Are fainting dangerous? Sudden loss of consciousness and their causes

If a person faints, the symptoms will always be characteristic. From them you can understand what happened to a person and help him.

What is fainting

Fainting is a sudden loss of consciousness. The condition is short-lived. The brain is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen and other substances, as a result of which blood flow is temporarily reduced.

Very often, shortly before fainting, the head begins to feel dizzy, especially when standing. Then the man falls. After this, an increase in blood pressure is observed.

Symptoms of fainting depend on what caused it.

So, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Heart rhythm disturbance. It is characterized by the suddenness of both its beginning and its end. Before this, the patient often feels his own heartbeat.
  2. Fainting of orthostatic nature. It occurs as a result of a sudden change in position or a prolonged standing position, especially in the heat. This occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins lower limbs and a significant decrease in blood pressure. Such fainting is manifested by pallor of the skin, perspiration and a sharp sagging of the body.
  3. Syncope of vasovagal nature. Happens while sitting or standing. Clinical symptoms This condition is manifested by nausea, weakness, yawning, increased sweating and decreased visual acuity, which precede fainting. Then they turn pale skin, the pulse slows down sharply, after which the person faints.
  4. Fluctuations of substances in the blood. For example, if the cause is hypocapnia, in which the level decreases carbon dioxide, then the following symptoms appear: slow onset and completion of fainting, it never begins suddenly. Precursor signals are tingling in the fingers and discomfort in the sternum. The same thing is characterized by fainting due to hypoglycemia, that is, a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Separately, fainting of a hysterical nature is distinguished, but it is not true. Pulse and blood pressure remain normal, and there are no other characteristic signs.

Common signs of fainting

These include the following:

  • feeling of lightheadedness;
  • severe weakness;
  • dilated pupils;
  • pale skin;
  • the legs give way, causing the person to slowly sink;
  • a fall.

Usually the attack lasts 10 seconds. A person can come to his senses on his own, but he may need first aid.

Main causes of loss of consciousness

There are several main reasons why an attack can occur.

The most common of them are:

  1. Heart rhythm disturbance. When blood pressure drops sharply, the body cannot quickly compensate for this with increased blood output.
  2. Oxygen starvation. For example, with increased physical activity The body's need for oxygen increases. Against this background, a person feels good in a relaxed state, but during exertion he may feel weak. Immediately after exercise, a person may lose consciousness. This is explained by a simultaneous drop in heart contractions. This leads to a decrease in pressure.
  3. Bleeding. At heavy bleeding blood volume decreases.
  4. Dehydration. For example, when severe diarrhea, increased sweating or urination.
  5. Psycho-emotional state. Severe stress, fear, panic - all this can also lead to fainting.

These are the most common reasons that can trigger an attack.

Basic diagnostic methods

If a person faints, they should see a doctor. The goal is to determine the cause that led to this condition. This is necessary in order to further treat the primary disease. If this is not done, firstly, the disease may progress, which may pose a threat to human health and life. Especially if these are diseases of cardio-vascular system: aortic stenosis, heart rhythm disturbances, etc. Fainting will recur.

At diagnostic examination The doctor pays special attention to the following factors:

  • age of the patient;
  • when and after what the first fainting occurred;
  • frequency of subsequent attacks;
  • signals that preceded the attack;
  • activities that return the patient to consciousness.

People who were close to the person during the attack often provide valuable information.

It is very important to collect anamnesis, in particular information about the presence of diseases. chronic(of cardio-vascular system, diabetes etc.), as well as about regularly taking any medications.

Research using equipment

There are a number of studies using diagnostic devices. These include:

  1. Electrocardiogram, or ECG. The doctor asks the patient to take a series of frequent, deep, and quick breaths. In this case, the doctor observes and controls heart contractions using an electrocardiogram. At the same time, he massages the area above the part of the carotid artery that contains nerve endings. These endings are responsible for pressure and are called the carotid sinus.
  2. Holter monitor. It is a device small size which the patient wears throughout the day without taking it off. During this entire time, the heart rate is recorded. If its violation coincides with the onset of an attack, this is the root cause.
  3. Echocardiography. The goal is to detect structural or functional disease hearts.
  4. Blood analysis. The goal is to identify possible hypoglycemia, that is, reduced level sugar or low level red blood cells (anemia).
  5. Electroencephalography. A method that is used when epilepsy is suspected. This disease can also cause repeated fainting.

