Poor condition of the dog after a tick bite. Diseases of dogs from ixodid and scabies mites: symptoms and prevention

If neurointoxication does occur, it can manifest itself in a dog in different ways. But most often, “tick paralysis” occurs. As a rule, first the pet’s hind limbs, pelvic region, and, as a result, the front limbs fail. But malfunctions motor functions– this is not the limit of the progression of the tick infection. Your four-legged friend may simply lose his voice some time after an insect bite. This phenomenon is called dysphonia. The connections work as before, but there is either no sound at all or it is intermittent.

But much more serious consequences arise due to disturbances in the functioning of the cranial nerves. The pet has poor functioning swallowing reflexes, he may simply die from suffocation. But such complications occur infrequently; most often, a dog breeder has to treat his pet for problems with motor skills.

Remember: sometimes motor disorders go away on their own after 2-3 days. This means that your dog's infection occurred in mild form, and there is no need to be afraid of any complications. But if your pet's health continues to deteriorate, it's time to consult a veterinarian. Delay in this case could cost the dog’s life.

Local changes at the site of the bite

If a dog is bitten by a tick, what consequences may occur? Already 2-3 hours after you remove the insect from the dog’s skin, skin disorders are noticeable. Such allergic reaction the body makes itself felt in different manifestations. This is influenced by several external factors:

After two days, purulent reactions may occur on the dog’s body. All this happens due to harmful microorganisms that enter the animal’s body through the tick’s saliva. The main thing is to provide complete treatment at this stage. If you are a dog owner small breed, it is quite possible that you will need to inject it into your pet's skin. antihistamines. This way, you will eliminate the possibility of further development of allergic reactions.

Infectious diseases

If the first symptoms do not always alert dog owners, further progression of the infection can result in much more serious consequences. But the main problem lies in the fact that the dog owner cannot always associate the symptoms with a tick bite. Infectious diseases make themselves felt much later; several months may pass after the bite.

That is why you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. To clearly understand what owners of dogs who have been bitten have to deal with infected tick, consider the list of the most common diseases:

  • bartonellosis. This disease affects red blood cells and macrophages. Its manifestations can be varied. Sometimes a dog is a carrier of the disease for several years, and no special symptoms No. But there are times when a dog dies suddenly, without previous signs. Diagnosing the disease is difficult; the most common symptoms include fever, weakness or partial failure of the hind legs, drowsiness, and weight loss. In some cases, the dog has meningitis, swelling of the lungs, or hemorrhages in the eyeballs;
  • hepatozoonosis. This infection will not cause harm to humans, but among dogs the disease is quite common. Pests enter leukocytes and spread throughout the body. Interestingly, a pet becomes infected with such a disease not through a tick bite, but rather due to its ingestion. Moreover, the symptoms appear after some time, which completely confuses any dog ​​breeder. And all because while the pet’s immunity was high, the infection “sat” in the body. At an unfortunate moment for the dog, the disease becomes active, and you may experience the following symptoms - fever, lacrimation, weakness, muscle or joint pain;

  • ehrlichiosis. This tick-borne disease characterized mainly by increasing fever. 2-3 weeks after the tick has been on your dog’s skin, your pet may become inactive and even lethargic. There are times when before last illness does not manifest itself in any way, and then it turns out that your four-legged friend internal organs are affected;
  • borreliosis. Another name for the disease is Lyme disease. This disease is primarily dangerous because it is transmitted intrauterinely. The first signs include inflammation of the joints. Subsequently, a reddish ring forms around the bite site, which increases in size. After a few weeks, borreliosis appears in fully. The dog suffers from fever, stiff gait, swollen lymph nodes, weakness and poor appetite. Joint inflammation can become chronic;
  • piroplasmosis. Perhaps this disease most often appears in dogs after a tick bite. Lethargy and lack of appetite eventually develop into jaundice and heart failure. The color of the urine becomes dark and there may be blood in it.

Remember that all these infectious diseases lead to fatal outcome in the absence of treatment. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian immediately after removing a tick from your dog's skin.

