How easy it is to give up alcohol. Ways to completely stop drinking alcohol yourself

Have you already decided to give up? bad habit but lack motivation? Do you need real reasons and facts about the harm of alcohol to bring to a person suffering from alcohol addiction? We will give you 10 reasons that will change your attitude towards alcohol forever.

1. The first and at the same time the main reason for giving up alcohol is the harm it causes to human health. You've probably heard that regular use alcohol harms your body as a whole, and in particular the liver, stomach, nervous system. If this does not scare you, then be prepared for the fact that a man who regularly drinks alcohol in an average volume will, after 30 years, face problems with the heart, liver, stomach and kidneys. In this regard, alcohol is “universal” - it has a harmful effect on all human organs. If a man abuses beer, the intoxicating drink hits the kidneys and heart: the person begins to complain of arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

2. Undoubtedly, your appearance directly depends on the state of your health and well-being. Swelling, bags under the eyes, bad teeth, weak physical form– you will see all this in the mirror if you do not give up alcohol in time.

3. Are you thinking about offspring? If you don’t have children yet, keep in mind that regular alcohol consumption negatively affects the quantity and quality of a man’s seminal fluid, and therefore his reproductive function. Alcohol changes structure genetic code DNA. It has been established that the majority of children with mental retardation are descended from alcoholic parents.

4. Do you suffer from attacks of aggression and depression? Do you use alcohol as an antidepressant? In people dependent on alcohol, studies have found a tendency to depressive state And aggressive behavior. In people who quit alcohol permanently, studies have noted improved mood.

5. Do you think that under the influence of alcohol you become sociable, cheerful and relaxed? We hasten to disappoint you - this is an illusion. Under the influence of alcohol volitional sphere, self-control is lost, you do not control your behavior. Your moral character is undergoing negative changes. Surely, under the influence of the green serpent, you committed actions for which in the morning next day it was painfully embarrassing.

6. Calculate how much you spend monthly on alcohol. By giving up alcohol, you can significantly reduce your expenses and use the money to benefit yourself and your family.

7. When it comes to expenses and income, then think about how drinking alcohol affects your performance, appearance and well-being? The employer may get tired of your regular waking up and being late, and hire a new employee - cheerful and active. Are you worried about losing your job? Then move on to the next reason.

8. Since alcohol negatively affects your attention and reaction time, the chance of an accident increases. Follow the statistics on how many people die or remain disabled due to the fault of drunk drivers. Aren't these numbers terrifying?

9. Doesn’t it bother you that close people and friends may turn away from you? Alcohol is a poison for the brain; under the influence of alcohol, brain activity and, as a result, personality are destroyed. Your personality becomes primitively aggressive, and those who found you an interesting, versatile personality may feel disappointment (or even contempt) towards you.

10. Under the influence of alcohol, a person’s tendency to crime increases. Research has shown that there is a direct link between alcohol consumption, aggression, violence and injury.

Personality degradation, deterioration of health, high risk accident and crime - this should stop you from having another drink. If you feel difficulties in fighting alcoholism on your own, contact a specialist for qualified help.

“Women’s alcoholism is incurable” is popular phrase heard every time a girl takes a glass of wine. Of course, this expression is often used in a comic form in order to defuse the situation when sitting in the company of friends.

However, in some cases, fun is completely inappropriate. This especially applies to girls who drink a glass of alcoholic beverages every day and at any opportunity.

Here the urgent question is how to get rid of this bad habit. There are a few practical advice. So, how can a woman stop drinking alcohol on her own and without medical intervention?

Where to begin

Can drinking woman quit drinking on your own? In order to stop drinking, a woman will need willpower and strength of character. The main thing in in this case- to realize that this is an alcohol addiction, and not just “Yes, I drank a little - I won’t do it tomorrow - I promise.”

The desire to overcome this problem must be stronger than the need for a drink.

Often the desire to give up alcoholic beverages is for some reason - to become a mother, fear of getting sick and dying, or the desire to achieve the affection of the opposite sex.

But communication with people who themselves are not averse to taking a drink every day, loneliness, stress, depression, on the contrary, pull you into the abyss of alcohol addiction.

Therefore, the most adequate solution to getting rid of this problem is to stop all contact with people who drink, good mood, new acquaintances, relaxation, sound and long sleep.

These are the fundamental factors that will allow you to get on the right path.

Be prepared for the fact that a body accustomed to alcohol will not thank you right away. For several days, or even weeks, he will stubbornly resist, “giving away” all the signs of intoxication.

In medicine this condition is called withdrawal syndrome when the body begins to get used to life without alcohol.

Under no circumstances indulge him by pouring a glass of wine into yourself again and again to alleviate the condition. Go all the way.

Moreover, Withdrawal syndrome can be overcome– drink more fluids, take a cool shower, get distracted, go for a walk fresh air, follow a healthy diet.

After passing this stage, life will become much easier.

However, this is not the most main period in getting rid of alcohol addiction. In this case a woman needs to learn to refuse an offer to drink.

When you can become addicted: the most common causes of female alcoholism

According to medical statistics, Alcohol dependence in women is most often observed after 35 years of age.

At first, drinking alcohol is sporadic. A woman drinks alcohol to lift her spirits and relax.

As a result of such an innocent hobby, alcohol addiction arises, because it seems to her that life without a glass of wine seems boring and difficult.

Swedish doctors have proven that in women, the brain primarily suffers from drinking alcohol. There, areas that are responsible for mood, sleep and motivation are affected.

