Fruits and vegetables that nursing mothers can eat. What vegetables and fruits can a nursing mother eat: a review of fresh and stewed dishes allowed during breastfeeding

After long period pregnancy, when childbirth is already behind us, when leaving the maternity hospital and going home, every nursing mother begins to think about what she can eat at this stage of her life and what foods will be most beneficial for the newborn. Such caution is justified by the great maternal care for her child, the desire to give him the best and protect him from possible troubles.

As is known, quality breast milk depends largely on the woman’s diet. The higher it is, the more benefit The baby will be able to extract it, the healthier and stronger it will grow and gain weight. Vegetables with breastfeeding play not the least role. How they affect breast milk, what vegetables you can eat while breastfeeding and in what form - we’ll try to figure it out in this article.

The issue of proper nutrition during lactation and breastfeeding is very relevant in our time. From the intestines of a woman everything is useful and harmful substances are absorbed into the blood, then enter breast milk, and with it into the baby’s body. As you know, any prohibited product eaten by the mother can cause serious health problems for the newborn. Very often one or another vegetables can cause serious allergic reactions .

At the same time, giving up vegetables and not eating them at all is extremely wrong. The fact is that they are assigned one of the main positions in daily diet when breastfeeding. Vegetables are an irreplaceable source of fiber and vitamins, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the shelves of our stores are filled with imported fruits, the quality of which is questionable, and during breastfeeding during this period, our own fruits are inaccessible.

Therefore, during natural feeding, they are especially necessary for both mother and her baby, especially those that are grown in their own garden bed or in the country and do not contain any harmful substances, nitrates, etc. The most common vegetables in our region are:

  • zucchini; carrot;
  • cabbage; tomatoes;
  • pepper; celery; potato;
  • beet; pumpkin, etc.

Regarding the amount of consumption, various specialists are expressed differently. The daily diet of a nursing woman should, according to different versions, contain vegetables:

  • a fourth of the entire diet;
  • 7 vegetables daily;
  • about 700 g of vegetables.

You need to choose one of the proposed schemes individually, depending on your own preferences and taking into account some features and frequency of feeding. In addition, vegetables are very convenient to use for snacks, for example, while walking.

Don’t forget that vegetables cause increased lactation, so they should be a mandatory component. daily nutrition. In addition, in their raw form they will help a nursing mother and her baby get rid of constipation.

What vegetables can a nursing mother eat?

  • Zucchini, which is a source of copper, vitamin A, and also helps reduce the symptoms of swelling. The daily intake for breastfeeding should be no more than 1 zucchini.
  • Potatoes are rich in the amino acid thiamine. Maximum benefit from eating this vegetable will be until January. You need to eat about 4 potatoes per day.
  • Tomatoes are a source of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins B6 and C. Their role in the prevention of diseases such as anemia and osteoporosis cannot be overestimated. A nursing mother’s diet should contain no more than 2 pieces per day.
  • Cucumbers, rich in iodine, which is so necessary for normal functioning thyroid gland. A nursing mother should eat no more than 3 pieces per day.
  • Sweet peppercontaining rutin, which strengthens capillaries, potassium and vitamin A. A woman during breastfeeding is allowed to eat no more than 1 pepper per day, and it is better to choose a green or yellow color.
  • Celery, which is especially rich in carotene and vitamins E and B. Is excellent prophylactic from bloating in a baby. IN daily diet a nursing woman is allowed a piece of celery.
  • Broccoli and cauliflower containing vitamin C, folic acid.

Remember that nutrition when breastfeeding should be balanced. Stop at one vegetable diet, as many women do to restore their figure after childbirth, is absolutely not possible. The diet should also contain other healthy foods, including poultry, fish, milk, fruits, etc.

Which vegetables are best to avoid?

Many nursing mothers are interested in which vegetables should not be eaten or their consumption should be limited. First of all, during the period of breastfeeding, you should be wary of everything imported that is sold in our supermarkets. These products may contain nitrates and may be treated with other chemicals during transportation.

There is also a taboo against vegetables that are too spicy. These include:

  • garlic;
  • white cabbage;

If the child does not have allergies, you can eat beets and carrots. As is known, With the help of these vegetables you can successfully fight anemia.