First aid

As soon as the infected tick bit the dog, the animal became infected, because When a tick bites, it injects its saliva into the wound to prevent blood clotting - the animal becomes ill.

Symptoms piroplasmosis after a dog tick bite. Incubation period about 6-10 days, less often up to 20, then certain signs are observed:

  • Increase in temperature
  • Refusal to feed
  • Weakness, difficulty gait, the hind limbs are especially weak
  • Hematuria (urine that is bloody or dark color)
  • Pale mucous membranes oral cavity and eye
The hyperacute form occurs at lightning speed without visible signs and ends with the death of the animal. Acute form piroplasmosis lasts about 2-4 days with clear signs. Urine becomes reddish or coffee-colored (due to increased bilirubin), the temperature rises to 41-42 degrees. Oppressed general state lethargy, fever. The pulse is rapid, the mucous membrane is pale, icteric in color. The hind limbs are greatly weakened.

Sometimes, in dogs with increased resistance, there is chronic course. The temperature rises only in the first days, then returns to normal. Clinical picture lubricated and lasts up to 6 weeks. Animals quickly get tired and their appetite worsens. Periods of improvement are followed by depression. Constipation alternates with diarrhea. Exhaustion and anemia progresses. It is known that the disease was diagnosed in the middle of winter.

placed only after examining peripheral blood smears (from the ear).

To begin with, drugs are prescribed to destroy piroplasms, then it is necessary to prescribe drugs to maintain and treat the entire organism as a whole.

  • Administration of antipyroplasmid drugs (veriben, berenil, etc.);
  • Intravenous administration solutions of electrolytes and diuretics to relieve intoxication;
  • Heart medications, vitamins, hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Karsil, etc.).

After recovery, dogs must be limited in movement for 10-15 days. The veterinarian can also recommend vitamins and medications that normalize the function of the liver, kidneys and heart muscle.

Prevention of piroplasmosis and tick bites in dogs

In the warm season, dogs are treated monthly with acaricidal preparations in the form of a spray or drops on the withers (Frontline, Advantix, Bars, etc.). Inspect your pet after a walk for ticks. If you do find ticks, carefully remove them and treat the bite site with iodine. In the following days, be sure to monitor the dog; when the first signs appear, you must urgently contact veterinarian. The sooner treatment for piroplasmosis in a dog is started, the greater the chance of recovery.

If a dog is bitten by a tick on the street, the consequences can be negative and sometimes, alas, even fatal. She is at risk of contracting piroplasmosis, an infection caused for canines by protozoa of the genus Piroplasma canis. You can also find another name for the disease - babesiosis.

Infection with piroplasmosis in dogs leads to high mortality, which is why it is so important not to miss characteristic symptoms in order to start treatment on time and not lose your four-legged friend.

What symptoms are characteristic of piroplasmosis in a dog?

Owners of barking pets who encounter a tick attack for the first time do not really understand what symptoms to expect when a tick bites a dog and what to do in the future. After all, many signs of piroplasmosis are similar to other canine diseases - distemper, enteritis, leptospirosis, which are not associated with a tick bite and require completely different treatment.

A particular problem is caused by the frequent fact that a dog was bitten by a tick, but was not found on the body, and the owner may for a long time not to guess that the deterioration of his four-legged friend’s condition is associated with a tick.

Each dog's infection manifests itself purely individually. The presence of piroplasms in the blood is more difficult to tolerate:

  • puppies;
  • young dogs;
  • chronically ill dogs;
  • purebred dogs.

Therefore, an idea of ​​the picture of the disease and what symptoms clearly indicate it will help to begin emergency treatment in time.

