What is lymphatic drainage? Hardware lymphatic drainage - what is it? Pressotherapy: effects on the skin.

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure that helps well in the fight against cellulite, as well as a decrease in vascular tone (blood and lymphatic), but, like any cosmetic procedure, it has its own indications and serious contraindications.

Types of lymphatic drainage

There are manual and hardware lymphatic drainage.

Manual lymphatic drainage is performed using manual massage and methods of manual influence.

Hardware - done using various devices. After this it is possible to increase lymph nodes which goes away on its own. Also, depending on the degree of impact, internal, deep and superficial types are distinguished.

Hardware lymphatic drainage is divided into:

  • Vacuum;
  • Microcurrent;
  • Pressotherapy;
  • LPG massage.

Vacuum hardware lymphatic drainage is a manipulation in which areas of the skin are exposed to negative pressure. Thanks to this, lymphatic outflow is stimulated and cellular metabolism improves.

During this manipulation, the cosmetologist who performs it must be especially careful, since if this procedure is performed incorrectly, hematomas may appear on the skin. The duration of this procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Microcurrent hardware lymphatic drainage is used to stimulate not only the lymphatic, but also circulatory system, as well as to strengthen them. Indications: swelling, sagging skin of the face or body.

For pressotherapy, compressed air is used, supplied through a special cuff. Due to the fact that it is divided into sections, the force of impact can be selected individually. This makes it possible to effectively reduce body fat and remove swelling within a short period of time. Indications for this type of lymphatic drainage are obesity, slagging of the body, edema.

LPG massage is done using a special device. During this manipulation, the skin fold is captured by rollers located inside. The gripping area can be changed depending on the thickness skin covering. The device moves over the skin thanks to rollers located outside. To make it easy to grasp and smooth out skin folds during the procedure, the person wears a special suit. This massage is suitable for combating cellulite at any stage.

The effect of lymphatic drainage on the body

Due to regular lymphatic drainage, the following positive changes occur:

  • The skin is tightened;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Small scars disappear;
  • Swelling goes away;
  • The contours of the face and body become more toned;
  • Excess fat deposits melt;

After the first lymphatic drainage session, many people feel positive effect: swelling subsides, skin texture begins to level out, volumes decrease. In addition, the functioning of the entire body is normalized, since this manipulation has a general strengthening effect on it, blood flow improves, metabolism is stabilized, body weight is reduced, and the vascular lumen increases.

In order to get a noticeable effect from lymphatic drainage, you need to undergo from 8 to 12 procedures. The number of sessions and type of lymphatic drainage are selected individually, depending on what problems need to be solved.


Indications for this procedure:

  • Obesity;
  • Cellulite;
  • Decreased skin elasticity;
  • Phlebeurysm lower limbs in remission (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Serious physical exercise;
  • Sagging skin;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Skin aging.

Particularly worth highlighting is the procedure of lymphatic drainage of the lower extremities.

Indications for this procedure are the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. After a session of such a massage, pain in the legs goes away, swelling disappears, and the functioning of the venous valves improves. When treating or preventing varicose veins, procedures are carried out approximately once a week.


Hardware or manual lymphatic drainage is not performed if there are the following contraindications:

  • Malignant processes in the body;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Chronic kidney disease, as the load on the kidneys sharply increases;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Heart failure;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

If there is a malignant process in the body, it is strictly not recommended to carry out the lymphatic drainage procedure, since it can contribute to the spread of malignant cells throughout the body and tumor growth. In case of thrombophlebitis, this procedure can also lead to sad consequences, since increased blood flow can cause a blood clot to break off.

Chronic kidney disease, acute respiratory disease, severe heart failure, infectious diseases are serious contraindications to lymphatic drainage, as they may develop severe complications. In case of inflammatory processes on the skin (especially when the integrity of the skin is damaged), this procedure is not performed, since it can provoke the spread of inflammation further to healthy areas.

Regarding restrictions during pregnancy and lactation, there are different opinions. Some experts argue that during pregnancy you should refrain from performing any procedures that are not vital. Others argue that in the first trimester of pregnancy this procedure can be carried out.

If during pregnancy there is a need for lymphatic drainage, then you should give preference to its most gentle option - manual. In addition, during pregnancy you should not carry out the procedure on the entire body, but only on the most problem areas. Before undergoing any procedure during pregnancy, it is best to consult with your doctor, who can help you determine exactly whether you have any contraindications for the procedure.

