Safe methods for eliminating edema after surgery. How to relieve swelling after an injury

Edema on the face in some cases may be of reactive or traumatic origin. Then this is a completely natural phenomenon, a reaction to an inflammatory reaction in adjacent area or in underlying tissues. Edema usually develops with surgical interventions ah in the face, during the treatment and extraction of teeth, after injuries or blows to the face, frostbite or burns, abrasions or compression of tissues.

Operations as the cause of edema

The face may swell after skin surgery or soft tissues facial area, this is a completely natural state. It is associated with a reaction to injury and inflammation. The severity of edema depends on age and individual characteristics skin and subcutaneous tissue, quantity subcutaneous fat and metabolic states. In some people, the swelling is barely pronounced, while in others, the swelling is strong and lasts for a long time. The face after surgical interventions on it swells as much as possible by the second or third day from the moment the procedure is completed, but over time, the swelling disappears. The main causes of edema in this case are tissue damage and an inflammatory reaction with blood flow to the affected area, the release of cellular fluid into the intercellular space. As the pain and inflammation pass, the swelling of the facial tissues also gradually disappears.

In order to quickly get rid of edema, reduce pain, activate tissue regeneration and healing, it is important to follow some recommendations. Avoid for the first two weeks hot bath and soul, which increase blood flow to the face, but a contrast or cool shower, washing cold water will only benefit. For the first few days, cold compresses may help reduce pain and swelling. Application prohibited chemicals and decorative cosmetics, the treatment of wounds and sutures is carried out only as recommended by the doctor. During operations in the area of ​​the eyes and eyelids, it is necessary to avoid tilting, tension and physical exertion, it is worth giving the body a rest, blinking less eyes and giving the eyelids a break. It is forbidden to work on a laptop and read for a long time, while the muscles of the face are seriously strained. It is important to get enough sleep using high pillows, the room should be cool and well ventilated.

During the period of healing and convergence of edema, alcohol and salted, fried, spicy dishes, you need to give up coffee and carbonated liquids. All of them retain water in the body and increase swelling of the face. If after two weeks the pain and swelling do not go away, you need to contact the surgeon for a second consultation.

No less common causes of swelling on the face are blows to the face as a result of injuries, fights, accidents and falls. This is quite normal, as there is damage to blood vessels and soft tissues. Along with swelling and pain, hematomas occur - blood soaking of damaged tissues. Against the background of edema, the skin acquires a purple or cyanotic color, as the edema converges, the skin becomes greenish or yellow. On average, the face remains puffy when similar injuries about a week. There are ways to reduce swelling and the degree of tissue damage, eliminate pain in such injuries. The main thing is that before using them, the injury should be examined by a doctor and fractures and serious injuries that require medical intervention.

It is forbidden to massage the swelling in the face or press on it with your hands, warm it up or apply physiotherapy without the consent of the doctor. This can only exacerbate the manifestations.

Often there are causes of swelling on the face in the form of frostbite or skin burns, as well as the consequences of treatment and extraction of teeth. Frostbite can be obtained by being outdoors at low temperatures in conditions strong wind and high humidity. To avoid this phenomenon, on the face in severe frosts, it is recommended to apply protective creams about 20-30 minutes before going outside.

Burns as causes of edema can be solar and thermal. Sunburn can be obtained in summer time by being in the open sun for more than 15-30 minutes. As a result, there is redness and burning, pain in the areas of the face with the addition of edema. To prevent such problems before leaving the house, you need to apply sunscreen with sufficient UV protection on your face.

Thermal burns are serious injuries that occur when exposed to steam, open flames, or hot objects. These burns are usually severe and require hospital care.

The development of edema during the treatment or extraction of teeth occurs as a reaction of tissue injury in the jaw, gums and cheeks. Often, such edema occurs during complex and lengthy interventions, if wisdom teeth were removed, gum tissues were dissected, abscesses were opened, and drainage was performed. In fact, edema is not a complication of the operation, but natural reaction damage to the tissues surrounding the tooth. It does not pose a threat to life and quickly passes as the wound heals. It is worth contacting a doctor again if the edema is pronounced pain reaction, the temperature rises, weakness and malaise occur. This may indicate the accession of infection and complications.

The appearance of swelling of the legs is a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons. With swelling, an increase in circumference occurs lower extremities, there is a possibility of simultaneous manifestation of other unpleasant signs. Capable of causing leg swelling common diseases or certain pathologies. If they appear on the legs, they may differ varying degrees severity (only the toes are affected or the hips are also affected).

Edema in the legs is divided into several types:

  • congestive. Such puffiness is formed with an increase in vascular permeability, an increase in pressure in the capillaries, and a decrease in the level of protein-albumin in the blood.
  • Hydremic edema. They occur as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of excess fluid, which can occur with certain kidney diseases.
  • Neuropathic. Can be formed in the presence of diseases such as diabetes and alcoholism.
  • Cachectic edema will appear as a result of severe exhaustion of the body or with some cardiovascular diseases(for example, a stroke).
  • Allergic (Quincke). They are deep skin swelling. They develop instantly and also quickly resolve if timely and proper treatment.
  • Mechanical edema develops as a result of injury, which can occur in the presence of tumors or during pregnancy.

The main causes of swelling of the limbs

Edema in the legs can occur according to the most different reasons. It could be:

  • violation correct exchange substances in the body
  • drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  • availability of diverse immunological diseases;
  • severe burns;
  • manifestation allergic reaction;
  • habit of constantly crossing legs when sitting;
  • Availability overweight;
  • manifestation acute thrombophlebitis superficial, deep veins;
  • the presence of certain kidney diseases;
  • long sitting on low or too soft seats causes puffiness;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of varicose veins.

The foot may swell due to improperly selected shoes, increased load on the leg or in the presence of flat feet. If such a phenomenon was provoked by thrombophlebitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, otherwise there is a possibility of developing serious health problems. In the case of persistent swelling of the legs, it is important to first determine the cause and only then begin treatment, otherwise this problem will soon appear again.

Heart failure

Swelling of the legs is a common phenomenon, which is one of the main signs of heart failure. In people suffering from this disease, there is a significant weakening main function heart - pumping, it becomes difficult for him to distill blood from his legs to upper part body, which often causes edema.

During sleep, the body is in horizontal position which greatly reduces the workload on the heart. When spending the whole day in a standing or sitting position, in the late afternoon, the resource of the heart is greatly depleted, which causes swelling in the legs, and the skin becomes unhealthy bluish. Only the foot can suffer from such edema, or it spreads to the entire leg, up to the level of the thigh.

After taking medication

Provoke the appearance of severe swelling of the legs can and taking certain medications:

  • If glucocorticoids are taken for a long time (drugs that are prescribed in the treatment of allergic, autoimmune diseases, tumors), there is a possibility of developing swelling. Such drugs affect the functioning of the heart, as well as the circulatory process.
  • The cause of edema can be male and female sex hormones, which retain excess fluid in the body. These substances are part of contraceptives. The intake of male sex hormones is prescribed for obesity and impaired male reproductive function.
  • Means to reduce high blood pressure can also cause swelling. If such a problem occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Varicose disease

initial sign The development of varicose veins are swelling in the legs, which occurs for various reasons:

  • The walls of the vessels are very thin and easily stretched.
  • sedentary image life, presence overweight body.
  • Eating large amounts of salt and water provokes swelling not only of the lower extremities, but also of other parts of the body.

Liver disease

The legs may swell due to the presence certain problems in the work of the liver. The most common cause is cirrhosis, in which there is a pronounced disruption of the functioning of this organ. In this case, you will not be able to deal with the problem on your own. It is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the swelling, after which the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.


Injuries can provoke the appearance of edema in the legs:

  • dislocation;
  • bruised limb;
  • fracture (ankle, ankle, bones of the foot, fibula and tibia, toes);
  • hemarthrosis.

How to remove swelling of the legs at home

Swelling in the legs often deliver not the most pleasant sensations and discomfort. To completely get rid of them, you need to accurately establish the cause that caused their appearance. If you want to solve this problem, follow simple tips:

  • You can not sit in one position for a long time, tucking your legs under you.
  • Try to change your shoes during the day so that your feet can rest (this primarily applies to girls who wear heels every day).
  • If you have to be in vertical position, in the evening you need to lie down for at least half an hour, raise your legs higher to ensure the outflow of stagnant blood. Then make a light massage with pinching movements, which helps to quickly get rid of swelling on the legs.
  • Diversify your daily diet with foods containing potassium (bananas, lettuce, honey, apricots, dried apricots, peaches).
  • try to eat in the summer more berries, which have a diuretic effect (watermelons, lingonberries, strawberries), which prevents the appearance of puffiness.
  • During sleep, put a cushion or a small pillow under your feet so that they are above the level of your heart, and then in the morning you will not encounter this unpleasant problem.

Folk remedies

Quite successfully, traditional medicine is used to relieve edema. Best healing effect against puffiness is achieved by using foot baths and compresses:

  • Wraps with birch leaves. We take simple cotton bags (old pillowcases are also perfect), the height of which should cover the knee. We put a lot of fresh birch leaves in them, put bags on our feet. The foliage should fit tightly in a thick layer so that the legs begin to sweat. We wait until all the leaves are completely wet, and then remove the bags. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures, and you can forget about swelling forever.
  • Tincture of Kalanchoe leaves. Fill with vodka (500 g) finely chopped leaves of the plant (250 g), leave the medicine to infuse for 14 days. After the specified time, rub the tincture into problem areas overnight. In the morning, swelling and pain that they cause completely disappear.
  • Garlic. Grind 1 head of garlic, pour boiling water (1 tbsp.), Leave for at least half an hour. As soon as the garlic gruel has cooled to room temperature, we rub her swollen legs, after 25-35 minutes we wash it off with cool water, and the swelling completely disappears.
  • Compress. We take a piece of plain cotton fabric and moisten it warm water, wrap your legs, put a plastic bag on top, leave the compress all night. In the morning we do a light massage. This tool helps to quickly get rid of edema.
  • Turpentine. Mix in a ratio of 1: 2 turpentine and Castor oil(warm). We rub the mixture into the skin, working well on each joint, put on warm socks, and leave the compress all night, in the morning the swelling disappears.
  • Sea salt. We collect in a basin warm water and dissolve in it a little sea ​​salt, keep your feet in the water for about 25-33 minutes, then rinse with cool water and do a light massage. This method helps to quickly remove swelling on the legs.
  • Oil peppermint. We dissolve a couple of drops of oil in cold water and lower the legs into it for a couple of minutes. Regular procedures will help to forget about the problem of puffiness forever.

Tinctures and decoctions will help get rid of edema:

  • An excellent diuretic is knotweed grass, which helps to quickly remove excess fluid from the body. Pour boiling water over raw materials (1 tablespoon) and insist for exactly an hour. During the day we drink filtered medicine and forget about swelling.
  • Pour flax seeds (4 tablespoons) with a liter of water and boil over low heat for about 12-14 minutes, leave for an hour in a warm place. We drink a filtered drink against swelling of the legs warm every 2 hours for ½ cup. After 14 days, you will be able to forget about this problem.
  • Pour boiling water (2 tablespoons) birch leaves (2 tablespoons) and her kidneys (1 tablespoon). We introduce soda (1/2 tsp) into the solution, and insist the decoction against swelling of the legs for at least half an hour, then filter and take 1/3 cup every day before meals (3 times a day).
  • Grind parsley root and greens in a meat grinder. We take exactly 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water (2 tbsp.), We insist for at least 10 hours. We drink a ready-made drink against swelling of the legs, 1 tbsp. spoon throughout the day. After a few days of treatment, the problem completely disappears.

Before using this or that folk remedy in the fight against swelling of the legs, you need to know that not all of them are safe for health. If the swelling was triggered by varicose veins, pregnancy, diseases associated with the genitourinary system, or other diseases, such treatment can be harmful general condition health.

Medical treatment

Modern medications will help relieve swelling, which should be used taking into account characteristic violation health. If the swelling was caused by cardiac or kidney disease Your doctor may prescribe diuretics. At varicose veins veins will help creams, gels and ointments containing blood-thinning and venotonic components. If the calves of the legs are very sore during edema, when buying creams, give preference to those products based on the extract horse chestnut or leeches.

How to deal with swelling during pregnancy

In almost all cases, as soon as the pregnant woman eliminates the cause that provokes swelling in the legs, they disappear on their own after a couple of days. Need to limit food intake table salt, do not forget about a good rest, minimize exposure to the sun. Some women mistakenly believe that in order to get rid of edema, it is worth drinking more liquid, but on the contrary, its amount must be reduced, not forgetting about daily allowance.

It is advisable to drink plain clean water with the addition of a small amount lemon juice. Cranberry and cranberry juices, which have a diuretic effect, also benefit. must be completely excluded from daily diet coffee, other factors provoking the appearance of swelling of the legs. For example, do not eat salty, spices, foods containing a large number of sodium (nuts, seeds, etc.), carbonated drinks, smoked and fried. It will be helpful to increase the amount of protein in the diet.

It is not recommended to sit in one position for a long time (a common cause of swelling of the legs), walk in the heat, and exercise. To avoid this problem, take yourself out for walks more often. fresh air and complete rest. During daytime sleep it will be helpful to put your feet on a slight rise. Methods can help relieve swelling during pregnancy traditional medicine(but it is strictly forbidden to use them without the permission of a doctor):

  • A decoction of dried apricots. Pour boiling water over dried apricots and leave overnight. We drink the resulting compote in the morning about 35-45 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • Diuretic herbs for swelling of the legs. To cope with this problem, decoctions from the leaves of lingonberries or bearberries, bear ears, kidney fees, hawthorn berries and flowers, cherry stalks, horsetail. Treatment lasts no more than a month and no more than one glass of medicine is taken in one day.

It is not recommended to use self-treatment swelling in the legs with the use of modern medical preparations. Usage folk methods and other means of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. Cool foot baths can help with swelling. By doing regular light foot massage, you will make it easier for yourself to fight puffiness.

All of the above methods help to get rid of physiological swelling of the legs, which are considered the norm and appear in about 77-82% of expectant mothers. They are completely safe, do not pose a threat to the health of the child, but such puffiness must be eliminated. However, edema is not always harmless during pregnancy, so it is necessary to pay attention to them in time and take appropriate measures in a timely manner to treat them.


If after a tiring day at work or during hot weather your legs get very tired and swelling appears, a simple set of exercises shown in the video below will help you.

Edema, or soaking of tissues with fluid, occurs as a result of violations water-salt balance. Their reasons are:

1. An increase in hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries, as happens, for example, when venous outflow is obstructed.

2. Decrease in osmotic pressure due to a decrease in the content of proteins, especially albumin, in the blood plasma.

3. Difficulty of lymph drainage.

4. Damage to the walls of blood capillaries, which leads to the penetration of plasma proteins into tissues and the creation of a higher osmotic pressure in them compared to the osmotic pressure in the vascular bed.

Cardiac edema accompanies chronic heart failure and occurs due to venous congestion V big circle circulation. This leads to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in blood capillaries and the release of fluid into the tissue. At the same time, swelling of the legs and feet appear when walking and standing; above the sacrum - in a sitting position; in the lower back and buttocks - with a horizontal position of the body. At the same time, as a result of insufficient blood supply to the kidneys, sodium excretion in the urine decreases, which is important factors contributing to the appearance of edema.

  • For swelling of the legs, sew cotton bags to the size of the leg up to the knee. Fill them with birch leaves and insert the patient's legs into the bag in such a way that a sufficiently thick (about a finger thick) layer of leaves fits around the leg on all sides. Feet will sweat a lot. If after 3-4 hours it turns out that the leaves are very wet, they should be replaced with new ones. Several such sessions - and the swelling will subside. With small swelling, 1-2 procedures are enough.
  • For swelling of the legs, drink a decoction of flaxseed: 4 tsp. seeds per 1 liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Close the pot and put in a warm place for 1 hour. For taste, you can add lemon or another fruit juice. Drink hot, 0.5 cups every 2 hours 6-8 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  • To eliminate various swelling on the legs or face: rinse the roots and parsley well and pass them through a meat grinder. Put a glass of the resulting mass in a glass or enamel bowl, pour two glasses of boiling water and insist in heat for 8-9 hours. Then strain the infusion, squeeze out the remainder and add the juice of one medium lemon. Take 0.3 cup for two days in a row, take a break for 3 days, take again for 2 days in a row, etc.
  • For swelling of the legs, grind fresh kalanchoe leaves, fill half a liter jar with them, fill the jar with vodka to the full volume and leave for 2 weeks. Rub your feet before going to bed with this tincture.
  • For swelling of the legs, wrap them at night with a plaster made of wax, olive oil and water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • For swelling of the legs, dissolve 1 kg of salt in a bucket of cold water, soak a terry towel in the solution and, wringing it out slightly, apply it to the patient's lower back. The procedure should be done 10 days in a row before going to bed. Shortly thereafter, profuse urination will begin, and the swelling will subside.
  • For swelling of the legs, use baths from a strong decoction of the herb woodlice.
  • For edema, take an infusion inside kombucha 7-8 days old, 100 ml (children 10-20 ml) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.
  • In any case, swelling creates discomfort for a person. Therefore people use various means to remove puffiness from the face. Both pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine will help to quickly normalize the condition.


    Puffiness of the face can be associated with both the influence of certain factors and diseases in the body. Therefore, the elimination of negative changes should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. He will determine the causes of violations, and then prescribe anti-puffiness remedies.

    Treatment can be done with medications. In the presence of allergic edema, antihistamines are indicated:

    • Suprastin;
    • Zodak;
    • Zirteca;
    • Telfast.

    You can remove puffiness from the face after a blow with the help of medicines. The doctor may prescribe ointments:

    • Troxevasin;
    • Lyoton-gel;
    • Ketonal.
    • Naproxena;
    • Acetaminophen;
    • ibuprofen.

    To eliminate puffiness, the medicine Eufillin is prescribed. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body, as well as chlorine and sodium. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and has a diuretic effect Canephron. It consists of centaury, lovage, rosemary. You can also use any diuretics.

    Ointments help to cope with swelling

    Medications should only be prescribed by a doctor. After all, they can lead to side effects. In addition, drugs have contraindications. Particular attention to this item should be paid to pregnant women.

    It is worth remembering that medicines are taken and used only in exceptional cases when they are indispensable. If the swelling is temporary, then you should use proven folk remedies.


    You can get rid of swelling of the face with the help of compresses. They are made on the basis medicinal decoctions. Means help reduce tissue swelling and remove excess fluid from the body.

    To carry out the procedure, you need to follow a certain algorithm.

    • Need to cook decoction and napkins, linen or cotton fabric.
    • The procedure is carried out in a supine position.
    • The napkin should be moistened in a decoction, squeezed out and applied to the skin of the face.
    • You need to keep the product for 5 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated with a new napkin.
    • At the end of the treatment, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream with a lifting effect.

    Cool wipes help relieve swelling faster. Therefore, before the procedure, you can hold them in the freezer.

    Contrasting compresses are considered useful

    Solutions for making compresses can be different. Especially often several types of compositions are used.

    • At severe swelling salt compress is used. For its preparation in hot water(2 liters) salt dissolves (4 tablespoons). A napkin or terry towel is wetted in the solution, which are applied to the surface of the face. From above, the fabric is covered with a dry towel. Keep the tool to cool, and then repeat the procedure three times. After removing the compress, the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream.
    • Useful for swelling on the face are contrast compresses. Pour into one bowl cold water and the other is hot. First, a hot towel is applied to the skin, which is kept until it cools, and then a cold one. You need to alternate the procedures four times.
    • Contrasting compresses can be done with mint and sage decoctions. To prepare the composition for a glass of water, you need to take a teaspoon of each plant. You need to infuse the remedy for 30 minutes. The broth is divided into two parts, one of which is added ice. The fabric must be moistened alternately in each container, starting with a hot composition.
    • Green tea is an effective remedy for edema. You need to brew it for 20 minutes, taking a tablespoon of the dry mixture in a glass of boiling water.
    • You can mix chamomile (2 teaspoons), calendula (1 tablespoon) and sage (3 teaspoons), pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
    • A decongestant is a decoction of horsetail. For a glass of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the plant. It is necessary to insist the composition for 10 minutes. You can apply a compress on your face for 20 minutes.
    • You can quickly remove puffiness and redness with rosemary water. It not only eliminates swelling, but also increases cellular metabolism, disinfects tissues and improves skin tone. Three chopped branches of rosemary are taken in a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused for a week in the refrigerator. Therefore, such a decongestant is suitable only for people who constantly suffer from edema.


    You can fight puffiness with the help of masks. They are made from local ingredients.

    A potato mask is considered especially effective. To prepare the composition for application, potatoes must be boiled in their skins. After cooking, the tubers need to be mashed together with the peel to a thick puree. A warm mass is applied to the face for 15 minutes, and then washed off with water.

    You can cope with swelling with the help of strawberries. The composition of the berry contains acids that increase blood circulation and remove excess fluid. A handful of strawberries are kneaded with a fork, mixed with a spoonful of oil (olive, sesame) and a few drops of lemon juice. The mask should be applied to the face for 20 minutes.

    On the face, you can apply masks and applications from vegetables

    Parsley masks are considered useful. Greens are crushed with a blender, mixed with a small amount of water or yogurt. The gruel should be kept on the face for 20 minutes.

    For puffy eyes, gel pads can be used. They are sold in pharmacies or cosmetic stores. The tool should be put in the freezer, and then applied to the eye area for 15 minutes. Due to the cold, the pads eliminate swelling, increase skin tone and normalize blood circulation.


    You can remove swelling with the help of vegetable applications. Keep funds on the face for 20 minutes.

    • Cucumber tones the skin, which is cut into circles and applied to the affected area.
    • Applications with the help of a pumpkin are effective. Vegetable gruel is mixed with a spoonful of honey and applied to the face.

    Decoction inside

    Many edemas are associated with fluid retention in the body. First of all, you need to help the water get out. Doctors recommend treating swelling with diuretics.

    However, no less effective are folk remedies self-made at home.

    For the preparation of compositions, you can use:

    • horsetail;
    • Birch buds;
    • burdock;
    • rose hip;
    • lingonberries;
    • flax seeds.

    They have a diuretic effect. It is also allowed to prepare the composition according to the following recipe.

    • Nettle, bearberry, St. John's wort, plantain, wild rose are poured into the container in equal quantities.
    • The resulting composition is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
    • It is necessary to infuse the product until it cools completely. Then it needs to be filtered.
    • It is necessary to drink three glasses of decoction per day.

    This treatment helps to eliminate the edematous effect, normalizing the skin condition.

    Ice massage

    To relieve swelling, you can perform a massage using ice cubes. Only frozen water is allowed. But most strong action possess decoctions from medicinal plants.

    Among them are:

    • chamomile;
    • calendula;
    • St. John's wort;
    • celandine;
    • sage;
    • green tea.

    You can wipe the area of ​​​​the eyes, forehead, cheeks, chin with ice cubes. It is worth making sure that the skin does not get hypothermia. The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

    Ice quickly relieves tissue swelling

    Lymphatic drainage massage

    There are other means that relieve swelling of tissues. Among them are lymphatic drainage massage which you can do yourself at home.

    When exposed to certain points, blood circulation is normalized, excess moisture is eliminated. For the procedure, you must follow the instructions.

    1. With index, middle and ring fingers, you need to massage the area from the forehead to the temples. Further, the movement is carried out down the sides of the neck, reaching the region of the collarbones.
    2. From the bridge of the nose to the temples along the lower edge of the orbit and in the opposite direction along the superciliary arch, you need to perform circular motions using the pads of the middle and index fingers.
    3. Index, middle and ring fingers placed on the carrier. The movement should be made to the temples, along the neck to the collarbones.

    Each movement is repeated up to 8 times. It is important not to press hard on the skin so that it does not stretch. Before the procedure, you need to apply massage oil or olive oil to your face.

    At the end of the session, you need to wash yourself using the gel, and then wipe your face with a tonic.

    It is worth remembering some contraindications to the procedure. It is not performed when the body temperature rises, viral or infectious lesion organism, purulent inflammation on the skin, neoplasms.

    If the swelling is temporary, then you can cope with it using any of the proposed means. In case of swelling due to diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and eliminate the source of the violation.

    The question of how to remove edema can be considered in several semantic planes. Is it a simple unpleasant morning phenomenon on the face, the body's reaction to injury or damage to the ligaments, muscles, skin, pathological accumulation of fluid in the cells that occurs with some serious illnesses? In each particular case medical tactics to eliminate excess fluid in the cells will be carried out in different ways. And if a woman in the morning, looking at slight swelling around her eyes in the mirror, can do cosmetic mask from nourishing cream or fresh cucumber, then the injured spine, in which edema is one of the most severe symptoms, so in a simple way will not recover.

    How to get rid of edema? This is a question to which the answer is different occasions will sound differently, depending on how intensely the violation of cellular balance occurs, what situations caused this negative phenomenon, on which part of the body it is located. The only general postulate in this answer is that edema must be disposed of. In any case, this is evidence of what is happening in the body pathological phenomena that can be eliminated before they become threatening.

    What is edema

    Edema is a pathological fluid retention in the body with its accompanying redistribution sodium chloride. To put it even simpler, this accumulation of moisture in the intercellular space, which causes visible changes in the external turgor of the epidermis, contributes to stretching skin, violates both appearance, and internal balance. The cause of swelling of any place human body is always pathological process, often external, but often internal etiology. For a doctor, edema is one of the first signs of the need for medical intervention, drug correction, and often a long-term upcoming treatment.

    What are swelling

    The medical classification of edema is based on the etiological basis. This state determined by the nature of its origin:

    Inflammatory process

    Localized accumulation of fluid almost anywhere human body where is based inflammatory process. The answer to the question of how to get rid of this sounds simple: you need to eliminate inflammation.


    Histamine is produced in the body in response to an allergen. It increases permeability cell membranes, violates the permeability of blood vessels, which leads to a rapid, sometimes catastrophic accumulation of fluid in certain places. Here the doctor decides the issue by prescribing antihistamines and desensitizing drugs. Sometimes a person's life depends on the speed of the assistance provided.


    It practically does not differ from allergic edema, except for the main reason that caused it. This is a severe damage to the body, due to the influence of any toxic substance. Here it is decided not how to remove swelling, but how to save a human life.

    Lymphatic (lymphatic)

    Violation of the outflow of lymph associated with squeezing lymphatic vessels, their gap or traumatic injury. This may also be the case for some types. oncological diseases. In this case, soft tissue edema is localized at the site of damage or impaired lymph outflow. How to remove the swelling, only a doctor can decide.

    Neurological (neurogenic)

    It is associated with violations nervous system, innervation, static position of the patient in whom such a disorder occurred (usually in stroke, bedridden patients). This is a process that occurs as a result of muscle damage, whose activity is no longer supported by nerve patency. The question of how to relieve swelling is within the competence of the attending doctor and the nurse who follows his instructions.


    Appears in various areas of the body, most often the face and legs suffer. The origin of the pathological accumulation of fluid is associated with the inability of the heart to fully perform its pumping function. How to get rid of edema this case decided by the cardiologist.


    The cause of this kind of symptoms is a malfunction of the kidneys, the genitourinary system, the associated accumulation of fluid is usually caused by damage renal tissue. This leads to the excretion of proteins and electrolytes from the body along with urine. Morning swelling of the face is most often renal in its etiology. At chronic alcoholics this occurs due to the constant, negative load on the kidneys.

    Edema of the lungs or brain

    Consequence especially negative pathologies, often in a cumulative effect, when the cause that caused the initial accumulation of fluid became threatening, moving to the vital organs.


    In a sufficiently large percentage of people, the cause of this condition cannot be determined with certainty (in women, this is usually associated with violations hormonal background). An idiopathic disorder can be dealt with with improvised means, but in any case, this symptom is not a very good one, and it would not hurt anyone to consult a doctor before removing the puffiness.

    Edema on the face: the main cause of female anxiety

    Even a person who considers himself healthy periodically observes significant, medium and slight puffiness in the mirror in the morning. With a great temptation to call such swelling idiotic, that is, not having obvious reason, it should be remembered that it certainly exists. The most common factors include:

    • chronic fatigue from daily hard work;
    • the feast that took place the day before;
    • the hot season, which caused increased fluid intake;
    • cervical osteochondrosis not yet determined by doctors;
    • stale or dry air in the sleeping area;
    • an allergic reaction in a mild form;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • menstruation or pregnancy in women.

    These are reasons that can be said offhand if a person knows that he does not have chronic diseases. But in order to be sure of this, you need to undergo a medical examination. A healthy man(or who thinks he is) anxiety symptoms does not go to the doctor. But morning, unexpected and unpleasant swelling - this is the first bell, after which you just need to consult a doctor. It is also better to remove puffiness with professional help.

    Drug therapy and other means

    Swelling should be removed after finding out the cause that caused them. Only clarified etiology can suggest the right means to remove excess fluid from the body. In the event of an allergic reaction, it will antihistamines, in violation of hormonal metabolism - hormonal (they are also prescribed in case of pathological damage to membranes and blood vessels in order to stabilize cell structures, reduce the outflow of fluid from the cells).

    The main way to relieve swelling are diuretic drugs that stimulate the functioning of the renal tubules, as a result of which the transportation of excess water from the body begins.

    Abuse of diuretics is not worth it, because along with artificially inspired urination, potassium leaves the body, which can drastically affect the work of the heart and other important internal organs.

    And the increased load on the kidneys in connection with this, in the case of their disease that has not yet been diagnosed, can lead to an exacerbation of the process taking place in the organs. Urinary drugs should be taken with caution and those who have low blood pressure, problems with hematopoiesis, blood clotting, have been noted recently past illnesses crash related immune system organism.

    If a person considers himself healthy enough to take medications, which can have a mass side effects, then soon a visit to the doctor will become really necessary. There are also such simple folk remedies as corn silk, rose hip, chokeberry, dill seeds, parsley leaves, diuretic medicinal fees, which can be purchased from herbalists or a pharmacy, and even strong black or green tea drunk with milk. But all this is only the elimination of symptoms, which will appear again and again if the cause that caused it is not eliminated.

    The mechanism of regulation, or how not to swell in the morning

    Morning swelling is most often a combination various reasons. They can become: malnutrition, imbalance of microelements and vitamins caused by excessive consumption harmful, but favorite products, and ignoring useful, but not desired. The puffiness that is visible in the mirror in the morning can be caused by the systematic consumption of alcohol, and it does not matter if two glasses are drunk daily during dinner or if these are sporadic, but stormy feasts.

    You can swell from both excessive and insufficient sleep, state-causing chronic fatigue, lethargy, apathy, personality changes. Even disturbed biological rhythm when a person works at night and sleeps during the day, can also lead to visible negative consequences. You can reduce the amount of salt you eat. This will allow you to drink less fluids. And before going to bed, try not to drink excess water and, even more so, no tonic or alcoholic drinks.

    Urgent measures for edema

    All this is very good advice for the future, and the swelling on the face that looks out of the mirror occurred today. And you need to get rid of it immediately in order to look decent all day. For morning swelling, there are a few simple tips.

    The first thing to do after an unpleasant sight in the mirror is to drink on an empty stomach. cool water with lemon. It is imperative to accept cold and hot shower to speed up the circulation of blood vessels.

    The woman can then impose nourishing mask for the face, and if there is little time, then wipe the skin with pieces of ice taken from the freezer. If this is a repeated phenomenon, then you can prepare special ice for such cases by freezing it from water with the addition of citrus juice, avocados, strawberries, any fruits that are not allergic. You can simply put pieces of fruit or vegetables on your face.

    A man is sometimes enough to put his face in order water procedures and shaving, but a light massage with lotion won't hurt him either. There are many cosmetics designed to eliminate puffiness and puffiness, and they can be used while the usual morning activities are being performed. Well, if this is an idiopathic edema caused by a temporary, biased cause. It is bad if this is observed in the mirror in the morning almost daily. This is a visible signal that healthy body started to experience problems.

    In order to eliminate puffiness, most often you need medical assistance. But in order to avoid it, it’s enough just to establish a lifestyle: eat right, healthy, on time, eat more vitamins, fiber, food rich in trace elements and minerals. Get outdoors more often or at least ventilate the room. Alternate mental work with physical activity. These are simple, obvious manipulations that will be an excellent preventive measure.