Alcohol acidifies or alkalizes the body. The whole truth about acidification and alkalization of the body

In 1932, Otto Warburg, a biochemist from Germany, proved that acidification of the human body leads to the development of cancer! Cancer cells only live in ]]>

About acid-base balance

Supporters alternative medicine believe that the need for alkalizing food is inherent in nature. So, blood is more alkaline in nature, since its pH is 7.35–7.45. Therefore, food with an acidic environment violates the harmony of the body, balance, as a result of which diseases arise. And then you need an alkaline diet.

According to this theory, acidic environments in the intestines provoke the processes of decay, pathogenic microbes multiply in the organ, and toxins are formed. Alkaline food neutralizes acids, helps cleanse the body, remove toxins, and prevents their re-formation.

How to check the balance?

The pharmacy sells litmus paper - the same as used in chemistry classes. This is a tool that measures the parameters of the environment. Two biological fluids are examined - urine and saliva. Urine is checked after the second trip to the toilet. The first morning urine that is taken for analysis is always acidic, because excess acid is excreted from the body through the kidneys during the night. Measurements are carried out repeatedly, and the arithmetic mean value is derived from their results.


  • pH up to 7 - oxidation;
  • pH above 7.5 - alkalization.

Alkali or acid?

There is no such choice - the body needs all kinds of food, but nutrition must be balanced. Oxidizing and alkalizing products are present in the diet in the same way - 50/50, in some sources other proportions are indicated - 35/65, respectively. But the diet of patients provides for a different ratio - 20/80 in favor of alkalizing food.

Attention, meat and other foods that oxidize the body cannot be excluded from nutrition even on a diet, since essential amino acids enter the body with it.

Food pairing

According to nutritionists who are supporters of this theory of nutrition, the products on the menu should be combined as follows:

  1. Meat and fish are eaten with vegetables, not grains.
  2. Berry sauces, berry side dishes are served with meat.
  3. Coffee and alcohol are washed down with water.
  4. A snack of fresh vegetables reduces the acidic properties of alcohol.

Eating right, a person not only restores the natural acid-base balance, heals the body, but also loses weight.

List of acidic and alkaline foods

It is believed that a product with an oxidizing effect is determined by taste. But this misconception. Often sour fruit and dishes - for example, lemon, alkalize the environment.

The table contains a list of the main foods from the daily daily ration. The numbers in the column on the right (1-4) indicate how pronounced the acidifying / alkalizing properties are.

acidifying foods

Fruit boiled with sugar 1–3
Bananas are green 2
Plums - compote, marinated 2
Grape juice sweetened 3
Orange juice with sugar 3
Lemon juice with sugar 3
Vegetables, herbs, legumes
dried beans 1
Peas dry 2
Baked beans 3
brown rice 1
Spelled 1
Sprouted wheat bread 1
Bread black 1
Barley 1
Buckwheat 2
Starch 2
Corn 2
Hominy, cornflakes 2
white flour 2
Rice white 2
Rye 2
White bread 2
Barley grits 2
dairy group
Soft cheese 1
Cream, butter 2
Hard cheese 2
Nuts, vegetable oils
Corn oil 1
Sunflower seeds and oil 1
Pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil 1
peanuts 2
Cashew 2
Pecan 2
Peanut 3
Walnuts 3
Egg (whole) 3
Egg white 4
Game 1–4
Lamb stew 1
Bacon is greasy 1
Beef 1
Boiled lamb 2
Bacon skinny 2
Lean fresh ham 2
Turkey 2
Chicken 2
Lean pork 2
beef liver 3
chickens 3
Fish, seafood
Fish 2–3
mussels 3
Halibut 3
crayfish 4
oysters 4
Confectionery, sugar and substitutes
processed honey 1
Syrup 1
White, Brown sugar 2
Cocoa 3
Sweeteners 3
Chocolate 3
Black tea 1
Coffee 2
Alcohol (strong and weak), beer 4
Sweet sparkling waters 4

alkalizing products

Fruits, juices
Berries 2–4
Cranberry 1
ripe bananas 2
Grape 2
Grape juice natural 2
Cherries 2
Raisin 2
Dates 2
Fresh, dried apples 2
fresh apricots 3
oranges 3
watermelons 3
Avocado 3
melons 3
Peaches 3
dried plums 3
Currant 3
Lemon juice without sugar 3
Orange juice without sugar 3
Fruits (almost all) 3
Prunes 3
Cherries 3
dried apricots 4
Grapefruit 4
Dried figs 4
Lime 4
Lemons 4
Mango 4
Papaya 4
Vegetables, herbs, legumes
Green pea 2
Onion 2
Fresh beans 3
Broccoli 3
Potato with skin 3
vegetable juices 3
Dandelion (green) 3
Parsnip 3
Peppers 3
Parsley 3
Radish 3
Asparagus 3
Cauliflower 3
spinach raw 3
lettuce 4
Carrot 4
raw cucumbers 4
raw tomatoes 4
Celery 4
Raw beets 4
Amaranth 1
Wild rice 1
Quinoa 1
Millet 1
Oat groats 3
dairy group
Kefir, curdled milk 1
Goat cheese 1
Goat milk 1
Whole milk 1
Soy cheese, milk 2
Serum 3
Cottage cheese 3
Nuts, vegetable oils
Linseed oil, seed 2
Almond 2
Olive oil 2
Rapeseed oil 2
pork fat 1
Sugar, honey
fresh honey 1
raw sugar 1
Green tea 2
Ginger tea 2
lemon water 3
herbal teas 3

alkaline diet

Supporters of alternative medicine believe that the diet helps to get rid of ailments and certain conditions of the body that have arisen because the balance of acids and alkalis is disturbed:

  • syndrome chronic fatigue and decreased tone
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • frequent respiratory infections, colds;
  • cystic formations on the ovaries, in the mammary gland;
  • regular headaches;
  • overweight.