  • The most early signs, helping to alert the owner is a decrease in the dog’s activity. The dog loses its usual playfulness, does not show joy, becomes apathetic, does not ask to go for a walk, and stops carelessly jumping and running.
  • Next initial symptoms, allowing one to suspect piroplasmosis, is a loss of appetite and refusal not only from food, but also from a previously loved and desired delicacy. Nutrition becomes problematic - the dog literally cannot be fed. It is the fact that the dog turns away from the treat that is the SOS signal in the first days of infection!
  • Afterwards, on days 3 - 5, more warning signs on the part of digestion - vomiting, often with mucus, because the dog remained hungry all this time, and sometimes diarrhea with a characteristic bright yellow or greenish color liquid masses Symptoms of diarrhea are not always observed; the stool may look normal, but the color changes to the indicated one.
  • At the same time, you can already notice that the dog is trying to move less, as if this brings him suffering. Her steps are constrained, she prefers to constantly lie away from her master’s eyes and not leave a secluded place. Such symptoms already indicate the progression of the disease.
  • But the main symptoms of piroplasmosis are associated with a change in the color of urine - it noticeably darkens, becoming similar to beer or coffee, and may change to a dark brown color. Such symptoms unmistakably indicate piroplasms in the blood that destroy red blood cells, and the need to urgently begin treatment, otherwise irreversible processes may soon kill the dog.
  • In healthy adult dogs, the picture may be completely asymptomatic, when the dog dies suddenly for the owners, without previously showing special features ailments. But an attentive owner, even with the usual behavior of his dog, will notice a change in the suspicious color of the urine, and will guess that this is due to the consequences of a tick bite on his dog.

Important! As soon as the urine changed color, the count of the pet’s life, if treatment is not started urgently, went to the clock! On the fifth day after the onset of the disease, the dog dies! Already at this stage, resuscitation measures will have to be taken.

How does a dog become infected with piroplasmosis?

Tick ​​on a dog's body

Piroplasmas have two types of hosts during their cyclic development. The first to act as intermediate are dogs, foxes, wolves, jackals and other canids, and the second to act as final are ixodid ticks, in the body of which piroplasms reproduce and further transform.

Female carriers of the infection transmit it to the laid eggs, from where already infected larvae emerge. Therefore, both at the larval stage and in the future, such a tick, biting healthy dog, will infect her with infection.

Peak outbreaks of the disease in dogs coincide with the period of tick-borne activity, which, unlike the threat to humans, is more extended over time. Because larvae and nymphs practically do not bite humans, but a dog is a completely accessible victim for them. Just then threatening symptoms Tick ​​bites occur in dogs.

Registration of cases of piroplasmosis occurs throughout the entire period of above-zero temperatures - from the very beginning of spring to the end of autumn, without stopping even in the middle of summer, when the larvae and nymphs begin to hunt. But widespread outbreaks traditionally occur in the middle - end of spring and at the end of summer - mid-autumn.

Therefore, it is better for a pet, even if it is treated with an anti-tick agent, after each walk through thickets of grass and bushes to do a thorough examination, palpating particularly vulnerable places on the body that are preferred by bloodsuckers:

  • head and ear area;
  • neck and chest;
  • front and hind legs, groin area.

Unfortunately, not a single one, not even the most good remedy will not completely protect the dog from a tick attack, that’s why in dangerous season Dog owners must not let down their vigilance - if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the death of the pet is inevitable.

Therefore, just the mere fact of the presence of an attached bloodsucker on a pet should alert the responsible owner; ignorance and frivolity in such cases often leads to the loss of a four-legged friend.

What to do if a tick is found on your dog

After an examination reveals a tick protruding from the dog’s body, it is better to remove it as soon as possible. The sooner the fact of a tick bite in a dog is detected, the easier the symptoms and treatment will be, and the more favorable the outcome.

The duration of an infectious tick bite on a dog is of great importance, since the entry of piroplasms into the victim’s body is not interrupted during the feeding period of the bloodsucker. Accordingly, the earlier this process is stopped, the fewer infectious agents will enter the dog’s blood, and the easier and more successful the treatment will be.

When feeling the dog, you need to carefully walk through the folds, front dewlap and neck, look into ears, don't forget about the groin.

