indicates the acute phase of the disease. If there is no temperature, then you have picked up an atypical strain, which requires special treatment methods. To distinguish the flu from the common cold, it is necessary to recognize the main signs of the second, which appear from the first moments of the disease:

  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • cough, heavy breathing;
  • loss of appetite, chills.

With a cold, symptoms such as fever, headache occur after a few days. We distinguish influenza by symptoms

Medical organizations record more than 100 types of SARS and colds that differ in symptoms.

atypical flu

This disease does not specific features characteristic of the common flu or cold. atypical appearance develops without the usual symptoms, the temperature may not even rise. This is very serious illness, which is difficult to treat, entailing complications, often fatal.

  1. High temperature is noted in 75% of cases, while 25% have no symptoms. main feature- Strong headache.
  2. If there are no symptoms, and everyone around is sick, it makes sense to take tests. Perhaps the person has a strong immune system or is a carrier of the virus and can infect others. The detected virus requires adequate treatment, but the drugs are aimed only at the infection. Missing the moment can provoke SARS, meningitis, renal, liver failure, joint diseases, etc. The consequences of this type of flu can be unpredictable.

There are two subspecies of the disease: afebrial and acatarrhal. The first is influenza without cough and runny nose, only fever, the second without fever and fever. Both subspecies can proceed both in a mild and complex form.

The most dangerous symptom is lightning

An atypical manifestation in the form of a rapid illness is the most dangerous and severe. The condition is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, weakness, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, convulsions. If the disease is not treated on time, irreversible, severe processes in the nervous and vascular systems, in the work of the heart. The disease can take the life of a person in a matter of hours. Flu no cough, no snot disease state, but the body temperature rises sharply - which means that ARVI is present. At the same time, it hurts joints, muscles, as in cases with a common cold, pneumonia.

The temperature with the flu can rise at lightning speed

As for a disease that has no symptoms, get ready to receive an answer to the question “Is there a flu without a runny nose” - you have been overcome by an insidious disease. The problem speaks of weak immunity, the body has practically no defenses, and the virus eats healthy cells with great speed. There is a powerful intoxication, the temperature rises, a person is afraid of light, harsh sounds bring discomfort. Even if measures are taken in time, then on the second, third day there is a cough, a runny nose, breathing becomes difficult, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis are possible.

actaral subspecies

The type is also called acute tracheitis, it affects the oral mucosa, nasopharynx, and trachea with viruses. As a result, severe intoxication occurs, often accompanied by rashes on the hands, abdomen, in the forearm, and a coating on the tongue. Treatment requires the intervention of antibiotics, the use of sorbents - Enterosgel, Atoxil, etc. It is important to drink plenty of fluids in this form, preferably clean water.

Can the flu occur only with a temperature - yes, but other symptoms appear after a few days. The course of the disease will be difficult, difficult to treat, it can turn into pneumonia or other serious diseases.

There is no cold without a runny nose and cough. Without fail, a person feels a sore throat, redness, the temperature can rise in a few days if the condition is not treated.

Toddlers and the elderly are the main victims

As already mentioned, at risk serious complications small children and the elderly are included, the former have not yet developed immunity and do not have that amount of antibodies to fight the virus. The latter no longer have antigens for infection in their blood. Whatever the subspecies of the disease - flu without cough and snot or with pronounced symptoms, the baby in any case is acute. A sharp rise in temperature is possible, often children have convulsions, older ones suffer from headaches, pain in muscles and joints. The child loses his appetite, feels sick, and vomits. Characteristic features are also:

  • eye redness;
  • red throat;
  • redness of the cheeks;
  • hoarseness;
  • dry cough;
  • loss of smell.

It is not difficult to determine that a child has a cold by the first symptoms.

Symptoms such as repeated vomiting, loss of consciousness, a bright red rash on any part of the body, convulsions, refusal of water or any other liquid should cause alarm in parents. And if the baby has congenital pathologies of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, then even the weakest form of the flu can lead to serious complications.

Crumbs who still do not know how to express their opinions, complain about the condition, should cause suspicion in parents with the following symptoms:

  • retracted chest;
  • cyanosis of the lips, nasal triangle;
  • drowsiness or restlessness;
  • frequent breathing;
  • temperature above 38 degrees.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is confirmed, most likely the baby is developing pneumonia. A rash appeared on the baby's body - there is a risk that he has meningitis. In any case, as soon as the first symptoms appear in a child, there is not a minute to lose. Quite often the account of life goes not on hours, but on minutes.

If your child has flu symptoms, call the doctor!

Preventive measures

To no infection or a cold without coughing, without high temperature indicators has not overcome the human body, you must follow simple and elementary rules.

  1. As soon as the epidemic begins, bypass crowded places, in last resort wearing cotton gauze bandage, medical mask.
  2. At the first signs of illness - malaise, fatigue, take sick leave, lie down, and even better, consult a doctor for adequate treatment.
  3. Ventilate the room, bedroom, especially for those who are prone to colds. Additional disinfection of rooms, sanitary facilities, dishes will not be superfluous.
  4. Do not come into contact with a sick person.
  5. Recommended for high temperatures plentiful drink: water, milk, juices, decoctions, tea with lemon, raspberries, honey.
  6. Up to a temperature of 38 degrees, do not bring down the indicators, the body is fighting a viral infection. Taking antipyretics will reduce the level of antiviral cells.
  7. At profuse sweating replenish the supply of water in the body, drink herbal teas, decoctions.
  8. As a prophylaxis against influenza small child, it makes sense to use suppositories based on interferon. The drug is absolutely harmless to the body of not only the baby, but also the pregnant woman, the elderly. The medicine raises the immune system and protects against viruses. But treatment requires a preliminary examination by a doctor and his prescriptions.

Don't forget to boost your immune system!

Boost your immune system before the cold season hits. Do active sports, include in your diet healthy eating- greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts. Vitamin complexes should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Great importance for protective forces has hardening. Beginning with contrast shower, you need to switch to dousing with cold water. The procedure cannot be performed if the body has already caught the virus, hardening should begin in the warm season.

28-03-2009, 12:18

28-03-2009, 12:24

We recently had ARVI with fever, no runny nose and cough.
Get well [email protected]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


28-03-2009, 12:28

we had a pace of up to 38.2, they knocked it down with a viburkol, the district police officer came, ordered to put viferon, now everything is in order (TTT). Try to call hotline diapers or libero - pediatricians advise there if you don’t call doctors yet (I somehow called just in case, from the 21st century, to be safe). Ears - this, of course, is not a joke ... And so lore can come to the house ...

28-03-2009, 12:35

My daughter is sick, I'm very worried. The pace picked up last night. 38.3 since then, for more than a day, the pace. rises, we shoot it down with an efferalgun. The doctor, of course, was called immediately. She, without even looking at the child, said, "Well, for sure, right now there will be a red throat. This is an orvi. Now there is an epidemic." Then she casually glanced at the pot, injected analgin + pipolfen (why the second, and I don’t understand the first!), Saying that to lower the temp., because. she has nothing else. She left instructions for treatment (for ARVI), said that a runny nose and cough would appear, and left.

Days have already passed. I'm sitting waiting for the doctor on duty, the cat should come today. But there are no snot, no cough, no other symptoms of an orvi. Only pace. rises: (In the morning it reached 39.1.

