Useful information about thyme essential oil. For the treatment of cold viral infections

Thyme collected in natural conditions, and cultivated varieties of common thyme serve as raw materials for obtaining a variety of liquid extracts. Excellent care for skin and hair, fights inflammation essential oil thyme (oil extract). When used correctly, the product significantly improves the well-being and functioning of the body.

Description of thyme and thyme oil (Oleum Thymi)

Extracts of related plant species are distinguished not so much high-quality composition, how many different proportions of the same components. Thyme oil is a clear, liquid substance of rich yellow or dark red color. The aroma is warm, strong, spicy, balsamic, fresh. More than half of the composition comes from phenols and terpenes.

The name of the main ingredient "thymol" comes from the Latin term Thymus (thyme). Other components are carvacrol, thuyene, camphene, terpinene, linalool, borneol, pinenes, caryophyllene. In medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology, the main chemotypes of oil based on the predominant ingredient are considered thymol, linalool and carvacrol. It is recommended to use the linalool variety for the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. According to experts, the thymol chemotype is more suitable for hypotension and loss of strength.

Thyme oil is included in perfume compositions and toilet soaps. Extracts are added to balms, tinctures and cough syrups. Enrich massage oils, anti-inflammatory ointments, creams. Mediterranean cuisine uses essential oils in spicy-aromatic food mixtures to improve taste and digestion, maintaining food freshness. On this national tradition tourists pay attention to in reviews of travel in the subtropics.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

The medical and biological characteristics of thyme and thyme are similar, therefore liquid extracts plants are used in the same areas. Antibacterial properties plants are 5 times stronger than benzoyl peroxide. British researchers came to this conclusion based on laboratory experiments. The components of the oil penetrate the epithelium and affect the respiratory, digestive, nervous and genitourinary system.

Properties of natural thyme extract:

  • kills bacteria, fungi, inactivates viruses;
  • suppresses fermentation and gas formation in the intestines;
  • increases the secretion of digestive juices;
  • binds and removes toxins from the body;
  • helps with heartburn, colic, spasms;
  • eliminates inflammation.

The smell of thyme stimulates better memory and mental activity. Consumer reviews also mention that thyme oil gives a feeling of freshness and invigorates a person if he experiences apathy or complains of loss of strength. Bath with aromatic additive helps to cheer up and relieve discomfort in women associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Main indications for use of the product:
1. Runny nose, colds, ARVI, whooping cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, lung diseases, tonsillitis (tonsillitis).
2. Acne, eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, scabies, fungal infections, cellulite, skin aging.
3. Inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, catarrh, intoxication due to helminthic infestation.
4. Irregular, scanty or too heavy periods.
5. Seborrhea, hair loss and fragility on the head, dandruff.
6. Inflammation of the gums, oral mucosa, unpleasant odor.
7. Anemia, stress, fatigue, headache, migraine.
8. Low blood pressure (hypotension).
9. Pyelonephritis, inflammation of the kidneys.
10. Brittleness, splitting of nails.
11. Bladder irritation.
12. Rheumatism.

The essential oil must first be mixed with some kind of liquid or solid emulsifier (base). They often serve in this capacity sea ​​salt, honey, olive oil, balm, gel, shampoo. Colds and bronchitis are alleviated by inhalation and rinsing with solutions to which 5 drops of essential oil are added. For coughing, difficulty falling asleep, hypotension, and fermentation in the intestines, mix two drops of thyme oil with a teaspoon of honey. Take the product after meals.

Arthritis, radiculitis, neuralgia and cellulite are treated by applying to problem areas composition of 30 g of base oil and 10 drops of thyme oil.

To remove waste and toxins, take a bath with 10 drops of oil; in addition, the procedure is useful for urinary tract infections.

Dandruff is treated by adding 3 drops of oil to a tablespoon of shampoo when washing your hair. The rinse balm is enriched in the same way. In case of hair loss or brittleness, rub a solution of thyme oil in olive oil into the scalp twice a week. According to reviews, a simple procedure helps treat and prevent acne. You need to wipe problem areas in the morning and evening with a mixture of 1 tsp. oil and 100 ml of lotion (gel).

People with elevated blood pressure, stomach ulcers, pregnant women should consult a doctor about the use of thyme essential oil. For the treatment of children, the drug is used only from 6 years of age. The extract has allergenic properties and can cause burns to the mucous membrane, irritation and dry skin. To avoid unpleasant consequences, do an allergy test. To do this, apply a little aromatic liquid diluted with baby cream behind the ear. The absence of itching and redness is a “green light” for external use of the product.

