What is the difference between black radish and green radish? Some varieties of daikon

You can find several types of radishes in stores and on the market. Among them, black and green stand out - its most famous and widespread varieties. Oddly enough, not everyone knows the difference between them, and moreover, they even mix them when preparing one dish. Of course, nothing tasty usually comes out of this, because to make a culinary masterpiece you need not only to know the cooking technique, but also the products from which the dishes are made, to distinguish between them, to navigate their features, calorie content, nutritional properties and so on.

Prefers deep, humus, moist soil. The first harvest is harvested depending on the planted species, as there are early and late varieties. Asia is considered the birthplace of culture. Today it is grown in America, Australia, Europe and Asia. This type of radish is also considered medicinal, and is popularly called sowing radish. It is known that in Ancient Egypt, workers used it to improve their health, regain strength after hard work, and cure some diseases.

IN medicinal purposes Both the root crop itself and the seeds of the plant are used. Contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, starch, vitamins: A, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E and C, carotene, retinol, sucrose and fructose, mono- and disaccharides, trace elements, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, iron, essential oils .

Was first bred in the city Margilan, Uzbekistan, from where it got its second name - Margilan. It is also often called loba. Grows throughout Asia. Largest plantations in South Korea, Japan, Uzbekistan and China. Most often it is used in cooking. Thanks to its pleasant taste, it can be pickled, fried, boiled, salted and stewed.

Contains a large number of vitamins: B1, B2, A, PP, C, as well as phosphorus, carotene, iron and calcium, amino acids, nicotinic acid. It is low in calories, and therefore useful for everyone who is on a diet. Rich in fiber, its systematic use has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the condition of the skin.

What common?

  • Both species belong to the cabbage family and are either annual or biennial.
  • The shape of the root crops is almost the same. Although green radish comes in several subspecies. There are more round root vegetables, like black ones, and oblong ones, which look more like daikon, but not white, but green or greenish.
  • Both root vegetables have beneficial substances, so their use is strongly encouraged in different cultures, not only for medicinal purposes, but also for preparing everyday dishes.
  • Black and green radishes are dietary products, they have very few calories, but if we compare, there are more of them in black than in green.
  • Everyone’s well-known “grandmother’s” recipe for black radish juice with sugar or honey can also be made from green radishes. The effect will decrease slightly, but will not disappear completely.
  • Both root vegetables can be used for food, to treat throat and other diseases, and previously in Rus' only black radish was used for food until the first green root vegetables were brought from Uzbekistan. Today they are predominantly used because there is simply a choice.
  • Both types of radishes are in the middle price range - available to anyone who wants to try them - which is undoubtedly good news.
  • Both species are grown in a similar way. There are early and late varieties; growth requires a lot of light (at least 14 hours of daylight) and regular watering. Wetlands are not suitable for sowing, as are mountainous areas. In the first case there will be too much water, and in the second - not enough.


  1. Appearance is the most obvious difference. The color of black radishes varies from brown to black, and green radishes range from pale to bright green.
  2. The flesh of black radish is completely white, while green radish has a greenish tint.
  3. The structure of the pulp is also significantly different. The white one is less rough and hard, making it much easier and more enjoyable to eat.
  4. The taste of black radish is very sharp and bitter due to the large amount of mustard oil in its composition. Green, in turn, has a pleasant, neutral taste with spicy notes; there is absolutely no bitterness in it.
  5. Due to the fact that the taste of black radish is bitter, it is rarely used in cooking, but green radish, on the contrary, is used only for everyday and holiday dishes. It is treated only as a preventive measure; for example, people who have a vitamin B deficiency can include it in their diet.
  6. There are useful substances, microelements and vitamins in both root vegetables, but if you compare their quantities, there are much more of them in black radish. Therefore, it is used most often for medicinal purposes. However, green radish is the leader in the amount of vitamin A.
  7. Despite great benefit, there are several contraindications to consuming black radish, including problems with the gastrointestinal tract. While the only contraindication to consuming green radish is personal intolerance to the product and sharp forms gastritis (ulcer). This is one of the main reasons for the spread of this species.