Diet with high content alkalis reduces the risk of kidney stones, obesity due to age disorder metabolism, osteoporosis (bone fragility). Since the human diet contains a lot of dietary fiber(the main alkalizing foods are vegetables), then it normalizes blood pressure, there is a mechanical cleaning of the intestines, the composition of the blood improves, the hormonal background is adjusted.

Principles of dietary nutrition

Gradually, the proportion of foods with an oxidizing effect in the diet is reduced to 20% (the table above lists such foods) in order to restore the acid-base balance.

Vegetables are consumed boiled, juice is squeezed out. Fruits are eaten raw, fresh juices, mousses, jelly are prepared.

Fish (boiled or baked, lean varieties) eat no more than 3 times a week. From meat, preference is given to veal, poultry. It is sometimes allowed to use honey, molasses, cane sugar, maple syrup. The diet allows snacks, which consist of juices, dried fruits. The main fats in the diet are sunflower, peanut, olive oil.

The diet does not allow drinking coffee, black tea. To support water balance, use water, herbal infusions, juices. Wash down the main meal with herbal teas.

Food is chewed thoroughly, making 30-50 chewing movements.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: fresh vegetables red and green, a glass of soy milk or natural sugar-free yogurt, peach or apple.
  • Lunch: chicken meat (boiled) - 150 g, vegetable side dish, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: baked fish - 150 g, vegetable salad, natural yogurt.

The topic has not been explored in depth. Therefore, before changing the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor, especially in case of chronic diseases, when a different diet is prescribed, or health worsens. Violated acid-base balance can lead to negative consequences.

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The entire Internet is replete with terrible articles about acidification and alkalization of the body, let's conduct our own investigation, is it all so scary?

And so let's first figure out where the legs grow from?

It turns out that Otto Warburg, a biochemist, won the Nobel Prize for research in this area. So what is his theory about? It turns out that all viruses, bacteria, fungi, cannot reproduce in the presence of oxygen. And even if you have genetic predisposition to cancer, with proper nutrition and lifestyle, you can almost 100% avoid it.

As it turned out on practical experiences, in an acidic environment, all pathogenic bacteria grow vigorously. For example, a cancerous tumor begins to multiply rapidly after an acidic environment is created for it in laboratory conditions, similar to the one that occurs in our body with malnutrition.

And as soon as the medium was alkalized, the tumor died. And this experiment was staged by a huge number of scientists around the world.

This theory has been tested since then by a huge number of scientists and only new confirmations have been found for this.

More recently, another phenomenon has been discovered. It turns out that cancer cell cannot develop further and dies when treated with a calcium solution. This phenomenon was discovered by accident. All patients with oncological diseases were found to have a lack of calcium and osteoporosis to one degree or another. When sick in parallel traditional treatment Oncological diseases were prescribed calcium preparations, for a long time, the tumor stopped its development. And calcium is primarily an alkali, which actively alkalizes our body. But the whole problem is that calcium is poorly absorbed by our body and is often excreted or precipitates, forming deposits in the bones, on the walls of the aorta and stones.

Our body, while healthy, can regulate its own pH balance for a long time. For example, when the body's environment shifts to the acidic side, calcium begins to be actively washed out of the bones. This defensive reaction body, so with the help of calcium, it alkalizes itself. But at what cost? This all leads to osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. locomotive system, teeth, nails and hair. And acidic urine leads to the formation of a kidney stone. With an acid reaction of saliva, we quickly acquire diseases of the oral cavity.

In the second stage, the body begins to flush out sodium and magnesium from the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs. And so a person acquires a very serious illnesses destroying our organs. Therefore, it is a very expensive price to pay to correct our dietary errors.

In general, when the body is acidified, a favorable environment arises for the growth of fungi (mycoses) and uncontrolled cell division, including pathological ones.

According to statistics, 80% of people over 40 have an acidic body. Most likely, for several years, the body tried to restore the balance of the body and washed out useful material for alkalization from your organs and systems. Therefore, by the age of 40, most of us already have a set of diseases.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly drink enough water to flush out excess acids from the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

And so, what foods will help you on the path to a healthy weak alkaline environment organism?

On many sites there are serious battles over products. Many cry that fruits are acids, and others that they are alkalis. But most people measure the PH of the product itself and this is not correct. The most important thing is what kind of environment this or that product will give when splitting.

Some foods have nothing to do with the taste of acid, for example, meat during metabolism forms a large amount of acid in the body.