This procedure is not performed if the person has mental illness, as well as for pain, the nature of which is not clear, and with a tendency to bleeding. For a person who does not have all the listed contraindications, lymphatic drainage sessions can only bring great benefit for good health.

The lymphatic system is the most important component of human immunity, which complements cardiovascular system and is responsible for removing toxins from the body. With age bad habits, stress, in the wrong way During life, lymph can be retained in tissues, resulting in swelling, inflammation, arterial and hormonal disorders.

Swelling, excess weight, cellulite, pain in the legs - the consequences of disorders of the lymphatic system. Get rid of these and many others unpleasant symptoms A special procedure called “lymphatic drainage” will help.

This is a kind of massage aimed at activating the lymphatic system and restoring water balance. During the lymphatic drainage procedure, tissue is affected, which promotes the removal of excess liquid from the body. Eat different types lymphatic drainage, but it has been scientifically proven that hardware massage is much more effective than manual massage.

It is both therapeutic and cosmetic procedure. In addition to the fact that lymphatic drainage treats lymphedema and strengthens the immune system, it leads to improved skin condition, getting rid of excess weight and cellulite. And besides, it’s just a pleasant procedure that gives you a feeling of lightness.

Lymphatic drainage of legs

The legs bear the brunt of physical activity, so the lymph nodes on the legs are most often exposed to the accumulation of toxins and harmful substances. Hardware physiotherapy helps to treat and prevent lymphedema.

How does the lymphatic drainage procedure work? Compressed air enters the fabric boots that are worn on the feet. As a result of this pressure on the lymphatic system, intracellular fat is broken down and the skin is saturated with oxygen.

Lymphatic drainage of the body

Lymphatic drainage of the body is carried out using a special elastic suit. The device causes the muscles of the legs, arms, abdomen to contract, and thanks to mechanical impact on the tissue, excess intercellular fluid is displaced. Wave-like movements of compressed air help improve lymph flow.

Thus, lymphatic drainage massage stabilizes the functioning of the lymphatic system, increases defensive reaction body, improves lymph flow.

Indications for the use of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • lymphedema;
  • swelling;
  • lymphostasis;
  • feeling of heaviness in the arms or legs;
  • decreased flexibility in your hand, wrist, or ankle;
  • excess weight;
  • disturbance of the body's water balance;
  • cellulite;
  • muscle tension.


Like any medical procedure, lymphatic drainage has contraindications:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cancer on different stages;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fractures;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • skin diseases.
  • Pneumomassage is contraindicated for use in acute inflammatory processes in the veins of the lower extremities (phlebitis and thrombophlebitis).
  • A temporary contraindication is inflammatory processes on the skin ( erysipelas or pustular process).

To avoid negative consequences Before starting the procedures, you should consult with your doctor and carry out ultrasound diagnostics venous system.

The result of lymphatic drainage massage

The therapeutic effect of lymphatic drainage massage occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels, saturation of problem areas of the body with blood, activation metabolic processes in organism.

Periodic procedures in combination with in the right way life can cure lymphedema at different stages of the disease, relieve swelling and restore joy to life.

The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor individually for each patient and, as a rule, involves at least 10-15 procedures. But after the first session, patients feel lightness, a surge of vigor and improvement in problem areas of the body. After the entire course of procedures, swelling disappears and the general state body, a person is freed from pain. Moreover, lymphatic drainage has a rejuvenating and anti-cellulite effect: after the procedures, the skin becomes smooth, firm, and elastic.

Where can I get lymphatic drainage therapy?

The procedure is performed in many clinics, medical centers and beauty salons. However, you can perform lymphatic drainage with even greater comfort at home if you buy a physiotherapy device directly from the manufacturer.

Medical and engineering center "Akvita" is the official developer of devices for lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy. The certified device "Lymfa-E" is effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of lymphatic edema and cardiac vascular diseases.

The Lymfa-E device is available for order on our website. You can always consult with us about the features of using the device, warranty, cost, delivery conditions.

Start radiation treatment with the Lymph-E device and forget about swelling and pain forever!

Modern technology for modeling and body correction is based on medical developments, but not all of them are feasible and require expensive equipment for use. Facial lymphatic drainage – effective method solve problems with skin defects, strengthen the immune system, rid the body of toxins in general, improve appearance. It is easy to do at home.

Let's consider all the nuances of the procedure, both in a cosmetology salon and at home.

What is lymphatic drainage?

