Anomaly of teeth in humans. Additional therapeutic methods

An anomaly of supernumerary teeth or polyodontia (hyperdontia) is not as rare as it might seem at first glance. According to dentists, it affects 4 to 7 percent of the world's population.

Such an anomaly can cause serious inconvenience: problems with diction, bite and eating. In this article we will tell you what polyodontia is, name the main causes of its occurrence, describe the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.

Polyodontia – what is it?

Polyodontia is the appearance of an excess number of teeth in the human dentition. This disease affects men to a greater extent, although pathologies also occur among women; often a similar disease appears in children. A child is born with a tooth, but the rest of the dental germs are also there; in this case, parents are advised to get rid of the “extra” tooth from the child.

It is not uncommon for humans to have an excess number of teeth. As a rule, only one supernumerary tooth grows, but there are two (about ¼ of all cases of polyodontia), three or more. It is worth noting that third molars (“wisdom teeth”) should not be classified as cases of polyodontia, although they do not appear in everyone.


Why can an anomaly of supernumerary teeth occur? There are several reasons:

  • pathologies of the development of tooth germs - similar processes develop in the fetus in the womb. This occurs due to disruptions in her body, which may be associated with unfavorable factors(for example, ecology). According to scientists, the tooth germ grows into several parts, which ultimately leads to the appearance of an anomaly in the child;
  • failures in the genetic code - it is believed that the first people had not four, but six incisors on each jaw. Scientists attribute this to the fact that in primitive times people ate unprocessed meat food, which required large number teeth whose function is to bite off pieces of food. Over time and thanks to evolution, human body no longer needed so many incisors. The appearance of extra teeth in some people in our time, according to experts, is associated with the remainder of the elements genetic code ancient people, but this is just a hypothesis.

However, there is no exact answer to the cause of the disease. The above reasons are simply the most probable ones proposed by science. Thus, the etiology of this disease remains quite mysterious.


The disease is characterized by several, but very obvious symptoms, they can be divided into children's and adults. The following signs are characteristic of polyodontia in an adult:

  • the appearance of “extra” teeth on the palate and gums; they may be of distorted shape and structure;
  • violations of diction and bite;
  • problems with the location of ordinary teeth: they can be turned to the sides, located very close to each other. This occurs due to the wedging of supernumerary teeth into the dentition;
  • problems with chewing food, which lead to digestive system disorders;
  • frequent inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth, which occurs due to their damage by supernumerary teeth.

Supernumerary baby teeth in children appear in the first few months of their life or immediately upon birth. In this case, the following symptoms are typical:

  • difficulties with eating - the child cannot be breastfed normally, the young mother also suffers due to constant bites from the baby;
  • digestive disorders that are a consequence of disruptions in food intake;
  • impaired salivation and swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • increased temperature and swelling in the area of ​​tooth eruption.

Despite the speech problems that a child may develop over time, and other complications caused by polydontia, the child perceives ridicule from peers most painfully, which can cause serious psychological trauma. Children begin to smile less often so as not to show an anomaly once again, especially when communicating with unfamiliar people or peers. After a few years, such tendencies can develop into isolation and feelings of inferiority.


There are several types of anomalies of supernumerary teeth. The classification is based on the location and type of “extra” teeth. Thus, experts distinguish: typical and atypical polyodontia, real and false.

  1. The typical form is characterized by the arrangement of supernumerary teeth within the dentition. Sometimes they are very difficult to distinguish from ordinary ones and often look like fangs. In this case, the teeth will be pressed very tightly against each other.
  2. Atypical polyodontia - supernumerary teeth grow outside the dentition; they can appear on the palate and in other places. In unique cases, they may cut out oral cavity.
  3. True polyodontia is characterized by the classic eruption and shape of supernumerary teeth. The places of their appearance do not extend beyond the aisles of the dentition.
  4. The false form of the disease is characterized by an increase in the number of teeth in an adult due to incomplete loss of milk teeth. The latter can remain in the dentition for many decades after the expected moment of their loss. It happens that the presence of such supernumerary teeth does not even interfere with the bite or cause any other forms of discomfort. Another symptom of a false form is teeth fused together.
  5. Impacted supernumerary teeth - they do not grow outward, but remain under the covering of the oral tissues. As a rule, patients do not feel any discomfort, but only discover them during a thorough examination or treatment of other teeth.


