Bacteria in tablets. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli for newborns. Drugs to restore motor function.


    • Types of probiotics
  • Impact on the body
  • Review of popular probiotic preparations

Which probiotics are best and how to choose the most effective one from the whole variety? This question arises for many people. To choose best drug to treat a particular condition, it is important to know what these “helpers” are.

The gut microbiota, or gut flora, is the largest community of bacteria that inhabits our body and has the ability to influence our health, our weight, our mood, or even our immune response. With this explosion of interest in the topic "gut microbiota" we can find it on supermarket shelves and in pharmacies great amount probiotic products that claim to be able to influence our gut microbiosis in better side. But is this really possible?

Probiotics can be consumed in food products, which contain these microorganisms in large quantities or in the form of additives. In fact, many foods containing probiotics come in the form of fermented dairy products such as yogurts and kefir. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in appropriate amounts, provide health benefits to the host, as shown in several studies. Probiotics can be consumed in foods that contain these microorganisms in large quantities or in the form of supplements that consist of these living organisms.

What is a probiotic, what are its types?

And microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract that improve human health and well-being are probiotics. They are truly credited unique properties: They can cure eczema, allergies, some heart diseases and even prevent the development of oncological diseases. However, in most cases, drugs based on them are prescribed for dysbiosis of various origins, gynecological problems and diseases of the ENT organs. In addition, complex preparations containing probiotics can have a strong immunostimulating effect.

Comparative characteristics of different release forms: advantages and disadvantages

One of the main ways that probiotics can have beneficial effects is by changing the gut microbiota. This can be done by introducing new species into the gastrointestinal tract or by promoting the growth of existing beneficial bacteria.

Overall, studies using probiotics have found that there is a shift from the innate immune response to an adaptive immune response, as well as an increase in immunoglobulin A levels, which are associated with improved immune tolerance. Allergic diseases have been on the rise for decades developed countries, leading to a higher prevalence of diseases such as asthma and food allergy. Many allergies, especially those related to food, develop early, with most food allergies developing in the first 2 years of life.

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Types of probiotics

Bulgarian bacillus is a bacterium that causes milk fermentation. It is not typical for normal intestinal microflora, but has a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms, thereby helping to normalize the number of colonies of lacto- and bifidobacteria. Preparations containing this component are used after treatment with antibiotics and after past infections intestines.

Recent work shows that increasingly important factor in determining whether a child will develop an allergic disease, be it a food allergy or asthma, is the level of complexity and specific organisms, present in the intestinal microbiota.

Although most food allergies developed early in life do not persist, some may become constant conditions. Recent work has shown that an increasingly important factor in determining whether a child will develop an allergic disease, be it food allergy or asthma, is the level of complexity and specific organisms present in the gut microbiota.

Bifidobacteria are the main components of the normal microflora of the human gastrointestinal tract. These are the first bacteria that inhabit the human body immediately after birth. In the body of an adult, their number can vary significantly. To provide ideal conditions To multiply colonies of bifidobacteria, it is necessary to consume foods containing fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Onions, garlic, asparagus, bananas, chicory, tomatoes and wheat are foods that contain FOS.

Why does the intestine need lactobacilli and bifidobacteria?

More high levels lactobacilli in the gut of infants was associated with a lower incidence allergic diseases in adult life. Although kefir is not as popular as other fermented dairy products, its benefits are widely studied and linked to health. Initially in communities Caucasus Mountains, it was discovered in the second millennium BC, which means it is the most old method fermentation that exists. One of the characteristics that distinguishes kefir from many other fermented dairy products is the requirement for the presence of kefir grains for fermentation.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a permanent resident intestinal tract, oral cavity and the vaginas of most animals and humans. This microorganism synthesizes some unique enzymes and substances, participates in the breakdown of lactose and fats, and indirectly increases general immunity and inhibits the growth of fungi of the genus Candida.

Streptococcus thermophilus is a bacterium used in the production of infant formula, yoghurts, and other fermented milk products. This streptococcus enriches foods with enzymes, vitamins, reduces lactose content and, therefore, improves the digestion of the product.

Kefir grains are a colony of symbiotic microorganisms embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides and proteins. Unlike yogurt, which is fermented only by lactobacilli, kefir requires more low temperatures and fermented over forty various types microorganisms in its colony, including yeast. The preparation of this rich colony is traditionally done from cow's milk, but it can be prepared from goat milk, sheep's milk, plant source or even water.

Due to the very complex microbiota of kefir, fermented milk contains many organisms and metabolic products. This combination of living microbial organisms and metabolites promotes wide range effects associated with kefir, many of which have health benefits. Kefir grains have been shown to be able to reduce milk lactose levels during fermentation, as well as reduce cholesterol levels by up to 84% after 24 hours of fermentation.

