Speedwell (Veronica officinalis). Herb Veronica medicinal properties Veronica oak grove, long-leaved

Veronica officinalis belongs to the Plantainaceae (Noricaceae) family. This is a perennial herbaceous plant. Other names for this flower are also popularly known:

  • ropemaker;
  • snake head;
  • European tea.


Veronica is one of the most frequently encountered genera in the territory Russian Federation. It contains, according to various estimates, from 400 to 500 species. The plant is distributed in the forest-steppe and steppe of Europe, the European part of the Russian Federation, the Caucasus and Western Siberia, is also found on the North American continent. Loves bright, open places: forest edges, clearings, clearings, meadows, etc.

This small herb does not exceed 25-30 cm in height. It has a thin, sinuous root. Bottom part The stem is creeping, closer to the top the shoots begin to grow in a vertical direction. The leaves, which have small marginal teeth, sit on short stalks. The leaf blades are grayish-green and have small fibers on them. Lilac-lilac or blue flowers with 4-5 petals collected in brushes. The fruit is a light brown capsule. Veronica officinalis blooms throughout the summer.

The name of the plant genus presumably comes from ancient Greek name Berenice (“she who brings victory”). According to another version, Veronica received its name in honor of the Christian saint. On the way to Calvary, Veronica wiped Jesus' wounds with a handkerchief framed with small purple flowers, on which the face of Christ was preserved. According to legend, after touching it, Emperor Tiberius was cured of leprosy.

According to another legend, this herb used to be a girl named Veronica. One day her beloved fell seriously ill. The healer said that there was no plant that could help the guy. And then the brave girl decided to turn into medicinal herb Veronica with bluish flowers and save the young man herself. The young man was healed. And the girl retained her appearance as a flowering plant, helping to heal other people.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Veronica officinalis has been studied very poorly. However, it is known that the plant contains some organic acids, alkaloids and flavonoids. The leaves are rich in oils (essential and fatty), microelements and vitamins. The herbaceous part also contains glycosides, saponins and tannin. Bitterness, tannin and aromatic components were found in the plant.

Medicinal properties

Veronica officinalis is not included in the state pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation (it is used in homeopathy), but in the East doctors consider its extract an excellent remedy for ear infections and sinus inflammation.

The plant began to be used as a medicinal raw material back in the times of Rus'. Our ancestors valued it for its anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and analgesic properties. Veronica leaves exhibit antimicrobial and anthelmintic activity, perfectly cleanse the blood, restore blood cells, and fight convulsions and spasms. Their action is aimed at improving metabolism and urination, increasing appetite and increasing secretion gastric juice. When used externally, the plant exhibits antifungal and wound-healing properties.

Medicinal use

Veronica officinalis is widely used in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract(colds, tracheitis, bronchitis). The plant is used for gastritis with low acidity of the stomach. Decoctions and infusions treat stomach upsets, stimulate gastrointestinal secretions, and are drunk for diarrhea and gout. Veronica is able to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder, eliminate headaches, and relieve fatigue. It is recommended for use during menopause. The plant is added to preparations that are used for sleep disorders, neuroses, rheumatism, etc. Lotions and herbal baths treat diseases skin: eczema, rash, diathesis. Powder from the plant

used to eliminate excessive sweating. Veronica is used for snake bites and spider bites: freshly boiled leaves are applied to the affected area.


Infusion of the plant for sore throat and cough :

The prepared leaves are poured boiled water(1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of liquid). Infuse the drink for 30-40 minutes, strain. Dose: 100 ml of infusion 3-4 times a day. Take before meals. The same infusion is used to make lotions for skin diseases.

Tincture for skin fungus:

Fresh plant juice is mixed with alcohol (in a 1:1 ratio). The mixture is placed in dark place for 10 days. Apply externally, rubbing the tincture into areas affected by the fungus.

(Veronica officinalis) is a perennial herbaceous long-leaved plant that belongs to the Norichnikov family. It has a height of fifteen to thirty centimeters, very rarely growing up to half a meter.

The root system is presented in the form of a thin rhizome. It is tortuous and creeping, with small roots located on it.

The stem of Veronica officinalis is also creeping and has ascending shoots. It has a round shape and pubescence, which consists of short hairs.

The leaves of this affectionately named plant are arranged oppositely. Their shape is obovate, and the edges of the leaf blade are serrated. The leaves are attached to the stem by short petioles.

