Can you eat duck eggs? What are the benefits of goose eggs for humans?

– a delicious food product that is consumed quite rarely. This is due to the fact that the goose does not lay eggs all year round, but only 2-4 months, giving no more than 30 eggs during this time. What benefits can come from using this product, and in what cases it is harmful, will be useful to know for everyone who has the opportunity to purchase them or would like to try.

Description and chemical composition

Geese are a common poultry, bred primarily for meat, liver and down. Nevertheless, geese are also a source of valuable egg products, known for their dietary properties and culinary capabilities. The eggs obtained from them differ in size and weight. They are 2-3 times larger than chicken eggs: up to 10 cm in length, up to 5 cm in width, have an elongated, asymmetrical shape, pointed at the top, covered on top with a very strong white shell, the thickness of the bark is 0.55 mm.

Goose eggs – full valuable product food containing:

  • vital vitamins - A, D, E, K, group B;
  • a full complex of amino acids, omega-3 and 6 acids;
  • minerals - sulfur, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc.;
  • antioxidants - lutein.

Comparison of goose, chicken and quail eggs

In addition, they contain 13.9% proteins, 13.3% fats, 1.3% carbohydrates, 0.8% micro- and macroelements. Average weight 1 egg – 160-200 g, calorie content – ​​180 kcal.

Attention! Geese nutritional value eggs is directly related to their size. The larger it is, the higher its nutritional value.

Goose eggs have a rich taste and, unlike chicken eggs, are less fatty. Their shells have a porous structure, without a special bactericidal film, which makes them more susceptible to infection with salmonellosis and other pathogenic bacteria. Egg taste largely depends on the quality of the feed used, this is especially true for products obtained from geese. The more grass in the geese’s diet, the more delicate the taste of the eggs they produce.

Why are they useful?

Thanks to high content bioactive nutrients, goose eggs have a beneficial effect on the human body. Including them in the diet allows you to maintain at the proper level:

  • Muscle mass, the way egg whites serve building material for their cells. In addition, they contain more protein than meat and are easier to digest.
  • Weight, as eggs fill you up quickly and promote good metabolism.
  • Condition of bones, hair and skin, thanks to the high content of essential elements. This is one of the few products that are sources of vitamin D. The combination of phosphorus and calcium activates regenerative processes in the body, strengthens nails, teeth, bone tissue, serves as a prevention of osteoporosis. Tocopherol and other fat-soluble vitamins provide shine and elasticity to hair, healthy looking skin.

  • Vision. Lutein, lecithin and retinol present in the yolk prevent age-related degeneration eye muscles and the development of night blindness.
  • Memory, creative thinking and reaction speed as egg choline increases brain activity.
  • Functions reproductive system and hormonal balance.
  • Efficiency and vigor, resistance of immunity to infections by replenishing the deficiency of nutrients.

In addition, the biogenic nutrients that enter the body when eating eggs contribute to its detoxification, cleansing the liver of toxins and blood vessels from sclerotic plaques. This product is useful for pregnant women. Being rich in folic acid, it has a positive effect on the development of the brain and central nervous system in the fetus.

IN home cosmetology Goose eggs are used to prepare nutritious, cleansing and anti-aging masks for skin and hair.

Attention! Eating this type of egg is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product, diabetes, obesity, increased rates cholesterol. To avoid allergic reactions, you should not give them to children under 7 years of age.

Features of use, selection and storage

In cooking, goose eggs are used in baking flour products. It is thanks to their addition that a fluffy and soft dough is obtained. In addition, as a complete ingredient, they are used in salads, sauces, appetizers, casseroles, soufflés, puddings, and confectionery.

When planning to use this product, you should keep in mind that 1 goose egg is quite capable of replacing 2-4 chicken eggs in a dish. They are used for food as usual - boiled, fried or baked; before cooking, it is recommended to wash them in running water and soap. Due to the increased risk of salmonellosis, raw goose eggs are not recommended.