The Mediterranean region is considered to be the birthplace of radish, a very common root vegetable. This vegetable was still eaten by the inhabitants Ancient Egypt, as evidenced by the presence of images of radishes on the not unknown pyramid of Cheops.

Our distant ancestors were also well acquainted with radish and its beneficial properties, since Ancient Rus' it was used as effective medicine against various diseases.

At that time, the vegetable was also valued for its taste characteristics. During Christian fasts the radish played important role, since with its help people could diversify their food, moreover, this vegetable contains a lot nutrients. Until now, many people use it in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Read more about beneficial properties oh radishes and will be discussed in this article.

Radish is a well-known succulent root vegetable with a sweet or tangy flavor. There are several types: black, green, purple, red, white. Radishes also differ in their shape; they can be round or cylindrical. The vegetable can be consumed pickled, boiled, or raw. It is worth noting that the oil obtained from radish seeds is considered very beneficial for human health, so it is widely used for medicinal purposes.

Radish is famous for more than just its root vegetable, because the pods, flowers and leaves of this vegetable are also eaten. The plant has its scientific name - “Raphanus Sativus” and belongs to the cruciferous genus.

Among all types of radish, it is worth noting the green one, which is famous for its delicate and pleasant taste. In terms of its chemical composition, it is in no way inferior to its red or black relatives.

Useful properties of different types of radish

If you are suffering from poor appetite, then add a small amount of radish to your diet - this will speed up the production process digestive enzymes. Vegetable contains sufficient quantity fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract), and moderate consumption radish prevents constipation.

With regular consumption of green or red radish, you can cleanse your body of excess cholesterol, and it also helps in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. Fresh salad, prepared from radish, strengthens the immune system, thanks to which the body fights various diseases, including diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, infectious and inflammatory diseases respiratory organs and other pathologies.

For diseases of cardio-vascular system, and also for high blood pressure, it is useful to consume radish due to its rich composition. This is due to the presence of potassium salts, which help strengthen the heart muscle and reduce blood pressure. If you have been diagnosed diabetes, That regular use The roots of this plant stabilize blood sugar. Radish can also improve vision due to the presence of carotene in its composition and replenish iron deficiency in the body.

People often take radish root to enhance immune system and improved metabolism, especially when recovering from a long-term illness. Radish is included in many diets due to its low calorie content. If you want to reset a few extra pounds, then be sure to add daily salads with radish to your diet. This will speed up metabolic processes in the body, and will also eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Many spicy vegetables have a positive effect on work digestive tract. Radish is no exception. Its regular use will increase the secretion gastric juice, enzymes and acids, and fiber promotes rapid absorption of cholesterol precursors by the human intestine. In addition, radish contains quite a lot of potassium, which cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, waste and other equally harmful substances.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Radish contains many different biological active substances, for example, root vegetables contain carbohydrates, lipids, organic acids, vitamins C and B, enzymes, amino acids and proteins. The vegetable is also rich in various sulfur-containing substances, including synirin, glucobertegain, methyl mercaptan and others.

All of them have phytoncidal properties. Don't forget about this useful component, like potassium. When compared with others healthy vegetables, radish ranks first among them in terms of the content of potassium salts.

On a note! Radish belongs to low-calorie foods. 100 grams contain no more than 10 calories.

Indications for use

Due to its rich chemical composition, radish is used to treat many diseases, including:

  • weakened immune system;
  • failure of the intestines;
  • poor metabolism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cluster excess liquid in the body, which causes swelling;
  • radish juice is used in cosmetology to improve hair growth;
  • bronchitis;
  • or heart pain;
  • the appearance of stones in bladder, kidneys, gallbladder and liver;
  • problems with the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • acute respiratory infections and;
  • prolonged cough, hemoptysis, bronchitis, whooping cough;
  • or severe bruises;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • malfunction of the lymphatic and genitourinary systems.

This is not the entire list of diseases that radish can help cope with. Over the years, people have actively used it in folk medicine, so there is no point in doubting such methods - the recipes have stood the test of time.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, radish still has some contraindications. They need to be taken into account. Radish helps with various diseases of the digestive system, but only if we are talking about minor ailments or their prevention. If you have severe inflammatory processes, gout, gastritis or stomach ulcers, it is advisable to avoid eating radish so as not to harm your body even more.

