If your hand and tongue go numb. Numbness of the root of the tongue

Numbness of the tongue manifests itself in different forms Oh. The person does not feel the organ of taste or feels tingling and “goosebumps”. Sometimes the discomfort is barely noticeable, and sometimes it causes obvious inconvenience. Why does my tongue go numb?

A similar symptom occurs in many conditions. Lips and tongue go numb in response to medications. Sensitivity periodically disappears due to osteochondrosis cervical spine spine, anemia, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need the help of a qualified doctor. The information in the article is for informational purposes only.

Symptom description

When the tongue goes numb, what does it mean:

  • barely noticeable, slight tingling (usually at the tip);
  • “running goosebumps”;
  • paresthesia of the root, tip, lips;
  • soreness of the entire organ or some part;
  • lack of sensitivity.

Sometimes there is slight dizziness.

The listed symptoms do not appear at the same time. Symptoms depend on the cause and severity. It also helps to guess why the tongue goes numb.


What diseases cause the tongue to go numb?

How does paresthesia of the tongue manifest?

Associated symptoms

Iron deficiency anemia ( low level hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood)

The tip of the tongue becomes very numb and hurts, periodically burns (in severe cases).

  • Pale skin,
  • I have a stomachache, left hypochondrium, head;
  • hair fall out,
  • stool is disturbed;
  • taste changes;
  • a person gets tired quickly and often feels weak.

Diabetes(an attack of hypoglycemia is a life-threatening condition)

Lips tingle, the tip or root of the tongue goes numb.

  • I suddenly and strongly want to eat;
  • cold sweat appears;
  • internal trembling appears;
  • fatigue and weakness “attacks”;
  • pulse quickens;
  • the patient seems to fall into unconsciousness.

Dental procedure (tooth extraction more often)

Complete numbness that goes away after 2-3 weeks (if the dentist has pressed the nerve). After 2-3 months (if damaged).

Right after dental surgery The tongue goes numb - the reason is obvious.

Neuritis facial nerve

The palate and tongue become numb, taste is impaired, and the mouth is dry.

  • Sensitivity in part of the face is lost;
  • buzzing in the ears;
  • excessive or insufficient salivation;
  • Tears are flowing.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

You feel dizzy and your tongue goes numb either completely or at the root.

  • Paresthesia of hands, fingertips;
  • headache;
  • it hurts to turn your head;
  • periodically it darkens in the eyes and the pressure rises.

ENT pathologies

My throat hurts and my tongue goes numb.

  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • dry mouth;
  • “shoots” in the ears;
  • the temperature rises.

Symptoms depend on the disease.

Allergy to medications (antibiotics penicillin series, antidepressants)

The sense organ seems to be “taken away”. Fully. Or the sensitivity of a separate part is lost.

  • Edema,
  • suffocation,
  • nausea,
  • vomit.

Vitamin B 12 deficiency (B-12 deficiency anemia)

Tingling, feeling “scalded”

  • Fast fatiguability,
  • paresthesia of the limbs,
  • forgetfulness.

Multiple sclerosis

Episodic loss of sensation

  • Paresthesia or weakness in the arms and legs;
  • blurred fields of view, doubling of objects;
  • unsteady gait
  • dizziness;
  • tingling in different parts bodies.

Cerebral aneurysm (felt when the aneurysm reaches large sizes or bursts)

Paresthesia or weakness on one side.

  • Eyes hurt;
  • pupils dilate;
  • vision becomes blurred;
  • paresis of one side of the face.

Paresthesia of the taste organ can warn of an impending heart attack or stroke; it is a consequence of smoking or carcinoma of the upper larynx, or heavy metal poisoning. Sometimes it is necessary to find out the reason by the method of elimination.

Some diseases appear only after a month and a half. Same tick-borne borreliosis(due to a tick bite). Immediately - only the bite site. A neurological symptoms(loss of sensitivity, tingling, swelling, hotness in joints and tendons) - later.

Why does the tip of the tongue go numb during pregnancy?

  • change in taste
  • toxicosis,
  • pressure surges;
  • mineral deficiency (calcium, potassium, sodium).

