What the body lacks if you want a certain product.

The human body is very similar to a computer. Follow his testimony very carefully.

For example, before there was never an addiction to this or that dish, and suddenly - I wanted it to the point of impossibility. Not by chance. This internal computer sends you a message via ICQ: the body lacks certain trace elements. It's time to take action.

If you have never liked sweets, and suddenly you are drawn to chocolate, make a diagnosis for yourself: magnesium deficiency. The same thing happens if you want something sour. Basically, listen to your body. Reaching for something fatter, drinking fizzy drinks - bad with calcium. Achieve a balance - immediately get sick. They ate bread uncontrollably, and then “tied it up” - before there was not enough nitrogen, and now everything is tip-top.

Previously, they looked longingly at food and felt complete indifference to it (deficiency of manganese and vitamins B1, B3), and now they are ready to swallow an elephant (bad with silicon and tyrosine) - there is an explanation for everything.

Still, it is better not to wait for signals from the body, but to try to balance your own nutrition yourself, taking into account what and in what product is contained. And here's what to remember.

Magnesium is found in chocolate, nuts and fruits.

Phosphorus is found in fish, beef, liver and nuts.

Calcium is cheese, cabbage and mustard.

Sulfur is egg yolks, cranberries, garlic, horseradish.

Iron is meat, fish, cherries, greens, seaweed, very handy will have a mug of cocoa a day.

Zinc is found in meat and seafood.

Vitamin B1 is from nuts, beans and liver.

Vitamin B3 is beans, meat and fish halibut.

Another way to recognize what is missing in the body is by symptoms.

Jamming heart - little potassium - eat fruits and vegetables.

Peeling skin - problems with iodine - eat seafood, onions and carrots.

Teeth turn yellow - this is not only an addiction to smoking, but also a deficiency of certain trace elements - eat beans, fish and bananas.

What is missing in the body, if you want ...

Peanut ( peanut butter) - lack of B vitamins (found in nuts, beans, meat and fish).

Bananas - lack of potassium or drink a lot of coffee, hence the lack of potassium (found in tomatoes, white beans and figs).

Melons - lack of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C.

Dried apricots - lack of vitamin A.

Olives and olives - lack of sodium salts.

Milk and dairy products - lack of calcium or essential amino acids- tryptophan, lysine and leucine.

Ice cream - lack of calcium (people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism experience a special love for it).

Seafood - iodine deficiency (use iodized salt).

Herring - shortage the right fats.

Sunflower seeds - lack of antioxidant vitamins (especially often occurs in smokers).

Butter - lack of vitamin D.

Cheese - lack of calcium and phosphorus (contained in cottage cheese, milk and broccoli).

Bread - not enough nitrogen (found in meat, fish and nuts)

Chocolate - lack of magnesium (found in unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes).

I just want something...

Sweet - lack of glucose (found in fruits, berries, honey and sweet vegetables).

Salty - lack of chlorides (contained in unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt).

Sour - lack of vitamin C (found in rose hips, lemons, kiwi, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, currants and strawberries).

Smoked meats - lack of cholesterol (contained in red fish, olives, avocados, nuts).

Fatty foods - lack of calcium (found in broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame seeds).

Burnt food - lack of carbohydrates (found in fresh fruit).

Cold drinks - Lack of manganese (found in walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries).

Carbonated drinks - lack of calcium (found in broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame seeds).

In the evening, drink tea with dried cookies - they didn’t get it in the afternoon right carbs(found in meat, fish, legumes and nuts).

Liquid food - lack of water (drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice).

Solid food - lack of water (the body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirsty. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day).

But if...

Zhor the day before critical days- lack of zinc (contained in red meat (especially meat internal organs), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables).

General invincible zhor - lack of silicon, amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine (found in nuts, seeds, cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, spinach, green and red vegetables and fruits).

Appetite disappeared completely - lack of manganese and vitamins B1 and B2 (found in walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, legumes and legumes, meat, fish and poultry).

I want to smoke - lack of silicon and the amino acid tyrosine (found in nuts, seeds, orange, green and red fruits and vegetables).

I want to gnaw on ice - lack of iron (found in meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, herbs, cherries).

I want paint, plaster, earth, chalk - lack of calcium and vitamin D (found in eggs, butter and fish),

Passion for food...

Passion chocolate-sweet. More often than others, caffeine lovers and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction”. This also applies to other sweets. If you eat an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose - as the fastest source of energy. Chocolate is the perfect way to do this. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure. Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich in complex carbohydrates. And as a dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount of nuts.

Cheesy passion. Spicy, salty, with and without spices... You can't live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you are ready to absorb it in kilograms (at least eat at least 100 g per day). Nutritionists claim that those who are in dire need of calcium and phosphorus adore cheese. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much-needed and extremely beneficial to the body substances, but fats ... Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and almost no calories. If your body perceives milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat a little cheese (no more than 50 g per day) and with raw vegetables.