And I’m also very worried about this whole situation that the child has been pulling his ears for several days (even sleeping with handles at his ears), but neither the district police officer (whom we were still healthy the day before yesterday) nor the ambulance doctor (yesterday) do not take this symptom into account . The district police officer said that the child was so nervous (in a dream ???), the ambulance doctor - that there was a traffic jam ...

I am very afraid for my baby. After hearing stories about inattentive doctors, I'm on the verge of panic :(
SARS can occur without other symptoms.

28-03-2009, 12:40

we also had a temperature on Wednesday-Thursday, no runny nose and no cough. The doctor said it was either a virus or teeth. I prescribed Viferon .. I passed the urine, it was good. Yesterday there was no pace, but the child sometimes screams so much, arching ((. By the evening a small rash appeared. The doctor said it was an enterococcal infection (I don’t know if it’s right) for some reason she prescribed suprasin.

28-03-2009, 12:51

mine is always so sick: only t. sometimes red throat. All. there is nothing more.

28-03-2009, 13:09

Well, you reassured me a little ... For me, SARS means snot, cough. And then there's the pace. and that's it, I was scared.

Mine is always so sick: only t. sometimes red throat. All. there is nothing more.
and at the expense of the ears, of course, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of otitis and others like him, but somewhere at your age, mine also began to pull them. At first they were worried, then they realized that it was nothing to worry about. it's just so annoying. I remember that the ENT once told me that the first sign of otitis media is that the reb refuses to eat, because. painful to swallow.

Mine seems to be eating. No appetite, of course. But she doesn't cry.

And he doesn’t drink - he doesn’t drink :(, only his chest. Usually he drinks well, but yesterday and today, as luck would have it, only the drinker is envious - he waves his hands, cries. Neither from a spoon, nor from a straw, you can’t pour liquid in any way. :(

28-03-2009, 13:13

SARS can occur without other symptoms.
On day 4-5, if the temperature persists (with or without a runny nose, cough, etc.), you must pass general analysis blood and urine.
If there is reason to assume otitis, the child must be examined by an ENT (otoscopy)

Thanks for the info!
And by what symptoms can I assume a possible otitis media?

28-03-2009, 13:27

if the ears hurt - the child will not let you touch them, even a light touch on the tubercle above the earlobe can cause crying

28-03-2009, 13:32

we also had only a temperature for 4 days ... the temperature subsided, snot and cough began ...

28-03-2009, 13:37

we have a temperature and the doctor prescribed antibiotics for us: 005:

28-03-2009, 13:44

28-03-2009, 13:52

We are sick for the second day. The temp is 39.3. We can’t bring it down ... The doctor also says SARS! There is no cough and runny nose!

What were you assigned? Any tablets? The doctor told me that since there are no outward signs, the bacterium can manifest itself anywhere and in any way: pneumonia, disease urinary system.. She said not to take risks and drink antibiotics.

28-03-2009, 13:53

The temperature could not be brought down during the day.

28-03-2009, 14:07

28-03-2009, 14:09

What were you assigned? Any tablets? The doctor told me that since there are no outward signs, the bacterium can manifest itself anywhere and in any way: pneumonia, a disease of the urinary system .. She said not to take risks and drink antibiotics.

The temperature could not be brought down during the day.
The doctor is wrong. In the same way, a viral disease can occur, the cause of which antibiotics do not work in any way.

Topicstarter about otitis: 0%F0%F3%E6%ED%2A+%EB%E5%F7%E5%ED%2A in this case symptoms: pain that worsens when pressed, restlessness, refusal to suckle (nipples, bottles, breasts), etc.

28-03-2009, 14:11

We recently had this. Tempo 38+ for several days. Pediatrician - "viferon and bring down the pace, do not bother, you have viiirus." A respiratory signs everything is not. Pediatrician - "well, let's give urine" They passed urine, plus I donated blood myself.
Diagnosis - acute pyelonephritis.
So it goes. And they wouldn’t have passed the tests, so the mysterious viferon virus would have been treated: 001:
That is why On the 4th-5th day, if the temperature persists (with or without a runny nose, cough, etc.), it is necessary to pass a general blood and urine test.

28-03-2009, 14:46

28-03-2009, 19:25

Topicstarter about otitis: 0%F0%F3%E6%ED%2A+%EB%E5%F7%E5%ED%2A in this case symptoms: pain that worsens when pressed, restlessness, refusal to suckle (nipples, bottles, breasts), etc.

Thank you!

28-03-2009, 19:27

We were prescribed viferon and eferalgan (or nurofen), eferalgan did not help. Today I gave nurofen (syrup), Now the pace is 37.8! We play a little ... And yesterday I lay all day ...

And we take Viferon and Efferalgan. us ef. helps (t-t-t)

Many young parents of young children are very worried when the child has a fever without cough and runny nose, as well as without other symptoms. obvious symptoms a certain disease. Basically, the worries turn out to be groundless, but there are times when such a condition indicates that the baby is ill with something serious.

Most often, the temperature without any symptoms rises in infants and children up to three years old, because thermoregulation in the body is not yet fully established, which simply leads to “overheating”.

What to do when the temperature rises?

First of all, mom and dad should take a good look at the general condition of the child to find out if he has any manifestations of any disease. It is clear that if, with an increase in temperature, there are problems with stools, nausea, a sore throat, then this is a sign of an acute respiratory disease or disorder gastrointestinal tract. Under such circumstances, you should immediately visit a pediatrician to consult and clarify the diagnosis. But often parents come to the doctors, whose babies, in addition to high body temperature, no longer have any symptoms.

Diseases in which there is a high temperature without a runny nose or cough:

  1. Childhood infections: scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox. The fever is accompanied by eruptions on the skin.
  2. Inflammation of the larynx with diphtheria, tonsillitis.
  3. Enlarged The lymph nodes.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system, such as meningitis or encephalitis.

You should consult a doctor if the temperature persists for more than 5 days, and also if antipyretics do not help.

An ambulance is simply necessary if the child feels very unwell. If you can do without a doctor, then you need to take antipyretic drugs that can improve general state child, which allows him to have a good rest at night. This is a necessary condition to restore the body's strength and send them to fight the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to bring down the fever, which is not accompanied by cough and runny nose. It is advisable to do this before going to bed and before eating. An antipyretic for a child should be based on paracetamol, or Ibuprofen can be used.

What are the reasons why a baby may have a fever?

The first reason for the increase in temperature may be congenital pathology heart (defect). In this case, the increase or decrease in temperature is affected by changes in climatic conditions or stressful situations. If a child has problems with the cardiovascular system, then it should be tempered from infancy and adapted to environment to avoid many health problems. For this reason, the temperature immediately rises strongly. And then it drops to 37 degrees and stays that way for a very long time. Parents should urgently contact a doctor to know how to proceed.

Most often, the temperature in young children rises due to overheating in the sun. Children are very heavily dressed to avoid colds, and they are very hot in all these clothes. A lack of fluid in the body leads to metabolic disorders and an increase in body temperature. Therefore, parents should know that in hot weather the child should receive enough water, not be warmly dressed and not be in the open sun. And if overheating nevertheless happened, then the baby must be taken to a cool place and given some water to drink.

The reason for the increase in temperature can serve as an inflammatory process in the body. For example, when a wound becomes inflamed on skin or on internal organs. Pyrogen is released in these affected areas, which can cause fever.