This process occurs three times faster than that of representatives strong half humanity. That's why alcoholic woman is always aggressive, rude and nervous.

What are common reasons female addiction:

Often drinking alcohol, a woman no longer perceives the line between normal and unacceptable behavior.

How to “tie it” using folk remedies

How can a woman force herself to stop drinking, even if she only drinks a glass of beer or wine every day? There are many techniques that help a woman fight alcohol addiction. Here are the funds that for a long time, or even forever, will discourage the craving for alcohol.

St. John's wort decoction

This recipe was often used by previous generations. 4 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over dried and crushed St. John's wort.

Place the broth on the stove over low heat, hold for 20-30 minutes. Cool. Drink 2 times a day for 10-15 days.


Take a three-liter saucepan and fill it halfway with unpeeled oats.

Fill to the top cool water, put on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat, let simmer for 30 minutes.

Drain the broth add 80-100 gr. dried calendula flowers.

Cover with a lid and leave for 10-12 hours. Strain.

Drink 1 glass of decoction 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Thanks to this remedy, the desire to drink alcohol disappears.

Extraordinary method

Take lovage root, bay leaf and a glass of warm vodka. Toss the plants in the liquor. Cover with a lid and leave in dark place for 2 week.

After given period The medicine should be taken in one gulp. After this it should start severe vomiting. The desire to drink alcohol will disappear for a long time.

It should be noted that This method is suitable only for those who have seriously decided to take the path of correction..

Thyme, wormwood, centaury

Take 1 tbsp of each plant. l. and pour a glass hot water. The medicine is infused for about 2 hours, then filtered.

The smell of birch will relieve alcohol addiction

Take dry birch firewood, sprinkle it with sugar and light it. Once the fire is lit, quickly extinguish the fire.

Lean over the smoke, then drink a glass of vodka. Thanks to this method, an aversion to alcoholic beverages appears.

Honey to the rescue

If you felt that systematic alcohol consumption has become an addiction, try the following method.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 7 teaspoons of natural bee honey.
  2. After 20 minutes, repeat the previous step.
  3. After the same period of time, eat another 7 tsp. honey.
  4. After an hour and a half, repeat the procedure.

Realize honey treatment alcoholism better in evening time and in the morning on an empty stomach. At lunch you should eat only 3 tsp. sweet product before meals.

Alcohol with pepper is an explosive mixture

This remedy weakens the craving for alcohol. Take 20 gr. red pepper and half a liter of pure alcohol.

Mix 2 ingredients, cover and leave for 14 days. Add 2-3 drops of medicine to the alcoholic drinks you drink.

What else needs to be done

If you want to get rid of alcohol addiction, you should stick to the following recommendations given by narcologists and recovered from this disease.

Eat right. Eat vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, fish, and dairy products. Nothing fried, spicy or smoked. And don't forget about water. This is very important to keep the body in good shape.

Play sports. You don't have to exhaust yourself every day physical activity. It is enough to visit the gym, dance clubs or swimming pool 2 times a week.

It is also important in this case morning work-out. Playing sports will not only help you become healthy, but also improve your mood.

Smile more often. Positive emotions have always helped in the fight against psychological problems. Having gotten rid of constant stress and emotional stress, it will be easier to fight alcohol addiction.

Enlist the support of your loved ones. It is very important. Feeling the support of your loved ones makes it much easier to cure alcoholism.

Set a goal. Write to yourself on a piece of paper in large letters, for example: “I should not drink for 7 days.” Go towards this goal without deviating from the path.

Aspirations can be different - to return to the family, get a desired position, achieve favor young man etc. Don't forget to reward yourself for every step you take.

Lie or truth

There are phrases that pull a person to the bottom like a stone. Let's take a closer look at them.

"Alcohol is not a drug". Lies! Alcohol, like a drug, is addictive, both physiologically and psychologically.

Therefore, feel free to attribute it to drugs and avoid it.

“Let’s have a drink - today is such an occasion - the day of the fight against alcohol”. This phrase is uttered by people who, as a rule, have no one to sit down with over a bottle of strong drink.

Learn to refuse such people, otherwise there will be a reason every day. And remember: now there are a lot of entertainment that will allow you to celebrate the holidays without drinking alcohol.

“Drink and you’ll immediately calm down”. It is not true. The relaxing effect lasts only a short period of time and only when taken in small dosages.

A significant portion of alcohol will not only suppress your mood, but will also lead to emotionality and aggressiveness.

“Alcohol gives you confidence.” Lie! Alcohol does not give confidence, but deprives you of common sense.

“I don’t need treatment - I drink a little”. It is impossible to fight alcohol addiction when you are not aware of the global nature of the problem.

Treatment in this case is pointless, even medical methods. An alcoholic must be able to admit that he is sick, and nothing else.

“Alcohol is good for health in small doses”. There is some truth in this phrase. Indeed, 5 gr. cognac or 50 gr. red wine can dilate blood vessels and increase arterial pressure people suffering from hypotension.

That's all. If the specified dose is exceeded, there will be no benefit.

These are the most common myths that can lead any woman to alcoholism. Remember these phrases and avoid them.

If it’s difficult to quit drinking alcohol right away, try reducing the dose daily until you reach zero.

Distract yourself with all sorts of activities, chatting with friends (who don't drink!). Avoid going to nightclubs and other places where people drink alcohol.

If you want to have a glass, drink freshly squeezed juice. Cravings for alcohol can be reduced by doing some physical exercise.