Passion sour-citric. Perhaps your diet is dominated by hard-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase acidity to facilitate its work. gastric juice. With a cold, you can also be drawn to sour fruit and berries are a great source of vitamin C. Choose meals that are moderate in fat and don't mix too many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, over-salted and overly spicy food, as well as one that has undergone excessive heat treatment. If you notice digestive problems (especially from the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Smoked passion. Passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are on too strict a diet. Long-term restriction in the diet of fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, and in smoked meats enough saturated fats. Do not get carried away with low-fat food - choose one that still has a little fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of butter a day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have empirically proven that it is those who consume enough fat that lose weight faster.

Food passions and diseases.

Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An acute need for these foods and spices, as a rule, indicates problems with the respiratory system.

Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible with a disorder of functions. thyroid gland.

Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for him.

Bananas. If you lose your head from the smell of ripe bananas, pay attention to the state of your heart.

Sunflower seeds. The desire to gnaw on seeds most often occurs in those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that your body has a lot free radicals- the main provocateurs of premature aging.

About vitamins...

Vitamin A

Where: carrots, orange, tangerine, lemon, cod liver, cheese (especially hard varieties like Parmesan), butter, eggs.

What threatens shortage: dry skin, an abundance of acne, premature wrinkles, brittle, falling hair, susceptibility to infections, frequent indigestion.

Vitamin B2

Where: chanterelles, whole grain bread, wheat germ, broccoli, veal brains, liver, cottage cheese, egg yolk, cheese.

What threatens the shortage: inflammatory processes on the skin, cracks in the corners of the lips, in severe cases- loss of appetite, insomnia.

Vitamin B5

Where: peanuts, broccoli, rice, legumes, chicken, liver, organ meats.

What threatens the shortage: the nails are soft and brittle, the hair becomes thinner and falls out, and sometimes they begin to turn gray prematurely, stress.

Vitamin B6

Where: walnuts, bananas, green salad, wheat germ, salmon, oysters, milk, eggs, meat.

What threatens the shortage: irritation, redness, peeling of the skin, a tendency to diathesis, seborrhea, nausea, lack of appetite.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Where: nuts, beans, lettuce, bananas, oranges, eggs, organ meats.

What threatens the shortage: a tendency to anemia, in pregnant women - an increased risk of anomalies in the child.

Vitamin C

Where: orange, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, kiwi, asparagus, strawberries.

What threatens the shortage: dry skin, wounds heal poorly, fatigue, insomnia, susceptibility to infections.

Vitamin D

Where: milk, cod liver, oily fish.

What threatens the shortage: in children, rickets occurs, in adults - an increase in blood pressure.

Vitamin E

olive oil, almonds, fennel, spinach.

What threatens the shortage: early aging of the skin, deterioration in the quality of sperm in men, which means a tendency to infertility.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)

Where: white mushrooms, hare, turkey.

What threatens the shortage: the skin becomes rough, flaky, cracks appear, the gums bleed, frequent disorders stomach.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Where: in one form or another it is found everywhere, most of all in beef liver and egg yolk.

What threatens the shortage: dermatitis, seborrhea, drowsiness, nails and hair stop growing.

What is missing? Check yourself!

We determine the lack of vitamins by reflection in the mirror.


What vitamins are missing in your body.

Dandruff appears if there is a deficiency of vitamins B12, B6, P and selenium.

Caffeine destroys B vitamins - reduce your coffee intake.

Has your hair become dull and brittle?

This is a sign of a lack of vitamins B9, C and H, as well as calcium.

The cause of insomnia can be a deficiency of B vitamins, potassium and calcium.

But keep in mind that sleeping pills hinder the absorption of this group of vitamins.

Are you constantly troubled by dizziness and tinnitus?

This is caused by a lack of vitamins B3 and E, as well as trace elements of potassium and magnesium.

The impact of these vitamins on the human body enhances the combination with vitamin C.

The redness of the eyes, the inability to quickly adapt in the dark are sometimes due to a lack of vitamins A and B2. Vitamin A is fat soluble, so it can only be fully absorbed with fats.

Stretch your arms with your palms up and try to simultaneously bend your little finger and ring finger so that the tips touch the palm of your hand.

If this exercise does not work well, this indicates a deficiency of vitamin B6.

If you notice that even with mild bruises you get bruises, then this most likely comes from a lack of vitamins C, K, R in the body.

Decided on the test, a plate of what you need to eat to replenish the body with vitamins

What the body lacks if you are over 40 ...

Natalia GRIDASOVA, psychoendocrinologist:

In emotional perception for many, the 40th anniversary is a kind of milestone. After all, there is even a sign - do not celebrate the "fortieth year". But what happens in reality?