When food is dominated by components that form sulfuric acid(sulfur-containing amino acids) or organic acids(fats, carbohydrates), then this gives an acidic environment.
If there are more alkali-forming components in food (organic salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium), then this gives a shift towards alkali. Basic foodstuffs were tested by computer analysis. That is why it is not possible to determine by taste what kind of reaction this or that product will give. To do this, there is a table in which you will see the main products and their acid-base index.

Acidic foods tend to accumulate in the body in the joints and connective tissue, causing inflammation and then destruction of the joints.

How to check the acid-base balance of the body? Many pharmacies sell litmus papers. In the morning, check your urine for acidity before meals and after meals. Also, acidity can be determined by saliva. Normally, it should be neutral. You need to measure it in the morning immediately after waking up and before brushing your teeth and eating.

But you can determine the level of PH and general condition organism.

If you often get viral and bacterial diseases and notice a decrease in the body's immune defenses. If you suffer from fungal diseases (various mycoses). If you have problems with joints, bones and ligaments. If you have bad teeth and gum disease. If you have neoplastic diseases. If you have kidney stones or sand or gallbladder. If you are without visible reasons suffer from fatigue, especially in the evening. If you have found calcifications in organs and vessels. If you have hypertension and obesity.

You can also indirectly determine the acid-base balance in the inner eyelid. Pull back your lower eyelid and look in the mirror. If you have a bright pink mucosa, then you most likely have everything normal. And if the mucous membrane of the eye is pale, then most likely the balance is shifted to the acid side.

With daily acid nutrition, chronic acidosis (acidification) occurs, which leads to severe chronic diseases until early death.

What to do to restore Ph and improve the condition of the body and get rid of diseases?

1. Proper nutrition!!! Well, think for yourself, if you pour low-quality gasoline and unsuitable oil into a brand new Mercedes, do you think your car will serve you for a long time? It will definitely need an engine replacement soon. But that's why we don't think about what kind of fuel enters our body. But we can’t change a part of our body for another, better one. In ancient times, the basis of human nutrition was herbal products by 70% and sometimes managed to eat meat. And a modern person eats 90% of refined and processed foods, fatty meat, and only 10% of our diet is unprocessed greens. And that's mostly in the summer. Therefore, to maintain health, you need to return to at least 60:40% in favor of greenery.

Refuse to take soda water, refined white bread, simple sugars, fatty meat products. The more zeros, the stronger the oxidation or alkalization in the body.




Fruits fresh and dried fruit juices

fresh apricots

dried apricots


ripe bananas

Bananas are green


Grape juice natural

Grape juice sweetened


Dried figs

Pickled plums

Plum compote

dried plums


Natural lemon juice

Sweetened lemon juice

Natural orange juice

Sweetened orange juice

Fruits (almost all)

Fruit boiled with sugar


Berries (any)

fresh apples

Dried apples

Vegetables, herbs, legumes

Fresh beans

dried beans

Baked beans


Peas dry

Green pea

Potato with skin

vegetable juices

fresh cucumbers

Dandelion (green)



fresh tomatoes


Fresh beets


spinach raw

Cereal products

White rice

Wild rice

Hominy and corn flakes

white flour

brown rice


Oat groats

Bread black

White bread

Sprouted wheat bread

Barley grits


Kefir, curdled milk

Goat cheese

Goat milk

Whole milk

Cream, butter

Soy cheese, soy milk

Whey milk

Hard cheese

Soft cheese

Nuts, vegetable oils



Corn oil

Linseed oil, flaxseed

Rapeseed oil, olive oil

Sunflower seeds, sunflower oil

pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil

Eggs (in general)

Eggs (protein)

Meat and meat products

Boiled lamb

Lamb stew

Bacon is greasy

Bacon skinny

Lean fresh ham


beef liver

Lean pork

pork fat

Fish (any)

Sweets, sugar, sweeteners

White sugar, brown sugar

processed honey

Sweeteners (Nutra Sweet, Equal, Aspartame, Sweet "n Low

fresh honey

raw sugar

Alcoholic, low alcohol drinks, beer

Green tea

Ginger tea

lemon water

Sweet carbonated drinks

herbal teas

Black tea

2. The second thing to do is to regularly replenish the reserves of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Since with constant acidification of the body, their reserves are depleted. And these minerals themselves help to alkalize the body a little. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally take trace elements of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

3. Exercise. With rational loads, all organs and systems are better enriched with oxygen, PH returns to normal, and lactic acid is released in such an amount that the body can easily process it. But professional athletes can sometimes hurt themselves significantly. And therefore, athletes during intensive training take alkaline drinks to neutralize acidosis.

Do you know what the side effect of all these actions is? Health, a lot of energy and harmony!

And so the knowledge is now in your hands. Whether you use them or not is up to you. Be healthy!

According to clinical research, all organs modern man subject to high levels of acidity. The idea of ​​the benefits of alkalizing, picked up by many, does not boil down to the only obvious way with the use of soda.

Alkalinization of the body will be more effective if you change your eating habits and add alkaline foods to your diet.

pH balance in the body. Everyone has heard of a neutral pH level. However, biochemical processes flow in the body with other indicators. The normal pH level falls in the range of 7.37-7.44. pH values ​​below this indicate acidification of the organs, a high value indicates alkalization.