To get a more detailed look at this problem, we suggest you look at what photographs of the oral cavity of patients with an anomaly look like.


Diagnostics does not cause special problems in almost all forms. As a rule, patients themselves report this disease, because it is not so difficult to notice that you have an extra tooth, especially if its growth causes serious problems with diction and bite.

If impacted supernumerary teeth occur, then the most appropriate way to diagnose them is an x-ray. In this case, the dentist can easily determine where and how many extra teeth you have.

If it is impossible to determine the exact location of the problem tooth using x-rays, the doctor may prescribe a tomography. Early diagnosis of the disease will prevent it from developing and causing serious inconvenience.

How is polyodontia treated?

There are two main treatment methods - removal of problem teeth and orthodontic measures. Removal is especially difficult for experienced dentists. At the same time, not only supernumerary teeth can be removed, but also those that have been too negatively affected by the growth of previous ones.

In a child's (deciduous) bite, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary elements of the dental-jaw structure, otherwise there may be pathological changes not only the bite, but also the shape of the face. Removal of supernumerary teeth proceeds as follows:

  1. An X-ray of the dentofacial system is performed to accurately determine the location of the problem tooth and all the nuances associated with its growth (a computed tomography may be performed).
  2. The patient is given local anesthesia(in particularly difficult cases, the doctor may recommend general anesthesia).
  3. The dental element is removed. If there is an impacted tooth, the doctor opens the surface of the gum, usually from the side of the tongue, and cuts out the crown and root of such a tooth.
  4. If the surgical incisions are large or complex, the specialist may apply several stitches.

After the operation, the patient must undergo rehabilitation, which consists of taking medications prescribed by the doctor and temporarily giving up certain types of food (too spicy or hot) and bad habits.

How much does it cost to remove supernumerary teeth? This depends on the complexity of the operation and many associated factors (for example, the cost of anesthesia, examination, consultation). The price can range from 2 to 20 thousand rubles.

Extra teeth are not always removed, since a supernumerary tooth is sometimes superior in many respects to the healthy one located next to it. In this case, the damaged “correct” tooth is removed, and the supernumerary one begins to perform its functions.

If it does not fit well into the structure of a person’s dentition, the doctor may advise orthodontic methods fix the problem. Installing special mouthguards and braces will help not only introduce a supernumerary tooth into the dentition, but also correct other problems with bite.

Video: world record for polyodontia – 232 teeth.

U healthy person Over the course of a lifetime, 20 baby teeth and 32 molars can grow. However, in medical practice There are cases when, for one reason or another, a person’s extra teeth. This pathology is called polyodontia, and additional tooth rudiments with an already formed dentition are called supernumerary.

An anomaly in which the number of teeth exceeds physiological norm, is not common and is diagnosed in only 2% of people on the planet (more often in males).

Excess bone formations can appear both in the primary and permanent dentition; be both fully erupted and . They can be located anywhere: on the dental arch or outside it, with external or inside, as well as on the hard part of the palate. The upper jaw is most often affected by this problem.

Supernumerary and ordinary teeth in their own way appearance and the composition is practically the same. But the first ones are often shaped like a thorn or a drop. They grow both separately and connected to permanent teeth. Entire bone masses or processes can also be formed. Sometimes the disease is hidden and is detected only when.

Why is this dangerous?

Most often, hyperdontia manifests itself outside the dentition. This directly affects the aesthetic appearance, and is especially noticeable during communication or when smiling. Even with a closed mouth, a person may have an unnaturally protruded jaw, non-closing or protruding lips. There are problems with speech clarity and a lisp.

The formation of bite is directly related to polyodontia. Anomaly affects displacement permanent teeth, causes problems with biting and chewing food.

Problems arise with conducting regular tests, which entails the development of infectious diseases. The oral mucosa is often damaged and inflammatory processes occur.