The doctor refers the patient to one or another diagnostic procedure, depending on the suspected cause of the attacks. In any case, the goal of diagnosis is to identify and confirm this very cause.

Treatment methods for the problem

The treatment regimen depends primarily on the cause that causes fainting.

If such a condition happened to a young man who does not have heart problems, then this is not a cause for concern. In this case, it is rarely carried out comprehensive diagnostics and treatment.

If such a condition occurs, and even more so recurs in older people, this is a cause for concern. Often the cause is several diseases that are interrelated with each other. In any case, this indicates that the heart and blood vessels cannot adequately correct the decrease in pressure.

Drug therapy is carried out depending on. So, medicinal correction prescribed for anemia, hypoglycemia, etc. This approach has a high therapeutic effect. Shown drug therapy and for heart rhythm disturbances.

In some cases it is shown surgical intervention. For example, if the heart beats are too rare, a pacemaker is introduced to correct the rhythm, and in some cases, a defibrillator.

First aid

It is very important to be able to provide emergency assistance to a person who has fainted.

To do this, it is enough to know what needs to be done in such a situation, and what absolutely cannot be done. So, what steps need to be taken to bring a person out of unconsciousness:

  • gently lay the person down, while making sure that he does not hit his head;
  • the legs should be positioned as high as possible above the head;
  • unbutton all tight clothing, in particular shirt collars, loosen the tie;
  • provide access fresh air: This is why it is so important that there are no people standing around the person, which is often the case if someone passes out on the street.

As for actions that are unacceptable, these are any attempts to bring a person to his senses: you cannot lift him up, splash water in his face, slap him in the face, or bring ammonia to his nose.

People are often concerned about what fainting and loss of consciousness are, what the difference is between these terms, and how to provide proper first aid to an unconscious person.

Characteristics of loss of consciousness

Loss of consciousness is a condition in which the body does not respond to external stimuli and is not aware of the surrounding reality. There are several types of unconsciousness:

Thus, it turns out that fainting is one of the types of loss of consciousness.

Causes of loss of consciousness

The main causes of loss of consciousness are:

  • overwork;
  • strong pain;
  • stress and emotional turmoil;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • nervous tension.

Knowing the reasons for fainting and loss of consciousness, what is the difference between these conditions, you can correctly provide first aid.

Brain damage that causes loss of consciousness can be caused by direct effects of poisoning, hemorrhage) or indirect (bleeding, fainting, shock, suffocation, metabolic disorders).

Types of loss of consciousness

There are several types of unconsciousness:

Any manifestations of disturbances in the functioning of body systems can include fainting and loss of consciousness. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the duration of unconsciousness and the presence of additional injuries.

Clinical picture of loss of consciousness

In an unconscious state, the victim has:

Knowing the symptoms of fainting and loss of consciousness, what is the difference between them and how to properly provide first aid, you can prevent the death of the victim, especially if he has no breathing or cardiac activity. Since timely cardiopulmonary resuscitation can restore the functioning of these systems and bring the person back to life.

First aid for loss of consciousness

First of all, you need to eliminate possible reasons loss of consciousness - take the person out into the fresh air if there is a smell of smoke or gas in the room or action electric current. After this you need to release Airways. In some cases, it may be necessary to clean the mouth using a tissue.

If a person has no heartbeat or breathing, it is necessary to immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After the restoration of cardiac activity and breathing, the victim must be taken to a medical facility. When transporting the victim, there must be an accompanying person.

If there are no problems with breathing or heart function, you need to increase blood flow to the brain. To do this, the victim must be laid so that the head is slightly lower than the level of the body (if there is a head injury or nose bleed, this point cannot be fulfilled!).

You need to loosen your clothes (untie your tie, unbutton your shirt, unbutton your belt) and open the window to provide fresh air, this will increase the supply of oxygen. You can bring a cotton swab to the victim’s nose. ammonia, in most cases this helps to return him to a conscious state.

Important! If the duration of unconsciousness exceeds 5 minutes, urgent medical attention is needed.

Knowing the difference between fainting and loss of consciousness, you can provide the victim with the correct first aid.

