Anxious depression: clinical picture, ways of formation, treatment. Depression and anxiety

Anxiety and depression – modern disease, which has become increasingly diagnosed and rejuvenated. This condition has Negative influence on the quality of human life. The emergence and spread of this condition raised the acute question of the need for people to master mental hygiene.

If we do not learn to control our emotions, giving them a way out if necessary, do not master relaxation techniques, and do not learn to think positively, then anxiety and depression can be called one of the most common problems modern man.

Feelings of anxiety are very often a symptom of depression. These conditions can be considered separately, determining general features manifestations. Sometimes the symptoms of anxiety and depression are so similar that it is very difficult to differentiate them. But most often, anxiety and depression exist together, complementing each other and aggravating a person’s condition.

Alarming depressive disorder belongs to the group of neuroses, which are considered as psychogenic conditions characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations. Neuroses are distinguished by self-awareness of oneself as an individual and separation of oneself from the disease.

Anxiety and depression occurs in almost 1/5 of people. Each person has a 20% chance of encountering this neurosis. Some people experience this condition several times in their lives.

But the absolute majority of patients do not go to the doctor, but try to cope with their condition on their own. This is fundamentally wrong, since anxiety and depression can be treated sustainably. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to contact a psychiatrist if the very fact of such treatment is frightening. On modern stage Cardiologists, therapists, and neurologists cope with this disease.

The main symptom of anxiety and depression is constant feeling anxiety without any obvious reasons. It is difficult to imagine a state in which there is a constant feeling of incomprehensible danger, misfortune, catastrophe, problem. A person has no fear of any specific problem: an exam, a meeting, a meeting, a trip. He experiences a vague sense of danger of something. Like an incomprehensible, frightening premonition.

This condition provokes a constant vicious circle: the feeling of danger produces adrenaline, which itself escalates the situation, causing a feeling of danger. A vicious vicious circle arises from which there is no way out.

Anxiety and depression have two groups of symptoms: clinical manifestations and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Clinical manifestations:

  • sleep disturbance, both in the process of falling asleep and sleep itself;
  • persistent Bad mood, tearfulness, sharp fluctuations in expressions of emotions;
  • constant worry, apprehension of danger, anxiety;
  • anxiety and tension even in the most ordinary states;
  • worries about loved ones without obvious reasons, creating images of failures and troubles of your loved ones;
  • exhaustion, fatigue, weakness;
  • low concentration of attention, loss of speed of mental reactions;
  • negative thoughts.

Autonomic disorders:

  • trembling or tremor, usually in the extremities;
  • suffocation;
  • feeling of a “lump in the throat”;
  • frequent and strong heartbeat;
  • dampness of palms;
  • sweating;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • high muscle tension;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in the abdomen or in the heart area;
  • tides;
  • chills;
  • freezing of the extremities of the hands and feet.

A large number of people experience similar sensations under stress. But at the same time we are talking about some symptoms. For example, in stressful situation people often experience chills, which is why police in many countries give blankets to people in stressful situations, while providing psychological first aid.

Anxiety and depression are characterized by a number of characteristics that manifest themselves over several weeks or months. The combination of two groups of manifestations is important: vegetative and clinical. Their general presence indicates the possibility of an anxious-depressive state.

For the diagnosis of anxiety and depression, proven methods are most often used:

  • Zung scale;
  • BDA depression questionnaire;
  • Luscher test;
  • Montgomery-Asberg scale;
  • Hamilton scale.

Some methods are objective, and some are subjective diagnostics. When diagnosing, it is better to combine them, since the reliability of the information may be in question.

People with unfavorable conditions are at risk social conditions. But according to statistics, anxiety-depressive disorder is very common in countries with an above-average standard of living. Even according to data on those who consulted a doctor, the number of people with this problem is constantly growing in Europe and the USA.

Needless to say about those who, for a number of reasons, including domestic immunity, which does not allow a person to seek help in the hospital, did not make their condition public. The percentage of people who do not contact specialists is 2/3 of all sick people.

Most of the people at risk for anxiety and suspiciousness are women. This is explained by the wide variety of problems.

In the spotlight modern woman whole line experiences:

  • own career and professional growth;
  • caring for children, worries about problems with school or relationships of a teenager;
  • taking care of the home: comfort, everyday life, cooking;
  • worry about your appearance: care, worries, comparisons;
  • worries about the husband’s reaction to playing the role of mistress or mistress;
  • taking care of a personal car;
  • experiencing material difficulties.

Each of these points often aggravates the previous one, causing a whole range of emotions and experiences. In addition, women themselves are more emotional than men. At the same time, they do not know how to relax and relieve tension. If we add to the problems menstrual cycles, postpartum experiences, menopause, then the picture becomes even more complicated.