Accept cold and hot shower. Take a relaxing massage course. Avoid stressful situations.

Remember: the fight against drunkenness is not a one-day or even one-week task. It will take months of hard work on yourself to overcome addiction.

Strive for your goal and you will definitely achieve it.


The body's recovery after quitting alcohol occurs gradually. The first positive changes can be noticed within a few days. For achievement best result It is necessary that a person suffering from alcoholism does not stop fighting.

What happens after a refusal?

What happens if you stop drinking alcohol? For people who have abused alcohol for a long time, the recovery process is quite painful.

Liver problems begin hangover syndrome accepts chronic form. Migraine-like headaches appear, and aching pain occurs in the muscles.

These symptoms indicate the beginning of the restructuring process. How long does it take for the body to recover? The duration of this process depends on the stage of alcoholism.

Instant improvement should not be expected by people who have been drinking alcohol for decades. All manifestations after giving up alcoholic beverages do not indicate cleansing of the body, but severe poisoning by toxins.

The beginning of the recovery process

How is the body cleansed? After many years of admission alcohol-containing products, there is a need to get rid of accumulated poisons. At this time, painful symptoms appear, provoked by withdrawal syndrome:

  • photophobia;
  • fear of noises;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea transforming into vomiting;
  • increase in temperature;
  • pressure surges;
  • trembling of hands and feet;
  • headache.

It is important to know what changes in the body are day by day.

In a day

A day without alcohol is characterized by depression general condition. The man feels very bad. My head hurts a lot. An alcoholic tries to remember the amount he drank during a binge. The desire to recover from a hangover haunts me.

The person becomes irritable and may become aggressive. He feels sick and sometimes vomits. There is both physical and moral oppression.

There is no appetite, legs and arms are trembling greatly. This condition is combined with depressive or subdepressive symptoms. By evening there was no improvement. Sometimes a person who decides not to drink anymore suffers from insomnia.

In 48 hours

Cleansing the body is accompanied by the same symptoms that were present on the first day. My head continues to hurt. But painful sensations are no longer so strong.

A person who has begun to struggle with addiction seeks solitude and is often irritated with loved ones. Sleep is shallow and often interrupted. Vague visions transform into nightmares.

Present dark thoughts. It seems to a person that he will never recover. There is no appetite, the patient really wants to drink. Towards evening the symptoms persist. Sometimes the restructuring is accompanied by discomfort in the liver.

In 72 hours

There is a state of weakness. An acute situation arises due to sounds. Even the sound of a dripping faucet can irritate a person. This may cause headache, and an outbreak of aggression.

The patient continues to feel unwell. At the same time, there are symptoms of restructuring. The body is gradually recovering. There are vague headaches and dizziness.

Sleep is still disturbed and there are nightmares. At this stage there is a danger of developing delirium tremens.

On the fifth day

A person who has eliminated alcohol from his life feels a little better. Appetite appears, and the hangover syndrome gradually subsides.

There is minor pain in the liver. Food is poorly tolerated and a person may begin to vomit.

On the seventh or eighth day

How does your health change after a week? The hangover syndrome disappears completely. Thoughts stop getting confused and become organized. A week without alcohol is marked by normalization of sleep. The nightmares are receding. The following symptoms are also observed:

  • change in the shade of the epithelium;
  • liver restoration;
  • moisturizing the epithelium;
  • elimination of digestive problems.

Another life begins. The body is partially recovering.

For 14 days

2 weeks without alcohol is marked by the restoration of thought processes. Consciousness becomes clearer, the confusion of thoughts finally disappears.

There is an improvement in brain function. Indicators heart rate and the pressure returns to normal. The head no longer hurts, there is no dizziness. Breathing is restored, shortness of breath disappears.

In 30 days

Alcohol leaves the brain after 21 days. After a month without alcohol, breakdown products are eliminated. The patient notes that he stopped drinking and lost weight.

There is an improvement intimate life. There is a gradual normalization of the emotional background. Appearance is improving. First of all, the teeth become white, puffiness disappears, and the circles under the eyes go away.

Alcohol leaves the brain after 21 days

What happens to the body next?

If you give up alcohol, then after 60 days the protective forces will be fully restored. The immune system begins to work at full capacity.

Reduced risk of developing infectious diseases. The body's protection from adverse manifestations of the external environment is enhanced.

After 90 days

3 months without alcohol are marked by a significant improvement in well-being. The quality of sleep improves, it becomes deeper and longer. Anxiety decreases, a person no longer gets irritated at every occasion.

In 6 months

How does the body recover after giving up alcohol for 6 months? If you stop drinking alcohol completely, then by this time your moral traits will be restored.

The ability to take responsibility for one's behavior is restored.

After 12 months

A year later, changes in the body after quitting alcohol include normalization of functioning:

  1. Liver.
  2. Pancreas.
  3. Kidney.
  4. Nervous system.

Improves mental health. A person understands perfectly well that life without alcohol is wonderful. Communication with loved ones is restored. Many find new job and even successfully move up the career ladder.

After a year, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and nervous system is normalized

Is it possible to suddenly give up alcohol?

What happens to the body in the event of a sudden refusal of alcohol-containing products? Some alcoholics believe that abruptly quitting alcohol is dangerous. Many of them tried to get rid of addiction on their own. They testify that they began to have heart problems.

What should you remember when you stop drinking? It is necessary not only to completely eliminate alcohol, but also to try to avoid making common mistakes.

