Herniated discs of the lumbar spine: causes, symptoms, treatment methods. Causes of lumbar hernia

Hernia of the intervertebral region lumbar considered one of serious illnesses, which is characterized by a violation of the integrity and structure intervertebral disc. The causes of this disease can be various factors. These are various injuries, bruises of the back resulting from a fall or a strong blow, a sharp rise in objects with a large weight, or a tilt of the entire body.

Hernia of the intervertebral region of the lumbar region

Often a lumbar hernia is formed due to a sedentary and passive lifestyle, especially if a person has a large number of extra pounds. And when such a disease begins, it delivers a lot of discomfort and has Negative influence on the habitual way of life of a person. He has to not only put up with pain, but also adapt to the peculiarities that occur with his body, when every movement is given with great difficulty. And in order to timely start the right and complex treatment, which guarantees a positive result, it is necessary at an early stage to recognize the moment when the disease manifests itself. And for this you need to know all the manifested symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine.

General signs of the disease

A hernia of the lumbar spine, which has extensive symptoms, may initially manifest itself with the following symptoms:

The occurrence of such signs, when it comes to a hernia in the lower back, will also depend on the severity of the disease itself. If the disease becomes running stage, then all the symptoms become more pronounced. The pain is unbearable in this case. Each movement is given with hellish effort, and a person is saved only by painkillers.

For the prevention and treatment of HERNIAS, our regular reader uses the method of NON-SURGICAL treatment, which is gaining popularity, recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. After carefully reviewing it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

The main symptomatology of the intervertebral lumbar hernia

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine is characterized by its specific symptoms. The main and most tangible of them is pain. These unpleasant sensations at first slowly increase and disturb the person from time to time. But then such pain begins to progress and grow, that it becomes impossible to endure it.

First the pain is dull and aching character. It is localized in the affected area of ​​the vertebra. Then, if a person is faced with physical stress and stress, makes sudden movements or lifts objects that are too heavy, then the sensation of pain intensifies. When a person is at rest, the discomfort disappears. But the next time, under certain factors, the pain spreads to all the lumbar muscles, and then to the lower limbs. But yourself pain shooting and sharp. And already, depending on which particular area is damaged, the discomfort can capture the legs, buttocks, feet and heels, and the pelvic area.

The whole process of pain occurrence usually takes two stages. When it is small and localized in the lumbar region, changes occur inside the body. dystrophic character with intervertebral discs. As a result, small cracks form there, the very strength of the articular tissue decreases. But during the second stage, there is a significant compression of the spine. And when the hernia that has arisen directly contacts it, this provokes very strong pain, from which a person is ready to climb the wall, because it is unbearable.

Subsequently, a hernia of the spine constantly reminds of itself with increasing pain when standing for a long time, when walking for a long time, with any inclinations and amplitude turns of the body. And that is not all. Unpleasant sensations can appear when coughing, when doing exercises on the lower back, when raising one of the lower limbs up, when sitting uncomfortable, and even when driving a car on a road with bumps.

On early stages to reduce the pain that occurs due to a hernia of the spine, you can, if you take a lying position. Sometimes it helps to tuck one leg under you.

Other symptoms

Symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine are manifested not only by pain. Due to muscle weakness, one or both legs may be less mobile than they were before. It becomes difficult to raise your lower limb and it may be impossible to bend your leg into knee joint. There is also a pinch in the lumbar region. Any inclination with straight legs is given to the lumbar region with pain and spasm, it is difficult to perform ordinary inclinations. The remaining symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine of the damaged spine are manifested as follows physical disorders:

. It becomes difficult to sit on the surface of a chair or sofa, it is impossible to jump and it is difficult to climb stairs. And such violations are additionally accompanied by the fact that the legs get tired faster, and normal walking so tired a person that after a while he needs to sit down and rest in order to restore strength in lower limbs. If at the same time the spinal cord is compressed and the hernia in the lumbar region is not treated at all, then the resulting weakness in both legs gradually turns into paralysis of the lower body.

Some loss of sensation. Such a symptom manifests itself in adults in the form of numbness, burning and tingling sensations, as well as freezing of certain parts of the body. This reduces the perception of the pain itself, hot and cold temperatures. Usually, impaired sensitivity is localized in the region of the lumbar hernia with a smooth transition to the outer side of the thighs. But if such a phenomenon occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sacral spine, then the spasm passes to the perineum, then descending to the lower leg and to outside hips.