  1. Lack of work and employment. The inability to provide for oneself independently, being thrown out of the world of wealthy people, financial instability, looking for a job, “stepping over” oneself, failures lead to a feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness of one’s condition. Constant unrest cause an explosion of stress hormones that cause new experiences.
  2. Drugs and alcoholism. Psychoactive substances not only destroy a person’s personality, but also lead to somatic disorders. Depression is constant and causes the need to search for a new portion of happiness in a new dose of psychoactive substances. It is simply impossible to break this vicious circle without outside help.
  3. Unfavorable heredity. Most often, people whose parents had these problems suffer from anxiety and depressive disorders.
  4. Old age, retirement. Awareness of one’s own uselessness at work, in children’s families. This condition is aggravated by the appearance somatic diseases, death of relatives, loved ones, friends.
  5. Low level of education. According to statistics, this category of people suffers to a greater extent from anxiety-depressive disorder.
  6. The presence of severe somatic diseases. The emergence of diseases, the fight against which is equated with the fight against death, causes anxiety and depression. Modern psychotherapy considers it necessary to have positive emotions in patients in any condition.

Anxiety and depression are treated with medications. Their choice depends on the causes of this condition. Therefore, it is very important at the first stage to determine the cause-and-effect relationship of such a condition.

It is common to call a bad mood depression. Fortunately, many people do not even realize how far from the truth they are. Real depression serious disease, mental disorder depriving a person of the joys of life.

Manifestations of the disease are multifaceted. There are many types of depressive disorders. Anxious depression is common among them.

Features of the disease

Groundless anxiety and worry are a symptom of almost all types of depression. They are felt by 90% of patients. Because of widespread It is anxious depression that is meant when people talk about depression in general.

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This form of the disease combines depression and excruciating anxiety, which has no justified cause. The symptoms are difficult to differentiate because they are similar. They are considered as manifestations of one disorder.

It is believed that melancholy, apathy, and depression are caused by biological factors. The cause of anxiety lies in the personal characteristics of a person.

Boundaries are difficult to define anxiety disorders may be considered from different points view:

  • anxiety is a psychophysiological mechanism of the body’s reaction to external stimuli;
  • This is a character trait;
  • disease.

Path of anxiety formation

Anxious thoughts are common to humans. There are quite understandable reasons for them. The situation changes, the anxiety goes away. This is normal. It is also normal for people to be less or more anxious by nature. But when thoughts are constant and interfere with life, this is pathological anxiety, a clinical case.

The paths of formation are clear. A person usually does not hide his fears before a doctor and opens up. It is clear that anxious thoughts are being generalized and anxious expectations are intensifying.

The doctor notes that the patient is nervous, fussy, and nervous. The patient complains of difficulty falling asleep and nightmares. He is always on the lookout for trouble. He often blames himself and is prone to self-flagellation. He is terrified of having to make a decision.

Clinical signs accompanying depression with obsessive-compulsive disorder are:

  • feelings of guilt, personal inadequacy;
  • revision of the past, analysis of committed or imaginary mistakes;
  • confidence in the negative results of future decisions, an attempt to predict these results;
  • eternal doubts, very painful, recurring.

Somatized depression is different somatic anxiety. A person is focused on his own health:

  • The slightest physical ailment and changes in the functioning of organs are noticed;
  • There is a constant threat to health;
  • Expected serious illness. Illnesses are simulated. Autonomic and endocrine disorders do occur. A person can get sick with neurodermatitis, bulimia, anorexia, ovarian dysfunction, erectile disorders and neuroses.

Hypochondriacal depression combines depression and panic attacks:

  • the idea of ​​danger is very exaggerated;
  • a real or imagined somatic pathological process is assessed extremely negatively.

Symptoms of Anxious Depression

Anxious depression is neurotic disorder characterized by a large number of manifestations (symptoms). The self-awareness of the individual does not change; the person is aware of his illness.

Many people fight the disease on their own, without turning to doctors. And in vain. The prognosis for anxious depression is positive; it can be cured or the patient’s quality of life can be greatly improved. This is done by cardiologists, neurologists, and therapists.

The main symptom of the disease is anxiety. It is vague, without awareness of the reasons. Not fear of something specific, but a feeling of unknown danger. This sensation causes the production of adrenaline, it pumps up emotional condition. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Patients are afraid of some events that may or may not happen, diseases they have heard or read about, death. Any events seem to them to be harbingers of trouble.

These people are very unsure of themselves, of the future, they are afraid to make decisions, to say something unnecessary. They are wary of others and any events. They develop phobias. This may be a fear of closed spaces; some cannot be in a crowd.