Thyme has a lot folk names. Among them are Bogorodskaya grass, heather, lemon scent, flypalm, but perhaps the most famous is thyme. Thyme oil has many useful properties and is used in medicine, cosmetology, and the food industry.

The plant is unpretentious, grows on forest edges and clearings, in the steppe, and mountain tundra.


Thyme contains essential oil, the main components of which are thymol and carvacrol, tanning and minerals, bitterness, organic pigments, gum, ursolic and oleanolic acids, triterpenoids.


Thyme leaves are used as a seasoning in cooking and as an aromatic additive in the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Tea with thyme has long established itself as an excellent tonic and antitussive remedy.

Thyme oil is used in cosmetic industry for fragrance of toilet soap, creams, lipsticks, toothpaste.

In pharmaceuticals, various cough syrups are produced based on thyme.

Properties of thyme oil

Thyme has long been considered medicinal herb, capable of giving a person health.

The herb has a disinfectant, analgesic, antihelminthic effect, improves digestion, promotes expectoration.

Thyme oil is used as a rub to relieve pain and inflammatory diseases for joint problems, colds. Thyme essential oil is used in complex therapy for pulmonary diseases.

Thyme has a strong, spicy and at the same time warm aroma, which is created by thymol and carvacrol - volatile substances of the phenolic group that are part of the oil.

Thymol is used in the chemical industry as an analgesic, anthelmintic, antiseptic. In addition, thymol is a good preservative.

Carvacrol has pleasant taste and smell, it is often used as an antibacterial agent.

Thyme oil helps cope with insomnia, removes headache, improves memory, improves performance, fights depressive states, strengthens nervous system, improves blood circulation in the capillaries, helps increase blood pressure, relieves intestinal spasms, flatulence, and improves appetite.

The properties of thyme oil are well demonstrated in the treatment of diseases. respiratory system. The oil stimulates the immune system, which promotes faster recovery.

For inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecological problems Using thyme oil will help you cope with problems faster.

It also relieves pain and swelling in arthritis, gout, rheumatism, neuritis, and sports injuries.

In dermatology, this remedy also shows its medicinal properties. The use of the product helps get rid of itching after mosquito and midge bites, psoriasis, and eczema. The oil heals cuts, burns, wounds, ulcers, destroys lice and scabies mites.


Thyme essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, and laryngotracheitis.

For better effect it is used in combination with other essential oils.

Mix 3 drops of thyme oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus, 1 drop of cloves. Drop the mixture of oils into the aroma lamp. This aromatic mixture will clear the air of germs and prevent the spread of infection.

  • To reduce appetite

At increased appetite do cold inhalations before meals. To do this, place 1 drop of oil on a napkin and breathe in the aroma for 3 minutes.

  • To increase appetite

If you don’t want to eat, they will help you aromatic baths. Add 5 drops of essential oil to warm water (for a full bath), the procedure time is no more than 20 minutes.

Dissolve 3 drops in soda or honey (0.5 tsp), then in 200 g of pure warm water and insert into the rectum. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week for 20 days.

  • Ingestion

For insomnia, rheumatism, lung diseases, dry, painful cough, low blood pressure, and anemia, you can take thyme oil orally.

But it is very important to follow the dosage. An overdose can make you feel unwell.

There are rules for ingesting essential oils. IN pure form they are not accepted. Essential oils must be dissolved in vegetable oil, sour cream, and honey water.

Since thyme oil has a pungent taste, it is recommended to drop a drop of oil into a bread crumb, from which roll into a ball the size of medicinal capsule, swallow and wash down with water or tea, kefir.

Important! Essential oils should not be taken on an empty stomach!

  • Throat treatment

To remove painful sensations And inflammatory process in the throat, place 3 drops of oil on a tablet of activated charcoal, put it under the tongue and dissolve. The procedure can be repeated 3 times. in a day.

  • Gargling

Dissolve 3 ml of alcohol and 6 drops of thyme oil in 150 g of warm water. Gargle at least 4 times a day, especially after meals. After rinsing, it is advisable not to eat or drink anything for 40 minutes.

  • Compress

Dissolve 7 drops of thyme oil in 20 g of alcohol or vodka. Soak a piece of gauze in the mixture and apply it to sore spot, cover the top with a dry cloth and a warm scarf. Procedure time: 1 hour.