Children with an unstable nervous system may react to a rise in voice, other irritants and unpleasant factors with a feverish state. In this case, parents should create for their child certain mode life, which will not overload the psyche.

Another common cause of fever without symptoms is an allergic reaction to something. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to recognize the allergen and remove it from the child.

A natural reaction of the baby's body to some vaccines, as well as to low-quality medications, is fever. This state lasts for 3 days.

Mom should always study the instructions for the use of medicines well and carefully and monitor their expiration date so as not to poison the baby and not cause allergies.

Fever may also occur after prolonged physical activity baby. After all, he constantly runs, jumps, sweats and does not sit still for a minute. This is the reason why body temperature can jump no higher than 37.5 degrees. But as soon as he rests, this state passes. So this is not a cause for concern.

In infants, fever may be due to teething. Parents immediately notice that the gums are red and swollen, and the baby behaves capriciously. Do not worry at the same time, you just need to be patient and wait until the teeth appear.

Very often, an increase in temperature is a consequence of an experienced cold. The immunity of the child after the illness is greatly weakened, and the temperature can stay at a high level. long time. To help the body cope with the consequences of SARS, you need to reinforce it with a vitamin complex, which has a general strengthening effect on the body.

The cause of the fever may be kidney disease.

The overall picture looks something like this: for a very long time the thermometer shows 37 degrees and no more, but then the temperature rises sharply to 39. In this case, it would be better to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Is it worth bringing down the temperature?

All doctors are categorically against bringing down the child's body temperature, which does not exceed 38.5 degrees (and adults too). This fever is considered a normal reaction. child's body disease, when the immune system fights germs and bacteria that cause disease. Parents should simply create comfortable and right conditions For get well soon baby: give a lot of warm drinks, ventilate the room, regularly do wet cleaning, create optimal humidity in the rooms, give only light and healthy food. But some pediatricians still advise to bring down the fever, which is below 38.5 degrees, in case the child feels unwell.

Many parents still use old grandmother's recipes for fever. This is, as a rule, rubbing the body with water and vinegar. Medicine does not confirm, but does not refute the effectiveness of such a method of treatment. One has only to remember that if the temperature does not go away for more than three days, then this is a sign of the disease and it is necessary to start a course of antibiotics.

In no case should you apply mustard plasters, compresses with alcohol, soar your legs and carry out inhalations. It will only raise the temperature. You can not dress and cover the baby too much, so as not to interfere with the natural process of sweating, which helps to lower body temperature.

It must be remembered that the temperature in children without symptoms of a cold is enough frequent, which should not cause panic reactions in parents. You can not go to the doctors, but monitor at home. It is worth going to the hospital only in rare cases when an increase in body temperature in a child can be dangerous to health and life.

But no one will condemn caring parents who, when the temperature rises without coughing and runny nose, go to the doctor to get tested and make sure that their child is not seriously ill.

Despite the fact that the art of healing has long become medicine, that is, a system of scientific knowledge and practical methods for determining and treating human diseases, we still call a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract with the everyday word “cold”. And a cold without fever also refers to viral diseases. In this case, of all the organs of the upper respiratory tract, the nose and pharynx are primarily affected.

Causes of a cold without fever: the virus is to blame

Without delving into medical jungle, we can say that of the two hundred strains of viruses involved in the occurrence of a cold, the most active are rhinoviruses from the picornavirus family. Once in the human body, rhinoviruses multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which leads to inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract - nasopharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, acute rhinitis or, as we say, a cold. Why does this happen most often in the cold season? Because some of the viruses that cause the common cold are seasonal. But the reason for their seasonality has not yet been clarified ...

In addition, experts have two more versions about this. Some believe that the causes of the development of colds, including the causes of a cold without fever, are purely physiological. Under the influence of cold air, the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract changes, this leads to a reduction in the production of mucus, and at this moment the viruses that enter the respiratory tract begin to multiply rapidly.

According to the second point of view, the human body experiences stress in the cold, to which the immune system responds by reducing its protective functions. And a cold without fever (if you stick to this version) is an indicator strong immunity, which is etched with the infection without the participation of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the thermoregulation of our body and "gives the command" to start producing protective antibodies.

However, many studies have been conducted that give reason to assert that the increased susceptibility of the body to infection during hypothermia is nothing more than a myth ...

Since a cold is caused by a virus, it can be contracted. The most common route of infection is airborne, as well as direct contact when a person touches the source of infection.

Cold symptoms without fever

Average incubation period colds without fever do not exceed two or three days. From unpleasant sensations in the nose and throat, it comes to sneezing and runny nose. According to doctors, up to 40% of patients feel a sore throat with a cold, about 60% of people complain about a cough, the presence of a runny nose reaches almost 100%, but the temperature in adult patients, as a rule, remains within the normal range.

At first, the main symptom of a cold without fever is abundant watery discharge from the nose. After a day or two, they become thicker and acquire a mucopurulent character. Cough joins the common cold - at first dry, and then with a small amount sputum.

In the absence of bacterial complications (in the form of sinusitis or otitis media), after 5-7 days, the symptoms of a cold disappear without fever. True, the cough can last much longer (up to two weeks) and often leads to bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis.

A cold during pregnancy without fever (when it is caused by a rhinovirus) has similar symptoms. The same symptoms are accompanied by a cold in a child without fever, but most often the body temperature in children still rises, especially in very young ones. Their body is still developing, so the reaction of the immune system is exacerbated. For this reason, any cough, like physiological function cleaning the airways requires finding out the cause - so as not to miss the same pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

In most cases, the diagnosis of a cold without fever is based on clinical manifestations presents no illness or difficulty.

Cold treatment without fever

The symptoms and treatment of the common cold were described as early as the 16th century BC - in the Ebers medical papyrus "The Book of the Preparation of Medicines for All Parts of the Body." But there is still no cure for the common cold, and we treat - or rather, alleviate - only its symptoms.

At the same time, one must not forget that antibiotics should not be taken for a cold, since they do not act on the viruses that cause this disease.

It is recommended to treat a cold without fever with the help of folk remedies proven by many generations, which are now called alternative methods. So, when the first cold symptoms appear, you need to make a hot foot bath(with the addition of dry mustard) or rub the feet with vodka or turpentine ointment and wear warm socks. In the treatment of colds during pregnancy without fever, the use of thermal procedures is strictly prohibited: you can only wear a warm scarf around your neck and woolen socks on your feet.

But tea with lemon and honey, as well as with ginger, is useful for absolutely everyone. With redness of the throat and cough, inhalations with infusions help well pine buds, sage, eucalyptus leaves, solution baking soda, mineral alkaline water like Borjomi. It is better to do them twice a day - in the morning (an hour before leaving the house) and in the evening - an hour and a half before bedtime.

To get rid of cough positive effect gives a warm drink - a rosehip decoction, infusions of thyme, lemon balm, coltsfoot leaves, elecampane roots, as well as warm milk in half with alkaline mineral water, and at night - warm milk with honey and butter. Keep in mind that hot milk will slow down the separation of sputum. You need to drink slowly, in small sips.

With a sore throat in the treatment of a cold, you can not do without rinsing without a fever. There are a great many of their recipes, but the most effective are: a solution of salt + soda + iodine, an infusion of chamomile or sage, as well as solutions of natural apple cider vinegar(a tablespoon per 150 ml of water), furacilin and hydrogen peroxide (1-2 teaspoons per glass of water). The throat should be gargled as often as possible - at least 5-6 times a day.