Symptoms intensify if a person has to make a decision to do something new. Along with heavy thoughts, anxiety grows. Outwardly, this can manifest itself in hand-wringing, lip-biting, verbosity, and fussiness. Heavy thoughts, inadequate perception of reality, physical ailments can lead to suicide.

Symptoms are divided into clinical and vegetative:

  • constant feeling of depression, sadness, bad mood; jumps in emotional state;
  • apathy, melancholy, hopelessness for no apparent reason;
  • indifference to past interests and goals, lack of pleasure from life;
  • poor sleep – insomnia or excessive sleepiness, fatigue, weakness;
  • tension, irritability, tearfulness;
  • anxiety, worry, often of unknown origin for the person himself, expectation of negative events, the worst, pessimistic attitude towards the future of oneself and loved ones;
  • low self-esteem, awareness of oneself as an insignificant person, a feeling of inner emptiness;
  • fussy movements and actions;
  • poor appetite;
  • scattered attention, inability to concentrate, difficulty learning new things, decreased speed of thinking.
  • internal trembling, tremor;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lump in throat, heaviness, suffocation;
  • sweating, wet palms;
  • pain in the heart and solar plexus;
  • chills, hot flashes;
  • frequent urination;
  • abdominal pain, upset;
  • muscle pain;
  • dry mouth.

When stressed, many people experience these sensations. If several symptoms appear together and persist, this is a reason to go to the doctor.

Risk group

The risk of getting sick is approximately 20 percent. This total number, it is not the same for everyone. Women are more likely to get the disease than men. A woman usually spends her time at home, while at the same time she works in production. This results in a double load.

By nature, a woman is more emotional than a man. This is also an increased risk factor. Hormonal changes also play a role. female body– , menstruation, .

What other factors can influence the onset of the disease and the causes of anxious depression? There are many of them in our lives:

  • job loss;
  • bad habits – drugs and alcohol;
  • heredity;
  • retirement age;
  • insufficient education;
  • some somatic diseases.

Losing a job and difficulty finding a new one is hard for people, especially men. Some consider the many unsuccessful interviews along the way to be a humiliation; no one can be happy about the financial shortcomings in the family.

You don't have to talk about drugs and alcohol. Their destructive effect on the individual is known. While providing temporary relief, they plunge a person into even deeper depression.

There is no exact data about heredity, but it is known that children of sick parents suffer from the same disease more often than other people.

Elderly people are very susceptible to anxiety depression. They are rightly concerned about their insecurity; one after another, friends and relatives, their generation, are leaving. These people have a lower threshold of criticism of their behavior and less restraint.

You can hear statements from them about the impossibility of living like this any longer, that patience has run out and there is no strength. They may fall into an anxious stupor or, conversely, move fussily unnecessarily.

A small education sometimes prevents you from getting the life you want. In addition, a person does not always have the ability to evaluate himself, his capabilities and abilities.

People with serious illnesses often become depressed. Helping them is more difficult than helping others.


It cannot be said that all depression is curable. However, the results are good, there are long-term remissions, and sometimes the disease does not return at all. Treatment is usually complex - physiotherapy,.

Medicines Most often, a complex of antidepressants and tranquilizers is used. They regulate autonomic processes and calm the nervous system. Improvement occurs on the fifth day of treatment, maximum effect in four weeks. There are negative consequences of these drugs:
  • sedation, prohibition to drive a car, use certain equipment;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • a person gets fat;
  • addiction, need to increase doses;
  • It is impossible to immediately discontinue the drug; the dose will have to be reduced gradually.
  • Psychotherapy gives good results, since in a traumatic situation it is often not as important in itself as the person’s attitude towards it. Behavioral therapy can help here.
  • A person should not constantly think about unpleasant phenomenon, scroll through events again and again and at the same time do nothing. His thoughts should be about what to do, how to get out of the situation.
  • The therapist will help him learn new behavior scenarios. The patient’s desire to recover and his participation in this process are very important.
  • Treatment by a psychotherapist will consolidate drug treatment, will not allow depression to return in the event of a new stressful situation that cannot be avoided in life.
  • If the disease is in the active phase, physiotherapeutic methods are used. They are also used in the inactive period - to relieve a complex of symptoms. IN severe cases In hospital settings, electroconvulsive therapy is prescribed.
  • A fulfilling life with a diagnosis of Anxiety Depression is quite possible. There are medications and other treatments for this. The patient himself must strive for recovery; doctors have powerful opportunities to help.

Anxiety depression is a common type of psychogenic affective syndromes. With this emotional disorder, the intensity of the symptoms shown is associated with a really existing unfavorable situation in the patient’s life. The foundation of anxious depression is pathological reactions of expectation.