  • Inhalation

Boil water in a small saucepan or kettle, add 5 drops of oil to it. Breathe over the steam, covered with a large towel, for 10 or 15 minutes.

The procedure is effective for getting rid of dry cough and runny nose.

  • Massage

Thyme oil helps improve the condition of neuritis, arthritis, radiculitis. Add 6 drops of thyme to the base mixture and stir thoroughly. Apply the mixture with light movements (along massage lines) to sore spot, cover with a warm cloth on top.

  • Treatment of eczema, dermatitis, fungal diseases

Applying oil to the affected areas of the skin daily will help get rid of skin problems.

In the evening on cleansed skin cotton swab Carefully apply the product to a point. The oil should be completely absorbed.

  • Aroma pendant or aroma medallion

For nervousness and frequent headaches, an aroma pendant with thyme oil added to it will help. It is important to follow the dosage. Add no more than 1 or 2 drops to the pendant. This pendant can be worn throughout the day. But if you are using such a pendant for the first time, wear it for no more than an hour. If there are no discomfort, increase wearing time. The aroma in the medallion lasts about three days. Before each oil change, the aroma medallion should be washed in water with the addition of vinegar or baking soda.


Thyme oil should not be taken if you have problems with thyroid gland, as it can stimulate the work of this organ.

Hypertensive patients should also not use this remedy, because it increases blood circulation and can raise blood pressure.

The use of thyme oil is contraindicated for pregnant women to avoid premature birth or miscarriage, as the product stimulates the uterus.

Thyme oil should not be given to small children .

Thyme belongs to the Lamiaceae family of plants. Thyme is a picky plant that is found throughout Eurasia, America, North Africa and even Greenland.

Thyme has been used since ancient times. It was used not only as a seasoning for food to improve the taste of dishes and long-term storage of meat, but also as a medicine.

The ancient Egyptians prepared fragrant baths and compositions for embalming bodies from it, and the Greeks and Romans used this plant to treat various diseases, fumigate temples, make incense and disinfection. The main elements that make up thyme oil are thymol and carvacol. Thymol is used in medicine as an antiseptic, analgesic and anti-worm drug. Carvacol has pleasant aroma

and is used as an antibacterial drug. However, Thyme essential oil is one of the most complex in composition

, and the difference in chemotypes is especially noticeable. A chemotype is the composition of an essential oil, which varies depending on the type of plant and its growing conditions. Oil made from thyme, which grows in different climatic conditions, differs radically

. The properties of the oil can be so different that an inexperienced person will assume that the product is made from completely different plants. For example, depending on the climatic zone where the raw materials are collected, thyme oil can be healing, or it can be irritating or even toxic. Besides, important role plays the plant's harvest season: autumn thyme has antiseptic properties

, and spring - effectively relieves pain.

Characteristics and medicinal properties Thyme essential oil is considered one of the most difficult to produce precisely because of the variability of growing conditions that affect the final composition of the oil. For its production, the double distillation method is used, since this is the only way to remove all


  • accumulated in leaves under the influence of chemical production factors.
  • External characteristics include: Light and liquid consistency; Transparent
  • yellowish color

, which resembles a shade of lavender oil;

In addition, the beneficial properties of the product allow it to be used to treat wounds, burns and other mechanical damage. In addition, the oil effectively fights germs and is used to disinfect the oral cavity. To do this, just add it to your regular teeth and gum care products.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

This oil has a very rich, spicy aroma, and has a strong effect on the psycho-emotional sphere:

  • Develops positive character traits;
  • Promotes the formation of positive emotions;
  • Improves the manifestation of positive character traits;
  • Eliminates shyness, envy, commercialism, anger and narcissism;
  • Makes desires and aspirations more specific, helps you decide to take decisive steps and achieve what you want.

Thyme scent is considered a powerful earthy smell, so it can be used as a home fragrance. The smell of thyme will help stimulate brain function, improve memory and logical thinking. In addition, the properties of the oil allow you to get rid of insomnia and various addictions. It cannot be considered an aphrodisiac, since its effect on the sexual sphere is very individual. However, the aroma of thyme can help get rid of complexes, improve self-esteem and eliminate problems with sexuality.