Characteristics of fainting

Fainting is a short-term loss of consciousness caused by a lack of oxygen due to impaired blood supply to the brain. A short-term loss of consciousness does not pose a danger to human life and health and often does not require medical intervention. The duration of this state ranges from several seconds to several minutes. Fainting can be caused by the following pathological conditions of the body:

  • violations nervous regulation blood vessels during a sudden change in position (transition from a horizontal to a vertical position) or when swallowing;
  • with a decrease in cardiac output - stenosis of the pulmonary arteries or aorta, angina attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction;
  • when the concentration of oxygen in the blood decreases - anemia and hypoxia, especially when rising to a high altitude (where one is located or staying in a stuffy room.

The causes of fainting and loss of consciousness must be known in order to be able to distinguish between these conditions and provide necessary for a person first aid.

Clinical picture of fainting

Fainting is a characteristic manifestation of some diseases. Therefore, if you experience frequent fainting, you must see a doctor and undergo an examination to identify pathological processes in the body.

Fainting is a short-term loss of consciousness caused by a lack of oxygen due to a disruption in the blood supply to the brain. The main symptoms of fainting are nausea and a feeling of stuffiness, ringing in the ears, darkening in the eyes. At the same time, the person begins to turn pale, his muscles weaken and his legs give way. Loss of consciousness is characterized by both increased heart rate and slower heart rate.

In a fainting state, a person’s heart sounds weaken, blood pressure drops, everything neurological reflexes weaken significantly, so cramps or involuntary urination may occur. Loss of consciousness and fainting are mainly characterized by the victim’s lack of perception of the surrounding reality and what is happening to him.

First aid for fainting

When a person faints, it is possible because his muscles weaken. To prevent this, you need to turn the person on his side and call ambulance, since it is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of this condition.

First aid for fainting and loss of consciousness makes it possible to support the vital functions of the victim’s body before the ambulance arrives. In most cases, first aid can avoid death.

Without proper examination, it is impossible to identify the exact cause of fainting. Since it can be a consequence and pathological process in the body, and ordinary fatigue or nervous tension.

Fainting and loss of consciousness. What is the difference between these concepts?

Having understood the features of the unconscious state of the body, we can conclude that loss of consciousness is a general concept. It includes many different manifestations. Fainting is one of them and is a short-term loss of consciousness that occurs as a result of oxygen starvation of the brain.

Fainting is the unconscious state of a person that occurs as a result of a sudden lack of oxygen. Accompanied by failure of reflexes and disorder of the vegetative-vascular system. The duration of fainting states varies, from 5 seconds to 10 minutes. If the duration is higher than the specified time, there is a danger to human life. In any case, loss of consciousness is a reason to see a doctor. Therefore, you should not hesitate; it is better to prevent the development of the disease, if it exists.

What are the dangers of losing consciousness?

It is not difficult to understand what fainting is and how to recognize it. If it is isolated, there is most likely no danger to life. But there are times when there is a problem, and a very significant one. Situations in which fainting poses a danger:

  1. If it is caused by a life-threatening disease, for example, a heart attack, arrhythmia.
  2. If your head was injured in a fall.
  3. Happened to a person actively involved in sports.
  4. Occurred in a situation in which remaining unconscious would be life-threatening (while driving a car).
  5. Without visible reasons occurred in an elderly person.
  6. All reflexes, including breathing, were disabled. There is a risk of the root of the tongue retracting and blocking the airway.

When a symptom is a reaction to external irritating factors, there is no danger. For example, if a person lost consciousness from the sight of blood, or the body reacted to a pungent odor.

It is dangerous when fainting is a symptom of a disease, nervous breakdown. In such cases, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. Neurologists, cardiologists and psychiatrists are involved in reviewing situations.

There are many reasons. The most common among them:

  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • standing for a long time, especially if the knee joints touch;
  • staying in one position for a long time or abrupt change body position;
  • sunstroke;
  • fatigue of the body resulting from fasting, fever, stress;
  • blindness bright light, long stay in a stuffy or hot place;
  • reaction to the situation: as a result of fear, severe stress, etc.;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pregnancy;
  • strong crowds of people, resulting in panic and oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • mental problems;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • severe exhaustion of the body.