Obstruction of the biliary tract, as well as renal failure– this is another reason to refuse treatment with products based on this vegetable. Such contraindications are primarily due to the fact that consuming radish activates intestinal and gastric activity, which is beneficial only for a healthy part of the population.

When it comes to your health and safety, you should always consult your doctor. This also applies to those people who do not suffer from serious illnesses. Radish is effective plant effect on the body strong impact, therefore the consequences of its use can be the most unpredictable.

Because of this, nutritionists highly recommend not combining radishes with products such as vegetable broth, sour cream, honey, salt and others.

Methods of use in folk medicine

It has already been said that radish is good for treating many ailments. There are many recipes using it, but we will consider only the most common of them:

  • To treat constipation, a drink made from fresh radish juice and water is used. To do this, you need to mix 200 grams of water with 1 tablespoon of radish juice and take 50 grams of medicine 3 times a day. After a few days you will notice positive changes;
  • Mix 400 grams of red carrot juice, 200 grams of beet juice and 250 grams of black radish juice in one vessel. Cover the resulting mixture with a lid and place in the oven for 2 hours. After the product has cooled, take 1 tablespoon before each meal. The duration of the therapeutic course is 3-5 months. This recipe is used to treat anemia;
  • Radish is also used in medicine to treat various skin diseases. To do this, you need to prepare a special ointment by mixing 100 grams of red wine and the same amount of radish juice. After this, the mixture must be cooked over low heat, stirring occasionally. As a result, you should get a thick, homogeneous mass that should be lubricated problem areas on the body several times a day;
  • This miracle vegetable is also used to treat hematomas. Prepare a paste by mixing honey and chopped radish in equal proportions. A bandage made from the resulting mixture is then applied to the hematoma. The very next morning, even the largest hematoma will begin to gradually resolve;
  • Mix 1 tablespoon each of beet juice, horseradish roots, carrots and radishes. Take the resulting product 3 times a day, 30 grams for 2 months. The recipe is considered effective in treating hypertension.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to medicine, radish is also used for cosmetic purposes. This is due, first of all, to its rich composition. It is worth noting that radish has been used in this area for quite a long time. Previously, people used it to remove age spots on the skin and freckles. Now many women add radish to special face masks.

To prepare such a mask, you need to mix vegetable oil, sour cream and radish pulp.

Also, radish juice helps restore the strength and shine of hair if you regularly massage your head with this juice before washing your hair. Perform this procedure no more than once a week, and your hair will be healthy and beautiful.

Radish is also used for cold inhalations. Simply grate the vegetable on a fine grater and seal it tightly in a small jar. After 20 minutes, begin the procedure: after 5 deep breaths, take a short delay. Repeat this procedure 5-7 times. But despite all the beneficial properties of radish, it cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases and troubles. Do everything wisely.

“Horseradish is not sweeter than radish,” people say, and in the case of green radish, this is absolutely true. The green root vegetable is juicy, delicate and slightly sweet in taste, not at all similar to the hot black radish. The taste of a green vegetable is the taste of early spring: soft, slightly tart, slightly astringent, but incredibly fresh! Therefore, radishes the color of young grass are put in salads, cut into slices for first and second courses, made as vitamin spring masks for the skin and much, much more.

Chinese guest from Uzbekistan

Green radish is a mysterious owner of many names: Margelan radish, Chinese radish, lobo, or loba. It's worth admitting: last name in China - just a common name (or part of it) for radish, radish and a couple of other root vegetables. So, the ordinary red carrot in the Celestial Empire is called the word “hunlobo”, which is contradictory to the Russian ear, so our radish is lucky...

If you look for what a green radish looks like, the photo will show a root vegetable of a dirty greenish hue. various shapes and sizes - round or slightly elongated, small or large, weighing up to 500-600 grams. The radish pulp is translucent, white or slightly greenish. In Russia, Margelan radish can be found on shelves all year round, but they are taking her - what a surprise! – not from China at all, but more often from Uzbekistan. They grow using a secret technology to get exactly the green root vegetable - they tear off the top leaves as they ripen so that the radish “greens” under the rays of the eastern sun, collects juice and stores vitamins.

What are the benefits of green radish?

