Hardware massage – ideal figure and relaxation in one procedure. Hardware back massage

In the fight against cellulite, for beautiful body, all means are good. However, massage has gained the most popularity. If manual massage techniques have been known for a long time and are used everywhere, then hardware massage is a novelty of our time. Clinics and salons began offering hardware massage procedures for figure correction relatively recently. How to determine which method will cope more effectively with “ orange peel"? Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of manual and hardware massage for figure correction.

Manual massage

There are several manual massage techniques that can remove cellulite and correct figure imperfections. The most common types of massage include: anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, honey and sculpture. Read more about the technique of lymphatic drainage massage in our article “Lymphatic drainage massage”. Each massage has its own special technique. But everyone has the same goal - to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolic processes, remove excess liquid from the body, reduce the amount subcutaneous fat and break up cellulite tubercles.

Advantages of manual massage

The benefits of manual massage include:
  • Precision and efficiency. When performing a massage aimed at correcting the figure, the condition of the patient’s muscles, subcutaneous fat and blood vessels is important. The manualist kneads and probes every part of the body with his hands, so he can accurately target problem areas. Because of this, the effectiveness of the massage also increases.
  • Improved skin condition. During manual massage, additional oils, creams, scrubs, and honey are often used, which have a positive effect on the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and smoothes out unevenness.
  • Reduction of subcutaneous fat and cellulite. With the help of manual massage, all problem areas are worked out; not a single bump on the body escapes the master.
  • Removing excess fluid and normalizing blood circulation in the body. Massage helps restore correct work lymphatic system and blood vessels, as well as cell nutrition, so the weight loss process is faster and easier.

The main advantage of manual massage is the direct contact of the massage therapist with the patient, this helps to better feel and work out problem areas, eliminate muscle spasms and establish proper functioning of the whole organism.

How is manual massage performed?

Each manual massage technique has individual characteristics, however, they have one thing in common - this is the sequence of actions. First, the specialist carries out drainage, then the striated muscles are worked on, final stage This is work on subcutaneous fat tissue. Thanks to consistent actions and different massage intensities, the “orange peel” is significantly reduced.

Disadvantages of manual massage

The disadvantages of this procedure include:
  • Human factor. The choice of specialist and clinic must be approached carefully. An incorrectly performed massage can significantly harm and worsen the patient’s condition.
  • Traumaticity. Manual massage can be traumatic. Unfortunately, in some cases, bruises or leaks cannot be avoided, and during the massage there may be painful and unpleasant sensations.

Hardware massage

As in manual massage, there are several types in hardware massage: vacuum-roller, LPG, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite, etc. For each massage, a special device, attachments and even a suit are used. Modern clinics, massage rooms and beauty salons have great opportunities for hardware massage. Therefore, finding an acceptable procedure will not be difficult.

Advantages of hardware massage

The advantages of this type of figure correction include:
  • Strict execution of the given program. When working with the device, the specialist sets required parameters, based on the condition of the skin, the severity of the problem, setting both the force of pressure and the time of the massage. All this undoubtedly improves the quality of the massage, and therefore its effectiveness.
  • Does not injure tissue. Hardware massage produces a good drainage effect and helps remove excess fluid from the body without injuring the tissue or leaving bruises. This massage is especially effective in the initial stages of cellulite.
  • Restoring skin tone and elasticity. With the help of hardware massage, skin tightness is better restored. Using various attachments you can increase blood circulation and also affect the deeper layers of the skin. Activation metabolic processes helps improve skin tone.

How is hardware massage performed?

No special preparation is required for hardware massage, but a necessary condition is a consultation with a specialist. Because the this type massage has a number of contraindications. After the examination, the specialist selects the type of hardware massage that will be most effective. Hardware massage is performed with smooth movements and is so relaxing that patients fall asleep during the session.

Disadvantages of hardware massage

In front of everyone positive qualities This type of massage has its disadvantages:
  • Despite the variety of massage and devices, there are not many techniques and special techniques used. In this plan manual massage richer in techniques for body correction.
  • Hardware massage has a number of contraindications, including: varicose veins veins, rosacea, pregnancy and lactation, oncology, heart disease, etc.

According to experts, it is impossible to determine which is better for dealing with cellulite, manual or hardware massage. Based on the results, as well as patient reviews, many recommend combining these two types of massage. It’s worth starting with a manual one, as it will help to stretch and prepare the skin, and then connect visits and hardware massage. In combination they will give the most best result, skin elasticity will increase, cellulite will noticeably decrease, volume will go away, the skin will gain necessary nutrition and hydration.

Comparative table of manual and hardware massage

Hardware massage - massage using various devices and devices. It includes several types, differing both in their physiological effect on the body and in the design principle of the devices. The most widely used in massage practice are vibromassage, pneumomassage and hydromassage; other types are used less frequently.

Used for treatment after injuries and other diseases, as well as hygienic and prophylactic. In sports practice, it is used as one of the methods of preparing an athlete for extremely heavy psychophysical stress. With a certain selection of techniques, it allows for more a short time restore and improve the body's performance.

History of hardware massage

Even in ancient times, various objects were used to facilitate the work of a massage therapist: for example, in Ancient Greece- scrapers, in Rome - historiams (arched pieces of wood 6-8 cm long with coils at the ends that rotate during massaging), in Japan - special hammers. IN Ancient Rus' Slavic tribes have long used tapping with a broom in the bathhouse - it was nothing more than a kind of mechanical massage.

Hardware massage was widely developed in the 19th century. thanks to the work of Per Ling, who opened a gymnastics institute in Stockholm in 1834, where mechanotherapy, hardware (vibration) and manual massage were special place in medical practice. During this period, specialists designed a variety of massage vibration devices for both local and general vibration. However, they were not widely used: some were too bulky, made a lot of noise and had rough vibration, others were ineffective, since the vibration was almost imperceptible.

Methodology for hardware massage

Hardware massage can be performed in various positions (lying, sitting), the main thing is that the person being massaged is in a position that is comfortable for him, and the muscles of the massaged part of the body are relaxed. Before you begin the massage, you need to become familiar with the location of the muscles and the direction of the lymphatic and blood vessels.

Massage manipulations are carried out in a centripetal direction, the movements of the attachment (vibrator) should be directed up the blood flow to the nearest lymph nodes. When performing vibration massage, two methods are used: stationary and sliding. With the stationary method, the device is placed on the same area of ​​the body for 2-4 seconds. This method is most often used for injuries and diseases (bruises, sprains, osteochondrosis, radiculitis).

Then the vibrator is moved to another area and left there for some time. It should be borne in mind that this method is used for very strong muscles: latissimus dorsi, gluteal muscles, lumbar region, outer thigh. At sliding method the vibrator is constantly moved from the periphery to the center, from ankle joint to the knee, from the elbow to the shoulder.

Throughout the massaged area, the strength of the vibration massage is not the same. Typically, the massage begins by lightly pressing the vibrator against the body two or three times. At the beginning of the massaged area, the pressure on the vibrator is small, in the middle it increases, and at the end it decreases again. The vibrator should move at a constant speed, smoothly, without jerking and sudden change pressure. Depending on the purpose of the massage, the duration of the session may be reduced or increased, but should not exceed 24 minutes. It is also not recommended to increase the time (more than 3 minutes) of massage of one muscle or joint. At vibration massage You should not lubricate the body part being massaged with oils or creams, as massage is less effective on slippery skin. Their use is allowed in exceptional cases(in case of injuries, diseases), i.e. with a private massage, at the end of the session.

Hardware massage is a great way to get rid of orange peel. This procedure is carried out using a special device. It is a small device that is connected to a special machine with a hose.

This procedure is suitable for eliminating cellulite in the legs and other parts of the body, for a facelift, and also for weight loss.

This is enough effective way getting rid of orange peel. This is evidenced by reviews with before and after photos.

Types of hardware massage

Hardware massage can be of several types. Among them are:

Type of massagePeculiarities
HydromassageIN in this case water jets under high pressure. Thus, blood microcirculation improves. After a certain number of sessions, your weight will decrease slightly.
VibromassageThis type of massage can significantly improve blood circulation, improve the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and also reduce muscle tone. This type is suitable for arms, legs, chest and abdomen.
Hardware vacuum massage In this case, the air supply level alternates. First, air under pressure flows in a large flow, and then in a small flow. Some people use this technique as an alternative to liposuction. But if your weight is 20% higher than normal, the master will not take on you. lpg massage is one of the subtypes of vacuum massage. During this massage, the skin is massaged with a vacuum attachment with two rollers, and the subcutaneous fat layers are broken down.

Lymphatic drainage hardware massage perfectly fights not only cellulite, but also swelling after surgery. When choosing a massage technique, consider your individual characteristics.

A little about technology

Hardware massage is a procedure in which air is sucked out from a specific area of ​​the skin. In this case, a special apparatus is used. This procedure is very useful.

Thanks to a special device, a pressure difference occurs. Consequently, even the deepest layers are worked through, the processes of regeneration and metabolism are enhanced, and various toxins and wastes are removed from the body.

Then fat is burned and cellulite cells are broken down. Hardware lymphatic drainage considered one of the most powerful remedies in the fight against orange peel.

In order to achieve a visible effect, you need to attend 10-15 sessions of this procedure. The number of sessions directly depends on the condition of your skin and the desired result.

If you go for a hardware massage 2-3 times a week, you can get rid of about 3-5 cm in the legs, hips, abdomen or other area.

The skin will tighten quite a lot and become much more elastic, softer, and you will look much slimmer.

Before you go for a vacuum massage procedure, you should definitely talk to your cosmetologist. He must determine the problem, as well as the severity. It is this degree that determines exactly how the procedure will take place.

6 readings

There are contraindications and indications for the hardware massage procedure. Before you go for such a procedure, you must take these points into account.

It should be noted right away that this procedure can be shown not only to those people who want to get rid of cellulite or eliminate body fat on the skin.


  • Sleep disturbance and insomnia.
  • Frequent occurrence of migraines.
  • Flabby and flaky skin.
  • Presence of acne and acne (in this case, vacuum facial massage is used).
  • Chronic fatigue or a state of the body under stress.

As you can see, there are several different indications for vacuum massage. Therefore, read this information in more detail before going for the procedure.

A combination of vacuum massage with vibration massage or electroliposis will help you achieve a more lasting effect. This combination is aimed at correcting the figure.

Carrying out the procedure (3 stages of preparation)

Before you go for a hardware massage procedure, you need to undergo thorough preparation, which includes the following steps:

  1. Check your percentage of water, fat and muscle mass in organism. This is necessary so that you can compare performance after completing the course.
  2. Try to start your diet early. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult for you to move to proper nutrition And healthy image life after completing a full course of vacuum massage.
  3. Do not use any anti-cellulite creams before the procedure. Your cosmetologist will then tell you which cosmetic products you can use and which you cannot.

It should be noted that this massage is performed separately in each zone. If you need to treat several areas at once, keep in mind that you will be massaged first on your abdomen, then your thighs, and then any other part of the body that needs to be treated.

The procedure itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Before the procedure, the master will apply massage oil to the desired area. This way, the device will glide easily over the skin.
  • He will then make kneading and stroking movements to warm up the tissue.
  • Then the cosmetologist will use the device to make circular pressing movements. They can be carried out both against the direction lymph nodes, and in their direction.
  • After the procedure, he will soothe the skin with his hands.

In order for the procedure to give the desired result, you need to try to relax as much as possible. To do this, you should tune in and think that soon your skin will become elastic, soft and smooth.

Effect after therapy

Many people ask questions these days about hardware massage. They ask about what it is, how the procedure goes, watch various videos, and so on.

And everyone expects a magical effect from such a massage. And they are right, because their expectations will certainly be met. The effect of the procedure is simply colossal.

After the third session, you will notice that your skin has become more elastic and smooth. And if cellulite is at the first or second stage, the result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

This procedure also has a healing effect. It completely removes all toxins and waste from the body.

Not only does cellulite disappear from the skin, the flabbiness that prevents many people from living their lives disappears. And if you use this procedure on your face, keep in mind that after it is completed, your expression wrinkles will decrease.

Depending on the problem of a particular patient, the vacuum during massage can work different speeds. Before starting the procedure, check this point with your specialist to avoid problems.

Wraps after massage (benefits)

As a rule, no unpleasant consequences the hardware massage procedure does not entail. But this is only if you do not decide to go for a vacuum massage if there are contraindications to its implementation.

And in order for your skin to remain smooth and soft for as long as possible, you need to regularly apply body wraps. Such wraps are carried out using a special anti-cellulite mask.

As a rule, this cosmetic product prepared on the basis essential oils And seaweed. To make the procedure more effective, you need to wrap problem area skin in a thermal blanket.

The wraps, which are so necessary after an anti-cellulite massage, can be done either independently at home or on site with the help of a specialist.

If you choose the first option, then do not forget to ask your specialist to tell you everything about this procedure and tell you which product is best to use.

5 contraindications to the technique

It should be noted that there are certain contraindications to the procedure of hardware massage against cellulite.

If you have at least one of them, you should refuse this procedure.


  1. Presence and inflammation. This is especially true for those areas that need to be treated.
  2. Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  3. The presence of blood clots in the vessels.
  4. Presence on those areas of the skin that require vacuum massage.
  5. The presence of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.

If there are contraindications to hardware massage, then you will have to find any other way to eliminate cellulite and fat deposits instead of hardware lymphatic drainage.

Sometimes it happens that people simply do not know about all their illnesses. To avoid such troubles, we recommend that you consult a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination before you decide to undergo a vacuum massage procedure.

Question answer

There are several methods that have been proven over the years. Reviews about getting rid of cellulite at home indicate that these procedures are quite effective.

Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Cupping massage. This type of massage can completely replace a hardware procedure. This method is completely inexpensive. In order to perform this manipulation, you need to purchase regular jars and body oil at the pharmacy. Apply oil to the problem area of ​​the skin, and then place the jar there and move it in a circular motion and tear it off sharply. This procedure must be done every other day. You should do 10 sessions for the desired effect.
  2. Honey massage. This method the most effective, but at the same time it is the most painful. You should choose uncandied honey. Apply a little honey to your palm, then place your hand on the problem area of ​​skin and tear it off sharply. It will hurt, your skin will turn red, and you may even have bruises. But the result will not take long to arrive. This procedure must also be carried out approximately 10 times every other day.
  3. Massage with scrub. In this case, you need to ask one of your friends or relatives for help. Here you need to buy inexpensive salt scrub and rub it into the skin, making massage movements. This is also quite painful, but, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. The procedure can be performed every other day or once a week. The number of procedures depends on the severity of your cellulite. There can be from five to ten.
  4. Wraps. Another effective way. Use black clay, cinnamon and water for this. Apply to the problem area of ​​the skin and wrap with film for forty minutes. You can do this after a massage with a scrub.

Choose the most comfortable method for yourself and fight the orange peel.

Since ancient times, various auxiliary items have been used to help the massage therapist and enhance the effect of the procedure - each country has its own. For these purposes, the Slavs used brooms, which they used to massage the body in a steam bath down to the very bones. Today there is such a definition as hardware massage. And although not a single doctor knew such words hundreds of years ago, the essence of the procedure remained the same.

Hardware massage: types and indications

There are three types massage treatments using a massager:

  1. Lymphatic drainage.
  2. Vacuum-roller.
  3. Pressotherapy.

Lymphatic drainage is aimed at working with lymph and increasing its outflow, as a result of which swelling is reduced and sleep is normalized. Vacuum roller combats cellulite and sagging muscles, and pressotherapy, in addition to the above, can also eliminate varicose veins. There is also the so-called hardware massage lpg, which is performed exclusively using equipment from the company of the same name and is aimed at eliminating cellulite and excess weight.

Indications for which hardware vacuum massage is prescribed include:

  • sagging skin;
  • overdrying of the skin and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • situations in which stretch marks may occur;
  • stagnant stretch marks, as well as scars;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • hematomas and cellulite;
  • periodic muscle spasms;
  • obesity and swelling;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • loss of skin elasticity on the buttocks;
  • flabbiness of muscles and peritoneum.

The specialist selects the direction of the procedure that is most suitable for the individual case.

Hardware vacuum massage: contraindications

Vacuum roller massage has contraindications, like any type, and it is imperative to pay attention to them.

These include:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • psychical deviations;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • Cardio diseases.

Hardware facial massage has exactly the same contraindications. If there are any contraindications, you will have to abandon this technique, even if you really want to try it on yourself. Violation of regulations can be very serious complications. Those who can use this technique should watch the video and decide to implement it.

Hardware massage technique

No matter what is being treated, face or body, it is first prepared lymphatic system. Then, attachments are installed on those areas that require correction. Thanks to the combined action of pulsating vacuum and mechanical rollers, treatment occurs. The equipment used in the clinic also matters. For example, if the nozzles have different diameters, then the treatment of problem areas will occur more effectively and thoroughly due to the larger number of cups.

The skin is drawn into the cup, and under pressure on it, the lymphatic and venous vessels expand. It is necessary to move the cups exclusively along the blood flow, this will lead to increased lymph outflow and venous blood. Thus, the fluid is removed faster, blood circulation increases, cellulite resolves, skin rejuvenation occurs, and the figure takes on corrected shape.

The procedure occurs very quickly and does not damage the skin. If treated well, the effect of the procedure will last at least three days. The number of sessions is assigned according to the presence of the problem, usually it ranges from 12 to 24. Then you need to take a break, after which you can continue working again. To eliminate serious problems, it is unnecessary heavy weight, very deep cellulite will require several such courses, but the result will appear gradually, so the desire to improve yourself will definitely not disappear.

Specific place in complex therapy weight loss has long been the use of manual massage. Long time its use was justified by the mechanical destruction of adipose tissue various techniques(kneading, pressure, vibration, effleurage, etc.). However, the assumption of such a mechanism was refuted. Other mechanisms of the influence of massage on fat deposits have been proven, on the basis of which aesthetic and therapeutic medicine modern hardware massage.

In addition, when conducting manual massage, the human factor is of great importance (the professionalism of the massage therapist, accessibility, his fatigue during the massage, and therefore the quality of the latter) and the fairly high cost of the procedures, which was the impetus for the development and widespread use of massage devices in order to reduce volumes of fat deposits, cellulite treatment and figure correction. Great importance It also has the possibility of using them both in salons and physiotherapy rooms, and at home.

Rationale for use and contraindications

As a result of the research, convincing conclusions were drawn about the feasibility of using hardware massage for overweight bodies. This conclusion is based on physiological reactions organism, arising as a response to appropriate stimuli. The mechanisms of action of massage devices are the same and are as follows:

  1. Direct mechanical influence on liquid tissue media. It involves the redistribution of blood, lymph and tissue fluid, which leads to increased circulation, acceleration metabolic processes, an increase in local temperature in the massaged tissues and an increase in the intensity of heat transfer. These changes require the body to increase energy expenditure, which is replenished through the breakdown of fat deposits.
  2. Effect on skin and subcutaneous tissue also leads to increased blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, warming up, increased metabolic rate and increased loss of thermal energy, resulting in the mobilization of lipids from fat depots.
  3. Effect on muscles. It consists of a reflex contraction of muscle fibers and an increase in muscle tone in general. Thus, in essence, during a massage, the muscles perform a certain “work” that strengthens them and also requires the consumption of energy reserves deposited in fat cells. It is the influence on muscle tissue is the basis for the greatest consumption of thermal energy, that is, an increase in the body’s energy costs, and the main thing causative factor weight loss for obesity.
  4. Stimulation of the formation in tissues of biologically active compounds (histamine, acetylcholine, etc.), which cause expansion of capillaries, increased blood circulation in tissues, increased activity of the central nervous system and accelerated transmission of nerve impulses, increased tone of skeletal muscles. All this requires additional expenditure of the body’s energy resources.
  5. Irritation of numerous nerve endings skin, ligaments, tendons and muscles (proprioceptors) and reflexogenic zones. Receipt of impulses from them to the central nervous system is the reason for increasing its tone, normalizing emotional state, which leads to a feeling of vigor, increased physical activity and, consequently, to an additional need for energy and its replenishment due to the breakdown of fats.

Effect of hardware massage

Thus, all types of hardware massage for weight loss, the effectiveness of which in the complex treatment of obesity has been scientifically proven, realize their effect by increasing metabolic and contractile processes, thermogenesis, stimulating the processes of fat breakdown and mobilizing energy-rich fat reserves. The effectiveness of weight loss is largely determined by the development and functional state skeletal muscles, as well as the intensity and duration of the procedures.

The main contraindications to hardware massage are as follows:

  1. Availability inflammatory processes and in the area of ​​the procedure.
  2. Acute infectious diseases, increased body temperature and fever.
  3. Availability purulent processes, regardless of their location.
  4. Chronic diseases internal organs in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation.
  5. Hypertension from stage II B and circulatory failure of stage II - III.
  6. Autoimmune connective tissue diseases.
  7. Uncompensated diabetes or him severe forms, severe dysfunction thyroid gland And endocrine system generally.
  8. Oncological diseases (benign and malignant tumors), blood diseases.
  9. Reduced blood clotting or a history of thrombosis.
  10. Areas of pronounced manifestation varicose veins, trophic ulcers And chronic thrombophlebitis, Raynaud's disease.
  11. Certain forms of atherosclerosis, for example, obliterating atherosclerosis lower extremities.
  12. Tuberculosis (active form).
  13. Postoperative period.
  14. Severe unstable psycho-emotional state and convulsive syndrome.
  15. Taking photosensitizing drugs.
  16. Presence of electronic implants.
  17. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, days of menstrual bleeding.

Main types and their brief description

Currently, physiotherapy rooms, fitness clubs and beauty salons offer various hardware types of massage for weight loss. The most common and popular are:

  • vibration massage;
  • vacuum massage;
  • pressotherapy;
  • myostimulation;
  • hydromassage.

Vibration method

Represents mechanical vibrations (vibration) of parts of the body with gradual increase intensity and depth of impact on tissue caused by electromechanical vibromassagers of various designs. They allow vibration of tissues at different frequencies. Thermal vibration massagers are also produced, which allow you to change not only the frequency of vibrations, but also the temperature of the treated areas of the body, and devices with needle manipulators. Such sensors contribute to a more intense course of metabolic processes and increase the effect of exposure.

As a result specific influence mechanical vibrations, their effect extends not only to finely differentiated skin receptors, but also to deeply located proprioceptors, the receptor apparatus of muscles, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Moreover, such mechanical vibrations cause responses of the body not only in a limited area of ​​vibration stimulation, but also far beyond its borders.

Read more about the types of massagers for cellulite.

Hardware vacuum massage

Also pneumomassage. It is carried out using mechanical action on tissues with increased and low blood pressure air. For this purpose, devices equipped with an air compressor and a piston pump are used. double acting, valves, pressure gauge and vacuum gauge for regulating and monitoring air pressure.

The essence of the method is the rhythmic alternation of smaller and larger degrees of negative pressure in special applicator nozzles of various diameters, shaped like medical banks or bell and connected by hoses to the device. Vacuum effects on the body can be carried out in a moving (sliding along the body) or stationary way using several applicators simultaneously.

There are several techniques for this type of massage:

  • classic (described above);
  • vacuum-roller, or (endermology, cosmechanics, endermolift) which is especially popular; this technique is a combination of mechanical and vacuum types of influence; the computerized device is equipped with a handpiece, inside of which there are small massage rollers rotating in different directions; additionally, with the help of a vacuum created in a pulsed mode with a frequency of 4-16 times per second, it is easier to “retract” tissues with the formation of a fold and their treatment with both negative pressure in the nozzle and mechanical kneading;
  • hybrid or combined technique - additional (to vacuum and rollers) exposure to infrared and radio frequency radiation contained in one handpiece.


Somewhat reminiscent classical technique. It is carried out using a special suit that is put on the patient. The suit is divided into many sections (two “boots” and 15 segments) with cuffs or valves, to which the apparatus is connected through air hoses rhythmically with alternating high and low pressure With pauses from 30 to 120 seconds, compressed air is supplied and a vacuum is created.

Thus, these air “waves” carry out deep work, squeezing and relaxing muscles, skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue, venous and lymphatic vessels, increasing outflow and promoting the removal of excess fluid and toxic metabolic products, improving blood circulation, activating metabolic processes and, consequently, the breakdown of triglycerides in fat cells.

Additional contraindications to the procedure are violation cerebral circulation, impaired liver and/or kidney function, as well as even mild circulatory failure, high or low blood pressure.


Or is electrical stimulation passive gymnastics, which is based on the contraction of muscle fibers under the influence of a pulse electric current. It is carried out using a device with electrodes that can be applied to various parts of the body - abdomen, arms, thighs, legs, etc. Myostimulators are produced for both home use, having low power and equipped with electrodes in the form of “butterflies”, shorts, belts, stickers, etc., and for professional use.

The use of home appliances for weight loss is practically ineffective. Professional myostimulators have significantly greater power. In addition, their set includes more than ten electrodes, which make it possible to simultaneously influence many muscle groups, thus performing a certain kind of “work”.

The advantage is that it influences even those groups of deeply located muscles and ligaments that are impossible to influence using other techniques, and especially traditional massage. Additional contraindications to this method are: kidney stones And increased sensitivity to the effects of pulsed currents.

Hardware hydromassage

Is one of the most effective means for weight loss. The most pronounced effect is exerted by the jet shower and its varieties - fan, circular and Scottish showers. Charcot's shower is a remote (at a distance of 3-3.5 m) impact on the patient's body with a stream of water at a temperature of 35 ° to 25 ° under pressure from 150 to 300-400 kPa. With each procedure, the water temperature decreases and the pressure increases within the specified parameters. The fan and circular varieties of Charcot's shower differ from the latter only in the shape of the water jet directed onto the body.

Scottish shower is carried out with two hoses with different temperatures water - from 40 ° to 30 ° and from 25 ° to 10 ° and with the pressure parameters indicated above. The alternation of temperatures is carried out during the session, and their decrease and increase in the jet supply pressure within the appropriate parameters change with each subsequent procedure.

Despite certain advantages of using hardware massage for weight loss, it cannot completely replace the traditional manual influence of a professional massage therapist. In this regard, in most cases these methods are used in combinations as complementary to each other.