Important! Possible signs Infections from a tick bite appear in a dog only when it is attacked by a tick infected with piroplasma. Not all of the listed symptoms will necessarily appear in a bitten dog, even if infected. Therefore, it is so important to carefully monitor your pet for a week, and in case of the slightest deterioration, immediately contact a veterinarian to begin treatment.

What to do if a tick is not found on the dog, but there are symptoms of piroplasmosis

Very often there is a picture when no tick was found on a dog, and the dog suddenly falls ill, and the symptoms resemble piroplasmosis.

How is piroplasmosis treated?

Treatment for an infected dog after a tick bite is based on laboratory data. Blood under a microscope clearly shows the presence of piroplasms. The therapy is aimed in combination at destroying pathogens and cleansing the dog’s body of intoxication caused by the activity of the infection.

  • Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian; self-medication is unacceptable and entails negative consequences for the dog.
  • You can often find people's councils How to treat a dog after a tick bite. Offered exotic recipes, up to the infusion of vodka.
  • This is absolutely not worth doing! Not only is it similar traditional therapy will not help the dog, but a precious chance to really cure the pet will be missed!

Important! The sooner you treat your pet, the more opportunities the dog has to survive and recover without consequences!

Treatment and nutrition of a sick and recovering dog

The bite of an infectious tick in a dog causes symptoms that require treatment and special nutrition, that is, a complex for caring for a sick animal.

After a dog has been bitten by a tick and is diagnosed with piroplasmosis, it is put on a diet and adheres to this regimen until complete recovery.

  • The diet includes a light diet without heavy animal fats - chicken fillet, beef tenderloin, oatmeal.
  • Food must be freshly prepared, water must be clean, and you can drink rosehip decoction without sugar.
  • To avoid having to prepare food for the dog every time, the veterinarian can recommend ready-made commercial food that is suitable for this period.
  • The gentle regime also applies to walks - training, hunting, competitions and exhibitions are postponed until the veterinarian gives permission.
  • Load on the body recovering dog should be minimal - leisurely steps, short walks over short distances, restrictions on outdoor games.

The duration of treatment and recovery for the dog depends on the severity of the infection, and can take 1 - 2 months or longer. To control dogs that have seriously suffered from the disease, you will have to donate blood again and show your pet to a doctor.

Prevention of tick bites in dogs

To prevent the very possibility of a tick bite in a dog, it is necessary to regularly treat it with anti-tick agents - drops in the withers area, sprays, or wear an acaricidal collar.

Hunting breeds, which are at greater risk than others of becoming a victim of a tick attack, can be treated comprehensively to increase the guarantee of protection:

  • drops plus collar;
  • drops plus spray;
  • collar plus spray.

You can vaccinate your pet against piroplasmosis for the season with the Nobivak Piro or Pirodog vaccines. But they do not guarantee 100% protection due to weak degree acquired immunity, but the risk of death is successfully leveled.

Important! The main thing is that if a bloodsucker is found on your pet, immediately remove it and carefully monitor your friend in the coming days to see if signs of an incipient disease appear.

The danger of a tick bite is infection pet and rapid reproduction of piroplasms, which lead to:

  • liver atrophy, since it does not process destroyed red blood cells;
  • kidney failure, with brown urine;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • development of intoxication;
  • metabolic disorders.

Developing symptoms depend on the progression of the disease. The acute form of the disease causes symptoms to develop within 5-10 days after the bite. The dog has a fever and is observed general weakness and refusal to eat. The animal sleeps a lot and whines while lying on its back, which indicates possible pain in a stomach. Bitches experience bloody smears from the vagina. The pet's urine darkens and untimely treatment sometimes contains bright blood.

The disease develops rapidly, then signs appear already on the first day after the bite. It is this form that leads to the death of the animal.

How to remove a tick at home

After removing the tick, treat the bite site alcohol solution iodine or brilliant green.

After removing a tick, you need to know how to treat your dog at home if it is not possible to show it to a doctor.

Drug treatment and consequences

However, injections of glucose and B vitamins, which are given intramuscularly, will not interfere. Puppies are smaller in size, so the dosage is appropriate for their weight. There is no need to delay visiting a doctor.