Lymphatic drainage massage– manual technique aimed at restoring and activating lymph flow, which affects accelerated withdrawal toxic compounds from body tissues. In addition to detoxification, the technique helps get rid of cellulite and remove excess fluid from the body. The inventor of the massage method, the Frenchman Pascal Coche, initially used the technique for the treatment of venous pathologies.

Slowing lymph flow is inevitable age change, which may worsen further various diseases, affecting metabolic processes in human body. Sedentary image life also disrupts the movement of lymph.

To facilitate the functioning of the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage is used. The massage technique is based on the involvement of lymph nodes and working the body in the direction of lymph circulation. The manipulations are painless and do not require medication.

Lymphatic drainage is used for:

  • improving lymph and blood flow (which affects the active saturation of tissues with oxygen);
  • eliminating unnecessary intercellular fluid which leads to the formation of cellulite;
  • accelerating metabolic processes in the body (this allows you to lose weight);
  • relieving swelling;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin and blood vessel walls.

Lymphatic drainage is often used in combination with other cosmetic or therapeutic procedures. The procedure is prescribed before plastic surgery, a course of anti-cellulite massage, deep cleansing of the body - drainage improves the result and consolidates it for a long time.

The essence of the lymphatic drainage procedure

Based on the method of impact on the body surface, lymphatic drainage is classified into manual and hardware method. Depending on the expected effect, indications and area of ​​influence, massage of various depths is used, distinguishing between deep, medium and superficial massage. Each level involves a special technique and degree of pressure.

The effect is carried out according to one principle - the body is worked out zonally in the direction of the lymph flow, which accelerates circulation and saturates cells with oxygen.

The procedure is combined with individually selected cosmetics, which increase skin elasticity, nourish cells, and improve the general condition of the dermis. The procedure lasts from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours and depends on the area of ​​application.


Lymphatic drainage massage has restorative effect on the body, so its benefits are difficult to overestimate.

In addition to improving lymph flow and skin condition, the technique is recommended for the following problems:

  • non-purulent acne;
  • obesity;
  • cellulite;
  • swelling, fluid stagnation;
  • varicose veins in the initial stage;
  • decreased immunity;
  • prostration;
  • stretch marks;
  • scars (keloid, post-operative).

Various skin defects become less noticeable after manipulation, and combining lymphatic drainage with various cosmetics can not only make the procedure pleasant, but also increase efficiency active substance. Age restrictions No.

Women have always strived for beautiful skin. Various procedures were used for this.

But all these methods had little effect. Now they have appeared modern methods for weight loss and rejuvenation.

One of them is the lymphatic drainage massage method. What is it, what is the principle of operation of hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the face and body, what indications and contraindications does this procedure have, as well as the duration and average prices, you will find out below.

Lymph is a type of connective tissue that appears viscous clear liquid. Its function is that it transports molecules of proteins, organic derivatives, toxic substances and various metabolites from muscle tissue into the blood.

Acting as a certain barrier, lymphatic system is a part immune system, preventing the penetration of germs and viruses. When lymph malfunctions, the functioning of the entire body is disrupted. This is expressed in swelling, general weakness, sagging skin and other unattractive phenomena.

Lymphatic drainage activates the lymph system, thus eliminating all negative manifestations. This method has found the most wide application in the field of cosmetology due to its painlessness and effectiveness. This method can be used on the skin of the face, legs, hips, back, etc.


There are three types of hardware lymphatic drainage effects:

  1. Process therapy. This is massaging specific areas of the body using compressed air. This massage technique is very effective for reducing fat deposits and treating cellulite. For this type of procedure, a special lymphatic drainage apparatus is used. The essence of the method is that the patient is placed in a special suit that resembles a huge bandage for measuring blood pressure. After which the lymphatic drainage treatment session begins.
  2. Microcurrent drainage. This method is based on a technique where pulsed currents pass through special electrodes to certain areas of the body. This procedure is absolutely safe and does not create any discomfort.
  3. Vacuum hardware massage. According to the principle of its action, it is very similar to a vacuum anti-cellulite massage. In the process, special vessels are attached to the body, under which a reduced pressure is created. As a result, all excess liquid comes to the surface on its own.

We suggest watching the video to see how the microcurrent lymphatic drainage facial massage procedure works:

Indications and what this technique provides

Main indications for lymphatic drainage procedures:

  • sagging and sagging skin and muscles;
  • overweight;
  • fatigue and swelling in the legs;
  • swelling, cellulite, excess fluid in the body;
  • general weakening of the immune system;
  • poor skin condition, wrinkles and poor complexion;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • disruption of internal organs.

Beneficial properties of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • weight loss;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • effective treatment of cellulite;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood supply;
  • actively removes excess fluid from the body;
  • improves the condition of muscle tissue;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • lymphatic drainage massage significantly improves cell nutrition;
  • the condition of the skin improves;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • normalization of pressure.

and how does this technique replace hyaluronic acid injections?

You will learn what skin care is required after electrolysis, how long it takes to recover, and much more.

Read about the differences between hair removal and depilation. This will be useful when choosing the appropriate method.


There are contraindications to this procedure:

  • decompensation of the right heart;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic diseases;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • fungal infections of the skin: psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis;
  • oncological diseases and malignant tumors;
  • pain in the intestines and liver of unknown origin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Impact zones

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is inherently somewhat similar to massage in its classic form. There is no kneading preparation and no vibrating manipulations (for example, tapping the area that needs to be affected), since they can easily be replaced with stroking and light pressure on key key areas of the face.

This type of massage is characterized by a fairly high complexity. It cannot be carried out without special knowledge and training. Lymphatic drainage massage for facial skin should be performed by a competent, qualified cosmetologist in a specialized clinic. The doctor will carefully study the diagnosis and select the optimal set of procedures.

Such massage treatments help improve skin color, activate blood circulation in the facial areas, perfectly relax and give freshness and tone.

The result is also visible due to the reduction, and in some cases the complete disappearance of age-related facial wrinkles, and the depth of the nasolabial fold decreases. Lymphatic drainage facial massage should not be performed if there is acute inflammation, with exacerbation of various infections, skin diseases, allergic reactions, oncological diseases any degree and disorders of the facial skin, including the consequences of insect bites and injuries.

At the core hardware massage zones of the body lies the principle of using electrical impulses. The effect of currents on fat deposits actively stimulates the removal of excess fluid and promotes weight loss. Such procedures are performed with a special apparatus that is capable of providing a wide amplitude of oscillations, frequency and voltage of electrical impulses.

A slightly different result, but not inferior in its effectiveness, is achieved by the method of hardware vacuum lymphatic drainage treatment. Here, special “cans” are usually used, which are attached to the body, and then air pulsation begins to occur in these “cans”. It is this pulsation that is the whole point of vacuum hardware massage. This method activates the movement of lymph and promotes the rapid release of excess fluid from the body.

Before carrying out the procedure with hardware, experts advise warming up the body well using a short procedure of classic manual massage, and only then applying a special composition to the surface of the body, somewhat similar to a regular shower gel.

This significantly increases the healing effect of the procedure. The duration of both manual and hardware massage can range from 30-40 minutes and reach 2 hours, it all depends on the area of ​​the skin being treated.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs brings the greatest effect, since due to its specificity it affects the entire body. Hiking very useful for humans, but increased physical activity on bottom part the body, including on the veins and joints, increases many times over, which often provokes the appearance of ugly stars on the legs. The legs swell, pain and tingling occur, and the shape of the feet deteriorates. This is especially common in women.

To restore beauty, lightness to your legs and give your legs a beautiful shape, doctors recommend taking a course of leg massage procedures for various areas from the feet to the thigh muscles. It is in the area of ​​the feet that there are many acupuncture points and acupressure in this area will bring a sustainable healing effect not only for the feet, but also for the whole body.

Foot massage is not much different from general massage for the whole body. The general direction of the movements is identical, the only difference is that circular movements on the thighs they are carried out faster and more intensely. Particular caution should be taken in patients with thrombophlebitis. If the patient has this disease, then the procedure, instead of having a healing effect, may worsen the condition of the veins.

Lymphatic drainage for thrombophlebitis is not recommended.

Hardware and regular manual method Lymphatic drainage foot massages do not differ much in their effectiveness.

And in this video, a cosmetologist will show in detail and talk about one of the methods of lymphatic drainage massage - pressotherapy:

Duration, number and average prices of procedures

A course of lymphatic drainage facial massage is approximately 10-12 procedures, each of them lasts from 20 to 40 minutes and costs from 800 rubles.

Body massage can range from 8 to 20 procedures approximately 2-3 times a week lasting up to 2 hours, the cost of each is about 1000 rubles on average.

Lymphatic drainage of the legs will last from 6 to 15 sessions for 800-1000 rubles each, 2-3 times a week.

The procedure itself does not require special preparation and has no side effects. It can be divided into several stages:

    The preparatory stage includes the application of a massage mixture consisting of oils and specially selected creams, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or any salon where the procedure is performed. Experts will advise which cream is best for you.

    In some cases, you can use natural Bee Honey, which perfectly outputs toxic substances from the human body and restores the skin quite well, but this is only possible in the case of a normal reaction to honey; we must not forget that it is a strong allergen.

    The next stage is the main one, this is the massage itself. It lasts from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the type and area of ​​influence.

    The last stage is rest after the procedure. On last stage It is recommended to reduce physical activity and remain calm for several hours; such rest will consolidate the positive effect.

about the procedure, pros and cons and effectiveness - all in detail in a separate article.

Cryolipolysis: principle of action, features of the procedure, contraindications and reviews. Details.

You will find out what contraindications exist for the facial cryomassage procedure.

The lymphatic drainage procedure is a physiotherapeutic method of restoring venous circulation and normalizing lymph outflow, which involves removing excess fluid with metabolic products dissolved in it from the intercellular space. Doctors began to study lymph and lymph flow only in the thirties of the last century.

If you notice local or general swelling on your body, then lymphatic drainage is vital for you. The most delicate areas of the body are the hands and face; they swell first. The purpose of lymphatic drainage is to accelerate normal lymph flow, which has been slowed down for one reason or another. A more uniform distribution of fluid throughout the body with its partial removal literally transforms the body before our eyes. Therefore, lymphatic drainage applies not only to health, but also to cosmetic procedures.

Types of procedure

Based on the depth of impact of the lymphatic drainage procedure, there are three main types:

  1. Surface. Such manipulations affect the surface of the skin, including receptors that conduct impulses from the skin into the body.
  2. Deep such effects directly affect microscopic vessels. This type of procedure causes various muscles to contract, which significantly accelerates fluid metabolism in the body and helps normalize the condition of deep vessels.
  3. Interior. This is a special technique of acupressure in the groin and popliteal areas.

According to the methods of influence, lymphatic drainage procedures are classified as follows:

A facelift occurs that is almost equivalent in effectiveness to plastic corrections. Manual (manual) lymphatic drainage type massage on the face can be performed simultaneously with the application of masks. If you prefer salon treatments, it won’t hurt to add a little money and order simultaneous facial lymphatic drainage along with a mask.

The home facial lymphatic drainage procedure requires compliance with certain rules. You need to massage cleansed, steamed and warmed skin. First the forehead is massaged. Using your fingertips, apply light pressure from the center to the temples. You need to work extremely carefully near the eyes, because the skin there is sensitive and delicate.

In the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples along the lower edge of the eye socket, you need to gently rub it with your fingertips. Exactly the same movements need to be processed top part eye sockets in the direction from internal corner eyes along the eyebrows to their tips. The cheeks are massaged in the direction from the corners of the mouth to the temples. The movements on the cheeks need to be intensified and the massage should be carried out using pressing touches. In the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, treatment consists of light pressure and finger strikes. The chin should be massaged with slight pressure from the center point of the chin towards the ears.

Lymphatic drainage of the body

If you decide to take up health and weight loss, then you need to start with lymphatic drainage of the body. This procedure will correct the contours of the figure, improve the condition of the skin, including smoothing out stretch marks and scars, improve the health of the veins, and saturate the body with oxygen. If at this time you adhere to healthy eating, That problem areas will begin to melt literally before your eyes, you will gradually get rid of cellulite.

Many women have problems with their legs. This is due to the relationship between uncomfortable shoes and working on your feet. As a result, many vascular diseases arise, which are accompanied by malaise and pain, and the legs do not look at all aesthetically pleasing. Lymphatic drainage of the legs helps to cope with these problems. The cosmetic effect is to eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin. Pain, swelling and heaviness in the legs are reduced. Inflammatory processes are relieved, vascular system is gradually improving. To do this, it is enough to carry out manual lymphatic drainage at home. But professional procedures in clinics will provide a much more powerful effect.

In general, the procedure for lymphatic drainage of the body, including the legs, is carried out by actively rubbing in anti-cellulite products and cosmetic oils. The massage necessarily includes techniques such as pinching and light blows. The legs are massaged with quite significant pressure on the skin and muscles.

Thus, if you provide your body and face with regular lymphatic drainage massage, without forgetting about normal mode day and full balanced diet, then in the very near future you will be able to achieve stunning success in improving your internal state and appearance!

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