First mistake

A person states that he has stopped drinking beer or vodka. At the same time he takes auxiliary medicines. Many of them have side effects. Therefore, the consequences for the body can be catastrophic.

Second mistake

“I quit drinking and gained weight,” some women lament. This happens because, having given up alcohol, they try to drown out the emotional shock with food.

In this case, the consequences by day are clearly visible. A person who has given up drinking eats only high-calorie foods. For this reason, he quickly gains weight.

Abrupt withdrawal from alcohol contributes to poor health

What dangers exist?

Quitting alcohol on your own is quite difficult. U chronic alcoholic Without the help of a specialist, a strong craving for alcohol may occur. It is impossible to cope with it on your own. Therefore, the patient returns to the destructive habit.

The second danger is that withdrawal symptoms contribute to poor health. In the worst case, there is a risk of death of the patient.

Increased life expectancy

Complete abstinence from alcohol helps to prolong life. Women who get rid of addiction live 12-13 years longer, men - 11 years longer. Why is this happening? First of all, this is due to the normalization of immunity. The timely restoration of all liver functions plays a huge role.

The beneficial effects of giving up alcohol also include the fact that a person visually looks younger. The condition of the skin, teeth, and hair improves.

Motivation for quitting alcohol

The correct motivation for quitting alcohol is important. To do this you need:

  1. Fully understand the benefits of quitting alcohol.
  2. Set a specific date for quitting alcohol-containing products.
  3. Get rid of all alcohol in the house.
  4. Set a specific goal for yourself.
  5. Change your social circle.

Step one

The benefits of giving up alcohol should not be abstract, but concrete. A person should know what the benefits of giving up alcoholic beverages are for him personally.

How to give up alcohol? Moral preparation is necessary. A person must prepare himself to give up alcohol-containing products.

After the designated date arrives, you need to try to keep your word to yourself. You can't cut yourself some slack. It is also not advisable to postpone the date.

Step two

It is necessary to purchase a second wallet or envelope. As soon as you want to buy booze, you need to put money there. At the end of the month, you should calculate the amount you managed to save. With this money you can pamper yourself by buying something you have long dreamed of.

Step three

You need to clearly know the purpose for which you gave up alcohol-containing products. There should be a clear “picture” in your head illustrating a future without alcohol.

Auto-training helps a lot. It is important to think of yourself as a successful person who is serious about getting rid of addiction once and for all.

Step four

You need to communicate with people who are against drinking alcohol-containing products both on forums and offline.

Many of them are also former alcoholics. Having support from someone who knows what addiction is can help you overcome it faster.

Step five

How to restore the body? It is recommended to play sports and be outdoors more often. Sports activity should be moderate. You must first consult a doctor. You need to start with hiking. After 6-12 months you can start going to the gym.

It is important to follow a diet. Foods rich in cholesterol should be excluded from the diet. You also need to limit your consumption of table salt.

You can't go hungry. Hunger increases the desire to drink. You need to eat more often, but the portions should be small.


“I feel like I’m starting to live,” say people who managed to overcome addiction. It's never too late to get rid of cravings for alcohol.

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Life without alcohol.
Part one. Facts and myths around alcohol.

Should you give up alcohol in your life? This topic may not be clear to everyone. And we often don’t know how to really refuse, although for the majority there is nothing difficult about it, but not everyone gets around to it. For some time I was interested in questions regarding alcohol in our life, because it personally bothered me, so I decided to write this article. And it is intended for everyone who wants to eliminate alcohol from their lifestyle, for everyone who does not know that this can and should be done and it is very simple. For those who don’t drink, the article can help them make a decision to lead a sober and fulfilling life.

The article will not talk about hypnosis and other methods of treatment. It is designed to help you figure it out on your own and make the right decision for yourself. In no way do I consider these methods ineffective, no. But I show here that it is very easy to give up alcohol, and treatment means that the solution to this issue is outsourced. And then it turns out that someone “forces” you to refuse, and the understanding will remain in the subconscious that this is not voluntary, but forced. I am sure that it is better to approach the issue consciously, but if suddenly it is not possible to solve the problem in this way, then resort to treatment.

People begin their alcoholic journey, of course, in different ways, some secretly from their parents adolescence, some later, for example, at feasts, because that’s how it’s done... Then habits associated with alcohol appear, for example, meeting friends over a glass of beer, watching football matches with beer, drinking, whatever we like to drink after a hard day at work and etc. and so on. And of course, what a celebration, at the table, without alcohol... Then self-excuses also appear, like this: “Not for the sake of drunkenness, but for health” (although when they talk about health, they mean, at most, a glass of red wine or something else in Not large doses, but most people ignore this, as a rule).

In general, people who periodically drink alcohol general view can be imagined like this: “Between “Uncle Fedya”, who gets up in the morning and takes it “on his chest” first thing, then continues to drink all day, until he stops, and “God’s Dandelion” grandmother, who drinks (not completely) a glass of “plum” on New Year- all other people, which, according to some estimates, is about 90% of the Earth’s population.” In other words: nine out of ten people around us are dependent on alcohol to one degree or another.

And, looking at this picture, the following suggests itself, so to speak, that between an “alcoholic” and a “moderate drinker” the difference is only in the amount of alcohol consumed. In fact, both types of drinkers are dependent on alcohol and, therefore, both are also out of control.