The flowers are collected in racemes, one in each bract axil. The arrangement of inflorescences is lateral, but not opposite.

Pedicels are erect and short, hairy. The bracts are lanceolate and pubescent. The calyx of the flower is glandularly pubescent, four-parted. The corolla of the flower has a bluish or pale lilac color with dark veins.

The fruit is represented by a two-locular capsule with pubescence. Veronica blooms from June to August, and seed ripening begins in July.

Habitat Veronica officinalis is light forests, the edges of clearings and meadows. It grows in the European part of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

The chemical composition The herbs of this plant include organic acids: acetic, citric, tartaric, lactic, malic. Also contains carbohydrates and essential oils, triterpene saponins, tannins, flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids are present.

Medicinal properties and uses

Characteristic medicinal properties The medicinal Veronica is quite diverse. It acts as a hemostatic and analgesic, has antiseptic and wound healing effect. When used internally, remedies from this plant act as expectorants, diaphoretics, mucolytics, i.e. thinning mucus respiratory organs. Healing uses Speedwell increases appetite and stimulates the secretion of various glands.

This medicinal plant is used in accordance with its medicinal properties. Preparations from it are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, colds, bronchitis and sore throat, as well as tuberculosis. Good action Veronica has a hand inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal system. IN folk medicine it is used for diarrhea, gastritis with low acidity gastric juice, with urolithiasis, other kidney and bladder diseases. This remedy is used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and other indications.

Preparations from Veronica officinalis provide positive impact on nervous system. They are used for nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Medicines help with joint diseases: gout and rheumatism.

In some cases, preparations of their veronica are used for external use. It helps with skin diseases, both chronic and temporary, for example, sunburn.

Harvesting plant during flowering. Collect the entire above-ground part, without roots. Dry in the open air, but not in the sun, or in rooms with good ventilation. Properly dried herb has a pleasant odor, while fresh herb has no odor.

No contraindications found.


At purulent wounds ah out fresh leaves make a paste and apply to sore spots.

  • For internal use prepare an infusion. To do this, take two teaspoons of dry crushed herbs and brew with two glasses of boiling water. Leave for two hours, then strain. Take half a tablespoon an hour after meals.

Veronica officinalis - is herbaceous perennial plant Veronica genus, Plantain family. The plant can be found almost throughout Europe, Transcaucasia, Turkey, and the Azov Islands. Veronica officinalis grows on forest edges, among bushes and in meadows.

Features of Veronica officinalis

The height of the plant is 20-30 centimeters (sometimes 50), the rhizome is creeping with small roots. The stem of Veronica officinalis is creeping, rooting at nodes. The leaves are opposite, serrated along the edges. The flowers grow from the upper axils of the leaves and are collected in multi-flowered racemes. Flowering occurs in June-August. The fruit is a two-locular, multi-seeded capsule. Fruit ripening occurs from July. Veronica officinalis reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.
Veronica officinalis herb contains carbohydrates and related compounds (mannitol), organic acids (acetic, lactic, tartaric, citric, malic), essential oil, 0.5 - 1.2% iridoids, sterols, triterpene saponins (5 - 9%), nitrogen-containing compounds (choline), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, tannins (0.6%) and bitter substances, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, cinaroside), fatty oil, vitamin C. Speedwells are known to contain aucubin glucoside (rinatin), traces of alkaloids, and carotene.

Veronica was used in dermatology for eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis, itching in anus, fungal diseases, theodermitis. Veronica herb infused with vegetable oil, And water infusion are good remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds, fungal skin infections and sunburns.

In cosmetics, bactericidal, wound-healing and soothing properties are used (for example, for sunburn, itching, fungal skin diseases). In addition, Veronica extract has an astringent effect, reduces sebum secretion, and relieves itching.
Veronica officinalis herb contains carbohydrates and related compounds (mannitol), organic acids (acetic, lactic, tartaric, citric, malic), essential oil, 0.5 - 1.2% iridoids, sterols, triterpene saponins (5 - 9%), nitrogen-containing compounds (choline), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, tannins (0.6%) and bitter substances, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, cynaroside), fatty oil, vitamin C. Speedwells are known to contain aucubin glucoside (rinatin) , traces of alkaloids, carotene.

Veronica was used in dermatology for eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis, itching in the anus, fungal diseases, and theodermitis. Veronica herb infused with vegetable oil and water infusion are a good remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds, fungal skin infections and sunburn.

In cosmetics, bactericidal, wound-healing and soothing properties are used (for example, for sunburn, itching, fungal skin diseases). In addition, Veronica extract has an astringent effect, reduces sebum secretion, and relieves itching.
Properties of Veronica officinalis

The herb Veronica officinalis has analgesic, hemostatic, expectorant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effects.

Decoctions of Veronica officinalis are used in the treatment of burns, eczema, purulent rashes, fungal diseases, for washing wounds, for scrofula and sweating of the feet. Also, decoctions of the plant are used for stones and sand in bladder and kidneys.

An infusion of Veronica officinalis herb can increase appetite, improve digestion, and help with stomach ulcers, diarrhea, and gastritis with low acidity. Infusion of the plant treats respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and as an expectorant.

In addition, Veronica officinalis is used for rheumatism, insomnia, liver diseases, for washing wounds, and for itching of the genitals.

Mix together 4 parts of the herb Veronica officinalis, wheatgrass roots, string roots, 6 parts of tricolor violet, 5 parts of burdock roots. Take 2 tsp from the resulting collection. spoons and pour boiling water in a volume of 200 mg, to water bath put and boil for 20 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Allergy, diathesis

Take 1 tsp. Veronica officinalis herbs, string herbs, tricolor violet. Leave for 20 minutes, pour 200 mg of boiling water, strain. Take three times a day, 1 tsp for children, 50 g for adults.

Fungal skin diseases

Squeeze 200 mg of juice from fresh veronica grass and pour 200 mg of 90% alcohol. It should infuse for 10-14 days. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting tincture.

Stomach cancer

Pour 200 mg of boiling water over 15 g of Veronica officinalis herb, leave in a thermos for 3 hours and then strain through cheesecloth. Take half a glass 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment should be at least a month.

Chronic pyelonephritis

Squeeze 30-40 ml of juice from Veronica officinalis and mix in the same amount with goat milk. Take twice a day half an hour before meals.

Decreased appetite

Take a tablespoon of dry veronica herb and pour 500 mg of boiling water, leave for two hours and strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day an hour after meals.
Veronica officinalis contraindications

There are no contraindications for the use of Veronica officinalis.

Syn: speedwell, verenika grass, oak grass, snake head, snake grass, bedweed, okladnik, gypsy grass.

Veronica officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant, often found in glades, forests and copses of the European part of Russia. It can be easily recognized by its tiny, soft purple flowers, collected in multi-flowered racemes. In folk medicine, it is believed that the plant fights colds, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, intestinal tract, stimulates appetite and the functioning of the digestive glands.

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Flower formula

Formula of Veronica officinalis flower: P(4)L(3+2)T2P(2).

In medicine

Official Russian medicine does not recognize Veronica officinalis as a pharmacopoeial plant. She considers the plant only a suitable raw material for the production of various dietary supplements, as well as homeopathic remedies. However, Western doctors often prescribe Veronica officinalis extract, using it as a medicine for various ear infections and inflammation paranasal sinuses nose

Contraindications and side effects

The plant has no serious side effects. Veronica officinalis is contraindicated only for persons with individual intolerance.

In cooking

Pleasant aroma plants and its ability to stimulate the activity of the digestive glands, the ability to stimulate appetite, paved the way for the plant in cooking. Fresh and dried herbs are used to season fish and meat dishes and sauces; fresh veronica leaves add piquancy to salads. Liqueurs, wines, and cognacs are flavored with flowers. The smell of the plant is pleasant, intensifying after drying, the taste is bitter, similar to watercress, according to gourmets.

In gardening

Gardeners use speedwell to create Mediterranean gardens, which are difficult to imagine without islands of spicy and aromatic plants. They also use the grass as a fungicide, treating plantings infected with fungi with its decoctions or treating seeds before planting to free them from fungal spores.

In other areas

The plant is a good honey plant. Also his healing properties have long been known to veterinarians. They treat diarrhea in horses and cattle with infusions of this herb. cattle. Veronica officinalis has also found application in cosmetology. Tincture from it excellent remedy from dandruff. Possessing astringent properties, the herb is perfect for making tonics for problem skin.


The plant belongs to the genus Veronica (lat. Veronica), originally considered a member of the extensive family of Norichnikovs (lat. Scrophulariaceae), but later classified by botanists as a member of the family of Plantains (lat. Plantaginaceae). The genus of flowering plants Veronica has, according to various sources, from 300 to 500 species. It is one of the most common in Russia.

Botanical description

A perennial herbaceous plant - Veronica officinalis - has a creeping, pubescent stem at the bottom and then rising. It grows up to 30 centimeters in height. The leaves of Veronica officinalis are obovate or oblong, opposite, short-pointed at the tips. Light purple, bluish or, much less commonly, pale pink and white flowers sit on stalks in the axils of the bracts, one at a time. They are collected in multi-flowered racemes located at the top of the stems. The formula of the Veronica officinalis flower is Ch(4)L(3+2)T2P(2). The fruit is a two-locular multi-seeded capsule. The seeds are tiny, up to 1 mm wide, flat-convex. Veronica begins to bloom from the beginning of summer until the very end.


Veronica officinalis grows in Turkey, Iran, Transcaucasia, the Azores and Madeira Island. It is not uncommon in Europe. In Russia, it can be found throughout the European part, especially in forest and forest-steppe zones.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The collection of Veronica officinalis for raw materials continues all summer, because the herb is medicinal during flowering. Only the above-ground part is collected. Veronica officinalis herb is dried in special dryers at a temperature of 35-40 C, constantly monitoring the process to prevent the flower petals from shedding or changing color. The readiness of the raw material is indicated by light, nice smell, which the fresh plant does not have. The finished raw materials are suitable for consumption for 2 years.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the plant is considered poorly understood. However, scientists have found that Veronica officinalis contains glycosides, essential oils, organic acids, including citric, acetic, malic, tartaric and lactic, and phenolcarboxylic acids. This plant contains both bitterness and tannins. Vitamin C, carotene, trace doses of alkaloids and cardiac glycosides were detected.

Pharmacological properties

Veronica officinalis has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, secretolytic, hemostatic, anti-allergenic, and reparative properties. She is able to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, preparations made from it increase appetite and secretion of gastric juice. The medicinal properties of Veronica officinalis also include painkillers, anthelmintics and anticonvulsants. The plant has a polyvalent effect. Decoctions and infusions of veronica improve metabolism, disturbed due to various diseases skin.

Use in folk medicine

Veronica officinalis in folk medicine is most often used in the treatment of tracheitis, dry cough, bronchitis and asthma, colds. The plant is useful for gastritis with low acidity. They drink tinctures and herbal decoctions for diseases of the gastric tract, they stimulate its activity, for gastritis, treat diarrhea, abdominal pain, gout. Veronica helps cope with kidney and bladder stones, uterine bleeding, headache, fatigue. It is recommended to be taken for menopausal disorders. Wounds and bruises are also treated with Veronica officinalis; for these purposes, poultices and compresses are made from it. Baths and trays with a decoction of the plant are effective for diathesis, eczema, fungal skin infections, non-healing purulent ulcers, skin itching, irritation and rash on the genitals. Dry powder from ground herbs is used for sweating and against sweating.

Historical reference

The name of the plant comes from the Greek name Ferenice or Berenice, meaning “bringer of victory.” It is believed that the Veronica family is named after the saint of the same name. Allegedly, on her handkerchief, which she used to wipe away the bloody wounds on the face of Christ on the way to Calvary, there remained the image of Jesus framed by small purple flowers.

Speedwell was widely known in Western medicine under the name “European tea”. A little bitter and astringent taste plants made this drink an excellent tonic with excellent medicinal properties.

In Rus', speedwell was called snake grass and snake's head, this was due not only to the fact that the flowers of the plant evoke associations with the head of a viper opening its mouth, but also to the belief in the healing and magical power of the plant. A poultice made from its leaves was supposed to help against reptile bites, and a sprig placed in shoes could even protect against them.


1. Vinogradova T.A., Vinogradov V.M., Gazhev B.N., Martynov V.K. “Practical herbal medicine. Complete encyclopedia", Moscow, "Olma-press", 1998 - 420 p.

2. I. A, Grechany, “ Complete guide medicinal herbs and healing fees”, Kharkov, Family Leisure Club, 2013 - 95-96 p.

3. Mishenin I.D. " Medicinal plants and their application”, sixth edition, Minsk, Science and Technology, 1975, 532-533 p.