Can pregnant women lie on their back? Sleep of an expectant mother: why pregnant women are not recommended to sleep on their back.

Pregnant women are forced to comply with many restrictions: this also applies to medical supplies, And physical activity, and nutrition. Expectant mothers should even sleep according to the rules. The correct sleeping position affects both the baby and the mother’s well-being, because at night the body, especially one that has become much heavier over several months, needs to rest. It seems that the most optimal position is on the back, but is this really so?

How to sleep during pregnancy

- in the early stages

Despite the fact that the first trimester is considered the most dangerous for the embryo, it is at this time that there are no restrictions on sleep for the mother. You can sleep in any position, because the fetus is still too small and does not put pressure on the uterus and neighboring organs.

The main thing is to be comfortable and have enough time for proper rest.

However, it is better to accustom yourself to sleep on your side from the first weeks of pregnancy, abandoning the position on your back and stomach. This will make it easier for the expectant mother later.

- in later stages

From about the middle of the second trimester, a pregnant woman’s belly becomes noticeable, but even earlier, from the 13th week, the size of the fetus causes the uterus to increase, pressing on neighboring organs.

From now on, you should not sleep on your back: there is a risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava, which runs through the spine.

Of course, when the belly begins to grow, you can no longer sleep on your stomach. In this position it turns out strong pressure for the fruit. The most optimal position in the third trimester is on the left side, because... the kidney on the right is being compressed. Your legs should be placed one on top of the other or a pillow or bolster should be pressed between them.

In general, a woman needs to listen to her feelings. If after sleep she feels relaxed and total energy, which means that the child was comfortable “spending the night” in this position. Sometimes the baby begins to kick and push while the mother is sleeping, which may indicate discomfort. In this way he is trying to tell his mother that it would not hurt to lie down differently.

In the last 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping half-sitting.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back later in life?

The main reason why it is forbidden to sleep on your back from the 3rd month of pregnancy is the pressure of the fetus on blood vessels and spine. In the place where the uterus is located, the spine bends, i.e. it seems to be in contact with her if the woman lies on her back. Severe pain and heaviness appear in the back, pressure increases, swelling and stiffness appear in the muscles.

Compressed blood vessels affect blood circulation: the child does not receive sufficient quantity nutrients, and the mother does not supply the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen. If you lie on your back for a long time, the lack of oxygen to the brain can even lead to loss of consciousness.

The closer to childbirth, the more dangerous it is to lie on your back. The inferior vena cava, which transports blood from the lower body to the heart, is clamped. As a result, the mother may feel weak, dizzy, short of breath, darkened vision and shortness of breath. In this case, you need to immediately turn over on your side and lie there for several minutes. Your health will improve instantly.

Compression of the vena cava is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Also, sleeping on your back provokes excessive stress on the bladder, so the woman will have to often run to the toilet, which also negatively affects the condition expectant mother. The liver, kidneys, and intestines suffer.

When sleeping and lying on his back, the child experiences an acute lack of oxygen, which is very dangerous.

What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back?

Firstly, to get rid of this habit, which will become harmful during pregnancy, you need to prepare for proper sleep in advance. It is advisable to try to sleep on your side already at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Secondly, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which allows you to sleep on your side. The pillow is very soft and comfortable: it acts as both support and support for the legs, and reminds mom that it is better not to roll over onto her back.

Finally, you can simply ask your husband to pay attention to his sleeping position if he wakes up, and remind him to turn over.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

The position of the mother's body affects, first of all, her well-being. A pregnant woman experiences enormous stress when walking, so it is very important to have a good rest while sleeping. During the day, the legs and spine are most tested, and when incorrect position body at night, the spine will hurt even more.

If the position of the woman’s body does not suit the baby, he will feel discomfort and try to change his own position. As a result of such manipulations, the baby may take a position that is not suitable for birth process. This is called pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus.

When the expectant mother lies on her left side, her organs and blood vessels are not compressed. The child receives everything he needs nutrients, and the spine rests.

It is also very important to rise correctly. This should be done slowly, gradually, without jerks or sudden movements. First, you need to lie down for a few minutes after waking up, then turn on the side that is closest to the descent from the bed, lower your feet to the floor and then get up.