No matter how the discomfort manifests itself, if your tongue becomes numb, you need to consult a doctor. Remember


What to do if your tongue goes numb:

    Get examined to find out the cause. First we go to the dentist or neurologist. “Miss” - to a gastroenterologist, cardiologist.

    If numbness occurs due to medications, take antihistamine. And be sure to take a closer look pharmacological agentthis option doesn't fit.

    Sudden weakness, headache, deterioration of speech, vision, coordination - call an emergency medical care. A stroke or myocardial infarction must not be prevented.

    Pay close attention to the symptoms of hypoglycemia. This is no less dangerous condition, fraught with coma.

    Take a blood sugar test. Do a magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, an x-ray of the spine in all projections (to make it easier to see the source of damage). If you suspect heart problems, do an ECG. List of instrumental examinations and laboratory research says the specialist.

A constantly recurring symptom should not go unnoticed. Millions of receptors are concentrated on the surface of the sensory organ, which “signal” about problems in the body.

A condition in which a certain area of ​​the tongue or an entire organ loses sensitivity is called paresthesia. There are many reasons why the tip, middle or root of the tongue goes numb. These include both the impact of external factors and serious illnesses

requiring immediate medical intervention.

Why does tongue paresthesia occur? The main reasons that provoke numbness of the tongue include Negative influence external factors and diseases, one of the symptoms of which is paresthesia. TO external factors

include: excessive smoking, allergic reactions to foods and medications, injuries, injuries, burns, intoxication.

Manifestation of different forms of glossitis of the tongue

  • Diabetes mellitus, which occurs as a result of impaired insulin production, leads to a feeling of thirst, dry mouth, partial loss tongue sensitivity.
  • Anemia can cause decreased sensitivity of the oral mucosa, numbness of the extremities, low temperature, pallor skin, coordination problems.
  • Age-related changes. A woman during menopause experiences hormonal imbalances that can cause tongue numbness.
  • Oral candidiasis is a disease that is accompanied by pain, plaque formation on the mucous membranes, itching, swelling and partial numbness of the tongue.
  • Impaired functioning of the facial nerves (Bell's palsy). The pathology is expressed in partial paresthesia.
Paresthesia can be caused by transformations that occur in the body of a pregnant woman.

Determining the cause of tongue numbness by symptom localization

The tongue may lose sensitivity partially or completely. It is necessary to pay attention to which part of the organ is numb, since localization may indicate a specific disease.

Paresthesia begins with tingling of the tip of the tongue, then “running goosebumps” appear over the entire surface of the organ, and only after that there is a feeling of partial or complete numbness of the tongue.

In most cases, numbness in the tip of the tongue is a sign negative impact external factors. This condition manifests itself with excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, intoxication, imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body, especially with a lack of vitamin B12. Loss of sensitivity of the tip of the tongue can be caused by an allergic reaction, in which case the symptom will be accompanied by swelling and paresthesia of the oral mucosa.

Numbness of the tongue and hands, accompanied by an acute headache, requires immediate consultation with a neurologist. Paresthesia in tandem with migraine can signal a sharp drop in insulin and an increase in blood sugar. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

Neoplasm in the larynx

Paresthesia of the throat and tongue indicates the occurrence of malignant neoplasms in the area of ​​the larynx. Numbness of the tongue and palate may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Injury or damage glossopharyngeal nerve lead to the root of the tongue going numb.

A condition in which the tongue goes numb and the head is dizzy may be symptom of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), osteochondrosis, neurological disorders and disorders, pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition.

Professional treatment for tongue numbness

Loss of tongue sensitivity is not an independent disease, but a symptom accompanying the underlying pathology. Only after identifying the reason why the tongue is numb will the specialist prescribe treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease or irritating factor.

In cases where paresthesia is caused by osteochondrosis, the following are indicated:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage manipulations;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking painkillers and drugs that enhance bone tissue regeneration.

Injuries that cause the feeling that the tip of the tongue is numb are treated with antiseptic rinses, dental gels. Allergic reactions, which reduce the sensitivity of the organ, are eliminated with antihistamines.

VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) is treated with drugs that increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels in the brain. It is recommended to change the diet, introduce a complete diet, compliance with the rules of rest and work: 8-hour sleep, active image life.

Oncological diseases require surgical intervention coupled with drug therapy , on initial stage disease, endoscopy can be done. For laryngeal cancer, the affected tissue is removed; for pharyngeal cancer, it is removed partial removal followed by restoration with plastic surgery.

Neuralgia trigeminal nerve can be eliminated surgically, nerve destruction is often required. Radiosurgery, a minimally invasive (bloodless) operation, is sometimes used.

Numbness caused by diabetes mellitus is eliminated after a course of treatment of the underlying disease. Injections or tablets are prescribed to normalize insulin levels, which eliminates dry mouth, thirst and loss of sensitivity.

Treatment of tongue numbness with folk remedies

Depending on the cause of numbness in the tip, root, or sides of the tongue, treatment may include methods alternative medicine. Rinses and compresses can significantly improve the condition and speed up the restoration of sensitivity.

Common Recipes traditional medicine, used for diseases of the oral cavity:

Numbness of the tongue is a sign of a serious pathology, and not a separate disease. It is important to determine the root cause that caused the loss of organ sensitivity, and only a doctor can do this. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a therapist as soon as possible, who, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, will redirect the patient to the right specialist. Timely detection The causes of numbness and timely treatment will help prevent the development of the underlying disease and possible complications.

Dizzy and numb tongue: causes and treatment

Despite the fact that the rapid development of medicine makes it possible to cope with any illness, sometimes some symptoms can scare a person to death. For example, when the head is dizzy and the tongue goes numb, a person experiences panic fear, without even knowing what caused this phenomenon. Only a professional who can correctly diagnose the disease can cope with this difficult task. You should try to fix the problem as soon as possible. short period, visiting a number of specialized specialists.

Symptoms and causes of the phenomenon

Usually a person feels a loss of sensitivity in the tip of the tongue. In medicine this is called "paresthesia". Factors that can cause pathological condition, are:

  • disease of cardio-vascular system;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • diabetes;
  • migraine;
  • syphilis;
  • tumor in the brain;
  • lack of vitamin B12 and iron;
  • allergic reactions;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol, radiation or poisoning;
  • functional disorders during pregnancy;
  • overwork, stress, irritability;
  • failure in work thyroid gland.

Diseases that cause dizziness and loss of tongue sensitivity

Numbness of the tongue may be a warning sign of an impending stroke or heart attack. Loss of sensitivity begins with the appearance of goose bumps on the surface of the tongue, and then complete or partial numbness of the organ. An accurate diagnosis can be established by radiography or magnetic resonance imaging, which scans the state of the brain and upper spine, Doppler sonography great vessels, blood test for diabetes, examination of the cardiovascular system. An otolaryngologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, dentist and therapist. The list of diseases in which these symptoms appear is huge.

1. For vegetative-vascular dystonia, medications that improve blood circulation are prescribed. These include:

  • B vitamins;
  • Cavinton;
  • sermion;
  • memoplant.

To improve the patient's condition, darsonvalization of the cervical spine, massage, special exercises, and reflexology are indicated.

2. Dizziness and numbness of the tongue are often observed with a neurological disease, which also manifests itself with vomiting, nausea, and loss of sensation in the legs and arms.

If symptoms occur against a background of depression and decreased mental abilities, then the cause of the phenomenon lies in the neurological or psychiatric area.

3. Most often, you feel dizzy and your tongue goes numb due to osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by high blood pressure, pain between the shoulder blades, in the lower back, and numbness in various limbs.

The cause of osteochondrosis may be hypothermia, stress, genetic predisposition, infection, disorder hormonal balance, physical inactivity, excessive stress on the spine, injuries, curvature of posture.

Alone with this problem medicines it is impossible to cope; the patient can only be helped by a set of measures. In case of osteochondrosis, the effect should be aimed at restoration cartilage tissue, removing salts from the body, improving mobility. Symptoms are eliminated special exercises, massage, rubbing painful areas with special tinctures, taking medicines and herbal infusions.

