The forehead above the eye hurts. Pain above the eyebrow on the left when pressing

Changes in endocrine system female body during pregnancy leads to increased hormonal activity. Hormones are responsible not only for maintaining the development of the child and preparing the body of the expectant mother for childbirth and the period after it, but also for her mental condition. The results of changes in hormonal levels are insomnia, abrupt change mood, tearfulness and irritability in pregnant women.

In the presence of unpleasant symptoms associated with changes in the endocrine system, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor who will select appropriate therapy. In this situation, it is forbidden to self-medicate, since there is a huge list of drugs prohibited for use by expectant mothers.

Safe sedatives for pregnant women


Glycine - part of many food products and amino acid drugs. This drug normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system by normalizing the levels of calcium and potassium in the body. Glycine is sold in tablet and powder form and begins to have therapeutic effect on average a week after starting treatment.

Due to its properties, glycine helps improve sleep, development mental abilities, relieves feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Some studies show the drug reduces hyperactivity in the brain and even plays a role in treatment and prevention. mental disorders. According to other data, joint reception glycine and additional supplements reduce the risk of stroke and seizures.

The use of glycine during pregnancy should occur strictly after consultation with a specialist, since there are no reliable studies on its safe effect on pregnancy. Despite the fact that the amino acid is part of many foods and is naturally reproduced human body, perhaps in the form of a medicine it may differ from biological species. There is also a possibility that medicines containing glycine and other excipients, unsafe for use during pregnancy.


Active ingredients and substances: the plant contains alkaloids, flavonoids, iridoids, tannins (5-9%), terpenoids, citric acid, malic acid, oleic acid, choline and phenol glycoside.

Motherwort is effective means in the fight against psycho-emotional stress: reduces arterial pressure and improves heart function. However, pharmaceutical forms of the drug in the form of tablets and infusions are prohibited sedatives during pregnancy, since they contain substances harmful to the fetus. Expectant mothers are recommended to use only motherwort teas and decoctions, which must be made from pure herbs without impurities.

Besides calming effect, cleanses the blood of excess fat and lowers blood pressure. The use of a decoction of the plant is prescribed for multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, neuralgia, hypothyroidism and insomnia. The herb also has a mild diuretic and antibacterial effect.

Melissa officinalis

Melissa officinalis is a perennial herb with a pronounced lemon flavor. For a long time, its leaves have been used to make infusions, added to teas and medications. Experts advise using lemon balm for digestive problems (indigestion, bloating, flatulence and colic), headaches or toothaches, mental disorders or frequent insomnia.

One of the advantages of lemon balm is the absence of contraindications for use in pregnant women. The plant has the ability to stimulate sleep, relax the body and have a calming effect, preventing the occurrence of the main unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy.

Doctors do not recommend consuming lemon balm for a long time and use it in small quantities: 2-3 cups of brewed plant leaves per day for 1 week. Too frequent consumption may cause side effects such as dizziness, vomiting and nausea. Before starting use, you should consult your doctor.


Sedatives during pregnancy based on valerian extract should not contain ethanol, therefore, tablets and decoctions with this active substance, while taking it in the form of an infusion is strictly prohibited. Valerian preparations improve sleep, relieve headaches, stimulate heart function and excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. The sedative effect of the drug occurs a few days after the start of use. When using valerian in tablet form, you need to carefully monitor the dosage.


- a sedative for pregnant women in the second trimester and beyond later. This medicine contains herbal ingredients: extracts of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower, hops and elderberry. It has a depressant effect on the central nervous system, improves sleep, and has a beneficial effect on heart function. Available in the form of syrup and tablets, the 2nd form of the drug is recommended for pregnant women, since it does not contain alcohol.

Attention! Although many sedatives are considered safe for pregnant women, you should consult your doctor before using them, as some medications have contraindications, specific dosages, and recommended duration of therapy.


Persen - combined herbal preparation, containing lemon balm and valerian. Sold in tablet form. Persen has a sedative effect, relieves insomnia, and improves heart function. Not recommended for use in early gestation.


Validol, in addition to its beneficial dilating effect on the blood vessels of the heart, also has a sedative effect. It causes depression of the central nervous system, improves sleep and normalizes the psyche. This drug is available in the form of drops, capsules and tablets; the latter form of release is recommended for expectant mothers. However, it is worth considering that Validol is prohibited for use in the 1st trimester and for persons with low blood pressure.