Gradually, there is a decrease in the production of sex hormones. For women, this process going faster. A decrease in estrogen closer to 45-47 years often makes women irritable, anxious, tearfulness increases, hot flashes occur. Hot flashes are associated with disturbance nervous regulation vascular tone and disturb 85% of women. Experts believe that in the "risk group" women:

* who have always had a pronounced premenstrual syndrome(PMS);* suffering vegetovascular dystonia;* having endocrine diseases(for example, thyroid problems);* diabetics and obese people.

To support hormonal background, you need to ensure that the diet has enough vitamins E, K, folic acid(Vitamin Sun).

Is it necessary to "clean" the vessels?

Tamara OGIEVA, cardiologist:

Estrogen - natural protector blood vessels. The more it is, the better the tone of the vessels. Female vessels are more plastic and less prone to atherosclerosis. In girls, as cardiologists joke, cholesterol is deposited at the waist, and not on the walls of blood vessels.

But after 40 - 45 years, the hormonal background begins to change. The elasticity of the vessels is lost, the capillaries become fragile.

* Cleans and expands blood vessels honey (at least a tablespoon a day), dried apricots (100 g per day), lemon juice, grapefruit, persimmon, garlic. * Salt retains fluid and can cause vasospasm. Try to eat less salty and spicy foods - smoked sausages, sausages, meat and cold-smoked fish. * At least 3-4 times a week, eat fish, especially sea food, seafood, they are rich in Omega-3 acids, which protect the walls of blood vessels from loss of elasticity and the formation of cholesterol plaques.* Eat at least 500 grams of raw vegetables and fruits every day. They contain fiber, from which fibrous fibers are synthesized in the body, which strengthen blood vessels.

VEGETABLE OILS (olive, sunflower, corn). They contain a lot of vitamin E, which keeps blood vessels elastic, and unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

BERRIES (fresh and frozen), pears, bananas, cereals, grain bread. They have a lot of fiber. plant fibers help to remove excess fats from the body that “clog” blood vessels.

raisins, flour bread coarse grinding, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, beans in any form, as well as watermelons - a source of magnesium. It has a vasodilating effect (helps relieve spasms).

TOMATOES, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, baked potatoes, beans rich in potassium. It helps cardiac conduction and controls water-salt exchange(reduces the risk of edema).

SWEET PEPPER, citrus fruits, apples, sea buckthorn, wild rose, cranberries. All of them are sources of vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the lining of the heart.

CALMAR, mussels, sea ​​kale. They contain iodine, which is important not only for the thyroid gland, but also protects against atherosclerosis.

NUTS, as well as beef liver, kidneys, Rye bread, spinach, pumpkin. They are rich in B vitamins.

They stimulate metabolism and inhibit the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

It interferes with the absorption of vitamins

* Alcohol flushes out vitamins A, the entire B group, as well as calcium, zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium. * Nicotine destroys vitamins A, C, E and selenium. * Caffeine (more than 4 cups of coffee a day) kills vitamins B, PP, reduces the content of iron, potassium, zinc, calcium in the body. * Sleeping pills impede the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, B12, reduces the level of calcium.

Our body is so smart that it tells us when it runs out of any vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to know how he does it. Experts are sure that if you really wanted something, then it is quite possible that it is thanks to this that the body shows which vitamins it lacks. If you crave chocolate, then most likely the body lacks magnesium. And you can replenish its amount with the help of products that are not so harmful to the figure. These include: wheat bran, cereals, corn, seeds, nuts, dates, peanuts. Just 60 grams of one of these products will help you avoid magnesium deficiency. The desire to eat caramel indicates a lack of chromium in the body. Insufficient amount of it can lead to loss of attention, physical weakness. To help the body, you need to eat cheese, black bread, sprouted wheat grains, liver, egg yolk. The desire to eat meat indicates an iron deficiency. Buckwheat and oatmeal, apples, spinach, persimmon. Everyone who wants salty, most likely, lacks calcium in the body, which can be replenished with the help of dried apricots, nuts, raisins, red wine.

Trace elements and their role in our body
A sufficient level of microelements is a healthy and productive functioning of the whole organism. Micronutrient deficiencies, which currently affect over 2 billion people worldwide, are the leading cause mental retardation, blindness and death during childbirth. Since they are responsible for defects in the central nervous system, their role in reducing the most common form of birth defects - cardiac, is quite significant.

It is present throughout our body, but most of all in the bones and enamel of the teeth. Its beneficial effect is felt literally by the whole body: it stabilizes the work endocrine glands, is a participant in the formation of the skeleton, increases the level of sex hormones, which is especially important in menopause for women.
List of products: legumes, soybeans, beets, corn, buckwheat, rice.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: hormonal imbalance in the body, which may result in women - erosion, fibroids, cancerous tumors female organs, osteoporosis. Urolithiasis disease and joint diseases.

Component hemoglobin, which stimulates the process of cell respiration. Responsible for hematopoiesis. Particularly responsible for the condition of skin cells, gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity.
List of products: hazelnut, sesame, mustard, kelp, pomegranate, apple, pumpkin seeds.
Symptoms of deficiency in the body: fatigue, drowsiness, dryness and roughness of the skin, bad condition nails, dry mouth, in a word anemia. There is also a perversion of taste.