The tongue is an unpaired muscular organ located in the oral cavity.

Its position depends on the function it will perform. The process of chewing and swallowing is carried out with the help of the tongue. Thanks to the large number of receptors on the mucous membrane of the organ, a person can distinguish tastes. Moreover separate plot the tongue is responsible for a specific taste stimulus. Well, an important role of this body is participation in communication.

Doctors classify numbness of the tongue as one of the types of paresthesia. Paresthesia is a tingling sensation due to a violation of the sensitivity of a certain area (in in this case it's about language). Typically, numbness of the tip of the tongue or the entire tongue is not independent disease. This is only a symptom of some underlying diagnosis, which can increase gradually and be accompanied by a number of other symptoms. Therefore, in order to start treatment and rid yourself of unpleasant discomfort, should be found main reason and eliminate it.

Tongue goes numb, reasons

  1. Reaction to medications. For some medications this is side effect, and some damage nerve endings.
  2. Menopause. Very often, women during menopause experience damage to the mucous membranes. The mucous membrane becomes thin and sensitive. Plus to everything else functional changes V thyroid gland happen.
  3. Anemia. As a result of a lack of vitamin B12 and iron. Blood tests show decreased red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Bone marrow puncture is recommended.
  4. Glossalgia. A fairly common disease of the oral mucosa associated with sensory neuroses. Manifested by tingling and numbness.
  5. Allergic reaction to toothpaste, chewing gum, mouthwash, air freshener and anything that has any contact with the tongue.
  6. Reflux esophagitis. Reverse cast gastric contents, which can also lead to numbness.
  7. Various types of injuries in the facial area, dental procedures (especially when removing “wisdom teeth”, after anesthesia, which is required for this procedure, numbness can torment the patient for up to six months), maxillofacial operations, jaw fractures. The result is damage to nerve endings.
  8. After drinking very cold or hot liquid. Or in case of accidental use of acid or alkali.
  9. Nervous, depressive state. Sleep disturbance, increased irritability, dizziness. There will be no changes in the blood. Consultation with a psychotherapist is required.
  10. Functional disorders in pregnant women. More often observed in the third trimester. It's happening in the background high blood pressure and swelling.
  11. Features in the structure of the skull that cause compression of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

A symptom in which the tongue and lips go numb may be a consequence of diseases such as:

- diabetes mellitus (dry mucous membranes, development of neuropathy - cause of numbness);

- stroke (the brain is affected; speech impairment, long-term headache with accompanying numbness of half the body, drooping corner of the mouth; lack of coordination; consciousness is depressed; tests show a violation of the coagulation system; CT, MRI are recommended);

— hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones, consultation with an endocrinologist);

- Lyme disease (as a result of a tick bite);

— multiple sclerosis (all parts of the body go numb, the tongue is no exception);

- cerebral aneurysm;

- syphilis;

- Bell's palsy (the whole face goes numb);

- migraine;

- sarcoidosis;

- preeclampsia;

- cancer spinal cord(local place of pain, decrease in all blood parameters);

- brain tumor (compression various departments brain - the cause of numbness).

Why does the tip of the tongue go numb?

The main complaints about numbness of the tip of the tongue are:

  1. Heavy smokers often complain of numbness in the tip of the tongue.
  2. People receiving chemotherapy.
  3. If the body lacks vitamin B12.
  4. Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve.
  5. Side effects of medications.
  6. Heavy metal poisoning.
  7. Alcohol abuse.
  8. Glossalgia.
  9. Hypoglycemia.
  10. Depression.
  11. Excess or deficiency of minerals in the body.

Quite often the tongue and lips go numb at the same time. Numbness of the lips occurs as a consequence of sensory impairment. But this is not the main problem, but becomes only a consequence of the underlying disease. You can only guess on your own which specialist you need to go to, and in no case can you make a diagnosis accurate diagnosis yourself and prescribe treatment for yourself.

Lips go numb, reasons

1. Lips go numb for the following reasons: Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. As a result of compression of the spinal cord, blood circulation is disrupted and thereby the nutrition of the organs is disrupted. Numbness of the lips appears.