The consequences of a tick bite on a dog can be quite disastrous. The development of encephalitis after suffering from piroplasmosis is possible in dogs with reduced immunity, which will be accompanied by fever, muscle paralysis and convulsions. The prognosis for the disease is unfavorable.

Often after treatment of piroplasmosis complications remain:

  • joint diseases;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • heart failure;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system.

Preventive measures

Knowing how to treat a bite from a beloved pet at home is not enough. It is better to prevent the development of diseases and

Remember, when a dog is cured of piroplasmosis, re-infection is possible and the course of the disease will be more severe.

Ticks are carriers of diseases.

Diseases carried by ticks

How can ticks infect a dog? First of all, it penetrates into blood cells and begins to destroy them. When the virus enters an animal’s body, the disease develops rapidly, and the first symptoms can appear within a day after the tick bite. The statistics of this disease are disappointing, according to her, without timely about 98% of dogs die. That's why the main task The owner's responsibility is to immediately seek help from a veterinarian as soon as he notices the first symptoms of piroplasmosis infection.

At the first symptoms of infection, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.


You should get your blood tested after a tick bite.

How to tell if your dog has been bitten by a tick: main symptoms

If the owner notices that the pet after a walk in the forest or park scratches specific place on the body, bites itself and squeals pitifully, then he must carefully examine the dog’s body. Most likely, his four-legged friend became a victim of an attack by a small but extremely dangerous predator - a tick.

There are also several common symptoms by which the owner can determine that a miniature bloodsucker has attached itself to the body of his pet.

  • The animal becomes apathetic and lethargic , shows no interest in active games and is reluctant to go for a walk.
  • In a dog loss of appetite , and she even refuses her favorite treat.
  • The pet has a sharp The temperature rises, sometimes up to 42 degrees , which lasts for a day or two, and then returns to normal again.
  • Sometimes you can notice in an animal impaired motor coordination : The dog is unsteady or strange.
  • Urine color changes pet. It turns dark brown and may have blood streaks in it.
  • Starts from the dog's mouth unpleasant putrid odor .
  • In some cases in animals or .

Apathy is one of the signs that a dog has been bitten by a tick.

All of the above symptoms should alert the caring owner and he should urgently take the dog to veterinary clinic. A dog cannot rid itself of a tick on its own, and its body is not able to cope with dangerous virus, That's why only the owner can help his beloved pet and save him from death.

Ticks are especially dangerous for pregnant females and nursing puppies, as well as for animals whose immunity is weakened after an illness.

What to do if your dog is bitten by a tick?

Methods for removing a tick:

You will need tweezers to remove the tick.

As a rule, a small red swelling remains at the site of the tick bite, which, if everything is done correctly, will subside in a few days. If the wound is inflamed, blood, pus or clear liquid , you should call a veterinarian immediately.

Even if the owner pulled out the tick immediately after a walk, there is always a risk that a virus could enter the dog’s body. How to help your beloved pet if he has become lethargic and refuses to eat?

First aid for an animal with symptoms of infection

You need to wear gloves when pulling out ticks.

  • Even if you don’t drink water, you risk dehydration. Therefore it is necessary pour one hundred to one hundred fifty milligrams of boiled water into your pet’s mouth every hour .
  • You can also by filling the bulb with water or injecting liquid under the skin with a syringe.
  • To maintain the animal’s strength, it would be useful to give him injection of vitamins B6 and B12 or glucose.

All these measures will help the dog hold out until it becomes possible to visit a veterinary clinic, where the pet can be provided with full, qualified care.

After a walk, you need to brush your dog.


Walks in the park and on the riverbank bring considerable pleasure to both the owners and their four-legged animals. true friends. But it should be remembered that they can be not only pleasant, but also dangerous, especially for animals. Therefore, in order to protect your beloved pet and perhaps even save his life, you should not neglect preventive measures and the help of specialists, because the dog’s health always depends on the attentive attitude and care of the owner.

Video about a tick bite on a dog