In addition, supernumerary bone processes are often located in the path and interfere with their natural development. As a result, incorrect formation of the dentition occurs and develops.

Why does excess stuff come out in my mouth?

Modern medicine cannot give a definite answer about the reasons for the appearance of supernumerary teeth. However, there are several hypotheses that explain the etiology of this anomaly:

  1. Atavism. It is assumed that polyodontia is a return to the original structure of the dentition, when an increased number of teeth was natural for the ancient ancestors of humans. It is considered probable that they have on the lower and upper jaw six incisors each.
  2. Diseases in the mother during pregnancy. During the maturation of the embryo, a disturbance occurs in the development of the dental plate, which leads to hyperdontia. This is due to problems endocrine system and various infectious diseases from the expectant mother.
  3. External factors. Deviations in the formation of tooth germs during intrauterine development can be affected by the medications taken medicines, narcotic substances, alcoholic drinks, smoking.

The exact causes of the disease continue to be studied. But most experts are inclined to the version of splitting of tooth germs during the development of the embryo.

Types of supernumerary

Extra teeth in the mouth can develop in various ways. Therefore, in dentistry it is customary to classify them according to a number of characteristics and distinctive features.

Based on its origin, polyodontia is divided into two types:

  1. False. do not fall out, but are firmly located in the bite of people of any age. This anomaly can also be observed in the case of fusion of several adjacent bone processes.
  2. True. Supernumerary teeth develop due to genetic predisposition or influence negative factors during the intrauterine development of the fetus. Accompanied by the formation and eruption of excess tooth germs.

By location they are distinguished the following types diseases:

  1. Typical. Diagnosed in patients with the presence of extra teeth located in the main row and not extending beyond its boundaries.
  2. Atypical is detected less frequently and is characterized by the appearance of bone processes outside the dentition.

Photo shows supernumerary teeth on x-ray

When a patient is diagnosed with polyodontia, the doctor determines treatment methods, which depend on the type and complexity of the disease, as well as the location of the extra teeth. Possible ways elimination of this anomaly are:

  • procedures that help facilitate teething;
  • removal of supernumerary teeth;

The process of teething in adults occurs with virtually no symptoms. Usually problems arise only in children.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. This helps to remove painful sensations and inflammation of the soft tissues of the palate and gums. Medicines are used in the form of a suspension or suppositories. At severe pain the anesthetic effect can be achieved thanks to gels and ointments.

Sometimes baby supernumerary teeth do not fully erupt in children, and some of them remain in the jaw tissues. Therefore, you have to influence them with the help of electrical stimulation and special massage.

The need to remove extra teeth arises when they are present in the primary dentition, due to the risk abnormal development jaw bones. You should also get rid of bone processes located outside the dentition, including those that have not yet erupted.

Afterwards, the child may need the help of an orthodontist. This is necessary for:

  • proper jaw growth;
  • avoiding problems with;
  • adjustments to the dentition.

When molars are removed, the patient undergoes bite restoration. When apply various types, and removable plates. This treatment is long-term and should be prepared in advance, first of all, mentally. After all, you will have to constantly wear a corrective device for a long time.

Anomalies of the dentition are being detected more and more often, especially cases of eruption of supernumerary elements. 7 out of 10 patients grow one extra tooth, 1 out of 20 have three or more. What is a “supernumerary tooth”? Why are there abnormalities in the shape of teeth and their number? What do supernumerary erupted teeth look like in a photo? How to deal with this? Let's figure it out together.

Concept and signs of supernumerary teeth

The number of teeth in an adult and a child differs. The temporary bite consists of 20 dental elements. There are more teeth in permanent dentition - normal amount it is considered 28-32 pieces. However, in some cases, a person erupts supernumerary teeth - they can be single and fully formed, multiple and rudimentary.

Most often, a person grows additional incisors or fangs. There are also frequent cases when, with hyperdontia, defective, abnormal, spike-shaped teeth grow, and bite defects (tortoanomaly) are observed. Additional wisdom teeth erupt extremely rarely - some people do not even grow complete elements of this type.

In an adult

“Extra” teeth are rarely complete; they are usually very different from complete dental elements. They have reduced sizes of the crown part and roots, the shape can be different. Spike-shaped teeth, chisel-shaped or conical, grow. Hyperdontia in most cases leads to the development of malocclusions, the type of which depends on where exactly the supernumerary tooth erupts.

In children

Some babies are born with just one or two teeth. Sometimes experts recommend removing such teeth - they not only cause discomfort to the mother during breastfeeding, but can also injure the baby. When a supernumerary tooth erupts in the gums of an older child, parents notice the following signs:

Polyodontia, which develops in the upper palate, negatively affects the pronunciation of sounds. In addition, the baby constantly injures the tongue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as a result of which inflammatory processes often develop.

Causes of jaw abnormalities

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Modern medicine does not provide a clear explanation of the reasons for the eruption of supernumerary teeth. Experts consider this phenomenon as a kind of “program failure.” Today, there are several assumptions as to why some people grow extra teeth. Most doctors support one of the following two theories:

  1. Split tooth germ. The rudiments are formed during the embryonic development of the baby. If the activity of the dental plate is disrupted, instead of one rudiment, several are formed at once. Bad habits expectant mother and bad environment in locality, where she lives, can provoke the appearance of such an anomaly. This theory is supported by the fact that polyodontia and hyperdontia are now being diagnosed more and more often.
  2. Manifestation of atavism. As you know, our distant ancestors had more teeth - only six incisors grew in each jaw. The anomaly may manifest itself as an attempt by the dental system to return to its original state.

Varieties of polyodontia

There are several types of polyodontia. Experts classify dental anomalies depending on the origin and location of the supernumerary teeth. Sometimes polyodontia in humans is hidden and is detected only on x-ray. You can see in the photo various cases abnormalities in the number of teeth in people of different ages.

Diagnostic methods

If a person has grown an extra tooth element, the problem is easily detected by the patient himself during daily hygiene procedures. Hidden, unerupted teeth are revealed by radiographic examination. However, experts call the technique computed tomography more effective and accurate for diagnosing dental anomalies.

What to do?

What to do if signs of an abnormality in the shape and/or number of teeth are detected? You should contact your dentist so that he can choose the best strategy to solve the problem. Extra teeth may need to be extracted orthodontic treatment. Neglect medical care It’s not worth it - hyperdontia of human teeth leads to complications:

  1. abnormal angle of inclination of the teeth forward (a phenomenon called tooth protrusion);
  2. displacement of incisors, crowding of teeth of this type (cases of tooth retrusion);
  3. an anomaly of an individual (individual) tooth, expressed in its displacement and rotation of the crown (called tortoanomaly of the tooth);
  4. teeth (usually incisors and canines) change places - the canines become frontal, and the incisors are located on the side of the canines (in dentistry this is called transposition of the teeth);
  5. elements of the row are shifted to vertical plane(we are talking about the supraposition of teeth);
  6. formation of crowding of teeth;
  7. appearance impacted teeth(when an element prevents the complete one from taking its place);
  8. the appearance of spiky teeth can lead to psychological problems in a child.

Facilitating teething in baby

The eruption of supernumerary teeth in a child occurs in the same way as the growth of complete elements. Since many babies experience pain and discomfort, at this stage it is necessary to alleviate the child's condition.

After consulting a doctor, herbal decoctions, propolis and honey are used for children aged 2 years and older. The following methods are also used:

  • Stimulation of eruption. Gum massage, vibration stimulation, electrical stimulation are indicated for partial teething.
  • Anesthetics local action– ointments and gels for application to the gums (Dentinox, Kamistad-baby, Kalgel).
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for elevated temperature bodies. Ibufen and Paracetamol are recommended. It is better for babies to give medications in the form of syrup or use suppositories.

Simple tooth extraction

If an extra element has grown in a row, no anomalies in the shape of the teeth have been detected, the tooth does not spoil the bite and smile, and the complete element located nearby has collapsed, then the additional tooth does not need to be removed. If this baby tooth, which interferes with the growth of permanent teeth, provokes the appearance of impacted and dystopic teeth, extraction is necessary (we recommend reading:). Simple removal includes:

  1. X-ray examination (you can see what supernumerary teeth look like on an X-ray in the photo) (we recommend reading:);
  2. anesthesia and removal;
  3. the doctor applies stitches (if necessary).

Removal of impacted teeth

If, due to supernumerary teeth, the permanent element has become impacted, its removal is indicated. After comprehensive survey the doctor makes a decision about further actions. After identifying the topography of the anomaly, the patient is given anesthesia (usually local, less often general), then the doctor begins removal.

In the video you can see how the extraction procedure is carried out. impacted tooth. It includes detachment of the mucous membranes, opening of bone tissue, removal of an element, closure of bone defects with osteoplastic materials, and suturing of the mucous membranes. After the operation, antibiotic therapy, antiseptics, and diet are indicated.

Braces and other orthodontic treatment methods

If an extra tooth provokes the development of dental anomalies - protrusion, transposition, supraposition, tortoanomaly or retrusion of teeth - then orthodontic treatment will be required. Depending on the condition of the patient’s dentition, doctors most often recommend wearing mouth guards or braces. Mouth guards are more suitable for children; for a teenager or adult, braces will be more effective.

Orthodontic treatment, including for tooth retrusion, is not always required - often the patient (regardless of age) only needs simple extraction. The doctor recommends orthodontic structures only after discussing the advantages and disadvantages of such treatment with the patient, as well as if there are indications. These include:

  • the need for correction and/or alignment of the dentition;
  • to prevent problems with the eruption of molars in children over 6 years of age;
  • to ensure normal height and jaw development (for children).

If polyodontia has led to crowding of teeth, this anomaly in the shape of the dentition is eliminated without braces in childhood or with a slight deviation in the arrangement of elements.

In this case, in case of crowding, mouth guards, retainers, and plates are used. Veneers are sometimes recommended for crowding and other abnormalities.

Consequences of poor quality treatment

With the development of dental anomalies, if extra teeth grow on top of the palate or in the gums, or a similar phenomenon is observed in lower jaw, it is important to properly organize the treatment and complete it. If we limit ourselves only surgical removal supernumerary element(and with an abnormal tooth shape) and neglect the correction of the dentition, there is a high risk of bite defects.

Hyperdontia is an abnormality in the number of teeth in a person, expressed by the presence of supernumerary teeth. According to statistics, the frequency of supernumerary teeth averages 2-3% in people with dental anomalies. This disease also includes such an anomaly as a tooth on the roof of the mouth.

The nature of hyperdontia (dental anomaly), which, of course, includes the appearance of bone dental tissue on the palate, has not been fully studied. Presumably, this anomaly is directly related to a violation of the mechanism. The most common occurrences of supernumerary teeth are:

  • on the upper jaw (molars, incisors, canines, premolars);
  • on the lower jaw (incisors, canines, premolars);
  • in areas of the dentition;
  • sometimes the tooth grows on the palate;
  • with a permanent bite, but less often with a milk bite.

Supernumerary teeth can cause deformation of the dentition, so in most cases they must be removed, including the tooth on the palatal surface.


The shape of supernumerary teeth can be very different; it may well correspond to the anatomical shape of an ordinary healthy tooth or resemble drops, entire conglomerates of tooth-like formations, or individual crowns. Sometimes such teeth emerge from the palate or are fused to healthy permanent teeth, which has a negative impact for proper development healthy teeth.

Supernumerary teeth can be located outside the dentition (oral, vestibular) or in the dental arch. It also happens that such teeth are located between the upper central incisors, thereby violating correct position healthy teeth and incisors. With a significant jaw size, a supernumerary tooth in the palate may not affect the shape of the dental arch at all, but with a small jaw, as a rule, anomalies in the position of individual teeth occur.


Today, absolutely everyone is treated, including supernumerary teeth. Such treatment directly depends on the location of the supernumerary tooth and, of course, its effect on the position of normal teeth. Supernumerary teeth undoubtedly disrupt the process of teething and the correct construction of the dentition. Therefore, they should be removed in the same way as teeth that appear on the roof of the mouth.

Removing impacted supernumerary teeth, such as the tooth on the palate, is associated with very significant difficulties, which are caused by great depth occurrence or closely spaced rudiments of adjacent teeth or roots irregular shape. In such cases, it is very important to determine the most rational surgical approach to the supernumerary tooth on the palate. X-ray or orthopantogram is of great help in this.

After removing the supernumerary tooth, its shell is also carefully removed. As a rule, postoperative period goes well, especially if the patient consults a doctor in a timely manner.

Supernumerary teeth are an anomaly in the development of the dental and jaw system, which is based on an excess of teeth in the oral cavity. The norm is 20 milk and 32 permanent teeth. Additional teeth are localized in front of the dentition, but there are exceptions when near last teeth others are also emerging. To save the patient from this dental pathology, it is necessary to carry out treatment, which is based on the removal of excess processes. Polyodontia occurs in both adults and children.


As for the causes of this pathology, it is very difficult to name them, but modern dentistry There are some assumptions about this:

  1. Atavism. Few doctors adhere to this theory, since it is based on the echoes of time. It is also unable to explain why polyodontia occurs both at the beginning and at the end of the dentition.
  2. Incorrect embryonic development. Many doctors believe that during uterine development the plate split into a large number of parts in the fetus, which provoked this pathology. This theory explains the appearance of additional teeth at the end of the dentition. However, it is not able to explain why some people have extra teeth but are missing some rudiments.
  3. There are experts who are of the opinion that the anomaly occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy, when a negative impact was exerted on the pregnant woman’s body.

The above reasons are rather arbitrary and therefore cannot be considered correct when making a diagnosis.


Extra teeth that appear at the beginning of the dentition, similar to incisors or fangs, can be left if they do not disturb the bite. These teeth are also susceptible various diseases and pathologies of the oral cavity. Treatment in such a situation is carried out standard methods. Be sure to treat the tooth with a drill and fill the cavity filling material, then illumination is carried out.

In most situations, the fate of supernumerary teeth depends on the pathology of the bite. If they have a negative impact on the bite, a violation is noted, then mandatory removal is required. It is worth considering the fact that the removal of such teeth is carried out only after the formation of the root system of permanent teeth has occurred.

If the removal of an additional tooth is carried out earlier, this can provoke disruption and damage to the growth of a normal tooth, which will appear with a defect or will not erupt at all. If there is overlap between the growth zones of these two teeth, then removal is carried out urgently.

There are cases when an abnormal tooth is located inside the jaw, but even in this situation it can have a negative impact on a number of teeth. Removal becomes more difficult due to its location inside the bone, as well as the unusual shape and number of roots. An X-ray will always help a specialist to correctly determine where the tooth is located. Pictures are taken in several projections.

How to remove a tooth that is located inside the jaw?

  • Done local anesthesia. In rare cases, the patient may also be given anesthesia.
  • Using an x-ray, the specialist determines the location of the tooth and cuts out a mucoperiosteal flap to ensure full access.
  • The specialist carefully and efficiently exposes the periosteum.
  • Using a drill, the dentist creates a cavity in bone tissue, that is, makes an approach.
  • After the approach is made, the specialist removes the tooth from the jaw, and the cavity is filled with medicine so that the bone quickly recovers and heals.
  • The flap is returned to its place and stitches are made.
  • The patient is given special recommendations regarding proper care wounds after surgery. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with Chlorhexidine.

If you experience severe pain and swelling after surgery, you should immediately contact your dentist. Sometimes teeth are not considered redundant and can later take their place, but this happens quite rarely. Therefore, removal is carried out.

Supernumerary tooth in a child

Supernumerary teeth in children with primary teeth are not so common, mostly this pathology appears constant. Sometimes this tooth appears in babies immediately after birth and in this case it is removed, as it provokes injury to the oral mucosa.

After removal of the pathology, high probability that the bite will be restored. If this type If the tooth is located in the permanent place, then an x-ray is taken and the condition of all teeth is assessed. If the root of this tooth is sufficiently well developed, the tooth is without damage. And the permanent tooth begins to erupt, but with a defect, then the permanent tooth is removed.