My opinion is that everyone who doesn’t like the alcohol theme in life, regardless of drinks, doses, etc., everyone who is sick of it, everyone who still doubts whether it’s worth drinking (say, at some events) and those who abuse alcohol, those who do not control the amount of drinking, should definitely give it up. AND don't cut it down and exclude it completely. (I want to write another article on the topic of “reduce”, in addition to this one)

Is it easy to quit alcohol?
The answer is unequivocal - YES. The degree of dependence, frequency of use, duration of such a lifestyle, the contents of what is consumed, willpower, state of affairs and other factors have nothing to do with this. It’s easy to give up alcohol in your life. There are more and more practical examples of the fact that any person who drinks alcohol, with any degree of addiction, can easily give it up. And this fact in no way means that since it’s simple, you can start drinking, since you can “jump out” of it at any moment. The trap is very insidious. And in this and subsequent articles it is written how to get out of it and never fall into it again. I repeat - you shouldn’t fall into this trap at all, no matter how confident you are that you control the situation - everything always starts with one glass (glass, shot glass...). It breaks and sinks to the bottom both the strong and the weak, academics, large and successful businessmen, and others, and others.

I, personally, also considered myself a “beer drinker” for some time. From time to time, this beer topic arose in my life, be it meetings with friends, “tasting” beer on trips (well, of course, how can you not try the local beer.... Nonsense), etc. Plus these holidays are constantly , year after year it’s the same thing, then a birthday happens, then New Year, then Bastille Day comes... And here you can’t get by with beer - wine, champagne, etc. are used. At some point, I personally began to get completely annoyed with this and I decided to look into this issue for myself and stop this alcoholic part of my life.

All people who have ever thought about quitting drinking... let's say, have approximately the same train of thoughts, facts on this topic or motives, and these are not new, but well-known facts:
· the fact that alcohol destroys life, including those around and close people around;
· destroys health (for example, it significantly shortens life, destroys brain cells, causes impotence, etc. - the list is very huge);
· the fact that alcohol prevents you from developing, setting serious goals and achieving them;
· the fact that alcohol can lead to various unpleasant and even “deplorable” situations;
· the fact that drinking alcohol means losing a lot of money.

etc., every person knows this even without my participation, all this is on the surface and I don’t want to scare anyone, so I won’t go deeper into this topic.

To begin with, we still need to dot the “i”s.
Here are some facts and myths about alcohol (and alcoholism) that are hidden in the depths of the problem and that can help you understand its essence and find a way out of it:
But first, a couple of clarifications.
What do I mean by the term “Alcohol” - a substance with the formula C 2 H 5 OH or alcohol contained in various alcoholic drinks from beer, wine to vodka, etc., not pleasant to the taste, addictive, falling under the definition narcotic.
Stable consumption of alcohol for one reason or another, and, consequently, dependence on alcohol is mental condition, there is nothing complicated about it. If you remove confusion and suggestion, it will become much easier to make your own, correct, decision.

1. The influence of the "Brainwashing" factor. We all tend to consider ourselves smart, self-controlled people who independently determine our life path. In fact, our behavior largely follows a certain pattern because we are a product of the society that raised us. Day after day we see the following: that alcohol quenches thirst, tastes good, brings joy, strengthens nerves, gives confidence, relieves complexes, melancholy and tension, relieves pain, helps to relax and stimulates the imagination. Moreover, it is an integral part of any successful holiday. What party would be complete without alcohol? This is out of the question. Further, there is a fashion on the Internet for describing various types of wines and cognacs. Why, this is the same important information, you have to be an expert, it’s for prestige, it’s stylish, it’s cool. Plus, there are a lot of articles on the topics that wine contains such and such antioxidants and is therefore useful for... And here is another fashionable topic - alcohol at home. Of course, it’s a whole damn art to prepare “tasty” poison for the body from rotting vegetation. Everyone is so excited about this, they are discussing how many degrees? Ba..a, there is nothing better than this homemade product! From the outside, all this looks like nonsense. And finally, the most effective device for brainwashing: Adults - beer, children - lemonade. And given that alcohol has so many “advantages,” how many people fall into this trap?

Movie: For example, in Western style. In almost every Western, half the action takes place in a saloon. It seems that the tough conquerors of the West spent their entire lives getting high on cheap whiskey and playing poker. If someone was beaten half to death in a drunken fight or killed in a shootout, in their minds the evening was not in vain.
Another example is melodrama: what does a young “tycoon” do when he returns home after a full day of competitive racing? He heads straight to the bar, throws two pieces of ice into an expensive crystal glass and pours a generous shot of Scotch whiskey.
And other film genres, all in the same spirit.

Life . Since many people around drink alcohol, on various occasions, holidays, meetings, just going to a bar, etc., you can’t help but get the impression that this is completely normal. This is pure schizophrenia. People discuss the quality of the wine while eating: “It’s pleasantly strong and quite noble...” Everywhere you look, there are only “connoisseurs.” All this surrounds us so closely and happens all around us, and here we areWe believe that if we give up alcohol completely, we will sacrifice something, lose something. Alcohol can ruin our lives, but still our entire existence depends on it to one degree or another. We are sure that without it we will not be able to be in society, we are not able to cope with stress, etc. and we do not know what can take its place (remember the same holidays). Without alcohol, life seems boring and miserable, which is why quitting drinking is so difficult for many people.

All this that surrounds us every day, what happens around the topic of alcohol makes it the norm of life. But this is not normal! A person does not need alcohol not for the growth and development of the body, nor for maintaining it (the body) normally. Alcohol is unnatural for the body.
There are still many facts that one way or another relate to brainwashing, but I don’t want to bloat the article. These examples clearly show how the mechanism works and that you shouldn’t just fall for it all, you should understand what’s happening on your own.