Irritation and sore throat are often the result of severe coughing, and coughing fits are more frequent as a result. To get rid of this problem, regular gargling with a warm solution helps well. table salt: 0.5 teaspoon per 200 ml of water.

Relieves sore throat by ingesting a mixture prepared from 100 g of natural honey and the juice of one lemon. This natural medicine should be taken two teaspoons several times a day. And drops will help cure a runny nose home cooking- fresh carrot juice with honey, raw beet juice: 5-6 drops in each nostril 4 times a day. You can apply a little Asterisk balm several times a day on the bridge of your nose and do acupressure in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose and at the highest point of the nose - between the eyebrows.

Since the treatment of a cold during pregnancy without temperature excludes the use of pharmaceuticals as much as possible and involves symptomatic therapy folk remedies, then all of the above methods are completely safe for expectant mothers.

Medicines for the treatment of colds without fever

IN drug treatment colds without fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat medicines are used. Good expectorants are classic medicines - marshmallow syrup and pertussin. Pertussin refers to combined preparations plant origin(it is based on thyme or thyme extract), it has an expectorant effect, helps to thin sputum and accelerates its excretion. Adults need to take the mixture one tablespoon three times a day, children - a teaspoon or dessert.

Tusuprex and Mukaltin tablets are also considered classics in the treatment of colds. Tusuprex has an antitussive and mild expectorant effect. Daily dose for adults - one tablet (0.02 g) 3-4 times a day, for children under one year old - a quarter of a tablet, and older than a year- half a tablet 3-4 times a day. Possible by-effect- digestive disorders. This medicine is contraindicated in bronchospastic conditions (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi) and in bronchitis with difficult expectoration of sputum.

Mukaltin acts as a mucus thinner and expectorant due to the content of marshmallow extract. Adults need to take 1 tablet 4 times a day, children from one to three years old - 0.5 tablets 3-4 times a day (you can dissolve the tablet in 70-80 ml warm water). Among the contraindications of mucaltin are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

With a strong dry cough during a cold without fever, the doctor may prescribe medications that block the cough reflex - glaucine and oxeladin. Glaucine is available in the form of dragees, syrup (including syrup for children) and tablets, and is prescribed for adults - 40 mg 2-3 times a day, for children under 4 years old - 10 mg 2-3 times a day (after food). The drug is contraindicated in severe arterial hypotension and myocardial infarction. Possible side effects are expressed in the form of dizziness, weakness and nausea.

Bromhexine, lazolvan, ambroxol, acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) are used to liquefy and alleviate sputum expectoration. For example, the drug Bromhexine (tablets, dragees, drops, syrup) is taken by adults and children over 14 years old at 8-16 mg 3-4 times a day. Dosage for children under the age of 2 years - 2 mg 3 times a day, at the age of 2 to 6 years - 4 mg, at the age of 6-10 years - 6-8 mg three times a day. Duration of admission - no more than 4-5 days. Among contraindications this drug hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer in the acute stage, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Among the cough medicines that are most often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of colds without fever in children are Gedelix, Prospan, Tussamag, Travisil and Evkabal syrups.

Treatment of a cold without fever involves getting rid of a runny nose. Trusted drops from the common cold - naphthyzine, sanorin, galazolin. And in the treatment of rhinitis in children, Nazivin drops are used (for babies from birth to a year), Nazol Baby (for children over 1 year old), ximelin (0.05% for children 2-12 years old and 0.1% for children with 12 years old). For pain in the throat, drugs with a local anesthetic effect in the form of aerosols are used - inhalipt, cameton, camphomen. Also in pharmacies there are many different dragees, lozenges, lozenges and lozenges that help relieve sore throat.

But paracetamol for a cold without a temperature is obviously not worth taking. Because the pharmachologic effect of this drug is analgesic and antipyretic, and it is used for: pain of mild to moderate intensity (headache and toothache, migraine, back pain, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia), febrile syndrome (that is, fever) with colds.

Among the contraindications to the use of paracetamol are hypersensitivity, impaired renal and hepatic function, alcoholism, childhood up to 6 years old. And on the list side effects blood diseases such as agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia and anemia; renal colic, aseptic pyuria (pus in the urine when it is sterile), glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys with circulatory disorders in them), as well as allergic rashes on the skin.

On pharmaceutical market paracetamol was first released in the early 1950s in the United States. Its manufacturer (Sterling-Winthrop) attracted buyers by claiming that paracetamol is safer than aspirin ... According to official medical statistics, in the United States, the use of paracetamol (panadol) is the most common cause liver damage - more than 55 thousand cases annually.

SARS without fever

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are a set of acute human infectious diseases that are transmitted mainly by air - by drip and affect mainly the respiratory tract. ARVI includes influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infections, respiratory syncytial, rhinovirus and coronavirus infections, Coxsackievirus disease.

High fever as one of the first symptoms of the disease is most characteristic of the flu. Other SARS can occur without a significant increase in body temperature. There are 3 main causes of SARS without temperature:

  • some viral diseases (for example, rhino viral infection);
  • mild illness;
  • decreased immunity in debilitated patients.

Rhinovirus infection

This ARVI is characterized by a predominant lesion of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. It often develops in spring and autumn, mainly in the form of outbreaks in groups. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 6 days, during which time there are no manifestations of the disease. Then there is a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion. There may be slight weakness, malaise. Copious mucous discharge from the nose quickly appears. Sometimes the patient is worried about coughing without sputum. Body temperature is often within the normal range, less often reaches 37.5 ° C.

On examination, it can be seen that the nasal mucosa is swollen, reddened. Reddening of the sclera, conjunctiva of the eye can be determined. With abundant discharge from the nose, the skin near the nasal openings may redden and peel off. The illness usually lasts up to 7 days.


Mild and erased forms of SARS most often develop in previously vaccinated patients. To the greatest extent this applies, of course, to the flu. After a flu shot, immunity to the seasonal type of virus develops. If a vaccinated person still gets sick, then the infection proceeds in an erased or mild form. A runny nose, a slight cough, redness of the pharynx develops, there may be redness of the sclera, conjunctivitis phenomena. Signs of intoxication (feeling of weakness, headache, fever) are absent or very weakly expressed.

Decreased immunity

Contrary to popular belief, a decrease in immunity as the reason for the absence of a temperature reaction in ARVI is a rare case. Such a significant reduction immune reactions may occur in elderly patients, debilitated, with severe concomitant diseases. ARVI in such patients can be manifested mainly by severe weakness, lack of appetite, and inactivity. Catarrhal phenomena in the nasopharynx (runny nose, cough, redness) are not so pronounced. With this course of the disease, there is a high risk of complications, such as the addition of a bacterial infection (for example, pneumonia), worsening of the course concomitant diseases(For example, diabetes). Therefore, ARVI in this category of patients requires special attention and timely treatment.

Treatment of SARS without fever

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. A low-fat diet is prescribed rich in vitamins. Plentiful acidified drink is useful - fruit drinks, compotes. Widely used a variety of remedies for the common cold. Showing thermal treatments, inhalations with decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot. When coughing, expectorants, mucolytic agents are prescribed. Interferon preparations are widely used in the treatment of SARS. Antipyretic drugs at body temperature below 38.5 ° C are not used.