Features and methods of application

Thyme oil found wide application in various fields. For example, in cosmetology it is used:

  • As additional means to care for problematic and oily skin(including adolescents) who require active antibacterial care;
  • As a drug to combat acne, pustular inflammation, small wounds and burns;
  • As a remedy for the treatment of cellulite and restoration of epidermal cells;
  • It is better not to add this oil to shampoos, as it can dry out your hair excessively. However, a few drops added to rinse water will help strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff.

The properties of thyme oil are effectively used and for relieving pain of various origins

  • In athletes after intense training;
  • After excessive physical activity;
  • Rheumatic joint pain, spasms.

To combat infectious and colds You can also use thyme oil:

  • Used as a preventive and remedy to combat various diseases respiratory organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, ARVI and even tuberculosis), as it has a softening effect and accelerates the removal of sputum.
  • Thanks to its immunostimulating properties, thyme strengthens the body's defenses, speeds up recovery and prevents re-infection.
  • The properties of the product have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, relieving inflammation and eliminating inflammation, as well as having a diuretic effect.
  • Used to eliminate foci of inflammation in the mouth with bleeding gums, periodontitis and glossitis

Alternatively, thyme oil can be used for problems with the digestive system:

  • To accelerate enzyme activity and improve food digestion;
  • Regular use improves intestinal motility;
  • Eliminates spasms, increased gas formation;
  • Quickly and safely removes worms from the body;
  • Removes toxins and provides antimicrobial effect for food poisoning.

IN living conditions, can be used to relieve itching from insect bites.

To relieve itching, do not use pure essential oil. It must be diluted with water, as concentrated oil can have the opposite effect.

The rich spicy aroma of thyme oil allows use it for room deodorization and aromatherapy. For example, by dropping a few drops into the water of an aroma lamp, you can eliminate insomnia, improve emotional condition and fill your home with a pleasant aroma of freshness.

The use of thyme essential oil directly depends on the purpose for which it will be used.

  • For room refreshment and aromatherapy you need to pour some warm water into the aroma lamp and drop 3 drops of essential oil into it.
  • For inhalation during a cold add only one drop of the product to water or saline solution, since a larger amount can cause irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • As a means for pain relief Add 4 drops of the product to a bath of warm water. Before this, it needs to be dissolved in a glass of milk or mixed with a handful of soda or table salt;
  • For preparing ointments and rubs, 10 drops of thyme ether should be added to 30 ml base oil(olive, almond or grape seed).
  • To improve properties cosmetic product , for 15 ml of cream or lotion you need to take 3-5 drops of the product.
  • To combat oral diseases, two drops of thyme ether are dissolved in a glass of water and used to rinse teeth and gums.
  • In the treatment of vaginal diseases, special tampons soaked in a medicinal solution are used. To do this, 1 ml of thyme essential oil needs to be dissolved in 15 ml olive oil, soak a tampon with the mixture and insert it into the vagina.
  • Oral use to combat digestive problems and increase appetite is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor, since this product may cause allergies and irritation. To do this, add a drop of thyme ether to a teaspoon of high-quality vegetable oil and drink. The procedure is repeated twice a day. It is not recommended to take this medicine with water; you can only use warm milk, tea or juice.
Under no circumstances should you use thyme oil on an empty stomach.


Even though it is very healing oil, its uncontrolled use may lead to undesirable consequences. It is phototoxic and quite aggressive, and before using it it is necessary to check for allergies. However, even in the absence negative reaction You need to be aware that the product may cause burning and irritation.

Main contraindications for use include:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Stomach ulcer, serious illnesses liver and kidneys.

In addition, the oil should not be applied to the skin or undergo any external procedures before going outside.

The use of thyme oil in its pure form is prohibited. To prepare any products, both external and internal, it must be diluted with water or other vegetable oils as a base.

What does it go with and how to choose it correctly?

Thyme oil can be replaced with a similar product made from ginger. In addition, it goes well with the following oils:

  • Bergamot;
  • Marjoram;
  • Juniper;
  • Chamomiles;
  • Rosemary;
  • Pines;
  • Eucalyptus.

High-quality and natural thyme oil costs at least 200 rubles per 5 ml, A average cost, depending on the manufacturer, can range from 250 to 290 rubles. A bottle of 10 ml usually costs more: 350-400 rubles.

When purchasing, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers who specialize in the production and sale of such oils. It is better not to buy ether at a pharmacy, as the products they sell often turn out to be counterfeit.