2. There is an opinion that many people drink alcohol solely for the sake of pleasure. This is a complete lie. Alcohol is a strong depressant and everyone knows it. The negative aspects of alcohol outweigh the positive ones. The peculiarity of the alcohol trap is to exaggerate the so-called advantages and downplay the disadvantages. There are no benefits to drinking alcohol at all.

3. Alcohol provides support- this is another myth of this trap. An example about support: maybe you noticed, maybe your neighbors saw something like this somewhere, that until alcohol has destroyed a person (physically, morally and financially), he does not show a desire to reduce the dose, not to mention complete refusal from alcohol? And only after reaching the extreme limit, having lost the support of family and friends, does a person begin to strive to reduce alcohol consumption. But it is precisely during this period that he is least capable of such an act, since now he urgently needs the one whom he now considers his only and most true friend and support. From the outside we can see what kind of “support” this is. And being in such a situation, it is very difficult to understand that it was this friend who led to this very situation. Alcohol does not provide any support

4. Alcohol gives you courage- also another lie. The only thing it does in this case is dull the feeling of fear (and this is not the same thing as courage). That fear that can help you survive in a given situation. However, the fear itself does not disappear. What to do in the same situation when there is no alcohol at hand? There is no way to get rid of fear itself with alcohol. In fact, the following often happens: let’s say there is a situation that causes a feeling of fear and we suppress it with alcohol. Now everything is no longer scary, but nothing further is being done, because there is no determination, and all because alcohol does not give this feeling. Fear is overcome with a clear mind, soberly assessing the situation. The only way.

5. Alcohol is not such a problem, in comparison with, say, heroin. How many drug addicts do we all know around us? And I repeat, at the same moment, now Nine out of ten people around us are dependent on alcohol to one degree or another. So this is a serious problem, and it has a much larger scale.

6. Alcohol makes people happy. Alcohol is Chemical substance, which tastes unpleasant. Therefore, we accept it for the impact it has. If we become happier as a result, it follows that the more we drink, the happier we become. And then, many have seen this as a group of laughing, happy drinkers suddenly starts committing violence (for example, a fight breaks out). Where did the “state of happiness” go? It wasn’t there, this is another story about alcohol and how cool it is, required product. Why do people laugh and look happy after a few drinks? This has nothing to do with alcohol itself - we, as a rule, drink for reasons that are pleasant in themselves. Weddings and parties are enjoyable events where people have fun and have a good time. It's not alcohol that makes them giggle and have fun. If alcohol had this effect, people wouldn't drink at funerals - the last thing you'd want to do there is laugh. Another example of the inconsistency of the concept that “Alcohol makes people happy”: Have you ever tried to get drunk to stop suffering, for example, due to a broken relationship, divorce, or any other problem? Have you ever felt happy after a few drinks? Alcohol does NOT make people happy, that's a fairy tale.

7. Alcohol is beneficial in small doses. More precisely, it is accepted as follows: alcohol is harmful, yes, it is a poison, but in small doses it is useful (and further, it is added that they say something about blood circulation, doctors advise, etc.). This is from the area of ​​“schizophrenia”. A poison that kills in large doses and is very painful, in small doses also remains the same poison. The only difference is that in small doses the body manages to cope with it. In fact, when talking about the usefulness of small doses, only the first effect of this substance on the body is taken into account, but subsequent stages and the degree of their effect are ignored. Probably all drinkers know the first steps (like dilating blood vessels, etc.). But, further, alcohol breaks down into substances such as, for example, acetaldehyde (acetaldehyde) with subsequent transition to acetic acid. And these substances are in the blood, in cells with all the ensuing consequences. So, when talking about small doses, you should be more honest and show the picture objectively, “from and to.”

8. Alcohol quenches thirst. Same nonsense. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body, which is why, after drinking a dose, you want more. This also happens with strong drinks, and with things like beer or wine (which contain up to 80% water). And after some time after drinking alcohol, an even greater effect of thirst arises (in common parlance - sushnyak). I present this as a fact. Anyone interested in the reasons can make chemical reactions the breakdown of alcohol and find the cause, what oxidizing agents are there and what else. This is on its own. So a mug of cold beer in the heat is a theme from the category: “you can’t imagine anything worse.”

9. Alcohol trap. Why do I use this term at all, because what happens to a person who drinks alcohol, and it does not depend on doses, frequency and drinks - all activities fit the description of being in a trap. Trapped with everyone characteristic features and attributes: there is a bait, there is also an unobvious danger, a gradual and consistent delay - for the victim to lose vigilance, etc. A little more about this.

Like all traps, the alcoholic one has its own subtleties and tricks, for example:

· Sliding to the bottom occurs so gradually that we don’t notice anything. The process is similar to aging. Every morning, when we shave or apply makeup, we see in the mirror the same face as yesterday.

· Moderately drinking people They may not be fully aware of their situation, but they certainly feel trapped somewhere. They usually think like this: “This is not hurting me, and if I need to quit, I will.” This is another cunning quality of the trap - it forces us to put it off unpleasant event. Again, the alcohol trap is designed in such a way that forces a person delay solving the problem as long as possible. On chronic stage the victim is sure that the problem is insoluble, so she has no choice but to sweeten her bitter pill.