Can there be SARS without symptoms? except temperature


advisor mr

Elevated body temperature indicates the presence inflammatory process in the body and with ARVI may not be connected at all!

watering can

so the flu starts. and all symptoms join in 3-4 days. but doctors, of course, know better.


ARVI begins with a sharply rising temperature, without any special manifestations. Nose, throat will show themselves later.
ARI - from catarrhal manifestations, nasal congestion. later snot. Then the temperature starts to rise.


if there is a temperature, then the body resists the infection, the main thing is to monitor it, it’s worse like we have a cough, snot without fever

Masha Zhuk

Yes, maybe - I myself had ATK in my youth
first temperature around 38 without cough, runny nose, red throat
five days later, all the signs of a cold began

Mari SV

everything can be.
Pass the minimum tests: a general analysis of urine and blood.
after that it will be possible to draw conclusions.

Orvi without cough and runny nose

The symptoms of a cold are familiar to everyone: high fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, aching joints. The most common cause of malaise is a viral infection. It is very important to correctly determine the tactics of treatment when the disease proceeds atypically. For example, SARS without a runny nose can mask pneumonia or tonsillitis, and a prolonged dry cough with a low temperature can mask tuberculosis. It is worth understanding what is typical for major viral infections in order to orient in time in possible complications.

What viruses most commonly cause cold symptoms?

The main infections that affect the upper respiratory tract are influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus infection, adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial infection. They have some features that make it possible to distinguish ARVI from a bacterial infection and resolve the issue of the need for antibiotics.

It has a short incubation period, from several hours to several days. Then the body temperature rises sharply to 38.5-40 degrees, intoxication, headache, aching muscles and joints, redness of the eyes are expressed. The peculiarity of the flu is that there may not be a runny nose. Nasopharyngeal irritation, dry cough, high fever and headache - that's more common symptoms ailment. It is dangerous for its complications associated with the fact that the permeability of blood vessels increases, bleeding is possible. The influenza virus is highly virulent and contagious, often causing epidemics.

This virus affects the larynx and trachea, often develops against the background of subfebrile temperature. Disturbed by hoarseness of voice, cough dry, hacking. Symptoms of rhinitis may be absent, irritation in the nasopharynx and sore throat are aggravated by coughing. Paraflu is dangerous for children preschool age- the fact that the development of a "false croup" is possible, when the edematous and inflamed mucous membrane of the larynx blocks the airways. Inspiratory dyspnea develops, such a child needs emergency hospitalization.

respiratory syncytial virus

This infection affects the lower respiratory tract, patients are concerned about a dry paroxysmal cough that can last up to 3 weeks. Symptoms of intoxication are moderate, but this virus is dangerous with the possibility of developing severe pneumonia. Runny nose may be absent, sore throat is rarely disturbed.

adenovirus infection

A characteristic feature of adenovirus is the tropism for the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa and pharynx. The disease is acute, high temperature, intoxication. Such patients are concerned about a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, dry cough. There is an undulating course of infection, periods of improvement alternate with deterioration. Lymph nodes often increase, purulent complications develop in the form of otitis media, sinusitis and bronchitis.

Rhinovirus infection

It is this infection that classic painting"cold cold" with nasal congestion and much clear discharge, which then thickens. The nasal passages are completely cleared within 7-10 days.

How to distinguish SARS from a bacterial infection?

Typical signs of a bacterial infection:

  • The presence of a second wave of fever after clinical improvement.
  • Purulent (yellow-green) discharge from the nose, purulent sputum.
  • Symptoms of otitis or sinusitis, that is, pain in the ear, in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose, in the forehead against the background of subfebrile temperature.
  • Symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia, severe shortness of breath and pain in chest, prolonged cough.

Thus, SARS can occur without a runny nose, especially influenza, parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial infection. However, viral infections often accompany bacterial complications, therefore, in order to identify them in time and prescribe antibiotic therapy, each patient with ARVI should be under medical supervision.

  • Allergy 325
    • Allergic stomatitis 1
    • Anaphylactic shock 5
    • Urticaria 24
    • Quincke's edema 2
    • Pollinosis 13
  • Asthma 39
  • Dermatitis 245
    • Atopic dermatitis 25
    • Neurodermatitis 20
    • Psoriasis 63
    • Seborrheic dermatitis 15
    • Lyell's syndrome 1
    • Toxidermia 2
    • Eczema 68
  • General symptoms 33
    • Runny nose 33

Full or partial reproduction of site materials is possible only if there is an active indexed link to the source. All materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate, recommendations should be given by the attending physician during an internal consultation.

Orvi without cough and runny nose

The signs by which each person can recognize a cold are known to everyone. This is an increase in temperature, the appearance of a runny nose, a strong cough, sore throat, aches in the joints. As a rule, a viral infection becomes the cause of such a disease.

But there are cases when, during a disease, a patient has a temperature without signs of coughing and runny nose.

Thus, it would seem that a common ARVI can hide the flu, sore throat, and pneumonia. If the cough is dry and the patient has a low temperature, doctors may diagnose tuberculosis.

In order to timely and correctly recognize a viral infection, it is necessary to understand the characteristic symptoms of certain dangerous diseases. This will allow not only timely start necessary treatment but also to prevent the development of complications.

How SARS manifests itself

This disease is often referred to as the common cold. It develops gradually, the patient's body temperature rises, but does not exceed 38 degrees.

When these symptoms appear, doctors recommend drinking plenty of tea, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, herbal tinctures, rosehip broth, fruit and berry compote. At the same time, the throat is rinsed with decoctions of chamomile, elecampane, calendula. Only if necessary, fever is brought down with paracetamol or other antipyretic drugs. Coughing treated with special medicines.

It is important to understand that antibiotics should not be taken for viral diseases, as they are not effective in treating this type of disease.

But if the flu is accompanied by a bacterial infection, such drugs are usually prescribed.

What virus can masquerade as SARS

The main infections affecting the upper respiratory tract include:

  • Flu;
  • Parainfluenza;
  • Rhinovirus infection;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • Respiratory syncytial infection.

Each of these diseases may have certain characteristics that distinguish the standard form of SARS from bacterial infections.

By identifying these signs, the doctor, as a rule, not only selects a special treatment, but also prescribes antibiotics.

Influenza and its features

A disease such as influenza can develop quite quickly, from several hours to several days. The main symptom of the disease is a sharp increase in temperature to 38.5-40 degrees. By the way, we recommend that you read the information on how to determine body temperature without a thermometer.

  1. The patient may have severe intoxication, a severe headache, while the eyes turn red, and aches are felt in the muscles and joints.
  2. Gradually, the patient begins to tickle in the nasopharynx, a dry cough appears, the temperature does not subside, the head continues to hurt badly.
  3. But with a disease like the flu, most often there is no runny nose.

Unlike mild form ARVI, influenza is dangerous because it often causes quite severe complications in the form of increased vascular permeability and possible bleeding. This is very morbid disease, which is transmitted by contact and through objects, so it often causes an epidemic.

Parainfluenza and its features

This type The virus usually spreads to the larynx and trachea. But if the usual form of ARVI is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, then with this disease, slight temperature, which lasts for a long time.

  1. The patient's voice becomes hoarse, there is a dry and hacking cough.
  2. During coughing, perspiration in the nasopharynx and sore throat may intensify.
  3. There are usually no signs of rhinitis.