Rice is the main ingredient in Japanese cuisine. In the land of the rising sun, it is called the word "gohan", which means not only a specific product, but food in general.

The Japanese believe that it is in it that one of the secrets of their health and phenomenal longevity lies. For more than 7 thousand years, this cereal has been used in the East - in Japan, China, Korea - and not only for food. Various healing drinks are prepared from it to restore lost health and preserve youth and beauty.

Experts say that rice grown in Japan is the healthiest. It is an ideal food item as it contains many nutrients important for health. Despite the fact that it is rich in carbohydrates, eating it does not lead to weight gain and obesity - sources high pressure and cordially vascular diseases. Rice grains are more nutritious and digestible than corn or wheat grains. 150 grams of boiled cereal contains as much protein as 100 ml of milk, no more fat than a slice white bread, magnesium - as in five sprigs of asparagus, and calcium - as in one tomato. The list of useful components of boiled rice also includes essential amino acids, up to a dozen organic acids, B vitamins and vitamin E, iron and vegetable fiber.

Since ancient times, in the East, rice has been considered the main indicator of a person's wealth, and its cultivation is one of the honorable occupations. Only a warrior stood above the peasant who grew it in social status. And today in Japan there is a rice field near the imperial palace. On one of April days, the emperor plants seedlings in the field, and in the fall he reaps it and sacrifices grains to the goddess of the sun Amaterasu so that the people live in prosperity.

There is a beautiful ancient legend about rice. It is passed down from mouth to mouth, from one generation to the next.

Rice, like a living being, has a soul. She is kind and proud at the same time. One day, the deity Inari herself, in her staff, brought several grains of rice to one of the villages. From year to year, generous harvests began to be collected here. The villagers grew rich and gradually became lazy. They stopped caring for him and only had fun and drank sake. But rice still tried to give good harvests hoping that the peasants will come to their senses. Once it occurred to someone to make a target out of a rice cake and everyone shot at their breadwinner. The offended soul of the rice turned into a beautiful white bird and flew away, and the next day the village was plunged into sadness - not even a grain of rice was left anywhere. And the villagers all died of starvation. So the soul of rice punished people for neglect and disrespect for their main breadwinner.

Since then, rice has become the main value of man, because it keeps people alive. It was stockpiled and stored in special barns called "okura". And now the Ministry of Finance of Japan is called Okura-se, that is, the Ministry of Barns.

Rice has a balanced Yin-Yang energy, since the “legs” of the plant are in the water, and the “head” is under the sun. It can be eaten daily, it does not bother. By itself, the taste of cereal is neutral, so it goes well with seafood, fish, vegetables, meat, fruits and herbs. From it you can get several thousand nutritious and very tasty dishes.

The most popular in Japan are rice balls with raw fish and horseradish - "sushi". A variety of "sushi" - "norimaki" - is made from raw fish covered with rice and wrapped in "nori" - soy-soaked and dried seaweed leaves. It is prepared in the form of a roll and cut into pieces. There are still very interesting dish- "chirashi-zushi" - acidified rice mixed with shrimp, vegetables and pieces of fish. "Nigiri-meshi" - small cakes made from boiled rice and sprinkled with grated sesame seeds, eaten cold with various snacks. "Mochi" are large rice cakes that are used in rituals.

It is difficult for us, Russians and Ukrainians, to imagine how rice can be eaten as a main dish. In our country, it is often used as a side dish for fish or meat. Cooking the rice Japanese recipe, you can understand how tasty, fragrant and fragrant it is.

How to cook rice properly.

There are several varieties of rice. It depends on it nutritional properties and cooking method.

The long-grain variety is best steamed or boiled. It is an excellent side dish for vegetable, meat and fish dishes.

Short-grained - best absorbed in puddings and other breakfast dishes.

Sticky with round rice grains - pearls - sweetish. Before cooking, it must be soaked in a small amount of water. In Japan, it is served as an independent dish on lotus or bamboo leaves. It is great for making desserts. It is used to make rice wine and rice vinegar.

The brown variety is used in the same way as the long grain variety, it contains more yang energy. Rice vinegar is also made from it.

The most energetic and nutritious is the wild variety.

Recipe for classic Japanese rice.

Before cooking, the cereals must be thoroughly rinsed with water until it becomes clear water. Throw the washed rice in a colander, place in a saucepan and pour cold water at the rate of 3 cups of water (750 ml) per 2.5 cups of cereals (480 grams). Let stand for 40 minutes, cover with a lid and put on fire until boiling. Let simmer for 4 minutes on high heat, 8 minutes on medium heat and 3 minutes on low heat.

It is not recommended to open the lid during cooking and after removing from the heat for 15-20 minutes so that it can steam. During this time, the rice will completely absorb the water. Then, with a quick movement, remove the lid so that water drops from the lid do not fall into the cooked dish. When the steam comes off, it must be stirred with a wooden spoon from the bottom of the pan upwards so that it becomes fluffy and crumbly.

During cooking, the Japanese do not salt rice. When serving, you can salt it, add soy sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup or other seasoning to taste. The dish is ready! You can put it on plates and eat an unusually tasty and crumbly rice that melts in your mouth. It is recommended to eat it all so as not to warm it up. It can be combined with any food - vegetables, fish, seafood, meat, except bread. When the Japanese eat rice, they don't eat bread.

Healing properties of rice.

1. Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins and promotes weight loss. If you want to cleanse and lose weight, I recommend reading my book on this subject.

2. Regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and promotes recovery even in chronic diseases.

3. Activates the work of the spleen and other organs. It is believed that a person who eats at least three cups of rice a day remains young for a long time, since the substances contained in it slow down aging.

Now we know , and how to cook it. And if you wish to cook sushi (sushi) and rolls on your own, then this video will be of interest to you:

I wish you health and longevity!

Every mother wants to give birth to a healthy and strong child. An important role in the development of the fetus is played by the lifestyle of a woman, and what foods she consumes during pregnancy. First of all expectant mother focus on useful and natural products. Rice is one of the most affordable and healthy foods. What varieties of rice are there, and how it affects the body - read on.

Is steamed rice good for pregnant women?

Rice occupies a significant place on our table. It is considered as popular as potatoes, pasta and bread. This product is prescribed for pregnant women. It perfectly saturates the body and promotes good health.

Rice contains 70% starch. It is well absorbed by the body and does not adversely affect the stomach.

This product does not contain gluten. Therefore, it is not capable of causing allergies and can be included in the diet of a pregnant woman even in the later stages.

The benefits of rice:

  1. Rice contains protein. Therefore, this product is especially useful for vegetarians.
  2. Due to the fact that rice contains vitamin B, this product reduces the intensity of mood swings in a pregnant woman, supports immune system and improves metabolism. Vitamin B9 helps build the placenta.
  3. The cleansing and diuretic properties of rice are great for overweight women. Also, this product will help those who suffer from edema.
  4. Rice contains light and difficult carbohydrates. Thanks to this, such a product can energize a pregnant woman leading active image life.
  5. In diarrhea, the use of rice replaces the fastening medicines.

All represented useful properties has rice. However, the degree of its usefulness depends on the processing method.

Ways of processing rice, and the degree of their usefulness:

  1. The biggest benefit for your body will be from unpolished rice, since it is in the skin that contains most of beneficial trace elements. This rice is brown and has a nutty flavor.
  2. Parboiled rice contains less useful substances yet very useful. It tastes like regular rice. Raw, it has an amber hue.
  3. Polished rice contains the least useful elements. It is very nutritious, but helps to hold the intestines together with diarrhea.
  4. Wild rice is very long and has a black shell. This product is very beneficial for the intestines. Usually wild rice is mixed with other varieties of this cereal.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the benefits of rice depend on the type of processing. So choose brown rice whenever possible.

Harm of rice porridge during pregnancy

Although rice is very useful, some of its varieties have some contraindications. First of all, this applies to white polished rice.

Contraindications to the use of white polished rice:

  1. White polished rice has a binding effect. Women suffering from constipation should not use it.
  2. The peeled rice has a high glycemic index. Therefore, it is contraindicated in people with diabetes.
  3. Also, do not eat white rice in large quantities for women prone to gaining weight. excess weight. Especially you need to monitor your diet in the last trimester, as an excess of carbohydrates can lead to fetal gigantism.

All these contraindications do not apply to brown rice. This product is so useful that even diabetics can consume it in limited quantities. Also, the unpeeled shell on rice will allow you to avoid problems with constipation and weight gain.

If you don't like specific taste brown rice, then pay attention to the steamed cereal. Of course, such a product is contraindicated for diabetics, but it contains more nutrients than its refined counterpart.

Benefits of undercooked rice

Raw, or as it is also called undercooked rice, is a real benefit for those who decide to lose weight. Therefore, it is actively eaten by people who adhere to a healthy diet.

Undercooked rice is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. This product does not have sufficient nutritional value, and may lead to the most backfire. Also, do not eat undercooked rice with diabetes.

Undercooked rice removes slags, toxins and salts from the body. And if rice porrige harmful to the figure, then raw cereal, on the contrary, leads to weight loss.

Doctors also note the anthelmintic effect of rice. It should also be noted positive influence on skin, hair and nails.

This diet can be used after you finish breastfeeding your baby and decide to regain your figure. Its main advantage is that during the day you can eat in moderation any food, limiting only sweet and starchy foods.

This rice is not even boiled. To prepare it, you need to wash the rice in the evening and soak it in water, in the morning you drain the water, rinse the rice and soak it in water again. This procedure must be carried out within five days. In this case, the number of tablespoons of raw rice should be equal to your age.

After the rice is cooked, you need to eat 1 tbsp every morning on an empty stomach. spoons of rice without water. The first meal after this should be no earlier than 4 hours later.

Why you want rice and how to cook it

During pregnancy, women, especially vegetarians, often crave rice. Many do not understand why. After all, rice is not a sweet or salty product that does not have a pronounced taste. It's all about the protein it contains. It is the lack of protein that causes the desire to eat rice. So, let's see 2 recipes for all occasions.

Rice recipes:

  1. If you want something tasty, then we advise you to cook pilaf. To do this, fry pieces of meat on high heat to a crust, add large pieces of carrots and onion rings to it. Reduce the heat, cover the vegetables with a lid and simmer (do not add water) for 40 minutes. After that, salt the vegetables, you can also add black and red pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander, paprika, basil, rosemary and ground garlic. Sprinkle the rice in an even layer over the vegetables and meat. Insert unpeeled garlic cloves and pour over warm water so that its height above the rice is equal to the thickness of 1.5 female fingers or 2 male fingers. Without disturbing the pilaf, cover the cauldron with a lid, and keep it in this state until the water has completely evaporated. After the rice is ready, stir it and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  2. If you are a vegetarian, then you will definitely like rice with vegetables. Take half a kilogram of rice, fill it with water and cook until tender, rinse the rice with warm water and add butter. As soon as you put the rice to boil, pour over the frozen vegetables hot water(usually one pack is enough), when the rice is cooked and seasoned, remove the water from the vegetables and add to the rice.

Each of these recipes are delicious. You can also make boiled unsalted rice for toxicosis. It will relieve symptoms and energize.

Is it possible to rice during pregnancy (video)

Rice is a tasty and healthy product. If you are pregnant, you can safely consume this cereal. However, do not forget about contraindications to it, and our advice. Watch your diet and live healthy!

Our body is akin to a computer that clearly monitors the activity of each organ and controls the operation of all systems. And if there is a shortage of some element in the body, it immediately sends a signal to the brain about the existing deficit and possible problems with health. Each of us hears these signals in the form of changing taste preferences and a spontaneous desire to eat something tasty, albeit completely unhealthy.

This article is designed to teach each of us to listen to own feelings and understand the signals that the body gives. This will allow us to take timely measures and prevent the occurrence of diseases.


What the body lacks when you want something unhealthy

I want sweet

If you've never considered yourself a "sweet tooth" and suddenly crave sweets, be on the lookout. Your body does not have enough glucose. To fix the situation, it is not necessary to grab candy and sweet pretzels. A lot of glucose is found in sweet berries and fruits (strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pears, grapes), as well as in sweet vegetables (carrots, pumpkins and sweet onions). If desired, you can replenish glucose deficiency bee honey, a handful of raisins, dates or figs.

If you have an unbearable desire for chocolate, which you have not observed yourself before, most likely, your body does not have enough magnesium. To replenish the reserves of this macronutrient, you can eat a quarter of a bar of dark chocolate, as well as eat nuts (pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews), seaweed, oatmeal, beans and peas.

I want salty

Craving for salty? Leave salted nuts and salted crackers alone. There is enough salt in food, and your body does not need excess salt, because it will retain fluid, contributing to the appearance of edema and increased blood pressure. The emergence of a craving for salty foods makes it clear that your body lacks chlorides. You can get them from fish (both sea and river), cheese, mushrooms, black bread and butter. Unboiled goat's milk will also benefit.

By the way, when preparing food for yourself and your family, replace the usual edible salt, unrefined sea ​​salt. In addition to replenishing sodium and chlorine, this product will give your body a whole range of vitamins and minerals that will contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

I want sour

Cravings for acidic foods indicate that your body needs vitamin C. Fixing the situation is simple - just eat a slice of lemon, eat kiwi or grapefruit. Of the other products that will make up for the deficiency of the vitamin in question and satisfy cravings for sour foods, it is worth highlighting: black currants and Brussels sprouts, rose hips and strawberries, beans, green pea and radish.

I want fat

craving for fatty foods hints at a lack of calcium in the body. To cope with this addiction, you should not lean on fatty pork and french fries. Just make up for the calcium deficiency by including milk, butter and hard cheeses, legumes (beans, peas), pistachios and walnuts, barley grits and oatmeal in the diet. Such food will bring more benefit your health and protect against obesity, as well as from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

I want smoked meats

Craving smoked foods? Does the smell of smoked sausage give you an irresistible craving for such food? Most likely, you simply do not have enough “good” cholesterol. In smoked sausage and others meat products, like sausages and sausages, there is plenty of cholesterol, but it is “harmful”, as it is deposited under the skin in the form of fat and clogs blood vessels cholesterol plaques. But the cholesterol you need is found in sea fish (salmon, tuna, flounder, sardines and herring), as well as in seafood (oysters, shrimp, mussels). Also, replace refined butter with flaxseed or olive oil, eat nuts and avocados regularly.