Speaking of miraculous healing power, usually they mean hot, but the benefits of green radish are almost as high. But taste qualities Margelan radish is much more interesting, so you can enjoy it with great pleasure and concern for your health.

In cosmetology, juicy radish has also managed to prove itself. In snowy and windy weather, dry skin will be soothed by the following mask: grated radish gruel + a spoonful of any vegetable oil + 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

A mask with herbs will help restore radiance to skin tired of office stress and exhaust fumes of the metropolis. The recipe is as follows: in equal proportions – grated Margelan radish + decoction, add a teaspoon of aloe juice. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Why is green radish dangerous?

Unlike the black root vegetable, green radish is much safer - its benefits and harms are carefully balanced. It does not have such a burning effect and protects the delicate mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach.

But with some diagnoses, you should be careful and limit dishes with Margelan radish - these are exacerbations stomach ulcer and gastritis, intestinal inflammation, kidney and liver problems, heart pathologies.

Green radish in cooking

The truly Uzbek garden guest developed itself precisely in cooking - its soft neutral taste and juicy texture ensured the main place in many vegetable and meat salads. And in Asia, aromatic pilaf and thick lagman are often served with a plate of loba cut into circles - to soften the taste of fatty food.

Fresh green radish is usually used in dishes - recipes with it include salads, appetizers, morning sandwiches, and less often, main courses. Heat treatment kills not only the unique fresh taste of the root vegetable, but also most of the vitamins, which is why true gourmets prefer Margelan radish “in the original”.

Recipes with green radish

But loba salads are an endless field for culinary ideas and gastronomic experiments. Green radish can be combined with any food: and, pickles and corn, chicken and smoked ham. But Chinese radish looks best in a simple fruit and vegetable combination with, apples and.

  • If you want to prepare the most simple, but very juicy green radish salad, the recipe will be like this.

You will need: one Margelan radish, carrots, a small bunch, 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt, salt and black pepper to taste.

Grate the radish and carrots on a coarse grater, tear the parsley with your hands. Mix, season with sour cream (yogurt), salt and pepper. Attention: this salad should only be eaten fresh; after 4-5 hours the dish will lose its appetizing appearance.

  • Fans of nutritious snacks can prepare a salad from Chinese radish, chicken and fried onions.

You will need: 2 medium Margelan radishes, 4 small onions (or 2 large), 500-600 grams of boiled chicken fillet, light mayonnaise or sour cream, salt to taste.

Disassemble the chicken into fibers and rub on a large grater on the forehead. Chop the onion and fry until translucent golden brown, cool. Mix everything, season, add salt.

  • Those who are tired of daily scrambled eggs and oatmeal will appreciate morning vitamin sandwiches with green radish.

You will need: White bread(loaf) 4 slices, cheese 4 slices, small green radish and tomato (), a couple of sprigs of parsley, a little butter, sour cream or white yogurt.

Toast the pieces of bread in a toaster or in a dry frying pan and spread with butter. Place a slice of cheese on top and grated radish mixed with sour cream. Garnish with a slice of tomato or pepper and parsley.

A long-familiar vegetable is the white radish, the benefits and harms of which, although thoroughly studied, can still be surprising. Its uniqueness lies not only in its delicate pulp with a pleasant bitterness. Impact on human body phytoncides, which root vegetables are so rich in, gives a huge positive effect. But first things first.

Benefits of white radish

In the old days, the end of winter and the beginning of spring were the hungriest times. In order not to die from exhaustion and lack of vitamins, our ancestors prepared Lenten soup based on radish. They also managed to make a sweet delicacy from root vegetables. In any case, radishes saved entire villages from starvation.

It hasn't happened yet laboratory research, no one knew the exact composition of the pulp, but about great benefit radish information has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt.

Scientists have now found out that complex composition vitamins A, C, folic acid has a very beneficial effect on the human body. This company not only activates its own immunity, but also:

  • invigorates
  • restores vision
  • prevents colds
  • improves health

In addition, it was found in white radish unique substance, which also has a series positive action. It simultaneously irritates cough receptors and helps remove phlegm. Who doesn’t know the recipe for juice with honey for cough?