This disease is especially dangerous for young children. When sick, they may develop a "false croup" in the form of swollen or inflamed mucous membranes in the larynx that block the airways.

In this case, the child has inspiratory shortness of breath, which can only be eliminated by a doctor, so the baby should be urgently hospitalized.

Respiratory syncytial virus and its features

This type of infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract. The patient has a dry paroxysmal cough, which usually lasts for several weeks.

With a disease, intoxication of the body is moderate, but this type of virus can be dangerous because it often causes the development of a severe form of pneumonia. The patient often does not have a runny nose, and there is usually no pain from the larynx either.

Adenovirus infection and its features

Adenovirus is characterized by the fact that it enters the body through the mucous membranes of the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa and pharynx. This type of disease occurs in an acute form, while the patient has an elevated temperature and intoxication.

  1. Patients usually have a runny nose, dry cough, stuffy nose, and sore throat.
  2. The infection proceeds in waves, that is, improvement alternates with sharp deterioration the patient's condition.
  3. The patient usually has enlarged lymph nodes, purulent complication in the form of otitis, sinusitis or bronchitis.

A disease such as rhinovirus infection is accompanied by a classic " colds". The patient has stuffy nose, while the nose is observed a large number of secretions that gradually thicken.

The nasal passages can be completely cleared 7-10 days after the onset of the disease.

The difference between SARS and bacterial infections

The characteristic signs of bacterial infections include the following factors:

  • After the patient's general condition has improved, a second wave of a sharp increase in body temperature is observed.
  • There is discharge from the nose purulent nature yellow-green in color, purulent sputum may also appear.
  • The patient may have signs of otitis media or sinusitis. In this case, the patient feels pain in the ear, forehead and nose against the background of a slight fever, which lasts for a long time.
  • The patient may feel pain in the chest, shortness of breath, while there is a prolonged cough. These symptoms may be a manifestation of bronchitis or pneumonia.

Thus, many forms of SARS may differ in that the patient does not have a runny nose. In particular, such diseases include influenza, respiratory syncytial infection, parainfluenza

But quite often a viral infection can be with bacterial complications. For this reason, any form of SARS should be treated under the supervision of a doctor so that it is possible to identify a bacterial infection in time and take the necessary measures.

A useful video in this article will help you identify the first symptoms and signs of SARS and start timely treatment.

  • Temperature with sinusitis: what can it be and how long does it last
  • Can swine flu be without a temperature: how to treat a flu-like condition
  • Complications after SARS and influenza: what could be the consequences for the kidneys

Not every flu has snot. A cough, in general, is a rare visitor. I start taking Influcid at the first symptoms (fever, throat, etc.) - there are no options. Only with him can I be sure of a quick and trouble-free recovery. But further on the situation: inhalation, rinsing, washing. Look at the symptoms.

Orvi without cough and runny nose


A cold or flu most often develops with the same signs and symptoms. In the initial stages, chills appear, the temperature rises, mucus begins to stand out from the nose. ARI and SARS after a few days causes fever, headache, sore and sore throat and wet cough.

To date, medicine states about 100 varieties of colds and viral diseases, one of which is atypical influenza.

Unusual symptoms

Atypical influenza is one of the types of viral disease, characterized by the fact that it does not have the symptoms that are diagnosed with a standard flu. clinical form development of the disease.

atypical flu

Considering the usual stages of the development of influenza infection in the body, the patient feels fever, chills, headache, cough and runny nose. With an atypical manifestation, such signs are completely or partially absent. The disease can develop without cough and runny nose, without obvious manifestations of fever.

Atypical influenza is a serious disease that entails a number of unpredictable consequences and complications, because due to the lack of standard symptoms, it is very difficult to diagnose and treat.


According to statistics, in 75% of a hundred patients, the temperature rises to 38-38.5 ° C and, in rare cases, a headache. At this stage, a person does not feel even the slightest sign of a cold, and therefore do not rush to take action and contact specialists. It is possible to determine that the patient is indeed a carrier of the influenza virus only when taking tests that will reveal anti-influenza antibodies in the blood.

no signs

Doctors call such cases of colds and flu asymptomatic. During the examination, if the virus was nevertheless detected, a specialist will appoint complex treatment, which provides drugs aimed at fighting the infection, but not at eliminating symptoms such as a runny nose and cough. Even if the flu occurs without certain characteristic signs, this does not mean that the disease is harmless and does not need to be treated. Very often, it is this form of the disease that can cause unpredictable consequences.

Types of disease

Atypical influenza has several subspecies: acatarrhal and afebrile. The first develops without cough and runny nose, the second - without fever and fever. In this case, both types of the disease can proceed, like the usual flu in severe or mild form.


The most severe and unpleasant atypical manifestation of the disease is lightning flu. This disease develops very quickly, is characteristic sharp rise fever, vomiting, weakness, convulsions without cough and runny nose. If such clinical picture remains without attention, the patient loses consciousness, irreversible processes occur in the cardiovascular and nervous system. Measures not taken in time take the lives of people within 1-2 days. This pathology is extremely rare, but it is impossible to ignore the symptoms of this form of the disease. Atypical fulminant influenza without cough and runny nose is observed during large-scale epidemics during the off-season or during the cold season.

If there is no cough and runny nose, there is no pain syndrome and there is no burning and perspiration, and the temperature “creeped” up, aching muscles and bones began, then this can be a sign of a beginning ARVI. Colds, complications of sinusitis and sinusitis, the initial stages of pneumonia also have similar symptoms.


Influenza without symptoms is an insidious disease. The virus itself, forcing the immune forces to fight it with all its might, weakens the human body so much that it can no longer resist the following infections and viruses. Intoxication of the body begins, the patient's temperature rises strongly, and photophobia cider manifests itself. In some cases, even if measures are taken to suppress the inflammatory and infectious process, a dry cough appears on the second or third day. This symptom indicates that the infection has descended and is spreading throughout the organs. respiratory system. This course of the disease can lead to acute bronchitis or pneumonia.

Acataral form

The atypical akataric form of the disease often has another name - acute tracheitis. It happens that such a diagnosis indicates that the infection and bacteria have affected the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and trachea and next step development will be intoxication of the body. In these cases, when the disease is detected, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics.

In addition, toxicity is skin rashes in the area of ​​the forearms, abdomen, on the arms and legs, with a coating on the tongue.


Atypical influenza, like any other viral disease, is not easy to cure, but it can be prevented. Row preventive measures help you avoid infection:

  1. During epidemics, try not to be in crowded places or wear a mask or gauze bandage. This is especially true for small children.
  2. If you or your loved ones are prone to colds and viral diseases, keep your houses and apartments clean. In the off-season, be sure to ventilate the room, humidify the air by any means, and disinfect rooms and bathrooms.
  3. If you feel unwell - if possible, try to lie down without leaving your home, and without contact with loved ones.
  4. As the temperature rises, remember that you will need to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Better if it will Herb tea or tea with lemon.
  5. At temperatures up to 38 ° C, you should not take antipyretic drugs. The body is able to fight a viral infection naturally. The use of medications will only weaken the synthesis of antiviral substances in the body.

And be sure to monitor your health throughout the year. In spring and summer, try to consume as many vitamins as possible by eating fresh vegetables and fruits; in the cold season, ensure the supply essential trace elements through the application vitamin complexes. And, most importantly - be sure to consult with experts!