I want burnt food

Burnt food is a real treat for you? Do you love overcooked cutlets and pizza with a burnt crust? You just don't have enough carbs. You just need to understand what is simple carbohydrates, which we get with sugar, sweet pastry, white bread and confectionery. Such carbohydrates are harmful to our health, spoil the figure and provoke many diseases. But there are other, complex carbohydrates that each of us needs to replenish energy reserves and maintain body tone. We can find them in cereals and soups based on cereals, in legumes (except soybeans), as well as in various vegetables.

Want fizzy drinks

If you go to the store and crave carbonated drinks, you should think about the lack of calcium. Do not rush to indulge your desires, because sweet sodas, like Coca-Cola and Fanta, contain a huge amount of refined sugar, which worsens health and is also addictive comparable to addiction to drugs. Better drink fresh milk or kefir, eat cottage cheese and cheese, or eat almonds, dates or raisins. Replenishing the calcium deficiency, you will forget about the harmful addiction to "soda".

I want cold drinks

Do you drink exclusively cold drinks, and in the supermarket you do not pass by a refrigerator with chilled liquids? Check the level of manganese in the body and do not be surprised if it turns out to be deficient. Cold drinks, as, indeed, and all cold food, slows down the metabolism of the body and "slows down" metabolic processes in it, leading to obesity and other problems. But the problem can be solved. Just make up for your magnesium deficiency by eating oatmeal and barley groats, seaweed, peas, beans and various nuts (almonds, pine nuts, pistachios and cashews).

want liquid food

Cravings for liquid foods are due to the fact that your body is dehydrated and needs moisture. To do this, make it a rule to drink 7-10 glasses during the day. clean water without forgetting to add a little lemon juice or lime.

Want solid food

Strong cravings for solid foods are rare. As a rule, the total dehydration of the body is to blame, in which it loses the ability to feel thirsty. In this case, the advice is similar - drink more clean water (up to 10 glasses a day) and the harmful desire is exclusively solid food will disappear immediately.

But after all, it often happens that we want not just salty or sweet food but rather specific products. What is the body trying to tell us in these cases? Let's try to figure it out.


So, what the body lacks, if you want:


You have a deficiency of B vitamins, which can be filled by eating meat and fish, beans, peas and various nuts;

dried apricots

Such a desire indicates a lack of vitamin A in the body. Chicken meat and corn, beef liver, various nuts and mushrooms will help eliminate the deficiency;


A similar desire can occur against the background of a lack of potassium and phosphorus. If you want melon constantly, try to diversify your diet with foods with potassium (broccoli, parsley and basil), as well as foods with high content phosphorus (marine and river fish, peas, potatoes and buckwheat);


The constant desire to eat bananas may be due to your addiction to coffee, or it may hint at a potassium deficiency. In this case, as with melon cravings, eat more greens (parsley, nettle, broccoli), as well as figs, white beans, and tomatoes;

Olives and olives

Your body does not have enough sodium, i.e. salt. To restore balance, include sea or pink Himalayan salt in your diet, which really brings health to the body;

Milk or kefir

Desire to drink milk in the morning and evening or dairy products indicates a lack of calcium, as well as a possible deficiency of essential amino acids (lysine and tryptophan). If there is such a craving, do not deny yourself the pleasure of drinking milk, eating yogurt and cottage cheese. In addition to this, eat legumes, nuts, red meat, mushrooms and chicken eggs. By the way, a lack of calcium can be expressed in the desire of a person to gnaw on chalk or earth.


An irresistible craving for sea fish, shrimp and other seafood clearly indicates an iodine deficiency in the body. Such a shortage can result in problems with the thyroid gland, and therefore do not deny yourself these, no doubt, useful products, and in addition, eat feijoa and replace edible salt with iodized salt;


The desire to eat cheese subtly hints that the body needs more phosphorus and calcium. You can help the body if you replenish daily diet other dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir), as well as more often use broccoli, beans, mustard, garlic and various nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts or pistachios);

Of bread

Some people simply do not sit down to eat without bread, and even use it with potatoes and pasta. Do you think it's a habit? Most likely, their body lacks nitrogen, which can be obtained from foods that are high in protein (meat, fish or nuts);


Does the mere mention of herring make you salivate? Are you ready to eat herring at least every day? You lack the “right” fats that can be obtained from other marine fish, olive and rapeseed oils, avocados and pumpkin seeds;


If you love butter and regularly spread it on bread, remember how long ago you were on the street? It turns out that such cravings indicate a deficiency of vitamin D, which is produced in the body under the influence of sun rays. But the raw material for the production of this "solar" vitamin is fish fat, sea ​​fish(tuna, sardines and salmon), chicken eggs and cow's milk;

sunflower seed

Everyone has a desire to click seeds from time to time, but if it haunts you almost constantly, most likely you smoke a lot or lack antioxidant vitamins, i.e. in vitamins A, C and E. And for some people, cravings for seeds and nuts hint at low level hemoglobin. To make up for the lack of red blood cells, such people need to eat beef and beef liver, pomegranates and beets, persimmons, hard cheeses and parsley more often.