But that's not all. The same substance helps the body warm up in cold weather or during chills due to a cold, normalizes metabolism and increases appetite.

White radish for the belly

People who work in sedentary jobs are familiar with the problem of sluggish bowel function and the whole excretory system. White radish copes with this concern simply brilliantly. The pulp contains a large amount coarse fiber, which literally forces the intestines to work at full capacity.

A salad of fresh carrots and radishes, seasoned with vegetable oil. It, like a brush, cleanses the body, removing waste, toxins and other unnecessary deposits.

Advice. Don't start eating white radish immediately in basins. Out of habit, your stomach may not be able to cope with such a dose, and will respond with increased gas formation. Or worse, you will get severe frustration. Start with small portions, gradually accustoming your intestines to a tasty and healthy dish.

White radish for lovely ladies

And here following properties Few people know about this delicate root vegetable. No, the fact that salads made from fresh vegetables support female beauty from the inside is far from a secret. But now we’ll tell you about the effect on the skin from the outside.

A mask of fresh grated white radish gets rid of freckles, relieves inflammation, and brightens the skin. And if fresh juice is mixed in equal proportions with nettle infusion, the resulting liquid will activate dormant hair follicles. Therefore, this mixture is used for the growth of beautiful thick hair.

But this is where the help for female beauty from white radish is not limited. Folk wisdom recommends mixing fresh juice with decoctions and infusions of various herbs. Depending on the composition, the resulting lotion can:

  • supply
  • refresh
  • maintain tone
  • brighten

Therefore, dear ladies, be sure to take note of this valuable information about cosmetic properties white radish.

There are no fruits and vegetables in the world that would be beneficial to absolutely everyone. Each has harm and contraindications. White radish is no exception. The most important danger that root vegetables pose to the body lies in excessive consumption. Even a completely healthy person can fully enjoy such “delights” as:

  • bloating
  • pain in the intestines
  • stomach upset

And this is still a weak reaction of the body. After all, there are contraindications for white radish. In particular, people with various diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract are strictly not recommended to eat radish in any form or quantity. The fact is that the phytoncides and essential oils contained in root vegetables have a strong irritating effect. In turn, this can provoke a relapse of the disease.

Did you know? It turns out that all types of radish: white, black, pink, green are absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women at any stage. Root vegetables contain a substance that increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

And further. Some sources recommend introducing white radish into complementary foods for infants starting at 5 months of age. We strongly do not recommend following this advice. Babies already often suffer from bloating. What kind of radish is this? Or are there no more products that are more suitable for complementary feeding?

Advice. Nursing mothers should also not get carried away with fresh radish salads, so that the baby does not experience discomfort in the intestines.

Interesting facts about white radish

Traditional medicine generally has an uneasy relationship with these root vegetables. There are recipes that successfully help fight cholelithiasis. Many diseases respiratory system are also cured fresh juice white radish.

According to reviews, rheumatism and radiculitis give in to healing properties root crops, and quickly retreat.

Advice. Many homemade masks for lightening skin and getting rid of age spots include white radish juice. Or a paste of grated fresh root vegetables. The recipes really work great, but few places specify one important detail. Before applying, it is recommended to let the thinning mass stand for a while. Approximately 20-25 minutes. During this time, essential oils and some of the phytoncides will evaporate. And people with sensitive skin will be able to avoid possible burns and irritation.

The very low calorie content of white radish allows it to be actively included in all kinds of diets. But do not forget that any diet is always stress for the body. Therefore, before adding root vegetables to your diet, you should first consult with your doctor. He will tell you how much radish you can eat and whether you can eat it at all.

Did you know? It turns out that people with cardiovascular diseases are advised to consume white radish with great caution. The thing is that the spicy taste can provoke vasospasm.

Even radish seeds have found their use for medicinal purposes. Powdered and diluted with water in certain proportions, they perfectly help cure eczema, abscesses and ulcers. You don't have to eat them to do this. The resulting mass is used in the form of compresses.

History tells us that radishes were once food for slaves. They say there is no cheaper food. We are inclined to disagree. Most likely, the captives were fed with root vegetables, being well aware of its beneficial properties. After all, no one needs a sick slave. And on a radish diet, an accustomed body can remain strong, healthy and resilient for a long time. Which is what the slave owners needed.

