Vitamins in 1 year. What should be the composition of vitamins

Up to 1 year, all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins, the baby receives from breast milk or as part of age-appropriate milk formulas. From 6 months, the child's diet gradually expands and eventually includes all the products of the "adult" table. It is believed that balanced diet fully covers the need of a growing organism for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. However, if the baby has signs of hypovitaminosis or does not tolerate certain products, vitamin complexes for children can compensate for the deficiency.

After reaching one year, the child's body continues to develop intensively, new teeth appear, the skeleton changes, growth increases, muscle mass increases, the work of all organs and systems improves. By learning to walk, the baby increases physical activity, as well as emotional stress, the child seeks to master everything unknown, to know the world learn to communicate with loved ones.

Despite the fact that outwardly the child’s body is a “reduced” body of an adult, inside it everything happens much faster and more intensively, therefore the need for vitamins in children is higher than in adults, and their deficiency can cause a lag in physical and neuropsychic development.

According to many pediatricians, including Komarovsky E. O., if a child consumes cereal dishes, dairy products, meat, fish, herbs, fruits and vegetables every day, then there is no need for additional intake of vitamins as part of drugs to prevent diseases or strengthen the body No.

Taking vitamins as part of complexes or separately is recommended for children who:

  • selective in food, for example, do not like fruits and vegetables;
  • suffer from allergies to gluten (celiac disease) or cow's milk protein, lactose intolerance and other problems that limit the list of allowed products;
  • have symptoms of deficiency of any vitamins;
  • often suffer from infectious diseases;
  • have pathologies that interfere with the assimilation nutrients from incoming food.

The decision to prescribe vitamins to a child from 1 year old, which ones, is taken only by a doctor based on a visual examination, health status, and a survey of parents about nutrition and lifestyle.

What vitamins does a child need

Vitamins playing important role for the full development of a child from 1 to 3 years, their action and daily allowances are presented in the table.



Daily rate

D (calciferol)

It ensures the growth and development of bone and muscle systems, promotes the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, and ensures their strength. Affects the development of intestinal cells, kidneys, heart function, indicators blood pressure involved in the synthesis of certain hormones.

A (retinol)

Supports the health of mucous membranes and skin. Important for the quality of the digestive, immune and excretory systems. Affects the growth of bones, hair, teeth, is responsible for visual acuity.

WITH ( ascorbic acid)

Improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, helps wound healing, growth of bones, teeth and hair. Involved in education and health promotion connective tissue. Strengthens the immune system and increases the body's defenses.

E (tocopherol)

Has antioxidant properties, improves performance of cardio-vascular system. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle, participates in the absorption of other vitamins.

K (phylloquinone)

Participates in the process of blood coagulation, in the metabolism in bone and connective tissue.

B vitamins

They provide tissue respiration, energy production, participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, hematopoiesis processes. Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Supports emotional and mental health.

B1 - 0.7 mg

B2 - 0.8 mg

B7 - 10 mcg

B9 - 0.05 mg

B12 - 0.7 mcg


The main difference between all vitamins for children is the division of drugs by age, depending on the form of release and dosages of active ingredients. For one year old baby and older children, they are produced in the form of monopreparations containing only one vitamin (AquaDetrim) or complexes that include several vitamins, and sometimes additional macro- and microelements. In the form of release, these can be drops, syrups, lozenges, water-soluble powder, chewable tablets, marmalade figurines. For very young children, liquid dosage forms because they are easier to swallow. As a rule, they have a pleasant fruity aroma and a sweet taste.

Pikovit 1+

The drug is produced in the form of a syrup by the KRKA company (Slovenia). The composition includes 9 vitamins that are most important for a child: A, D3, C and group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12). The syrup has a yellow-orange color, has a citrus taste and aroma. Assign when somatic disorders, to restore the child's body after serious illnesses. The advantages of the drug are in a convenient form of release, good tolerance, balanced composition, the absence of components that can cause harm.

Pikovit 1+ is used to prevent and treat hypovitaminosis. For preventive purposes, children from 1 to 3 years old are given 2.5 ml of syrup per day, for therapeutic purposes - 5 ml twice a day. The drug is intended for children under 14 years of age with an increase in dosage in accordance with age.

Sana Sol

The multivitamin complex Sana-Sol is produced by the pharmaceutical company Nycomed Pharma AS (Norway) in the form of a syrup. The drug contains vitamins A, D3, E, C and group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9). The tool is intended to compensate for vitamin deficiency, prevention of hypovitaminosis and beriberi in case of insufficient digestion of food or diet, unbalanced diet. It is used as a source of vitamins in case of increased need for them by the body or the need for enhanced nutrition.

The syrup has a color from yellow to orange, the taste is citrus, slightly sour. A child from 1 to 3 years is prescribed 5 ml per day. May be used for older children and adults. From adverse reactions sometimes there are cases of allergies, disorders of the digestive tract.