Very often such experiences are associated with anticipation of a deterioration in social status or financial situation. Patients, feeling their guilt, may feel a threat to their official position. If illegal actions have taken place, anxious depression may develop as a reaction to anticipation of investigative or judicial actions. This disorder can occur in those people who experience remorse because they have offended, betrayed, or cheated on someone. They think about the impending disaster if their deception is discovered or their betrayal becomes known to their partner.

Causes of Anxious Depression

This affective disorder is caused by a combination of several factors:

  • the presence of specific personal characteristics that predispose to the occurrence of pathological anxiety reactions;
  • excessively intense and prolonged exposure to stress factors on the human psyche;
  • assigning special importance to certain life circumstances;
  • a tendency to fixate attention on traumatic factors;
  • psychological illiteracy and inability to solve problems in a constructive way.

Almost all patients indicate existing conflicts in personal relationships or in the professional field. Many people suffering from this disorder indicate that cannot satisfy their needs, and they do not see ways to satisfy them in the future. The majority of those caught up in depression are hardworking, disciplined, responsible workers. They tend to carefully plan their actions and are used to doing everything according to the existing plan. Very often, patients with anxious depression work in an intense schedule. There is no room in their life for good rest and relaxation.

Another feature common to many subjects suffering from this affective disorder is a clear underestimation of their existing abilities. They don't think they can achieve anything significant results. They downplay their own talents and believe that they are not worthy of respect. Very often, the subconscious of such people contains ideas about their own guilt and worthlessness. They reproach themselves for the slightest mistakes and suffer greatly because of the mistakes they have made in life. Patients with anxious depression do not forgive their own weaknesses and are painfully worried if they have committed offenses.

Many people have a special ability to empathize. These are very caring and attentive people. They take to heart all the events that happen in the lives of their children, parents, and spouses. From the outside it may seem that such people do not live their own destiny, but live someone else’s life. They are always ready to help, even if they need to sacrifice their time, health, and resources. Many of these people are not at all capable of refusing; they often act to the detriment of their interests. They mistake other people's desires for their own needs. As a result, such ignoring the needs of one’s own personality leads to the emergence of a deep internal conflict.

Anxious depression: symptoms

The main symptom of anxious depression is anticipation of an impending disaster. Patients are completely absorbed in thoughts of imminent misfortune. Anxiety constantly overcomes a person, causing a feeling of unbearable internal tension and discomfort.

Typical symptoms of anxious depression - the appearance of timidity, timidity, and vague anxiety in a person. Patients are in a depressed, depressed state. They indicate that they feel “that something tragic and irreparable is about to happen in their near future.” Patients describe feeling like “an imminent disaster is hanging over them.” They are sure that nothing good awaits them in the future. They describe their prospects in gloomy tones.

A person’s anxiety can be focused on events expected in the future. For example, they may not give up thoughts about the upcoming marriage or divorce. Experiences can also be oriented towards a person’s past. The patient doubts the correctness of the choice made and believes that his decision was wrong. He begins to blame and reproach himself. Or his anxiety may be pointless, vague, global. His painful experiences lead to him often crying for no reason. However, he cannot specifically answer the question of what worries him.

Those around him are struck by the changes that have occurred in a patient with depression. Such a subject becomes wary and overly suspicious. Very often, anxiety concerns are accompanied by symptoms of motor restlessness. People are under tremendous stress. They don't find a place for themselves. Patients cannot maintain one body position: they cannot stand, sit, or lie. They often perform chaotic, meaningless actions. Such subjects may run from corner to corner around the room. Or they begin to walk aimlessly along the streets, going long distances from home. However, no matter where they are, they do not feel peace.

Another symptom of anxious depression is speech agitation. The patients moan and wail endlessly. They may repeat the same words or phrases over and over again. Their narrative is devoid of any logic.

Classic symptoms of anxious depression also manifest themselves at the physiological level. The patient complains of debilitating internal trembling, hot flashes and chills. It indicates acceleration heart rate. There is excessive sweating.

A traditional symptom of anxious depression is occurrence of sleep problems. The patient has difficulty falling asleep. He sleeps in shallow, fitful sleep. In the morning he feels broken and exhausted.

A person suffering from depression indicates an overwhelming weakness, loss of energy. A person quickly gets tired of usual activities. His activity and performance are significantly reduced. The patient has difficulty concentrating. He performs any task fussily and poorly.

Anxious depression often accompanied by panic attacks. Various variations of agoraphobia are often associated with the disorder. The patient may be afraid of panic open spaces or have a fear of enclosed spaces. He may be afraid of traveling on public transport. The subject may have a panicky fear of being alone. Or the patient will in every possible way avoid staying in places large cluster of people. In a broad sense, the fear of people is called anthropophobia.