It is no coincidence that many gardeners replace black radish with white radish. Its benefits are invaluable, its harm is known. It is easy to grow this beauty in almost any climate. So why not start breeding such an excellent healer nearby?

Video: benefits of white radish

Nowadays, many varieties and hybrids of radish are known, as well as their beneficial properties and contraindications. Each of them belongs to one of the groups: black, green, white, red radish. Even the well-known radish is actually a type of radish with a mildly spicy taste.


Companies that breed new varietal forms and sell seeds produce hundreds of them. Now there is a fashion for hybrids that have good commercial qualities: smoothness and evenness of root crops, equal size.

Every year new hybrids appear, which should satisfy the need of gardeners for new seeds. People most often buy those that are considered more productive and healthier. But there are many types of radish.

Which one is healthier? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Each group has its own pros and cons. One has more essential oils and vitamin C, in the other - B vitamins and proteins. Let's try to understand all the intricacies.

A little history

Radish has been known since time immemorial. Her images were even found on the Cheops pyramid. The ancient Egyptians grew and consumed radishes as natural medicine from many diseases. Its pungent taste has been familiar to the Egyptians for at least 4 and a half thousand years. This is how old the famous pyramid is. Most likely, the radish served good medicine for various diseases.

She was loved more than other vegetables in Ancient Greece

Preference was given to black radish even over carrots and beets, tasty and sweet root vegetables. Radish was worth its weight in gold for its beneficial properties. Even then, it began to be used not only as a supplement or main dish, but also as a medicine.

In all ancient treatises, radish was already mentioned as a remedy for various diseases. Ancient doctors advised using not only root vegetables, but also the oil obtained from the seeds.

In Rus', black radish has been known since time immemorial. She was fed, treated various diseases. It, along with other root vegetables, was stored until spring and was an indispensable food in fast days: “The radish has arrived, and hell, and the book of Ephraim.” In this way, respect was shown for a vegetable that surpasses others in its benefits: “Radish often cures the plague.”

At that time ordinary people there were no personal doctors, numerous pharmacies nearby, so much more attention was paid to prevention than to treatment. The special value of radish is that it can be used to prepare delicious savory dishes and at the same time be taken for medicinal purposes. One of them is okroshka, a traditional Russian dish.

Types of radish

20 years ago in Russia they knew mainly only black radish. Some have heard or read about white and green on the pages of “Homestead Farming”. These species were considered exotic. It was considered a great success to order expensive seeds for a lot of money.

Everyone was curious why people in Japan love daikon so much that they pay so much attention to it. And why it is the most popular vegetable. The intrigue was created by the fact that among the inhabitants of Japan, where this root vegetable came from, there are many long-livers and long life expectancy.

Allegedly, one daikon can last almost the entire winter. Having tried the foreign miracle, our gardeners were convinced that the harvests were really good, but not such that they could exchange the usual spring salad from radish to an overseas root crop.

On for a long time green radish and daikon have really supplanted our compatriot, black radish. And only now fashion is returning to it. It was found that there is no root vegetable (except horseradish) that would be similar in taste and composition to our original Russian type of radish.

It’s not for nothing that they are put on a par with horseradish in terms of their benefits. Although, for example, it is impossible to make a salad from horseradish, but from radish - please. Other types have their own advantages, which will be discussed below.


There are more essential oils in black radish than in other varieties. That is why it is considered the best cure for coughs. In the recent past, black radish was used as a natural antibiotic.

Black radish is grown all over the world: in Russia, the Mediterranean, Asia.

But, unlike tablets, there are no side effects after using it.

There are several dozen varieties known in our country, here are some of them:

Winter round black

Winter round black


  • A new, but already proven mid-early variety. The fruits can be eaten after 2 months and harvested after 75-80 days.
  • The root crop is round, weighing 200-300g.
  • Nochka is stored well, so it is not only used in fresh, but also put into storage.
  • It is advisable to store medium fruits of approximately the same size.


  • A late variety that produces smooth, small root crops weighing 200-250 g.
  • The harvest can be stored until spring.
  • The name of this variety reminds us of the main purpose of radish.