Changes in the condition of the skin of the lower extremities. If one leg is affected during a hernia of the lumbar spine, then the skin on it turns pale, the muscles begin to atrophy, the hair stops growing, and the lower limb becomes cold to the touch. At the same time, the process of sweating may increase or decrease, and the pulse begins to be felt in the thigh area, and under the knee, even between the fingers.

Symptoms of an internal nature

Symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar can also indicate themselves and such internal disorders as a violation normal functioning intestines, manifested in the form of diarrhea and constipation. Such a disorder occurs regardless of what kind of food a person is taking at that moment. When it comes to constipation, a special diet, the bulk of which is liquid food, can change the situation. Despite the fact that such disorders occur, the stomach does not hurt and gas formation does not occur.

In some cases, the function is broken Bladder. There is an urge to urinate, which is regular and very frequent. Urine is excreted in small volumes. At the same time, it is clean, without any impurities and blood. And during this process there is no discomfort or pain. The only thing is that this violation can be accompanied by temporary urinary incontinence.

Some genital organs worsen their functionality. And such symptoms in men are manifested by a decrease in sexual desire. At the same time, erectile dysfunction occurs in the representatives of the stronger sex, chronic prostatitis begins to develop. But in women, such violations manifest themselves in the form of gynecological diseases.
Signs that are visible to others

Often the symptoms that occur in a person during an intervertebral hernia can become noticeable to other people. Understand what is native or close person suffers from a vertebral hernia of the sacro-lumbar, can be on the following grounds:

  • the patient begins to stoop and stoop;
  • one leg may appear shorter than the other;
  • the position of posture changes, which affects the gait of a person;
  • movements become shaky and unsteady.

If you look at the patient's bare back in the lumbar region, it will be possible to notice with the naked eye the tense state of the muscles on one side of the spine. Muscles may protrude and feel firm and firm to the touch. There is a smoothing of the gluteal fold. And if you palpate the areas of the back where the bones of the spine are located, then a person can feel severe pain.

The first symptoms by which the onset of the disease is recognized

In order for a hernia of the lumbar spine, manifested by symptoms of an unpleasant nature, to be effective in treatment, it is necessary to know what signs precede this and how it all begins. First, there is a pain of a dull and aching nature. Often it is precisely such minor spasms that are ignored by a person, even if they flow from day to day. Because of this, the symptoms progress. As a result, a hernia can be recognized by the following signs:

And if at this moment you do not start treatment, then the lumbar region has a negative effect on general state body and human well-being. In the lumbar region, a backache occurs when any movement is accompanied by extremely acute pain. It is impossible to walk, sit, and even more so to exercise normally. And this state can continue for several weeks.

When not treated on time, the symptoms are manifested by disorders in the area of ​​the affected root. There, sensitivity is reduced, movement is constrained, tendon reflexes are reduced.

Vertebral signs

A vertebral hernia of the lumbar spine may present with vertebral signs. They arise due to local changes that have occurred in the spine or in sacral region. In the place where the disc prolapsed, there may be a stretching of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus, and soft tissues squeezed by the prolapsed formation.

To understand that we are talking about the presence of a vertebral sign, you can conduct a local palpation of all areas of the back. And in those places where there is damage, a noticeable pain syndrome. This is due to irritation of the main receptors in diseased ligaments.

The course of the disease and features of its treatment

As for the course of hernia disease in the lumbar spine, which causes unpleasant symptoms, then it goes through several stages:

  1. Spicy. There are pain sensations, a significant stiffness of movements is formed, sensitivity in the lower extremities is disturbed.
  2. Subacute. Usually begins on the third or fifth day after the appearance of a hernia. Pain sensations begin to gradually decrease, and they no longer have such a pronounced character. Sensitivity is restored, but not completely.
  3. Restorative. This stage begins already during treatment (fourth week). The pain passes, but the sensitivity is still slightly impaired.

Fully recommended for acute period bed rest when physical activity is reduced to a minimum. Under the lower back, where the sacrum is located, you can put a pillow. It is also recommended to make a roller under the back, which will lift this area. At the same time, it is important to create correct position, which will depend on which part of the disk has a gap. When it comes to neuroscience sciatic nerve, then the legs are bent at the knees and in the area of ​​​​the hip joints. During this period, medications are prescribed, manual therapy, physical therapy exercises are prescribed.

When the subacute period begins, the half-bed mode is already assigned. Here you need to carefully monitor the general well-being of a person. The main thing is to avoid movements that provoke pain with a vertebral hernia. And at this stage, physiotherapy is already connected. But it is carried out in the event that there is no high temperature.