You should treat mushrooms with great caution; you can even avoid them altogether in the first months of feeding. In addition to being a difficult food for the stomach due to their protein content, mushrooms are also known to cause quite serious poisoning.

How to eat vegetables

You can eat vegetables while breastfeeding in different forms. Most best option preparation that preserves vitamins and useful material- in a steamer. You can also boil, bake, or eat vegetables raw, carefully studying the child’s reaction to each New Product in the diet. An excellent option would be vegetable stew.

It is not recommended to eat fried, pickled or canned vegetables, as this method almost all processing is lost beneficial features and they will not bring anything good to the baby except colic in the stomach. Also, do not refuel before use. vegetable dishes mayonnaise, especially in the first months of a child’s life.

Thus, using seasonal vegetables, a woman introduces her baby to the rich world of taste sensations and fills his body with vitamins and microelements that will help lay the foundation for rapid growth strong child.

After the birth of a child, a young mother faces the question: can she eat vegetables or not? It is possible and necessary. Vegetables contain many useful microelements necessary for the full growth and development of a child. The only thing a mother should remember is that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is still developing in the first months. The baby learns to eat on his own and not all products received with mother's milk are absorbed in his body.

The most difficult month in choosing nutrition is the first. The main condition for successful feeding during this period is to eat only those foods that the child became familiar with while still in the womb.

So what vegetables can a nursing mother eat?

Preferably boiled, steamed or baked.

First of all, these are root vegetables: potatoes, carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, beets, radishes, radishes. Of the entire extensive list, potatoes are the safest. The only condition is not to fry or cook French fries. Beets and carrots are also not contraindicated. On the contrary, their use can normalize work gastrointestinal tract nursing mother. They are rich in vitamins and fiber. But their diet should be introduced with caution and in small doses. The baby may have an allergic reaction to them.

Note: carrots boiled in milk can be eaten to enhance lactation.

Parsley root, parsnip and celery are best added in small quantities to soups. It’s really better to start doing this at 4 months. It is better not to consume radishes and radishes in the first months of a child’s life in any form.

Nightshade vegetables when feeding: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis.

Tomatoes are very useful for a nursing mother. They contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, and a large amount of vitamin E. Only in a baby they can cause severe food allergies. Therefore, it is best to introduce this vegetable into food carefully, in small doses, monitoring the child’s condition. You should completely avoid salted and pickled tomatoes. Eggplants and physalis are also better to introduce in small doses. Bell pepper contains vitamin C, P and provitamin A. They are extremely beneficial for the body, including in the formation of vision and for strengthening the walls of the heart. vascular system growing organism. That's just a large number of essential oils may adversely affect the functioning of the newborn baby's stomach. Therefore, be sure to add pepper to daily menu mothers, but in small quantities.

Cabbage vegetables for nursing: white cabbage, red cabbage, savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi.

The choice of cabbage is large, but it must be used with caution. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, PP and vitamin U, but in children's intestines it can cause excessive gas formation. Therefore, it is better to hold off on eating cabbage. Although broccoli and cauliflower can be added to soups or steamed.

Pumpkin vegetables when feeding: cucumbers, watermelons, melons, zucchini, squash, pumpkins. Cucumbers, zucchini, squash and pumpkins can be safely eaten.

They practically do not cause allergies in children. The consumption of cucumbers causes some controversy among nursing mothers. To avoid any doubts, you can simply peel off the green skin and eat it safely. But it is better to eat watermelons and melons only at the height of the season with great caution. Small children grow quickly, so you can skip one watermelon season.

It is better for a nursing mother to limit onions and garlic. They can give milk bad taste and smell. It is unlikely that the baby will like it.

So, when the question arises “what vegetables can a nursing mother eat,” we must remember Golden Rule: You can eat any vegetables, the main thing is that everything is in moderation and under control.

After food restrictions during pregnancy, a woman faces another important period - breastfeeding. At this time, a young mother is always faced with the question of which products are necessary and which ones are better to refuse. One of the most controversial issues is the consumption of vegetables.