Anxious depression: treatment

Anxious depression is often chronic in nature, and as the disorder worsens, the symptoms become more massive and expressive. A person’s “forward” anxiety often pushes one to think about the meaninglessness of life, which ultimately threatens the emergence of suicidal behavior. That is why, to overcome pathology and prevent tragic consequences

it is necessary to start treatment at the first signs of the disease. Treatment of anxious depression is a long and labor-intensive process, the success of which depends on competently conducted therapy and adherence to strict consistency. therapeutic measures Basic principle treatment of anxiety depression - taking SSRI antidepressants for six months. At the beginning of treatment, the patient may be prescribed benzodiazepine tranquilizers. Treatment with benzodiazepines is carried out for a duration not exceeding two weeks, since more long-term use

These drugs can lead to the development of drug dependence. On the background drug therapy resort to psychotherapeutic influence. Since the causes of this disorder are in most cases psychological factors And social aspects , to get rid of obsessive anxiety it is necessary to establish the original source of suffering. After discovering the true provocateur of the disorder, work is carried out to eliminate the psychotraumatic factor. If circumstances do not allow us to completely eliminate harmful components from the patient’s life, the psychotherapist helps the patient change his attitude towards these circumstances. Reducing the significance of the psychotraumatic factor, a different view of the existing way of life reduces nervous tension

complete elimination Anxious depression has the formation of new functional elements in the worldview of the individual. Understanding one’s true goals, needs, and desires stimulates the subject to build a happy future. Psychotherapeutic treatment enables a person to correctly perceive the situation in which he finds himself. Psychotherapy eliminates harmful attitudes, removes from thinking factors that hinder the growth and development of the individual. However, psychotherapeutic treatment brings the desired results only when the patient has a true desire to transform his life, is ready to make efforts to recover and complies with everything medical recommendations . In situations where a person’s thinking is completely engulfed in anxiety, his volitional sphere depressed, it is advisable to carry out treatment using hypnotic techniques. the person occurs comfortably and painlessly. In this case, the patient does not have to spend the remaining psychic energy to eliminate harmful circumstances. The effect of hypnosis is based on a direct impact on the area of ​​the subconscious - the layer of the psyche where the entire “life program” of a person is recorded. Direct replacement of installations at the site of their lifetime storage naturally changes a person’s way of thinking and style of behavior.

It should be noted that success in the treatment of anxious depression is impossible if, after all medical manipulations, a person returns to an environment where he experiences tension and discomfort. That is why the patient’s relatives must create a favorable environment, showing that they are ready to provide full assistance and support to a person who is captured by melancholy and anxiety. The absence of inflated demands, malicious reproaches and unfair claims, the demonstration of sincere confidence in the success of one’s sick relative, and, if necessary, feasible unobtrusive help in solving problems will guarantee the complete liberation of the subject from depression.

This serious condition how depression often takes on chronic form. When combined with constant causeless anxiety, it transforms into an anxiety-depressive disorder. It’s easy to “earn” it, but it can be very difficult to win. It is dangerous not to attach importance to it. But it’s also fraught adverse consequences exaggerating its scale only provokes additional anxiety.

The nature of anxiety and depressive disorders

Based on the name, the conclusion suggests itself that this disorder includes 2 conditions - depression and anxiety. Both are in an equal position, neither of them dominates the other, but each worsens the course of the other. Because of this, it is called mixed. This definition is contained in 10 International classification diseases, which includes the disorder in the list of neuroses. Their clinical picture is varied. It includes 3 types of pathologies:

  • bipolar disorder, when your mood constantly changes;
  • all kinds of phobias accompanied by anxiety;
  • depressive behavior.

Reasons for development

The causes of anxiety and depressive disorders are divided into 3 groups - physical diseases, mental processes, external factors.

Among physical illnesses, leading to a similar condition, stand out:

  • brain lesions - tumors, vascular diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart pathologies;
  • somatic diseases of a chronic nature - asthma, endocrine disorders;
  • lack of certain substances in the body, mainly vitamins and serotonin - the so-called hormone of happiness;
  • excess of harmful substances caused by prolonged use of medications, including antidepressants, tranquilizers, and other drugs that have a strong effect on the psyche and nervous system;
  • severe intoxication of the body, occurring in various ways;
  • diseases leading to disability.

Among mental processes the first place is occupied by stress factors that provoke the development constant fear, depression, irritability, apathy. Conditions can be combined or alternate. Such provoking factors include family quarrels, conflicts at work, and frequent nervous tension.

External factors can constitute the most extensive group; their list can be endless. Among the most common are:

  • physical fatigue caused by constant stress on the body;
  • hereditary predisposition to anxiety and depression;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • material problems - lack of work, low income;
  • gender and age reasons - adolescence, menopause, midlife crisis, age-related dementia;
  • pregnancy;
  • a constant situation of uncertainty regarding the present and future.

Anxiety depression, generated by the above reasons, is observed in approximately 1/4 of the world's population.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of mixed anxiety-depressive disorder may vary significantly from person to person. different people. Some signs of pathology may be pronounced. Others are carefully hidden and appear only under specific circumstances.

Symptoms can be divided into 2 large groups- vegetative, which are similar to the manifestations of various diseases, and clinical, caused by human interaction with outside world. There is no such thing as depression being overshadowed by anxiety or vice versa; they are considered as a whole.

Autonomic symptoms include:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • tension throughout the body;
  • chills or fever in the body, often accompanied by an increase in temperature and blood pressure;
  • dry throat.

Clinical symptoms:

  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite or constant hunger;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • an uneasy feeling of what is happening;
  • debilitating fear for oneself and for loved ones;
  • worry over trifles;
  • bad mood, tearfulness;
  • decreased performance;
  • violations of social adaptation;
  • absent-minded attention, decreased concentration;
  • increased arousal for no reason;
  • predisposition to suicidal thoughts;
  • feeling of complete hopelessness;
  • a sharp decrease in self-esteem.

The destructive role of anxious depression on health is obvious. It significantly worsens his condition, aggravates existing chronic diseases. Often a person loses the opportunity to live fully in society, work, and communicate with other people. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to get rid of the pathology.

Forms of anxiety and depressive disorders

There are 2 main forms of disorders:

  • depression with anxiety, which becomes constant, the person is under stress, this manifests itself physical signs and mental anguish, a person does not find a place for himself, anxiety prevents him from thinking about solving the problem;
  • with an admixture of obsessive states, the individual’s own thoughts prevent them from getting rid of; they are caused by self-focus and reluctance to do anything.

The relationship between anxiety depression and panic attacks

Often this disorder goes hand in hand with panic attacks. This is a dangerous situation that requires immediate action. First of all, it is necessary to establish the presence of signs of panic:

  • pulsation throughout the body;
  • fainting state;
  • inability to breathe fully;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • profuse sweating;
  • alternating fever and chills;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • loss of sensation in the limbs;
  • acute fear of death;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • difficulties in perceiving what is happening around.

At panic attacks anxiety is more pronounced than depression. If there are more than half of the signs, then we can confidently talk about anxiety-depressive disorder.

A phobia associated with certain objects or phenomena comes to the fore; it gradually grows, paralyzing a person’s will. Such phobias often overtake him suddenly under certain circumstances that the individual cannot overcome on his own. This often happens when panic grips a person in closed spaces. It can be short-term or last quite a long time.

Establishing diagnosis

Treatment of such disorders should begin with an accurate diagnosis. If it is incorrect, treating the patient will be difficult and long. It is necessary to undergo an examination, including visits to a number of doctors, among whom the main focus is on a therapist, a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Start of treatment - comprehensive examination body, allowing to exclude accompanying illnesses with similar symptoms.

As part of the research, doctors should check:

  • the patient's blood through a series of tests;
  • blood pressure level;
  • lung volume;
  • reaction to nerve stimuli;
  • heart condition.

The most famous psychological methods for making a diagnosis:

  • Luscher color test helps to understand psychological condition personality, identify deviations;
  • The Hamilton scale not only reveals the level of depression and anxiety, but also helps to choose The right way treatment;
  • The Dung scale is used to establish the severity of the condition.

You should also make a complete clinical picture patient's health:

  • presence of symptoms of anxious depression;
  • nature and duration of symptoms;
  • the presence of additional provoking factors;
  • the predominance of signs of anxiety-depressive disorder over the symptoms of other diseases.

Treatment of anxiety-depressive disorder

The disorder is curable if you choose the right treatment tactics. Many patients go to doctors for at least a month because of their unsuccessful attempts to diagnose correct diagnosis. Perfect option when a patient comes to a psychotherapist. If you access it in a timely manner, the prognosis is extremely favorable, and the likelihood of relapse is significantly reduced.

The main methods of treatment are psychotherapeutic and medication; pathology can be completely overcome with complex application methods, as well as resorting to additional procedures.

Psychotherapeutic methods

The success of this method largely depends on the personality of the psychotherapist. Will he be able to convince the patient that his anxiety and worry are meaningless and unproductive? Influence through rational arguments is the main method of therapy. It should change the patient’s thinking, bring him to harmony with himself and the world around him.

A trusting relationship between specialist and patient is important. Their presence makes it possible to conduct conversations during which it becomes clear possible reasons disorders, ways to overcome problems. Good effect gives cognitive behavioral therapy, in which the patient changes his thinking in a constructive direction and learns to use his emotions wisely.

Group classes and hypnosis are also used, during which patients are taught techniques of relaxation, self-control, and self-improvement. We must not forget about the preventive measures that the patient must master during treatment.

Medication methods

Can bring significant benefits medicinal methods. But the use of drugs alone is not enough. With their help, you can remove the symptoms of the disorder, but it is difficult to completely cure a person.

Several groups of medications are used - tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, beta blockers.

Tranquilizers are the most strong remedies who are filming acute manifestations depression, remove a person from the acute phase, often return the patient to normal life. Tranquilizers are used short-term due to persistent addiction, probable side effects, often after taking them you want to lie down all the time. Popular ones are “Phenazepam”, “Elenium”, “Elzepam”.

Antidepressants relieve signs of depression, improve mood and well-being, and form a normal reaction to current events. The doctor prescribes antidepressants over a long course so that the body accumulates a sufficient amount of substances that can resist negative factors. Although antidepressants are relatively harmless, it is necessary to select them taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. The most famous are Prozac and Amitriptyline.

Neuroleptics restore normal brain activity, and the person regains the ability to think adequately and make decisions.

Sedatives have a relaxing effect, relieve nervous tension, and allow nervous system function normally, relieve insomnia. Among sedatives Novo-Passit stands out.

Beta blockers are designed to eliminate most autonomic symptoms. They inhibit the receptors responsible for adrenaline, equalize blood pressure, relieve tremors, and eliminate sweating. Anaprilin, Betaxolol, and Atenolone are often used.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physical therapy is important integral part treatment of anxious depression. When choosing a specific method, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s health status and any contraindications he has. The most popular types of physiotherapy:

  • massage has a relaxing effect on the muscular system;
  • electrosleep immerses the patient in a state artificial sleep, normalizes natural sleep;
  • electrical procedures that stimulate the brain and increase blood flow to it;
  • acupuncture affects sensitive points of the body, awakening reflex reactions.

Other treatments

It would be more correct to call them methods not of treatment, but of correction, since they only relieve some symptoms and act for a short time. One of the most effective methods is the use of folk remedies.

First of all, we are talking about herbs, among which motherwort and valerine have a calming effect. Ginseng and lemongrass improve mood and increase the body's endurance. Gentian grass - effective remedy to defeat depression. The leaves of the elm tree increase performance.

When dealing with anxiety-depressive disorder, it is extremely important to follow a daily routine, eat properly and balancedly, and go for walks. fresh air, do physical exercise.


Among psychological disorders, anxiety and depression occupies one of the leading places. Often its danger is underestimated even by experts. It can significantly worsen life, lead to serious health problems, and lead to suicide. Guarantees of recovery - treatment under the supervision of a specialist, strict adherence to recommendations, acquisition of self-control skills.

Anxious depression is emotional disorder, which accompanies a pronounced state of anxiety and excessive excitement. Anxiety in in this case is recognized as atypical depression, while important point is that there is no reason to worry.

Classic depressive states are often accompanied by a complex of symptoms, with anxiety being one of the symptoms. However, in Lately people often experience this one symptom, and because increased anxiety depression and called atypical.

Causes of the disease

In general, a state of anxiety is characteristic to an ordinary person, and this is a natural feeling that contributes to the triggering of some self-defense mechanisms. But when symptoms of anxious depression appear, this goes beyond the norm, and accordingly, it becomes a pathology.

Why is it formed obsessive-compulsive disorder accompanied by overwhelming anxiety? This primarily occurs due to prolonged exposure to stress, regardless of the nature of its origin. Excessive busyness at work, unfavorable home environment, lack of confidential contact with loved ones or relatives.

The life of a modern person is full of depression, most of which we simply try not to notice. Another reason that concerns almost every Russian person is the unstable economic situation in the country and the credit burden. It is the obligations to banks and the difficulty or impossibility of fulfilling them that has a pressing influence on the human psyche. Sometimes, for this reason, one’s own unfulfillment is formed, when there are aspirations, but there are no opportunities due to the increased credit load.

Factors that can lead to anxious depression include the following:

  • Temporary or permanent disability.
  • Abuse bad habits(drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction).
  • Heredity. Relatives were prone to anxiety and depression.
  • The arrival of retirement age and awareness of the social status received.
  • Lack of education, and as a consequence, lack of opportunities for self-realization.
  • Some diseases are especially chronic.

It is noteworthy that women are more likely to experience anxious depression, since they are more emotional in life. However, factors such as loss of ability to work affect men more, as it is difficult for them to cope with the fact that they, the breadwinners of the family, are left without resources.

For retirees, anxiety and depression are almost constant companions. It is more difficult to help them, since they already have a number of diseases in their anamnesis that they have to live with, and many friends, acquaintances, and relatives pass away. Along with this comes understanding and awareness of old age and imminent departure.

Symptoms of the disease

Anxious depression can manifest itself in different ways, since the signs of anxiety itself are not always expressed in the same way. Thus, the disease can be characterized either by a complex of anxiety states or by one of the following types:

  • Patients feel that something is about to happen. They are constantly expecting trouble, although there are no prerequisites for this.
  • A person experiences anxiety in relation to the events of the future period. For example, he is constantly worried about a possible divorce, job loss, upcoming marriage, etc. A person constantly thinks about this and fears events that may be associated with fears.
  • Depressive anxiety syndrome can also be expressed in physical level when the patient experiences trembling in the body, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, etc.
  • The patient may also experience anxiety about past events. In this case, he is constantly tormented by words spoken at the wrong time, or by his own actions, which he now doubts. As a result, a person engages in “self-criticism” because of something that can no longer be changed.
  • The patient may experience anxiety about taking important decisions. Then this condition categorically interferes with his work and in everyday life, because of which he begins to experience the fear of losing his job, which is a consequence of indecision.

Symptom depressive states there are also bright outbursts of anger, bitterness, sharp changes mood from worst to best.

Symptoms of anxious depression include:

  • Depression, sad mood.
  • Disturbed sleep, restlessness at night, nightmares - these symptoms interfere with normal rest, resulting in a person not getting enough sleep. Over time, the patient begins to show signs of prolonged fatigue, lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, etc.
  • Constant feeling of tension, irritability.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Inner restlessness.
  • Tendency to tearfulness.
  • Alertness.
  • Feelings of guilt, feelings of inadequacy.
  • Expectation of troubles and difficulties.

Anxious depression can only manifest itself in outbreaks, when a person is suddenly overcome by a state of fear. Similar condition has a lot in common with a panic attack.

A person experiencing signs of depression anxiety state, can share his thoughts with loved ones. Usually they do not withdraw into themselves, but, on the contrary, talk about the fact that something may happen, try to dissuade them from taking any action, etc.

If you encounter such symptoms in your loved ones, relatives or children, you need to urgently provide them with help and support. Drug treatment may also be required.

Treatment of Anxious Depression

How to cope with depression if it is accompanied by persistent anxiety? Is it possible to get rid of anxiety and depression on your own? If we talk about treatment in which the patient will act independently, then maximum concentration on his own thoughts is necessary. It is important to get to the root of the problem that has led to such pronounced depressive anxiety.

It is important to try to answer honestly to yourself what exactly is causing the anxiety. If it's absence necessary education, this problem can be solved. If you are concerned about your health, even for no apparent reason, you just need to get examined. In more complex cases, medical attention is required.

Drug treatment

If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, contact a specialist - a psychotherapist who can help you by prescribing necessary treatment. Most often it includes a complex of several drugs, which in turn can cause unpleasant symptoms With negative consequences different intensities:

  • Sedative effect, which is why it is not recommended to drive a car, use certain types of equipment, etc.
  • Possibility of developing addiction.
  • There is a decrease in blood pressure.
  • You should not suddenly stop using the drug, as these actions can lead to breakdowns. Because of this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of drugs with subsequent abandonment of them in case of stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.

It is important to understand that medical treatment only prescribed by a doctor. You cannot choose medications on your own.

Psychotherapeutic methods

How to get rid of depression and anxiety with the help of a specialist? Here all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the treating psychotherapist. In fact, it is psychotherapeutic methods that allow you to quickly get out of this state. Main aspects of psychotherapy:

  • It often turns out that patients suffer from anxiety not because they are really afraid of it, but because they want to attract the attention of strangers in this way. Behavioral psychology is very helpful in this case.
  • How to cope with depression? Most importantly, a person should not constantly think about his problem that worries him. He must find solutions to problems, look for ways to get rid of anxiety, and strive for a cure. In this case, the psychotherapist gives good tips to get started.
  • A professional specialist can suggest a completely different model of behavior to a person that will interest the patient. Sometimes this is enough for him to get rid of anxious depression.

In any case, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist gives good results, which consolidate the started drug treatment.

Physiotherapeutic methods can be used as treatment. They are also part of a set of measures aimed at improving the patient’s condition.

An important role is played by the support of family and friends, the organization of varied recreation that will distract from current problems. Visiting exhibitions and cinemas also help improve the patient’s condition.

It is important to understand that the lack of proper and timely treatment can lead to deeply negative consequences.