During the recovery period, specialists begin to reduce drug treatment. Painkillers are no longer used, but it is recommended to take a course vitamin complexes. Thanks to this, weakened joints receive those minerals and trace elements, the deficiency of which they experienced. Then, under the supervision of an instructor, special gymnastics is carried out, aimed at strengthening and improving the damaged area. But it is not recommended to do physical exercises on your own.

In conclusion

When a person is faced with such an unpleasant and painful problem as an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region, he feels all the unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms of this disease. His whole life begins to change for the worse. It becomes difficult for him to perform normal movements, he is no longer able to play sports normally, and all activity gradually decreases. And if the hernia is ignored and the person does not begin to treat it, but continues to habitual image life, then later he faces serious complications and disorders of his skeletal and nervous system.

Each symptom that manifests itself at a certain stage of the course of the disease significantly worsens health and general well-being. And in advanced situations, a person may encounter complete paralysis of the lower extremities. And this serious breach which should be avoided. For this, you should know all the symptoms that indicate the formation of a hernia of the lumbar intervertebral region in order to start a comprehensive and correct treatment in time.

Among other diseases of the back, a hernia of the lumbar intervertebral disc is distinguished: the treatment and symptoms of which, we will consider in our article in more detail. If the patient went to the doctor too late, it is difficult to rehabilitate the spine and return it to a state of integrity - as it was before the disease. It is important to distinguish between the causes of the pathology in order to protect yourself, and if it still didn’t work out, you will need actual information about treatment.

Hernia - frequent occurrence. This is due to the heavy load on the lower back. It is worth noting that sometimes pain is not felt, and a person for a long time does not even suspect the presence of pathology. This happens when the nerve is not under pressure, but such situations are incredibly rare.

Important! Absence timely treatment causes disability - paralysis of the legs.


There are enough reasons for the development of the disease. Often a hernia occurs as a result of a complication of osteochondrosis or scoliosis. But there are other factors as well:

  • age - from 30 to 60 years;
  • insufficient or excessive physical activity;
  • incorrect posture;
  • injuries, blows, falls;
  • excess weight;
  • bad habits - for example, smoking;
  • work requiring sedentary image life. Hernia is often found in programmers and drivers;
  • hypothermia.

Important! Don't try to diagnose yourself. This is done exclusively by a qualified doctor. Try to identify what could be causing the hernia complications, but don't active action. Self-treatment is the main enemy in such a situation.


It is important to clearly identify the place that causes discomfort. Symptoms will vary depending on the affected area. The first signs of a herniated disc in the lumbar:

  • pain in the lower back. Often she gives in the buttocks, legs;
  • from time to time there is a sharp pain in the lower back, "lumbago";
  • the legs go numb, “goosebumps” are often felt, a burning sensation is felt;
  • difficult to turn and bend.

Ignoring these symptoms is a direct path to bladder disorders, diseases internal organs and muscle atrophy. What it is? The patient loses the ability to move - paralysis occurs. Sometimes the disease progresses quickly, but most often the person does not even pay attention to slight weakness in the legs. Every day they get tired more and more. Therefore, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

Important! Sometimes the pain is caused by pathologies of the internal organs. Diagnostics will show the exact cause. In order not to confuse the diagnosis, contact only trusted specialists.


To find out why a particular symptom occurs, a specialist examines nervous structures- find out if they are squeezed, in what condition they are. Be prepared to answer the following questions from your doctor:

  • when did you feel the first discomfort;
  • whether you tried to apply something against pain, whether you were treated on your own;
  • where, in your opinion, is the damaged area, which place hurts the most;
  • whether you have a tendency to diseases of the spine (genetic predisposition);
  • do you have bad habits, what lifestyle do you lead.

Based on the neurological examination and your answers, the diagnosis will be partly determined. However, this is not enough. For an accurate result, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • MRI - using magnetic field the specialist examines the affected area, assesses the condition of the nerve endings;
  • CT scan. Shows the condition of the bones well;
  • x-ray. A less popular method, poorly detects soft tissue pathologies.

Important! Do not try to withhold information about your health from your doctor. If you have any drug allergies, be sure to let us know. Most likely, the internal organs are also examined, but still notify the specialist about the presence of problems with them, if any.


In many cases (up to 80%) patients do not need surgical intervention. natural process recovery - "drying" of the hernia. Therefore, most treatments are based on the expectation of a decrease in the size of the pathology, as well as on the removal of the most striking symptoms.

The following treatment methods can be distinguished:

Medical therapy

Usually it comes down to the use of several means from this list(often they are combined with each other):

  • conventional pain medications;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Medicines of this type practically do not differ from each other, but have an extensive list of contraindications;
  • chondroprotectors.

