At times, the heart beats strongly. Strong heartbeat: reasons for what to do

A situation where the heart is beating strongly can cause panic even in the most calm person. In order not to be frightened in vain, you need to know whether it is so dangerous to health. What is the reason for the change in the work of the heart muscle? Is it possible to prevent an attack and how to do it?

The heart beats strongly under stress, and frequent violations rhythm may be a symptom of the disease

Why does the heart sometimes beat so fast?

A normal heartbeat is not felt by a person. During such periods, we do not think about how our heart works. We just don't feel it. But as soon as the rhythm changes, it immediately arises disturbing thought: "What's happened?"

There are several reasons for this state of affairs. They can be conditionally divided into two types: internal and external.

External - these are those that provoke an attack from outside the body. These include:

  • feeling of fear;
  • fright;
  • stress;
  • enlarged physical exercise;
  • excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks (coffee, energy tonics, etc.);
  • alcohol abuse.

All these reasons cause sharp rise adrenaline in the blood. And this contributes to the increase in heart rate. There is no danger in this. As soon as the stressful situation disappears, the heart will again begin to beat smoothly.

But if you notice that the pulse quickens not at all because of external causes So the problem is within the body. And most often it is heart and other diseases. You need to see a cardiologist. He will find out if some kind of cardiac pathology is to blame or something else, and will give a referral to the right specialist.

What to do if the heart is beating fast?

Exist simple ways restore normal pulse at home. They are good in cases where the cause of palpitations is external. So, if your heart starts beating too fast:

  1. Take it easy. For this you can use effective exercise breathing exercises. You need to take a deep and slow breath, hold your breath for 10 seconds. Then exhale slowly and do not breathe for 10 seconds. The exercise should be repeated until the pulse is restored (usually the cycle is 5-10 repetitions).
  2. Remove constricting clothing or unbutton it.
  3. Make a light massage of the little fingers on your hands. It is necessary to intensively press on the finger in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail about 60 times. Then massage the little finger on the other hand in the same way.
  4. Drink half a glass of water. You need to drink in small sips, without rushing.

If the heart beats strongly only at times, then there is probably no cause for concern. But if the situation repeats itself often, then a visit to the doctor is a necessity. Take care of yourself!

Feel like, can totally healthy people after stress, heavy physical exertion, lack of oxygen in the air, taking a large number caffeinated products, alcoholic beverages. Tachycardia is considered physiological norm in children under 7 years of age. If the heartbeat occurs systematically, this is the reason for contacting a cardiologist.

Pathological tachycardia is accompanied not only by a feeling of a strong heartbeat, but dizziness, pulsation of the vessels of the neck, fainting. Such symptoms can lead to the immediate development of acute heart failure, cardiac arrest, heart attack and ischemia of the heart muscle.

The heart rhythm disorder is based on an increase in the activity of the sinus node, which is responsible for the rhythm and rate of heart contractions. A pathological increase in the number of heart contractions leads to a decrease in blood ejection. The ventricles do not have time to fill with blood, which leads to sharp decline blood pressure, an increase in the volume of the heart muscle

Sinus tachycardia is accompanied by an increase in the number of heartbeats from 90 to 220 beats. Most often, the feeling of a heartbeat is the only symptom of heart failure and dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart.

In addition to palpitations, there may be a lack of air, weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and mood instability.

Coronary atherosclerosis leads to an increase in the number of heartbeats, angina attacks and increased symptoms of heart failure.

What to do if you feel your heart beating

In case of tachycardia, it is necessary to pass medical examination: ECG, 24-hour Holter monitoring, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, electrophysiological examination. It is also recommended that the general biochemical analysis blood, definition thyroid-stimulating hormones. To exclude all endocrine disorders, which can lead to a feeling of palpitations, it is necessary to examine and consult an endocrinologist, a neurologist. With reflex and compensatory tachycardia, all that led to a significant increase in the number of heart contractions should initially be eliminated. In pathological tachycardia caused by heart disease, B-blockers are prescribed: Concor, Bisoprolol or calcium antagonists: Diltiazem, Verapamil.

In ancient times, the Greeks believed that heart- this is the receptacle of the spirit, the Chinese believed that happiness lives there, the Egyptians believed that intellect and emotions are born in it. How does this one work unique organ that ensures the functioning of the whole organism?