Expectant mothers should always take care of themselves and their baby, even while sleeping. It is very important to choose the right pajamas, natural bed linen, ventilate the room well, but also not to forget about a comfortable position. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, and from the 13th week - on your back. This position puts enormous pressure on the mother’s internal organs, but the baby does not receive required quantity oxygen.

This position will not allow a woman to get a good night's sleep and rest, because the load on the spine when sleeping on her back is colossal. It is best to sleep on your left side with a soft pillow between your legs.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

“When a friend told me that in order to maintain her pregnancy she had to lie in bed for all nine months, I was horrified at the thought of such a “stationary” life,” says Maria. “And I was not at all prepared for the fact that I could find myself in this situation.” It so happened that from the tenth week of pregnancy I was forced to lie down, most often in the hospital, less often at home. It is difficult to describe all the thoughts, feelings and desires that overwhelmed me at that time. I can only say one thing - if a woman knows or guesses that she will have a difficult pregnancy and will need to lie in bed for a long time, she should use the opportunity to carefully prepare for this time.

Life is not fair

Often even the most patient expectant mothers who are forced to lie for a long time, there come moments when only one question rings in your head: “Why me?” We look at magazines with romantic photos of women in “interesting” positions, we watch their happy and cloudless pregnancies, we see that they are blooming and fragrant in anticipation of a baby, they are traveling and rejoicing, and this makes us more and more despondent: life is unfair !

“At some moments,” Maria shared, “it seemed to me that I ceased to understand myself: do I want a child? After all, if I’m expecting a baby, I must be ready to overcome all difficulties in order to bear and safely give birth to him. However, my feelings overwhelmed me; I wanted to return to my usual life, full of movement and events, and not lie in one place for months on end. From the thought of how many days, weeks and months lay ahead of me, melancholy attacked me, I felt very sorry for myself. Of course, the thought that I would do everything necessary for the sake of my baby’s life overcame my weaknesses all the time, but from time to time I had to fight the onset of depression.”

If you find yourself in similar situation, try to tune in to take your thoughts away from comparing yourself with others who are now easier and more fun. It is indeed very difficult to see and understand that someone is enjoying and living life to the fullest during their pregnancy, and you are forced to do nothing but lie down all the time. But, if you look from the other side, many women who cannot get pregnant and do not have children would dream of being in your place and, at least lying down, carrying and giving birth to their child!

Those who have gone through the same long and difficult journey of bearing a baby can help you mentally and support you in moments when despair sets in. Don't hesitate to ask them for advice, even if they are not the people closest to you. Listen and read the stories of those women who did not despair and persevered, or rather, persevered in the battle for the life of a child, not paying attention to their hobbies, habits and desires. On special forums you can read about how much more difficult pregnancy was for many women than for you. Stories about a victorious ending are especially encouraging: about a successful birth, about a meeting with the sweetest creature in the world - a long-awaited baby.

Having passed hard way carrying a baby, your heart will become more sensitive to similar problems other women. You will be able to support your friends and acquaintances if they have a similar test in their lives. Who, if not you, can give useful advice and understand the feelings and fears of those who long months lives with a diagnosis of “threatened miscarriage” and is trying with all her might to save the baby!

In addition, anyone who knows what forced long-term lying is will be able to support not only mothers expecting a child, but also the sick and old people. A person who has passed this path begins to look at the world differently: he appreciates those things that he ordinary life don't pay attention. Just the ability to walk, sit, take care of yourself, see how the leaves bloom on the trees - all this is not available to everyone, and only a few understand it. Call a person who is on his sick bed, write a letter to a friend who is in convalescence - you understand better than others how important support and encouragement are for these people.

Lay down straws

“If I had known where you would fall, I would have laid out straws,” says a well-known proverb. A woman expecting a child does not always know in advance that she will have to remain in confinement for a long time. But in some cases, the first signals that not everything is going well with the pregnancy can help you have time to prepare something before leading a normal lifestyle becomes dangerous. Many women who are examined before pregnancy and carefully monitored at the beginning are aware of their problems by experienced and attentive doctors, who can also warn in time about future problems. in the usual way life of the expectant mother.