10. Warnings about the dangers of alcohol. Why doesn't this work? Now, probably, it is written everywhere that “Alcohol is harmful to health”, that “Alcohol destroys the liver”, etc. (is the cause of certain diseases). Including by law, manufacturers are required to warn about the health hazards of their products. And people who drink alcohol know that it is harmful, some even from hearsay (there may be examples around). Why doesn't this work? Well, Firstly because there is an illusion of control over the situation. “Yes, I know that alcohol is harmful, but I control my drinking process, I don’t drink a lot and often, and I can quit when I want.” Secondly, the lifestyle around, all the activities around alcohol, making it the norm of life, dominate over some kind of warnings. Third, the state of health is not a contrast, it is an imperceptible value until you get sick. Let's say they say that alcohol leads to cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking a glass of wine, for example, at some banquet, or even getting drunk “to the point of blue snot”, even at the same banquet, how to feel it, how to see it specifically for yourself? Not until it happens, but then it will be too late. For the same reason, you cannot set health as your goal; you need to set very specific parameters in order to get a result (for example, weight such and such, waist size such and such, develop breathing in order to run three kilometers to such and such a standard). How can one detect the health of the liver and, moreover, link it with another drink? In my opinion, this is a very skillful move by alcohol producers. Part of society demands that something be done as part of the fight against alcohol, and they have agreed that now everywhere there are warnings about its harm to humans. “Activists” who don’t drink don’t even know that the manufacturers know for sure that this won’t work in any way. And those who abuse alcohol know from themselves that alcohol is harmful to their health. This does not stop anyone and will not stop anyone unless other factors are removed. How about the fact that all these prevention campaigns are not even able to protect teenagers from drinking alcohol...

11. About alcoholism. The belief that alcoholism is incurable is deeply rooted in society. And an obstacle to solving the problem of alcoholism for a person is the belief that even if successful, the quality of life will inevitably deteriorate. But all the concepts that alcoholism is a disease and its treatment can be long and painful and, ultimately, there is no cure for it known methods treatments are based on MISCONCEPTION.

First clarification : this is obvious, the fact that many people around the world who abuse alcohol and have lost control in its use, regardless of their personal qualities, independently (or with someone’s help) without any problems refuse to use this “potion” - do the concept of alcoholism as difficult curable disease not wealthy.

Second clarification , this must be understood, there is a person and there is a substance that is alien and poisonous to the human body - alcohol. The body doesn’t need it at all (well, it’s simple, but children don’t need it and nothing bad happens to them). That is, when a person drinks alcohol, on the one hand, a change in the state of consciousness occurs - this is simply the specificity of the action of alcohol, but on the other hand, the body tries to cleanse itself of poison, turns on various protective mechanisms, and finally a hangover occurs - one of the stages removal of poison and reaction to this poison. Have you seen what a hangover a person has who has been “on a bender” for, say, three or four days? And it is a mistake to say that a person is sick and needs another “dose” to ease the pain... But this is not a disease. A hangover is a painful reaction of the body to the poison that is in it and from which it strives to get rid of. Naturally, the weaker the body, the more painful the reaction. And look at the same person who had been drinking for a while, a couple of days after he “stopped.” Everything is back to normal. That is, the problem is not with alcohol as a substance, the body does not need it, and after the poison is removed, there are no immediate physical withdrawal symptoms, and the body is not dependent on the substance itself. The problem of alcoholism, as alcohol abuse and loss of control over its use, lies in another plane, such as, for example, habit (the habit of reacting in a certain way to external and internal events), such as self-control, self-discipline, i.e. it relates to the topic human psyche. Moreover, it is obvious that for most people we are not talking about any extreme forms mental disorder and, therefore, you can learn to understand this and control your condition without much difficulty.

12. Alcohol and longevity. Well, I want to finish the list here with this example. Many of us have heard the following, something like this: “But such and such an uncle drank every day, well, let’s say, real wine and lived to such and such gray years (or lived to what years...) " This is also part of a series of omissions. The condition is imperceptible, not contrasting. How long would this guy live if he didn’t drink at all? Perhaps he would still be alive today. It is completely unknown and should not be attributed to alcohol. This is cynicism on the part of the alcohol system.

You can, in fact, continue to give some facts about alcohol, the topic is large and capacious, but it is already quite obvious that the only truth about alcohol is that it does not give anything, but DESTROYS!!! You need to stop deceiving yourself.

I am writing this article based not only on my own thoughts and experiences on this topic, but also to a large extent on Allen Carr's method, which is called " The easy way" The topic of alcohol and how to easily give it up is described, I think, very well in his book “The Easy Way to Quit Drinking.” It talks in great detail about alcohol itself, about the myths around it, and looks at this issue from different angles. And most importantly, it works, it will help understand the issue and those who have decided to give up alcohol will do so. So I definitely recommend reading it.

I will continue the article in the next post, where we will talk about making a decision and practical steps to implement it.

Continuation of the article: "

Alcohol addiction - This is a problem on a national scale. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people cannot do without strong drinks. Most of them are between the ages of 20 and 40, that is, the youngest and most able-bodied residents of our country suffer from addiction to ethanol.

How to give up alcohol? There are as many answers to this question as there are people addicted to it.

This problem has a catastrophic effect on both the physical and mental state of a person. You can get rid of it yourself, but it will require maximum effort, endurance and self-control.

Harm caused by alcoholic drinks

A person who frequently abuses alcohol causes irreparable damage to his body.

Firstly, it worsens health. Alcohol affects: the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, liver (90% of ethanol breakdown products are excreted with its help), gastrointestinal tract. Also weakened reproductive function. These changes have a negative impact on appearance. Circles under the eyes, unhealthy complexion and swelling of the skin appear.

Secondly, relationships with loved ones deteriorate. People around you are often dissatisfied with the regular use of alcohol by a subordinate, friend or family member. As a result, a person dependent on alcohol risks losing their job, family, or friendships.

Third, the alcoholic begins to degrade. Mental capacity decrease, and more and more often situations arise that you later regret. It is impossible to achieve previously set goals.

Fourth, financial losses. Alcoholic drinks cost money, and an addicted person spends available funds to purchase them. Quitting alcohol will significantly increase the family budget.

Health, a good relationship with family and friends, personal growth and financial stability much better than booze. The sooner a patient with alcoholism understands this, the less he will cripple his life.

Causes of alcohol addiction

People suffer from alcoholism because of their environment. Television broadcasts advertisements for alcoholic beverages; recreation in clubs and bars rarely passes without drinking them. A non-drinker in most cases becomes a “black sheep” and does not find understanding.

The temptation is great, but it can be avoided if you do not give in to influence:

  1. stress;
  2. depression;
  3. failures in family life or at work;
  4. emotional turmoil.

Heredity also has great importance. If the parents were addicted to alcohol, then the child will be programmed to crave alcohol.

It all starts with the first drink. In the future, the amount of alcohol taken on the breast only increases. The body is gradually poisoned by toxins and gets used to the regular intake of ethanol and its derivatives.


Quitting alcohol starts with motivation. The more powerful it is, the faster the addiction will be overcome. Moreover, it is necessary that the person himself wants to get rid of his problem. Treatment for alcoholism, undertaken forcibly on a drinker, will not bring a positive result. Alcohol addiction It develops much faster in women than in men.

Quitting drinking alcohol is a difficult step that requires willpower and patience. Quitting drinking is much easier with the support of family and close friends. Loneliness does not help cure alcoholism, but rather increases the craving for alcohol.

The patient must be informed about all the consequences of his bad habit. Awareness of the fact that he is destroying his life and health with his own hands will help him accept the right decision and don’t go off the chosen path.

Unfortunately, alcoholism is not completely cured, it is only blocked for the period while the addict restrains himself. In any case, everything depends only on his desire to live a full life.

Lifestyle change

Alcohol addiction affects every area of ​​human activity, therefore, when getting rid of it, you will need to reconsider your daily routine, nutrition and habits. For example, it is much easier to give up alcohol if you don’t smoke. After all, one addiction leads to another.

The craving for drinking decreases in the absence of negative emotions, listening to your favorite music, water treatments And good rest. Such a pastime will be a kind of panacea depressed mood, which can occur during the period of cleansing the body of decay products ethyl alcohol. You also need to learn to relax without alcohol.

By giving up alcohol, you will have to control yourself. Drinks containing alcohol are strictly prohibited. They can be replaced by kvass or non-alcoholic beer, the latter is also not advisable. Self-hypnosis, willpower and confidence in your choice will help you turn off the crooked path.

Another strong argument for someone who gives up alcohol would be a change of scenery. For example, moving to a new place of residence or moving to another job. The absence of details reminiscent of past addiction will speed up adaptation to a sober lifestyle. The same goes for your social circle. It is advisable to avoid companies where people drink. There is no need to create conditions for a return to the past.

  1. Alcoholic drinks should not be stored at home.
  2. It is advisable to spend your free time with your family or in the gym.
  3. Auto-training classes will not be superfluous. The right attitude will help you avoid a breakdown.
  4. For the first time after giving up alcohol, you should not attend celebrations and corporate events.
  5. You should refuse offers to drink using good reasons, such as driving a car or taking antibiotics. In this case, the interlocutor will have no reason to insist on drinking alcohol together.

Proper nutrition

The diet should be balanced. It is recommended to quench your thirst with vegetables and fruit juices. Also suitable herbal infusions When preparing them, under no circumstances should you deviate from the prescribed dosages.

Herbal medicine can improve the patient's condition, but before using it you should consult a doctor. Alcohol abuse leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals, so it needs to be replenished.

A special diet will help the body eliminate accumulated toxins. It contains some restrictions. In particular, you should not indulge in sugar, coffee, white bread and rice. The diet should include dishes made from barley, oatmeal and millet. Be sure to eat fruits (apples, bananas, dates, oranges), vegetables (carrots, potatoes), nuts, and dairy products.

Medical intervention

If you have given up alcohol abuse, but feel that you cannot cope with the craving for it, you should consult a specialist. He will offer several options that will alleviate the condition.

Among them:

  1. coding. They are not treated, but provide respite from cravings for alcohol for a certain period of time. During this time, the body is restored, and the person who was previously dependent rebuilds his life;
  2. hospital treatment. During it the patient will take the course cleansing procedures, listen to lectures on the dangers of alcohol and visit a narcologist. The result is often encoding. Such therapy is quite effective even when treating long-term alcoholics;
  3. hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is suitable for those individuals who easily accept suggestion. This method cannot be called proven, although many note its effectiveness;
  4. phytotherapy. Alternative medicine has proven itself, but before using its methods, you should consult with your doctor. After all similar medicines also have contraindications.

Getting rid of alcoholism - it's hard work on yourself. The main condition is the patient’s desire to quit the addiction. Positive result treatment will be a chance to significantly improve your life.