The heart is made up of four sections, or chambers. In the upper part are the atria: the right and left, and in the lower part are the ventricles, also the left. However, they do not communicate with each other. On the surface are many branching fibers that generate and transmit electrical impulses. These impulses, or as they are also called "signals", occur in the sinus node on the surface of the right atrium. From there, the impulse passes through the atrium, contracts it and goes down the ventricle, also simultaneously contracting the gastric muscle fibers. Thus, it occurs in waves. During the contraction of the heart muscles, it is pushed out of the right atrium and sent to the right ventricle, which, in turn, pushes it into a small circle - into the network of pulmonary vessels. Out there stands out carbon dioxide, and oxygen enters the blood from the air, that is, gas exchange occurs. After that, oxygen-enriched blood enters the left atrium, and from it - into the left ventricle. Then, through the aorta, it is pushed out to big circle circulation throughout the body. So during the relaxation of the heart muscles, a new portion of blood enters. Thanks to such an electrical system, "beats" and blood occurs. For one hit heart pushes out about 100 cubic centimeters of blood, which is 10,000 liters per day. There are approximately 100 thousand heartbeats per day and the same number between beats. In general, throughout the day heart rest 6 hours. Normal frequency contractions in healthy calm state about 60-80 per minute.

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Some people know the state when they suddenly start to part for no apparent reason. Fast heartbeat can be caused by several factors, which, in turn, are caused by diseases of cardio-vascular system or others external influences.


Tachycardia is a heart rate over 100 beats per. It may result from increased activity the area that is above the ventricle of the heart is such a supraventricular tachycardia. There are five types of supraventricular tachycardia: atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and reciprocal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia.

Often supraventricular tachycardia occurs in people with absolutely healthy heart who do not even notice the rapid heartbeat.

Atrial flutter commonly causes age-related heart disease and is characterized by internal discomfort, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, fatigue and a feeling of tightness. However, the most common cause of palpitations is atrial fibrillation, developing without visible reasons. It begins to manifest itself with age and represents interruptions in the pulse, dizziness, shortness of breath and uneven rapid heartbeat. If it beats too fast, people can lose consciousness.

Problems with the heart ventricles

A heart rate that exceeds a minute is called ventricular flutter. This condition is dangerous due to their excessively rapid contraction, in which the ventricles do not have time to fill up. vascular system a very small amount of blood saturated with vital oxygen. Most often, ventricular flutter occurs in patients with heart disease who have suffered a heart attack or suffer from a coronary artery.

Ventricular flutter is traditionally treated with a procedure such as defibrillation performed in a hospital setting.

If the heart beats at a frequency of 300 beats per minute or more, the diagnosis is ventricular fibrillation. With persistent preservation given state the patient loses consciousness from the collapse of the cardiovascular system and experiences oxygen deficiency. In case of late application to ambulance ventricular fibrillation can cause irreversible damage to the brain and other internal organs, as well as death.

To control heart palpitations, it is necessary to identify and treat the disease that provokes its recurrence. In certain severe cases doctors prescribe the implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator to the patient.

The human heart works at an irregular rhythm. The frequency of his strikes largely depends on the physical and mental state organism. A condition in which there is an increase in heart rate for no apparent reason up to 90 beats per minute or more is called tachycardia. It arises spontaneously or under the influence of various external or internal factors, and is always accompanied characteristic symptoms.

The main symptoms of tachycardia are palpitations and weakness. At rest, the number of heart beats can increase to 220 per minute. In this case, there are: dizziness, shortness of breath, darkening in the eyes, the appearance of pain in the chest, in the region of the heart.

Heart pains with tachycardia are weak, short-term, stabbing, paroxysmal. With a sharp increase in heart rate, it is possible momentary loss consciousness. This state may last only a few seconds, resembling violent attack dizziness.

Moderate tachycardia, when the number of heartbeats per minute does not exceed 90 beats, is accompanied by mild malaise, the appearance of heaviness at the location of the heart, shortness of breath. Similar state lasting for a long time, causes a decrease in performance, fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, increased nervousness and mood deterioration.

Tachycardia in most cases is paroxysmal in nature, occurs spontaneously, while the heart rhythm remains correct even at the moment of its strongest acceleration. Attacks of tachycardia are short-term and long-lasting, lasting for several minutes, hours or days.

Nonspecific manifestations of tachycardia of the heart

Allocate different kinds heart tachycardia. Some of them are accompanied by symptoms that are not inherent in the whole condition.

At paroxysmal tachycardia, which is usually based on oxygen starvation heart muscle, there are: an increase in the urge to urinate, the occurrence of chills and feelings of fear, excessive sweating, flatulence, increased blood pressure, tinnitus.

In some cases, another attack of increased heart rate begins with the appearance of a persistent feeling of fear, a coma in the throat, blanching of the skin, and a slowing of the pulse.

Tachycardia may occur during sleep, leading to an abrupt awakening accompanied by feelings of anxiety or fear. At the same time, a person has moisture in the palms, pounding pain in the temples, numbness of the extremities, mild nausea.


  • Tachycardia: symptoms and treatment in 2019
  • What is tachycardia: its symptoms

Our heart is a unique pump created by nature itself. Its main task is to pump blood around the body. But why the heart beats is still a mystery to scientists. Experiments with ordinary chicken egg show that the future heart membranes of the embryo contract even before they have formed into the heart muscle. Also, biologists have long established that if you cut the heart into several parts and place them in a favorable environment, each will continue to work - shrink.

How the heart works

An electrical impulse is generated, due to which the muscle contraction occurs. This impulse is supplied by the sinus node, which is located in the upper part of the right atrium. The electrical current crosses both atria and is directed to the ventricles. The heart sections contract in waves, first drawing blood into the heart, and then pushing it out. If a person is healthy, the frequency of such contractions will be 60-80 beats per minute, while it pushes out about 100 cubic centimeters of blood.

Relaxes our heart between beats, that is, with an interval of about one second. During the day, this time is almost 6 hours.

Why is the heart beating so hard

A high heart rate or, more simply, a frequent heartbeat for no apparent reason (for example, physical exertion) can become a prerequisite for a malfunction of our main vital organ, the pump. So why is the heart beating fast?

  • The first reason is excitement or fear. Such a heartbeat is not dangerous, and you can stop it with the help of correct breathing or sedatives.
  • Impact medical preparations. As a rule, the heartbeat can become one of side effects medicines. To stop it, you just need to exclude one or another drug from the course of treatment.
  • Addicted to caffeine. Foods and drinks containing caffeine contribute to the release of adrenaline into the blood and, as a result, the frequent supply of electrical impulses to our heart.
  • Insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood. In this case, the heart cannot fully contract. As a rule, this occurs after the transfer of an illness, for example, influenza. A specialist should solve the problem of lack of oxygen in the blood.
  • Neurosis of the heart or cardeophobia. The patient has a strong heartbeat occurs in attacks of 10-50 minutes. Seizures are accompanied by shortness of breath, increased blood pressure and a feeling of fear.
  • Enhanced thyroid function. In the case when our thyroid gland produces more hormones than necessary, the heart beats in an accelerated mode.
  • Syndrome of hyperkinesis of the heart. This syndrome affects men, and young age. The reasons for its occurrence are not known. Hyperkinesis affects even those who had no prerequisites for the disease at all.
  • Arrhythmia. There are several reasons for the disease. The first is the weakness of the heart muscle. In this case, the heartbeat is accompanied by pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath and even fainting. The second cause of arrhythmia is atherosclerosis, when fats and cholesterol are deposited in the blood.
  • Lack of calcium in the blood or tetany. Seizures due to calcium deficiency individual groups muscles human body. The heart is also hit.
  • Low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Despite the above reasons why the heart beats quickly, the body of any person is completely unique. For some, an increased heartbeat is a common thing. This is especially true for those whose professions are associated with stress. The body gradually adapts to situations and adapts to the rapid heartbeat. However, doctors recommend visiting a cardiologist's office at least once a year. After all, the sooner a disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.

21-12-2017, 19:30

What disease is hidden behind a rapid heartbeat and pain in the heart?

Tachycardia is a violation in the work of the heart, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and pain in the region of the heart. It is generally accepted that 100 beats per minute is normal work hearts. If the indicator exceeds this norm, we can already talk about the manifestation of tachycardia.
This violation is caused various factors, but in medicine the most common are physiological and pathological.
Physiological factors include:
  • Stress;
  • Overwork;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Depression.
All these signs do not threaten a person's life, which cannot be said about pathological ones.
Pathological factors include:
  1. Myocarditis;
  2. Arrhythmia;
  3. Thyroid diseases;
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  5. myocardial infarction;
  6. Neurosis;
  7. Heart disease.
If for a long time heart hurts and while shortness of breath is present - this is the first sign of the development of heart failure.

Symptoms of the manifestation of tachycardia: why is it accompanied by pain in the heart and palpitations?

Tachycardia is characterized by sudden attacks. At such moments, the heart rate quickens and there is pain in the region of the heart. Sometimes visible and external signs- pulsation of blood vessels in the neck.

Attacks can last for a couple of seconds or several days. Which greatly affects the state of the heart.

Indeed, with such factors, he has to work twice as fast and transport blood.
The main symptoms that should not be ignored are:
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Pain in the region of the heart;
  • Chills;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • Decreased arterial;
  • Insomnia;
  • poor appetite;
  • Sometimes body spasms.
It is advisable to seek help from a specialist in order to find out why, what type of tachycardia is so manifested and how to deal with it. Self-medication can be harmful in such a situation.

Diagnosis and treatment of the causes of pain in the heart area

The first step to recovery is complete diagnostics the patient's body. To determine it, it is necessary to undergo an ECG with daily monitoring, it will record the work of the heart for 24 hours. It is also necessary to make a cardiogram and general analysis blood. If the cause of tachycardia is physiological causes- they don't require much drug treatment because they are provoked certain reasons such as stress, conflict, or exercise. To help the patient, the doctor recommends contacting psychologists for help. They can also be assigned sedatives.
When the development of tachycardia is caused pathological factors, here it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital or at home, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Under any circumstances, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists. After all, until a diagnosis has been made, the treatment of the disease cannot be carried out independently.

Normally, in an adult, the heart beats 70-90 times per minute. A more frequent heartbeat is called. This condition can be both physiological and pathological character- many diseases (and not only heart diseases) are accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

Causes of palpitations

The heart is the main organ of the cardiovascular system.. He, like a pump, pumps blood through the vessels, providing oxygen, energy and energy to the tissues. building material, hormones and other biologically active compounds.

If a person is healthy and calm, his heart makes 70-90 contractions per minute and covers the needs of every cell of the body. If the body develops pathological process, the heart immediately reacts with an increase or decrease in contractions. In this regard, when examining patients, doctors always determine the pulse rate (it corresponds to the heart rate) - this is the easiest way to assess functionality hearts.

However, as mentioned above, the cause of tachycardia is not always a pathological process, quite often in adults there is a so-called physiological tachycardia. The main reasons for the physiological increase in heart contractions include:

  • emotional stress and. stressful situations are always accompanied by an increased synthesis of biologically active compounds. These substances make the heart beat faster. As soon as hormonal background returns to normal, the heartbeat returns to normal.
  • Physical exercise. Working muscles need more oxygen and energy, so the body gives the signal to the heart to beat faster and it beats.
  • Binge eating. full stomach pressurizes the heart and lungs, and therefore tachycardia occurs.
  • Pregnancy. Many expectant mothers in the first months of expecting a baby suffer from reduced pressure which can cause heart palpitations.
  • . , tachycardia, are the most frequent companions of the menopause.
  • Environmental influence. The heart begins to beat faster in conditions high temperature and lack of oxygen, for example, in a stuffy room or in transport.
  • Drinking caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, including heart activity. Several cups of strong, drunk in a row, can make the heart beat 100 or more times a minute.
  • Increase in body temperature. Every extra degree of body temperature is about 10 heartbeats. Accordingly, in a person with a strong fever (more than 39 degrees), the heartbeat can reach 120 per minute and above.

Diseases in which the heart beats faster

Now consider the causes of pathological tachycardia. They are usually divided into two groups:

  • Extracardiac- not related to the heart.
  • Intracardiac- various cardiac pathologies.

Extracardiac causes include the following:

Intracardiac causes of palpitations are not so numerous, but in most cases it is much more difficult to influence them. Cardiac causes of tachycardia include:

  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • The extreme degree of ischemia of the heart muscle -.

Why is heart palpitations dangerous?

If the heartbeat rarely increases and then under the influence of various physiological factors, you should not worry - there will be no malfunctions in the functioning of the body. If tachycardia occurs frequently and continues long time sooner or later problems will start.

With too frequent contraction, the heart is not completely filled with blood, respectively, for one cardiac output, less of it enters the bloodstream. That is, cardiac activity gradually becomes inferior - the heart cannot perform its function of providing the body with oxygen and nutrients, and all tissues begin to suffer from this.

The brain and heart muscle are the first to feel the lack of oxygen.(it is supplied with blood by the arteries extending from the aorta). Moreover, the more pronounced the tachycardia, the harder it is for the myocardium: it has to work more actively, so more oxygen is needed, but it is not. Therefore, in such conditions of blood supply significantly increases the risk of acute myocardial ischemia -.

What to do with heart palpitations

First of all, you need to sit down, calm down, drink water. If after 10-15 minutes the heartbeat does not normalize, it is worth contacting a therapist or cardiologist. If a rapid heartbeat is accompanied by a feeling of "lack of air", severe weakness, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, you must do the following:

People suffering from tachycardia should always have with them the drugs that the doctor has prescribed for them to stop attacks.

Examination for tachycardia

To determine the cause of a rapid heartbeat, the patient must consult a cardiologist and undergo a comprehensive examination:

  • Make , and .
  • Donate blood for, and for thyroid hormones.
  • Visit a neurologist and endocrinologist.

In controversial cases (when the patient has complaints, and all tests and studies are relatively normal), it may be necessary to conduct a daily ECG recording. This diagnostic method allows you to catch attacks of tachycardia, which are not always detected during a visit to a medical institution.

Principles of treatment for palpitations

Physiological tachycardia usually goes away on its own. But the tactics of treating pathological palpitations is determined by the cause of this condition. In some situations (for example, when a patient is diagnosed with a serious cardiac pathology), it is possible to significantly improve the patient's well-being only by surgery - mainly minimally invasive operations are used.

To stop attacks of palpitations, doctors prescribe antiarrhythmic drugs to patients. medicines. They are of three classes:

  • TO first include Novocainamide, Lidocaine, Propafenone and other drugs that block sodium and activate potassium channels in the myocardium.