The quality and composition of breast milk directly affects the development of the child. It’s not in vain that nursing mothers worry about their diet and consult with breastfeeding specialists, doctors, their friends, search for information on the Internet about what foods can be eaten during breastfeeding () and in particular what vegetables can be eaten while breastfeeding .

Many women generally exclude vegetables from their diet during breastfeeding, fearing negative reactions from the baby’s gastrointestinal tract (colic, gas, bloating, etc.) and also fearing allergic reactions in the infant.

However, a nursing mother should eat a varied and high-quality diet in order to restore the body after childbirth and give the baby everything essential vitamins and microelements. The main assistants in this task are vegetables.

If they are lacking in the diet, a nursing mother may experience constipation, because due to the fiber content they act as a natural mild laxative. There is a risk of gaining excess weight, since vegetables will have to be replaced with foods with a higher calorie content. And, of course, vegetables are one of the main sources of vitamins that are so necessary during lactation.

What vegetables can you eat during breastfeeding - allergies to unknown foods

The healthiest vegetables for a nursing woman are those grown in your region and typical of local cuisine. They must correspond to the season: in summer and autumn it is better to include them in the diet fresh vegetables, and in winter and spring frozen ones will be healthier.

Note to moms!

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Any vegetables should be included in the menu gradually, one type every two to three days, and start with small portions. Thus, after a few months, a nursing woman will be able to expand the list and calmly eat almost all the foods she is used to without fear. negative consequences for a child. If you have a reaction to the introduction of a new vegetable, you don’t have to give it up completely. Raw vegetables can be replaced with baked and stewed ones. However, the risk similar reactions greatly exaggerated and they occur in a very small percentage of infants.

Allergies can occur in a baby, especially as a result of eating some rare and exotic vegetables. Although it can also occur with ordinary vegetables that are familiar to you: each child is individual!

In many cases, fears are exaggerated: However, vegetables are a source of vitamins. Mothers should always take care that they are not spoiled when eaten. You should not buy vegetables in dubious places, where they are stored for a long time in a warehouse and, possibly, treated with various chemicals. Many imported vegetables contain pesticides and nitrates, which can harm a child’s health.

During lactation, the mother's diet should include

Allowed vegetables for breastfeeding mothers are vegetables that you are used to eating every day: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant.

  • potato. This vegetable contains thiamine, which is necessary for the proper development of the child's body;
  • beet. Contains high concentration Vitamin C helps prevent constipation. Beetroot caviar or borscht, as well as simply boiled root vegetables, are useful for anemia;
  • carrot. Rich in carotene, vitamin B6, vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the vision of mother and child;
  • zucchini. Rich in microelements such as copper, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium;
  • Bell pepper. Rutin and calcium included in its composition strengthen capillaries. It is better to use green and yellow peppers;
  • eggplant. They are a source of pectins, which improve metabolism;
  • celery. Helps well with bloating, rich in vitamins B and E, carotene;
  • cauliflower. Contains folic acid, necessary for good mental development of the child. This vegetable is also beneficial for intestinal microflora;
  • green onions. It contains useful substances - flavonoids and a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Which vegetables should you eat with caution?

  • cucumbers It is a vegetable with very low calorie content and minimal risk occurrence of allergies. However, it may cause increased gas formation in a baby, therefore nursing mothers are not recommended to abuse it, especially in the first month of the child’s life ();
  • tomatoes. Contains zinc, calcium, iron. Are good prevention anemia and osteoporosis. However, introducing them into the diet up to a month not worth it. It is healthier to eat tomatoes in fresh. If you are allergic to red tomatoes, you can try yellow ones, which are hypoallergenic ();
  • White cabbage. It is better not to consume it raw, just in case, at least for the first month. The vegetable can cause fermentation in the intestines and bloating, although the same problems will not necessarily occur in the child. It is recommended to exclude sauerkraut, which is a rather aggressive product. But you can safely eat stewed and boiled cabbage;
  • legumes They can cause colic and increased gas formation, so it is better to avoid using them until the child is 3 months old. By this time, his gastrointestinal tract is sufficiently formed and colic usually goes away. Then you can start trying boiled or stewed peas, beans, and lentils, monitoring the baby’s reaction;
  • Onion and garlic. It is not recommended to consume these products in the first month of a baby’s life. They give a specific taste to breast milk and can cause the baby to refuse to breastfeed. In the future, you can gradually introduce these garlic and onions into your diet in reasonable quantities.
  • Vegetables exotic to our area, such as avocado, Jerusalem artichoke, etc. They can cause allergies or indigestion in the baby.

