Laparoscopy – sterilization of cats with minimal risk. Laparoscopic sterilization of cats: pros and cons

Sterilization refers to the operation of removing the gonads of animals. Among several methods, laparoscopy is especially worth noting. Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is relatively new operation for Russian veterinary clinics. It requires certain equipment, modern and accurate. And the veterinarian performing the operation must have special knowledge. Therefore, the price of laparoscopic sterilization still remains quite high compared to traditional ones.

To the timing surgical intervention approach carefully. You can't do surgery when it's too at a young age. The critical age is 6-7 months. For older animals, the upper threshold is 8-9 years. But what plays a role here is the danger of putting the pet under anesthesia, and not the actual contraindication for using the method of laparoscopic sterilization of cats.

Advantages of laparoscopy

In veterinary medicine, there are three main ways to remove the gonads: tubal ligation, spaying, and cutting out the entire reproductive system animal. All three actions can be carried out in three ways. Or through an incision along the linea alba, the traditional method. Or through the side of the pet - it is used on stray cats. The last option is to sterilize cats using laparoscopy. And it is this that is preferred, since the laser procedure has the following advantages:

  1. The operation is performed with minimal intrusion into the body cavity. Hence, rehabilitation period is significantly shortened.
  2. The wound is so small that the risk of accidental infection is reduced. Laparoscopic sterilization cats almost never bleed.
  3. Successfully used on older animals over 10 years old.
  4. There is no need to apply stitches or use a blanket.

After laparoscopic sterilization of cats, the furry wards are left with two tiny wounds as a souvenir. Sometimes veterinarians do not specifically apply stitches, since there is no such need. If the operation is performed correctly, it is almost impossible to determine the location of the invasion in the patient’s body without professional skill.

Stages of cat sterilization using laparoscopy

Before performing the operation, the veterinarian will check the cat’s health condition. Since surgery requires anesthesia, the animal must be vaccinated, dewormed and 100% healthy. Therefore, a few weeks before the procedure, owners should treat their pet for fleas, lice, and worms. It is recommended to receive the last vaccination at least 3 weeks before the day of surgery. Immediately before endoscopic sterilization of cats, they stop feeding for 12 hours.

The incision site is prepared long wool The skin is shaved and treated with an antiseptic. Then two small injections-incisions are made, each of which is no more than 6-7 mm in diameter. The doctor inserts a special cable through one hole, and through another surgical instruments. Laparoscopic sterilization of a cat is a technically complex operation. The doctor must accurately calculate the volume of air pumped into the cat's stomach, while simultaneously monitoring the progress of sterilization on the computer monitor. The cable being inserted is equipped with a digital camera.

The specialist carries out all manipulations based on computer readings. The duration of the operation usually does not exceed half an hour. The rehabilitation period lasts a maximum of a week. During this time, the owners treat the operated area daily antiseptic solutions. As a rule, laparoscopic sterilization of cats does not cause complications.

Four-legged pets deliver a lot happy moments in the lives of their owners. They become real members of the family and very upset their owners every time they get sick. Each kitten eventually becomes an adult. Accordingly, his needs increase. When an animal begins to ask to go outside and wants to meet its biological needs, this causes pet owners a lot of trouble. In this case, many decide to perform an operation that will “calm down” the animal’s needs for procreation.

Why is castration needed?

Some owners of four-legged pets believe that this procedure is unnatural and last moment trying to avoid it. However, over time, the animal begins to behave restlessly and nervously. In addition to the inconvenience that a cat brings to its owner, it itself suffers from certain changes in its body. At the same time, the pet is in constant stress.

Animals often go bald and begin to suffer from various inflammatory processes in organism. Therefore, experts recommend castration or sterilization of animals that are constantly in apartments. This is not only good for their health, but in some situations it is simply necessary.

Which is better, laparoscopic sterilization of a cat or ordinary castration?

Since the advent of a new type of procedure, this question has plagued many animal owners. Some people prefer to try more modern methods, while others are not yet ready to believe in the effectiveness of such a procedure.