Magne B6, as the name suggests, contains magnesium and vitamin B6. This drug is available in the form of tablets and powder for solution. Magne B6 activates normal functioning nervous system, thereby having a beneficial effect on the mental state. The drug also has positive action on the intestines, heart and muscles. Pregnant women are recommended to use this drug only for strict indications.

Alternative to medicines

It is not recommended to take any sedatives during pregnancy in the first trimester; in later stages of gestation, a woman should, if possible, avoid taking any drugs. For pregnant women with an unstable emotional state should spend more time on fresh air , try to isolate yourself from stress, normalize your daily routine and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

Proper nutrition is also an effective remedy in the fight against psycho-emotional stress. The diet should include food rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements: fish, milk, fruits, lean meat, vegetables, nuts. Positive influence Essential oils have an effect on your mood and sleep, so you can place jars with these substances in your room. However, when using aromatherapy, you should carefully monitor your well-being, since it often causes allergies.

Prohibited sedatives during pregnancy

Barbituric acid preparations (Phenobarbital, Hexamidine) are strictly prohibited for use at any stage of pregnancy. Data medicines cause birth defects fetal development, bleeding, respiratory failure.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using any tranquilizers, especially benzodiazepine derivatives (Phenazepam, Diazepam). Drugs in this group cause congenital malformations of the fetus and inhibit it nervous system. When taking benzodiazepines before childbirth, the child experiences shortness of breath, weak muscle tone, and low blood pressure.

Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, surprisingly, contribute to some emotional instability.
How to cope with mood swings, nervousness and anxiety? Which sedatives are allowed during pregnancy and which are strictly prohibited?

Sedatives that are allowed to be taken during pregnancy.

Most modern sedatives created on the basis of plant materials are allowed to be used during pregnancy. TO similar means relate valerian and motherwort in the form of tablets, alcohol tinctures. In addition, it is allowed to use drugs such as Novo-Passit.

Novo-Passit is based on plant extracts. This drug will help relieve mental stress, relax muscles, and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. Novo-Passit is available in the form of liquid and tablets. Novo-Passit should be taken with caution by those patients who suffer from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Do not run after Novo-Passit as soon as you finish reading this article. Before doing this, consult your doctor. Perhaps in your case you can get by with other means.

The same group of sedatives allowed during pregnancy includes a medicine called Persen. The composition of Persen is as follows: extracts of valerian, lemon balm and mint. Wonderful and perfect safe medicine

. Available in the form of tablets and capsules.
Persen will help you improve your sleep and mood. Persen may slightly impair your reaction speed, be aware of this if you are going to drive.

You should not take Persen only if you have low blood pressure. But this drug should not be taken without consulting a doctor. You can also use it as a sedative during pregnancy. herbal teas . They will, of course, include the same

motherwort, mint and lemon balm. By the way, you can drink lemon balm tea after the birth of your baby. In addition to having soothing properties, it also increases the amount of breast milk. Sometimes excessive nervousness and anxiety are a consequence of a lack of nutrition B vitamins . During pregnancy, the need for vitamins increases, so introduce more foods containing vitamins of this group into your diet, as well as be sure to take

vitamin and mineral supplements

, created specifically for pregnant women. Essential oils can also be used as sedatives. Of course, if you do not suffer from bronchial asthma and you do not have allergies. Coniferous oils and sandalwood have a calming effect. Citrus oils will not only calm you down, but also give you new strength, invigorate you, and improve your mood. After consulting with your doctor, you can start taking

homeopathic sedatives

. But what kind of sedative can be taken during pregnancy, and in what doses - this must be decided by the doctor. And now about what cannot be used can provoke disturbances in the development of the baby’s nervous system. The use of such sedatives in the first trimester of pregnancy is especially dangerous. In particular severe cases Doctors, of course, prescribe such drugs. But by taking them, you greatly risk the health of your unborn child.

To relieve tension is a good sedative during pregnancy walk in the park. Such a sedative will immediately solve the problem of movement.
Be positive.

Everything will be fine!

Often, women experience insomnia or bad dream, increased sensitivity, anxiety, sudden mood swings, excited state. These phenomena negatively affect her well-being and the condition of the fetus. It is in such cases that the need for sedatives arises.

Can pregnant women take any sedatives?

Surely all women are aware that taking any medications at this time is extremely undesirable. If there is a need for them, then they are used minimally. effective doses And limited time. This is especially true for women in the first trimester, because in the first three months after conception, the main formation of the unborn child occurs. It is better to give preference to walks in the fresh air, drinking weak herbal teas from chamomile, lemon balm, mint, linden color and hawthorn.