Multi-Tabs Kid

Vitamin-mineral complex in the form chewable tablets designed for children from 1 year to 4 years. The manufacturer is Ferrosan (Denmark). The drug is available in different flavors (raspberry-strawberry, orange-vanilla, banana, lemon, cola), which allows you to choose the most suitable option in connection with the preferences of the child. The complex contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals.

It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals, strengthening the immune system, helps during the recovery period after illnesses. Promotes the correct neuropsychic development of the child, the formation and development of the musculoskeletal system, muscle mass and other systems. The recommended dosage for a child under 4 years old is one tablet per day.

Alphabet Our Baby

Complex Alphabet Our Baby Russian production refers to biological active additives. Release form - powder. Contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. Peculiarity this tool consists in the fact that all active components are divided into three doses in sachets different colors taking into account the compatibility with each other of the active components. This form of release, on the one hand, increases the absorption of the constituent components, but on the other hand, it slightly complicates the scheme of application and total tricks.

Before use, the contents of the powder are dissolved in a small amount of water and given to the child to drink during meals. The prepared solution has a slightly sweet taste. You need to take the drug three times a day. The advantage of vitamins Alphabet Our Baby is a hypoallergenic composition, the absence of flavors, preservatives and dyes.

Kinder Biovital

Kinder Biovital - vitamins of the famous German pharmaceutical company Bayer, produced in the form of a sweet and sour viscous gel light yellow with a fruity scent. The preparation includes 10 vitamins, minerals and soy lecithin containing triglycerides, phospholipids and other useful substances. Indications for its appointment may be growth retardation, not good nutrition, prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, deficiency of minerals, prevention of rickets, strengthening of the body during the recovery period after serious illnesses.

Kinder Biovital gel is used not only inside, but also externally for inflammation and damage to the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. At internal use dose for children under one year and younger age is ½ tsp. two or three times a day.

Precautionary measures

Only a doctor should prescribe vitamins for children from a year or older, taking into account tests and the presence of contraindications. If the pediatrician offers several drugs to choose from, then you should give preference to well-known pharmaceutical brands, the quality of which you can be sure of. You should buy vitamins only in pharmacy chains.

The drug must necessarily correspond to the age of the child. Otherwise, there is a risk of overdose and the development of hypervitaminosis, which is fraught with serious consequences for the health of the baby, especially when it comes to fat-soluble vitamins, the excess of which is difficult to excrete from the body.

The most common side effect when taking vitamins are allergic reactions, most often provoked by the presence of synthetic flavors and dyes in the composition. special care you should show and carefully study the composition when choosing a drug for allergic children or those with an increased tendency to allergic reactions.

Against the background of the reception vitamin products you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child, especially carefully in the early days. During this period, you should not give the child new foods in order to know exactly what is the cause of the negative reactions.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky E. O. on the need to take vitamin preparations for children

Very important period child development are the first years of life. At this time, the baby is growing rapidly and developing in all directions. He learns the world around him, tries to pronounce the most simple sounds and words, learns to control his body, crawl, walk, take toys and other objects. For children from 1 year old, it is very important to get good nutrition with a full range of vitamins and minerals. This allows the body to work to its full potential.

When and why do you need vitamins?

Period intensive growth, increased mental and physical exercise, climate change, stressful conditions, infectious diseases and the recovery period - all these are reasons for taking vitamin complexes. from 1 year should be used regularly. Especially in the autumn-spring period. At this time, the number of micro- and macroelements in the body of children is sharply reduced. Some vitamins we get from food. However, their number is not enough for normal life. Vitamins for children from 1 year old contain all the necessary set of vitamins and minerals.


The main function that vitamins perform for children from a year old is the regulation of biochemical and physiological reactions in organism. In case of their deficiency, the processes of hematopoiesis, growth, and so on are disrupted. The body becomes weak and defenseless against harmful factors environment and infections. As a result, they become irritable and have memory problems. In case of illness of such a child, the situation can be seriously complicated due to the use of antibiotics and the development of dysbacteriosis.

We select vitamins for children from 1 year

Of course, vitamins must be bought in pharmacies. You should pay attention to the manufacturer and the expiration date of the drug. Today, there are a great many different complexes and it is not at all difficult to get confused when choosing the right one. Start by looking at existing brands. Vitamins for children from 1 year old are available in bright packages. But they should not mislead you. Do not succumb to minute impulses and advertising, carefully read the insert. The composition is of decisive importance. You can choose the standard option.

There are also specialized complexes designed to solve certain problems. They can be designed for use during the period of illness, recovery period and so on. To eliminate any doubt, it is better to consult a pediatrician. It will help to calculate the required dose of all elements and choose vitamins. In addition, all complexes have different price. Do not overpay for the same set of elements. Separately, you can select vitamins for children who have undergone serious illnesses and a course of antibiotics. In this case, their task is also to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora. Only in this case it makes sense to drink vitamin complexes.

What should be avoided?