I rarely buy drops, but with the flu I have nasal congestion and then, after a few days, there are already discharges. I like tizine from the drops, but I also wash my nose with salt water. And I drink reaferon lipint from the tablets for influenza as an antiviral medicine.

Just like a regular one. You will wait for a runny nose or throat - wait. And not the fact that only them. I start taking Influcid at the first symptom. And it doesn’t matter if it’s temperature or snot — the main thing is not to miss the moment. Then you will recover much faster and with a minimum of problems.

I had a dry cough with the flu. According to the doctor's prescription, she drank 4 different syrups, none helped, gave only a short-term effect. When it was already boiling, I turned to a homeopath, he recommended herbal teas plus Influcid. Indeed, after a week my running cough was gone.

07.04.2011, 14:51

Good afternoon

The situation is as follows:

Child, 4 years old.

On Friday, he came from the garden a little "on edge", was capricious. I chalked it up to fatigue.

On Saturday morning we walked, I felt fine. By evening the temperature rose to 37.2. Complained that he had a headache. I decided that ARVI was starting. I tried to drink more and did not force to eat.

Sunday. In the morning he was active, played, ate poorly, refused to drink at all. In the afternoon, I began to periodically apply to lie down, measured the temperature - 38.3. She didn't give me any medicine. She put her to bed early.

Monday. He lay until dinner, did not eat, hardly drank. Dozed from time to time. I did not measure the temperature, but it felt like it was no higher than 37. After daytime sleep got up very cheerful. I ate well. Played actively. T-ra 36.6. Complained that his neck hurts (behind). She noticed that she could not turn her head, turned in the right direction with her whole body, picked up a toy from the floor without bending over, but crouching. The lymph nodes under the jaw are swollen (even visually), the throat is red, on the tongue and tonsils white coating. She made me rinse my throat (with warm water and soda), the plaque became a little less.

Tuesday. Runny nose and cough did not appear. But a rash appeared: roughness on the forearms and shins, and a larger and brighter one on the stomach, inside hips and lower back. The temperature is normal. He ate and drank reluctantly. Again he complained of pain in his neck. From time to time suddenly suddenly began to whimper: "the tongue hurts a lot / itches"
The pediatrician came. I listened, I looked. She said that "ARVI, a viral throat, and a rash - an allergy to syrup from a temperature." I noticed that I did not give any syrups for temperature to the child and did not introduce new products. "Then it's from the general intoxication of the body." Plaque on the tongue - from the same.
Nurofen ointment - externally, on the neck (just don't rub it in! Children shouldn't rub it in!), wrap it with a scarf on top.
Bioparox - in the throat
Grippferon (tradition, probably)
Antigrippin for children - with fever (the temperature did not rise anymore)
Suprastin - 1 tablet at night for three days - from allergic manifestations.

None of this was accepted.

Wednesday. Walked. The child is active. He ate badly (he refused everything except bread), he didn’t want to drink (I had to blackmail him to force him). Gargle every hour. Grandmother insisted that they use a decoction of eucalyptus for rinsing. I didn’t argue, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter what, just to rinse. The raid has disappeared. The head never turns.

Thursday (today) Throat red. The mouth for examination opens wide (apparently, it does not hurt him to do this), there is no plaque (we continue to rinse). Whole eats only bread. The rest is soup, I grind porridge in a blender, I also eat it with pleasure (I would suggest that it hurts to chew, but it chews bread). Can't turn his head. The lymph nodes are swollen to the touch. Especially on the left side (to the same side and the head is constantly slightly tilted). The rash is gone, but the skin is a little rough. No cough, no runny nose. The temperature is normal. According to the child himself, his throat does not hurt, it does not hurt to swallow, his neck (back) and tongue hurt.

Questions for respected doctors:

1. Does SARS happen without a runny nose and cough? If not, should we turn to another doctor (paid) to clarify the diagnosis?

2. Today we are going to take a swab from the mouth for sowing. Does it make sense?

3. Do I need to take my child to the dentist to rule out stomatitis? (cheeks and gums are clean. In addition to a plaque on the tongue and tonsils and the absence of a runny nose, there seems to be no suspicion of stomatitis)

4. Ointment Nurofen. Is it necessary? We, of course, were not going to take the rest of the drugs. This is the first time I've heard of the ointment. Is it effective?

5. I am writing this post under pressure from the "family community". Is it time to start fussing, taking all kinds of tests and starting to treat the child with “normal medicines” or can you still remain an unscrupulous mother, except for drinking and rinsing, doing nothing for the recovery of the child? Dear doctors, please advise right direction further action.

6. There is more youngest child(2.5 years). As a rule, they get sick together with their brother. The youngest has no such symptoms. These few days she rubs around her brother, attempts to isolate the patient are unsuccessful (do not lock him in the room), she didn’t keep track - she even drank from his mug. That is, I understand that the disease is not contagious?

Thank you!

07.04.2011, 20:57

Swollen not only submandibular lymph nodes but also on the neck, behind the ears. The tongue is also somehow abnormal: tiny bubbles have appeared.
... M-yes ... It seems that this is really not SARS ....... (

08.04.2011, 14:02

Get a blood test and a throat swab. If the rash remains, take a picture and show

08.04.2011, 21:19

There is almost no rash. It remains a little under the knees (in the sense, behind, in the folds) and on the coccyx. Now I'll figure out how to post a picture, and I'll show you.
The smear was passed. We are waiting for the results.
Today I barely escaped the hospital with antibiotics ... They sent me with suspicion of Infectious mononucleosis. Thanks, RMS for the educational program! Viruses will not be treated with antibiotics.
They showed up to a dentist (not a children's one, though, but they found one) - she said that it didn’t look like stomatitis.

Donated blood.

WBC: 9.9H 10^9/l
RBC: 4.28 10^12/l
HGB: 110Lg/l
HCT: .338L l/l
PLT: 349 10^9/l
PCT: .256 10^-2l/l

MCV: 79 L fl
MCH: 25.7Lpg
MCHC: 326g/l
RDW: 13.6%
MPV: 7.3 fl
PDW: 13.5%

Signed below:
eoz - 7
fell - 3
segm - 57
lim - 24
mon - 9
ESR - 24
They also said that no mononuclear cells were found in the smear.

In the process of an unconstructive dialogue with a doctor in a hospital, I found out new "terrifying" details:
- there are herpetic eruptions on the child's face (I considered this a common irritation from frequent licking and biting lips, it appeared three days ago)
- terrible lymphodenitis (lymph nodes, in my opinion, have become even larger, although ... maybe fear has big eyes ...)
- temperature 36.6 - this is because the immune system is so weak that it does not respond to inflammation (weak immunity is definitely not about us!)
- and I, mommy, with such a nightmarish throat, refuse hospitalization!
My child is REALLY SICK!
- everything inside the child is loose (apparently, they meant the liver and spleen), according to statistics, complications are inevitable, so you urgently need to start taking antibiotics even before examinations and analyzes (palpation internal organs none of the doctors examining us did not conduct)

In a word, they were intimidated, but nothing has been clarified in the case ... There is still no diagnosis.