Important! NSAIDs should not be used for more than 15-20 days. In addition, before use, be sure to consult a specialist. It is recommended to use similar means only as a relief of symptoms, and not as a main drug.


Under X-ray and local anesthesia, hormones and painkillers are injected into the affected area - right into the area of ​​​​compression of the nerve roots. This method is recommended to be used only when ordinary drug therapy does not help.

Often, blockades eliminate pain within a few hours after the session. It also avoids surgery.

Surgical impact

If medicines and blockades with the help of x-rays do not help, the patient is prescribed an operation. A few more factors in favor of this decision:

  • 6-7 weeks have passed, but no progress is visible, the pain does not decrease;
  • nerve pathology is irreversible.

Only a few patients require such a procedure - about 10%. Modern technologies reduce discomfort after surgery, and a person can be discharged the next day. Despite all the advantages, there are also negative consequences of surgical exposure:

  • due to the procedure, the spine partially loses flexibility, mobility;
  • hernia may recur.

Not all patients get better after surgery. There is temporarily no pain, but the main cause of the pathology, osteochondrosis, is still not cured.

Alternative Methods

This type of treatment includes an extensive group of techniques that require only the absence of bright severe symptoms. These include:

  • manual therapy - effectiveness this method not definitively proven;
  • traction of the spine - recognized as insufficiently effective;
  • acupuncture – able to reduce residual chronic pain in the spine, but will not cause significant changes in a positive direction;
  • wearing a corset - weakens the muscles, and therefore is not effective enough;
  • therapeutic exercises - used by many doctors. When used correctly, it guarantees a shift for the better;
  • massage.

Important! When performing exercises, massage, swimming and other methods, there should be no discomfort.

Recovery and prevention

Removal of a hernia or its disappearance in a natural way, supported by medical treatment, is not at all a guarantee that the pathology will never occur again. Therefore, the basic principles of recovery are reduced to the complete rest of the patient. Over time, you can begin treatment with alternative methods - with the help of gymnastics, swimming, massage.

Preventive measures are also important during the recovery of the patient. They are quite light and require only constant execution.

  1. Support for correct posture. The back must be kept straight. If there are difficulties with this, contact a specialist to get special exercises from him to strengthen the back muscles.
  2. Healthy weight support. Overweight- a factor that provokes the occurrence of a hernia. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the diet, including more healthy foods in it. Eliminate dyes, abundant use of spices.
  3. Rejection bad habits. Smoking is another cause of pathology. Moreover, it is fraught cancer. Therefore, take care of yourself and your body by removing cigarettes from life.
  4. Regular exercise. They should not be exhausting, because this will provoke a recurrence of the hernia. Try to do at least a morning workout. Ideally, go to the fitness room so that the trainer prescribes an individual training program for you.

With a timely visit to a doctor, it is really possible to stop muscle atrophy, prevent disability and further health problems. Herniated disc - serious illness which cannot be ignored without consequences. It is possible to recover after treatment only with the unquestioning fulfillment of all the doctor's instructions.

How does a spinal hernia develop?

The lumbar region consists of five vertebrae (L1 - L5), between two adjacent ones there is a disk consisting of two parts. The outer part of the intervertebral disc is a rigid fibrous ring, inside it is a jelly-like central part - the nucleus pulposus (jellyfish). The main purpose of the disk is to absorb external stimuli that have a negative impact on the state of the vertebrae when performing any movements. Intervertebral discs evenly distribute pressure across the vertebrae and thus ensure the flexibility of the spine, the absence of pathological changes and pain.

Vertebral hernias of the lumbar spine develop as a result of a protrusion of a separate part of the disc into the spinal canal, which leads to compression of the nerve endings located at the site of the pathological impact. The anatomical feature of the disc determines its nutrition through diffusion, that is, leakage nutrients. Normally, this happens when sufficient activity all vertebrae in general. In cases where movements are not enough, nutrition is disturbed and, as a result of this condition, the structure of the disk. It decreases in size, does not fully perform the function of redistributing the load, its strength is violated and a rupture of the fibrous ring appears. This state occurs with little physical activity. On the other hand, the disc tissue, its ring and core are designed for a certain amount of stress and therefore intense physical activity can also lead to rupture. outer shell. Pathological changes in the disc occur gradually, and a sharp protrusion of the disc and the appearance of a hernia can be triggered by even a minimal load - an awkward turn, sneezing, physical effort.