Fainting comes in different forms. There are several types of them. There are:

  1. Orthostatic. Occurs as a result sudden change body position. There is a disruption in the transmission of signals from nerve fibers. As a result, injury may occur due to falling from your own height. This type of fainting is equivalent to being in the same position for a long time. The muscles do not contract for a long time, which is why there is no normal blood supply to the lower extremities. Blood does not overcome gravity and does not reach the brain in the required volume.
  2. High-rise. On high altitude The ambient pressure changes, causing the brain to often be supplied with less blood.
  3. Simple. Occurs as a result of a drop in pressure and improper breathing.
  4. Convulsive. With it, the body convulses after the brain shuts down.
  5. Arrhythmic. Is the result certain type arrhythmias.
  6. Rhythmic. It can occur with bradycardia or tachycardia.
  7. Medication. Occurs as a result of drug overdose or intolerance by the body to the drug.
  8. Drop attack. As a result severe dizziness, weaknesses. Consciousness is not lost with it, only weakness of the body occurs, the person may fall.
  9. Situational. Unites several other groups. Occurs as a result of changes in the environment: when immersed in water, severe overexertion when lifting heavy objects.
  10. Anemic. Older people are more susceptible to it. There is a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and a lack of iron in the body.
  11. Bettolepsy. If you have chronic lung disease, severe coughing may occur. As a result, blood flows away from the brain and the person loses consciousness.
  12. Vasodepressor. A stuffy room, lack of sleep, severe fatigue of the body, fear and other factors, as a result of which the pressure drops sharply and the pulse decreases, become the causes of loss of consciousness. Often you can restore your normal state if you take horizontal position.

Fainting in different categories of people and in different body conditions

Fainting can occur in different categories of citizens. In each case, the reasons may differ, and the options for assistance in the situation that arise may also be different.

In healthy people

Every healthy person can bring himself to an unpleasant state under certain circumstances. Causes of fainting in a healthy person:

  1. Starvation. Strong diets, which deprive the body of certain categories of nutrients can lead to a similar condition. The metabolic pathway of starvation of the cerebral cortex is triggered. This is especially true if, with severe exhaustion of the body, you begin to engage in heavy physical labor.
  2. Use large quantities sweet and carbohydrate foods. When consuming sweets or honey, there may be an excessive dosage of insulin in the blood. Absorption into the blood occurs quickly, causing insulin levels to equal blood sugar levels. Afterwards, sugar will begin to be utilized, but the process of insulin decomposition takes much longer.

The supplement will begin to break down blood protein compounds that protect against large amounts of ketone bodies entering the brain. They work like acetone - they cause metabolic disorders and provoke fainting.

  1. Injury. Consciousness may be lost from painful shock, and from lack of blood. Each of these conditions causes large cluster blood in the abdominal region, the brain is starving.
  2. Incorrect external conditions environment. Severe stuffiness and heat provoke fainting even in healthy people.
  3. Severe overvoltage. May occur as a result of fright. In such cases, the cerebral cortex is switched off, and the disorder is provoked by the person himself.
  4. Vasospasm. When diving on greater depth, from pressure drops and oxygen starvation, a person can lose consciousness.
  5. Other reasons. Motion sickness, staying in the bath for a long time, alcohol intoxication, poisoning, weightlifting are the causes of loss of consciousness.

In pregnant women

It is often unclear why a pregnant woman faints. Fainting is not normal for pregnant women. In a girl’s body during such a period, a large number of prerequisites for the symptom are created, but cerebral blood flow should, although with less force, still occur. Because similar situations during pregnancy – disruption of the body’s functioning.

Stretching of the uterus can provoke increased pressure on internal organs. Arises venous stasis, which affects the amount of blood flowing to the brain. Therefore, it is not recommended for pregnant women:

  1. Bend strongly down and forward without assistance.
  2. Walk in tight clothes or underwear.
  3. Wear things around your neck that restrict normal breathing.
  4. Sleep only on your back. After the birth of the child, all these reasons do not cause a deterioration in the condition.

In pregnant women, the second most common cause of fainting is anemia. The baby is actively developing in the mother’s body, which is why she consumes a large amount of iron. Therefore, less and less hemoglobin remains in the blood, which is responsible for carrying oxygen. After bleeding due to childbirth, the condition becomes much more complicated, therefore during pregnancy it is important to monitor the level of hemoglobin and try to take medications to restore its amount.

In females

Previously, in the Middle Ages, it was considered good manners for a lady to leave difficult situation by means of fainting. The onset of this condition was facilitated by tight corsets and ribs, which significantly worsened the flow of blood to the brain. The girls did not eat well, which is why anemia developed, and their psyches became unbalanced due to the rules that everywhere stated that fainting is correct and normal for a lady.