The child is tired (clinic, hospital, tank laboratory, dentistry), slept for 4 hours during the day instead of the usual 2. Appetite - not so much. The head does not turn, it is slightly tilted to the left. My tongue hurts, but I don’t understand HOW it hurts: it doesn’t pinch (eats sour, garlic, tomato), chewing also doesn’t cause discomfort (nibbles apples, crackers, bagels). He talks a lot, but "with anguish", as if it hurts him to move his tongue and as if his nasopharynx is blocked. No runny nose. There is no cough. Throat red, tonsils swollen, without plaque. The temperature is normal. Lymph nodes under the jaw and behind the ears are enlarged and thickened. We still do not take any medications.

1) Is it necessary to take tests to exclude or confirm lymphotropic viral infections?
2) Whether to address to the surgeon? (something was said in the hospital about such a need)

The first photo is irritation on the face (about an hour before the photo I smeared it with baby cream with zinc, it got a little better, otherwise it was just a red disgrace)
The second - the remains of a rash under the knee. As if combed (maybe he was scratching on the sly, I did not see it).

10.04.2011, 14:45

Yesterday we visited a paid pediatrician. She took a closer look. She felt the liver and spleen (not enlarged), lymph nodes (only the behind-the-ear and submandibular ones were enlarged). Listened: "breathing on the left side is a little hard"
She said that it does not look like mononucleosis, especially since there are no mononuclear cells in the blood (I read that they may not be visible in the blood until 10 days from the onset of the disease).
She recommended not to donate blood for viruses yet, tk. "they will definitely find something and prescribe a bunch of unnecessary drugs!!! Do you need it?" She advised me to take a urine test and repeat after a while the KLA ("to see the dynamics"). She praised that they did not take anything prescribed and refused antibiotics.
It seems reasonable...
She explained lymphadenitis as follows: the body did not fully recover from the last SARS (three weeks ago. "Planned"))) according to the usual scheme - a couple of days of fever, then snot, then coughing for a week. They were treated, as always, with compote, ventilation and saline in the nose, then a week of "home rehabilitation", because. in the apartment +18, a humidifier and 4 people, and in the garden - +28, closed windows, carpets, no walks and 30 people for the same area of ​​​​the room), the child did not properly get rid of toxins, lymphatic system could not cope with a new infection, so the banal ARVI took an unusual form, the body reacted in a way that was not characteristic of it.
Maybe not entirely scientific, but I think it's also quite logical. The explanation satisfied me from a philistine point of view.
From appointments - only homeopathic preparations. I knew what I was getting into, but the passion for homeopathy does not beg the virtues of a competent diagnostician with extensive experience in pediatrics, does it? Politely thanked, agreed, but we will not accept.

The child's condition: the throat is still red, huge tonsils. Can breathe through the nose, but the mouth is often open. When sleeping, he breathes through his mouth (snores at the same time). The head does not turn, but it seems to me that the swelling under the jaw has become much smaller. Mobile, but quickly tired, naughty. Appetite is normal. He still complains that his tongue hurts. Speaks through the nose.

The results of the throat swab will be ready sometime on Tuesday.

Tomorrow (Monday) there will be an explanation with the district pediatrician why we did not go to the hospital. On Friday, I could not warn her, because. She does not give her mobile number, and after the appointment she left the clinic for calls and when I called, she was no longer found.
Ethical contradictions are torn apart: should she tell that we have been to a homeopath? After all, with this I will reproach her for incompetence (she is already wary of us because of my constant refusals from all kinds of ultrasounds, coprograms, nebulizers and viferons), I would not want to spoil relations - there is one clinic in the city, out of 4 working in it pediatricians, ours seems to me the most sane.

Dear doctors! I'm sorry to distract you with my nonsense from work. I am continuing this thread for two reasons:
1) During the week, the condition of the pharynx did not change. The child's complaints about soreness of the tongue still persist. He plays calmly, watches a cartoon, and suddenly begins to whimper and moan sharply: "the tongue hurts a lot." The child is lethargic, during the day lies down to lie down and even sometimes falls asleep for 10-15 minutes (it scares me, this was not observed, even when the child had 38.5). The lymph nodes are still swollen and compacted (I read about lymphadenitis that it usually goes away on its own, but this is a long process, so I'm not really worried), snoring during sleep.
2) Maybe my topic will be of interest to other RMS users. Itself, when I read other people's topics, I am upset if the parents do not unsubscribe how the story ended.

Questions that are still on the mind:
1) whether to contact the surgeon in connection with lymphadenitis?
2) whether to find out the diagnosis to the bitter end? On the one hand, the condition does not seem to be getting worse, but on the other hand, there are no special improvements either (in particular, the throat). If this is really SARS, then it is atypical for us ...
3) Isn't it time for me to drink valerian, leave the child alone and not drag it to the doctors (especially since these trips do not contribute to recovery in any way)?

In any case - thanks to the site and to all RMS doctors! A very useful resource. If you have any doubts about appointments and diagnoses - immediately here. I almost always find here answers (adequate answers!) to questions about health that interest me. I regard the lack of comments on my posts as "mommy, stop doing nonsense, go for a walk with your children" .... But still I'm worried ...
Thanks again!

10.04.2011, 14:50

The rash has almost disappeared. What the doctor in the hospital called "herpetic eruptions" under lower lip- Same. I smeared them with the usual baby cream with a cat and a dog, and made comments to the child so that he would not lick his lips, especially on the street))

11.04.2011, 02:09

On the face was a banal streptoderma.
You are not required to explain anything to the district police officer about third-party consultations.

11.04.2011, 09:52

I read about streptoderma. It seems like there swollen lymph nodes are present ... Only in theory with streptoderma, first a rash, and then a temperature, but we have the opposite. And no depigmentation left. And almost gone from baby cream. Olga Vladimirovna, does it happen?

And in the clinic - again 25! "Mononuclear cells in the blood may not be visible! Urgently! Urgently donate blood to the EBV! Suddenly you really have mononucleosis! You need to take antibiotics!" I objected that this is a viral infection, what does antibiotics have to do with it? "But this gives complications! Your lymph nodes are still compacted!"
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something due to the lack of honey. education, but in my opinion the definition of "lymphodenitis" is not a complication, but a place of localization of the infection ... Or is it the same thing?
In the laboratory where we took the KLA, the doctor was indignant when she heard about the threat of prescribing antibiotics to us if we suspected mononucleosis, she said that the antibiotic was not only not indicated, but even CONTRAINDICATED! I tried to argue with the pediatrician - it was useless: "In addition to antibiotics, you also need to take polyoxidonium."
Came home, googled - googled:
"Polyoxidonium is the only true immunomodulator of complex action: the drug not only restores the immune status of a person, but also binds and removes toxins, and also has an antioxidant effect"
Wow! Serious treatment! We definitely can't do without this drug!

When we were at the pediatrician on Friday, the child's neck did not turn at all, today (Monday) - quite such a twirl. The pediatrician asked in surprise: "Your mother is a sorceress, or what?" Yes, I am a sorceress, with the help of a magic spell "do no harm! do no harm!" I was able to force myself not to start "treating" the child ...

A smear from the pharynx was sown to us, it turns out, only for yeast. It's enough? Or is it necessary for all sorts of cocci? Yeast doesn't grow.

So what to do? Donate blood already to this VEB, so that they are left behind? And if they find something, then write a refusal of treatment (if you burn papers with my refusals, you can heat the three-story building of the clinic all winter, so one more, one less - will not play a role)?

And if we do not confirm and exclude the diagnosis, can we not be released from the sick leave to the kindergarten?