Babies are often prone to allergic reactions. Unfortunately, many vitamins for children from 1 year old contain dyes and flavors. They are listed in the composition. If your child does not tolerate certain substances, then it is better to refuse to buy such complexes.

Vitamins are substances that are vital for the body, which enter the body with food, and are not formed in the body from other substances. With a lack of vitamins can develop serious illnesses, up to lethal outcome. Vitamins for children under 1 year old are especially needed.

In addition to vitamins, our body also vitally needs minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and others.

Mothers, many of whom started taking vitamin-mineral complexes at the stage of pregnancy planning, took them throughout their pregnancy and continue to do so during breastfeeding, think that they should be given to a child from birth. Let's see if this is the case.

In the body of a child of the first year of life, vitamins and minerals come with mother's milk, if the child is on breastfeeding or with an adapted milk formula if the baby is bottle-fed.

In order for the child to receive enough vitamins and minerals from mother's milk, it is recommended that mothers take special vitamins for pregnant and lactating women (Elevit, Materna, Vitrum-prenatal, Complivit Mom, etc.).

Modern infant formulas contain all essential vitamins children under 1 year old and minerals in enough.

Children of the first year of life are most often prescribed individual vitamins or minerals as medicines for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases, and much less often multivitamins or vitamin-mineral complexes. Vitamins for children under 1 year old are prescribed only by a doctor!

Vitamin D

This is the only vitamin that is prescribed to all or almost all children of the first year of life for preventive purposes.

It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets. Rickets is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, its main symptoms are: an increase in the frontal and parietal tubercles, softening of the bones of the skull, thickening at the ends of the ribs (rachitic rosary) thickening at the wrists (rachitic bracelets), curvature of the legs, decreased muscle tone.

For prophylactic purposes, vitamin D is prescribed to children starting from the 1st month, and to premature babies starting from 3 weeks in a prophylactic dose, which is 400-500 IU per day. How Much Vitamin D Does a Child Need? normal growth and development. Prophylactic intake of vitamin D, as a rule, continues until the child is 1 year old.

Walking instead of taking vitamin D

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin, the only one that is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Most mothers know that to prevent rickets with a child, you need to walk. But not everyone knows how. Meanwhile, if a mother walks correctly with a child, vitamin D is formed in her skin, which then enters the child with milk, and vitamin D is formed in the baby’s skin, so if breastfeeding, a double prevention of rickets is obtained

You need to walk during daylight hours, when it is sunny outside. It doesn't have to be in the sun. With a child, it is recommended to walk in the lacy shade of trees, walk for 20 minutes so that the hands and face are open, it is enough for a sufficient amount of vitamin D to be produced in the body of mother and child.

Wrong walks or when vitamin D is not formed

  • If the mother is in a fur coat, mittens and a hat with a visor, and the child is in a closed stroller, vitamin D is not formed.
  • If a child walks in a glazed loggia, vitamin D is not formed in the skin.
  • If a child walks in the evening and at night, vitamin D is not formed in the skin.
  • If the street is cloudy, overcast, there is little sun, vitamin D is not formed enough, therefore, in the autumn-winter period (from November to March, inclusive), doctors recommend an additional intake of vitamin D in a prophylactic dose.

For healthy children

When Your Child Doesn't Need Extra Vitamin D

up to 6 months

  • If the mother regularly takes vitamin D as part of a vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women, there is no need to additionally give vitamin D to the child, starting from 1 month.
  • If the child is fed exclusively with infant formula.

From the age of 6 months, the introduction of complementary foods begins, when complementary foods begin to exceed 1/3 of the daily volume of food, you need to reconsider whether the child needs additional Vitamin D. If the child is fed porridge for baby food, juices and purees from jars, then an additional intake of vitamin D the child does not need, because baby food further enriched necessary for the child vitamins.

If you cook for your child yourself, you need to remember that this is a fat-soluble vitamin and it is found in meat and fish, you need to make sure that the baby receives a sufficient (by age) amount of these products daily.

When does a child need vitamin D in a prophylactic dose?

  • premature babies,
  • Children with malnutrition
  • Children with anemia
  • Children with diseases gastrointestinal tract when vitamin D from food is poorly absorbed: with fermentopathy, prolonged diarrhea, etc.
  • Children who are fed cow or goat milk rather than adapted formula.
  • Children who do not walk daily (do not go outside, sleep on glazed loggias, do not walk in winter because of frost, etc.)
  • In the autumn-winter period, when the weather is not sunny enough.

Vitamin D after 1 year

As a rule, mothers and pediatricians are very careful about the regular preventive intake of vitamin D by a child until he is 1 year old, and whether a child needs this vitamin after 1 year.

Vitamin D is needed by a person throughout life, therefore, if a child older than a year walks a lot on the street and (or) eats enough (by age) meat, fish, butter, milk, then the child does not need an additional intake of vitamin D, but if the mother has doubts, in the autumn-winter period (from November to March ) taking vitamin D in a prophylactic dose for a child will not be superfluous.