There is a belief that you should not eat vegetables while breastfeeding. bright color. It's a delusion. If a woman does not have this species If you are allergic to vegetables, you can safely eat pumpkin, beets, carrots and tomatoes, despite their bright colors. But what nursing mothers really shouldn’t eat is canned vegetables. Pickles contain dangerous compounds - salt, vinegar and hot spices. Get to know them infant it is possible last, when its digestion has already been established and a complex of necessary enzymes has been developed.

How to eat vegetables during lactation

If possible, vegetables should be eaten fresh. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with a raw food diet, especially while the child is very young, since they are harder to digest. The most in harmless ways Cooking (especially steaming) and baking are considered heat treatments. This allows you to preserve the benefits of the products as much as possible.

Don't forget about seasonality as well. Early vegetables often processed for faster ripening. Imported vegetables, which are also often processed to give them a marketable appearance, can also pose a danger. You can grow fresh herbs yourself, even on a windowsill.

Breastfeeding is a responsible and happy period in the life of mother and child. It is during this period that the nursing mother passes on immunity and a piece of her love to the baby along with breast milk. Proper nutrition, enriched with vegetables and fruits, will help the mother regain strength and give the child everything she needs, and the baby to develop harmoniously. telegram channel

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in a woman’s life, because only she has the power to provide her baby with a strong immune system. Therefore, there are a number of foods that will have to be abandoned when breastfeeding (BF). Vegetables must be present in the diet of a nursing mother so that the baby receives all the vitamins, minerals and other useful elements necessary for health.

However, some of them cause an allergic reaction, bloating or colic. Let's look at what vegetables a nursing mother can eat and how to properly introduce them into the diet during breastfeeding.

Vegetable products are the basis of nutrition, so you should not give them up during breastfeeding. They are essential sources of vitamins, minerals and plant fibers. Moreover, their use is the only way prevent constipation in mother and her baby.

The best vegetables are those grown naturally from farmers' fields or your own garden in the region where you live. Raw is best consumed in summer time. In winter, they should be used as frozen mixtures for soups, stews and other dishes. Everything is preserved in vegetables useful components. But store-bought products may contain harmful substances due to improper storage.

Cucumbers, tomatoes and other out-of-season products should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother in winter. They are grown in greenhouses and treated with chemicals for rapid ripening as well as long-term storage. For a nursing mother, such food is strictly prohibited.

With breastfeeding, any foods should be introduced into the diet gradually. This will help prevent severe allergies and reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. First you need to try a small piece, wait a few days, watching the baby.

If nothing negative happens, the portion can be increased. If a reaction is still present, raw vegetables during breastfeeding can be replaced with baked or boiled ones. IN in this case the likelihood of an allergic reaction is minimal.

Most often, allergies occur to exotic or rare specimens that are unusual for the mother’s diet.

Proper diet for a nursing mother

There is a list of which vegetables you can eat while breastfeeding. Of course, each child is individual, but you should follow the recommendations of pediatricians. Permitted ones include:

  • Beet. Contains a lot of vitamin C. In addition, regular consumption of the root vegetable will help protect mother and baby from constipation. It can be consumed boiled or stewed, as well as cooked as caviar. The mother must include beets in her diet to prevent anemia.

  • Potato. A traditional product in every person's diet. In addition to its high nutritional value, it is valued due to high content thiamine, necessary for the proper development of the baby.
  • Zucchini. Contains microelements necessary for health such as calcium, iron, magnesium.
  • Carrot. Helps strengthen the vision of mother and baby. The root vegetable is also good for skin and hair.
  • Celery. Regular use celery is an excellent prevention of colic and bloating.
  • Eggplant. Helps normalize metabolism.
  • Bell pepper. Part bell pepper contains calcium and rutin, which help strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function. It is also an essential source of vitamin C. It is better to eat green or yellow peppers.

  • Cauliflower. One of the most healthy products in the diet of a nursing mother. It contains folic acid, which promotes the proper development of the baby's brain. In addition, cauliflower is very beneficial for the intestines.
  • . Fresh shoots of green onions are extremely useful, especially during the period of spring vitamin deficiency. Green onions contain trace elements, vitamins, and flavonoids.

Unwanted vegetables

When planning a diet, it is very important to know which vegetables are suitable for nursing mothers, and which ones should be consumed under control.

There is a list of products that should be used with caution. They can cause allergic reactions and also negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

These include:

  • Cucumbers. Despite the fact that the calorie content of cucumbers is low and the likelihood of developing an allergy to this vegetable is practically absent, it can increase gas production in the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid eating cucumbers in the first weeks of your baby’s life.
  • Tomatoes. Red tomatoes are classified as allergenic products. Therefore, it is better to avoid using them in the first weeks of a child’s life. Great alternative are yellow tomatoes.
  • Legumes. It is better to avoid using them during the first months of a child’s life. Legumes can cause increased gas formation and stool problems in the baby.
  • Cabbage. White cabbage can cause fermentation in the mother’s intestines, which will also lead to colic in the baby. Sauerkraut should be avoided throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. However, stewed or boiled cabbage can be eaten starting from a few weeks of a child’s life.

  • Garlic and onion. They give milk a special taste and aroma. With established breastfeeding, these products can be introduced carefully.
  • Exotic vegetables. It is better not to eat any exotic products at least until digestive system the baby will not get stronger. Therefore, they can be introduced from three months, carefully monitoring the child’s reaction.

Many doctors prohibit brightly colored vegetables during breastfeeding. However, carrots, beets and many others with bright orange or red flesh do not cause allergies. In this case, it is recommended to avoid only exotic, out-of-season vegetables grown in winter in greenhouses, as well as canned food with hot spices.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

The science of breastfeeding takes into account both the frequency and quantity of feedings and the diet of mothers. You need to consider which products will be beneficial and which are harmful. Find out what a nursing mother can eat and what foods are recommended to be excluded from the diet during the feeding period. Find out what modern pediatricians say about this - this way you will quickly understand the principles safe food nursing mothers.

Basic principles of nutrition for a nursing mother

What you can eat while breastfeeding is a controversial issue in pediatrics. Some doctors argue that the amount of food should not be greatly limited, others believe that a woman should follow a certain diet. The opinions of pediatricians agree on one thing: during the feeding period, mothers need to adhere to certain principles in your diet:

  1. Calorie principle. A nursing mother should not comply. The calorie content of the daily set of products should exceed the generally accepted value by approximately 600 kcal, and the main energy load should come from slow carbohydrates.
  2. The principle of fractionality. It is advisable that the nutrition of a nursing mother while breastfeeding complies with the “less, but more often” rule. Doctors recommend reducing the size of portions by increasing their number per day. The traditional three meals a day should be replaced with five or six meals a day.
  3. Compliance with diet. It is advisable to eat by the hour, correlating the regimen with the frequency of feedings of the baby. It is recommended to have a small snack immediately before feeding, and eat thoroughly in a calm environment when the baby is sleeping.
  4. The principle of diversity. It is strictly forbidden for nursing mothers to “sit” on mono-diets, even for a very short period of time. This will lead to imbalance necessary substances in breast milk.
  5. An increased drinking regimen is recommended.

What can a nursing mother eat?

An unshakable rule - quality products! No canned food, synthetic flavoring additives and only “first freshness”. All products should be purchased only from trusted places. It is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in your native region. As for diversity, a nursing mother is allowed any foods that do not cause allergies in the baby.

You should make fresh fruit and vegetable purchases with caution; be sure to wash the products thoroughly, and leave some in water for half an hour to an hour. It should be remembered that many products can change the taste of milk. This will easily lead to the baby refusing to breastfeed if new taste sensations he won't like it. Many foods can change the taste of breast milk, for example:

  • banana;
  • ginger;
  • spices(mint, parsley, basil, celery).

Vegetables and fruits

These products must certainly be included in the set of dishes for nursing mothers, because nothing can replace the vitamins and fiber they contain. They prevent constipation in both mothers and babies, increase the immunity of babies, and some enhance lactation. A nursing woman should only remember about those foods that can harm the baby, and introduce the safest ones into the diet gradually. Here is an approximate list of fruits and vegetables, a safe minimum that determines what a nursing mother can eat:

  • potato;
  • carrots and beets;
  • eggplant;
  • pumpkin and zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • cucumbers;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • pears.

The color of the products that a nursing mother includes in her menu is also important. So, for example, green vegetables and salad should be eaten fresh, but “colored” vegetables must be boiled, stewed or steamed. Introduce into the diet herbal products should be done gradually. Those that are colored with red pigment (apples, cherries, raspberries, cranberries) are eaten with special caution. The main thing is to monitor the behavior of the baby after the mother has potentially consumed dangerous food. Its danger lies in the allergenic nature of the red pigment.

Poultry, meat and meat products

Healthy diet It is unthinkable for a nursing woman to live without protein products, which are indispensable for a growing baby’s body. Their safe sources are lean meat and poultry:

  • rabbit;
  • veal;
  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey;
  • lamb meat

You should also follow the cooking rules. meat products. The meat needs to be steamed, boiled, stewed, baked. Soups should be prepared using secondary broths, because many modern manufacturers growth hormones and antibiotics are introduced into the feed. These elements pass into mother's milk and can harm babies during breastfeeding. Secondary broths (the first water is drained after five minutes of boiling) will prevent this potential danger animal products.

Fish and seafood

If you include sea or river fish in the menu of mothers during breastfeeding. Low-fat types of this product are recommended, those that can be eaten by a nursing mother:

  • pollock;
  • zander;
  • crucian carp;
  • pink salmon;
  • flounder.

You should be aware that some types of fish (for example, flounder, mackerel) significantly change the taste of milk. Cooking methods fish dishes allowed for nursing mothers - steaming, boiling, stewing, baking. The only seafood that is safe during breastfeeding is squid; all other seafood can easily provoke allergies in the baby.


This is the source slow carbohydrates, due to which the caloric content of the diet of lactating women significantly increases. Cereal products in the form of porridges are especially useful in the first thirty days of feeding. A clear advantage of cereals is their absolute safety. The only exception is semolina, which at low nutritional value easily leads to recruitment excess weight nursing mother, and porridge instant cooking devoid of vitamins. Here's what breastfeeding mothers can eat from cereal products:


During breastfeeding, all dairy products are allowed, but some are only allowed. a certain form and quantity. For example, it is advisable to use whole milk (200 ml per day) for preparing porridge and be sure to dilute it with water. Fresh cottage cheese (fat content 5-9%) - 150 g per day, and those older than three days - only for making casseroles and cheesecakes. Fermented milk products allowed for consumption (2.5%, 800 ml per day) are:

  • kefir;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • bifilin;
  • acidolact.

What a nursing mother should not eat

There are several reasons why certain foods are prohibited for nursing mothers. This is all food containing potentially dangerous allergens for the baby:

  • red fruits and berries;
  • chocolate;
  • crayfish and crabs;
  • whole milk;
  • peanut;
  • Red caviar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • citruses.

Products prohibited for nursing mothers include those that have a stimulating effect and can cause gas in the baby after feeding:

  • green, black tea;
  • coffee;
  • Rye bread;
  • beans, peas;
  • grape;
  • soda;
  • raisin.

What should a nursing mother absolutely not eat? Dishes and products with toxic effects on the body of infants:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • vinegar;
  • watermelon (accumulates nitrates);
  • spices;
  • canned foods;
  • snacks (chips, crackers);
  • factory-made confectionery products (sweets, pastries, cakes);
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • smoked products.

Table of allowed and prohibited products for breastfeeding

In the first six months of life, a breastfed baby should try all foods through mother's milk. This concerns natural food, therefore, the list of foods strictly prohibited for nursing mothers is headed by products with chemical additives. In second place is something that can cause allergies. All other products are considered safe. What nursing mothers can eat and what foods are prohibited are presented in the table.

Type of products (dishes)



Allowed in limited quantities

Fruit and vegetable food set

Red, orange berries and fruits (tomatoes, persimmons, pomegranates, etc.)