To buy a product High Quality, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Most quality products come in standard 5-10 ml bottles;
  • The bottle should be made of dark glass. Plastic or clear packaging may indicate that the product is counterfeit;
  • The cork must be protected with a special stopper;
  • There is a special dropper in the lid of the bottle, or a pipette is included in the kit;
  • The label must indicate the name of the plant in Latin, as well as the name of the product in the language of the manufacturer.

In addition, when choosing, you need to focus on the price, which depends on the percentage of ether content in plant materials. For example, 3 kg of essential oil is obtained from 100 kg of eucalyptus leaves, and only 30 ml of oil is obtained from the same number of rose petals. Accordingly, different essential oils cannot cost the same, therefore, if the difference in price at a given outlet is small, then high probability she sells counterfeits. When purchasing, be sure to ask the seller to present a certificate of quality. This also applies to online stores, which must publish certificates on their pages.

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a spice that is often used in various dishes, but in addition to its culinary qualities, thyme can also be used as an essential oil.

The first mention of thyme can be found in Hippocrates, but even before that, healers used thyme for treatment infectious diseases. In addition, even now it is difficult to resist the unique aroma of thyme!


The difficulties in obtaining thyme are largely due to the fact that the plant has a tendency to change its properties depending on the conditions in which the plant was grown. Unlike other essential oils, thyme can be double distilled. This is due to the fact that plants accumulate various substances, which can lead to irritation if not eliminated.

Externally this oil has a yellowish tint and a liquid consistency, it can be confused with lavender or any similar oil. However, one characteristic of thyme remains inimitable - its oily-spicy smell, which cannot be confused with any other.

Emotional sphere of influence

  1. The properties of thyme allow it to be widely used when it comes to improving human qualities. Its use helps a person to express exclusively positive features character, forms good emotional reactions. Thyme is widely used in order to finally take a step towards dramatic changes in life. It helps to gradually get rid of the most negative character traits, including pride, envy, narcissism and even anger. Thyme essential oil also helps to unexpectedly look at life situation from a different angle, really appreciate it and even come down to earth in the manifestations of your own expectations.
  2. This oil is used in supportive therapy against addictions, because it is aimed at harmonizing psychological states. Thyme can also be used to get rid of sleep problems; it helps you stay alert longer.
  3. Its use in the sexual sphere is purely individual, however, thyme does not belong to the class of aphrodisiacs. At the same time, it helps you feel more liberated, get rid of problems with recognizing your own sexuality, accept and love yourself.
  4. To improve your overall emotional state, it is recommended to use an aroma lamp, to which you need to add a few drops of oil. This method will help get rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day after a hard day at work, as well as stop another attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  5. In addition, thyme is actively used to relax and relieve tension; the oil relieves stress and helps get rid of negative thoughts. Your emotional state will also improve significantly if you use thyme oil as part of a relaxing massage or even add it to your favorite tea.

The aroma of thyme in the room will quickly help eliminate any other unpleasant odors and kill them without creating a new, unpleasant aroma. It is widely used when it is necessary to get rid of odor tobacco smoke in a house or apartment.


Thyme is also widely used in the medical field, because it has many positive qualities.

Effective, according to traditional healers, the use of thyme oil for allergic reactions is considered.


It is extremely important to know that thyme should not be used without proper allergy testing. And even if the test showed a neutral result, this is still not a reason to calmly use the product. The fact is that thyme is phototoxic and quite aggressive, and therefore can cause irritation and burning.

This essential oil is also strictly not recommended for use by pregnant women and people with high blood pressure.


Thyme essential oil can only be used in diluted form and in small quantities; it should not be used internally often, and especially on an empty stomach.

The dosages of this thyme are as follows:

  1. For the purpose of aromatizing one living space/room, up to 4 drops of thyme are enough.
  2. When creating aroma pendants, the number of drops should not exceed 2.
  3. In the case of hot inhalations, you need to show special caution– the procedure should not last more than 7 minutes, and more than one drop should not be used for it.
  4. When taking aromatic baths, it is strictly prohibited to use hot water, and the amount of oil is allowed up to 5 drops, and only in diluted form.
  5. For massage or simply rubbing, a ratio of 15 to 5 is used, where 15 is the volume of the base oil, and 5 is the number of drops of thyme.

Internal use of the oil is possible only if mixed with vegetable oil, use only 1 drop of thyme, and apply no more than 2 times a day. In this case, the product must be washed down with a large volume of liquid, which in no case should be used as water. Tea, kefir, juice or even wine will do.