What threatens self-medication

The likelihood of herniated discs increases with age. In the process of aging, all organs, cells and tissues human body change their structure for the worse, this applies to their discs - they become thinner, due to which the distance between the vertebrae is steadily decreasing. This process leads to a decrease in depreciation, the vertebrae press on the disc core, which leads to protrusion of the annulus fibrosus.
There are a lot of reasons predisposing to changes in the structure of disc tissues. Among the most frequent are:

  • Spinal osteochondrosis.
  • injury spinal column. Moreover, the negative impact of microtraumas that athletes constantly receive in training and competitions, people of certain specialties, most often include those who are engaged in physical labor, is possible.
  • Diseases of the spine - rheumatism, neoplastic processes.
  • Anomalies in the development of the spinal column. Usually such pathologies are congenital and manifest under the influence of provoking factors.
  • Long daily driving, sedentary work.

Lumbar hernia is subdivided according to the degree of penetration into the spinal column:

  • Disk protrusion, that is, a protrusion of the annulus fibrosus into the spinal column.
  • Prolapse - rupture of the fibrous ring and protrusion of the nucleus itself.

The size of the protrusion usually does not exceed 7 millimeters, but even such a small segment is enough for the appearance of pain and radicular syndrome. A hernia can be complicated by a complete separation of the disc element, as a result of which it penetrates the spinal canal and disrupts the entire functioning of the spinal cord.

There is also such an unpleasant manifestation as.


Hernias of the spinal column in most cases are registered in dorsal region, namely between the 5th and 4th lumbar (L4-L5) or between the 5th lumbar and the first sacral vertebrae (L5-S1). The predominant occurrence of hernias in these departments is associated with increased load and anatomical features of the intervertebral ligaments.

Symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine are determined by its effect on those located in the lumbar column. nerve endings and are expressed:

  • Pain in the back. The pain appears periodically, subsides for a few days and resumes again. Increased pain occurs during physical work, sports, sudden movements.
  • Fixed pain in the leg, knees, foot. Patients of the neurologist note the descending nature of the pain, that is, it moves from the back to the buttocks and below.
  • Numbness and weakness in the lower extremities and feet.
  • Stiffness in back and limbs. A hernia in the lower back can affect the appearance of curvature of the spine - scoliosis or kyphosis. Similar changes registered already a few months after the diagnosis (in the absence of therapy).
  • A hernia that occurs at the level of L4-L5, in addition to pain, is characterized by the appearance of weakness in the big toe, a feeling of goosebumps.
  • Hernia L5-S1 of the vertebrae affects the appearance of pain in the knee, ankle.
  • In the later stages or with a sharp separation of the disc segment, urination and defecation are disturbed, and paralysis appears. This condition requires immediate neurological assistance.

Symptoms also depend on the stage of the pathological process.

  • The first stage occurs when the disk is displaced to a distance of no more than 2 mm, the protrusion does not go beyond the spinal column.
  • The second stage - the marginal displacement of the disk does not exceed one and a half centimeters, while the pulpous nucleus is in its place.
  • The third stage of the degenerative process is characterized by displacement of the nucleus outside the vertebrae.
  • The fourth stage occurs when the annulus fibrosus ruptures and when the nucleus pulposus hangs down, while the liquid part flows out of it.

Pain, characteristic of the first stage, can be recorded for several years, the pain is dull, aching, in the supine position it disappears. The more the herniated disc of the lumbar disc protrudes, the stronger and more often the pain manifests itself.

Increased pain is noted when the head is tilted, the lower limb is straightened from the side of the pathology. As the disease progresses, the compressed nerve roots begin to die, which leads to malnutrition of the vertebrae and the occurrence of radicular syndrome. Symptoms of a lumbar vertebral hernia with radicular syndrome:

  • Muscles, shins, feet, thighs and buttocks gradually weaken. A person loses the ability to stand on tiptoe, squatting, walking up stairs with difficulty.
  • Muscle atrophy develops - noticeable weight loss of the legs, asymmetry of the figure. The lower limbs do not perform most of the usual movements.
  • The sensitivity of the skin is disturbed - tingling, numbness, chilliness of the feet and fingers appear.
  • The patient may complain of increased dryness or sweating of the part of the leg associated with the nerve ending in the spinal column.
  • On final stages paralysis is recorded. It becomes difficult to move even around the apartment. The appearance of such symptoms and the absence of lead to disability.

If the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar column extends significantly beyond the vertebrae, then with sudden movements and heavy lifting, complete compression of the spinal cord can occur. The condition is characterized by complete paralysis of the lower extremities, involuntary act of urination and defecation.


Lumbar disc herniation can be complicated by a number of secondary diseases significantly complicating the lives of patients. The first place in the consequences of an untreated hernia is given to backache - a sharp pain that occurs in response to physical activity, an unexpected movement. The pain can last for several weeks, is poorly relieved by analgesics, and makes it difficult to perform habitual activities.