Vegetables, fruits green, white, yellow



Fermented cheeses

Fermented milk products without flavoring additives

Natural yogurt

Diluted whole milk

Condensed milk

Pearl barley

Instant porridge


Seafood, Fish


Low-fat sea and River fish



Non-alcoholic soda

Strong tea

Apple juice

carrot juice

pumpkin juice


Factory-made cakes, pastries

homemade baking

Meat products

Fat meat



Nuts, seeds


Eggs, mayonnaise

Quail eggs

Canned food


Spices (pepper)

Smoked meats

Salty foods (herring)

Products with synthetic food additives

Wheat bread

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth

Breast cells (lactocytes) have the ability to pass or block various substances. In the first few days after birth, there are gaps between lactocytes, so all substances enter the milk freely during feeding. Later, the gaps are reduced, a blood-milk barrier is formed, and the body blocks the potential danger to the newborn. This feature determines the nutrition of a nursing mother that is safe for a baby in the first month after childbirth:

  1. For the first week, a woman is allowed to eat porridge with water, baked apples, bananas, lean or vegetarian soups; lean meat, vegetable oil and cow, stewed or boiled vegetables, rosehip infusion, weak tea.
  2. The first two days of breastfeeding, a woman’s diet is poor. It is limited to low-fat soups, porridges, boiled vegetables (potatoes), gray (pecked) bread.
  3. From the third day, baked apples and meat are added to the diet.
  4. What can you eat after childbirth, from day 10? This dairy products, quail eggs, fish, pasta, vegetable stew, tea, compotes, crackers, cookies, dried fruits.
  5. During the entire first month of breastfeeding, a woman should not eat meat broths, whole milk, raw (fresh) vegetables, berries and fruits, sour cream, coffee, or wheat bread.

New foods should be introduced in minimal portions, being sure to observe the baby’s reaction after feeding:

  • how he takes the breast;
  • is there frequent regurgitation?
  • whether rashes have appeared on the skin;
  • Is sleep disturbed?
  • Are gases formed after feeding, etc.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother by month - table

During the feeding process (as during pregnancy), addiction develops child's body to a variety of foods, so it is necessary to calculate the menu of a nursing mother by month:

Products of the 1st month

Among meat products, preference should be given to poultry and fish, and meat should be consumed very moderately. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the functioning of the baby’s liver and kidneys. For the same reason, nursing mothers are required to give up everything salty, spicy, sweet, foods with synthetic dyes, canned food, raw fruits and vegetables.

Products of the 2nd month

From now on, it is allowed to cook porridge (in diluted milk) from pearl barley and barley groats, season them butter and sugar. As for vegetables, you need to start eating carrots, beets, pumpkin, cabbage (borscht, cabbage soup), beef tongue, pasta, seasonal fruits, and herbs.

Products from the 3rd month of feeding

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, onion, honey, walnuts, homemade jam (except raspberry and strawberry).

Products from the 6th month of feeding

Beans, corn, White bread, beef and other permitted products.

Drinking regime during lactation

During childbirth and breastfeeding, a woman loses a lot of fluid. She needs to replenish the volume of double daily norm: instead of the prescribed one and a half liters - three. Pediatricians recommend drinking a glass of plain water immediately before feeding (20-30 minutes). The main drink of a nursing woman becomes plain water(you can buy bottled, but not carbonated).

Water can be replaced with rosehip infusion, herbal tea (chamomile, lemon balm, thyme, linden), and weak tea with lemon. Some breastfeeding women benefit from milk tea to enhance lactation, but start drinking it no earlier than the second month of breastfeeding. Other drinks allowed for a nursing mother are fruit drinks (cranberry), jelly, compotes (from dried fruits), and juices.


What can nursing mothers eat? Every pediatrician has his own opinion on this matter. It's either the same or different traditional presentation about the standards by which a nursing woman should eat. Watch the video from Dr. Komarovsky’s author’s program dedicated to breastfeeding. You will get acquainted with the point of view of a professional doctor, learn about the directions of theoretical and practical pediatrics, get acquainted with reviews of nursing mothers, their vision of a list of useful and harmful products.