Symptoms and treatment of lazy bowel. Daily stool is the norm, not a dream: make the lazy intestines work

If you want to know if you can make the lazy gut work, then read this article.

From it you will learn about the etiology and symptoms of pathology, as well as what to do to get rid of this disease.

More about the problem

It is observed not only in adults, but also in children, and has various prerequisites for the appearance.

It will not work to cope with such a pathology on your own, without a visit to the doctor, however, with proper and timely treatment, it will be possible to forget about the symptoms that characterize it.

Statistics say: the diagnosis of "syndrome lazy bowel” is given to one of the seven people who applied for medical assistance and complaining of difficult defecation and a general deterioration in their health.

Lazy bowel syndrome is characterized by loss of muscle tone in the intestinal system.

With such a diagnosis, the muscular intestinal system of an adult, child or infant does not contract in the right amount, hindering the process food boluses in the direction from the duodenum to the rectum, towards the anal sphincter.

First and most main symptom, which may indicate the presence of such a pathology, is prolonged constipation.

Over time, without proper and adequate treatment, a person's condition can significantly worsen due to general intoxication of the body with the decay products of unexcluded stool.

Other symptoms that accompany a condition characteristic of "lazy bowel":

  • persistent bloating;
  • heaviness localized in the abdominal region;
  • fetid odor from the mouth;
  • a noticeable decrease in appetite (more typical for small child or for a baby, and not for an adult);
  • constant feeling of dry mouth.

With severe intoxication of the body with decay products of feces, additional, non-specific symptoms this pathology:

  • nausea, less often - vomiting;
  • acne or profuse allergic rashes;
  • increased fragility of hair and nails;
  • confusion;
  • problems with sleep and falling asleep.

How to determine that it is time to start treatment of a pathology localized in the gastrointestinal tract? The number of bowel movements per day should be monitored.

Normally, a person should perform acts of defecation every day, one to three times a day. This rule applies to both adults and children.

In infants, the situation may be different (increased number of defecation acts) due to the fact that its intestinal system is not sufficiently developed in the first months of life.

Causes and treatment of pathology

Before you start treating the "lazy bowel" syndrome and understand what needs to be done to completely neutralize this problem, you should find out what reasons became its primary source.

Exists whole line reasons that are relevant for both an adult and a child, which can affect the occurrence of the "lazy bowel" syndrome.

Below you can find the most common among them.

Intestinal pathologies of such a plan may occur due to:

  • sedentary image life;
  • an unbalanced diet that includes too little fiber-rich foods;
  • regular suppression of acts of defecation;
  • diseases that prevent the normal evacuation of feces (for example, hemorrhoids or tumors);
  • general dehydration of the body;
  • large pregnancy;
  • long drug therapy means that include components such as aluminum, iron, magnesium;
  • severe stress;
  • various endocrine and nervous anomalies.

What medicines to drink so that the treatment of "lazy bowel" is quick and effective?

Get information about the correct medical treatment You can visit a gastroenterologist and undergo a series of specific examinations.

You should remember a simple rule: the treatment of lazy bowel syndrome is accompanied by taking pharmacy laxatives only in emergency cases.

Proper treatment of lazy bowel syndrome requires an integrated approach.

In addition, the treatment of lazy bowel syndrome in without fail should be accompanied by certain gymnastic exercises that will help restore muscle tissue"lazy" body lost tone.

These exercises should be done regularly, twice a day, throughout the entire acute phase pathology.

In addition, you can do them for preventive purposes, in order to forget about it forever. possible relapse lazy bowel syndrome.

How to treat a pathology characterized by the "lazy bowel" syndrome with the help of proper nutrition? If you want to know the answer to the question, then check out this paragraph of the article.

To begin with, refuse to take "heavy" food: fatty, fried, salty and starchy foods. Reduce the consumption of bread and eat it not fresh, but dried up.

Cut down on coffee and tea, and cut out alcohol completely.

To normalize the work of the intestines and restore the tone of the muscles of this organ, start eating those foods that are not only quickly digested, but also stimulate peristalsis.

These products include:

  • a variety of vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in fiber;
  • some types of cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal and semolina);
  • vegetarian soups and broths brewed with low-fat varieties meat, fish and poultry;
  • vegetable oils (especially linseed, sesame and olive);
  • dairy products;
  • fatty fish.

Adhere to such a diet should be strictly. After acute symptoms lazy bowel syndrome will pass, and the doctor will report that you are on the mend, you can begin to introduce into your diet some types of foods that were not initially recommended for use.

It is worth mentioning that we are not talking about flour or fat and not about alcohol, but about previously prohibited types of cereals, meat, poultry, and hard varieties of pasta.

Pathology characterized by "lazy bowel" syndrome can be treated folk remedies, which have a slight laxative effect and increase the overall tone of the body.

For example, you can prepare a rich compote of prunes by mixing three hundred grams of dried fruits with a liter of water. During the cooking process, it is important to ensure that the water does not boil away.

Boil this compote for ten or fifteen minutes, then turn off the stove and leave the broth to cool. Use the remedy should be one hundred - one hundred and fifty grams in the morning or in the evening.

Treatment of the "lazy bowel" syndrome can be carried out with the power of a decoction created on the basis of sesame seeds.

One hundred grams of this ingredient should be added to five hundred milliliters of boiling water, remove the container with the mixture from the stove and let the broth brew in a dark place.

The remedy should be used in the same way as the medicinal prunes compote, which was described above.

You can increase the tone of the intestinal muscle tissue and normalize the frequency of bowel movements by regularly drinking freshly squeezed carrot juice.

This remedy has a slight laxative effect, but does not violate the intestinal microflora, so it can be used for a long time.

If you do not want to devote your time to making decoctions, then just start drinking in the mornings and evenings a tablespoon of quality vegetable oil - linseed, sesame, grape or coconut.

After reading this article, you were able to learn about such a pathology of the digestive tract as “lazy intestines”.

You can get rid of the oppressive symptoms characteristic of pathology on your own, without taking potent medications.

To cure the pathology that is the cause of "lazy bowel", you should do certain gymnastic exercises and stick to the diet plan recommended by your doctor.

You can reinforce the results of these measures by using various folk remedies that can restore bowel function.

Lazy bowel is a common problem that manifests itself in a person in the form of long-term and painful constipation. To solve it, many people resort to using. But experts do not recommend frequently turning to medicines, since although they allow you to cleanse the intestines from stagnation of feces, they are not able to normalize its work. In order for the patient to find out the cause of their occurrence and direct forces to eliminate it.

1 Lazy bowel syndrome and its symptoms

Intestines healthy person must be cleaned independently at least once a day. People who have regular problems with its natural emptying, doctors often diagnose "lazy bowel syndrome". How does this pathology manifest itself and what danger does it pose to human health? To answer these questions, we must first consider the symptoms of a lazy (or sluggish) bowel. These include:

  • constipation (some people he worries constantly, others - periodically);
  • discomfort and feeling of fullness in the intestinal area;
  • flatulence;
  • bad breath;
  • dry mouth.

With prolonged constipation, the patient, in addition to the listed symptoms, may experience weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, and loss of appetite. These symptoms indicate intoxication, which occurs when the body is poisoned with toxins formed as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of feces in the intestine. The constant presence of toxins in the body negatively affects the activity of the liver, leads to hair loss, brittle nails and deterioration of the skin. As you can see, a lazy intestine can bring a lot of serious health problems to a person. They can be avoided only if you consult a doctor in time.

2 Factors contributing to the development of constipation, and ways to eliminate them

Lazy bowel syndrome is a problem well known to people of mature and advanced age. But often this pathology occurs in young people and even in children. What are its reasons? Experts are sure that the factors that slow down intestinal motility are most often:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irrational and irregular nutrition;
  • the use of a small amount of liquid;
  • hemorrhoids and the presence of cracks in the anus;
  • chronic diseases endocrine system and organs of the digestive tract;
  • taking medications containing iron, magnesium or aluminum;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • overweight;
  • unfavorable living conditions in which there are difficulties with the timely emptying of the intestines (for example, living in a place located far from the toilet or hard work).

Treatment of pathology must begin with the elimination of the cause that provoked it. People suffering from regular constipation should try to spend at least 1.5-2 hours a day on their feet. Movement restores intestinal motility and promotes natural cleansing. To get rid of constipation, it is not necessary to play sports strenuously. Enough to do daily hiking, refuse to use the elevator and regularly do morning exercises. An active lifestyle has a beneficial effect on the contraction of the muscles of the intestine and facilitates the movement of the feces in it to the exit.

If the intestines do not work, a person needs to pay attention to his diet. Difficulties with the defecation process usually occur in those who consume large amounts of foods that help to fix the stool (rice, cottage cheese, meat, sandwiches, pastries, fried foods, fast food, convenience foods, chocolate). Such food slows down intestinal motility and leads to problems with its timely emptying. To get rid of constipation, you need to abandon the use of these products and enrich your diet with foods that include fiber. This complex carbohydrate present in almost all herbal products, renders on intestine lung laxative action, causing it to work normally and empty on time.

A diet for constipation should include foods:

It is also worth remembering the normal drinking mode. For full-fledged work intestines, a person needs to drink at least 2 liters every day pure water. Its deficiency in the body leads to dehydration and contributes to the development of constipation. To activate the work of the intestines, experts recommend that patients drink a glass of raw bottled water every morning after waking up. This simple procedure contributes to its rapid emptying.

3 Problems with bowel movements with concomitant ailments, the use of laxatives

If active image life and correction of the diet did not help the patient to normalize the work of the intestine, he should seek help from qualified specialist. Often, constipation occurs against the background of the development in a person of any concomitant diseases. Only a doctor can diagnose them, so you should not postpone a visit to him. By using modern methods examination of the body, a specialist will determine the true and prescribe a person drug therapy able to eliminate it.

Sometimes poor intestinal patency occurs as a result of the presence of a malignant tumor in it. Increasing in size, it interferes with the normal movement of feces and makes the process of defecation difficult. Treatment malignant tumors produced surgically. The sooner a person sees a doctor, the more chances he will have for recovery.

People suffering from constipation often have to resort to taking laxatives. But it is impossible to cure a lazy intestine with these drugs.

Experts warn that the use of laxatives is justified only in cases prolonged constipation when there is a need for urgent cleansing of the intestines from the accumulated feces in it.

Regular intake such funds weakens intestinal motility and makes the evacuation of its contents even more difficult. In order not to harm the body, you need to take laxatives for short period. The only exceptions are drugs based on lactulose and intended for people suffering from chronic constipation. They restore the intestinal microflora and contribute to its timely cleansing. You can take such medicines for a long time, but only a doctor should prescribe them to a person.

4 Folk methods

What to do if you can’t go to the toilet without the use of laxatives? Worthy alternative pharmaceutical preparations can become a means traditional medicine. Their use has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility and helps prevent constipation.

You can soften the feces and facilitate their evacuation from the intestines with the help of olive oil. A teaspoon of this product should be taken every night before going to bed. Olive oil has a mild laxative effect and promotes natural bowel cleansing after waking up.

You can make the intestines work on their own with the help of delicious natural medicine from dried fruits. To prepare it, you need to take half a glass dried apples, figs, raisins, dates, pitted prunes, shelled kernels walnuts. Dried fruits are thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, after which they are passed through a meat grinder together with nuts. The resulting homogeneous mass is mixed with half a glass of flax seeds and the same amount of honey, after which it is transferred to a glass dish and left in the refrigerator. In order for the intestines to work, the remedy should be taken 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

Fruit and vegetable salad will help normalize bowel activity in chronic constipation. To prepare it on a medium grater rub 1 Big apple and 1 medium sized carrot. The resulting mass is seasoned with 15 ml of sour cream and eaten daily on an empty stomach. Such a salad will provide a quick laxative effect and allow you to forget about problems with bowel movements.

You can make the intestines function normally with the help of massage, which must be performed before the act of defecation. To do this, a person needs to lie on his back and bend his knees. Being in the indicated position, he should stroke the lower abdomen clockwise for 5-10 minutes. During this time, he should have the urge to empty the bowels. For getting quick effect massage should be combined with the use of traditional medicine, diet and active lifestyle.

A lazy intestine is able to deliver a lot of problems to its owner and become real threat his good health. Regularly occurring difficulties with defecation should alert a person and force him to see a doctor. The specialist will help the patient to find out the cause of problems with bowel movements and help to choose a therapy aimed at normalizing his work.

Main problems with gastrointestinal tract are usually observed in the autumn-winter period. This fact is confirmed by experts. This is largely due to the fact that people in the cold season begin to actively consume high-calorie heavy foods, obeying the most ancient defense mechanism.

As a result of this, regular constipation, flatulence and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract appear. In order to avoid this, you will only need to familiarize yourself with the following not cunning rules and take note of them. Then there will be no this kind question - the intestines do not work, what to do?

Do not overload the body with heavy food

One of the important postulates is to pay due attention to the diet. This is especially true for those who clog the body with harmful products (sweets, cookies, kirieshki, etc.).

You definitely need to have breakfast. Its calorie content from all the prescribed daily allowance should be about twenty-five percent. Using for its preparation protein products. They will allow you to feel full for a long time and provide the body with useful energy. They also have a positive effect on metabolism.

As for the snacks during the working day, of course, the body needs them. Apples, nuts, yogurt, etc. are ideal.

Include whole grains in your daily diet

These include - nuts, legumes, muesli, cereals. Also, do not forget about fresh fruits and vegetables, they contain vital fibers for good nutrition and body cleansing. One of them is fiber. It helps to normalize the stool, get rid of dysbacteriosis and even from extra pounds.

Of course, now they contain less nutrients compared to summer. This is dictated by the fact that they are stored and grown in greenhouse conditions. In addition, their transportation to winter time increases noticeably.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day

It is very useful to drink water immediately after waking up, this will “activate” the work of the intestines. Why drink lots of fluids? It is needed in order to increase the volume of masses available in the intestine and increase peristalsis by swelling the fiber fibers contained in it. It is advisable to drink clean, settled (filtered) water, and not carbonated drinks, juices.

Become more active

When leading a sedentary lifestyle, there is a weakening of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvis. This, in turn, leads to problems in the work of the intestines and gallbladder. Performing even the most difficult exercise will help not only to wake up, but also to begin the intestines to perform the functions assigned to it. Therefore, daily physical activity quite a positive effect on the well-established motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Take herbal and vitamin complexes

Given all the shortcomings of the cold season - weakening immune protection body, deficiency sunlight and the like. good helper will become multivitamin complexes, and if there are problems with bowel movements, it is worth supplementing the diet herbal preparations. Undoubtedly, the advice of a specialist here also does not hurt. In addition, he has more experience and knowledge that will help him solve this issue effectively.

If you are still concerned about the question - "The intestine does not work, what should I do?", You should use the methods of traditional medicine.


Now few people use traditional medicine, since more preference is given to enemas and laxatives ( glycerin suppositories, Duphalac, etc.). But they have no less effect.

Drink olive oil every morning

If it is not at hand, ordinary vegetable oil will do, or you can take cabbage pickle. Drink one teaspoon. And in order not to forget, put them in the most prominent place. Similar effect has and potato juice, which you need to drink 1/3 cup also on an empty stomach.

Infusion of prunes

To prepare it, you need spring or melt water in a volume of 1 liter. Soak a couple of glasses of prunes in it, leave overnight. In the morning, squeeze the fruit into a glass. It is recommended to drink such an infusion once a day before breakfast for a whole glass. This remedy is also great for those who have constant constipation.

Natural laxative - flax seeds

Recipe - pour 1 large spoonful of seeds in a glass boiled water. Leave for about five hours. After this time, the seeds - eat, decoction - drink.

Attention. You need to prepare a laxative in the evening for 5 hours.

Rowan tincture

It is necessary to collect rowan berries before the first frost, rinse thoroughly under running water. take three liter jar and in two layers, alternating with sugar, lay the berries to the very top. Put the jar in the sun and wait until the sugar dissolves. Close tightly with a lid and send to dark place for three weeks. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that the sugar does not ferment. At the end of the term, strain the contents of the jar. Add 25 g of alcohol or vodka to the resulting tincture. Take one tablespoon on an empty stomach. Do not abuse!

lettuce panicle

It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • cabbage. It can be pickled or fresh;
  • fresh beets, carrots;
  • petiole celery.

Grind all these products and put them in one bowl. You do not need to add oil and salt to the prepared salad, and you can eat as much as you want.

Honey and aloe

To help solve the problem with the intestines, they will help - loose tea (grind in a coffee grinder and taken dry, tsp 4 times a day) and beet-carrot juice(drink 1 glass on an empty stomach). Vegetable drink is prepared on the basis of taste preferences patient. So, you can add more carrots, less beets, or vice versa.

We carry out preventive measures:

  1. Monitor your lifestyle. If there is a habit of constantly lying on the couch, regardless of the meal, it should be eliminated. No one imposes a visit to the gym, because it can be arranged right at home. To do this, it will be enough to do a few sit-ups, run around the house (ski, bike) or go for a walk.
  2. Eat small portions. You need to leave the table slightly hungry so that the food is processed more actively, then there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  3. Avoid eating junk food. This especially includes: chips, croutons, crackers, hamburgers, etc. Instead, it is better to prepare a light soup or vegetable salad.

In order for the body to work like a clock, and not to disturb various problems in the form of disturbed stools, flatulence, and so on, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner. In protracted cases, you should seek help from specialists.

Article content:

Most people do not pay attention to minor ailments that occur against the background of certain failures in the body, and this irresponsibility for one's health often leads to rather unpleasant consequences.

People live "full" lives, go to work after drinking a bunch of self-prescribed medications, ignore doctor visits and exacerbate their situation every day.

Sometimes problems with emptying are revealed, the skin becomes dry, an incomprehensible allergic reaction and others similar symptoms. What does a person who does not want to visit the clinic do in such a situation?

Of course, it acquires cosmetical tools for the treatment of the skin, drinks standard anti-allergic drugs to relieve unpleasant itching and, if possible, eliminates foods that affect atypical stools from his diet, washing down the whole thing with laxatives.

But these actions will not help at all to solve main problem causing unpleasant symptoms. In fact, all these effects occur due to the "lazy" intestine, which is simply tired of working in the correct mode. What kind of disease is this and how to make a lazy intestine work, we will tell in our informative article!

Reasons for development

IN digestive system human involved various organs that serve their intended purpose. One of these organs is the intestine, which has some sensitivity to processed feces.

These masses of processed food must pass freely from duodenum to the rectum, for release from the human body. If for some reason the intestines lose their sensitivity, and the tone of the intestinal muscles decreases, these masses are retained in the body, which leads to the development of constipation.

Long-term presence of feces in the intestines provokes intoxication, and harmful substances begin to enter the human blood. chemical compounds. Such a disease should not be ignored, timely treatment will eliminate unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the risk of more serious manifestations.

Before treating the disease, you need to find the cause of its occurrence. Most often this failure occurs:

  • due to a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in a contraction of the muscles of the body and limbs of a person;
  • with intentional suppression of the desire to go to the toilet;
  • in cases where the human diet contains foods low in fiber, which is very necessary for the intestines for normal functionality;
  • low fluid intake can also adversely affect the functioning of this organ;
  • in the presence of mechanical obstacles to the discharge of feces (tumors, nodes,);
  • when consumed in large quantities of products with a fastening effect (rice, bread, milk, cheese, rich products, etc.);
  • pregnancy can also lead to this unpleasant ailment;
  • some medications, which include magnesium, aluminum and iron, entail by-effect- constipation;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • circulatory disorders, endocrine diseases, Parkinson's disease;
  • drinking strong tea or coffee after meals;
  • the use of food products containing unsafe elements and GMOs.

Symptoms of the disease

Lazy bowel syndrome is accompanied by certain symptoms that create unpleasant discomfort. With the development of this disease, a person feels severe pain V abdominal cavity, there is bloating and dry mouth.

The patient becomes lethargic and irritable, the level of his ability to work deteriorates significantly, since with such symptoms, the desire to do any business simply disappears.

The long course of the disease leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair and skin, liver problems appear, appetite disappears, and in oral cavity bad breath appears.

A lazy bowel eliminates appetite, a sick person soon begins to lose weight rapidly. All these manifestations negatively affect general condition, so treat this disease better in the early stages of its development.

This disease is often found in the elderly, and the frequency of constipation is often chronic. Due to physiological aging and decreased activity, there are characteristic disorders in the digestive system, which provokes the development of a lazy intestine.

Also, this manifestation can be affected by drugs, because, as you know, older people often have certain diseases, for the treatment of which they are prescribed effective pills.

Reaction to frequent constipation may be different most of older people experience a feeling of fear with such a disease, it seems to them that they are poisoned. This entails depression, against which there are severe headaches and depression.

Slightly sluggish, inelastic bowels may be accompanied by flatulence and unpleasant colic in the abdomen. The main principle of treatment in the elderly is aimed at normalizing intestinal motility and stool consistency. A specially designed diet is included in the mandatory course of recovery.

Such bowel treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • first of all, the patient is prescribed an effective dietary ration, which is dominated by products with great content fiber;
  • It is also important to eliminate from the diet harmful products and drinks that cause the bonding of feces;
  • recommended correct mode nutrition and active lifestyle;
  • need to drink daily a large number of water, at least 1.5-2 liters;
  • V medication course includes drugs that improve muscle function;
  • if the disease is detected in a child, apply exclusively conservative methods treatment;
  • if a mechanical obstruction in the intestine is detected, an operation is performed to eliminate the underlying cause of constipation.

You can cure this ailment with folk remedies, proven by more than one generation. Freshly made carrot or plum juice effectively helps, sunflower oil and cabbage brine. As a laxative medicine, you can take a tincture of flax seeds.

There are other equally effective and harmless ways elimination of constipation. Treatment of a lazy bowel will not bring the desired results if the sick person does not follow the recommended diet and daily routine.

Experts advise to be active in movements as much as possible, to chew food thoroughly during its use and in no case delay bowel movements when such a desire arises.

With constipation, enemas with the use of cool water. If the patient has chronic form lazy bowel, this procedure is carried out twice a month. If necessary, the doctor also prescribes massotherapy which you can do yourself at home.

Constant constipation, pimples on the skin, chronic fatigue. Might be to blame sluggish bowel; symptoms and treatment in our article.

How to understand that the gastrointestinal tract is lazy?

As a rule, people blame the intestines for lethargy when severe constipation. But constipation is a sign of a million and one "sores."

Another thing is if the absence of a chair is combined with:

  • Bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, belching and rumbling;
  • Bad smell from the mouth, and not from caries;
  • dry mouth;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, irritability;
  • Dull skin and brittle hair.

A complex of symptoms may indicate a syndrome lazy bowel.

An accurate diagnosis will be made by a gastroenterologist after checking the speed of food movement along digestive tract, Ultrasound and testing. He will also develop a therapeutic strategy.

Homemade lazy gut test

At home, you can conduct a simple experiment: check the time it takes for food to reach the rectum. Eat 3-5 g of activated charcoal on an empty stomach.

Time the intake and see when it comes out, staining the feces black.


If the speed of passage of a homemade marker is from 12 to 24 hours, then intestinal motility is normal. If more than a day, then something is wrong.

Causes of slow peristalsis

  • Mechanical obstructions (swallowed objects, polyps, haemorrhoids, tumors);
  • Loss of intestinal musculature of muscle strength ( atony), impaired blood supply, inflammation;
  • Sedentary or recumbent lifestyle;
  • Diet without fiber, with plenty fatty foods And squirrel;
  • Dehydration;
  • pregnancyAndore feeding;
  • "Stopping" the intestines drugs.

deal with cause laziness of the gastrointestinal tract, then the peristalsis will work. Mild herbal laxatives, which are allowed even for women in an "interesting position", can speed up the process.

Don't let your gut be lazy

Be sure to find out what provoked a sluggish intestine; symptoms and treatment vary from case to case. Sometimes serious drug therapy cannot be avoided.

Easiest to deal with lazy bowel syndrome if called:

Of course, ideally, you should follow all these tips. Then the sluggish intestines will work, the symptoms and treatment will remain in the past.

help yourself

In one day, a lazy gut cannot be cured - a persistent desire to restore health is necessary.

It will take at least six months to restore regular natural emptying. But chronic constipation harmful, in the long run lead to accelerated aging, reduced mental capacity, reducing life expectancy.

Therefore, do not put up with them, but daily achieve bowel movements. Followed all the tips, but there is no chair?