Today women often faint in the background severe fatigue, health problems, menstrual bleeding. Basically this happens next reason: V critical days girls do not take medications containing iron, thereby not preventing the occurrence of posthemorrhagic anemia, provoking such a condition. The causes of fainting are completely different. It is important to know the basic ones and understand why it happened.

Often the body contains untreated gynecological diseases, I have a place hormonal problems, which are considered to provoke uterine contractility. Indomethacin is taken to relieve pain. The drug relieves pain, does not cope with main problem the occurrence of such a condition.

For illnesses

Many diseases can lead to fainting - loss of consciousness. Blood supply disturbances appear, from which memory deteriorates, the person sleeps poorly, and syncope occurs, varying in duration. Diseases that cause a person to faint:

  1. Vascular diseases. Stenosis, atherosclerosis and others similar problems lead to improper blood supply, chronic disorders. This makes it worse general state body, at certain periods a person may lose consciousness.
  2. Head injuries. In such cases, different strengths may arise. fainting states.
  3. State of shock. Often leads to impaired consciousness. Any injuries to internal structures can trigger a chain reaction in the vessels, which ultimately leads to inhibition of blood supply to the cerebral cortex.
  4. Heart pathologies. Vices vascular network are able to significantly limit the movement of blood to the necessary parts, including the brain. The symptoms of fainting are completely different. But it's worth knowing general features such a state in order to behave correctly when they arise.
  5. Pulmonary pathologies. Leads to gas exchange disturbances bronchial asthma. There is not enough oxygen in the brain. Pulmonary hypertension and thromboembolism pulmonary artery– diseases that can lead to such unpleasant consequences.
  6. Diabetes. The symptom of loss of consciousness is a common occurrence in the disease. The appearance of fainting can develop into a coma. Therefore, it is important for people with the disease to follow a daily routine and dosage of medications that lower sugar levels in the body.
  7. Diseases that irritate reflex zones vagus nerve. Stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, and other similar diseases often cause this condition.

In children

The causes of fainting in children are the same as in adults. The only difference child's body from an adult is that the latter has much higher adaptive capabilities to the environment. If an adult can dive to great depths without problems, where the environmental pressure changes, or rise to a considerable height, the baby may lose consciousness in such conditions.

In any case, when a child often loses consciousness, this is a reason to consult a doctor for advice. Harmless short fainting spells can hide serious illnesses. The result rapid growth The body often suffers from a lack of nutrients.

Symptoms of fainting

During a faint, consciousness can be switched off instantly. In most cases, the onset of such a condition is preceded by several symptoms characterizing a presyncope. In the body, signs of fainting appear as follows:

  • severe weakness occurs;
  • dizzy;
  • there is noise in the ears;
  • there is a feeling of “emptiness” in the head;
  • limbs go numb;
  • makes you feel very sleepy, darkens your vision;
  • yawning appears;
  • starts to feel sick;
  • sweating increases;
  • the face turns pale.

This condition occurs most often in a standing position. Rarely while sitting, but if you lie down, the person usually feels better. In addition to the obvious manifestations, symptoms of fainting are shown as follows:

  • limbs become cold;
  • the pulse slows down and becomes difficult to feel;
  • goes down arterial pressure;
  • breathing becomes difficult, the process becomes rare, superficial;
  • the pupils dilate (sometimes narrow), the reaction to light is negative.

If the sudden loss of consciousness is prolonged, salivation may increase and convulsive contractions of the limbs may appear. After a person regains consciousness, a post-syncope state is often observed. Its symptoms are headache, weakness of the body, increased sweating.

Treatment of fainting

The symptoms of fainting are not at all complicated. Therefore, if there is a clear understanding that a person has become ill, one should act quickly. Activities during an attack:

  1. It is important for a person to prevent falling and hitting his head and other parts of the body.
  2. Lay the patient down so that the head is below the level of the body. The legs should be elevated for better flow of blood to the head.
  3. Open access to fresh air.
  4. Spray on face cold water, let the patient breathe with cotton wool soaked in ammonia.

In the period after the attack, treatment for fainting should be carried out, strengthening the condition of the body:

  1. Introduce drugs that improve brain nutrition.
  2. Give substances that improve venous tone.
  3. Take B vitamins.
  4. Minimize the effect of any negative factors on the body.

In case of fainting, treatment is not aimed at removing this factor, but at restoring normal condition body. An illness that causes a sudden loss of consciousness in a person must be excluded.

Fainting is a condition associated with loss of consciousness. It can be caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain. As a result of this process, this organ is deprived of a significant amount of oxygen and other substances necessary for its proper operation. In most cases, a person loses consciousness after a short time.

Nature of the phenomenon

Blood circulation disorders can be caused by many reasons. Among them are heart disease, vascular disease, inflammation, and viruses. Sometimes loss of consciousness occurs in girls during the first critical days.

According to medical research, half of the world's population encounters a similar condition at least once during their lives. For many years, experts have been studying the nature of such a phenomenon as fainting and the causes of this pathology.

In some cases, even a doctor cannot determine the factors that provoked the loss of consciousness.

This condition is usually preceded by weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, strong discharge sweat. If symptoms occur, it is recommended to take a sitting position.

If a person does not do this, he will fall. This is dangerous because mechanical damage may occur. As a rule, consciousness returns on its own. There are situations when the condition is accompanied by convulsions and involuntary release urine. Some of the reasons for fainting include: epileptic seizure. This loss of consciousness is accompanied by twitching of various parts of the body and can occur during menstruation even during sleep.

Characteristic manifestations

This pathology easy to recognize by typical signs. Symptoms include:

  1. Heavy sweating.
  2. Feeling hot.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Feeling nauseous.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Pale or grayish skin tone.
  7. Acceleration of heart rate.
  8. Yawn.
  9. Rapid breathing.
  10. Decreased blood pressure.
  11. Cramps.

If a person who has never experienced this phenomenon faints, the reasons may be dangerous pathology. These include heart attack, hemorrhage in the brain or other organs, dysfunction respiratory system. However, malaise is not necessarily associated with serious illnesses.

Common reasons

There are many factors that can provoke this condition. These include not only pathologies various organs, but also the impact unfavorable conditions environment, emotional overload. Speaking about fainting, the causes and symptoms of the phenomenon, it should be noted that there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of its occurrence. These include the following violations:

  1. Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Chronic diseases respiratory system (lungs, bronchi).
  3. Malnutrition.
  4. Strong feeling pain.
  5. Reduced content blood sugar.
  6. The period of gestation.
  7. Emotional stress.
  8. Loss of a large amount of blood.
  9. Mechanical damage to the brain.

The symptoms that precede the loss of consciousness appear quite clearly and are immediately noticeable. However, in some cases, fainting occurs suddenly. As a rule, even after a person comes to his senses, he feels overwhelmed. This is caused by the fact that the brain has suffered from a lack of necessary substances.

Types of fainting conditions

Talking about similar pathology, it is worth emphasizing that there are several types. The classification is determined by the reasons that cause the phenomenon.

There are several types of fainting, for example:

  1. Neurogenic. IN in this case the process of loss of consciousness is associated with emotional overload. It often occurs in sensitive individuals during a blood test, performance, exams, before surgery, or dental treatment. Fainting may be caused by taking medications or rapid changes in body posture. This type also includes loss of consciousness caused by wearing tight clothing, urinary incontinence during sleep, severe cough.
  2. Maladaptive. They appear due to inability to adapt to weather and climatic conditions (heat, cold, stuffiness).
  3. Hyperventilation. They arise due to fear, a panic attack.

What is characteristic of these types of causes of loss of consciousness is that they do not necessarily indicate the presence of malfunctions in the body.

Diseases that can cause this phenomenon

There are cases when fainting occurs due to pathology of organs, such as the heart and blood vessels.

These are dysfunctions of the ventricles, disorders associated with the contractile activity of the myocardium. The factor that causes loss of consciousness is low hemoglobin levels. Sometimes this condition is explained by a sharp drop in sugar levels or hypoxia. In some cases, the individual will lose consciousness due to a burn that takes up large area bodies. Among the common causes of fainting in women, experts cite excessive bleeding during menstruation.

In addition, this condition often occurs due to poisoning ( alcoholic drinks, gaseous substances).

Loss of consciousness due to myocardial dysfunction

TO this type Applies to about 25 percent of fainting episodes. This condition is considered extremely dangerous. Its victims are often elderly people with heart rate disorders. Sometimes a strong acceleration or deceleration of the heart rate leads to fainting. The cause of this phenomenon may be an excessive increase in the volume of the myocardium or an organ defect formed before birth.

A feature of loss of consciousness caused by heart disease is its suddenness. In this case, a person can receive serious mechanical damage. Another danger of such fainting is that it often occurs in supine position. As a result, it can be difficult to notice that an individual needs help. Myocardial pathologies that provoke loss of consciousness do not go away on their own. A person who has encountered a similar phenomenon needs specialist supervision, regular examinations and therapy.

Loss of consciousness due to respiratory problems

This condition often occurs under the influence of strong emotional shocks. In this case, the blood vessels of the brain sharply narrow. This happens because the person begins to breathe too quickly. However, absolute loss of consciousness is not always observed. As with heart disease, fainting caused by constriction cerebral vessels, often occurs in individuals who are in a horizontal position.

The condition does not develop suddenly, but gradually.

It is accompanied by an increasing feeling of lack of oxygen.

Reasons and persons of adolescence

Modern schoolchildren, in most cases, grow up weak, they are susceptible to various diseases, often experience fatigue.

What caused this trend? First of all, the presence in the lives of children of a large number of technical devices that are used both for study and as leisure. Physical inactivity leads to oxygen starvation, and this, in turn, provokes fainting.

The cause of loss of consciousness in children and persons adolescence There may be head injuries and heart rhythm disturbances. In addition, this condition often develops due to a sudden change in body posture, strong drop temperatures, stuffiness, disturbances in the blood supply to the brain. Hormonal changes body in adolescence is another factor that causes pathology. In addition, experts cite severe dietary restrictions among the causes of fainting in girls. Similar condition dangerous because it provokes a lack of substances necessary for normal operation body, can lead to injury and memory disorders.

Sometimes a teenager experiences a feeling of dizziness and cramps in the intestines before losing consciousness. This is due to changes occurring in the blood vessels of people of this type. age category. Anemia and structural defects of the myocardium are also common phenomena among boys and girls, which often cause fainting.

Too much powerful emotions, shocks can provoke loss of consciousness in a teenager. It can also occur under the influence allergic reactions, pathologies of the respiratory system.

Parents need to be attentive to such phenomena. If a child experiences a state of fainting, he should be laid down, a window should be opened to allow fresh air in, the victim should be given a sip of water with sugar and try to calm him down. In this situation, it is recommended to apply for medical assistance.

in adults

In representatives of the stronger sex, a similar phenomenon occurs as a result of exposure to various factors. These include:

  1. Intoxication with alcohol-containing products.
  2. Wearing uncomfortable, tight and tight clothing (ties, suits).
  3. Strong physical overload, for example training in the gym.
  4. Nighttime urinary incontinence (common in older men).

The causes of fainting in women can be the following:

  • Bleeding associated with organ pathologies reproductive system.
  • Disorders that develop during pregnancy (for example, anemia).

  • Lack of vitamins due to Not proper diet.
  • Emotional stress, intense experiences.

Pregnant women are extremely susceptible to developing such ailments due to hypotension. Blood pressure can drop sharply in a woman carrying a child due to various reasons. They are often associated with heat, lack of air, food, fatigue, excitement or acute period any disease of the respiratory system.

Diagnostic measures

Often patients come to a therapist for consultation with the question: “What should I do if I sometimes faint?”

The reasons for this phenomenon in a particular individual can only be determined during the examination process. Diagnostic procedures in this case include:

  1. Laboratory blood tests.
  2. ECG to assess the condition of the heart.
  3. Ultrasonography vessels.
  4. Angiography.

There are many phenomena that explain why you faint. The causes in most cases can be identified after a detailed examination. If a person's deteriorating health condition worries him and he has repeatedly experienced bouts of loss of consciousness, he needs to contact a specialist in the treatment of heart disease.

First aid methods

This phenomenon requires special attention to the victim. If you don't carry out necessary measures, a person may die. Speaking about a condition such as fainting, causes, symptoms and first aid, it should be explained that the health and life of the patient largely depends on the effectiveness and timeliness of actions. The victim should be brought to consciousness as quickly as possible. A person is placed on a surface with a smooth structure.

His legs are raised and his head is turned to the side.

If the victim is wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing, it must be unbuttoned, removed or loosened. If the patient faints, the cause of death may be a recessed tongue. Care should be taken to ensure that this condition does not occur.