Modern pharmacology can offer many remedies based on the listed herbs. Most often they contain extracts of mint, lemon balm and hawthorn. But in no case should even such remedies be used without consulting a gynecologist. It is necessary for your doctor to prescribe the dosage and duration of use. Otherwise, the child will be harmed.

In the second and third trimester, products based on motherwort and valerian in tablet form are allowed. Alcohol tinctures are under strict ban at any time. The alcohol contained in tinctures is harmful to the unborn child.

Sometimes nervousness and other unpleasant conditions are caused by a deficiency of B vitamins. Accordingly, it is necessary to diversify the diet with foods containing these substances (liver, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sour cream, nuts, beans). Honey, freshly squeezed carrots and beet juice, red and green tea, raspberry and mint leaves.

What sedatives can pregnant women use in the first trimester?

The best option is to stop taking any medications. Have a good effect on
psycho-emotional state hiking, cold and hot shower, aromatherapy.

You can use the plants listed above and prepare herbal teas from them. Most safe procedure is aromatherapy. But aromas can have different effects on the body, calming some and irritating others. Most often, sandalwood, Siberian pine and peppermint.

From various medications can be taken homeopathic remedies, since they also have a plant base, but, again, only on the recommendation of a specialist who takes into account the patient’s condition. Sedatives should only be used when necessary. Drugs of chemical origin are not recommended at this time, but sometimes there is a need for them (if severe conditions). Various herbs are also not safe if you do not follow the dosage and duration of use.

What soothing herbs can pregnant women use?

If the situation allows, funds are prescribed plant origin. At correct use they will have a positive effect on the body of a woman and baby.

Various herbs contain biologically active ingredients, mildly affecting the body, therefore side effects, allergic reactions occur less frequently than after taking synthetic drugs.

  1. The most known means, which has a sedative effect, is valerian root.
    You can brew it alone or a mixture of herbs (chamomile, cumin, fennel). You need 200 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of the mixture. The mixture is infused for a short time, filtered and drunk twice a day, 1/2 cup;
  2. Second recipe sedative collection: 2 parts each of valerian root, buckthorn bark, lemon balm, chamomile, 1 part each of hops and mint. Prepare the infusion similarly to the previous one, but leave for 2 hours. You need to drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day;
  3. A more effective remedy is motherwort. Prepare a sedative from 3 tbsp. l. herbs and 250 ml of boiling water (leave for a quarter of an hour). But you need to drink it 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before a meal. You can also use a mixture of motherwort with St. John's wort, chamomile, mint and yarrow. But we must remember that motherwort should not be taken in any form by people with low blood pressure and slow heart rate;
  4. Mint and lemon balm are two plants that have a mild sedative effect that expectant mothers can benefit from. To prepare tea you will need 1 tsp. herbs and a cup of boiling water. You can add honey or lemon to slightly cooled tea (if there are no contraindications). Mint tea you can’t insist for a long time;
  5. Hop cones will help with sleep disorders and irritability. You need two cones for a glass of boiling water (let it sit for 10 minutes). When the tea has cooled, add honey. To improve your well-being, 1 glass per day is enough.

It is worth noting that not all herbs can be used during pregnancy. For example, oregano is strictly contraindicated; chamomile can only be added to preparations. Therefore, you need to consult with a specialist about the advisability of using any plants and in any form.

Which sedative medications can pregnant women take?

Most often, products based on herbal and plant extracts are used. Tablets based on valerian and motherwort are widely used. Alcohol tinctures are strictly prohibited.

To relax the body and relieve psycho-emotional stress, the doctor may prescribe Novopassit. This drug contains extracts of herbs and plants. It is available in the form of tablets and syrup. Similar action has "Persen", which is also quite often prescribed to pregnant women.

It contains extracts of lemon balm, valerian and peppermint. It is available in the form of capsules and tablets. It stabilizes the nervous system, improves sleep quality, but worsens the speed of reactions. "Persen" is contraindicated for low blood pressure.

The listed drugs, like their analogues, must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. He will select the dosage and duration of treatment. During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use sedatives that contain chemical substances, as well as tranquilizers.

They have very strong action, therefore, there is a high probability of causing damage to the nervous system of the unborn child, especially in the first trimester.

What soothing teas are possible during pregnancy?

Very often, women suffer from mood swings. Herbal tea will help in this situation, for example, prepared from peppermint leaves (3 parts), lingonberries and mantle grass (2 parts each), valerian root, motherwort herb, viburnum berries (1 part each). The plants need to be mixed and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. They drink it in a special way, adding it to regular tea 1 tsp. infusion.