Attention! It will take 20-25 minutes to hard boil them.

You can buy goose eggs only in farms and private owners involved in breeding geese do not sell this product in stores. When purchasing, you should carefully inspect each copy, paying attention to the cleanliness and integrity of the shell, the absence of dents and bulges on its surface, and any odors, since damaged or dirty eggs quickly deteriorate.

Since it is recommended to store egg products at t°+5-12° C, the refrigerator is the optimal place for this. The shelf life of raw eggs is 10-14 days, and boiled eggs are 3-6 days. The fact that they have deteriorated and are no longer suitable for food is indicated by the appearance of bad smell. Clogging of pores on the surface will allow increasing the storage of raw products eggshells, by treating it with wax or vegetable oil.

Egg products obtained from geese are a valuable food product. And although it has less nutritional value compared to chicken eggs, its consumption allows you to expand your diet and replenish the deficiency of essential elements.

Goose egg charlotte: video

Opinions about whether goose and duck eggs can be eaten are very controversial. Some nutritionists say that this product should be called the elixir of youth. But there are experts who strongly recommend against eating duck eggs. Who should diversify their diet with the help of this product, and who should not, what recommendations should they follow and what should they refrain from? It’s worth learning more about this if you want to diversify your daily diet.

Duck and goose eggs are large in size, their shells are quite strong, covered with a characteristic white coating. The weight of one product will be about 200 g. Many people are interested in how the eggs laid by ducks and geese differ in taste from chicken eggs. Everything is quite simple: their taste characteristics are much more pronounced. However, goose eggs are slightly inferior in fat content and richness of flavor to duck eggs.


Why is eating duck and goose eggs recommended? The thing is that they contain a lot of nutritional components, so they certainly won’t be superfluous for your body. Interesting fact: Scientists believe that the larger the fruit, the higher its value as a storehouse of vitamins and other useful elements.

It is recommended to eat goose eggs, as they include protein, contain large amounts of fat, but have very few carbohydrates. This product contains B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, D and K. It contains another healthy substance - tocopherol. Without mineral elements it didn't work out either. They include sulfur in small quantities, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper and iron.

If we consider the benefits regular use eating goose eggs can bring to your body, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the elements present in the product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain cells and stimulate brain activity;
  • the level of sex hormones in the body remains stable;
  • this product cleanses blood vessels and removes various toxins from the body;
  • the yolk contains an antioxidant that has a positive effect on vision, preventing a variety of diseases associated with the visual system;
  • magnesium and B vitamins are a useful supplement for nervous system person;
  • In general, goose and duck meats are recommended for use in cooking, because their regular use has a positive effect on appearance person. Hair, skin, nails take on a healthy appearance.

It's worth eating goose and duck eggs if you want to take care of your health. The storehouse of vitamins contained in the product is a good reason to include it in your daily diet.


Is it possible to eat goose eggs regularly? A question that worries many. It would seem that their composition is so diverse in vitamins and minerals that there is no need to even doubt it. However, the issue of consuming duck and geese eggs is controversial. It’s not for nothing that some experts say that you can’t eat this product on permanent basis. However, if you dig deeper, there are not many nuances. Among the key disadvantages of the product, one stands out: allergenicity. That's why children preschool age(and generally up to about seven years of age) it is not recommended to feed goose and duck eggs as food.

Another scary thing is that duck eggs can often be contaminated with salmonella. However, neither you nor your household will have to fight the infection if you eat eggs exclusively from healthy birds. In addition, add them to food, but do not drink them raw, because salmonellosis is usually transmitted through foods that we eat uncooked.

Remember that the sooner you remove goose eggs from the hens, the less harmful bacteria and components will penetrate the product through the shell.

If they remain stale, they should be eaten with caution in the future. Overall, there is no reason to be afraid of eating these eggs. If you follow the basic recommendations for preparing them, you will have no reason to worry.

Rules of use This may seem strange to some, but to protect yourself from harmful bacteria

and microorganisms, you must first wash your eggs before eating them. The thing is that their pores are much larger, which means that the risk of introducing some kind of infection into the body is higher. When using this product in cooking, remember that goose eggs have a unique smell, and not everyone likes it. However, if at one time the geese living in your yard regularly ate grass, the aroma will not be so pronounced. Boiled eggs They are eaten very often, but they should be cooked for at least 15 minutes. Forget about eating them raw. Another important point : if you have increased level

cholesterol in the blood, eating such eggs is not recommended.

Cooking methods

Duck and goose eggs are not used in cooking as often as chicken eggs. However, there are also plenty of variations here. You can add them to baked goods, salads, snacks, etc. Some fans of this product prefer to fry it in a frying pan, but this should be done evenly. What other uses are there? This depends directly on your gastronomic preferences. The main thing is to remember one thing: when boiling eggs, you need to let them boil for at least 15–20 minutes so that all microorganisms harmful to health die in.

hot water

And finally, one more rule: buy exclusively fresh eggs, because your health and the well-being of your loved ones primarily depends on this, and this should never be neglected.

Video “Cooking goose eggs with vegetables” In this video you will learn about interesting recipe

on cooking goose eggs with vegetables.

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How to properly store goose eggs for hatching

You can hardly find at least one person who does not eat eggs. It is quite obvious that the most popular are chicken eggs, which are sold in any supermarket and in any market, not to mention village residents who independently raise chickens and have plenty of eggs.

Eggs are the most popular breakfast, an integral part of many salads and complex dishes. There are those who have abandoned traditional chicken eggs in favor of quail or duck eggs; finding them is much more difficult, but quite possible. This raises the question: is it possible to eat the eggs of other birds? We don’t mean ostrich and penguin eggs, let’s not get carried away with the exotic, let’s start with goose eggs.

A goose egg is several times larger than a chicken egg and much more filling. Nutritionists also have nothing particularly against them. Scientists measure the benefits of eggs based on their weight, which sounds strange, but it’s true. How bigger egg, the better, it contains more useful substances for the body, but whatever one may say, it is less useful when compared with a chicken egg.

Goose eggs have almost no carbohydrates, a lot of fat and great amount protein, provitamins A, B vitamins and tocopherol. The aftertaste also contains phosphorus, iron, copper, calcium and potassium. If you regularly eat goose eggs, your body will be provided with useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of brain cells and the level of sex hormones. Over time, there will be an improvement in vascular patency, improved memory and the removal of toxins from the body. The yolk of a goose egg is especially useful - it natural spring lutein, which is responsible for vision.

Some doctors prescribe that pregnant women must consume one goose egg per week for general support of the body.

but on the other hand

Earlier it was said about the benefits of goose eggs, but it is worth considering that a chicken egg is several times more useful. In addition, goose eggs contain cholesterol, which certainly does not provide any benefit to the body. It has been officially proven that goose eggs are an allergen, especially for young children; some pediatricians categorically prohibit giving them to children under 7 years of age.

If chicken eggs can be consumed raw, then it is better not to take risks with goose eggs and direct the thirst for experimentation in a more peaceful direction. Every 2 goose eggs contain salmonella! This is a terrible bacterium that, when it enters the human body, causes serious complications.

If you are a risky person and still plan to make a giant scrambled egg, before cooking the egg you need to wash it thoroughly with soap or detergent And then, it’s better to forget about fried eggs, it’s better to have an omelette so that both the yolk and the white are completely baked. To minimize the risk of harm, there are several simple but quite effective tips:

  • As soon as the goose has laid an egg, take it away immediately, because within an hour dangerous and harmful substances can get into it through the shell;
  • Do not eat raw eggs; heat treatment is strictly necessary;
  • Do not cook with fried eggs, only omelet or boil;
  • It is better to pay for hatching eggs; they are less likely to be infected with salmonella;
  • Carefully inspect the egg before cooking; the shell should be intact and clean, odorless;
  • Eggs can only be stored in the refrigerator.

The rules are very simple, following them, you will protect yourself and your family as much as possible. And yet, if you are drawn to the exotic, then it is better to temporarily replace the usual chicken eggs with quail eggs, it is much healthier and safer.

In general, there is nothing healthier, more affordable and tastier than chicken eggs, experiment with recipes and cooking methods.

Many nutritionists do not advise eating goose testicles, arguing that they can only cause harm to human health. But is this really so? Undoubtedly, certain group It is indeed extremely undesirable for people to add goose eggs to their diet, but for others this product is very useful.

So for whom can goose eggs become a kind of elixir of youth, and who should refuse to eat them? About this and whether you can eat goose eggs, how to cook them, about useful and harmful properties, as well as their cost, it is worth talking in more detail.

Is it possible to eat goose eggs?

Of course, you can eat this product, but only in baked or boiled form. You should never drink raw eggs, as the risk of salmonellosis infection is extremely high. For those who still decide to add this product to their diet, there is one more caveat. Unlike chicken eggs, goose eggs are much more problematic to find in markets and store shelves, since geese lay eggs much less often. Due to inaccessibility, the cost of goose eggs is also much higher. So how much can one egg cost? In this case, everything depends on the region and breed of goose, but on average one piece costs at least 100 rubles.

This product also has specific smell and therefore the testicles must be used with extreme caution. In some cases there is also foreign odor, which may indicate testicular unsuitability.

Next, the question may arise: how long to cook goose eggs? The answer is simple - cook for at least 15 minutes. When adding eggs to an omelet or dough, they must be thoroughly washed under running water before use.

Useful properties of the product

Despite the fact that goose eggs are much larger than chicken eggs, they are less nutritious. Nutritionists do not recommend adding this product to your daily diet, but only recommend eating it occasionally. The benefits of goose eggs for the human body are as follows:

Harm to the product and contraindications for its use

For people suffering from individual intolerance, high cholesterol And allergic reaction for this product, Eating goose testicles is strictly prohibited. It is also undesirable for young children to eat goose eggs, since the reaction of a fragile body to such a specific product can be unpredictable. In addition, before adding eggs to the diet, you should pay attention to the body’s reaction and if a specific smell or taste causes rejection, then it is better to refuse use.

On top of that, goose eggs can be harmful. to the human body, but only if they are not sufficiently boiled or drunk raw. As mentioned above, raw product can cause the development of salmonellosis in the body and the presence of bacteria cannot be determined based on smell or taste. Salmonella, penetrating into the product, settles mainly in the yolk, actively multiplying. For this reason, eggs need to be boiled longer and under no circumstances should they be eaten raw.

Using goose eggs for cosmetic purposes

Goose testicles have also found their use in cosmetology.. Based on this product, effective body masks are prepared that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Thanks to such masks, the process of restoration and nutrition occurs cellular level and the skin becomes elastic and moisturized. There is a visible result after the first procedures.

Goose eggs are an excellent substitute for chicken eggs. various recipes masks, providing a more noticeable effect. Main secret lies in preparing a mask and using separate parts of the testicle, depending on skin type.

Mask recipe for dry skin

To prepare moisturizing effective mask you'll need to take one egg yolk and one small tomato, pre-grated. The tomato must be mixed with raw yolk and gently applied to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The mask must be left on for about 45 minutes and then washed off. hot water.

Goose eggs have been present in the human diet for several thousand years, but are not widely used. This is due, first of all, to the fact that geese lay eggs seasonally, and not year-round, and their maintenance requires the creation of special conditions. It is not so easy to purchase fresh goose eggs: farmers use them mainly for hatching young animals, and not for sale as a food product.

Regular consumption of goose eggs benefits the central nervous system, improves memory and attention, and helps normalize the function of the excretory and reproductive organs. They also help eliminate poisons and toxic substances, cleansing the liver, reducing the degree of vascular congestion, improving vision and maintaining its sharpness.

Lutein, in large quantities found in the yolks of goose eggs, slows down cell aging because it exhibits strong antioxidant activity. Taking them is also useful during such a crucial period as bearing a child; they especially help the harmonious development of the baby’s brain.

Rules for preparing and storing the product

High risk of infection infectious diseases as a result of eating waterfowl eggs makes necessary carrying out their high-quality heat treatment. The goose egg should be cooked in a covered pan in salted boiling water for at least 15 minutes, or better yet for half an hour, then left to cool in boiling water. Irreparable harm to health can be caused by eating it raw, soft-boiled or not fully fried.

Before storing eggs for storage, the shells must be thoroughly washed under running water using laundry soap or soda. This procedure reduces the shelf life of the product, but neglecting it is dangerous to health. IN as a last resort, the shell must be cleaned immediately before cooking.

Goose eggs can be stored at temperatures from 2 to 12°C in conditions of 85-90% humidity for up to 14 days. In the egg compartment of a modern refrigerator, this is exactly the mode, but most often it is located on the door, and opening it frequently has an adverse effect on the freshness of the food.

Warning: Goose eggs whose shells are damaged are dangerous to eat.

In cooking, goose eggs can be used to make baked goods, desserts, salads, omelets and snacks; They can be baked, boiled or fried. They have a somewhat unusual, but pleasant aroma and taste, a sharp, repulsive odor is a sign of a spoiled product.

Video: Healthy breakfast: goose egg omelet

Contraindications to eating goose eggs

Allergies and individual intolerances are absolute contraindications for eating goose eggs. You should pay attention to your reaction to their smell and taste - are they pleasant or disgusting? Thus, the body itself will “tell” whether it is worth including a new unusual product in the diet or whether it is better to abstain.

In the absence of personal contraindications, goose eggs can cause harm when consumed raw or insufficiently cooked. They can serve as a source of infection and cause the development of salmonellosis. The presence of microbes does not affect nutritional quality contaminated product, it cannot be determined by taste, appearance or smell.

Salmonella quickly penetrates eggs and settles mainly in the yolk area, where they live and reproduce. That is why the product requires long-term heat treatment, and the process of its preparation must include compliance with strict sanitary rules:

  • The table and dishes must be washed with hot water and soda;
  • It will be useful to boil small kitchen utensils (for example, spoons) for 15-20 minutes;
  • wash your hands with hot water and soap;
  • It is preferable to burn the shells of raw eggs.

Advice: Preschool children should not risk their health by eating goose eggs.

Video: “The Goose is an Ancient Bird”: a little about geese and goose eggs on Vladimir Pavlovets’ channel

The use of goose eggs in cosmetology

The use of face masks based on goose eggs has an extremely beneficial effect on its condition. The processes of cell restoration and nutrition proceed intensively, the result is noticeable after the first procedures.

It is enough to replace a chicken egg with a goose egg in most recipes to get miraculous composition. The basic rule for making masks is to use the egg parts separately depending on your skin type. For dry skin more benefit will bring yolk, for fatty - white. In some products and for mixed skin types, the use of the whole product is allowed.

Moisturizing mask recipe for dry skin

Goose egg yolk – 1 pc.
Tomato – 1 pc.

Finely grate a fresh medium-sized tomato and mix thoroughly with the raw yolk of a goose egg. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, rinse warm water in a quarter of an hour.

Composition of the product

Goose egg - high calorie and nutritious product. It is rich in vitamins, minerals important for human health, and contains a full range of amino acids. Their the nutritional value several times higher than the same figure for a common and widely available chicken egg. At the same time, they contain significantly less fat than their closest analogue - duck egg.

Geese lay some of the largest eggs among other farm birds. They weigh about 200 g and have a white, durable shell. Calorie content per 100 g of product averages 185-200 kcal.

Nutritional value of goose egg (per 100 g of product)