Find house help and a nanny in advance if you have a child. Maybe, most time you will lie at home, but you will not be able to drive active image life.

If you don't have one person who can constantly help you around the house, the solution would be to create a schedule and assign something for each day. different people, ready to come to you for a few hours.

Agree with relatives and loved ones, ask them for help, and do not disdain any service that others can provide you. We often say that we are uncomfortable asking someone for something, because everyone has their own problems. But in this situation, pride and ambition should be discarded, because without outside help you will not be able to successfully nurse your precious pregnancy.

Necessary purchases
If you know that you will be without the opportunity to visit stores and shopping centers for some time, take care to make all the necessary purchases that you planned to make in the coming months.

This is especially true for those women who already have children. Kids outgrow their clothes and shoes very quickly, so it’s worth thinking through your child’s wardrobe several seasons in advance. Otherwise, while lying down, you will have to trust the business of buying clothes and shoes for your child to people who may not be experienced in this matter.

Prepare everything you need for school in advance if your children go to school. Only you, mom, know many of the nuances in choosing clothes, shoes and school supplies. Therefore, it is worth taking care of even the smallest details.

Make a list of the birthdays of loved ones to whom you want to give surprises. Buy all your gifts in advance while you are still able to move around. Also think about gifts for children for birthdays and other holidays. Your friends and family will be especially pleased that, despite your difficult situation, you remember them.

Clothing for pregnant women, kit for the hospital and maternity hospital, dowry for the baby and other necessary things can be bought in advance, at least partially - this will greatly ease the lot of you and your assistants when you suddenly need all this.

Forced lying down is not a reason for loneliness and seclusion. Communicate by phone and Internet with friends, maintain relationships with family and friends. This will help drive away the creeping mental illness from self-pity, from the unfamiliarity of your position and the inability to do what you want.

If you are staying at home, invite your friends to visit. You can have tea and have an interesting time while lying down. In the hospital, you can also choose a time to drink tea with other patients or with friends who have come to visit you.

Find a forum to connect with women like you who are continuing their pregnancies.

Maximum pleasure
Think about what kind of pastime would be enjoyable for you? Stock up on interesting books, films, magazines. Talk to your friends about what shows are worth watching. It is important that the expectant mother experiences as many positive emotions as possible; this will affect not only the mental state of the pregnant woman, but also influence the physical processes in the body.

A few delicacies can also brighten up life and bring new sensations. Think about what you haven’t tried yet, what you would like to enjoy. Often, friends ask a pregnant woman what treats to bring her. This question may be puzzling at first, but if you think about it in advance, ideas will probably arise.

Not limitations, but new opportunities

To avoid the feeling of doing nothing, consult with your friends, read in magazines and on the Internet what interesting and useful things you can do while lying down. Those things that you usually didn’t get around to, those hobbies that you didn’t have enough time for, will now become more accessible to you.

What can you do while lying down for days, weeks, months on end? Think about what type of needlework you know? Knitting, embroidery, beading, macrame? All this creativity can be channeled into the expectations of the baby: you will have enough time to prepare an exclusive wardrobe for the baby. Ask your friends or purchase all the materials at hand in advance. Some things can be ordered online. Thus, you can not only decorate your child’s clothes, but also knit or sew wonderful things for him with your own hands, cute storage for toys and other small items, and much more.

What else can you do that will make your loved ones happy? Sew or knit Stuffed Toys and bags. Create photo albums. Having mastered simple computer programs, you will be able to do artistic processing of photographs for yourself and your loved ones.

You can do both what you are good at and master new areas in handicrafts, science, etc. Don't know how to crochet? Friends and advice on the Internet will always come to your aid. We have long dreamed of learning English language? You have enough time to start this business.

If you have a child, a huge advantage of your forced lying down will be the time that you can devote to your baby. Reading books, Board games, just communicating on the bed will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to the child. Based on the baby’s age, come up with special games and activities that will bring you closer to your child.

While lying down, you can find good resources on the Internet: sites with interesting reading, online stores, advice for expectant mothers, etc. Many people shop for their baby online before giving birth. You can also solve various issues with a computer and phone at hand: pay bills, fill out documents, write letters via various issues in the authorities, make important calls.

Having a daily schedule will help you manage your many tasks and will give you the opportunity to see that you are leading a truly active lifestyle while in a physically inactive state. And if your friends start placing orders for the fruits of your creativity, then you will notice that, in fact, you don’t have much time, and you need to manage to cope with all your plans before that joyful day comes when you can get back into the groove of your normal life.

A little time will pass, and the pleasure of motherhood will make you forget all the hardships of life under the threat of losing your child. You will plunge into new world, into new sensations. To create a memory of that special time when you felt like you weren't quite like everyone else, start keeping a journal. This could be a pregnancy diary, or a collection of your thoughts and experiences. Frame your memoirs in the style of an appeal to the child you are expecting or write a chapter from a fairy tale for your baby every day. And don’t let difficult circumstances break your faith that everything will be fine!

Proper sleep is very important for a pregnant woman; it is needed not only to restore strength, but also for the proper development of the child. Until the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman does not feel much discomfort during sleep and can lie in any position.

But as soon as the belly grows, the expectant mother has problems choosing a suitable position.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their back? Which position is the safest and most comfortable? More on this later.

Correct sleeping position for a pregnant woman

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can sleep in any position. But doctors recommend accustoming yourself to proper sleep even before early stages. It is not advisable to sleep on your back for women whose belly has already become round (in some women, their belly increases from the 13th week of pregnancy). Starting from the 28th week, sleeping on your back is prohibited. medical indications.

The most correct sleeping position is on the left side. If the baby is in transverse presentation (the fetus lies across), it is recommended to lie on the side where its head is located. But the most comfortable and beneficial position for mother and child is the position on the left side. However, it is quite difficult to sleep in one position all night, so it is recommended to make 3 to 5 turns per night (from left to right side).

Accustom yourself to sleep correctly as soon as your tummy gets bigger. If you are used to sleeping on your back, then get used to correct position even in the first weeks of pregnancy. Roll over left side, and to maintain this position while sleeping, place a pillow under your back.

Ideal pose: lie on your left side, right leg bend your knee and place it on a pillow. Advantages of the left-sided position:

  • Improving blood circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients in sufficient volume;
  • Kidney function is not impaired;
  • There is no swelling of the extremities;
  • The liver functions normally;
  • No back and pelvis pain;
  • The heart and blood vessels function normally.

As for your arms, bend your left one at the elbow and place your right one on a pillow above your stomach. Do not put your hands under your head or pillow, otherwise they will become numb.

Consequences of sleeping on your back in pregnant women

Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, sleeping and even just lying on your back is prohibited for medical reasons. In addition, this position causes physical discomfort. The uterus, which has grown greatly during this time, puts pressure on the back and internal organs.

Sleeping on your back causes fatigue and severe pain in the lumbar region. And due to stagnation of blood, blood pressure decreases and the pregnant woman may lose consciousness. Another dangerous consequence– the fetus receives too little oxygen and oxygen deficiency occurs.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is still small, and therefore does not compress the inferior vena cava, as a result, blood circulates normally. But every day the embryo grows, the spine is loaded, the vena cava is compressed and blood circulation is disrupted.

The size of the uterus increases, and it compresses not only the vein, but also the internal organs. As a result of sleeping on her back, a pregnant woman may experience varicose veins. Due to deficiency and stagnation of blood, the uterus grows more slowly - this is main reason prohibition of sleeping on the back.

If expectant mother at 6 months of pregnancy if she sleeps on her back, the enlarged uterus will press on the inferior vena cava. As a result, blood will stop flowing into the required volume to the heart, the pressure will drop, and this threatens fainting. Due to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids occur.

In addition, there is a risk of compression by the enlarged uterus of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. As a result, sleeping on your back in the last trimester of pregnancy disrupts the functioning of the woman’s entire body - that’s why pregnant women should not sleep on their back.

If a woman wakes up due to painful sensations in the lower back, side or lower limbs, then you need to change your position. If this doesn't help, visit a doctor. Special pillows for pregnant women will help regulate the load during rest.

Many doctors do not recommend that expectant mothers sleep on right side, since the general blood flow of mother and fetus is disrupted.

The large uterus compresses the arteries, which transport nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby along with the blood.