Which vitamin D is better for a child in an oil solution or in water

Currently, pediatricians prefer an aqueous solution of vitamin D. It is believed that such a solution is more stable, more accurately dosed, better absorbed, less likely to cause overdose and allergic reactions.


Even if the child gets enough vitamin D from food and sunbeams, regular additional intake of vitamin D in a prophylactic dose of 500 IU cannot cause an overdose in a child. Therefore, in a prophylactic dose, vitamin D can be given to a child without unnecessary fear.

As a rule, overdose symptoms occur with the use of vitamin D in therapeutic doses. This hyperexcitability, sweating, irritability, whims, skin rash, convulsions. When these symptoms appear, vitamin D is canceled.


The growing body of a child needs a lot of calcium. With its deficiency in the blood serum, irritability, sweating, bad dream at night, convulsions, with its lack in the bones - fractures.

Nature has foreseen this - the main food of the child of the first year of life is milk, which contains a lot of calcium. But the absorption of calcium from food depends on many conditions: activity digestive enzymes, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, the amount of vitamin D in the body.

In women's milk, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is optimal for their assimilation by a child, in adapted infant formulas it approaches the optimal one.

Quite often there are situations when children are prescribed calcium supplements. Calcium preparations have one nice feature- calcium is absorbed by the body in the amount in which it is needed by the body, the excess is excreted with feces and urine. Therefore, often, with the appearance of irritability, sweating, poor night sleep and (or) seizures, pediatricians and neurologists prescribe calcium preparations to children in courses from 2 weeks to 1 month. Vitamin D is often prescribed in combination with calcium preparations.

The simplest drug is calcium gluconate. For children of the first year of life, ½ tablet is enough - 3 times a day.


Iron preparations are prescribed for children as a medicine, according to the results of a blood test when the hemoglobin level drops below 100 g / l, and the dose is calculated individually depending on the weight and age of the child. Treatment with iron preparations is carried out until the hemoglobin level normalizes + 1 month after. For preventive purposes, iron preparations are not prescribed for children and adults. Read more about the treatment of anemia with iron preparations. Iron is found in many foods, but the human body absorbs it best from meat, so for prevention iron deficiency anemia in a child, it is necessary to introduce meat puree into the child's diet in a timely manner (6-7 months).


Magnesium is a mineral, vital necessary for man, it takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, has a calming effect on nervous system, antispasmodic action.

For children of the first year of life, it is most often prescribed by neurologists as a sedative, as well as a means of reducing intracranial pressure.

It is part of the mixture with citral, Magne-B6, asparkam, magnesium sulfate, etc.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine

Participates in all metabolic processes, but is most important for the central nervous system and skeletal muscles. For children of the first year of life, it is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system, heart, kidneys, malnutrition.

Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid

Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats, tissue respiration, expands small blood vessels, improve microcirculation, including in the central nervous system. In children, it is most often used for diseases of the nervous system, as well as in combination with other drugs for detoxification.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid

Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the synthesis of cholesterol, histamine, hemoglobin, glucocorticoids. As a medicine is prescribed for children with diseases of the nervous system, skin, trophic disorders, decreased intestinal motility.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine

Needed for normal functioning central and peripheral nervous system, participates in all metabolic processes, in the formation of hemoglobin, histamine, hormones. Children of the first year of life are prescribed for diseases of the nervous system, kidneys, heart, malnutrition.

Folic acid or Vitamin B9

Essential for normal operation nerve cells and for the process of normal cell division. Folic acid is needed for duplication (replication) of DNA. It is also involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. It is most important for the child during the mother's pregnancy, its prophylactic early dates pregnancy - significantly reduces the likelihood of malformations in the fetus. For children of the first year of life, it is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system and the hematopoietic system.

Vitamin B12

Participates in hematopoiesis, children are prescribed for certain types of anemia associated with a lack of this vitamin in food or with a violation of its absorption.

Magnesium and vitamins B1 and B6 in the first six months of life a child receives in sufficient quantities with mother's milk or an adapted milk formula, in the second half of life - with cereals, most of the B vitamins are found in the shells of cereals, so whole grain cereals are the most useful for a child.

Elcarnitine or Vitamin B11

It is not called a vitamin, but a vitamin-like substance, because it can be synthesized in the body. Most of all it is found in products of animal origin: meat, milk, liver, butter, cottage cheese. Participates in the metabolism of fats and phospholipids, normalizes protein and fat metabolism, enhances the secretion of digestive glands, restores the structure nervous tissue, has an anabolic effect. Children of the first year of life are often prescribed for malnutrition and diseases of the nervous system.

