Reviews about "Rescue Remedy". Homeopathic drops Rescue Remedy


- Prunus ceracifera Br10 (Cherry plum Br10),
- Clematis vitalba Br9 D5 (Clematis Br9),
- Impatiens glandulifera Br9 D5 (Impatiens Br9),
- Helianthemum nummularium Br9 D5 (Rock rose Br9),
- Ornitogallum umbellatum Br10 D5 (Star of Bethlehem Br10).

pharmachologic effect

Rescue Remedy has no braking effect, which is ideal for drivers. These drops provide activation within one minute physical mechanisms self-healing. They affect emotional stabilization and psychophysical relaxation. Rescue Remedy - universal remedy ambulance, the main effect of which is to relieve stress. Rescue Remedy consists of five flower essences of Bach, has a calming (instant) effect in any stressful situation. 3-4 drops from a small bottle, taken in advance, will help keep you calm and relieve nervous tension in any stressful situation, restore the positive emotional condition person. The use of drops does not replace the provision of first medical treatment. assistance in in case of emergency. Drops can relieve severe emotional shock and “push” the body’s internal forces to eliminate the consequences emergency. Rescue Remedy is the most famous and widespread of the Bach flower medicines. In emergency situations, she saved the lives of many people while waiting for a doctor. But it does not replace a doctor. However, Rescue quickly relieves a strong energy shock, a shock that would otherwise leave severe physical consequences.

Indications for use

Take it before various stressful and responsible moments or unpleasant situations (interview, serious conversation, going out, on wedding days, exams, airplane flights, court hearings, before surgery and visiting the dentist, on days of tragic events and any situations accompanied by tension, anxiety, excitement, state of shock etc.)


Children under 1 year; - increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug Rescue Remedy (Bach). The use of Rescue Remedy (Bach) during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Rescue Remedy- a natural sedative for stress, without drowsiness or addiction.
Homeopathic medicine used in stressful situations.
Rescue Remedy— a preparation of 5 flower components, each of which acts on a certain range of negative emotions and helps to cope with stressful situations in a comprehensive manner.
Cherry plum (Cherry plum) - from loss of self-control
Rock rose (Sunlight) - out of fear
Clematis (Clematis) - restores clarity of thought
Star of Bethlehem (Poultry Farmer) - brings you out of emotional shock
Impatiens (Impatiens) - from impatience and vanity

Indications for use:
Indications for use of the drug Rescue Remedy are:
- stress, increased excitability, irritability, mood lability, impulsive reactions, immediately during and after increased psycho-emotional stress;
- for conditions increased anxiety that were situationally determined (exams, weddings, funerals, air travel, extreme situations etc.);
- “manager syndrome”: prolonged mental stress, overwork;
- for different psychosomatic disorders(as part of complex therapy).

Mode of application:
Rescue Remedy Apply 4 drops orally or on the tongue 4 times a day.
When taken orally, dilute in a small amount of water (approximately 30 ml).
In acute situations, take as needed.

Side effects:
Not identified.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Rescue Remedy are: childhood up to 1 year; increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use of the drug Rescue Remedy during pregnancy is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs:
Possible use Rescue Remedy with other drugs.

To date, cases of overdose Rescue Remedy not described.

Storage conditions:
At a temperature not higher than 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life - 5 years.

Release form:
Rescue Remedy - homeopathic sublingual drops transparent, pale yellow in color, with a faint odor of alcohol.
Bottles: 10 or 20 ml.

DropsRescue Remedy contain:
Prunus ceracifera Br10 D5 (Cherry plum Br10)
Clematis vitalba Br9 D5 (Clematis Br9)
Impatiens glandulifera Br9 D5 (Impatiens Br9)
Helianthemum nummularium Br9 D5 (Rock rose Br9)
Ornitogallum umbellatum Br10 D5 (Star of Bethlehem Br10)

A drug Rescue Remedy helps to quickly cope with excitement, restlessness, agitation, irritability; stress; promotes concentration.
There have been no reports of the drug's effect on driving or operating machinery that requires increased attention.

The best homeopathic medicine Rescue Remedy (Bach) widely used to relieve stress and relieve depression. Modern development of pharmacists is based on old recipe London homeopathic physician. He put together a unique cocktail of herbal ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relax it and improve your mood.

During times of heightened psychological and physical activity, in the presence of dynamic work, frequent conflict situations, problems with finances and in your personal life, it is important to maintain a normal mood and not fall into prolonged apathy. The latest bio-complex helps with this.

What is Rescue Remedy (Bach)

Rescue Remedy (Bach) is a unique European concentrate containing natural flower essences. They are selected in such a way as to heal many psychosomatic diseases, eliminate:

  • increased nervousness;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • causeless tearfulness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depressed state;
  • feeling of loneliness and uselessness.

The new product improves the emotional state and helps maintain it. normal level. It is recommended for those who have suffered severe stress and are often nervous at home or at work.

What are the benefits of a natural sedative?

In any stressful situation, the newest complex relieves nervous tension, restores a positive emotional mood, and also:

  • makes the perception of life harmonious;
  • eliminates sleep disorders;
  • does not cause drowsiness or nausea;
  • charges a person with vigor;
  • drives away apathy, bad thoughts and fatigue.

Frequently appearing negative emotions can cause many diseases - diabetes mellitus, gastritis, hypertension, nervousness. You can neutralize them easily and quickly at home by taking a unique drug.

What is included in Rescue Remedy (Bach) for stress?

5 floral components form the basis of a soothing bouquet:

  1. Staff of Bethlehem- neutralizes fear and shock;
  2. rock rose- prevents the appearance panic attacks, allows you to maintain calm and composure;
  3. impatience- stabilizes blood pressure and improves sleep, improves mood;
  4. clematis- helps to perceive reality normally and calmly solve problems;
  5. cherry plum- makes it possible to control any situation, preventing quarrels and conflicts.

The innovative concentrate is not addictive. It does not harm the body, as it does not contain dangerous chemical compounds.

How to use the drug to improve your mood

4 drops of elixir are diluted in 30-50 ml of water. They are taken 4 times a day or more often if there is prolonged depression.

Good soothing drops

Grade: 5

Nervous system is often tested and we have to deal with it somehow. Valerian does not save you in all cases, you need something else and preferably natural. I discovered these drops from Bach on iHerb and was curious to try them. I ordered it. In a neat yellow box there is a miniature bottle with a pipette replacing the cap. The composition contains alcohol, the drops taste a little like cognac. It is recommended to swallow 4 drops, which is what I drank. The result came within a few days, I became much calmer in conflict situations. When I run out I think I will order again.


Grade: 5

My work involves people, so there is often stress, I am constantly nervous. I drank valerian, at first it helped, but then it didn’t. I tried to find something similar, drank various sedatives, but it was not the same. These drops really help, I even sleep more peacefully. The drops calm well and quickly, and are easy to use. Now she has become much better, there is no aggression anymore, her mood is excellent. My family began to notice that I reacted calmly and became more balanced. In general, the drops help a lot, I recommend it!

Only peace!

Grade: 5

Nerves, stress, worries are about us. I used to save myself with valerian, but I don’t see the same effect as before. I decided to buy the drops after reading the reviews, judging by them this is a miracle drop. The drops are good, they soothe smoothly and gently. I dilute it with water and drink it, then lie down and rest. Maybe it’s just me, but after the drops I fall asleep, although usually I can’t fall asleep for a long time. Sometimes I drink at work, the day goes by calmer, and my mood improves, aggression disappears. Even the family noticed that my mother was calmer and slept at night.

My peace of mind!

Grade: 5

We all get nervous and have stress. I always have valerian at home, but for some reason it has stopped calming me down. Judging by excellent reviews, the drops really help. I take it as needed, I just don’t see the point in drinking it. But when I’m nervous or worried, I immediately drop it and drink it, diluting it with water. The drops act gently, I don’t even notice how I calm down, and I can sleep better and more peacefully. The smell is not strong, like regular medicines, a bottle lasts a long time for me personally. The composition is excellent, in general, now I’m calm, I know that the drops will help me.

Excellent product from stress and depression

Grade: 5

To be honest, I briefly looked at the reviews of my colleagues on the site, and I completely agree with everyone. I often get nervous, have a loss of energy, have zero mood, everything around me makes me angry, but this remedy has helped me a lot. No valerian helped like that. I thought that nothing would help me, but it got to the point where I simply lashed out at the people who surrounded me, but they were not to blame for anything. I tried this remedy and not only did I stop being in a panicky mood, but my mood also became very good, I stopped getting angry at everyone around me and lashing out at them over trifles.
Thanks to the company that produces this product, because nowadays stress is very common occurrence, I am very grateful that it exists and now I began to smile more often and relate to things more simply.

Works great!

Grade: 5

The drug helped me cope with stress at work. Before this, it was like sometimes I just wanted to scream from anger and tension. The effect clearly appeared after 3 days, but very gently and without constant desire sleep)
What was also pleasing was that there were really no side drugs. I read the reviews - some people had a stomach ache, but for me - everything was fine. Improved as general state, and in “emergency” situations it quickly helps)
I don’t even know what to add) It’s also a convenient form - a small bottle, you can always throw it in your purse or even wallet)

Good sedative

Grade: 5

I have been buying Bach drops for a long time. For me, this is a must-have drug in the first aid kit. I take them mainly to calm my nerves when severe stress, and also to relieve stress, anxiety and even panic before any important event. These drops soothe remarkably, and instantly. Literally 5-10 minutes after I add 3-4 drops to a glass of water and drink, or drop the same amount under my tongue, all the symptoms of a stressful state disappear and peace sets in. It is important that the drops do not dull feelings, but seem to harmonize them, and the brain does not become clouded, but complete clarity of thoughts occurs. In general, I did not experience lethargy or drowsiness after taking these drops. Although sometimes before going to bed I can add 1-2 drops of this product to water and drink. I won’t say that I fall asleep quickly in this case, but then my sleep is sound and calm. And when I have a rush at work and have to stay there late to complete a project, I take these drops every day for a certain period and at the same time I feel confident and full of strength, I don’t react to any irritants. This drug is not addictive. And its composition is completely natural and absolutely harmless. It includes cherry plum, poultry, balsam, sunflower, clematis. The drops themselves smell somewhat like wine, because this drug is a brandy infusion. The taste of this product is quite pleasant, herbal. The drug is very economical, despite the small volume of the bottle, it lasts for a long time. I really like these drops. I think this is the best homeopathic sedative I have ever tried.

Help quickly

Grade: 5

Great alternative addictive drops of valerian or motherwort. The drops are effective, I often use them simply by placing a couple of drops under my tongue. The taste is sweet and bitter at the same time, like cough syrups, but does not cause particularly unpleasant moments. After resorption and swallowing, I drink a glass of water or juice. There is a smell, but not sharp, not as persistent and disgusting as valoserdin or valerian. This is the main advantage: you can easily use the drops without attracting the attention of others. Drops in a small bottle with a convenient pipette for dosed administration. It is simply impossible to make a mistake with the quantity. The bottle is small, but lasts a long time. I didn’t take drops more than twice a day. They only have a positive effect on performance; there is no apathy or drowsiness. It contains excellent anti-stress and soothing components - parasite, sunflower, clematis, balsam.

Rescue Remedy is homeopathic medicine, which is designed to combat stress and anxiety, irritability and impulsiveness. The medicine is based on a formula of herbal ingredients and homeopathic substances in appropriate dilutions. For such drugs, the effect of individual ingredients is not described - treatment is provided by their combination, and according to rules that are not recognized official medicine. The annotation states that the effect develops quickly, which means this remedy can be used directly in critical situations.

Applicable for:

  • Psycho-emotional stress (at work, study, related to life situations) and stress after it;
  • Overfatigue, prolonged mental stress syndrome;
  • Complex therapy of psychosomatic disorders;

This product is produced in the form of drops and spray. The drops can be placed directly under the tongue or diluted in 30 ml of water. Single dose is 4 drops. Typically they should be taken four times a day (at a minimum), but if critical situation maybe more often.

The instructions for Rescue Remedy in the form of a spray say that it should be sprayed under the tongue. To do this, you need to hold the balloon vertically and make two presses.

Contraindicated for:

  • Drug intolerance;
  • Treatment of children in the first year of life;

Pregnant and breastfeeding women can receive this medication if recommended by a doctor.

Side effects

Patients had no complaints about this drug

Analogues are cheaper than Rescue Remedy

Of course, direct repetition of the composition of this medicine does not exist on the market. But in every pharmacy you will find many different “sedatives” - homeopathic and allopathic. For example:

  • Homeostress;

In principle, all of the listed analogues are cheaper than Rescue Remedy and cost about 300 rubles per pack. And the most economical treatment is taking infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs(the same valerian or lemon balm), which cost about 50 rubles per pack with filter bags.

Reviews of Rescue Remedy

This drug is often discussed on various forums. And, judging by the reviews of Rescue Remedy, the attitude towards it of those who have tried to use this remedy is rather cool. First, here are the opinions of those who liked the effect of this homeopathic medicine:

  • - I dribbled Rescue Remedy on myself throughout the entire session. I really liked the fact that it doesn’t make you drowsy or cause any dullness in your head. Now I drink it, I think that health is more important than money.
  • - I tried different variants sedatives (in my work I can’t do without it!). But they were always observed adverse events: I wanted to sleep, normal human emotions had disappeared somewhere... But Rescue Remedi does not give this, but it evens out the mood well. True, if the panic is severe, it will not help.

There are also many cooler reviews:

  • - I don’t know, I didn’t notice any wonderful features of Rescue Remedy. In general, it seemed to me that there was a placebo effect - you know that you took a sedative and you calm down a little.
  • - We also drank Rescue Remedy. The effect is very weak. I would not agree to experience real stress on such a remedy.

Patients often write that they did not notice any effect at all from taking these drops or spray:

  • - Abroad, this Rescue Remedy costs about 10 dollars. And it doesn’t help anyone just as much as the one we sell for $50.

Indeed, the price of this drug is unpleasantly impressive. And, despite the lush descriptions of its effects on interested sites, reviews of living people who have used Rescue Remedy cool this ardor. With an abundance of the most different means With similar action- It’s hardly worth spending money on such a medicine.

Check out Rescue Remedy!

47 helped me

16 didn't help me

General impression: (12)