Many women who have tried to sleep on their right side note that the fetus reacts to this position within 15 minutes. Due to oxygen deficiency, the embryo nervously moves its limbs and pushes the mother. If you notice such signs, roll over onto your left side. Expectant mothers, regardless of age, are strictly forbidden to sleep on their stomachs! To protect your child, avoid not only long sleep, but also temporary rest in this position. If you are used to sleeping like this, then accustom yourself to correct posture

even in the first weeks of pregnancy. Otherwise, you will harm not only yourself, but also your unborn baby.

  • So, let's repeat the main points:
  • Until what stage of pregnancy can you sleep on your back? - up to 12 weeks;
  • At what stage of pregnancy can you not sleep on your back? - from 28 weeks, for medical reasons;
  • Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy? - yes before 12 weeks, no after 28. In the period from 12 to 28 weeks, sleeping on your back is undesirable, but acceptable;

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to lie on her back? - yes, if you lie on your back for a while, it will not harm either you or the fetus.

How to make your sleep comfortable and correct

After the expectant mother has decided on a safe and comfortable position, it is necessary to take care of organizing the sleeping area. And therefore, a pregnant woman cannot do without an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness. Only such a sleeping surface will follow the curves of your body, support the spine and provide comfortable sleep for you and your child. If a pregnant woman sleeps with her husband, then you need to buy a mattress that won’t bounce too much . After all, intense vibrations during inversion guarantee discomfort

during sleep for the mother and unborn baby. Give preference to a double bed or sofa. Only on a spacious sleeping place

The pregnant woman will be able to fully rest.
The second important point is the pregnancy pillow.

It can be a U-shaped pillow that perfectly supports the body on both sides. Thanks to it, the back relaxes and the stomach is carefully supported. Compact pillows in the shape of the letters “C” and “I” perfectly support the stomach and increase comfort while sleeping on the left side.

To get a good rest, follow these rules::

  • Nutrition must be correct, complete and timely. Don't overeat, eat more often, but in small portions. The last meal should occur 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the stomach will not have time to digest the contents and the body will not be able to concentrate on rest.
  • Do not drink tonic drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa. Replace sweet soda with compote or filtered still water. Before going to bed, drink warm milk with honey.
  • Exercise daily: moderate physical activity will provide deep sleep. Do exercises for pregnant women in daytime so that the body has time to relax after exercise.
  • Intensive mental activity(reading books, complex calculations) prevents good rest. Only calm, quiet music will help you relax.
  • Be disciplined and stick to your daily schedule. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Daytime nap may cause insomnia.
  • Doctors recommend walking before bed. And while you're out for a walk, open the window in the bedroom to ventilate the room, and you'll be guaranteed a good night's sleep.
  • Before going to bed, take a bath; the water temperature should not exceed 37°.
  • You can get rid of insomnia with the help of aromatherapy. Dried lemon balm, hops, thyme or rose, placed in a cotton bag near the pillow, will calm and relax. If you have an aroma lamp, use lavender oil.
  • Wear loose pajamas or a cotton nightgown at night.

Sleeping pills are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!

Concern for the little toddler makes a pregnant woman take a different look at everyday things and habits. For example, already at the very beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers try to choose optimal posture for sleep and relaxation. There are many recommendations on this matter, in particular, discussions regarding lying on your back continue. Today we will try to objectively answer this burning question for pregnant women.

How long can pregnant women lie on their back?

While the tummy is barely noticeable and the uterus is reliably protected by the bones of the small pelvis, the expectant mother should not worry about whether the expectant mother can lie on her back during pregnancy. At first, the position during sleep does not in any way affect the well-being and development of the baby. On the stomach, on the back or side - a woman has the right to enjoy the opportunity to sleep and relax in a place convenient for her. fully, since in a couple of months she will no longer have such a prerogative. As soon as her tummy begins to round, sleeping on her stomach will be uncomfortable and unsafe. As for the back, gynecologists allow you to rest in this position until about 28 weeks. However, doctors advise you to gradually get used to it and choose a comfortable position for rest in advance, so as not to overshadow the last months of pregnancy. chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.

Can pregnant women lie on their backs during late pregnancy?

Reached huge sizes the belly significantly limits the freedom of movement of a pregnant woman. Of course, you can’t sleep on your stomach anymore, and the position on your back is not the best The best decision. In this position, the uterus strongly compresses the vena cava, through which blood moves from the legs to the heart. By disrupting blood flow, a pregnant woman may feel unwell, dizzy, and breathing may become rapid and intermittent. But, most importantly, when similar violations The child also suffers - he begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen.

In addition, lying on your back for a long time can cause lower back pain or increase

However, many doctors say that lying on your back during pregnancy is possible, but not for long. Alternate changes in body position during a favorable pregnancy cannot harm the baby or mother in any way. But, nevertheless, answering the question of how long you can lie on your back during pregnancy, gynecologists do not advise abusing this position, and warn that at the slightest discomfort, the position of the body should be changed immediately.

In order for a pregnant woman to fully rest and regain her strength, she must sleep at least 8 hours a day. And for a toddler developing in the womb, not only the duration of his mother’s sleep is important, but also the position in which she is located. How to sleep during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby?

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back?

In the first half of pregnancy there are no restrictions, even if this is a favorite position in which future mommy spends most of the night. But approximately after 22 weeks you should try not to lie like that. Between the uterus and the spinal column passes the inferior vena cava - the most large vessel, through which blood from the torso and legs returns to the heart. If a grown fetus, amniotic fluid and a heavy uterus squeeze this vessel, a condition called inferior vena cava syndrome . This is a very dangerous situation in which the volume of circulating blood drops sharply, as in acute massive blood loss. The longer a pregnant woman is in a supine position, the more severe the symptoms: dizziness, weakness, feeling of lack of air, loss of consciousness, falling blood pressure up to a state of hypovolemic shock. And the fetus in the uterus at the same time experiences increasing oxygen deficiency, its condition also progressively worsens. If during wakefulness a woman can quickly react to the ailment that has arisen and change her body position in time (for example, during an ultrasound), then during sleep the protective mechanisms work slowly. As a result, both the baby and his mother can be seriously injured.

If diagnosed multiple pregnancy, or there is polyhydramnios, it is better to stop sleeping on your back at the beginning of the second trimester. It is also useful to follow this recommendation when the fetal head is low and there is a threat of miscarriage.

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her stomach?

On purpose, on the advice of friends or “healers,” you definitely don’t need to lie on your stomach. But if this is your favorite sleeping position, then you can treat yourself. But only up to 12 weeks, while the uterus is deep in the pelvis and protected by the bones of the womb. Later, the pressure of the mother's body on her pregnant belly is undesirable, and after 20 weeks - and dangerous for her baby. In this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed less, but at the same time the vessels of the placenta are compressed. That is, the fetus suffers much more than if the woman was lying on her back.

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, especially in first-time mothers, many have to give up sleeping on their stomachs due to the sharply increased sensitivity of the swollen mammary glands. If this does not happen, then from 20 weeks, after accidentally turning onto her stomach, the mother will be awakened by the persistent pushes of her child. Well, after 28 weeks, the question “is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy” is no longer relevant: lying face down on a huge ball is uncomfortable!

How to sleep properly during pregnancy

In all stages of pregnancy, the most physiological position is considered to be one in which the woman lies on her left side, curled up comfortably. So warm and calm for both mother and her baby. The position on the right side is also encouraged by obstetricians. It is believed that in this case the uterus is most relaxed and well supplied with blood.

As the gestational age increases, a woman becomes more and more erect during sleep. This is explained not only by an increase in the size of the uterus, but also by an increasing curvature spinal column V lumbar region. It becomes more and more difficult to bend forward, and from constantly lying strictly on your side your hips begin to hurt. What should I do?

1. You are allowed to lie not only strictly on your side, but also lean back a little. To do this, you need to put a thick blanket from behind.

2. Spread your legs slightly bent at the knees, placing a small sofa cushion between them.

3. Place a soft mattress or thick blanket on the mattress.

To make sleeping on your side during pregnancy even more comfortable, you can place your leg or arm on your husband lying next to you. The future daddy must feel the hardships of bearing an heir. Good night Sweet dreams!