Vitamin A or retinol

Vitamin very important for vision, immunity, growth, recovery skin and mucous membranes after damage, it also performs the function of an antioxidant in the body. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and is found most in fish oil and liver. Its excess for the child (and especially for the fetus) is more dangerous than its deficiency. Children are prescribed for growth retardation, diseases of the kidneys, blood, and locally for seizures and small skin wounds.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

A fat-soluble vitamin found in oils of various origins. Protects cell membranes from damage, including the membranes of nerve cells. Children of the first year of life are rarely prescribed and strictly individually.

Vitamin K

Fat soluble. Participates in the metabolism of proteins, calcium, education bone tissue, blood coagulation processes, kidney function. As a medicine, it is used as a hemostatic and wound healing agent.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

Refers to water-soluble vitamins, the most famous and popular vitamin. Not formed in the human body. Found in fruits and vegetables. It is necessary for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissue, for the absorption of iron in the intestines, for normal immunity, for the restoration of the skin and mucous membranes after damage, for the processes of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones.


This trace element is currently assigned great importance in organism. It is needed for the mind and growth, is part of the hormones thyroid gland. For children of the first year of life, it is prescribed only for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Multivitamins for children under 1 year old

So, as already stated above, children of the first year of life are rarely prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes, more often they prescribe individual vitamins or their combination as a medicine when certain symptoms of diseases are detected, since the child receives all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities with mother's milk or adapted milk formula.

Complex multivitamins for children of the first year of life are few, but they are.

Multitabs baby (Denmark)

For children from birth to 1 year old, it contains only three vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. It is dosed in drops. 1 ml of solution contains daily allowance for infants the vitamins listed above. It is used to prevent rickets and increase resistance to infections.

Biovital gel for children (Germany)

Recommended for children from 1 month old with ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) 2 times a day. The preparation contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, B6, B12, C, D3, E, lecithin and minerals: calcium, manganese, sodium. The instruction to the drug recommends it for malnutrition, exhaustion, stunting, after serious illnesses and during the recovery period, for the prevention of rickets. It is classified as a vitamin mineral complexes, but with a big stretch, because the minerals in it are contained in very small doses, so the drug is more likely to be a multivitamin.

Thus, today biovital gel is the richest vitamin-mineral complex in composition, approved for use in children under 1 year old. It can be taken by children of any age, increasing the dose according to age. And you can compare its composition with other vitamins recommended for children under 3 years old.

Now you know what vitamins children up to 1 year need.

During the period of active growth, when the child is 1 year old, he needs vitamins that help the body develop and function normally.

Difference from adult drugs

Children's bodies, unlike adults, need a constant supply of vitamin D. This substance contributes to the harmonious development of the skeleton and the absorption of useful trace elements. Therefore, it is very important not to ignore this factor and give the child only children's drugs. They accurately calculate the right amount of all the nutrients, depending on the age of the baby.

If it is more convenient for an adult to swallow a pill, then one year old baby maybe just choke on it. Therefore, for them, vitamins are available in the form of:

  • syrups and powders (for the smallest);
  • lozenges, lollipops, dragees and marmalade (from 2 years).

In addition, unlike tablets, thanks to an interesting shape, smell and color, you can interest a child in taking vitamins.

What vitamins are needed?

In vitamin complexes for proper growth and the development of all body systems for children from 1 year old, the following vitamins are provided:

  1. Vitamin A. It is necessary for the baby's vision, bone formation, functioning. respiratory system, work of the gastrointestinal tract, development mental capacity and restoration of mucous membranes.
  2. Thiamine (B1). Participates in regulation carbohydrate metabolism in the body, is responsible for brain activity and work of the gastrointestinal tract. By using this vitamin, the child receives a boost of energy he needs for active games, sports and physical activity.
  3. Riboflavin (B2). Essential for healthy skin, nails and hair. Responsible for metabolism.
  4. Pyridoxine (B6). Strengthens the immune system and nervous system, takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
  5. Folic acid (B9). Responsible for the regenerative processes of the body. Increases appetite and has a good effect on the condition of the skin.
  6. AT 12. Ensures the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  7. C. Necessary for children with weakened immune systems, as it protects their body from adverse impact environment.
  8. D. Regulates the amount of trace elements (potassium, magnesium, etc.) in the body, is responsible for the development of the skeletal system.
  9. E. Strengthens the immune system and muscles. Regulates the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.
  10. N. Supports healthy look skin covers.
  11. RR. Participates in metabolic processes, helps to absorb fats, proteins, carbohydrates and various trace elements.

Depending on age, each of the listed vitamins must enter the child's body in a strictly defined amount.

In the first 2 years of a child's life, the lack of any vitamins in his body is replenished by breastfeeding and a balanced diet.

How to choose?

Vitamins for children from 1 year old should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Only he can determine exactly which of them the baby needs in certain age, and set the dosage for taking them. Self-selection of vitamins is fraught with the occurrence of violations in the child. internal organs, an allergic reaction, increased blood pressure and other dangerous consequences.