Uncle Chernomor

Uncle Chernomor


  • The variety was bred more than 10 years ago and has an unusual elongated shape, similar to a carrot.
  • The variety is mid-season. Its taste is very close to radish, there is almost no pungency in it.
  • In shape and taste, it is more like daikon. However, there is no need to be confused, this is one of the varieties of classic black radish.



  • Late ripening variety, for storage.
  • Introduced 20 years ago and is still popular.
  • It can be recommended to those who want to get a high-quality harvest.



  • A mid-early variety with round fruits of a sharp taste.
  • They combine a real “rare” flavor and good keeping quality.

Black medicinal

Black medicinal

  • Medium ripening period.
  • Some fruits reach a weight of 500 g.
  • Valued for its good taste, firmness of roots and shelf life.

There are now a lot of varieties, from mildly spicy to spicy in taste, of various shapes and ripening periods. Everyone chooses to their own taste. But, basically, if you are going to plant black radish, then first of all you pay attention to its keeping quality and pungency.

Behind large size When growing this type of radish, there is no need to chase. The most vigorous are small root vegetables. Everyone knows the benefits of black radish with honey for coughs.

Agricultural technology

Previously, peasants sowed entire fields of radishes, this suggests that the agricultural technology of the vegetable is extremely simple. Firstly, weeds should not grow in the area allocated for sowing black radish.

The area must be clean; any root crop requires that there are no obstacles to the development of the root system

Otherwise, the fruits turn out crooked and curved, as the root “looks” for free space in the ground. It is better if vegetables have already grown on it the previous year.

The most successful predecessors for radishes will be:

The most undesirable predecessors are representatives of the cabbage family: all types of cabbage, turnips, radishes. In this case, pests and diseases characteristic of these crops remain in the soil. “Relatives” are best planted in the same bed after 2-3 years.

It is good if mature humus or compost is added before digging, and also if manure was applied to the vegetables last season.

But under no circumstances should radish beds be fertilized with fresh manure.

Black radish loves loose, light, pH neutral soil. The bed needs to be dug up 2-3 times, all weeds must be removed and loosened with a rake. After this, the prepared soil is left to “rest” and settle a little. This usually takes at least a day.

  • Sowing is carried out from May to July.
  • Late sowing is done for vegetables intended for storage.
  • To make it convenient, make grooves 3 cm deep with a handy tool (for example, a rod).
  • The distance between the furrows is maintained at least 30-40 cm. You can do less, but in this case it will be inconvenient to loosen the bed.
  • First, spill the soil, then lay out the seeds at a distance of 8-12 cm from each other.
  • The seeds are sprinkled with loose and dry soil. If it’s cold outside, you can lay a film on top for the first time until the shoots sprout.
  • The seedlings hatch in about a week.
  • As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they are thinned out, leaving at least 15 cm between plants.
  • There is no need to make too large a distance; the plants begin to develop poorly. You can plant fast-growing lettuce and radishes in the rows.
  • For prevention and in order to get rid of pests, young and mature crops are treated with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust, sold in hardware stores. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio by volume.
  • Radishes are harvested as they ripen.

Read also:

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White radish has been known, like black radish, for a very long time. In 1950, two successful varieties were created in the USSR, which were used by several generations of our gardeners. These are Winter round white and Winter round black. They differed not only in the color of the peel, but in the content of nutrients.

White radish tastes much sweeter and more tender than black radish. Some varieties are ideal even for a children's table. Many people grow only white radishes for their more delicate taste. But at the same time, there is an indescribable rare aroma in it.

Among the varieties of white radish, several groups stand out

Among the subspecies, the daikon stands out especially. It came to us from Japan relatively recently, which is why it is often called “Japanese radish.” Just 20 years ago, Russia began to grow this vegetable, which is similar in shape to carrots.

Now we can say for sure: Russians fell in love with it and will remain in our gardens. But we did not have the same attitude towards daikon as in Japan. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this root crop ranks 1st in terms of the area allocated for cultivation.

In Japan, daikon is dried and fermented for the winter, almost like cabbage in our country. The fact is that side dishes made from it are very popular and are consumed in some families almost every day. We also have our traditional black radish and radish, which has a semi-spicy flavor reminiscent of daikon. Daikon has found its niche, but it is not as extensive as in Japan.

This vegetable contains much less phytocinds, which means its taste is much sweeter than rare. It contains a large amount of amino acids, which contributes to better work human brain.

What is not less important: Japanese radish is a low-calorie vegetable; 100 g contains 21 kcal. In addition, it contains a protein enzyme that promotes the rapid absorption of starch-containing foods.

But vitamin composition Daikon is at its best. The entire vitamin and mineral complex of ordinary radish is contained in it. 100 g fresh root vegetables provides a person with vitamin C 1/3 of the daily requirement.

During epidemics, you need to eat more often Japanese radish. And just in the fall and spring you need to drink daikon juice or eat salad as a preventative measure.

Daikon is grown in the same way as black radish. First of all, pay attention to soil preparation. Manure is applied in advance, in the fall or spring of the previous year. Before planting, you can add well-ripened humus, compost, ash and superphosphate.

Superphosphate is added to the soil at the rate of 40 g per square meter, ash - according to the condition of the soil. If it is acidified, then you can add 200g per m2, if it is neutral - about 100g. The sowing depth of daikon seeds is about 2 cm.

When thinning, do not forget that root crops vary in size. Depending on this, 7-12 cm are left between plants.

Some varieties of daikon:



  • It is sometimes called Minowase. This is the most famous variety that grows up to half a meter.
  • In terms of ripening time, it is considered mid-season; from germination to ripeness it takes about 2 months.
  • The pulp of this daikon is very tasty and crispy.
  • Its taste is not similar to black radish; there is practically no bitterness in it.
  • The advantage of this variety is that it is suitable for long-term storage.

Moscow hero

Moscow hero


  • Late variety for storage. Root vegetables are leveled, smooth, white.
  • The weight of the root vegetable is 700-850g, the shape is cylindrical, the flesh is white.

Dragon tooth

  • It is not stored enough long term. But for a month or two after harvesting it will be able to lie in the cellar along with other root vegetables.
  • Daikon is inferior to black radish in healing effect when coughing, colds, flu.

    But it has a number of advantages:

    • The yield of daikon significantly exceeds that of black radish due to the deep immersion of the narrow and long root crop into the soil
    • a small piece of land several square meters can feed the whole family
    • many varieties store well until spring, which means you can eat salads all winter
    • Daikon has a sweet taste, which children really like, they can eat a healthy vegetable
    • It is possible to use Japanese radish even for those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract

    Many people prefer to grow this miracle vegetable and switched to it from radishes precisely because of its high yield. If you need several radishes for a salad, then one daikon is enough for the whole family. But the benefits are the same. The care and application of these crops is also similar. various means to repel pests.

    Just like radishes, daikon suffers from cruciferous flea beetle.. These little bugs love fresh greens and literally stick to the leaves of mustard, daikon, radish and turnip. There is something against her excellent remedy: a mixture of tobacco dust and ash. You need to mix them in equal proportions and sprinkle not only the leaves, but also the ground around, since these fleas are found in the ground, and they climb onto the leaves only to eat.


    Green radishes are not as common as black or white radishes. In vain, since its benefits have been proven by scientists, and the welcome appearance will add variety to the everyday table. Salads containing white, green and red varieties of radish look very picturesque.

    It was bred in Uzbekistan, but feels great in the middle zone.

    Its taste is much more delicate than that of black radish, with a pleasant pungency that is inherent in all root vegetables of this type

    She's very helpful. It contains amino acids, phytocindes, antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, and others minerals, as well as a complex of vitamins.

    The essential oil contained in green radish fruits helps maintain health during epidemics. It strengthens weakened immunity in a person who constantly uses green radish, there is no reason to consult a doctor. For colds, it is recommended to eat a salad made from fresh root vegetables at least once a day.

    Green radish helps restore gastric motility, constipation, and also improves intestinal function.. Bactericidal properties This vegetable has been known for a long time. It is useful for putrefactive fermentations, as it destroys dangerous microbes and bacteria.

    Scientists have proven positive influence on the vessels. It reduces cholesterol levels and gently cleanses blood vessels. But the use of green radish should be agreed with a doctor when inflammatory processes, gastritis, ulcer.