Most often, acidification of the body is observed. Factors such as malnutrition, intense physical activity, everyday stress and an inactive lifestyle.

This leads to a drop in immunity, because for normal functioning organs need an alkaline environment. Foods that alkalize the body have a healing effect.

hourly bodies oral cavity exposed increased action acidity in saliva. At the same time, the subcutaneous fat layer has a more alkaline reaction, which contributes to the formation of acne with the aggressive action of bacteria.

Our kidneys suffer from oxidative processes that lead to the formation of stones and inflammation of these organs. However, excessive alkalinization also favors the formation of kidney stones, since in this case too little uric and oxalic acid is supplied.

The relationship between oxidation and alkalization reactions in the body is traced. healthy person. Therefore, any effect on the acid-base balance should be cautious. Gradual change in diet in general and eating habits in particular, it will allow alkalization of each organ.

Table acid- alkaline balance, which visually displays the value of ph for human health.

Let's figure out what food provokes acidification internal organs, and what will help improve them and have an alkalizing effect on the body.

Foods that increase acidity

Adherents healthy lifestyle lives also suffer from excessive acidification of the body. Even such healthy food as buckwheat can harm internal organs.

The acid-base balance is affected by nutrients contained in the product, and its taste characteristics. All this causes either alkalization or an acid reaction in different organs.

Almost all the usual ingredients in dishes are common list acidifying products:

  • any meat and fish;
  • cereals (with the exception of millet and wild rice);
  • eggs;
  • almost all cereals;
  • flour products;
  • sugar, sugar substitutes and all sweet products (with the exception of natural honey);
  • beans;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol, coffee and tea;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • canned food, including fruit, vegetable and juices;
  • dairy products (with the exception of goat milk).

Many of these foods greatly affect the acid-base balance, shifting it towards acidity. Alkaline foods can neutralize the effect of some of them. Acidifying food is characterized great content sulfur-containing amino acids, as well as organic acids.

Don't need them complete removal from food, and this is impossible to implement. First of all, you will need to avoid delicacies with a high degree processing, sweet drinks, fatty foods, as well as increase the content of alkalizing foods in the diet.

Alkaline Products

The most effective alkaline product is lemon. The citric acid contained in it is processed into digestive tract so that its salts enter the bloodstream. Due to this, an alkalization reaction occurs in the body.

Active alkalizing products also include:

  • greenery;
  • fresh vegetables and root crops (with the exception of potatoes);
  • rapeseed and linseed oil;
  • juices from squeezed vegetables;
  • melons, watermelons, zucchini and pumpkin;
  • some fruits: bananas, peaches, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • figs, dates and sweet berries;
  • all products from soy and goat milk;
  • sprouted, but not boiled oats;
  • bran.

Alkalinizing food, as a rule, includes magnesium and potassium salts or elements that contribute to their full assimilation.

The amount of such products in human nutrition should reach 65–70% of the daily diet. In this case, the alkaline component will increase without harm to the body.

How to carry out alkalization correctly

The acid-base balance of the body shifts towards a decrease in pH-level if acidifying foods predominate in the diet. In severe cases, specialist advice may be required to restore health. It is necessary to adhere to certain rules in order to carry out a gradual alkalization of all organs.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Pay attention to the quality of the water you drink: it is better if it is purified and not boiled. A large amount of liquid will help alkalinize effectively, flushing the gastrointestinal tract and preparing it for the process.

Start your morning by drinking a glass of water with lemon juice. To do this, pour two glasses of warm water over lemon or lime slices in the evening. Drinking an acidified liquid will help stimulate the alkaline reaction and remove excess acidification.

(Video: how to alkalize with garlic and lemon)

Can you make cucumber water?

To do this, peel one medium-sized cucumber, cut into slices, pour two liters of water and leave for an hour. Water can be topped up as it is used, providing the whole family with an alkalizing drink throughout the day.

Active alkalization of the body contributes to celery and its juice

Use to make vegetable juices in combination with other vegetables. Celery intake should be limited low acidity stomach and pregnancy.

alkalizing products

Remember food groups that effectively alkalize organs and use in meals along with meat and cereals to reduce their oxidizing effect on the body. The antioxidant and alkaline properties of vegetables are better preserved if they are subjected to minimal cooking and added to the diet fresh.

Instead of sugar

The acidifying effect of sugar can be avoided by using raw honey or natural stevia instead. Replace pastry sweets with nuts, fruits, or dates.

Movement and sports

The acid-base balance of the body is well restored physical exercise. The type of exercise also matters. Give preference not to power loads, but to aerobic ones - yoga, swimming, dancing, fitness, cycling and walking actively alkalize.


The normal functioning of the whole organism is hindered by daily stresses, nervous experiences and emotions that are not splashed out. At the same time, alkalization processes in the organs slow down, toxins and acid breakdown products are excreted worse. Nervous shocks accelerate a person's breathing, resulting in an oversaturation of oxygen. It also affects the acid-base balance.

Breath and air

Use different breathing practices and meditation, or seek psychological help to reduce the body's response to stress and calm the nervous system.