2. Neuritis of the facial nerve. Inflammation of the facial nerve leads to disruption of impulse transmission to the facial muscles and can be complicated by facial paralysis. You urgently need to consult a doctor to prevent such a dangerous picture.

3. Lack of vitamin B. Lack of this vitamin leads to disorders nervous system. A large number of of this vitamin found in: bread, nuts, bran, liver, meat, potatoes.

4. High or very low blood pressure. Then not only the lips become numb, but also the upper ones, lower limbs. Life threatening. You urgently need to call an ambulance.

5. Diabetes mellitus. One of its symptoms is numbness of the lips, clammy sweat, weakness, and trembling hands. By adjusting your blood glucose levels, the numbness will go away. You can eat honey, sugar, candy. If attacks recur frequently, insulin dosage should be discussed with your doctor.

6. Allergy to the use of a new medicine. Quincke's edema causes swelling of parts of the body, including the lips. The cause often remains unclear. Edema is a terrible swelling of the larynx; difficulty breathing can lead to asphyxia. If an attack has occurred in your life, you should always carry it with you. antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids to relieve this condition.

7. Migraine. Consequently nervous breakdowns, constant worries, leads to disruption of the nervous system. Headache occurs half an hour after numbness, then the limbs go numb. Numbness is a kind of aura before a headache. There are no significant changes in the analyses. Will help increased content potassium, magnesium, stress reduction and good dream. Avoid foods that trigger migraines: wine, cheese, sweets.

8. Disease of teeth and gums. If before the numbness of the lips there was pain in the teeth or gums, then, most likely, this is due to problems in the teeth. You need to see a dentist.

9. Multiple sclerosis. It is with numbness that this disease begins. Cells in the body begin to be affected nerve tissue. Only a neurologist can help in this case.

10. Shingles. Its typical onset is itching, redness and numbness. If there is still a burning sensation in the cheek area, then this is one hundred percent shingles.

11. Bell's palsy. It affects the entire face, but the lips and eyebrows are affected first. The disease is preceded by some viral diseases(ARVI, simple herpes virus). Tingling and numbness are characteristic of of this disease. May go away on its own. If treated, a course of antibiotics is prescribed and antiviral drugs. Rarely, but the appearance of inflammatory markers in the blood is possible. Facial gymnastics is necessary. The recovery process takes up to a year. IN severe cases CT, MRI examination is recommended.

12. Infection of various etiologies, in which the nerves are affected. Very often, complications after meningitis or herpes are nerve damage with the leading syndrome being numbness.

As we found out, there are quite a few reasons for numbness of the tongue and lips. After this article, you can already decide which specialist you need to contact. If you cannot associate your numbness, which torments you periodically, with any of these diseases, then you need to contact a neurologist. And you shouldn’t delay this.

Do not worry if numbness occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to very cold, after anesthesia, or overlying long time on the lip. And at the same time there are no more complaints, and there never were.

Decreased sensitivity or numbness of tongue and lips indicate problems that develop in the body. A person immediately notices if their lips lose sensitivity or their tongue becomes numb.

What this means, and what specific diseases may be manifested by a decrease in taste and tactile sensitivity, is best to find out from a doctor. But they still exist certain features this symptom. Thus, the tongue or lips may become numb gradually or almost instantly. Almost always, this symptom is accompanied by other signs of the disease, which makes it possible to facilitate diagnosis.

Sensitivity decreases due to impaired innervation of the lips and tongue. Speaking about whether numbness of the tongue is a sign of what and what diseases it may indicate, it should be noted whole line factors: infectious, vascular, mechanical, etc. However, it is important to find out exactly what disease is causing the tongue and lips to cramp. The features of this symptom and the diseases in which it manifests itself will be discussed below.

