Medications to increase testosterone in men. How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men? Drugs that increase testosterone

To buy drugs that increase testosterone in men in a pharmacy, you don’t even need a prescription. However, without a doctor's prescription and dose determination, they can cause a number of adverse reactions. Remember to consult your doctor before use.

Forms of drugs that increase testosterone

Testosterone is the main male hormone that is responsible for the functional activity of the reproductive system of each member of the stronger sex. Its lack in the body is often the main reason for the development of certain disorders in the sexual sphere.

A small shortage can be made up with, but a greatly underestimated deficit can be compensated solely with the help of synthetic or natural androgen analogues.

Finding the appropriate drugs to increase testosterone in a pharmacy is quite simple. The main thing is to know what to look for.

Available dosage forms:

  1. Capsules and tablets for oral administration.
  2. Body patches, gels or ointments for external use.
  3. Solutions and mixtures for. They can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously.

Tablets and capsules are easy to use. They cause the least number of adverse reactions and are well tolerated by the body. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the relatively long period of onset of the main action and the rapid removal of the active substance from the body. Despite this, it is tablets and capsules that are most often used to correct the level of sex hormone in the body.

Patches, gels and other external preparations also have a fairly quick effect when they enter the circulatory system of a man. They guarantee a long-term effect, but can cause a number of local side effects in the form of skin irritation, allergies, and the like.

Injectable forms of testosterone provide the highest percentage of the active substance entering the bloodstream. However, they require a corresponding insertion skill and are inconvenient for home use. In hospital treatment are indispensable.

IMPORTANT: buying a drug that increases testosterone is half the battle. You also need to know how to enter (accept) it and when.

Pills for the correction of hormonal levels

At the moment, the pharmaceutical market offers a fairly large selection of various.

In the form of tablets are sold:

  • Andriol. Synthetic analogue of a natural substance. It is well tolerated by patients, contributes to the rapid normalization of the level of androgens in the blood. Rarely causes adverse reactions does not harm the liver. It is one of the most successful drugs for the treatment of hormonal impotence. The dosage is calculated by the attending physician for each individual patient, the average single amount of the drug is 0.24 g active substance.
  • Tribestan. A drug that is not an analogue of a hormone, but at the same time stimulates its endogenous synthesis. Due to the naturalness of its composition, in the safest way, it provides an increase in the work of the endocrine glands, which guarantees the appropriate effect. The average dose is 1000-2000 mg - 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the degree of manifestation of the pathology.
  • . Perfectly improves the performance of the reproductive system. Increases libido, normalizes microcirculation in the pelvic organs, promotes. You need to take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day, depending on the doctor's prescription. Keep in mind that Impaza should not be swallowed, but kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, but not during meals.

There are other analogues of such drugs in the form of tablets, however, those mentioned above are the most effective.

Topical testosterone boosters for men

To increase the level of testosterone in the blood, it is not necessary to take pills or inject injections; you can use “topical” agents.

Among the means for external use are the following:

  • Androgel. The drug is available in the form of a gel. Applied to inner surface forearms or skin of the abdomen. A single dose is 5 g. In this amount, it increases the blood concentration of the corresponding androgen by 2.5 ng / ml. A more accurate dose adjustment is carried out by the attending physician. The maximum allowed daily amount of the product: 10 g. Do not apply the gel to the genitals (to prevent skin irritation and).
  • Androderm. The drug contains 2.5 mg of testosterone. Available in the form of patches for external use in a package of 30 and 60 pieces. Used once a day. It is enough to stick it on the skin of the scrotum (the effect will be the strongest), shoulder or abdomen and do not remove it for 24 hours. The active substance slowly penetrates into the circulatory system and provides a smooth increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

For many men, this look remains the most comfortable. No need to worry about the dose and regimen. It is enough to apply once and that's it. However, as practice shows, the effectiveness of such drugs is somewhat lower than tablets and injections.

Solutions for injection, which can be bought at the pharmacy

One of the most common groups of drugs are drugs for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Effective and popular medicines:

  • Nebido. It is an oil solution for intramuscular injections. During the injection, the contents of the entire ampoule (1 gram) are injected, in which there are 250 mg / ml of the active substance. The injection is carried out 1 time in 3-4 months. As a result of manipulation, a “depot” of testosterone is created in the body, from which it gradually and smoothly enters the bloodstream for a long time, ensuring an increase in the concentration of the corresponding androgen in the body.
  • Sustanon 250. Another drug for intramuscular injection. 1 ampoule contains 176 mg/ml of active ingredient. Injections should be done monthly under the supervision of a physician. The contents of 1 ampoule are injected at a time. The drug is non-toxic, however, sometimes adverse reactions may occur in the form of redness of the injection site, the development of edema or emotional lability. The calculation of the exact dose is carried out exclusively by the attending physician.
  • Omnadren. An analogue of natural testosterone. 1 ampoule contains 250 mg/ml of the active substance. Injections are given monthly to maintain a stable high concentration androgen in the blood. Side effects, as a rule, do not occur.

There are many drugs for the correction of male hormonal levels. However, it is not enough to go to a pharmacy and buy one or another drug that increases testosterone in men, you must first consult a doctor and agree on a treatment regimen. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

Drugs to increase testosterone are popular not only in the treatment of various disorders and diseases, but also in power sports. The fact is that this male sex hormone performs in the body so a large number of tasks that the slightest lack of it immediately leads to disturbances in well-being and general physical condition. IN medicinal purposes, drugs to increase testosterone are used to raise its concentration in the body to the required level. In sports practice, the purpose of using these drugs is somewhat different. Since this hormone accelerates the processes of protein synthesis, it can be used to build muscle faster, for which it is actually valued in many sports, primarily strength ones. Thus, our task today is to understand what pharmaceutical preparations increase testosterone for bodybuilding.

In the previous article "" we examined in detail its role in the body of men and women, and also found out what it is so valued for. As for women, an excessive level of testosterone in the body is undesirable for them, which means that the use of drugs to increase testosterone may be necessary solely for therapeutic purposes. As for men, here we can safely say that the higher the concentration of testosterone in their body, the more a man is a man. Thus, we logically approach our today's topic. Pharmacy drugs to increase testosterone in bodybuilding can be used by men, but definitely should not be used by women.

Here, however, it is worth touching on such an important topic as personal hormonal levels. The fact is that drugs to increase testosterone are created precisely and only for therapeutic purposes. Taking them can only be recommended if you have passed the tests and the attending physician has confirmed that this is the only way for you to raise testosterone. But if you do not have violations in the secretion of this hormone, then in fact, an additional intake of testosterone will lead to its overabundance in the body, which in turn will lead to the development of irreversible consequences. The main one will be the cessation of the production of one's own testosterone. When the body feels that the hormone comes into it from the outside, it concludes that it no longer makes sense to produce it on its own, and stops doing it.

Thus, it turns out that the use of testosterone in bodybuilding is a rather risky undertaking. On the one hand, you interfere with your hormonal background, which violates it. On the other hand, you run the risk that the body will stop producing its own testosterone. One way or another, the author of this article does not advertise any drugs and does not call for their use, which means whether to take them or not is a matter of personal responsibility for each individual person. But back to our topic. Pharmaceutical preparations to increase testosterone are used almost everywhere. Moreover, many of them are sold without a prescription at all. Actually, these drugs will be discussed further.

Types of testosterone for bodybuilding

Drugs to increase testosterone levels are produced in various forms of release. However, despite the form, each of these drugs is based on a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone - testosterone. In pharmaceuticals, the following forms of release of such drugs are known: tablets and capsules, gels and patches, as well as solutions for injections. Each of these forms has its pros and cons. For example, tablets and capsules have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, besides they are easy to take and easy to digest. The disadvantage of these release forms is the short duration of the effect. That is, testosterone in tablets and capsules is quickly excreted from the body, which makes it impossible to ensure a long-term effect of its effects.

With regard to forms such as gels and patches, their advantage lies in the fact that they are able to have a local effect. That is, they are recommended to be applied pointwise, in those places where their impact is necessary or appropriate. Gel pharmaceutical preparations that increase testosterone are able to be absorbed through the skin faster and enter the bloodstream, which means that they affect the body faster than tablets. This form release has a much longer effect, but it also has its drawback. It lies in the fact that with frequent use, the gel or patch can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin in the place where they are applied, which means that the frequency of their use should be low.

Finally, injections are the most popular form of testosterone booster. The main advantage of this form of release is the speed of its impact. Since the needle injects the drug directly into the bloodstream, the body does not waste time and effort to digest and absorb the pill or absorb the gel through the skin. The action of injectable testosterone preparations is considered the most productive, including due to the fact that they are able to have an effect for a long period of time. The disadvantage in this case is, firstly, the inconvenience, since injections require syringes that must be purchased separately. Secondly, the downside is the directly higher price relative to the same tablets, capsules, patches and gel.

The best drugs to increase testosterone

An increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood occurs medically, that is, through the use of special drugs. We have already considered the types of drugs that are produced for these purposes, but now it is time to describe their specific names. To be honest, not all of them are imported into our country, not all of them can be found in a regular pharmacy, and not all of them are sold without a prescription. But, since there is a demand among athletes who are bodybuilding, there is also a supply. It means that similar drugs to increase testosterone are often sold in online stores that specialize in selling sports supplements and other "auxiliary" substances, and very often, it is much easier to find them there than in a pharmacy.

Testosterone tablets for bodybuilding


Andriol is a drug - a source of testosterone for oral use. The active substance of the drug is testosterone undecanoate, which is presented in the form of a fatty acid ester of natural testosterone. IN pure form testosterone is inactive when administered orally, as it is rapidly metabolized before it enters the bloodstream. In turn, the drug Andriol is devoid of this drawback and does not undergo primary hepatic metabolism, but is evenly distributed in lymphatic system and thus remains active. The dosage is usually set individually. For therapeutic purposes, it starts at 40 mg per day. In sports practice, everything also depends on the physique of the athlete, body weight and the purpose of using the drug.


Tamoxifen belongs to the group of antiestrogens - drugs that block the action of the hormone estrogen. Taking the drug increases the production of luteinizing hormone prolactin and increases the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, resulting in an increase in testosterone production in the body. Also with positive side Tamoxifen characterizes the ability to reduce the level bad cholesterol. The disadvantages include its relatively high toxicity, due to which loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea and vomiting often develop. This drug is the main component in post-cycle therapy. For therapeutic purposes, the average dosage is 10-20 mg per day.


Although this drug has a hormonal effect, it does not have a synthetic, but a plant base. This is a completely natural remedy, the composition of which is formed on the basis of an extract of the grass of the creeping tribulus. The ground part of this plant contains steroid organic compounds, which cause stimulation hormonal system person. The drug activates the secretion of testosterone, increases endurance, promotes muscle building, and also eliminates the symptoms of sexual impotence. Due to these properties, it is highly popular among both amateurs and . For therapeutic purposes, the dosage starts from 1-2 tablets per day.


This drug is positioned by the manufacturer as a means to stimulate and normalize potency. The drug normalizes libido, increases sensitivity and has a positive effect on overall well-being. The composition contains affinity purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. The drug increases its activity, restores the production of nitric oxide (NO) by the endothelium, increases the content of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in smooth muscles, which leads to improved blood circulation. Despite the fact that this drug for increasing testosterone is considered homeopathic, that is, doubtful, nevertheless, it is in great demand among doctors and patients, as well as among athletes.

Testosterone for bodybuilding in gels and patches


This drug is intended for external use. It must be applied in a thin layer on the surface of the inner side of the forearms, as well as on the abdomen. Medium daily dosage just 5 grams increases the level of testosterone in the blood by 2.5 ng / ml. In this case, the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 10 grams. The advantage of Androgel is its high speed absorption. You can raise testosterone with a pharmaceutical preparation in just 5-6 minutes from the moment it is applied to the skin. An increase in testosterone concentration leads to an acceleration of protein metabolism, a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue, the development of striated muscles, and the excretion of potassium phosphates, sodium chlorides, nitrogen and water by the kidneys.


This drug is produced in the form of patches. Each patch contains 2.5 milligrams of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Packages are available in packs of 30 and 60 patches. It is necessary to glue the patches on the shoulder, back or thigh. It is recommended to do this in the afternoon, towards the evening, and it is necessary to wear it within 24 hours. advantage this drug to increase testosterone is the duration of its action. Testosterone, which is contained in Androderma, is absorbed through the skin into vascular system and exerts its effect during the entire time of wearing the patch. As mentioned earlier, applying patches to the same place is not recommended, as this causes skin irritation.

Testosterone for bodybuilding injections


This drug is a solution for intramuscular injection. It is administered through a syringe, in the amount of one ampoule at a time. The ampoule contains 1000 mg of the active substance - testosterone undecanoate in 4 ml of injection solution. For therapeutic purposes, injections are made once every 3-4 months. During this period of time, Nebido maintains the required level of the testosterone hormone in the body, while not at all leading to its excess. This over-the-counter bodybuilding testosterone is not as commonly used as the following injectables, but it has the advantage of being easier to obtain in some cases. This makes it quite popular among bodybuilders.

Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a mixture of four different testosterone esters. It contains 30 mg testosterone propionate, 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg testosterone isocaproate and 100 mg testosterone decanoate. Such a diverse composition is explained by the fact that each form of testosterone presented above has a different absorption rate, which allows you to maintain high level anabolic hormones in the blood for a month. This eliminates the need for frequent injections. For therapeutic purposes, Sustanon is injected only once every three weeks. Despite the fact that this drug is often perceived as a combined course, in fact this is not entirely true, because each of its components is converted only into testosterone.

Omnadren 250

Omnadren is completely identical to Sustanon, as it has exactly the same composition. It also contains 30mg testosterone propionate, 60mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60mg testosterone isocaproate and 100mg testosterone decanoate. The only reason why athletes prefer this or that drug is simply because of its availability. In terms of application, a diverse composition allows you to greatly vary the dosage, from 250 mg of the drug per week, to 1000 mg per day. Although the optimal dosage is still considered to be 500 mg once a week, intramuscularly. For maximum effect, many bodybuilders combine Omnadren with various anabolic steroids, which are not sold in the pharmacy, for obvious reasons.

Testosterone Propionate

This is truly the most popular pharmacy drug to increase testosterone levels. All major pharmaceutical companies are engaged in its production. It is sold in every pharmacy, literally all over the world. This is because if you need to raise the level of testosterone in the body, then the best substance than the one made on the basis of this hormone you will not find. The drug testosterone in bodybuilding helps to improve nitrogen balance, increase the level of insulin-like growth factor in muscles, helps build muscle mass, reduces body fat, shows body relief, increases strength, lowers blood cholesterol and more. Its main disadvantage is short period actions. Injections must be given every other day. The second disadvantage is the high cost.


So, above, we examined pharmaceutical preparations for increasing testosterone in men. The dangers of testosterone for the female body have already been mentioned at the beginning, so we will not dwell on this separately. After all that has been said, it is important to recall such a negative phenomenon as counterfeit products. With the growing demand for drugs, sellers of underground raw materials always pop up on the market, which are sold through intermediaries and, as a rule, only by acquaintance. Counterfeit, at best, is ordinary chalk (if it is tablets), ordinary petroleum jelly (if it is a gel) or ordinary water (if it is an injection solution). In the worst case, drugs purchased through third parties can harm the body and even cause infection.

Buying testosterone for bodybuilding in a pharmacy is best, since pharmacies work only with official and trusted manufacturers and suppliers, which means that the risk of selling counterfeit products in this case is completely excluded. However, even with original drug, do not forget what we talked about at the beginning of the article. Pharmaceutical preparations for raising testosterone interfere with your personal hormonal background and thereby disrupt it. This means that if you want to use them in your preparation, you will need to pass the appropriate tests for the concentration of hormones before you start using them. Then, after completing the course of admission, you will again need to be tested in order to understand how to restore the original hormonal background.

Finally, always remember that pharmaceutical preparations for testosterone production are not suitable for everyone and not always, which means that you should always discuss any of your actions with your doctor in advance. If he finds you have contraindications to taking hormonal drugs, then taking them on your own can not only harm you, but also lead to irreversible consequences. Also, do not forget that since testosterone is a potent substance with a pronounced anabolic effect, most preparations based on it are prohibited from sale, storage and distribution. So take care of your health, do not mess with the law and remember that taking testosterone is not bad or good, it's just a choice.

This organic compound affects all body functions, and its concentration should vary between 11 - 33 nmol / l. Permissible values ​​indicate men's health.

If the testosterone concentration is below the specified limit, the correction is carried out by medication. The composition of such drugs should include a synthetic analogue of an organic compound, or the presence of natural components that stimulate its production artificially is appropriate.

In this way, increase muscle mass and improve sexual function.

Hormone therapy for women

Problems of sexual dysfunction appear after 35 years, and in the absence of timely therapy, the disease becomes already chronic. When choosing effective drugs to increase testosterone in men, it is important that natural ingredients are present in the composition to stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone.

Such structural component stimulates the testicles to further produce the hormone. These drugs are taken in full course by professional athletes to accelerate muscle growth and patients with sexual dysfunction.


This is a convenient form of release of drugs with androgenic properties, intended for oral administration. Tablets have a systemic effect, and with constant use and increased concentration active ingredient in the blood have a long-term effect. Below are the most effective pharmacological positions of a given direction:

  1. Testosterone undecanoate. The characteristic drug is safe drugs for the treatment of sexual dysfunction diagnosed male infertility. Tablets are supposed to be taken orally, thereby activating the synthesis of luteinizing hormone, increasing the natural hormone.
  2. Methyltestosterone. Hormonal drug in the form of tablets for oral administration. A single dose is 0.05 g, while the daily dose should not exceed 0.1 g. It is forbidden to take it simultaneously with Cyclosporine, the course of treatment is determined by specialists on an individual basis.


Specific drug treatment, chemotherapy after oncological surgery, a burdened clinical history in relation to the reproductive organs, and thyroid disease can lead to a low concentration of testosterone.

Effective testosterone boosters for men

When prescribing medicines, the set is taken into account clinical criteria, the main of which are the age of the patient, his clinical and life history, lifestyle, the volume of sex hormones. In accordance with the data obtained, such drugs are prescribed.

With a pronounced lack of androgen hormones, women develop dry skin and hair, deposits visceral fat on the arms, neck, peritoneum, lack of pleasure from sexual contact, irritability and psycho-emotional instability, anxiety, sensitivity, constant irritation.

Preparations to increase testosterone for women

The increase in testosterone in women occurs by prescribing medications. Many of them are used in men, but the scheme and dosage can vary significantly.

The drug Omnadren

Omnadren is used to improve reproductive function female body. Hormone therapy with testosterone is effective for endometriosis, menopause, oncological lesions of the mammary glands, and uterine myoma.

It is unacceptable to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation. In women, during treatment, a pronounced antiestrogenic effect is noted, due to inhibition of the growth of pathological neoplasms.

At the same time, the remedy can be prescribed for premenstrual tension, in menopause or hermaphroditism.

Prescribed for very low testosterone levels in women. The main indications for use are tumors in the mammary glands, reproductive organs. At the same time, the remedy stimulates sexual desire, eliminates soreness before the onset of the active phase of the menstrual cycle. Long-term use significantly slows down the growth of tumors, preventing their malignant degeneration.

Means Parity

Stimulant hormone to activate your own testosterone. The composition includes only natural ingredients: ginger root, minerals and vitamins, pantocrine, yohimbe extract.

The therapeutic effect of the drug stimulates the body's resources for the synthesis of its own testosterone with its slight decrease. The drug can be used for a long time with dosage control, as well as with control of testosterone levels in the blood.

Pharmacy testosterone is presented in the form of esters. Typically, testosterone propionate and undecanoate are used in pharmaceuticals. These esters are as close as possible to the natural hormone.

If for use hormonal drugs there are certain contraindications, and attempts to normalize testosterone levels through diet and lifestyle do not work, you should turn to traditional medicine.

Phytotherapy often has no less effect than drug treatment, while natural ingredients are much less likely to cause side effects and correct application practically safe for the body.

Herbs rich in phytoestrogens compensate for the lack of female hormones, which becomes most relevant with age, with hyperandrogenism caused by menopausal changes.

Plants with antiandrogenic action reduce the effect advanced level testosterone in the body.

  • Peppermint one of the most accessible and effective means to lower testosterone. Infusion of herbs can be replaced with tea and coffee. Mint is brewed in the same way as regular tea: dried or fresh grass is poured with boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes. The infusion has pleasant taste which goes well with lemon and honey.
  • Sage herb, fresh or dried, is also effective as an infusion. It should be consumed 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • Momordica, also known as bitter cucumber, is a vegetable that resembles a spiked melon in appearance and shape. In the south of Russia, it is often grown as an ornamental plant. The crushed fruits are also brewed with boiling water, they are infused for an hour, after which the filtered solution is taken half a glass a day after meals.
  • Red clover - a plant not as exotic as momordica, but no less effective in hyperandrogenism. Half a glass of dried inflorescences is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 6-8 hours. The resulting infusion is drunk in the morning at a dosage of 14 cups.
  • Flaxseed is not only rich in phytoestrogens, it contains many vitamins, and has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system. Two tablespoons of flax seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water, after which they are infused for two hours. Use the infusion in the morning before meals for half a cup.
  • Fruit dwarf palm, or rather, their decoction has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect. To prepare a decoction, you should take two tablespoons of dried chopped fruits (you can buy them at a pharmacy) for 0.5 liters of water, then, pouring them with water, bring the mixture to a boil and leave on fire for several minutes. After cooling, the decoction is taken before meals 3-4 times a day for half a cup.
  • Another remedy available in every pharmacy against elevated testosterone levels is a tincture of peony rhizomes evading. It is taken 30 drops once a day before meals, dissolved in a quarter glass of water.

The duration of the course of herbal treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the response to therapy and the severity of the patient's condition.

Even though the impact herbal remedies on the body is milder than drugs, they can cause side effects.

Often there is individual intolerance, especially in people prone to allergic reactions.

Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist.

Getting rid of hyperandrogenism is not always easy, sometimes you have to try several different methods therapy before one of them proves effective. However, in many cases it is possible to return testosterone levels to normal without resorting to hormonal treatment, the prospect of which frightens many patients.

  • hair growth in places atypical for a woman - legs, face, back and phalanges of the fingers;
  • hair on the head may grow less intensively up to baldness;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to acne;
  • increased growth of muscle tissue and a gradual decrease in body fat lead to a change in the figure according to the male type;
  • the formation of the follicle is disrupted and the possibility of conception decreases, infertility develops;
  • in cases of a significant increase in this hormone, the menstrual cycle changes, up to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Hormonal medications for both sexes

Such generic drugs can also be found in a pharmacy, but their use in a full course should not be the result of superficial self-treatment. Otherwise, you can disrupt the hormonal background, not achieve the final result. It is recommended to pay attention to the following drugs:

  1. Nebido. The composition is produced in the form of an oily solution for injection, intended for intramuscular injection. It is endowed with a prolonged action, and it is allowed to use it no more than 1 time in 3 months.
  2. Sustanon-250. This injectable drug for the treatment of various forms of hypogonadism, is actively used by women and men in bodybuilding. The medicine is supposed to be administered 1 time in 7 to 10 days.

Gels and ointments

In pharmacies, you can find the so-called dietary supplements - drugs to increase testosterone. In their composition, they often contain Tribulus terrestris, a plant that stimulates the synthesis of the hormone in the body.

The action of other dietary supplements is due to the presence in their composition of various essential oils, flavonoids and steroidal saponins. All these substances increase the overall tone of the body and improve the production of sex hormones.

So, from dietary supplements, the following drugs are popular:

  • Tribulus;
  • Parity;
  • testoporject;
  • Critical PCT;
  • Vitrix.

Important: the listed drugs cannot guarantee a stable result. Their effectiveness depends on many factors and characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is best to use supplements after consulting a doctor.

Some believe that it is possible to increase testosterone in men folk remedies. Basically, alternative medicine is resorted to in order to improve potency.

For example, celery can be used to improve male strength. This plant contains many active flavonoids, essential oils, glycosides, micro and macro elements.

Therefore, products based on celery increase the overall tone of the body, provide a surge of energy and vigor, and also stimulate the production of testosterone.

To improve potency, it is enough to regularly add the rhizomes and stems of the plant to dishes. For a more powerful effect, you can prepare a decoction of celery:

  • 2 table. spoons of washed and chopped root should be brewed with boiling water (1 tbsp.);
  • insist for 1-2 hours;
  • the broth is filtered and consumed in a third of a glass three times a day.
  • seafood (fish, squid, shrimp);
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts);
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • leafy greens;
  • meat (beef, poultry);
  • spices.

For supporting sufficient level androgens should be eaten in moderation. It is necessary to give up smoking and other bad habits, give enough time for sleep and rest. Do not forget about regular physical activity.

Preparations for the treatment of testosterone are classified into hormonal therapeutic, non-hormonal (synthetic and natural basis). The latter are widely used in the sports environment to achieve strength and muscle progress. The main sports products that stimulate testosterone are:


    Helps convert natural testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. It is necessary to drink 2 tablets 2 times a day.


    Stimulates progesterone production by up to 350%, maximizing its anabolic effects.

    Tribulis-Pro(Tribulus pro).

    Herbal preparation based on active steroids and natural styrenes. Already after 1 week of admission, a significant increase in testosterone levels is noted.

    Daimatis(Dymatize Z-Force).

    natural remedy with zinc, vitamins, magnesium. Stably enhances the synthesis of testosterone, gently affects the increase in its synthesis.

    Nutrex(Nutrex T-UP Black).

    Burns the fat layer, promotes the rapid growth of muscle mass. Already after 2 weeks of admission, the volume of progesterone increases by almost 40%.


    Applicable for occupation sports. Increases testosterone levels by almost 30% after several weeks of constant use.

It is important to take sports equipment rationally, since the discrepancy between the funds taken and physical activity can negatively affect not only appearance men, but also his health. Endocrinologists can prescribe drugs on a natural basis to consolidate the results of the main hormonal treatment:

    tincture of ginger;

    preparations based on ginseng;

    tincture of yohimbine;

    extracts of dwarf palm;

    extract from the red root;

    tincture of long-leaved eurycoma.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on plant extracts to consolidate the results of long-term hormonal therapy are as follows:

    Male drug for stimulating the sexual activity of men against the background of erectile dysfunction. The drug belongs to homeopathic, is able to influence the increase in the concentration of testosterone only if it is slightly reduced. The average cost in pharmacy chains is 500-700 rubles.

    The tool belongs to the group of dietary supplements based on zinc sulfate. Introduced effervescent tablets to dissolve in water. Vitamin complex restores electrolyte balance with low testosterone. average price 300-450 rubles.

    Natural herbal preparation to stimulate potency in men and sexual desire in women. Effective at high emotional and stress loads. The cost varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.

    Vitamin complex to maintain the balance of magnesium, zinc, B vitamins.

The composition of the following funds may differ dramatically from each other, but the increase in the level of the male sex hormone - testosterone (“test”, as it is also called pitching) remains common and unchanged.

Each can be based on chemical compounds, forcing the testicles to synthesize more testosterone than usual, and well-known vitamins, which in the same way affect the production of "test".

But I can say that pharmaceutical preparations for testosterone have different mechanisms of influence on the increased synthesis of the male hormone.

Tribulus terrestris, for example (or Tribulus Terestris), so popular among sports supplements, does not directly have the effect of increasing the production of this sex hormone. Tribulus stimulates the pituitary and hypothalamus to produce the hormone lutein, which increases testosterone itself. You can read about it in the article "How to take Tribulus Maximus correctly and what effect to expect."

Tamoxifen generally affects the opposite (female) hormones - estrogens, which, due to enzymes, convert testosterone to estradiol. He simply blocks them, although not completely. The less estrogen, the more testosterone. Operating principle various medicines Did you understand.

As the hormone rises, so does the sexual desire, called libido, among both sexes. But in fact, for an athlete, it is not the overall level of the “test” in the blood that is important, but the level of free testosterone.

It is the free one that is responsible for the accelerated weight gain, strength growth, secondary sexual characteristics (bristle, rough voice), recovery. Therefore, the formula for the growth of this type of hormone is simple: against the background of an increase in total testosterone, the amount of free testosterone also increases.

Biologically active additives is another way to deal with increased testosterone. They are not always effective, but they are softer than hormonal drugs, they have a significantly lower risk of complications.

Most often used the following means:

  • vitamins C and E;
  • royal jelly;
  • fat of cold-water fishes;
  • lecithin.

Testosterone gels and ointments, such as Androgel, are designed to deliver testosterone transdermally to the body.

Although expensive, the transdermal gel is currently the most commonly used, as opposed to injections, patches, or oral tablets.

As a rule, the gel is applied to the dry skin of the shoulder, abdomen or on upper part hands after water procedures.

The gel dries within 10 minutes. It is recommended to cover the site of application of the gel with a cloth for about 2 hours to prevent its abrasion, and to avoid water procedures for 2-6 hours after application (depending on the manufacturer of the gel).

Approximately 10% of the gel is quickly absorbed into the stratum corneum, which serves as a "reservoir" for testosterone, where it is slowly released into body tissues over several hours.

Peak testosterone levels are reached between 16 and 22 hours, and persist for 1 to 2 days. The return to the initial hormonal level in the body after the application of the gel occurs within 4 days after the cessation of its use.

Preparations long-acting for intramuscular injections of testosterone are currently undergoing final trials and have already been approved for use in some countries.

Injectable testosterone, specifically Testosterone Propionate, should be taken in cycles every 3 months.

It maintains stable physiological testosterone levels for up to 12 weeks and appears to be well tolerated by the body.

Injectable solutions cause a stable increase in testosterone levels in the body, a low maximum concentration, and a gradual decrease in its level, minimizing mood swings and libido.

The safety and tolerability of these drugs is also quite favorable, and no serious side effects have been found with their use.

Because the drug has a long period half-life, it can play a big role in the treatment of young people.

As with all other testosterone-boosting drugs in the human body, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage and regimen instructions when taking dietary supplements.

If the decrease in testosterone is associated with dysfunction of the endocrine glands, then the doctor prescribes drugs to increase the level of this hormone. Most drugs to increase the concentration of androgen are synthetic testosterone, which artificially normalizes the level of androgens.

Erectile dysfunction is familiar to many men. And this problem develops regardless of the age of the man. One of the main reasons for the appearance of erectile dysfunction is a decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the body of a man. There are many ways to raise the level of the male hormone. But the fastest option is the use of special drugs. Currently, pharmacy chains offer a large number of different medicines that will help to successfully cope with the problem. How to increase testosterone in men with medication, the attending specialist should tell, after a preliminary examination and diagnosis.

What are the dangers of low testosterone levels?

Before you increase testosterone in men and start any treatment, you should understand why this occurs and how the deficiency of the male hormone in the body manifests itself. It is important to pay attention to any changes in your body, since such symptoms may indicate hormonal imbalances. Testosterone is one of the most important elements in normal functioning male reproductive organs.

If the concentration of testosterone in the body of a man decreases, the following signs appear:

  1. Decreased sex drive. A man becomes indifferent to the female sex;
  2. The development of erectile dysfunction. How severe the violations will be depends on the degree of hormone deficiency;
  3. The degree of fatty tissue in the body increases;
  4. The degree of muscle mass decreases, while the elasticity of the muscles is lost, it sags;
  5. Sleep disorders or insomnia appear, the man gets tired quickly, becomes lethargic;
  6. The body's resistance to viral and bacterial agents decreases, it becomes easier for them to penetrate the body and begin active development and reproduction in it;
  7. Depressive states appear, sometimes they are protracted or short-term.

Naturally, with testosterone deficiency, the body begins to suffer from the development of all kinds of disorders in the work of many organs and systems, in particular, disorders appear in the reproductive and erectile functions. Special hormonal medications help to correct the level of the missing substance in the body quickly and effectively. But at the same time, you need to remember about the inadmissibility of self-administration of testosterone-boosting drugs. Taking pills or drops should be carried out only after a preliminary medical appointment. Otherwise self-treatment is fraught with an incorrectly selected dosage and aggravation of the condition, while the expected effect may be absent.

General information about medicines

Drugs whose main task is to increase the concentration of testosterone in male body, can be purchased in pharmacy chains by prescription of the attending physician. All drugs that increase the level of the hormone in the body are divided into two broad categories by doctors. These groups differ in the mechanisms of influence on the body.

The first category includes drugs for hormone replacement therapy. The task of such drugs is to replenish the missing amount of testosterone through its synthetic or natural analogues. Such drugs quickly and effectively raise the percentage of the missing substance. But in many cases, in order for the effect to be constantly maintained after taking such drugs, it will be necessary to constantly take artificial analogues of the male hormonal substance.

Another category of drugs are drugs that stimulate the internal production of testosterone. Such drugs activate the functions of their own endocrine glands, due to which the hormone actively enters the systemic circulation. Such therapy is usually long-term, but with its help it is possible to force the body to independently produce the substance necessary for a man. Such a remedy is especially needed to increase the missing substance in reproductive age.

Drugs in order to increase the concentration of testosterone in the male body may differ in the form of release, they are divided into:

  1. Medicines for injection intramuscularly or intravenously using a dropper;
  2. Tableted medicines for oral administration;
  3. Medicines for external use - patches, gels, ointments, creams.

Depending on the results of the tests, the specialist selects the most appropriate course of therapy in each case. Dosages and methods of drug administration also differ.

Injectable medications

Such treatment options include the use of various solutions and liquids to make up for the deficiency of the male hormonal substance. Most often, doctors prescribe such drugs:

  • Testosterone Entanate or Cypionate. Such drugs act almost the same on the body, they help to increase the concentration of androgenic substances. Their introduction should be carried out only by a medical worker in a specialized medical institution. Their introduction should take place only once a month, the dosage is prescribed only by a doctor, according to the results of previously passed tests. After the introduction of the drug, it gradually spreads throughout the body.
  • Composition based on its own ether - Sustanon or Omnadren. Such medicines are taken once every few weeks, according to the recommendations of the attending specialist, if it is necessary to take more often, a course correction is carried out. Such drugs also have a positive effect on increasing androgen levels.
  • Another injectable option for hormonal effects on the male body is a remedy called Testosterone undecanoate or Nebido. This drug has a cumulative and prolonged effect. After a single injection into the body, once every three months, testosterone levels are maintained in the body for these three months. This oil composition used for intramuscular injections. Doses are selected by the doctor, but on average, 1000 mg of the drug is administered.

It is very important to choose exactly those tools that are suitable in each case. At the same time, the advantage of injecting drugs is that they do not need to be taken regularly, it is enough to visit a medical facility every few weeks or every few months and undergo an injection procedure. After that, the effect persists for a long time. But it is very important not to try to introduce solutions on your own, since the body can react to each substance in its own way.


Not always the injection of drugs is a suitable option for drug treatment. And not every man agrees to take regular unpleasant procedures. In this case, the doctor, in each case, selects special tablets. Such drugs also differ in their advantages and features, which include:

  • ease of use;
  • it is important to take these drugs daily, regularly;
  • only with the systematic reception and observance of all appointments, it is possible to achieve the desired result with such means;
  • these drugs have a large number of side effects.

But it is this form of drug release that is most often prescribed by specialists for drug therapy deficiency of testosterone in the body of a man. The action of such funds comes quickly, as a result of which the first results are observed already a few days after the start of the course of treatment. Many men note an improvement in erection, maintaining it throughout the entire sexual intercourse.

The most popular tools in this category are:

  • Halotestin. It is recommended to use daily, dosages are due to the severity of violations in the hormonal environment;
  • Metadren;
  • Andriol. It is one of the most popular drugs, it is taken once a day;
  • Proviron, Vistimon. These medications are identical in their mechanism of action.

A specific medicine is selected by a specialist, based on the results of the tests and on the anamnestic data. The lower the testosterone level, the higher the dosage of the agent that increases it is prescribed.

Transdermal preparations

Treatment options for free androgen deficiency, such as transdermal agents, are now becoming increasingly popular. They are applied externally. Among this form of drugs, the most popular are: Androgel, Andromen, Andraktim, as well as special transdermal patches, which contain free androgen in their composition - Androderm and Testoderm.

To achieve the desired effect, medication in the form of a gel, ointment or patch is applied to the surface of the skin, it must dry on its own. With the help of patches, a gradual introduction of a hormonal substance into the body is carried out. As a result, the condition of the man will gradually improve.

Separately, I would like to note such a form of drugs to increase the level of free androgen, as implants containing the hormone in their composition. They are injected under the skin, then the contents gradually spread into the bloodstream and into the systemic circulation. But such manipulations are also not chosen by every patient.

Stimulants of natural androgen production

Substitutive hormonal treatment is one of the options for eliminating erectile dysfunction, which are provoked by a lack of testosterone levels. Such therapy has its own indications, which include: eunuchoidism, problems with conceiving a child, potency disorders that are provoked by malfunctions in the endocrine system, age-related changes in the hormonal environment. Sometimes, regardless of these factors, the natural production of hormonal substances in the male body fails. Sometimes the body can also produce this element on its own, but it does not have enough endogenous resources for this.

In such situations, special testosterone stimulants will help, with their help, certain reactions are activated, due to which there is an independent production of free androgen in the body. But this option does not always bring the desired effect, everything is due to resources and individual characteristics each body of patients.

These stimulants include:

The listed stimulants are not a panacea, they are not used as independent means, only as an addition to the course of general hormone therapy. Their combination with others medicines carried out only by an experienced specialist.

Application of additional methods

Despite the large number of various drugs, it is possible to cope with the problem of hormone deficiency even more. naturally. But such methods are not the only ones in treatment. They are recommended to be combined with the main course of therapy, this will enhance their effectiveness and prolong the result.

Important in raising the hormone is balanced diet nutrition. It is very important to maintain a competent balance of protein, carbohydrate and lipid structures. Add a large number of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries to the menu. A full drinking regimen is mandatory.

Another factor that directly affects the hormonal environment is physical activity. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit the gym regularly, it will be enough to do light jogging three times a week or visit the pool. And one more, very important condition for achievement lasting effect in the male body, is a regular and complete sex life. This increases the natural production of androgen. Better choose one sexual partner, this will eliminate the infection of diseases that are transmitted during intimate contact. Be sure to use during sexual intercourse barrier methods contraception.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Frequent stressful situations, unhealthy habits and malnutrition- the main "enemies" of testosterone. If you get rid of them, then the amount of the necessary hormone will increase by itself. However, when such simple and natural ways do not help, you have to take drugs that increase testosterone. We will talk about them today.

Symptoms of low testosterone

The clinical symptoms associated with a low concentration of testosterone in the body may depend on the age period of the man.

Even before birth, testosterone deficiency can interfere normal development reproductive organs of the embryo being laid.

A low concentration of the hormone just before the sexual development of boys contributes to the lack of expression of secondary sexual characteristics and retardation in puberty. The teenager suffers from a weak set of muscle mass, signs of gynecomastia, underdevelopment of the genital organs.

A decrease in the amount of testosterone in adults can contribute to a decrease in sexual activity, erectile dysfunction, which can subsequently lead to infertility.

Read more about signs of low testosterone in adults:

  • depressed mood, depressive states, weak emotional reaction;
  • signs of gynecomastia - an increase in the mammary glands in a man - are associated with a decrease in the amount of testosterone and, as a result, an increase in estrogen production;
  • muscle atrophy. Muscle growth is directly dependent on the presence of testosterone in the body. With its deficiency muscle atrophies, in most cases being replaced by fat cells;
  • inability to have an erection is one of the symptoms of many pathological conditions, in particular, lack of testosterone;
  • decreased libido, lack of sexual desire, apathy;
  • a fall physical activity. Testosterone gives a man the energy potential to perform mental and physical activity. Insufficient production of testosterone provokes the development of fatigue, which does not go away even after rest.

If you recognize the signs of a hormone deficiency in a timely manner, you can avoid aggravating the situation and the appearance of more pronounced negative symptoms.

Pharmaceutical preparations that increase testosterone

IN modern medicine A variety of methods have been developed to increase the concentration of testosterone, among them the medicinal method. Quite a few drugs are advertised aimed at eliminating the deficiency of the male hormone. To help you choose, consider the most popular of them.

Drugs that increase testosterone in men:

  • Andriol is a testosterone drug that does not have a harmful effect on the liver, does not cause skin problems and increasing the number subcutaneous tissue. Additional advantages of the drug include the fact that andriol does not contribute to the suppression of the synthesis of its own hormone in the body, of course, if you do not use the drug in excess of the prescribed dose. Judging by the reviews, it perfectly solves problems with potency. The smallest dosage of the drug, which has a visible effect, is 0.24 g per day (6 tablets). Store the drug in the refrigerator, as it has a gelatinous shell that can be damaged at room temperature;
  • Androgel - an external gel in sachets of 2.5 or 5 g. The use of an average daily dosage - 5 g of the drug - increases average concentration testosterone in the blood by 2.5 ng / ml. Maximum amount applied gel - 10 g per day. The drug is applied in a thin layer on clean and undamaged skin the inside of the forearms or on the abdomen. Do not use the gel on the genitals due to the likelihood of skin irritation. After absorption of the drug (5-6 minutes), you can put on clothes.
  • Nebido is an oily solution for injection. The introduction of the drug is carried out once every 3-3.5 months, one ampoule (1 g): this is enough to achieve a maintenance concentration of testosterone without excessive accumulation of the substance in the body. The solution is injected intramuscularly very slowly, avoiding the needle getting into the blood vessels.
  • Sustanon 250 is an injectable preparation containing 176 mg/ml of testosterone. Sustanon is administered intramuscularly, usually in an amount of 1 ml once a month. The toxic effect of the drug is very low, however, it can manifest itself in the form of edema, mood changes and local reaction at the injection site (burning, pain, redness).

Universal drugs that increase testosterone in women and men:

  • Omnadren - the drug has an effect on the body like a male sex hormone, consists of testosterone esters with varying degrees of absorption and decay. Due to this, it is possible to maintain the androgenic effect of the drug for about 1 month after a single injection. Omnadren improves sexual function, reproductive organs; V female body it exhibits an antiestrogenic effect, which is the most important moment in therapeutic activities benign formations internal genital organs, endometriosis, breast cancer. The drug is conducive to building muscle mass, both in men and women. Omnadren is used for symptoms of hyperestrogenism, uterine fibroids, cancer metastases, menopausal conditions, endometrioid tissue growths; Men use the drug for inhibition of puberty, oligospermia, lack of androgens, impotence, male menopause. Omnadren is not used during pregnancy;
  • Testosterone propionate is the most budgetary means that increases the level of testosterone in the body. Along with an acceptable cost, the drug has a number of useful properties: activates the development of the genital organs, forms the constitutional features of the body, stimulates sex drive and sperm production. Testosterone reduces the production of LTG and FSH in the body, has an antitumor effect in the development of neoplasms in the mammary glands, stimulates protein synthesis, reduces body fat and increases muscle mass. The drug is prescribed, as a rule, 10-25 mg 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-2 months. The drug is not prescribed for prostate cancer, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Drugs that increase the production of one's own testosterone are used mainly to build muscle mass and increase libido. These drugs include Vitrix, Tribulus, Animal Test, Evo-Test, Arimatest, Cyclo-Bolan. The listed means to increase the concentration of testosterone are extremely popular in stores specializing in sports nutrition.

One of the newest testosterone stimulants is the Paritet complex preparation, which contains Tribulus extract, yohimbe, ginger root, as well as pantocrine, vitamins and minerals. Parity is added to various liquids in the amount of 10 ml (one tablespoon) and drunk once a day, preferably in the evening. The duration of the drug is about 1 month. Parity activates its own testosterone production, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and stabilizes vascular tone.

Any hormonal preparations should be taken only after consulting a doctor and conducting studies of the hormonal composition of the blood, so as not to harm your body.