Laparoscopic sterilization of a cat is a simple operation during which the animal is deprived of reproductive function. This procedure involves removing only the ovary or the ovary along with the uterus from the cat’s body. Unlike standard castration, during this surgical procedure the pet’s abdomen is not completely cut. Instead, a small puncture is made in the peritoneum through which part of the internal organs. After this, the scars heal very quickly.

During the castration process abdominal cavity a fairly large incision is made, which takes longer to heal long term. In this case, there is a risk that the stitches may come apart or become infected.

Today, laparoscopic cat sterilization is considered the most gentle and humane. If speak about possible contraindications, then in this case it all depends on the specific situation.

However, regardless of the biological parameters of the pet, before performing this procedure, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination and exclude the possibility of certain diseases.

What is better - sterilization or taking hormones?

Today, some experts propose not to perform surgical intervention, but instead to influence the reproductive system by taking hormonal drugs.

Animal owners need to understand that data medications can provide Negative influence for the entire animal body as a whole. When a cat reaches puberty (between 5 and 8 months of age), it begins to secrete the sex hormone estrogen. It is because of this that animals behave unpredictably and nervously. This condition can last about 1-2 weeks. During this period, the animal's reproductive system undergoes changes in preparation for conception and pregnancy.

You need to understand that these changes in the cat’s body cause it enormous stress. If during this period you start giving your pet medications, then this will only make the situation worse. Besides, hormonal agents will need to be stuffed four-legged pet throughout life

Therefore, veterinarians strongly recommend not torturing your pet and sterilizing the cat laparoscopically. The price of this procedure is relatively high (from 4000 rubles). However, taking hormones every year will hit your pocket much more.

Experts also recommend surgery because it completely eliminates the production of estrogen and progesterone. In this case, the animal’s body functions in normal mode, without any jumps or changes. This is another argument in favor of sterilizing cats using the laparoscopic method.

Preparing for surgery

The animal must be dewormed. This procedure is necessary in order to carry out a treatment that protects against skin blood-sucking insects. If your cat has fleas or ticks on her body, she will feel much worse after surgery.

It is also necessary to trim the claws of your tailed pet, since postoperative period she can scratch wounds. In this case, you need to get vaccinated. If the cat is elderly or predisposed to a certain disease, then in this case it may be necessary to additional methods examinations.

On the eve of laparoscopic sterilization surgery, the animal should not be given food for 12 hours, and it should not be given water 2-3 hours before the procedure.

Operation stages

First of all, the animal is put into a state of anesthesia. Usually, modern drugs act very quickly. After this, the surgeon can begin the operation. In the area where the incision will be made, the hair is shaved off and antiseptic treatment skin. Next, a puncture is performed using a thick needle, the diameter of which is 0.3 cm. In some situations, a larger tool may be required.

On next stage Laparoscopic sterilization of a cat creates an internal operating space. To do this, carbon dioxide is supplied to the animal's abdominal cavity. The surgeon is obliged to examine the peritoneum. After making sure everything is in order, he proceeds to remove reproductive organs through the punctures made.

At the final stage of the operation, the holes are processed. As a rule, it is enough to apply an antiseptic to the punctures and seal them with medical glue. If large holes have been made, then intradermal sutures are applied.

How to care for an animal after surgery

Cats rarely feel unwell after laparoscopic sterilization. According to practice, no special measures are required after such exposure. However, experts still recommend wearing a protective blanket for 7 days after surgery. It is worth noting that not all animals will readily use such clothing. More than half of them are trying their best to get rid of the blanket. You should not worry that the animal tears off the protective fabric, since the size of the incision rarely exceeds 1 cm. In this case, there can be no question of the seams coming apart. With classical castration there is no such confidence.

Possible complications

If we talk about the period after surgery, then it all depends on how well the animals tolerate anesthesia. In this case, as after standard castration, the pet may not control urination. Therefore in medical institution It is recommended to bring an extra bed or adult diaper.

The first time after surgery, you need to make sure that the cat does not throw back its head. If she starts to feel sick, she may choke on the vomit.

In most modern veterinary clinics, intradermal sutures are performed, which dissolve on their own. However, this does not mean that during the rehabilitation period there is no need to examine the animal’s wounds. If swelling or redness appears on them, you should consult a doctor.