Intervertebral hernia is a displacement of one of the discs, which has undergone deformation due to any negative factors. This defect can develop in any part of the spinal column (thoracic, cervical), but most often it is localized in the lumbar region.

More often this disease is diagnosed in the stronger sex between the ages of thirty and fifty, but can also occur in younger people, including women, and is a rather dangerous condition that requires prompt treatment.

The spine is the core that supports the human body throughout life, and most of body weight and loads falls on the lower back. The spinal column is made up of 33 vertebrae, five of which are located in the lumbar region. They are separated from each other by discs consisting of fibrous rings with a gelatinous substance in the center. Intervertebral discs act as a kind of shock absorbers that soften the load on neighboring vertebrae.

With age, as a result wrong image life or injury, the surface of the discs is deformed, dries out and cracks. At the first stage, these microtraumas do not bring much discomfort, but at a certain moment the fibrous tissue breaks and the substance that is inside pours out and squeezes nerve roots as well as the brain stem. It is in this way that the development of an intervertebral hernia occurs, which initially also does not deliver to a person special problems, but later the situation can become very complicated.

Why does a lumbar hernia develop?

There are several reasons that can provoke deformation of the intervertebral discs, and subsequently a hernia.

  1. Great physical activity. This list includes not only lifting weights, but also sharp bends, turns, etc. It is because of these factors that the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar is diagnosed in people who are actively involved in sports.
  2. Diseases of the spine. This list includes scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other similar diseases that lead to the curvature of the spinal column and affect the cartilage and fibrous tissue spine.
  3. birth defects musculoskeletal system. Key reason hernia is hip dysplasia - the disease leads to an incorrect distribution of the load on the spinal column, as a result of which the discs begin to deform.
  4. Spinal injury. Quite often a hernia spinal department develops as a result of falls and blows, as well as in victims of car accidents, who often receive very serious and complex spinal injuries.
  5. Metabolic disease. As with any other organ, the health of the spine depends largely on correct exchange substances and enough essential micronutrients.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can contribute to the development of the disease:

  • obesity, overweight;
  • wrong way of life poor nutrition, smoking);
  • hypodynamia (insufficient physical activity);
  • some types professional activity(loaders, office workers, drivers);
  • elderly age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • frequent infections and hypothermia.

Unfortunately, some of the above risk factors cannot be completely eliminated, so a person needs to be given Special attention health of the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general.

Video - Everything you wanted to know about intervertebral hernia

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar are progressive, increasing in nature and are conventionally divided into three stages.


Pain is the primary and key symptom of the disease, which accompanies the patient all the time. The pain syndrome can increase or decrease, change its character and location, and also go in combination with other symptoms. In the initial stages, when the lesion is still small, a person feels pain in lumbar region- where the deformed disk is located. They are aching, dull in nature, intensify with exertion and excessive activity, with prolonged sitting in one position and weaken in horizontal position. This course of the disease can last for several months or years, periodically aggravating and subsiding.

It should be noted that at this stage the disease does not require any special treatment- it is enough for a person to simply change the way of life, to do light gymnastics and avoid bad habits.

As the area of ​​damage to the disk increases, the roots and spinal membranes are infringed, and the pain syndrome begins to intensify. Pain is felt when moving the neck, lifting the legs, palpation of certain areas. Its character also changes - the sensations become aching, shooting, and their localization depends on which parts of the spinal column have undergone deformation: discomfort can be noted in the buttocks, thighs, legs, different areas stop or even thumbs. Increased discomfort with any movement, including coughing, sneezing, hiccups.

Vertebral Syndrome

The second stage of hernia development is characterized by a permanent spasm of the dorsal and lumbar muscles, due to which the pain syndrome intensifies. The patient's movements become constrained, the person cannot fully straighten his back, begins to stoop, he has a characteristic gait with a twisted torso on healthy side. Coordination of movements and stability when walking is disturbed.

radicular syndrome

If a person does not receive adequate treatment, the manifestations of the disease lead to compression of the roots of the spinal cord, as a result of which they die, and the nutrition and blood circulation of the tissues worsens. At this stage, there specific signs characteristic of lumbar hernia.

  1. There is weakness and hypotonicity of the muscles of the lower extremities. A person is not able to sit down, it is difficult for him to walk up stairs, stand on his toes and jump.
  2. The muscles of the leg atrophy, and over time this becomes noticeable - the limb becomes thin, weakens and performs its functions very poorly. The gluteal fold disappears, and the figure becomes asymmetric.
  3. At the site of the lesion, there is a violation of the sensitivity of the skin and soft tissues - the patient feels tingling, "goosebumps", numbness, a feeling of chilliness, the skin is dry and flaky, or, conversely, often sweats too much.
  4. Violation of the functioning of the pelvic organs - patients have urinary and fecal incontinence, male patients have reduced potency, and women begin to suffer from gynecological diseases.
  5. In advanced cases, people become constrained in their movements, partial or complete paralysis is possible, and sometimes complete disability and even conditions that are incompatible with life.

Often, other pathological conditions join the intervertebral hernia over time - for example, backache in the lower back (lumbago). They are characterized by acute, sharp pain, aggravated by the slightest movement, and subsequently by disruption of the hip and knee joints.

In general, the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar depend on which of the five vertebrae has undergone deformation - experts designate them with Latin letters and numbers (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5).

Disc designationZone of pain syndrome and sensitivity disordersNumb zoneZone of muscle weakness and partial paralysisreflex disorders
L3-L4Front thigh, back thighThe inner surface of the thigh and areas next to it, inner part shins and feetQuadriceps femorisknee jerk
L4-L5The pain syndrome runs along the outer part of the thigh and lower leg, to the back of the foot towards the big toeOuter leg, thumb legsMost often the big toe (flexion function is lost), less often - the footReflexes are fully preserved
L5-S1 (lumbosacral junction)Pain radiates down the back of the thigh and lower leg towards the foot and toesThe outer part of the lower leg, the edges of the feet, toesCalf muscle, sometimes muscles of the footAchilles reflex

Diagnostics of the lumbar hernia

Diagnostic measures for this disease include examination by a neurologist and special studies including X-ray, CT and MRI. It should be noted that a conventional x-ray in the diagnosis of a hernia is practically uninformative, since it does not allow you to see soft tissues.

Lumbar disc herniation on x-ray

  1. Examination by a neurologist. The doctor checks tendon reflexes, muscle tone, sensitivity skin. This is done through various physiological tests: for example, the patient may be asked to walk on toes, raise the straightened leg, and also check the knee jerk with a hammer.
  2. Electromyography and neurography. Studies provide an opportunity to assess the condition of the nerves and muscles.
  3. CT and MRI. Most informative methods, which allow layer-by-layer visualization of all tissues and parts of the spine, including discs and nerve roots.

Therapy for lumbar hernia

In most cases (when the situation is not yet too advanced), the patient is enough conservative therapy- in this case, the symptoms disappear within 6-8 weeks.

Treatment of a hernia is complex, and includes several activities.

  1. Gentle mode. The patient should remain in bed for at least 1-2 days until the pain syndrome decreases. All movements must be careful and slow, and any load must be limited.
  2. Medical therapy. Non-steroidal and steroidal drugs can be used in the treatment of herniated discs. medical devices. The former are taken orally and help relieve pain and inflammatory process in the region of the injured nerve root. Steroid drugs are more effective and are injected directly into the area where the nerve roots are located.
  3. Physiotherapy. Patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures in order to improve blood circulation in the affected tissues, as well as gymnastic exercises in order to strengthen the muscles.

If conservative methods do not give the desired result for a long time (more than 6 months), then doctors sometimes raise the question of surgical intervention.

Video - How to treat a herniated disc without surgery

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment may be required when conservative methods fail, as well as with pronounced neurological symptoms and cauda equina syndrome (a pathology in which there is immobility and even paralysis of the legs). Operations are carried out only in extreme cases, since sometimes drug treatment and physiotherapy give much top scores, but at the same time, surgical therapy of bastre eliminates neurological symptoms: muscle weakness, numbness, etc.

Most often, with a lumbar hernia, an intervention called a discectomy is performed, that is, the removal of a damaged disc. This is a rather complicated procedure, which is prescribed solely for medical reasons - in particular, simple back pain is not a reason for surgery.

In addition, recently, minimally invasive techniques have become very popular, in particular, microdiscectomy, when not the entire disc is removed, but only its affected area. Such an intervention, as well as the postoperative period, is much easier for patients to tolerate. It should be noted that, regardless of the type of treatment performed, approximately 5% of patients relapse.

Rehabilitation and life of patients with lumbar hernia

After a course of treatment (including surgical operation) any specific rehabilitation measures not required. The patient is advised to walk daily for 30 minutes, as well as perform simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs and back.

If patients diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation are given adequate treatment in a timely manner, the disease practically does not affect the quality of life. In cases where drug therapy gives the desired effect, a person can return to a normal existence immediately after the pain syndrome is eliminated. With the intervention of surgeons, about 95% of patients recover almost immediately and can lead their former lives in 1-2 weeks.

Back problems are now quite common, in people different ages and gender. They can be provoked by different factors: both injuries and insufficient physical activity and, conversely, excessive loads. With timely detection and adequate treatment, many of these conditions can be adequately treated. One of possible pathologies of this type is a hernia of the spine, which causes a lot of discomfort and disrupts performance. Let's talk about what a lumbar disc herniation is, we will discuss its symptoms and treatment in a little more detail.

Symptoms of a herniated lumbar disc

Manifestations of this pathological condition depend solely on the stage of development of the disease and may not make themselves felt for a long time. Sometimes the trauma received in childhood causes anxiety only in old age. Classic manifestations hernias of this kind become strong, sharp, sharp and usually continuous painful sensations that occur in the lumbar region. It is pain that becomes the first and main symptom of the disease. At the very beginning of the development of pathological processes, it can be inconsistent and rare. Sometimes the disease is manifested only by fatigue during prolonged walking or sitting. But similar symptoms are characteristic only for the initial stage of the disease, when the formation is small and does not particularly put pressure on the nerve roots in the spine.

As the hernia grows, the intensity of pain increases, in addition, they can move to the nerve endings in the hips, buttocks, feet and legs. Ishalgia usually makes itself felt with sudden movements, changes in position and when lifting weights.

In the absence of adequate correction at this stage of the development of the disease, the symptoms become more and more pronounced. The pain may intensify, and not only the nerves may be pinched, but also the hernia itself. Sometimes a dense and rather hard tumor is formed in the lumbar region of the patient, which causes discomfort.

Pathological processes with a running hernia of the intervertebral disc of the lumbar region, they lead to significant stiffness of movements in the back and in the limbs. The patient loses the ability to fully straighten the back, his spine is bent, scoliosis or kyphosis is formed.

A herniated disc in the lumbar spine can cause problems with urination and fecal defecation; in men, such a formation has a negative effect on potency.

Compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord leads to a feeling of numbness in the legs, the patient may experience pain in the lower extremities (sometimes in one), severe weakness is often observed.

How is a herniated disc of the lumbar spine corrected, what is its effective treatment?

In the early stages of the development of the disease, you can try to cope with a herniated disc in the lumbar conservative methods. Doctors take action pain and also for the prevention of recurrence of the disease.

In the early days, the patient must comply with bed rest, take analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, muscle relaxants and other drugs become drugs of choice.

Sometimes doctors decide to perform drug blockades, but this practice is controversial, because injections are carried out in the inflamed area, which leads to additional irritation and can possibly slow down recovery.

After the patient's condition is normalized, exercise therapy is selected for him, massages and physiotherapy are prescribed. Therapeutic exercises for the spine with intervertebral hernia and massage can improve the condition of the muscular corset, as well as ligamentous apparatus.

Even after recovery, a person must definitely take care of his back: avoid sudden and incorrect movements, perform exercise therapy, etc.

In case if conservative treatment does not give positive effect or if the disease often recurs, is neglected and complicates the activity of internal organs, doctors may advise surgical intervention- microdiscectomy. This type surgical correction is neurosurgical operation, carried out with a particularly high magnification. So, only a small incision is made on the back of the patient - no more than three to four centimeters, which allows an order of magnitude to reduce the likelihood of relapses and postoperative complications.

A good option for the operation will be the endoscopic removal of a hernia - it also requires a minimal incision and significantly reduces the likelihood of relapses and complications.

Folk recipes

Specialists traditional medicine advise to treat a herniated lumbar disc using a variety of medicinal herbs and improvised means. But such treatment can only be carried out in addition to the therapy that the doctor has chosen. Self-medication can cause serious harm to health.

So early recovery period wheat will benefit, rye bran in the form of a decoction. Brew a tablespoon of such raw materials with half a liter of water. Bring the product to a boil and boil over low heat for half an hour. Accept ready-made broth filtered in small portions three times a day. This medicine perfectly optimizes metabolic processes, eliminates inflammation of the nerve roots due to high content B group vitamins.

Even for the treatment of a hernia of the intervertebral disc of the lumbar, you can prepare an infusion of wild rose. Grind the roots and fruits of this plant and mix them together in equal proportions. Brew a tablespoon of the resulting raw material with a glass of only boiled water. Insist in a thermos or well wrapped for twenty minutes, then strain and take half a glass several times a day.

If any pain in the back area appears, it is better not to hesitate, but to consult a doctor as soon as possible.