Conditions that cause numbness of the lips and tongue

Headache Sensory disorders Features of the blood test Additional examinations
Migraine Appears an hour after numbness My hands are going numb No changes Taking triptans, monitoring results
Bell's palsy Doesn't appear Half of the face loses sensitivity In rare cases, markers of inflammation are present Perform MRI, CT
Stroke Long-lasting, intense, appears before numbness Most often, sensitivity is impaired in one half of the body The parameters of the coagulation system change. Possible increase in quantity Perform MRI, CT
Hypoglycemia Doesn't appear Diabetic polyneuropathy Blood glucose levels drop to 3 mmol/l or less MRI, CT to rule out insulinoma
Anemia (B12 deficiency) Doesn't appear Peripheral polyneuropathy The content of red blood cells decreases, in some cases leukopenia and thrombopenia A bone marrow puncture is performed
Anxiety disorders Doesn't show up, bothers me Possible short-term disturbances in the sensitivity of parts of the body associated with the stress experienced No changes A consultation with a psychotherapist is scheduled, tests are carried out to determine anxiety and
Angioedema Does not appear if the swelling is extensive, discomfort in the head area is possible Loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​edema Inflammatory markers may appear If it develops allergic edema, conduct tests with allergens, if hereditary - examination for defects in the complement system
Formations benign and malignant Pain at the site of the tumor or diffuse pain if the meningeal membrane is involved in the process. It is poorly controlled with analgesics. Not with all formations, sometimes If the process is malignant, all blood counts decrease; if it is benign, there are no changes. CT, MRI of neck, head, brain

Causes of numbness of lips and tongue

Why your tongue tingles, why your lips go numb - the reasons for this can be determined by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. A blood test, MRI, and CT Dopplerography of blood vessels will help to specifically determine why the lower lip is numb and the reasons for the numbness of the tongue. The treatment regimen depends on the underlying disease.

All diseases in which the tongue becomes numb, numbness appears lower lip and chin, are divided into several groups.

Nervous system diseases

Diseases of the central departments

Often the patient notes that the lip or tongue is numb if formations, both benign and malignant, appear in the brain structures. These symptoms also appear when degenerative changes brain .

Peripheral nerve diseases

The answer to the question why it goes numb upper lip, May be idiopathic neuritis of the facial nerve . Also, the causes of numbness of the upper and lower lips may be associated with the facial, trigeminal and other nerves of the face.

Diseases that are not related to the nervous system, but affect it

Swelling and numbness are possible with vascular pathologies leading to acute disorder blood flow (transient ischemic attack, stroke ). This symptom also appears in diseases circulatory system, in particular anemia associated with deficiency.

If the lower or upper lip is swollen or the tongue is numb, this may be associated with infectious and allergic processes - allergic manifestations, simple virus.

Mechanical damage

When the upper lip becomes numb or twitches, or the tongue curls, this may be a consequence of head or facial injuries. This is also possible after recent dental surgery.

Those who are interested in why the tongue goes numb can also find the reasons for this phenomenon in the recent performance of any dental manipulations with “wisdom teeth”. Surgical removal eighth teeth, especially if they have taken horizontal position, is difficult to use.

The causes of tongue numbness may be related to the conduction local anesthesia. Sensitivity on one side disappears for a while. If the palate becomes numb, the reasons may also be related to dental procedures. This manifestation is not dangerous, but can be repeated for up to six months, why does a person feels discomfort. In this case, treatment is not required. However, a person must clearly know why the tongue becomes numb and that this is due specifically to dental procedures, so as not to miss the development of serious diseases.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

One of the most serious reasons why the tongue and lips go numb is associated with the so-called “vascular catastrophe.” - a disease that occupies a leading place in terms of mortality. Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms of this terrible disease, including numbness of the lips and tongue. The causes of this disease can be different. The signs are as follows:

  • Paralysis and numbness right side or the left side of the face, while one eye may be closed and the corner of the mouth lowered.
  • Numbness on the left side of the body or on the right side.
  • Speech is absent or slurred.
  • A person cannot move his leg and arm on one side, or it is very difficult for him to do so.
  • Coordination is impaired.
  • Possible manifestation of depression of consciousness.

It is necessary to provide assistance to a person with such symptoms very quickly: it is important that this is done within 6 hours from the onset of the attack. If adequate help will be provided on time, exists Great chance restore speech and muscle function.

Conservative therapy is practiced in rehabilitation centers, where recovery after a stroke is carried out. The following actions are also important for recovery:

  • Maintain within normal limits (no more than 140/90).
  • Control of fluid intake - its amount per day should be 1.5-2 liters.
  • ACE inhibitors are considered the drug of choice.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Monitoring glucose levels, since when its level is more than 11-12 mmol/l, rehabilitation becomes more complicated.
  • Preventive measures to prevent blood clots.
  • Sedative treatment to ensure psycho-emotional comfort.

To the question about blue lips- a sign of a disease; the answer may also be problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Migraine with aura

People who suffer migraine , often before an attack they feel changes in their sense of smell, vision, and hearing. Sometimes these are only short flashes - the appearance of lines before the eyes, numbness, tingling of the face. The aura appears one hour before the attack and disappears completely after the condition has returned to normal.

Triptans are used to treat migraines, but the form of the drug and its dosage must be selected by a doctor. Those who often have migraines should reconsider their diet and avoid those foods that can trigger headache attacks. This includes cheese, chocolate, wine, canned food, etc. It is also important to prevent stressful situations as much as possible.

Idiopathic facial neuropathy (Bell's palsy)

In rare cases (approximately 1-2%) after medical examination It is still not possible to determine the causes of numbness of the lips. Often in this case, people complain of complete paralysis of the face or that half of the face is numb. The doctor will tell you what to do in this case. Often idiopathic neuropathy develops as a consequence of colds, flu, and sometimes the herpes simplex virus.

In most cases, patients with Bell's palsy recover without additional treatment, and there are no consequences for facial nerves.

If necessary, treatment with corticosteroid hormones is carried out in a hospital setting, which are combined with antiviral therapy for 1-2 weeks.

It is also advisable to practice gymnastic exercises for facial muscles. Recovery can take a long time, up to one year.

Relapses of the disease are rare. But if they occur, it is necessary to additionally examine the brain in order to identify or exclude formations.


Angioedema is autoimmune in nature; this process is triggered when the body is exposed to an allergen. It is often difficult to determine which substance caused such a reaction. Therefore, a study is conducted of the patient’s body’s response to five different components:

  • food and medicines;
  • plant pollen, dust;
  • insect bites and parenterally administered drugs;
  • chronic diseases;
  • infections.

If Quincke's edema has been confirmed. what to do is determined by the doctor. He prescribes hormonal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and diuretics.

If the disease is not treated, its symptoms last for several days, after which they disappear along with discomfort. Every person who has been diagnosed with angioedema at least once should always have free access to antihistamines, corticosteroids and to, if necessary, stop the spread of edema to the larynx.

If a person's nose becomes numb, it may be due to an allergy to cold. True, the reasons why the tip of the nose goes numb may be associated with more serious problems. If the nose goes numb at the same time as the back of the head, this may indicate stroke .

Other diseases

The answer to the question of why the face or tongue goes numb may be other diseases. The tongue and lips sometimes become numb due to mechanical compression by the neoplasm. A tumor can develop in the brain, and then damage occurs to the nerve centers that determine the sensitivity of a certain part of the body. Therefore, if the face becomes numb, the reasons must be found out, and oncological alertness must take place. Although facial numbness with VSD occurs quite often, it is still important to exclude more serious causes.

When determining the causes of facial numbness, the doctor must necessarily exclude neoplasms of the neck and head. Therefore, you should not think long about what to do if you constantly feel numbness on the right side of your face or lose sensitivity left side. It is important to get tested as soon as possible.

You should be alert and consult a doctor in time if your head becomes numb. The reasons for this may also be related to the tumor. Therefore, numbness in the head, which occurs regularly, is a reason to visit a doctor.

More rare reasons, as a result of which the tongue, upper and lower jaw and even teeth go numb, are Lyme disease , oropharyngeal neoplasms , preeclampsia , as well as other diseases.

Conduct differential diagnosis only a specialist can medical institution. Therefore, it is important to determine the causes of numbness in the cheeks, lips, and tongue as soon as possible.