(Video: alkalization with water - 3 ways)

Thus, an effective alkaline program that will heal the body must include everything from changing eating habits to vigorous exercise and strengthening the nervous system.

Each of us is made up of trillions of cells that die and give birth to new ones every second. This is how the life of any living being is maintained.
But what determines how long life lasts and what is the state of the body?
Consider what is acid-base balance ...

There is such a concept - acid-base balance. The functioning of many internal organs and systems depends on it. Violation of the acid-base balance is dangerous for the body. It will certainly lead to diseases, including diseases associated with disruption of the intestines, diseases digestive system. Let us dwell on what needs to be done in order to always maintain the acid-base balance in the norm.

NORMAL blood reaction should be slightly alkaline. Normally, the acid-base balance (ABR) corresponds to a pH of 7.35–7.4. If the pH is above 7.4, this condition is characterized as alkalization of the body (alkalosis). If the pH is below 7.35, this indicates an acidification of the body (acidosis). The gastrointestinal tract can work normally only with a slightly alkaline reaction of the blood, which we will call normal.

The state of acid-base balance is easy to determine by the color of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids in both eyes). The bright pink color of the conjunctiva indicates that the pH is normal. A pale pink color of the conjunctiva indicates acidosis, and a dark pink color indicates alkalosis.

Excessive acid content deforms cell membranes and leads to functional impairment intestinal activity. Acidosis is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, stomach pain, nausea, rapid physical and mental fatigue, bitterness in the mouth, gray coating on the tongue, dark circles under the eyes.

The main causes of acidosis include:

the simultaneous use of incompatible foods: for example, proteins (meat) with carbohydrates (potatoes);

excess meat in the diet;

abuse of refined carbohydrates, especially white flour products and sugar;

lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Blood pH readings also depend on body temperature and the environment. When the body is overcooled, the pH becomes alkaline, and when overheated, it becomes acidic.

However, most of all nutrition affects the state of the ASC. Each product is dominated by either acidifying or alkalizing substances, which very quickly shift the pH to the acidic or alkaline side. To preserve the acid-base balance, you need to know which group this product belongs to, and correctly select the products consumed during the day. It's not difficult to follow this, but it's very important.

acidifying foods, increasing the content of acid and reducing the alkaline reserves of the blood, can be divided into three groups. TO first group includes products containing animals
proteins (except fresh milk and cheese). These are pasteurized milk, meat and all meat products (sausages, sausages, ham, etc.), poultry (chicken, duck, turkey, etc.) and eggs, fish, cottage cheese and all animal fats.

In second The group of acidifying foods includes many foods that contain carbohydrates. This White bread, pasta and other products made from white flour, foods that are high in starch (potatoes, cereals, dry beans, etc.), sugar and all kinds of sweets (including chocolate), coffee, black tea, and alcohol.

Third group - these are products containing food additives, preservatives, dyes and flavors.

alkalizing products- these are products that cause an alkaline reaction in the body and help neutralize excess acid in it: any vegetable and fruit juices, all vegetables (except Brussels sprouts), fruits, even acidic ones such as citruses (lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, etc.), berries (except lingonberries and plums), all dried fruits, nuts, almonds and beans, fresh young green shoots of plants, seaweed, soy and soy sauce, fresh cheese, honey and herbal infusions.

To maintain a normal acid-base balance, 4 times more alkalizing food is required than acidic. Therefore, alkalizing foods in the diet should be 80% more. Therefore, when compiling a menu, always give preference to alkalizing products.

Acidifying foods that violate the acid-base balance, eat in small quantities. From products containing preservatives, dyes and flavors, it is better to refuse altogether, because in addition to acidifying the body, they significantly reduce immunity and worsen health.

Some acidifying foods can be deprived of the ability to acidify. To do this, for example, cereals should be soaked before cooking for 30 minutes, then drain the water and cook the porridge in fresh water. Dried beans, which are highly acidic foods, should be soaked overnight, drained and boiled in fresh water in the morning.

To prevent the development of acidosis, it is recommended to eat some fresh fruit every morning on an empty stomach. The fact is that from 4 o'clock in the morning until noon, cleansing processes are very intensive in the body. The body removes excess acids. Fresh fruits speed up this process. By the way, this way you can get rid of bad breath in the morning.

Alkalinization of the body is helped by the daily use of a salad of fresh vegetables: raw grated beets, carrots, finely chopped raw white or red cabbage with dill, celery, onion and garlic. Very useful for this purpose also fresh juices(best carrot and watermelon) and herbal teas.

To maintain the alkaline balance, it is also good to arrange 1-2 unloading days a week, during which there are only vegetables and fruits, or drink only juices 1 day a week.

A hidden battle is constantly going on in the body between oxidizing agents (free radicals) And antioxidants (antioxidants). Free radicals are formed when cells burn oxygen. These are molecules that lost an electron, became charged, turned into various forms active oxygen (peroxide compounds). These are very active fragments of molecules that cause great harm to the body on cellular level. They are very aggressive. First of all, free radicals damage various cellular structures, especially cell membranes.

To restore the loss and capture the missing electron, they attack neighboring molecules and are ready to destroy any cellular structure, kill a cell or a group of cells. If they manage to take an electron from a protein or fat molecule or from a DNA molecule, then they start a chain reaction of the formation of new ones. free radicals. Their influence is summed up, growing, which negatively affects health.

Free radicals enter the body with certain foods (especially smoked and fried foods, which contain them in the greatest amount). The formation of free radicals in the body increases under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the action of radiation, environmental pollution with pesticides and chemicals, as well as the abuse of alcohol and tobacco.

It has long been observed that the oxidative processes in the body associated with the action of free radicals, which are enhanced by exposure to adverse factors environment, stress, malnutrition cause great harm to health.

Against the background of a weakened immune system, the formation of free radicals is more intense. And more and more free radicals that appear at the same time weaken it even more. A vicious circle emerges. By weakening the immune system, free radicals make the body more susceptible to bacterial infections.

It has now been established that the accumulation of free radicals is one of the main factors in the aging of the body and the emergence of many diseases: arthritis, cataracts, cancer, cardiovascular disease, immunodeficiency, etc. In the development of all of the above diseases, damage plays a leading role cell structures free radicals.

Antioxidants (antioxidants)- Substances that neutralize free radicals. They protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Initially, antioxidants work as neutralizing agents, converting free radicals into harmless waste products before they can harm the body. The same antioxidants then work as scavengers, removing the free radicals they neutralize from the body.

If the body has enough antioxidants, oxygen and water, they quickly neutralize free radicals, and damage to body cells is minimized. By the way, in addition to free radicals, antioxidants help to remove toxins and other polluting agents from the body.

The body receives antioxidants in two ways:

from the inside when the cells human body produce their own antioxidants

from the outside, when antioxidants are introduced into the body along with food (fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are especially rich in antioxidants).

Antioxidants include many vitamins (A, C, E, B2, PP), as well as carotenoids, bioflavonoids, minerals(selenium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper), some amino acids (cystine, glutamic acid, glycine, sugars, organic acids).

All of them are present in different quantities in different food products. Therefore, it is imperative to consume foods that contain the listed substances.

Let me remind you which foods contain the largest amounts of three of the above vitamins with the highest antioxidant activity - vitamins C, E and provitamin A.

Vitamin C, one of the most strong antioxidants, found in kiwi, red and green sweet peppers, orange and grapefruit juice, in citrus fruits, cabbage, broccoli, melon, tomatoes, papaya.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in vegetable oils (corn, olive, peanut, soy and sunflower), almonds, sprouted wheat grains, nuts and olives.

Pro-vitamin A is found in intensely colored green, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkins, melons, apricots, mangoes, papayas, red peppers, spinach, broccoli, cabbages and young turnip tops).

Lots of antioxidants in freshly made fruit and vegetable juices. Of the fruit juices, the most antioxidant are juices derived from blackcurrant, pomegranate, and cranberry. Very active Apple juice, especially juice from winter varieties of apples. Antioxidant properties of juices found in free sale, 2–6 times lower than freshly prepared juices.

Of the vegetable juices, garlic juice has the most antioxidants, and its activity is not lost even after 5 days of storage in the refrigerator. Very active juices of celery, onions, parsley, beets, potatoes. Less active juices from cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini.

Dry grape wines also show antioxidant activity. The greatest activity is observed in red, rosé and white wine, but it is almost absent in Cahors. Various tinctures also have very weak antioxidant activity.

There are quite a few plants that have antioxidant activity and stimulate the immune system, which accelerate the removal of free radicals from the body. They are called plant immunomodulators. Such plants include aloe, calendula, wormwood, anise, viburnum, licorice, arnica, clover, soybean, basil, nettle, horsetail, birch, coltsfoot, thyme, elderberry, lungwort, succession, ginger, onion, sage.

All of them are sold in a pharmacy and are available to everyone. Often sick people who get tired quickly, sleep poorly, are stressed, overly irritable, people with reduced ability to concentrate and memory impairment are recommended to regularly take tinctures or decoctions from these plants individually or in arbitrary combinations, changing them every 2-3 weeks to avoid addiction.

This table is intended only as a general guide to alkalizing and acidifying foods.

Strongly alkalizing alkalizing Weakly alkalizing Type products Weakly acidifying acidifying Strongly acidifying
Fresh honey, raw sugar Sweets and sweeteners Processed honey, molasses White sugar, brown sugar Nutra Sweet, Equal, Aspartame
Lemon, watermelon, lime, grapefruit, mango, papaya Dates, figs, melons, grapes, papaya, kiwi, berries, apples, pears, raisins Oranges, bananas, cherries, pineapple, peaches, avocados Fruits Plums, canned fruit juices Cherry Blueberries, cranberries, prunes
Asparagus, onion, vegetable juices, parsley, garlic, raw spinach, broccoli Okra, pumpkin, green beans, beets, celery, lettuce, zucchini, sweet potato, carob Carrots, tomatoes, fresh corn, mushrooms, cabbage, peas, potatoes with skins, olives, soybeans, tofu Vegetables and legumes Cooked spinach, beans Potatoes (without peel), variegated beans, white beans, half moon bean, rhubarb cocoa, chocolate
Almond chestnuts Nuts and seeds pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds Pecan, cashew Peanut, walnuts
Linseed oil Rapeseed oil Oils Corn oil
Amaranth, millet, wild rice, quinoa Cereals Sprouted wheat bread, spelt, brown rice White rice, corn, buckwheat, oats, rye Wheat, white flour, cookies, pasta
Meat, fish and seafood Venison, fish from the cold seas Turkey, chicken, lamb Beef, pork, shellfish
Breast milk soy cheese, soy milk, goat milk, goat cheese, serum Eggs and dairy products Eggs, butter, yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese raw milk Cheese, homogenized milk, ice cream
Herbal teas, lemon water Green tea Ginger tea Beverages Tea Coffee Beer, soft drinks

Alkalinization of the body is becoming a popular trend towards a healthy lifestyle. Its supporters talk about the need to maintain an alkaline environment in our body to ensure the optimal resource state of the body. Medicine is not against - and this means that it is worth understanding what are the benefits and harms of alkalizing the body in order to apply available methods for the daily maintenance of the necessary energy and health in the body.

What is alkalization of the body

The concept of the benefits of alkalizing the body has scientific explanation and proven facts about the effectiveness of the methods. Each food product tends to affect the internal environment of the body, alkalizing or acidifying it. Food that increases the acid background is harmful to promote the development of inflammatory processes. Phenomena such as acne, gout, slow metabolism, overweight, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases are sad examples of the harmful effects of acidification. internal environment our body.

The basis of the method of alkalization of the body is an increase in the use of healthy alkaline products (65 - 80%) and a decrease in acidic (20 - 35%). With this ratio, all internal systems adapt to alkalization faster, even if the former basis of nutrition was "acidifying" food.

What is useful alkalization of the body

Scientists are sure that for the most active and healthy functioning, a person needs an alkaline environment. Useful methods of alkalizing the body improve the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines. The immune system becomes stronger, cells divide at a faster rate - therefore, metabolism and regeneration take place intensely, chemical reactions flow better and without deviations. Alkalinization of the body contributes to the removal of harmful toxins and toxins against the background of developing beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Alkalization of the body is a voluminous healing process. Therefore, before starting it, it is necessary to consult with an experienced doctor and carry out the necessary examination.

Signs of acidification of the body

What is commonly called acid-base balance is measured on the pH scale. The pH level is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in body fluids.

In a healthy person, the pH value is 7.35 - 7.45: maintaining it is the principle of the body's alkalization system. If it falls below 7, then one speaks of a change in the properties of the balance towards acid environment which in practice is detrimental serious violations in human health.

Violations in the acid-base balance provokes, first of all:

  • malnutrition ( excessive consumption sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks);
  • "passive lifestyle;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

The presence of at least one of these factors will reflect a high likelihood of acidification of the body, which can lead to such problems:

  • erosion of tooth enamel, dry faded skin, damaged brittle hair;
  • rheumatism of the joints inflammatory disease connective tissue), cramps after minor physical exertion, pain in the muscles and spine;
  • frequent aching headaches, migraines;
  • obesity, overweight;
  • unstable pressure (very high or low, constant fluctuations);
  • diabetes Ι and ΙΙ degrees;
  • the risk of developing cancer;
  • strokes.

How to check acid-base balance

If a person has any of the above habits in his life, this should be a signal to pay attention to his acid-base balance and alkalize the body. Its normal value varies slightly depending on age, hereditary traits, type of metabolism, however, its lower limit will be 7, and its upper limit will be 8. Going beyond these limits means an increase in health risks.

There are several ways to find out your own balance at home - to conduct a blood, urine, saliva test using special disposable strips. A urine test should be done 2 hours before a meal or 5 hours after. Under these conditions, the results will be most accurate.

Advice! It is better to take measurements regularly in order to understand the dynamics of processes and better control the situation.

A blood test will show the most accurate and correct pH of the body. The analysis should be carried out only in a hospital setting by a doctor. It is also important to remember that in the first half of the day the acid-base balance is at a low point, and in the evening it rises. This is due to the properties of the daily course of oxidative processes in the body.

Ways to alkalize the body

There are several ways to carry out alkalization of the body at home. Most of them are associated with the use special products with the right pH level, following useful recommendations.

  1. Alkalinizing the body with lemon is the most popular "alkaline recipe", since lemon is considered to be a food with high alkaline indicators. Drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach is beneficial for alkalizing the body. The recipe is simple: in a glass of clean drinking water, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. This drink perfectly tones the body, will give a useful stimulus. immune system and improve digestion.
  2. Alkalinization of the body can also be carried out by ordinary baking soda. To prepare a drink, you need to add 0.5 - 1 tsp. soda in water brought to a boil and mix.

    Attention! The water should bubble up like soda. Only after that you can drink the solution without harm to the stomach. To enhance the effect of alkalization of the body, you can drink an alkaline cocktail with the addition of soda water useful spoons alkaline properties lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. At the first tasting, the drink may not seem the most pleasant in taste: it is better to drink it moderately hot or warm: this way the soda plume will be less felt by the receptors than in a cooled form. The habit of regularly drinking soda on an empty stomach will bring a steady improvement in the pH of the environment.

  3. Healthy good sleep plays an important useful role in alkalization of the body. An adult needs to allocate at least 7 hours a day for rest. Otherwise, the body produces stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline, which bring an imbalance in nervous activity, which then disrupts the work of other organs. In addition, it is during sleep that our body is completely restored and cleansed.
  4. Fresh vegetables are the main source of alkaline foods in the human diet. Nutritionists advise eating at least 2 whole vegetables per day to maximize alkalinization success. Products render useful action thanks to the valuable composition of minerals, essential vitamins and antioxidants. Healthy vegetables with the most "alkaline" indicators include green leafy and root crops.
  5. For high-quality alkalization, you should reduce or completely abandon the use of sugar and sweet foods. Sweets, chocolate, rolls, cakes, carbonated drinks bring significant harm to the body, as well as the passion for artificial sweeteners: sucralose and aspartame. Useful option will replace sugar with natural stevia: this supplement has practically no side effects and is allowed when the body is alkalized.

A more powerful alkalization method is described in the video:

Proper Diet

An alkalizing (or alkalic) diet has many health benefits. It can reduce the risk of kidney stones, cleanse the mucous membranes and intestines, and improve the condition of the body as a whole. To do this, you need to adhere to a special nutrition system based on the following principles;

  • In the process of alkalization of the body, acidic foods cannot be completely excluded, as this can result in harm to extremes. Low pH foods should make up about 20% of all foods consumed;
  • Vegetables should not be cooked. It has been proven that only in the "raw" form they retain their beneficial properties to the maximum and can bring high benefits to the body for alkalization. IN exceptional case with contraindications to the use of fiber (for example, in diseases gastrointestinal tract) to achieve the effect of alkalization, vegetables can be boiled, preferably steamed;
  • Alkalinization of the body completely eliminates the use of animal fats, since butter, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and other products of animal origin harm the acidification of the body's environment. For salads, linseed, coconut, corn, olive oils will benefit;
  • The last meal should be 12 hours after the first. Thus, the day will be divided into 2 parts: the first 12 hours after waking up is allowed, and the next 12 are not;
  • For optimal alkalization of the body, all grains (cereals, pasta, flour) and seafood can be consumed no more than three times a week.

Advice! Nutritionists are sure that moderate physical activity improves the effect of alkalization by several times. And the bonus is weight loss.

A sample menu for the day might include:

  1. Breakfast - fresh red and green vegetables, a glass of soy milk or natural unsweetened yogurt.
  2. Lunch - boiled chicken meat, up to 200 g, vegetable garnish and herbal tea.
  3. Dinner - from 200 g of baked fish, vegetable salad natural yogurt or ayran.

Table of alkalizing products

To take away overweight, and together with them inflammatory processes in the body in the process of alkalization, it is necessary to reduce the use of "acidic" products and increase the volume of "alkaline" ones.

There is a stereotype that low pH foods can be identified by their sour taste. However, this is a mistake. An example of this is lemon - sour in taste, but perfectly alkalizing water.

The table lists conventional products food that is included in the standard diet.

Regular physical activity

In order for the alkalization of the body to be effective, it is important not to forget about the daily physical activity. Any training: running, swimming, cycling or just brisk walking can speed up internal metabolic processes and improve acid-base balance. Experts advise more often to use the stairs instead of the elevator, to walk, since such activity tends to bring significant benefits not only to physical, but also to emotional health: such simple actions stress levels can be reduced.

Drinking alkaline drinks

Having embarked on the path of alkalization of the body, it is important to remember the need to drink enough fluid daily. The basis should be simple purified water at room temperature. The calculation is carried out individually (25 - 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight). To diversify the diet, you can fortify water by adding pieces of fruits, berries that have useful properties. Strawberry, raspberry, lemon, lime, orange, apple are perfect. So, the taste will become much more pleasant, and the body will receive more benefits due to the desired beneficial properties of the added products.

Important! On an alkaine diet, to alkalize the body, you must completely exclude the use of unnatural packaged juices, strong coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks!

Positive emotions

An important element in the successful course of alkalization of the body is to maintain a positive attitude and Have a good mood. A positive mental attitude has a huge impact on physical well-being. "Hormones of happiness" will benefit the work internal systems, improving the functioning of organs, while a negative attitude can provoke oxidative reactions in the body that occur with the release of harmful free radicals.

When alkalizing the body can be harmful

The body of a healthy person has the ability to independently regulate its own acid-base balance. An “alkaline” diet has practically no negative effects: it can be introduced to get rid of chronic health problems: an increase in the content of plant foods, due to which the main alkalization occurs, cannot be harmful, since it provides the necessary nutritional complex to maintain normal human life.

Contraindications for the diet of alkalization of the body may be individual cases of reactions to products or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which a strict diet is prescribed.

Attention! Any temporary major dietary change should be accompanied by a consultation with a physician.


The study of the question of the benefits and harms of alkalization of the body makes it possible to conclude that the concept of alkalization is safe innovative approaches to the power system. Even without becoming a fan alkaline diets”, benefit will bring attention to compliance with the content in daily menu with the benefits of high pH foods to maintain the body's natural acid-base balance.