By the way, addiction to certain products may indicate diseases that are present in the body.

Here are some examples.

Spices, seasonings, onion and garlic

If you're losing your mind over these foods, it's likely you have a respiratory problem.


An unhealthy craving for bananas hints at problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Sunflower seeds

In addition to the lack of certain vitamins, the desire to click seeds every day indicates an accumulation in the body huge amount free radicals, which cause early aging of the body.

Olives and olives

An addiction to such fruits may indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland or a developing thyroid goiter.

Ice cream

The craving for this sweet coolness, as a rule, occurs in the hot season. But if you can't refuse ice cream even in winter, your body probably lacks calcium. And the addiction to such a delicacy is fed by people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Doctors should deal with this problem.

And vice versa. Some symptoms may tell us which food to look for.


If your skin is flaky, it's likely your body is deficient in iodine.

Supplements with this trace element, iodized salt, as well as carrots, onions, seaweed and various seafood will help correct the situation;

If your teeth are turning yellow, it may be your passion for smoking.

If this is not the case, then it is worth replenishing the reserves of trace elements in the body. To do this, lean on legumes (peas, beans and lentils), and also eat more greens, bananas and fish;

Constant pain in the heart and heart malaise, hint at a potassium deficiency in the body

You can eliminate this drawback by eating all kinds of vegetables and fruits, not forgetting to add dried apricots, seaweed, prunes, cashew nuts and almonds to the diet more often.

And here are a few more food addictions that can tell a lot about the state of our body.

For example, if you have:

Zhor before critical days

This condition often haunts women with zinc deficiency. Eat more red meat, offal, do not forget about vegetables and root vegetables;

Constant zhor

If you're constantly craving the fridge, even if you've recently eaten, you may be deficient in silicon as well as certain amino acids (tyrosine and tryptophan). You can find silicon in buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal, legumes and corn, and in order to replenish amino acids, you will have to eat bananas and mushrooms, dates and pine nuts, yogurt, red meat and soy more often;

Lost appetite completely

Lack of appetite clearly indicates a minimum content of manganese in the body, as well as a deficiency of vitamins B1 and B2. For reference: spinach and garlic, mushrooms and beef liver, nuts and apricots are very rich in manganese. At the same time, you can find B vitamins in pork, oatmeal, buckwheat and various nuts;

I want to chew on ice

Such a non-standard desire hints at an iron deficiency in the body. Try to fix the problem by eating more apples, spinach, beef liver and buckwheat;

want to smoke. If you are not currently making an attempt to quit this addiction, a strong craving for smoking may indicate a deficiency of silicon in the body. Here the food will be the same as with a constant zhor.

passion for food

Chocolate sweet passion

It turns out that cravings for sweets, including chocolate, are more likely to affect smokers, as well as people engaged in hard mental work, whose brain constantly requires glucose. A chocolate bar in this case will solve the problem, but eating chocolate every day is not an option, and therefore vegetables, herbs and cereals should appear in your diet every day, because. they are rich in complex carbohydrates. And as a sweet dessert, you can afford a handful of raisins, dried apricots and other sweet dried fruits.

Lemon sour passion

Cravings for acidic foods are often observed in those people who eat a lot of hard-to-digest foods, which is why their body requires acid to increase the acidity of the stomach. To improve nutrition and get rid of existing cravings, avoid overcooked, oversalted and overly spicy foods. Try to eat boiled food, and in your diet should be not only solid, but also liquid dishes.

Incidentally, sometimes sour berries and fruit pulls during a cold. In this case, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating them, because such products contain a lot of antioxidants that will help to cope with the disease.

cheese passion

If you can't get through the day without eating a slice of cheese, it's likely that your body needs an extra dose of calcium and phosphorus. Of course, cheese itself is one of the main sources of these trace elements, but to overcome addiction, diversify your diet with broccoli, milk, kefir, cottage cheese and fish. Buckwheat, peas and chicken eggs should also get on your table more often.

smoked passion

As practice shows, the craving for smoked meats is observed in people who put themselves on strict diet. They began to eat everything fat-free and limited the intake of fat in the body, which led to a decrease in the level of "good" cholesterol. Fat-free meals are not always beneficial, and therefore, even while remaining on a diet, choose cottage cheese, kefir and medium-fat milk for yourself. Also add to daily ration at least 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. butter. It has long been proven that weight loss is impossible if fat metabolism is not established in the body.

As you can see, our food habits can tell a lot about the needs of the body. By listening to them, you can control the level of nutrients, which means you will always be healthy and full of energy!