It is also important to ensure a sufficient flow of fresh air (open a window or window). The victim's face is sprayed with cool water. It is recommended to hold a handkerchief or cotton swab dipped in ammonia or camphor alcohol to your nose.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's condition until he feels overwhelmed. Experts advise offering the victim a cup of coffee or tea with sugar. Infusions of linden and mint leaves are used as remedies that can give the patient strength. If within five minutes, even after providing first aid, the person does not regain consciousness, you need to call the ambulance service. This complication is accompanied by a bluish discoloration of the skin and poses a danger to the life of the victim. Most of patients in similar cases dies.

Prevention of pathology

So, this article deals with the phenomenon of fainting, causes, first aid and preventive measures. It must be emphasized that this state it is often avoidable. To do this, you should adhere to the right diet, avoid physical overload, intensive training. You should lead a calm lifestyle and not overwork. Playing sports and strengthening yourself is, of course, good for your health, but you need to do this in moderation. Experts recommend that people who sometimes experience loss of consciousness regularly visit a doctor, treat diagnosed pathologies and follow a clear daily routine, get a good night's sleep, and do not get out of bed abruptly. Pregnant women should visit a gynecologist from time to time, especially if they have abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

At least once in their life, every person has experienced fainting or near-fainting. In this case, for many, fainting becomes a cause of worry and anxiety, most often because such a reaction of the body is not always clear.

Fainting is a sudden loss of consciousness for a short time (from a few seconds to 5 minutes) caused by a decrease in blood pressure. The most common cause of fainting is acute failure blood circulation, due to which blood circulation in the brain decreases and, as a result, to a lack of oxygen supply to the brain.

The insidiousness of fainting is that it always happens suddenly, and if you think that you are young and relatively healthy, so loss of consciousness does not threaten you, then you are very mistaken. Fainting can happen at any age, in both women and men. He may well have healthy people, for example, with a sharp change in body position from horizontal to vertical, with a strong emotional outburst, in a stuffy space and for many other reasons.

The picture of fainting can be described as dizziness, darkening of the eyes and tinnitus, an attack of lightheadedness, pallor, nausea, weakness in the legs, cold sweat. In most cases, all these signs are not dangerous and pass quickly. A hot day, overeating, severe stress- all this is enough for blood pressure to drop. A sharp decline the pressure disrupts blood flow in the brain even for a few minutes, causing the patient to lose consciousness.

Most often, women become victims of fainting, since their blood pressure is more susceptible to fluctuations, and nervous system more vulnerable.

Causes of fainting

The causes of fainting are quite varied: from cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy, blood loss, overheating to the point of banal fright or “hungry” fainting in women who abuse their diet. Doctors still have not been able to fully figure out why, under certain circumstances, a person’s blood pressure drops sharply and he loses consciousness. The real reason fainting can be detected only in half of the patients.

Vasodepressor syncope is the most common type of syncope in adolescence and young adulthood. This condition can often be provoked by emotional reactions (fear, the sight of blood) or staying in a stuffy room.

Situational syncope can occur under certain circumstances. Fainting associated with defecation occurs, where important role straining plays a role, which causes an increase in intrathoracic pressure and a decrease in venous return. A similar mechanism is also triggered when coughing faints, which occurs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

One of common reasons fainting in older men is hypersensitivity carotid sinus in case they suffer arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis carotid arteries. This type of fainting can be caused by wearing a tight collar or turning the head suddenly. The mechanism of fainting is associated with activation of the vagus nerve.

The most common cause of fainting (25%) is heart disease. In addition, this is the most dangerous type of fainting, which you should pay attention to first of all. Quite often, fainting occurs in older people due to heart rhythm disturbances. And if other types of fainting occur, as a rule, in vertical position, then like this cardiogenic syncope can happen with bedridden person. The danger of such fainting is that it occurs very suddenly, unlike vasodepressor fainting, when pathological condition preceded palpitations. If a patient falls, he may even be injured.

First aid for loss of consciousness

As a rule, fainting conditions pass very quickly on their own, as soon as the patient takes a horizontal position and the blood is evenly distributed throughout the body.

The first thing you can do for someone who has fainted is to provide sufficient access to fresh air and place them in a horizontal position.

To help the patient come to his senses faster, you can splash cold water on his face or hold a cotton swab with ammonia under his nose. When a person comes to his senses, you can offer him strong tea or coffee, as well as a piece of dark chocolate to raise blood pressure.