The doctor will tell parents which vitamins are best for a child aged 1 year and older. Moreover, various drugs will be offered in terms of price, form of release and manufacturer. Preference should be given to a well-known company, without saving on the health of the child. For children from 1 year old, it is better to choose vitamins in the form of marmalades, lozenges and lollipops. They already accurately take into account the dosage of all essential substances. What can not be said about syrups.

For children under 1 year old choose best vitamins- this means giving preference to natural ingredients. Many marmalade figurines contain dyes and artificial flavors, often allergic. Therefore, it is very important to read the composition on the packaging and purchase multivitamins with juices, extracts and other useful supplements.

To detect an allergic reaction, the first few days of taking vitamins, parents should monitor the baby's nutrition, excluding dangerous products. If there is no reaction after 2-3 days, then such a drug is suitable for the baby.

About hypervitaminosis

If vitamins have pleasant smell and taste, then children will probably want to eat them more than the prescribed dose. Therefore, it is very important to store them in an inaccessible place. Some mothers allow the replacement of sweets with marmalade forms of drugs. Under no circumstances should this be done. oversupply useful elements fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis. This phenomenon dangerous because it can cause:

  • stool disorder;
  • loss of appetite;
  • seborrhea;
  • decreased vision;
  • hair loss;
  • bleeding gums;
  • incoordination
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • failure in the metabolic processes of the body;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea;
  • poor blood clotting
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • violation of the internal organs and systems of the body.

All this can be avoided by adhering to the dosage of vitamins. If the child insists on an extra portion, then simply replace it with regular marmalade or offer him a healthy alternative in the form of fruits, dried fruits or berries.


What are vitamins? They are divided into the following types depending on the composition:

  1. Monocomponent drugs.
  2. Multivitamins. Contain 2 and useful elements.
  3. Complex of vitamins and minerals. In the composition are most of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

They are produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • marmalade;
  • syrup;
  • drops;
  • lollipops;
  • gel;
  • powders.

It is impossible to predict which vitamins a child will prefer at 1 year old.

Their intake can be especially important in the autumn-spring period, when immunity needs to be strengthened, and children walking on playgrounds can already infect each other with viruses and bacteria. But even at this time, the purchase of drugs should be agreed with the attending physician.

The best children's vitamin complexes

Today in pharmacies you can find a wide range of vitamins for children. In order not to try everything at once, below we have given you an overview of the best complexes. They can have different directions, so it is very important to read the instructions in the package.


This vitamin complex comes from Denmark. It is available in the form of syrups or tablets. Preparations differ according to the needs and characteristics of the body:

  1. Multi-tabs baby. This the best complex designed for children from 1 year to 4 years. It is completely hypoallergenic, as it does not contain synthetic components, only useful vitamins and micronutrients.
  2. Multi-tabs Sensitive. This is a complex of vitamins for children sensitive to allergenic components.
  3. Multi-tabs baby Calcium +. Designed for children 2-7 years old. The complex is enriched with calcium and is recommended during the formation of the child's skeleton during teething or jump growth.
  4. Multi-tabs Junior. Vitamin complex for adult children from 4 years. Helps the body to fully and harmoniously develop.


Russian vitamin complex with natural ingredients. It takes into account all recommendations for separate and joint reception vitamins.

  1. Our Baby. For small children from 1 to 3 years old. This fortified powder can easily be added to your baby's food or drink. .
  2. Kindergarten. This complex is suitable for children from 3 years old attending public institutions. Available in the form of chewable lozenges. It improves brain activity baby, helps him resist harmful effects environment and promotes emotional adaptation.
  3. Schoolboy. Complex for children school age(from 7 years). Also available in chewable tablet form. Reduces emotional stress and improves brain activity.


Vitamin complexes from the USA, produced in the form of marmalade figurines. Suitable only for children from 3 years old and are made on the basis of natural ingredients.

  1. VitaMishki Immune +. Strengthen the immune system and protect the body during colds.
  2. VitaMishki Multi +. They contain components responsible for brain activity, memory and attention.
  3. VitaMishki Calcium +. Strengthen the skeleton.
  4. VitaMishki Bio +. Restore beneficial microflora intestines, improving digestion.
  5. VitaMishki Focus +. Improve eyesight due to the content of blueberries.

Vitrum Baby

Vitamin complex in the form of chewable tablets. Contains 12 vitamins and 11 minerals. It is allowed for children from 2 years old. Multivitamins do not contain artificial additives, contribute to mental and physical development baby.

Kinder Biovital

The jelly-like gel produced in Germany contains 9 vitamins and an amino acid. It is safe even for the smallest children up to a year.

Pikovit 1+ Syrup

This vitamin syrup with a pleasant smell and taste, as a rule, is very popular with children from 1 year old. It contains ascorbic acid, thiamine, vitamin PP and riboflavin.

Contraindications and indications for admission

Vitamins like everyone else medicines, have their own list of contraindications and indications. They are prescribed to a child from 1 year old, when he:

  • eats little and unbalanced;
  • a lot and actively moves;
  • needs to increase immunity;
  • on the mend after a serious illness;
  • has problems with the absorption of nutrients from food.

Vitamin complexes are contraindicated in hypervitaminosis, kidney disease and sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The health of a child largely depends on the presence in the body of all the elements necessary for full growth, as well as on the quality of their assimilation. For strong and healthy bones, the timely appearance of teeth and the development of the skeleton is responsible for calcium. And for the absorption of calcium (as well as phosphorus) in small intestine vitamin D is needed.

The body of a child develops rapidly, and at its disposal there should be enough “bricks” for the structure of internal organs, then all the functions and opportunities inherent in nature will please the baby and his mother in due time.

In the first years of a child's life, the intake of vitamin D in the body must be given Special attention, after all it governs:

Vitamin D is of great importance for the developing organism of a child.

  • skeletal development;
  • growth of muscle tissue;
  • strengthening the skeleton and teeth;
  • accelerates the absorption of calcium;
  • contributes to the maintenance of immunity;
  • affects the development of the heart and blood vessels;
  • forms a healthy epithelium of the skin.

Sufficient and timely supply of the child's body with vitamin D, especially at the age of one year, prevents the development of rickets. If it is not enough, then this can cause serious problems in skeletal system baby at an older age.

Babies absorb vitamin D from mother's milk, and older children should receive a balanced diet and prophylactic doses vitamin, because rickets is easier to prevent than to treat.

How to tell if you're vitamin D deficient

The following symptoms indicate a lack of vitamin D:

A lack of vitamin D in infants is indicated by poor sleep, a sunken fontanel, lethargy, thinning and hair loss at the back of the head, etc.
  • the child does not sleep well;
  • capricious, irritable behavior;
  • the fontanel is sunken, overgrown for a long time;
  • difficult bowel movements, constipation;
  • head, hands and feet sweat constantly;
  • the hair on the back of the head thins and falls out;
  • the occipital bone becomes flat;
  • the parietal bones soften and deform;
  • the volume of the head exceeds the normal size;
  • legs twisted, twisted;
  • weight is gained slowly.

Vitamins of group D are synthesized in the cells of living beings under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To store the vitamin in the body naturally, the child needs to be in the sun for at least half an hour a day.

But since weather do not always allow to provide the child's skin with sufficient contact with ultraviolet radiation, then for the prevention of rickets, pediatricians prescribe a mandatory prophylactic intake for children medical preparations with vitamin D from the second month of life.

Vitamin D in preparations for children

Table of medicines with a solution of vitamin D with prices

Vitamin D preparations for young children often come in the form of drops. As active component usually one form of the vitamin is involved: cholecalciferol (D3) or ergocalciferol (D2).

Their activity is indicated in international units (IU). One IU contains 0.025 micrograms of the vitamin. It is recommended to give children 400 - 500 IU, or 10 micrograms of a substance per day.

Vitamin D,
preparations for children
A country-
Price Volume (ml)/quantity (piece) Active
vitamin D in 1 drop/capsule
AQUADETRIM Poland149 — 232 10 mlcholecalciferol500 IU
VIGANTOL Germany175 — 249 10 mlcholecalciferol667 IU
DEVISOL Finland311 — 410 10 mlcholecalciferol80 IU


Finland300 — 330 10 mlcholecalciferol80 IU


Finland300 — 390 10 mlcholecalciferol80 IU


Poland242 — 350 capsules 30 pcs.cholecalciferol5 mcg


Israel290 — 340 capsules

10, 30, 60 pcs.

alfacalcidol0.25 mcg / 0.5 mcg / 1 mcg
MULTI TABS D-TIPAT Denmark410 — 450 10 mlcholecalciferol2 mcg
ERGOCALCIFEROL Ukraine110 — 152 10 / 15 mlergocalciferol700 IU

Vitamin D - preparations for children (aqueous solution)

Dosage: 1 drop = 500 IU.

Benefits of an aqueous solution of vitamin D:

  • easily digestible
  • the concentration of the vitamin in the blood is faster
  • affects the body for several months
  • hard to overdose

The most popular aqueous solution of vitamin D - Aquadetrim

Disadvantages of an aqueous solution of vitamin D:

  • cases of allergies are more common;
  • not everyone likes flavoring with anise essence;
  • alcohol solution (albeit very weak) is not liked by children.

Vitamin D - preparations for children (oil solution)

This table shows daily dosage(drops/capsules) for children.

medical drug To full-term babies Premature and twins
4 weeks -
3 years
3 years - 8 years 2 weeks - 3 years
VIGANTOL 1 drop for 5 days, then 2 days off1 (summer break)2 drops for 5 days, then 2 days off


5 7 7


5 7 7
D3VIT 1 2 2

Benefits of Vitamin D Oil Solution:

  • neutral taste
  • contains no alcohol
  • rare cases of allergic reactions
  • promotes greater absorption of vitamin D

Disadvantages of vitamin D oil solution:

  • poorly absorbed in diseases of the gallbladder
  • easy to overdose
  • therapeutic effect for about 2 months

Preparations with oil solution Vitamin D is suitable for allergy sufferers, but the exact dose must be observed. Preparations with aqueous solution should be given under supervision to children with allergic reactions, but they are more suitable for breastfed babies.

Vitamin complexes (multivitamins) with vitamin D to improve the health of children with prices

If the baby uses infant formula, then they already contain all the vitamins necessary for his health.

At frequent colds the child, according to doctors, needs general strengthening vitamin therapy

When a child lives in a cool climate and is exposed to colds, then to strengthen immunity, pediatricians advise taking a course of general strengthening vitamin therapy with the obligatory use of vitamins C, E, A and D.

But giving others minerals child under 2 years of age medical indications doctors do not recommend because it can harm the baby by causing allergies or kidney disease.

The name of the vitamin complex child's age,
in years
vitamins Dosage
(in a day)
Indications Price in rubles
0 — 1 A, C, D325 dropsStrengthening immunity, prevention of rickets, deficiency of vitamins A, C, D234 — 265
POLIVIT BABY(solution)0 — 3 A, D3, E, B6, C, B1, PP, B2, B12,1 mlReplenishment of vitamin deficiency, strengthening of immunity, prevention of rickets57 — 68
Calcium D3 Toddlers
0 — 3 Calcium, D35 mlReplenishment of calcium deficiency, prevention of rickets170 — 360
1 — 3 A, D3, B1, B6, B2, C, B 12, D - panthenol, PP5 ml x 2 timesIncreased stress, overwork, strengthening of immunity, during chemotherapy140 — 164
Baby Calcium +
2 — 7 D3, calcium, A, group B, E, C, pantothenic acid, biotin, K, iodine, folic acid, iron, nicotinamide, chromium, zinc, copper, selenium1 tabletPrevention of hypovitaminosis, strengthening of bones356 — 478
3 — 7 D, phosphorus, calcium1 lozenge x 2 timesStrengthening immunity, prevention of caries326 — 615
3 — 5 E, C, D3, B1, B6, K, iodine, B2, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin, folic acid, beta carotene, zinc, selenium, calcium, iron, molybdenum, manganese, copper, phosphorus1 tabletSupply of missing vitamins and elements, strengthening immunity306 — 489
ALPHABET with calcium(dree)3 — 7 C, B1, iron, E, B2, A, B6, D3, B12, PP, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iodine, zinc, pantothenic acid, chromium, K1, folic acid1 tablet x 3 timesPrevention of hypovitaminosis, improvement of appetite230 — 247
from 7A, C, E, group B, folic acid, D3, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide.1 tabletPhysical activity, a course of antibiotics, to strengthen immunity and increase appetite180 — 215

If the doctor prescribes a course of vitamin D, then you should definitely consider:

  • the amount of vitamin D in the preparation for children
  • vitamin D from food
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin of a child
  • property of a vitamin to accumulate in the body


Vitamin D accumulates in the cells of the body and is consumed gradually. A single dose excess does not harm children's health.

Leads to overdose regular use a large number medical product.

Overdose symptoms:

  • thirst;
  • elevated temperature;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • increased anxiety and excitability;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • hair growth stops.

Foods with vitamin D

Vitamin D can enter the child's body with food, parents need to know and take this into account in order to balance nutrition in case of need. the right direction.

Vitamin D is both preparations for children and products that contain it. the most useful substance in large quantities

natural sources vitamin D:

  1. Herring - 280 - 1660 mg / 100 g
  2. Fish oil - 250 mg / 100 g
  3. Canned salmon - 200 - 750 mg / 100g
  4. Sprats - 20 - 30 mg / 100g
  5. Sour cream - 45 mg / 100 g
  6. Yolks - 40 - 400 mg / 100 g
  7. Mackerel 15 – 100 mg/g
  8. Medium fat milk - 50 - 400 mg / g
  9. Butter - 15 - 160 mg / g
  10. Chicken liver - 60 mg / g
  11. Pork and beef liver— 50 mg/g
  12. Creamy ice cream - 50 mg / g

The opinion of doctors about the benefits of vitamins for children

Preparations for children with vitamin D in the vast majority enjoy a good reputation with doctors and parents.

Very rarely, mothers notice allergic reactions in children and others. side effects. And in patients with rickets quite often there is an improvement in the condition and recovery.

Doctors say that the harmonious development and good health child's body are directly dependent on inputs from outside the right amount vitamins necessary for its growth. But if too much of them comes in, then it can poison the baby, so dosing must be strictly adhered to. prescribed by the doctor.

If the baby is breastfed, then the pediatrician suggests that the mother take a drug with vitamin D, 500 IU every 3 days. And the doctor advises giving the vitamin to the child along with the introduction of complementary foods into the baby's diet.

Dr. Komarovsky tells about vitamin D and preparations for children:

Akvadetrim - indications for use, instructions on how to take: