Thyroid gland psychological causes. Thyroid

Medical statistics says that 8 out of 10 people in the world need treatment and work adjustments thyroid gland. Moreover, for the most part, these are women in whom a malfunction of this organ leads to a violation metabolic processes in the body, which means weight loss or obesity, heart problems, infertility, osteoporosis and other serious diseases.

But if you think about it, what do we even know about the thyroid gland and the occurrence of diseases of this organ? Let's figure it out.

Thyroid represents a gland endocrine system, which controls the level of calcium and iodine in the body. But more importantly, this organ produces hormones necessary for health, which participate in metabolic processes and are responsible for proper metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and affect the cerebral cortex and nervous system. In addition, thyroid hormones promote the growth of individual cells.

Very often, the cause of a malfunction of the thyroid gland is a deficiency or excess iodine content. This chemical element participates in the synthesis of the most important gland hormones that help a person grow and develop, improve their mental capacity, accumulate vitamin A, absorb oxygen and maintain the functioning of the heart muscle. But this is what medicine says about the thyroid gland.

Now let's move on to psychology, because they say that 85% of all diseases known in the world have psychological reasons. This is directly related to the endocrine gland in question, because from a psychological point of view, the “thyroid” is the gland responsible for creativity, sensitivity and self-expression.

The thyroid gland can also be called the “energy gland”, because the hormones it produces regulate the pace of our lives. That is why the two main diseases of this organ - hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism - appear not only as a result of physical disorders in the body, but also in the case of so-called “psychological blockages”.

Psychosomatics, a branch of medicine that studies the relationship between physiology and emotional state, helps to understand the causes of diseases of this organ. Psychosomatics helps to understand the causes of the disease and paints a psychological portrait of the sick person.

Hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland)

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which this gland produces thyroid hormones in much greater quantities than the body needs. Very often, this condition develops in people who lose confidence and a sense of security. For example, they do not feel reliable from a loved one or do not trust him. They may have doubts that their partner will always be there for them, or they may not be confident that close person will be able to provide financially and protect in difficult times. Living in a state constant anxiety, such people become susceptible panic attacks and end up with hyperthyroidism.

A person who produces an excess of thyroid hormones is inclined to take on more responsibilities and bear increased responsibility. It’s just that such a person is sure that there is no one around to rely on, and therefore he has to do everything himself. However, this solution does not solve the problem of the disease. On the contrary, instead of talking openly with the team and admitting that he is “deadly tired” and needs rest, a person with an overactive thyroid gland begins to show through actions and actions that he is on the verge. And everyone around you should see, understand and guess that your colleague needs help. It’s just difficult to expect an answer from the environment, which once easily transferred part of its responsibility to the “sufferer.”

As noted above, thyroid diseases often affect women who doubt the fidelity of their significant other and are unsure of their future together with their partner. In addition, the disease can appear against the background of competition with a man, in the case of rivalry, when a representative of the fairer sex tries to prove that she can provide for herself and her family on an equal basis with a man. And thyroid disease is just a signal that the attempt to compete is nothing more than self-deception, and in fact the woman wanted the man to take care of her.

Thus, the essence of hyperfunction of the “thyroid gland” comes down to the fact that both the patient himself and his environment are equally to blame for it. A person loses confidence in a partner, but the partner is in no hurry to give this confidence, the person takes on all the responsibilities, and the team easily gives up these responsibilities. And the disease will not go away until someone decides to break this vicious circle. To take the path of healing, a woman must learn to trust her loved one, a mother should stop worrying too much about her adult daughter or son, and a “workhorse” needs to give up some of the responsibilities that are frankly burdensome.

Recovery from the disease

The first and most important point that signifies the beginning of healing should be the rejection of the responsibility imposed on you, because very often the basis of care on the part of a partner or manager is hidden manipulation and the desire to make a person dependent.

It's important to stop worrying about what might happen in the future. To do this, constantly tell yourself that you are unable to predict the future, which means it is pointless to worry about it. These are just your fears.

In addition, it is important to learn to live with with an open heart, speak boldly and without concealment about your problems, ask for help from those around you and give them extra functional responsibilities. When a woman does not have confidence in her partner (he cannot provide for the family, avoids household responsibilities), she needs to either change her partner or give him the reins of the family and watch how he solves this problem.

Let's say one more thing important aspect. Often people with hyperthyroidism end up in sects and religious organizations extremist orientation. There they seek protection and confidence in their future, as well as the opportunity to shift responsibility to the organization. That is why pay attention to your family and friends. Perhaps right now they need your reliable shoulder to prevent something irreparable from happening tomorrow.

Hypothyroidism (underfunction of the thyroid gland)

With this disease, the iron does not produce the required amount of hormones. Most often, the cause of this condition lies in the previous hyperfunction of this organ of the endocrine system. That is, previously there was an excess of hormone production, but then there was a sharp decline. Perhaps the patient was under constant stress or experienced shock; his thyroid gland was working hard, and then reached a critical point, after which it reset and calmed down. The body often does this, for example, it sharply reduces blood pressure(to reduce the risk of stroke).

Hypofunction is a kind of fuse for our body, i.e. a condition in which the body switches on the mode of “not giving a damn”, indifference and carelessness. However, this condition is by no means the norm, and if you don’t catch it in time, you won’t find out the causes of the problem, and you won’t be able to return the thyroid gland to normal. normal course, the person may face serious consequences, including malignant tumors in this body.

Speaking about other causes of hypothyroidism, it is worth saying that it appears in people who want to completely trust their environment. These people are accustomed to shifting responsibility for work, and even for their own lives, to loved ones or their work team. As a rule, these are timid people who believe that they cannot independently manage their own lives, that they should not demand anything from others, and also that they do not have the right to do what they want. These misconceptions seriously complicate their lives.

People who have a deficiency of thyroid hormones themselves tend to others, seeking protection and peace from them. Moreover, this is not a desire to feel safe, but rather carelessness and lack of a sense of danger. This phenomenon was typical for entire nations, for example, in the USSR people trusted each other so much that they could leave the house without locking it, or blindly entrust their money to a company that later turned out to be “ soap bubble" Trust in itself is not a bad feeling at all, but in good condition It would do well for a person to rely on himself and be more careful, and hypofunction of the thyroid gland deprives them of this opportunity.

Because of this feature, people with a deficiency of the hormones of the gland in question cannot be placed in responsible positions and cannot be trusted important work, which involves assessing the risk and level of danger. Such people are simply not capable of achieving success on their own, and it is dangerous to put them at the head of a company, since they do not have the ability to defend themselves, not to mention the team.

Recovery from the disease

If the reason for the decrease in hormone production was a previous hyperfunction, nothing needs to be done. It is only important to give the body time to recover, relax and unwind. And when you return after a vacation, you need to give up those burdensome responsibilities that once provoked hyperfunction of the gland, so that the problem does not happen again.

If the cause of hypothyroidism lies in the behavior pattern of a person who trusts and relies too much on others, he needs to learn to be more responsible, independent and self-sufficient.

Thyroid goiter

A goiter is a whole group of diseases of the “thyroid gland”, which manifest themselves as an enlargement of the organ in question. That is, goiter can develop both with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Psychosomatics explains the enlargement of the thyroid gland by the fact that a person is exposed to constant pressure or he puts pressure on himself through the people around him. Such people live with the feeling that they are oppressed and constantly humiliated, which makes them feel inferior. In a conversation with such people, you can hear resentment towards people (close or complete strangers) who have ruined their life or even trampled on it. Speaking in simple language, such people feel like victims.

But sometimes a person has every reason to have such a feeling. For example, very often goiter appears in women whose husbands abuse alcohol, as a result of which they bring negativity into the house, beat and humiliate their wives in every possible way. Women who live under the same roof with jealous people find themselves in a similar situation. If a man constantly tells a woman what to wear and how to paint, and she cannot object and defend her freedom, she may develop a goiter.

By the way, not only adults, but also children are susceptible to goiter. Such a disease can develop in a child who is “pressured” by strict parents for bad grades at school and is constantly punished and humiliated for bad behavior. In such a child, the resentment gets stuck in the throat like a lump, which, in fact, leads to an enlargement of the gland.

Recovery from the disease

People with goiter, first of all, need to understand themselves and let go of those grievances that prevent them from living and enjoying life. In addition, they need to learn to stand up own desires and needs, to put in their place those who unreasonably restrict their freedom. In the case of an alcoholic husband, a woman should think about whether it is worth continuing to live together, and if it is, she needs to cut off the humiliation at the root and force her husband to undergo treatment for addiction.