Video: thyme essential oil

Thyme (thyme) is added to various herbal teas to enhance the taste of the drink and strengthen the immune system. Thyme is an excellent expectorant and is used in the treatment of cough, whooping cough and other diseases. What are the benefits of this plant? for cosmetic purposes? Firstly, it has a pleasant spicy aroma, so its ether can be used instead of perfume. Secondly, thyme relieves itching, burning, flaking of the skin and other symptoms of dermatological diseases. To do this, its oil should be used externally.

Beneficial properties of thyme oil

Thyme oil is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The product is actively used in aromatherapy. It has a pleasant rich aroma due to the compounds it contains. Essential oil has a number of beneficial properties:

  • relieves pain when applied topically;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process in the affected area;
  • destroys a number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • regenerates skin cells;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • provides positive impact at acne, irritation and prickly heat;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • improves mood;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • relieves increased nervous tension.

Essential oil has a positive effect on the nervous system and psychological balance. It is used during massage to relieve muscle tension and increase blood circulation.

The ether is obtained by steam distillation. Chemical composition oil depends largely on where the plant was collected. Thyme has a mild effect sedative effect, so it is often used for emotional instability.

Thyme essential oil has therapeutic effect on the skin

Using hair oil

Essential oil has a number of beneficial properties for hair:

  • accelerates their growth;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • strengthens the structure.

Thyme goes well with other components, which allows it to be used in nutritional compositions for hair. Effective recipes:

  1. Mask to improve hair structure. You will need half a glass of kefir. Add 4 drops of thyme ether to it and mix thoroughly. Distribute the resulting mixture over your hair and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Your hair will become soft and silky. If the strands are too long, then you need to use a glass of kefir and 6 drops of oil. In addition, the composition should be applied to damp hair. It is enough to carry out such a mask once a week.
  2. Enrichment of shampoo. If you add thyme oil to your usual hair wash, it will strengthen your hair and prevent hair loss. In 2 tbsp. l. shampoo, you need to dissolve 3 drops of oil. Mix and apply to damp hair. Massage your head for a few minutes and rinse. Thyme oil dries the scalp, so it is enough to use shampoo with ether only once a week.
  3. Nourishing mask. You will need 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil. You need to add 2 drops of thyme ether to it. The composition must be calculated depending on the length of the strands. The product must be applied evenly over the entire length. Leave on for 20–30 minutes and rinse off. This mask can be done once a week.

Thyme oil can be used in cosmetology either alone or in combination with other oils

Use in cosmetology

Thyme essential oil is often used in cosmetology to rejuvenate aging skin, as well as to get rid of acne and irritation. Effective recipes:

  1. Anti-acne mask. You will need 1 tbsp. l. blue clay, which should be diluted warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Then add 1 drop of lavender oil, tea tree and thyme. Mix everything and apply to face. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a week for several months.
  2. Nourishing mask for aging skin. You will need jojoba oil in the amount of 2 tsp. Add 2 drops of thyme ether to it. Mix everything and distribute over the skin of the face. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and apply nourishing cream.
  3. Revitalizing mask. You will need 2 tsp. sour cream and 1 drop each of rosemary and thyme essential oils. Mix all ingredients and apply to face. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Thyme oil works great against cellulite. If you add a few drops to 1 tbsp. l. massage cream then body fat will be eliminated in a shorter period of time.

Photo gallery: ingredients for masks based on thyme oil

Kefir nourishes and moisturizes the skin well Burr oil prevents hair loss Clay normalizes metabolism in skin cells
Lavender oil eliminates skin irritation Tea tree oil relieves acne and soothes the skin Jojoba oil saturates the skin with moisture

Medicinal use

Thyme oil is effective for various skin diseases. It can be used to heal tissue after insect bites. To do this, add a few drops of ether to boiled water and freeze in special forms for ice. The cubes must be applied directly to the bite site.

For skin irritation and manifestations allergic reaction You can apply compresses with thyme oil. To do this, you need to dissolve 2 drops of ether in one glass of cool water. mineral water. Then you need to wet the gauze and apply it to the irritated area for 20 minutes. In this case, you will be able to quickly get rid of itching and discomfort.

If there are pustules on the skin, you can use the product as an anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. To do this, add 1 drop of thyme ether to 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and lubricate the affected area. You need to do this 2 times a day.

For open skin lesions (frostbite and severe burns) It is strictly forbidden to use essential oil - it will only get worse.

Herbalist about thyme - video