In organism healthy person There are about 400 varieties of microorganisms that are closely related to each other and actively fight pathogenic microbes. That is why immunologists pay considerable attention to the presence of intestinal dysbiosis. Absence sufficient quantity beneficial microorganisms negatively affects the immune system. In this case, probiotic drugs are prescribed.

According to nutritionist Luna Azevedo, during the preparation of kefir hygiene. Reserve utensils used when preparing grain for this purpose. There may be fungal contamination in the water if Brown sugar not stored properly and in contact with a lot of moisture. Do not leave the bottle of kefir grains exposed to the sun. Store it in a kitchen cabinet and away from any chemical substances. Never wash the beans, just wash the bottle when you exchange milk or water for sugar.

And don't use soap or detergent, just water. Advantages: In laboratory tests it has already been noted that kefir microorganisms have the ability to inhibit Salmonella pathogens and coli. This colony has over 40 live microorganisms, being much more advanced than any product on the freeze-dried market.

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Impact on the body

With the help of drugs containing beneficial microorganisms, it is possible to treat intestinal disorders in order to alleviate the patient’s condition and suppress the development pathogenic flora. Also used for treatment intestinal infection varying degrees severity due to its antimicrobial and antitoxic effects. The duration of the course in these cases is from 7 to 10 days.

Disadvantages: Maintaining grain for many years requires that kefir be prepared almost daily or that some be taken special measures precautions. Kefir can be frozen for some time, but it needs to be revived after a few weeks. Kefir with water brown sugar Care should be taken to keep the sugar pad in contact to avoid contamination and fungal growth. Please note that water kefir does not contain the same microflora as milk kefir. Although microorganisms consume lactose, anyone who is severely intolerant may still feel sick.

In case of diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics, which, as is known, kill not only “uninvited guests,” a probiotic allows you to replenish the number of helper bacteria and quickly return the body to normal. Ideally, each course of antibiotics should be accompanied by taking these drugs.

Remember that the use of probiotics should be done with medical or dietary advice. To keep them alive in the intestinal tract, they should be administered preferably with prebiotics. Always have the guidance of your doctor and nutritionist for possible indications according to each case. Microflora is present in kefir grains from the Galician region.

Use of isolated kefir starter cultures in kefir production. A wild ingredient that can be used in sweet or savory dishes, full of benefits for the body and a friend to those who need to control weight. These are some of the characteristics of banana green biomass, a preparation that results from cooking the pulp of the still ripe fruit.

Eubiotics can be prescribed for chronic and atrophic diseases of the intestinal tract. Due to many positive processes occurring during the life of microorganisms, including the release of certain substances, the condition of patients improves significantly. These drugs are used in a course of 3 or more times a year.

The food is rich in starch resistant, a soluble fiber that, when diluted in water, feeds beneficial gut bacteria. Today most of food is industrialized and it attacks the intestinal lining. These fibers will feed on beneficial bacteria and promote cell renewal, explains nutritionist Laetitia Jacques.

Improvement intestinal flora directly affects absorption nutrients. Going to the bathroom is not usually the only sign that bowel function is up to date. The function of the intestines is to absorb nutrients from food, and the green biomass of the banana is an ally in this process, concludes Laetitia.

For immunodeficiency conditions, gastric ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori, giardiasis in the composition comprehensive measures To strengthen the immune system in frequently ill children, symbiotic drugs based on bacteria friendly to the body are used.

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What is the best probiotic?

Preparations containing probiotics may differ in their composition, release form, and be dry or liquid.

Excess may cause poisoning. Biomass strong starch has this name because it resists digestion and is fermented in the colon, where it is used by bacteria as food. Its action helps in reducing cholesterol levels.

It is an important nutrient that enhances satiety, says nutritionist Graciela Colle, adding that this point has crucial to help with weight loss. To others positive aspect of these fibers, Graciela says, is that they help prevent spikes in blood glucose. As a result, they prevent.

Dry probiotic preparations. They are dried strains of beneficial microorganisms that are in suspended animation. When ingested, the bacteria wake up and begin to exert their beneficial effects on the human body. However, not all microorganisms can survive, due to which the effectiveness of these drugs is usually low.

Despite its many benefits, it is recommended to use it in moderation. A large number of can cause intoxication and overload intestinal cells. As a result, he may have diarrhea, he says. Choose green bananas that are not refrigerated—the strong starch only activates when warm. - Remove the fruit from the curd without leaving any exposed pulp. - Keep the peels, wash them well and put them in a pressure cooker with water. - When the pressure starts, let cook for 10 minutes and turn off the heat.

Wait for the pressure to release and open the pan. - Peel the fruit, grind the pulp in a blender and gradually add water until it forms a puree. Tap it and move the spoon so as not to damage the device. Place the puree in a glass container and store in the refrigerator for up to a week or in the freezer for up to four months.

Liquid forms of probiotics. Contain, which are in a nutrient medium. When taken orally, they begin to act immediately, therefore healing effect achieved a little faster. The content of live cultures themselves in this category of the drug is greater than in the lyophilisate.

Release forms can be varied: chewable tablets, in capsules, powder, liquid.

How to use The preparation is similar to a puree and has no taste, which allows it to be used in sweet or savory recipes to give it butter. For example, it can be used instead of sour cream. One tablespoon of biomass contains about 15 calories.

Why does a banana have to be green? Greener, richer in fiber, according to nutritionist Laetitia Jacques. When it ripens, this element turns into sugar. Freeze the biomass in ice form and add the cube to the juice. Our diet and some of our behaviors can play in favor of our gut flora. Here are six regarding simple ways balance it to be healthier.

Based on their composition, probiotics are divided into:

  • monocomponent, containing only one strain of microorganisms;
  • multicomponent, or symbiotics, contain several varieties of bacteria that “work” in a complex manner;
  • probiotic antagonists act competitively, displacing pathogenic flora;
  • synbiotics affecting obligate symbiotic bacteria;
  • combination preparations that include, in addition to probiotic strains of bacteria, additional immunomodulatory additives.

There are certain requirements for this category of drugs. They must be safe, that is, they must not contain pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic flora and be typical representatives of their class. There should be enough viable bacteria to colonize the intestine.

The intestinal flora has not only digestive function. This collection of bacteria, called the microbiota, plays a fundamental role in regulating immunity and weight and constantly communicates with our brain. Physical activity also seems to benefit him, as opposed to repeated antibiotic treatments.

“The modern diet is loaded with sugars, fats and proteins, while alimentary fiber especially suitable for intestinal bacteria", continues Joel Dore. Therefore, it would be necessary to put more fiber in his plate. All fibers are beneficial: soluble, called prebiotics as insoluble.

Thus, we can formulate the main criteria for choosing the best probiotic:

  • capsule protection (for children liquid form probiotic, for example, Bifiform-baby);
  • no contraindications;
  • minimal risk of side effects;
  • possibility of combination with antibiotics;
  • compliance with age criteria;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of storage.

Probiotics how natural remedy to normalize the intestinal microflora, the scope of functioning of beneficial microorganisms and healing properties, classification, rules for choosing drugs and food products, instructions for use.

Benefits of probiotics for the body

The beneficial properties of drugs and food products related to probiotics are possible if they are non-pathogenic and non-toxic, even if long-term use and at high content they contain viable cells that have a high colonization potential and are also able to survive and maintain their vital functions in acidic environment gastrointestinal tract. The abilities of beneficial microorganisms are multifaceted, so they bring not only direct benefits (restoring the balance of bacteria in digestive system), but are of secondary importance.

The benefits of probiotics for intestinal microflora

The most main function gastrointestinal tract - digestion of food, as a result of which each cell of the body receives from the consumed products necessary for natural life useful material. Digestive disorders can occur due to an imbalance of microorganisms within the intestines.

The microflora in the intestines is a large set of microorganisms, both beneficial and pathogenic. The former are involved in the digestion of food, help absorb proteins and vitamins, and also secrete lysozyme (an antibacterial substance), alcohols, acids, which slow down the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The latter - pathogenic microorganisms - feed on substances formed as a result of fermentation, and in turn produce rotting products, release toxins and other harmful elements.

When the balance is disturbed, the number of beneficial bacteria is reduced and putrefactive microorganisms rapidly multiply. The result of this is various pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn, due to improper digestion, lead to the development of other pathologies in the body associated with a lack of nutrients and general intoxication.

It is in such cases that additional consumption of probiotics is urgently necessary to normalize the ratio of beneficial and harmful microorganisms. They act in several directions: they stimulate the production of antibacterial substances that suppress pathogenic flora, and also give impetus to the proliferation of beneficial bacteria by creating growth-stimulating factors.

Probiotics can be called a second liver, because they are actively involved in the neutralization of many dangerous substances, which include not only metabolic products pathogenic microflora, but also carcinogenic components, heavy metals, antibiotics. The function of sorption and detoxification is manifested in the absorption of toxins, waste products, and some viruses by the surface of bacteria and their further removal, together with intestinal contents, from the body.

Benefits of probiotics for immunity

Immunity is an ability necessary for the proper functioning of the body. immune system neutralize genetically foreign objects. Its quality depends on many factors involved in its formation and maintenance.

Among other things, the microflora in the intestines is also responsible for normal immunity. The relationship is quite simple, because in the absence pathogenic microorganisms and if there is a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, the synthesis of antibodies called immunoglobulin A occurs.

Immunoglobulin A is a protein that provides local immunity. In particular, it protects against infections Airways, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. The functions of such a protein are described by the retention of pathogenic microorganisms and the difficulty of their attachment to the cell surface.

That is why taking probiotics can not only help the body overcome an already developing infectious disease, but also to prevent its beginning, i.e. it is also a preventive measure.

Digestive Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics are involved in the synthesis of enzymes that the body needs in the process of digesting food. It is known that proteins and carbohydrates are sparingly soluble, but under the influence of enzymes they become easily digestible and are more quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and transported to cells.

Enzymes are also responsible for uninterrupted transformation bile acids and participate in cholesterol metabolism. They regulate the absorption of gases, minerals, water, vitamins, and support in good condition mucous membrane of the entire digestive tract.

One of the functions of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines is the synthesis of substances such as vitamins, without which it is impossible normal functioning body cells. The product of the work of probiotics is also the formation of antitumor substances, processing of food products with the formation essential amino acids and release of antioxidants.

Into the body in different ways Allergens enter through the skin, mucous membranes, digestive tract or respiratory system. To avoid their penetration into the blood with food, it is necessary to maintain normal microflora in the intestines, because in the presence of pathogenic flora, allergens enter the blood unchanged and cause unwanted reactions body. All this occurs due to the lack of enzymes for their digestion, as well as the weakness of local immunity.

Effective probiotics in cosmetology

In cosmetology, probiotics are often used against acne. There are many creams and serums containing beneficial bacteria.

The effect of beneficial microorganisms on the skin is manifested as follows:

  • Antimicrobial effect. To fight with pathogenic microbes some metabolic products of probiotics arise. This makes it possible to use them in the fight against certain inflammatory processes in the skin.
  • Anti-aging effect. Achieved by stimulating collagen production inside cells by beneficial bacteria skin, additional hydration and increased protective functions, in particular from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Calming effect. It manifests itself due to the close contact of beneficial microorganisms with skin cells, resulting in a reduced immunological response in the form of acne or rosacea.
In this light, probiotics go through the stage of research and search for the most effective strains of microorganisms in cosmetology.

It is believed that probiotics are contraindicated only in the presence of individual intolerance. However, in inept hands and with the wrong selection of the drug, the appearance of serious complications. These include urolithiasis, allergic reactions, cholelithiasis, obesity and cytokine imbalance. IN childhood Not recommended long-term use beneficial microorganisms, because there is a danger of chronic imbalance, because the body ceases to independently regulate the microflora and the environment for its existence.

Main types of probiotics

The number of microorganisms, drugs, and food products that fall under the definition of “probiotics” is quite extensive, so there are several options for their classification. Let's look at the most famous ones.

Probiotic composition

The composition of probiotics is responsible for their therapeutic activity and potential applications. Based on their composition, drugs are divided into several groups:
  1. Monocomponent - these are drugs that contain one certain type microorganisms.
  2. Multicomponent - products and products that include more than two types of beneficial bacteria.
  3. Combined - drugs that, along with beneficial microorganisms, contain other substances, for example, complex immunoglobulin.
  4. Recombinant - products consisting of microorganisms synthesized using genetic modifications.

Forms of probiotics: liquid and dry

All existing probiotics come in two main forms:
  • Liquid. They differ in that they contain full-fledged living microorganisms that have not undergone any changes and are in physiological active state and after entering the gastrointestinal tract, they immediately begin to actively participate in intraintestinal processes. Liquid probiotics contain a special nutrient medium to support the vital activity of beneficial bacteria, as well as the products of their functioning - the so-called metabolites.
  • Dry. This type of probiotics contains microorganisms that have been freeze-dried, i.e. drying, as a result of which they do not die, but fall into suspended animation, the so-called dormant state. They are available in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. The auxiliary binder most often is gelatin. After entering the aggressive environment of the intestine, 1 to 4 hours pass before these microorganisms begin active life. This form is considered less effective because Most microorganisms die without ever beginning to be beneficial.

How to Choose the Most Effective Probiotics

It is known that different probiotics have a similar mechanism of action, but may have varying degrees effectiveness and scope of application, which is why it is important to approach the choice of drugs and products with full responsibility.

There are several recommendations for choosing that will allow you to buy the right probiotic that can improve your health, improve digestion and local immunity. Let us describe the most significant recommendations:
  • . A qualified medical specialist is able to fully determine the nature of disorders in the body after interviewing the patient, examining and laboratory research. Only a complete microflora analysis can provide data on the composition of the intestinal flora, and self-medication very often leads to undesirable consequences.
  • Survival. It is liquid probiotics that have the greatest survival rate and effectiveness, because... they are not subjected to artificial drying and continue to function during storage. However, in some forms, for example, as part of kefir, there is no guarantee of their long-term storage even for the period established by the manufacturer. It should be borne in mind that many beneficial bacteria die when exposed to gastric juice, therefore, the most preferred form is when the probiotic is enclosed in an acid-resistant shell. Unprotected microorganisms are most effective in children under 1 year of age, because they have hydrochloric acid is produced in insufficient quantities.
  • Compliance with requirements proven by randomized trials. The studies must prove that the drug contains Bifidobacterium bifidum, longum, infantis, Lactobacillus acidophylus or Lactobacillus GG, Enterococcus faecium, is antibiotic- and acid-resistant, and contains bacteria that support the vital activity of other beneficial bacteria.

Pharmaceutical preparations with probiotics

Let us describe which probiotic preparations are most often recommended by doctors for certain health problems:
  1. At viral infection intestines, drugs with lactobacilli are prescribed, for example, Narine, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus, Biobakton.
  2. Fungal infections of the mucous membranes of the genital organs or intestines include bifidobacteria, which are contained in Biovestin, Probiform, and Bifidumbacterin, as the most effective microorganisms.
  3. If there is bacterial damage to the intestines in any form, acute or chronic, it is recommended to take complex drugs, which contain both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Drugs in this group include Bifidin, Bacteriobalance, Linex.
  4. The presence of intestinal dysbiosis requires the initial use of lactobacilli with the subsequent change of the drug to a product containing bifidobacteria.

You can replenish the number of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines not only with drugs sold in pharmacies. An important source probiotics are some food products familiar to every person.

These include: dairy products (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, bio-ryazhenka, bio-yogurt), cereals, cornflakes, peas and beans, bread, garlic and onions, artichoke, bananas, sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, pickled apples, soy sauce, wine and other products.

How to take probiotics

Although probiotics are largely dietary supplements, they have a number of rules for use. We will describe an approximate treatment regimen, possible limitations and some recommendations.

How to take probiotics

Basic rules for taking probiotics:

  • A course of treatment. This type drugs are not those that are designed only to eliminate certain symptoms and therefore can be used once. The minimum course is 2 weeks, the maximum is about 2 months. Between courses it is necessary to take breaks, the duration of which is from 1.5 months. The first improvements in the condition can often be noticed only on days 9-10.
  • Time of receipt. Consumption of food or preparations containing beneficial bacteria should be done some time before the main meal, i.e. on empty stomach. In some cases, you can take the drug 30-40 minutes after eating.
  • Preparation of the drug. Probiotic products in dry form require dilution with pure boiled water. After preparation, the solution from the lyophilisate must be taken immediately, because Storage in this form leads to the death of bacteria.
  • Dosage. The amount of probiotic dose consumed depends on age and complexity pathological process. The dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the attending physician.
  • Type of therapy. To increase the effectiveness and survival of beneficial bacteria, doctors recommend complex treatment with preliminary intake of prebiotics, which create an environment favorable for the growth of healthy intestinal flora.
  • Application options. The use case depends on the disease. Besides oral administration, the drugs can be used rectally, vaginally, for rinsing the mouth, externally both on the skin and on scalp covers, as drops in the nose, ears.
The use of probiotics in cosmetology

External use of beneficial microorganisms requires preliminary cleaning of the skin in the places where application is intended. The greatest effect can be achieved with preliminary peeling, because it has the best cleansing effect and normalizes blood supply, which triggers the process of cell renewal, accelerating intracellular metabolism.

Instructions for probiotics increased acidity

There are some features of using probiotics for high acidity due to high danger their premature death. Doctors recommend changing oral administration to the rectal route. As another option, the following scheme is practiced: preliminary reception mineral waters or antacids to reduce stomach acid levels, followed by taking beneficial bacteria orally 30 minutes before meals.

How probiotics act on the human body - watch the video:

Effective probiotics are always living microorganisms. Currently, many food manufacturers and food additives positions its individual products as containing beneficial microorganisms and claims that they can have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. But before you believe, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, because the presence of preservatives and dyes always has a detrimental effect on any living organisms, including beneficial bacteria. Therefore, it is better to avoid consuming products that contain many auxiliary ingredients and have long term suitability.