With children everything is much more complicated. They are still too young to fight back against their parents, forcing them to lower the pressure and stop the constant humiliation. It is important here that parents realize in time that their “ educational process“Deals a blow to the child’s psyche and provokes illness.

In general, it is important for a person with a goiter to find a way to express himself, stop being a victim and become himself in order to cultivate a full-fledged and harmonious personality.
Good health to you!

The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands internal secretion. Its task is to store iodine and produce iodine-containing hormones, which are involved in energy and metabolic processes and are responsible for normal height organs and tissues, bone formation, maturation nervous system and sexual development.

This means that normal mental and physical development human, since it is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, as well as for normal carbohydrate, fat, protein and energy metabolism.

The main problems arising with the thyroid gland:

- hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the gland with excess production hormones and acceleration of metabolic processes) and thyrotoxicosis as a consequence of hyperthyroidism;

- hypothyroidism (a state of hormone deficiency with energy deficiency and slowing down metabolic processes);

- euthyroidism ( pathological changes in the form of goiter formation, nodes, hyperplasia).

The causes of thyroid diseases are:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems,
  • hereditary predisposition,
  • infectious and chronic diseases,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • constant psycho-emotional overload,
  • unfavorable environment,
  • taking certain medications, etc.

Symptoms common to thyroid disorders:

  1. increased irritability or apathy,
  2. unexplained weight fluctuations,
  3. increased sweating,
  4. hot flashes or cold sensations,
  5. digestive disorders,
  6. disruption of the menstrual cycle,
  7. increased blood cholesterol,
  8. heart rhythm disturbance,
  9. hair loss,
  10. trembling of limbs,
  11. pronounced swelling,
  12. deterioration in concentration, etc.

Also distinguished individual symptoms, inherent in specific disorders of the thyroid gland.

In particular, hyperthyroidism due to an excess of hormones leads to thyrotoxicosis (poisoning of the body with hormones). An indicator of this disorder is increased heart rate, increased appetite with increased bowel movements (due to accelerated metabolic processes), fast weight loss with the loss of not only fat, but also muscle mass, the appearance of abdominal pain, enlarged liver size, irritability and high anxiety and etc.

Sometimes, as a consequence of thyrotoxicosis, there may be dangerous conditionsthyroid crises . They can be recognized by sharp increase temperature, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting, attacks of fear, as a result of which a person may fall into stupor.

Hypothyroidism , on the contrary, has the exact opposite symptoms: deterioration of metabolic processes, slow heartbeat, digestive disorders, lack of appetite with weight gain, deterioration appearance(conditions of the skin, nails, hair), decreased overall energy, feeling of weakness, apathy, fainting and etc.

Goiter (struma) - This is an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland.


  • change in appearance eyeballs(bulging),
  • lacrimation,
  • swelling,
  • hoarseness of voice,
  • the appearance of pain and cough,
  • shortness of breath,
  • difficulty swallowing,
  • weakness,
  • lack of appetite,
  • weight loss, etc.

Psychosomatics of thyroid diseases

The very name of the gland in question - “thyroid gland” (a gland in the form of a shield) clearly indicates its main function: that which protects. What is this gland designed to protect against?

The authors of works on psychosomatics claim that this gland is called upon protect a person from auto-aggression - aggression directed at oneself. Unfortunately, this happens often: when a person does not accept himself as he is (this is often related to his body), does not love himself, and even hates himself. There are other forms of conflict with oneself: an inferiority complex, “self-eating.” All of them lead to negative conditions, such as: constant stress, nervous breakdowns, depression, hopelessness, etc.

If such conditions are prolonged, the thyroid gland begins to signal internal problems with disturbances.

But each person reacts differently to internal problems. It seems that depending on which extreme he chooses - he becomes overly active or falls into passivity - he receives one or another gland disorder.

Hyperthyroidism as an overactive thyroid gland indicates too much active image life when a person lives by the need to prove or seek attention.

As Franz Alexander notes, this violation maybe also a consequence of acute emotional conflict or mental trauma.

The psychosomatics of hypothyroidism explains this disease as a consequence of passivity: a person wants to be active, but cannot, because he is constrained by fear. Insufficient activity thyroid gland indicates that the patient he is afraid to manage his life himself, that he lacks independence.

It has been found that for people with hypothyroidism, stress has Negative consequences(but, as it turns out, for people with hyperthyroidism, stress has a healing effect).

Metaphysical causes of thyroid problems

Louise Hay claims that the thyroid gland is the most important gland immune system person. She identifies the following main negative attitudes leading to thyroid problems: feeling attacked by life; thought: they are trying to get to me; humiliation: “I’ve never been able to do what I love. When will it be my turn?.

Liz Burbo writes that the thyroid gland is connected to the throat center, which responsible for willpower, ability to make decisions, strength of character, development of one’s individuality. Hence, the absence of these qualities leads to problems with the gland.

The psychologist also notes that the throat center is considered the gate of abundance, since when a person lives his true desires and in harmony with his Self, he does not lack anything: neither health, nor love, nor happiness, nor material things. benefits

Liz Burbo states that this energy center is connected to the center located in the genital area, so a problem in one of them leads to problems in the other center.

According to this author, hyperthyroidism occurs when a person leads an overly active lifestyle, because he believes that he must arrange the lives of his loved ones and only then can he afford a quiet life. Such a person does not think about his true needs, tries to prove something, is too demanding of himself and loved ones, tries to do everything quickly.

The occurrence of hypothyroidism, according to Liz Burbo, is due to the fact that a person afraid to act, although he says he wants to be active. According to the psychologist, this indicates that he lost contact with his creativity . Such it seems to a person that he is not fast and dexterous enough to achieve success, that he does not have the right to do what he wants, that he should not make his demands.

Dr. Luule Viilma believes that fear of being crushed by life, feelings of guilt, communication problems lead to problems with the thyroid gland.

V. Sinelnikov claims that the thyroid gland symbolizes creative expression . Hence, problems with this gland indicate problems with creative self-expression in a person.

The psychotherapist sees psychological causes of goiter unexpressed negative thoughts and emotions, minor grievances and complaints that form a lump in the throat.

Based on practice, the doctor writes that children can also develop goiter, if parents provide strong pressure, and the child cannot openly express his emotions because of fear of them.

According to Sinelnikov, a tumor of the thyroid gland indicates that the person feels strong pressure, believes that he is constantly humiliated, feels like a victim, a failed person. Such a person feels resentment and hatred for what is imposed in life, lives with a feeling of a distorted life.

A. Astrogor believes that the reason psychosomatic diseases the thyroid gland may become manifestation of complete defenselessness in situations when others impose something on a person, “take him by the throat” and do not allow him to speak out.

Ways to heal psychosomatic diseases of the thyroid gland

Based on the psychological reasons discussed, it is possible to find ways to heal psychosomatic thyroid diseases.

What will be common to all ailments the way to restore harmony with yourself through:

- accepting yourself as you are;

— respect for your position and the ability to stand your ground;

- love and care for yourself and your body;

- finding opportunities for your creative realization.

And for each specific ailment there are recommendations. For example, psychologist Liz Burbo offers the following ways to neutralize mental blockage that leads to problems with the thyroid gland:

- in the case of hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to lead a more relaxed lifestyle and enjoy life;

- in the case of hypothyroidism, you should forgive people who convinced that a person is not capable of achieving success on his own;

- awareness of your true needs (and not ignoring them) will allow you to grow spiritually (since the thyroid gland is associated with human growth), live in harmony with yourself and understand your purpose.

May peace and tranquility reign in your soul!

Do you have problems with the thyroid gland? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of thyroid diseases.

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors– hypothermia, infections – act secondary, as a trigger...

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” he writes: “An illness is a language, the speech of a subject... To understand an illness, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of thyroid problems.
Here's what they write about it around the world famous experts in this area and authors of books on this topic.

Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”,” he writes about possible metaphysical reasons thyroid problems:
The thyroid gland is shaped like a shield and is located at the base of the neck. The hormones produced by this gland play a very important role in many processes in the human body. The main problems associated with this gland are HYPERTHYROIDOSIS (increased function) and HYPOTHYROIDOSIS (underfunction).
Emotional blocking: The thyroid gland connects the physical body of a person with his throat chakra(energy center). A person’s willpower and his ability to make decisions to meet his needs, that is, to build his life in accordance with his desires and develop his individuality, depends on this chakra.
The thyroid gland is associated with growth, awareness of your true needs will allow you to grow spiritually and understand your purpose, your mission on this planet.
If your thyroid is underactive, understand that only you can restore it normal function. You believe that you cannot independently control the course of your life and should not make your own demands, you do not have the right to do what you want to do, etc. All these misconceptions greatly harm you.
Perhaps you need to forgive yourself or those people who have harmed you or convinced you that you are not capable of achieving success on your own. Know that these people did not appear in your life by chance, but in order to give you some necessary lesson - in particular, to teach you to show your creative abilities without fear. (The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.)

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Illness” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of thyroid problems:
The thyroid gland symbolizes creative self-expression. Glandular diseases indicate that you have problems with self-expression.
A swelling of the thyroid gland indicates that you are under a lot of pressure. More precisely, you put pressure on yourself with the help of others. You feel like you are being attacked by life. You believe that you are constantly humiliated, and you have to endure this humiliation. You feel like a victim, a failed person. You feel resentment and hatred for what is imposed in life. There is a feeling of a distorted life.
One woman with a goiter told me:
- I have a feeling that I was squeezed into some kind of corridor and forced to walk along it; and nowhere
Often women whose husbands abuse alcohol develop a goiter. In such cases, unexpressed negative thoughts and emotions, minor grievances and complaints form a lump in the throat. But this happens not only in those families in which the husbands are alcoholics.
“My husband constantly nags me about every little thing,” a patient who was diagnosed with several nodes on the gland tells me. “I didn’t put on the right dress, or I didn’t put on the right makeup.” He literally doesn't let me take a step calmly.
It is very important to learn to take care of yourself, to know about your desires and needs, and to be able to express them openly. Being yourself is a wonderful medicine!
Sometimes goiter occurs in children. In such cases, the disease reflects a certain behavior of both the child and the parents.
The boy's thyroid gland has become enlarged. “Goiter of the second or third degree” - this was the diagnosis. We began to find out with the parents the causes of the disease. The father was very strict and put a lot of pressure on both the child and his wife.
“I want my son to be of some use in life,” he said.
Mother and son felt like victims. The child could not, and did not know how, to openly express his emotions because of fear of his father. They accumulated in the throat area, and as you know, this area is associated with self-expression.
- If I do something, dad is almost always unhappy with it. “I’m already afraid to do anything,” the boy told me when we were left alone.
I gave it to the child homeopathic medicines, and the parents were tasked with changing their attitude towards each other and towards their son. Within a month, the size of the gland decreased by half.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov(“Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”), possible metaphysical causes of thyroid problems:
Reasons: Feeling of humiliation and resentment.
Treatment method: All kinds of relaxation, step-by-step work on emotional state and attracting the Energy of Creation.

Louise Hay
in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance of problems and healing of the thyroid gland:
The most important gland of the immune system. Feeling attacked by life. They are trying to get to me. Humiliation. “I will never be able to do what I want. When will it be my turn?
Harmonizing thoughts: My kind thoughts strengthen the strength of my immune system. I have reliable protection inside and out. I listen to myself with love. I go beyond all limitations and express myself freely and creatively.

Hyperthyroidism (a syndrome caused by an overactive thyroid gland): Anger at being ignored.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am at the center of life, I approve of myself and everything I see around me.

Hypothyroidism (syndrome caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland): Give up. Feeling of hopelessness, stagnation.
Harmonizing thoughts: Now I'm building new life according to rules that completely satisfy me.

Goiter: Hatred of what is imposed in life. Victim. The feeling of a distorted life. A failed personality.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am the power in my life. Nobody stops me from being myself.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his books “Spiritual Light”, “Psychological Causes of Diseases”, “I Forgive Myself” he writes:
Fear of being overwhelmed by life. Guilt. Communication problems.

Alexander Astrogor in his book “Confession of a Sore” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of thyroid problems:
You show complete defenselessness in situations that others impose on you. They grab you by the throat and don't give you the opportunity to speak out. Because everything you can say will further denigrate and desecrate the situation.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values... But this is not the goal, but only means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, illnesses, problems and other troubles come as feedback from the Universe. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, becomes on the right way! There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.

The search and research into metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of thyroid problems continues. This material is constantly being updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!

An important direction in studying the influence psychological factors psychosomatics plays a role in the occurrence of bodily diseases - the female thyroid gland is more susceptible autoimmune diseases. Representatives of the fair sex devote their lives to those around them, suppressing your desires and needs .

  • Hyperthyroidism and psychology
  • Personality picture
  • Fighting Fear
  • Psychotherapy of patients
  • Main Factors

Metaphysical causes of thyroid problems

The thyroid gland interacts with the physical characteristics of a person, his throat chakra ( energy center). The willpower of people and their ability to independently make decisions that satisfy the needs of the individual, as well as lifestyles, based on their own preferences and individual characteristics, depend on it.

The thyroid gland is affected in individuals who have resigned themselves to forced inaction, believing that their life is not going as they would like. These discontents manifest themselves in different forms.

The bodily reaction to conflict experiences determines pathological disorders in organs (goiter, thyroid dysfunction, tumors).

Patients with impaired thyroid function – what are they like?

In 99% of situations, the thyroid gland is affected under the influence of cumulative factors. Special attention focuses on the state of the nervous system. Based psychological research, the main character traits of individuals prone to pathological diseases ShchZ.

  • Kindness.
  • Vulnerability.
  • Self-criticism.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Anxiety.

The natural purpose of the fair sex is to preserve the hearth and home. Female body is determined to take care of loved ones, create comfort and warmth. When she achieves what she wants, she maintains harmony in her soul and healthy condition body.

Modern women are forced to engage in work activities and display masculine qualities for self-defense. The formation of an imbalance manifests itself in the form of ailments and diseases. They signal the need to direct the body in the right direction.

The influence of a psychological image on the state of the body

If a woman performs psychological roles (see below), her thyroid gland is more at risk of diseases:

  • The role of the prisoner.
  • Victims.
  • Losers.
  • Desperate.
  • Wicked.
  • Hunted down.

Many patients try on different roles, moving in a circle. Each game causes the body to react in the form of an increase in the disease. It is believed that changing a person’s reactions and attitudes allows the disease to recede. Otherwise, the thyroid gland cannot be treated.

Hyperthyroidism and psychology

Increased functionality of the thyroid gland manifests itself in the form of a goiter (diffuse or toxic form). It is the result of psychological trauma, diseases and conditions (tuberculosis, rheumatism, conception, etc.), less often due to previous infections. The disease is accompanied by high excitability of the nervous system, reflex indicators, rapid fatigue, increased heart rate, rattling of the hands, profuse sweating, acceleration of metabolism, weight loss with increased appetite.

Hereditary factors and influence external factors in childhood they cause a tendency to hyperthyroidism. Treatment is carried out with drugs that calm the nervous system, microdoses of iodine, etc.

Personality picture

Classic psychosomatics consists of the manifestation of a disease in the absence of a sense of security and hope. They With early years caused by the death of parents or abandonment, negative relationships in family. Unsatisfied attachment desires are expressed in identification with the object of desire. This causes physical and psychological overload, which leads to persistent struggles, lack of confidence or phobias.

Typical psychosomatics are inevitable with a pronounced consciousness of responsibility and readiness for action, suppressed by a feeling of fear. The conscious image of the anticipated result, towards which the activity is aimed, is overcome by the exertion of one’s forces. Researchers note the readiness of patients to show care for others. This is reflected in the taking on of the mother's responsibilities in relation to younger siblings, which leads to high level compensation for aggressive impulses and combating them. Safety risks occur in people of all ages.

Fighting Fear

Thyrotoxicosis is indirectly accompanied by fear and need. It manifests itself when accepting responsibility along with counterphobic denial.

The desire to achieve social success, work activity and responsibility serves the function of self-soothing. Most of patients are instilled with a sense of duty that leads them to a state of exhaustion. Patients constantly strive to exceed their tasks. Perhaps they were forced to a high level of independence from childhood.

They appear in society as a mature personality, having difficulty hiding their weakness and fear (of separation or a sense of responsibility). Their imagination is filled with death. Hyperthyroid diseases are characteristic of people trying to “withstand the fight against their phobias.” There is restlessness and excited state, fearfulness, decreased initiative, capacity and depressive disorder.

Psychotherapy of patients

Psychosomatics ( unbalanced state, insomnia) persists even with a healthy thyroid gland. The reason is the high productivity of hormones, which causes an active and lively state, and when the level normalizes, they accept their state as passive-apathetic and lack of initiative. Psychotherapeutic conversations, along with the analysis of potential conflict, help suppress the crisis situation.

Psychosomatics is directly related to experiences of relationships in the family and organizational activities. When studying crisis situations and the nature of pathologies, it is possible to direct the patient’s strength to develop a lifestyle. Recommended techniques include: transactional analysis, art therapy, cognitive and gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis.

Hypothyroidism as a consequence of passivity

Hypothyroidism - decreased performance of the thyroid gland. Characteristic signs manifest themselves in the form of fatigue, physical and mental lethargy, slowness, swelling of the eyelids, dryness skin, hair loss and metabolic disorders.

Personality picture:

Patients are characterized by a lack of interest or initiative in all areas of activity and everyday life. The development of hypothyroidism occurs after failure to achieve desired goals, loss of hope and submission to unacceptable routines.

Psychosomatics manifests itself in the form of emotional blocking. People are frustrated in their true preferences and abilities. They are forced to do boring work against their will, where development takes place own form protest and aggressive fantasies.

Main Factors

  • Physical - prisoners limited in movement due to fences, bad weather affecting the inability to harvest crops, low income.
  • Biological - diseases, age restrictions and physical disabilities.
  • Psychological - phobias, low level intelligence.
  • Sociocultural - the presence of norms, rules and prohibitions that impede the achievement of goals.

Psychic therapy:

Drug intervention or diets that eliminate iodine deficiency. Many people are helped by a change in circumstances that contribute to the realization of their true motives. In more difficult situations Systematic psychotherapy will help.

Do you still think that it is difficult to cure the thyroid gland?

Since you are currently reading this publication, the fight for thyroid health is not yet going in your favor...

Perhaps you have already thought about surgery? It’s clear, because the thyroid gland plays vital role in the human body, and its performance is a necessary condition wellness. Discomfort in the cervical region, endless fatigue, a lump in the throat... You may have already experienced this.

But might it be more correct to treat the original cause of the disease, rather than suppress its symptoms?



          Its 2 main problems: 1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to direct his anger outward, restraining it, and with it restraining all warm feelings, make him more and more desperate every year: no matter what he does, he does not get better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not the right thing. If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work”, loading himself more and more - until complete exhaustion; or his own self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, and, in the long term, even self-hygiene. A person becomes like a house from which the bailiffs have removed the furniture. Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion, there is no strength , energy even for thinking. Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: sleep is disturbed, metabolism is disturbed... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about deprivation of possession of someone or something.

          On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. His own self turns out to be lost. He feels unbearably painful and empty: and he cannot even put it into words. This is neurotic depression. Everything can be prevented and not brought to such a result.If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things: 1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

          • I have a right to needs. I am, and I am I.
          • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
          • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to achieve what I need.
          • I have the right to crave love and love others.
          • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
          • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
          • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
          • right of birth.
          • I may get rejected. I may be alone.
          • I'll take care of myself anyway.

          I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning a text” is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any sustainable results. It is important to live, feel, and find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he is used to imagining it. That how he lives this life depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world. And these phrases are just a reason for thought, reflection and search for your own, new “truths”.

          2. Learn to direct aggression towards the person to whom it is actually addressed.

          ...then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be expressed.






          Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body that are based on psychological causes. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct expression for a particular person.

          Mental defenses are triggered, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

          Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


          The negative impact of stress on human body, and especially distress, is colossal. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by approximately 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it’s also good if it’s simple colds, and if oncological diseases or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident; there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to put an end to any disease, you should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. Symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to go deep into yourself to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes we have given was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience working with patients. We also provide an interpretation by Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

Behind the sign MINUS the psychological cause of the disease is written; behind the sign PLUS there is a new stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARITIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find a mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Introduce into your consciousness the idea that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because... it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.
Name of disease or organ

THYROID- found: 1

1. THYROID- (Louise Hay)

~ The most important gland of the immune system. Feeling like you are being attacked by life. They are trying to get to me.

Humiliation. "I never get to do what I want. When will it be my turn?"

My kind thoughts strengthen the strength of my immune system. I have reliable protection inside and out. I listen to myself with love. I go beyond all limitations and express myself freely and creatively.