Benefits of the procedure

If we talk about the advantages of laparoscopic sterilization of cats, there are many of them.

First of all, this procedure can be performed at almost any age of the animal. In this case, it does not matter whether the cat has given birth before or not. If we are talking about standard castration, then most often this procedure is performed only at a young age.

After laparoscopic sterilization, the cat does not need serious care. The animal will not have to be monitored or its movements limited. After castration, antibiotics are usually required. They allow you to speed up wound healing and improve the condition of the animal.

If laparoscopy was performed, then in this case the use of these drugs is excluded. Separately, it is worth noting that after the puncture the animals do not experience discomfort, move freely and behave familiar image life. After the cut, they are usually depressed for several days and can hardly walk.

Negative reviews

TO negative points pet owners most often refer to possible reaction cats for anesthesia. However, in this case the same applies to standard castration. It all depends on the breed of the animal, as well as on its predisposition to heart pathologies. For example, Scottish Folds or Sphynxes are considered not the most hardy in this regard.

Also, in their reviews of laparoscopic sterilization of cats, some owners say that after the procedure the animal became very fat. However, those pets who have undergone standard surgical intervention may also suffer from similar troubles.

If we talk about more serious disadvantages, some respondents note that through miniature punctures it is quite problematic to remove all the necessary parts of the organs of the reproductive system. If fragments of the uterus and ovaries remain inside the peritoneum, this can lead to serious complications in the future.

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats - price

If we talk about the cost of the procedure, it is indeed higher than classical sterilization. On average, the price of this service ranges from 4 to 7 thousand rubles.

Payment directly depends on many factors. For example, some animals require more gentle anesthesia. In addition, the age of the pet and the time spent on the procedure are taken into account.

The same applies to the region where the animal owner lives. Sterilization of cats using the laparoscopic method in Moscow costs more than in the outback. And this is not surprising.

If doctors have offered to sterilize your cat using the laparoscopic method for not very high price, you shouldn't be happy about it. Most likely, the calculation does not take into account the postoperative period. In addition, only surgeons who do not have the necessary experience and qualifications usually agree to work for less money.

If the price of laparoscopic sterilization of cats is too high, this is also not an indicator of the quality of the service.

Animal age

As a rule, pet owners strive to sterilize when the kitten is 8 months old. It is believed that it is at this age that animals differ good health and quickly overcome the rehabilitation period. Thanks to modern methods For these operations, laparoscopy can be performed even on elderly cats.

However, it is worth noting that general anesthesia can be dangerous for both very young and old animals.

Sterilization after childbirth

If a cat has given birth to kittens, then surgical interventions are recommended 2-3 weeks after she stops feeding them. The animal's mammary glands should recover completely. If re-fertilization occurs during this period, then early stages Pregnancy surgery is permitted after consultation with a doctor.

It only takes a few months for kittens to become adult cats capable of breeding. But the process of bearing and giving birth to cubs for a pet is severe stress and is fraught with further health problems. If the owner does not plan to receive breeding offspring from the pet, he needs to be sterilized. Laparoscopy for cats is the most gentle type of such surgery.

What is sterilization and why do it?

A surgical intervention that prevents an animal from giving birth is called sterilization. This procedure is considered one of the safest and most frequently performed in veterinary practice. It is carried out among cats of almost any age, but it is not recommended to delay the operation, since the older the animal becomes, the more likely that it can become pregnant and give birth.

The instinct of motherhood in cats is not developed, although they are quite capable of caring for kittens, so veterinarians recommend sterilizing them before their first heat. This is important because even childbirth alone causes serious harm to both the nervous and physical health pet.

Types of surgery

There are several types of sterilization:

  1. Tubal occlusion (tubal ligation) preserves the cat’s “whims” against the background of fluctuations hormonal levels and estrus. It is carried out extremely rarely, as it is fraught with inflammation of the uterus.
  2. Ovariectomy (removal of the ovaries) minimizes risks internal inflammation and breast cancer, but does not protect the uterus from inflammation.
  3. Ovariohysterectomy (removal of the uterus and ovaries) is optimal options, as it prevents any inflammation, completely stops estrus, changes in the behavior of the animal.

Interesting! Separate view sterilization – chemical. It is temporary; if desired, the hormonal implant implanted under the skin of the animal can be removed.

Sterilization of cats using the laparoscopic method: features of the procedure

Laparoscopy – private method surgical intervention, which involves minimal “invasion” into the animal’s body. Unlike other methods that require a large incision on the pet's body, laparoscopic cat sterilization is performed through small punctures. After such an operation, your pet recovers much faster and easier.

Laparoscopy is performed quickly, under general anesthesia. It requires surgical instruments and a special compact video camera, which is inserted into the abdominal area through incisions no more than 1 cm in length.

Benefits of laparoscopy

This type of sterilization has a number of “advantages” compared to others. In particular:

  • There are no restrictions on the age of the animal.
  • Does not require special procedures in the postoperative period: the sutures are quickly tightened, and the surgical threads dissolve without a trace. During the entire recovery time, you will only need to treat the puncture sites with antiseptic solutions 1-2 times.
  • Given the small size of the punctures, the likelihood of infection in the abdominal cavity is minimal.
  • The recovery period passes quickly without causing painful sensations. Within a few days, the cat will completely return to its normal lifestyle.
  • Sexual activity becomes dull.


The only contraindication for laparoscopy is the unsatisfactory health of the cat. The absolute limitation is the expressed cardiovascular failure and uncorrectable coagulopathy. Relative – low weight and length of the body.

The veterinarian will tell you whether such an operation is permissible based on the tests received and examination of the animal.

Preparing a cat for surgery

Although the operation itself is simple, preparation for it requires certain steps.

On a note. A laparoscope is a high-tech instrument equipped with a trocar, that is, a needle, a manipulator and a camera that displays an image on a monitor. With its help, the entire operation can be carried out through two small punctures.

Stages of laparoscopy

The procedure is carried out in a matter of minutes, its entire cycle includes:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Shaving the fur at the intended puncture sites, treating the skin with antiseptics.
  3. Carrying out punctures with a trocar with a diameter of 0.3 cm (in isolated cases larger needles may be used).
  4. Abdominal filling carbon dioxide.
  5. Removal of organs.
  6. Stop bleeding.
  7. Processing antiseptic drugs, the use of medical glue, surgical plaster.

Need to know! If the incisions are larger than 0.5 cm in diameter, the animal will need stitches.

What to pay attention to after surgery

No special changes in the life activities and habits of the mustachioed patient were observed after laparoscopy. Only during the first few hours after the procedure the animal will be lethargic, apathetic, and drowsy. There may also be problems with coordination, the pet can easily crash into walls and fall, therefore, in order to protect it from injury, you need to provide it with maximum peace and care. This condition is temporary, associated with the effect of anesthesia.

Over the next 8-12 hours, the operated pet should not eat or drink; the veterinarian should give other instructions.

Please note! You need to purchase a special one in advance postoperative bandage and a carrier.

Features of care after the procedure

After laparoscopy, the veterinarian may suggest leaving the cat in the hospital for a while or discharge the mustachioed patient home. Although the operation is considered gentle, it is still surgical intervention, after which the owner must surround the pet with care, helping her to recover faster.

  • Do not allow sudden movements of the animal, do not play with it for some time.
  • Purchase a special cone that will make licking wounds impossible.
  • Trim the cat's claws (before surgery) and put on socks or bandages on the paws after. This will prevent scratching of the seams.
  • Exclude fish, fatty, salty and smoked foods from the diet of a sterilized cat. Introduce special food for sterilized cats that contains everything necessary substances and at the same time prevents weight gain.

Sterilization is a common surgical procedure that prevents a cat from becoming pregnant. It is practiced all over the world, for example, to reduce the population of stray animals and/or to save a pet from health problems and nervous shock that childbirth leads to. Laparoscopy is a gentle sterilization method in which the abdominal cavity is not opened, but pierced. Small punctures heal quickly and do not cause pain.

Let's take a closer look at what laparoscopy is in veterinary medicine, its pros and cons compared to traditional surgical methods.

First of all, it is important to understand the terms that are used to describe the operation itself and the methods of its implementation. So, there are two groups of terms that are often mixed, wittingly or unwittingly, replacing one concept with another.

First group- the name of the operation itself:

  • Sterilization - as already written above, is used here in the wrong meaning, meaning an operation to remove the gonads of a female;
  • Castration - correct name intervention consisting in removal of the gonads (in animals of any sex);
  • Ovariohysterectomy - Latin name operations to remove the ovaries and uterus (the word consists of three parts, translated meaningful ovary, uterus, removal);
  • Ovariectomy is the Latin name for surgery to remove the ovaries.

All these names refer to the same operation (except oophorectomy), and this operation can be performed using different surgical methods.

Second group - surgical methods, which are used to carry out the operation:

  • Through a midline incision, or an incision along the white line of the abdomen - a midline laparotomy (laparo - belly, womb; tomiya - cut);
  • Through lateral access - laparotomy through lateral access;
  • Through micro-incisions (micro-laparatomy);
  • Laparoscopic or endoscopic castration.

Laparoscopy(λαπ?ρα [laparo] - belly, womb, σκοπ?ω [scopy] - I look) - a method of surgery when the operation is performed through small incisions using a special apparatus laparoscope.

Distinctive features of laparoscopic castration

Traditionally, sterilization is done by 3 surgical methods - through midsection(aka cut along the white line), through lateral access, or through micro-sections.

Castration (sterilization) through the middle incision- This abdominal surgery, in which the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen, after visualizing the uterus and ovaries, ligatures are applied and the organs are removed; at the final stage of the operation, when closing the wound layer-by-layer, 3-5-7 stitches are applied (depending on the size of the animal). The suture can be either a traditional interrupted one made of non-absorbable material or intradermal. This method provides the best possible visual access to the surgical wound, good control of accidental complications (for example, bleeding, failure of the ligature) and their rapid elimination, carried out in a minimum time.

Sterilization through micro-incisions- also an abdominal operation, very small incisions are made through which the ovaries are removed with a special hook. The surgeon's ability to examine the wound cavity is greatly limited, and the tension on the organs is greater. This method is well suited for young, unattached animals with a known history (domestic, early age living in a family).

Castration (sterilization) through lateral access- This is an abdominal operation in which an incision is made on the side of the animal. Sutures may not be required; in this case, special skin glue is used. Sterilization through lateral access, from the point of view of convenience for the doctor, is suitable for flow (mass) sterilization of animals (for example, in shelters), in addition this method minimizes the risk of omentum falling out when licking an unprotected wound (i.e., the method is safer for animals that will not be properly supervised or for aggressive animals).

At laparoscopy cuts are also usually made on the animal's flank. Therefore, some clinics, taking advantage of the owners’ ignorance of the terminology, call laparoscopic sterilization routine surgery through lateral access.

How to avoid falling for such a trick?

  • Be sure to ask if this clinic has a laparoscope. Direct text that does not allow for interpretation (for example, do not accept the elusive answer “yes, we do laparoscopic sterilization”).
  • Please read the description carefully. Sometimes after the heading “laparoscopic sterilization” there is an explanation, for example, that this is “a gentle operation through a lateral approach,” or even “ lateral sterilization" This immediately suggests that real laparoscopy is not performed in this clinic.
  • Read about the clinic. If it's just a veterinary office (small room, short list services, mainly vaccinations and castration, there is no website or the website is very simple and empty, there are few doctors) - with almost 100% probability they cannot do laparoscopic castration there. The cost of a laparoscope and related equipment is about 1.5-2 million rubles(if you decide to check the numbers, keep in mind that on the first pages of Yandex the attachment itself is called a laparoscope, whose cost is approximately 1/15 of the total amount).

Separately, I would like to say about unscrupulous doctors who come to do sterilization at home and say that this is laparoscopic sterilization. Laparoscopic castration cannot be performed without a laproscope. No way. It is forbidden. What such “specialists” do is actually sterilization using the method of micro-incisions (micro-laparatomy) or through a lateral approach. If the operation using the microlaparatomy method is carried out competently, sterilely, on a young untied animal without any pathologies of the reproductive system, and the ovaries are completely removed, and the uterus is left unchanged, then no negative consequences there is no need to expect. However, very often after such operations a partially removed uterus (stump) or part of the ovary remains. In this case, either all signs of sexual behavior are preserved (not even most of ovary - up to a millimeter can produce sufficient quantity sex hormones), or inflammation develops over time and adhesive process. If the operation is performed unsterilely, there is a high risk of developing life-threatening infectious complications, up to sepsis.

This is what real laparoscopy looks like. If such a device is not delivered to your home, you should suspect something is wrong.

Now - directly about laparoscopy.

In human medicine, its advantages are clear - the absence of unsightly scars, more fast healing, there is no need to stay in the clinic for a long time. But you shouldn’t make the common mistake of transferring this experience to veterinary medicine. In human surgery, this method is much more developed, familiar, and the equipment and training opportunities for doctors are much more accessible. On average, a person is much larger than any of the pets; the volume of the abdominal cavity is larger, which means it is more convenient to carry out laparoscopic manipulations. Animals don't need to worry about cosmetic defects in the form of a seam.

How is laparoscopic surgery performed?

On initial stage During surgery, the animal is pumped with carbon dioxide using a laparoscope (insufflation). This mandatory part operations in this technique. If the surgeon is not experienced enough in laparoscopy, the abdomen will be significantly “inflated” (this makes the surgeon’s work easier and improves visibility) - but for the animal this means high blood pressure to all organs of the abdominal cavity (such a “puffed up” belly is visible in the photo above). You may have read in reviews that after laparoscopy it took a long time for the pet to come to its senses - the long recovery from anesthesia is due, among other things, to the metabolism of carbon dioxide in the body. In addition, the duration of laparoscopic castration from start to finish is slightly longer than with traditional access, which increases the time the animal is under anesthesia (although, of course, this also depends on the experience of the surgeon and the teamwork of the surgical team).

In order for laparoscopy to be a truly short and low-traumatic operation, it is necessary to find not only experienced surgeon, but a surgeon who is experienced in this particular area. This is not so simple - we have already found out that not all clinics can afford laparoscopic equipment. In addition, this operation is 3-4 times more expensive than conventional sterilization, so it is performed relatively infrequently, even in specialized clinics.

Why does a surgeon need experience in laparoscopy?

The fundamental differences between laparoscopy and traditional methods are as follows:

  • the surgeon sees an image on the screen that gives a depth distortion;
  • the surgeon has a very limited range of motion compared to conventional methods;
  • the instruments move in the opposite direction to the surgeon's hands, so working with them requires serious non-intuitive skills. You may have seen such entertainment - bicycles with inverted handlebars, on which you are offered to ride ten meters and receive an award, which almost no one can do without long training. If you have tried to ride like this, imagine how a doctor works in the same way in the insides of your pet with sharp instruments;
  • the surgeon does not feel the tissue with his hands - this is a minus, since in the case of internal inflammation, the hands are the primary diagnostic tool;
  • On average, tissue tension (including the vessels of the ovarian ligament) is higher during sterilization through the lateral approach and during laparoscopy, which potentially increases the risk of accidental rupture and bleeding. If complications occur, traditional access along the white line is often indicated.

The main advantage of laparoscopy is the absence of the need to process and remove sutures. However, in fact, there is no need to treat the sutures, not because after such an operation there is no need for it, it’s just that after laparoscopic intervention, cosmetic, intradermal sutures are made or skin glue is applied. Such seams can also be made using traditional methods - then they also do not need to be removed and processed.

The conclusion is simple - on modern stage development of laparoscopy in veterinary medicine is safer and sterilization is carried out traditional method with a cut along the white line.
In our clinic, we use only the midline laparatomy method, as it is the safest, least traumatic, fast, ideally practiced and convenient for surgeons. We widely use in practice the application of intradermal cosmetic sutures that do not require removal (treatments and blankets are desirable for the first 1-3 days).

Tests before sterilization surgery

performing diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy in dogs and cats

methodology and advantages compared to traditional methods.

1. Definition of the concept

Ovariectomy - removal of the ovaries. A change in hormonal levels occurs, the production of sex hormones stops and, as a result, estrus stops, the risk of ovarian cysts and false pregnancies disappears.

2. Indication for surgery

Sterilization of cats is carried out to suppress sexual behavior, which is clearly manifested in most cats during heat and often causes quite a lot of anxiety to the owner (screaming, intrusiveness, damage to furniture, aggressiveness). In addition, due to domestication, the cat’s period between estrus is shortened, unlike wild cats(cats come into heat about twice a year). U domestic cat He may even be in heat every month. This is due to an increase in daylight hours due to artificial lighting, comfortable conditions existence (warmth, sufficient food).

Cats are prone to multiple births. Within five years, an unsterilized cat and its offspring can increase the population of their relatives to 20 thousand.

It is better to sterilize a cat at a young age (8-9 months), when it can tolerate anesthesia well. Sterilization is also allowed at a later age; sterilization is much easier for a cat to tolerate than removal of the uterus, which has already become inflamed. Since over the age of 7 years, tolerance may deteriorate general anesthesia, before surgery on a middle-aged animal, it is very advisable to take a general biochemical analysis blood and do a cardiogram. Spaying your cat before her second heat will also reduce the risk of mammary tumors by 25%. In addition, in 90% of cases, mammary gland tumors in cats are malignant. (tumors of the mammary glands, neoplasms of the ovaries, uterine body, cervix). The optimal age for sterilizing a cat is 7-8 months.

The gonads produce germ cells and produce sex hormones. The hormonal function of the gonads is closely related to functional activity internal secretion. After castration, the activity of the endocrine glands in the body changes significantly, which qualitatively affects the metabolism, physiological state of the animal, its growth and development. Animals become more prone to obesity and become calmer.

Such alternative way preventing cat pregnancy, like using chemicals contraceptives, is fraught with the emergence hormonal disorders, diseases of the reproductive system, as well as hormone-dependent neoplasms.

3. Anatomical and topographic data

Ovaries - the female reproductive glands in dogs and cats are located in lumbar region, near the place of their formation. Each ovary is covered by a bursa, which in the cat partially hides it from direct view. After opening the ovarian bursa, the ovary appears in the form of a longitudinal oval, slightly flattened, sometimes round organ. In a cat, the size of the ovary is on average 7 mm. The surface of the ovary is smooth.

The left and right ovaries are located at the level of the III-IY lumbar vertebrae, with some displacement relative to each other.

The ovaries are in contact with the caudal pole of the kidneys or are in close proximity to it. The mesentery supporting them is short. In the ovary, there is a mesenteric edge, with the hilum of the ovary and the opposite free edge, and in addition, the uterine end, to which the ovarian ligament is attached, and the tubal end, to which individual fimbriae of the fallopian tube funnel are attached. Both surfaces, lateral and medial, are separated by a free end.

In animals that have not reached sexual maturity, the ovaries are oval, laterally flattened and clearly demarcated from the surrounding tissue. The pipe end is slightly thickened. The surface is smooth, except for slight graininess, and is whitish-gray in color. Until six months, more or less large follicles with a diameter of 100 microns are found only in the depths of the cortex. At the age of one year, follicles with a diameter of 200 microns or more lie below the surface. The vessels of the ovary are characterized by severe sclerosis.

The oviduct, or fallopian tube, is a paired tube-like organ through which the egg enters the uterus. In cats of medium and large sizes, the oviduct has a length of 40-50 mm. Its beginning - a funnel with a fringed edge - is located next to the slit-like opening of the ovarian bursa. The oviduct funnel is located on the medial side of the ovarian bursa. The oviduct extends from the craniomedial side of the ovarian bursa to the lateral side and, passing cranially and forming loops, reaches the end of the uterine horn. The funnel is surrounded by a crown of reddish fimbriae, some of which are located on the ovarian bursa (at the edges of the opening). In the center of the funnel, the abdominal opening of the oviduct opens, thanks to which the oviduct connects to the abdominal cavity. From a morphological point of view, the oviduct can be divided into the ampulla, the narrow isthmus of the oviduct, and the uterine part protruding into the horn of the uterus. The walls of the oviduct consist of serosa and its base, muscularis propria and mucous membrane. The latter forms high branched folds. It is covered with single-layer, sometimes multi-row cylindrical epithelium, most of which is covered with cilia, and a smaller part secretes secretions.

According to modern views, the egg, which floats in the secretion of the fallopian tube, moves through the abdominal opening into the ampulla for the most part due to peristalsis rather than due to the flickering movements of the cilia. Sperm penetrate through the uterine opening to the site of fertilization in the ampulla due to the antiperistaltic waves of the uterus rather than due to its own movement. The fertilized egg, which on its way from the ampulla of the fallopian tube to the uterus turns into a morula, is retained in the isthmus, which passes very slowly due to hormonally caused muscle contraction, so that its passage through fallopian tube lasts 4 or more days, as a result of which it reaches the maturity necessary for implantation in the uterus .

4. Progress of the operation.

4.1.Preparation of the surgical field.


First of all, we performed pharmacological preparation of the animal - priming, administered intramuscular atropine 0.08 ml; dicinone 20 mg; prednisanol 1 mg..; ceftriaxone 40 mg. This procedure allowed us to facilitate the technical implementation of anesthesia and its course, and reduce dangerous autonomic reflexes.

Then 0.25 ml was injected. xyl solution, tranquilization occurs. The final stage of anesthesia - 0.5 ml was administered intramuscularly. gilded.

4.3. Fixation of the animal.

Fixing the cat in a dorsal position.

4.4. Technique for laparoscopic oophorectomy.

The first access was made by puncture with a Veress needle; the device of the needle allows you not to fear for the integrity of nearby internal organs. Then a hose was connected to the needle cannula, the other end of which was previously connected to the insufflator. In the parameters of the insufflator, a certain pressure indicator was preset, optimal for dogs - 10-12 mm Hg. Art.

Then, within 5-7 minutes, depending on the pressure in the insufflator, the abdominal cavity was filled with carbon dioxide. The degree of filling was determined by the presence of a tympanic sound during percussion abdominal wall. The Veress needle was then removed and the first trocar with a diameter of 10 mm was inserted for insertion of the laparoscope. Next, the trocar stylet was removed, and a laparoscope was inserted instead; the gas supply hose was switched from the Veress needle to a special cannula on the laparoscope. The light guide tube built into the laparoscope was connected to the illuminator. An examination and revision of the abdominal organs was carried out and, in the absence of any pathologies, they proceeded directly to oophorectomy. To do this, in the manner described earlier, through trocar punctures up to 6 mm in size, ports with a diameter of 5 mm were installed for introducing instruments at a distance of 10-20-30 cm from each other. The insertion sites for these trocars were optimal so as not to interfere with each other and for ease of manipulation.

It should be noted that the laparoscopic operation was performed with the help of an assistant who also had certain skills in manipulating laparoscopic equipment.
A clamp was inserted through one of the ports, which was used to fix one of the horns of the uterus. After fixation, a coagulator was inserted through another port, which burned the vessel and ovarian ligament and stopped the bleeding. Then, at a distance of 2 - 3 cm from the ovary, the uterine horn was burned and the bleeding stopped. The same was done with the second ovary. Next, the stumps were examined and, in the absence of residual bleeding, the instruments were removed from the abdominal cavity. In some cases, especially in giant breeds dogs, resorted to ligatures. In this case, the operation time was extended.
A cosmetic suture was applied to the wound of the abdominal wall and skin through which the laparoscope was installed. Average duration our operation was 30-40 minutes.

5. Postoperative care.

In the postoperative period, owners are required to care for the sutures for a week before their removal, which involves daily treatment of the sutures antiseptics. Also, during the postoperative period, a special blanket was put on the cat, which prevents bacteria from entering the seam, and also protects against the animal’s attempts to lick the seam.

5. Conclusion.

The practical application of this operation - eliminating the uncontrolled reproduction of cats - is very important for owners in urban conditions.

Laparoscopy is a new, still little used method in veterinary practice. The method has many advantages and a minimum of disadvantages. If you have certain skills in using laparoscopic technology, the method becomes quite simple and routine for most surgeons.


Carrying out diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy