Pain in the calf muscles when walking. What to do if you have clogged muscles? Severe pain in the calf muscles what to do

Many people have experienced the phenomenon of pain in the calf muscle at least once in their lives. And most often, a person does not pay attention to such sensations, attributing all this to long walking, wearing high heels, or simply to a cramp that has arisen. As a result, the visit to the doctor is postponed, and the unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms only intensify.

Pain in the calf muscle can occur for many reasons. But in most cases, this phenomenon indicates problems with blood vessels, inflammatory processes occurring in muscle tissue and diseases of the spine. And in order to prevent the development of serious complications, you need to know what the true causes of pain in the calf muscle are and what needs to be done to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Causes of pain in the calf muscle

Pain in the calf area lower limbs, characterized by its duration, piercingness and intensity. A person cannot normally step on a sore leg, and an unbearable spasm radiates to the foot, making it impossible to move. And the duration of this state ranges from several seconds to several minutes.

The reasons that provoke this phenomenon can be completely different. These may be neurological disorders associated with problems in brain activity or with a pinched nerve in the lower leg. Also convulsive state in the calves occurs during muscle tissue A large amount of lactic acid accumulates. This usually happens due to increased physical activity. Or the underlying cause may be a muscle strain.

Sometimes pain in the calf muscles appears due to a deficiency in the body of minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. More often, this factor can affect women during pregnancy or those who have been on strict diets for a long time. Hypoxia also provokes cramps and pain in the calves. And the resulting leg injuries, which damage the nerve endings, almost always cause painful attacks in the lower leg area.

Causes of a pathological nature

TO pathological reasons The occurrence of such a problem can be attributed to:

  • inflammation of the leg;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • the presence of a large number of blood clots;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries in the legs;
  • pathologies of the spine and nerve fibers;
  • myositis and osteomyelitis.

With varicose veins, blood stagnation occurs, the veins swell greatly, and as a result, heaviness and pain appear in the legs. At venous insufficiency thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis often develop.

Varicose veins cause pain in the calf muscle

With thrombophlebitis, an inflammatory process of the veins of the leg develops, causing swelling of the lower extremities and point pain in the calves. And with phlebothrombosis, the skin surface of the legs turns red, strong warmth is felt in the area of ​​the veins and a painful spasm occurs.

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and spinal curvatures also appear discomfort in the calves. And all because the main load of the body falls on the lower limbs, causing inflammation in the calf muscles.

When it comes to neurological diseases, then the pain in the legs becomes sharp, and such additional symptoms like heat and numbness in the lower extremities. The painful spasm begins suddenly and passes just as quickly.

If blood circulation is impaired, the lower limbs become numb, and muscle tissue begins to experience oxygen starvation. As a result, during the day when walking, pain appears in the calves, and at night the person is tormented by severe cramps. And in order to cure this condition of the calf muscle, you must first establish the main factor that provoked the appearance of the painful spasm.

During myositis, inflammation of the calf muscle occurs, which, of course, provokes severe pain. The phenomenon itself is aching in nature, but with movement it intensifies. And if you try to palpate the calves, you can find compactions in the form of small nodules in the muscle tissue. With osteomyelitis, when the inflammatory process affects the bone tissue of the calves, the pain becomes prolonged and constant.

Main directions of treatment

When this phenomenon occurs only while walking, then it may be a symptom of osteochondrosis or flat feet. So in such cases you need to start treatment with the main ailment.

If the main reason lies in the affected veins, then you should immediately consult a phlebologist.

Depending on the stage of the disease, he prescribes the necessary ointments (Troxevasin) or gels (Fastum-gel, Lyoton). These external products relieve unpleasant symptoms and give lightness to the legs.

Troxevasin ointment will eliminate pain in the calf if the cause lies in vein damage

Additionally, oral medications are prescribed. These are Detralex or Venarus, which tone venous vessels, reduce the formation of blood clots and restore impaired blood circulation. When the pain that occurs in the calves is associated with neurology, then the basis of treatment is physiotherapy and painkillers.

First aid for pain in the calf

Most often, pain in the calf muscle takes a person by surprise. And to relieve this unpleasant sensation, your feet should be placed on a cold floor, and your calves should be rubbed intensively. You can use a needle, which you need to gently and slowly prick the area of ​​​​the shins. This method allows you to restore impaired blood circulation and eliminate the resulting discomfort.

If calf pain appears against the background of an injury, then you need to immediately take a comfortable position, minimize your mobility and call ambulance, which should deliver the person to the emergency room. If the pain is very severe, you are allowed to take painkillers, and it is better to place your leg on any hill and wait for the doctors in this position.

Treatment depending on the underlying cause of pain

When pain in the calf occurs against the background of osteomyelitis, then the attending physician prescribes therapy carried out in a hospital. First, the inflammatory process is relieved with the help of antibacterial drugs. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to block painful spasms. And to prevent further spread of the infection, the doctor may prescribe transfusions of elements and blood plasma. At the end of such treatment, when the inflammation is relieved, the patient is recommended to undergo physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and special gymnastics.

If your calf hurts due to illness peripheral nerves, then all treatment is carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. The specialist prescribes painkillers and drugs that have antibacterial properties. And to eliminate pain caused by a pinched nerve, medications are prescribed that relax the muscles of the body.

Drugs that relax the muscles of the body also relieve pain in the calf

If pain in the calf muscle appears as a symptom of problems with the spine, then acute processes are treated with blockades and drugs that relieve inflammation. Additionally, analgesics are prescribed and massage is prescribed.

Thrombophlebitis, in which a person also suffers from pain in the calves, is treated comprehensively. This is the use of cold alcohol compresses, which are applied to the affected areas. The doctor also recommends applying anti-inflammatory ointments to the calves. Additionally, medications may be prescribed to stimulate blood circulation through the venous and small vessels, and antihistamines, reducing swelling.

Folk remedies for calf pain

Traditional medicine can relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and reduce tissue swelling at home. You can make a decoction prepared from birch leaves, immortelle and carrot seeds. All components are taken in half a tablespoon. To them you need to add St. John's wort, cherry stalks, string and bearberry, but in the amount of a full tablespoon. The ingredients are mixed together and poured with boiling water.

This decoction is infused for 12 hours. When it is ready, a piece of cloth is soaked in it and wrapped around the sore leg. This procedure should be repeated three times a day.

Dandelion compresses relieve pain quite well. You need to use the leaves of this plant, which should first be crushed, and coat the calves of the legs with the resulting mass. You need to tie a bandage or gauze on top and leave the compress on all night.

Potentilla goose has an analgesic effect and relieves any inflammatory process. Therefore, it can be used for cooking medicinal compresses. The grass needs to be crushed, and five tablespoons of cinquefoil should be poured with a small amount of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be placed on gauze and this compress should be applied to the calves for 30 minutes.

Dandelion compress relieves painful spasms in calves

Therapeutic rubbing

The problem of how to treat pain in the calf muscles can be solved by rubbing in the area where the spasm occurs. For these purposes, an infusion of agave and ficus, which is prepared with vodka, can be used. The solution should infuse for three weeks, and your feet should be rubbed with it every day.

Rubbing with application will help relieve severe pain. chicken egg. To do this, separate the yolk from the white, add a teaspoon of turpentine and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all the ingredients together, beat them well and rub the calves with this mixture every time painful spasms appear.

Another effective recipe that helps you forget about discomfort and pain in the calves for a long time is based on vegetable oil. The medicine is easy to prepare. Need to pour into a glass vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of salt to it and wait until it completely dissolves. The resulting mixture should be rubbed on your shins and feet every evening, then putting on warm socks on top. After half an hour, your feet are washed with water and you need to immediately go to bed. And if you do this procedure several times, then you can forget about cramps in the calves.

An infusion prepared from chestnuts (50 g) and 200 ml of vodka will help eliminate pain and cramps in the calf muscle. The solution should be infused for three weeks, after which it can be used for medicinal purposes.

Preventive measures

To minimize the risk of calf pain, you must follow some recommendations. You need to reduce your intake of caffeine and sugar. You need to give up bad habits such as drinking alcoholic drinks and smoking. Every six months you should take a vitamin and mineral complex.

The diet should be designed in such a way that the main part of it is occupied by foods rich in magnesium and potassium. You can start hardening and pouring your feet cool water, especially if you took a hot shower before. Such simple recommendations will help strengthen the calf muscle, tone blood vessels and relieve cramps and pain in this part of the body.

Severe, stabbing, or sharp pain in the calf muscle may indicate various pathologies and violations. And if this phenomenon has become systematic and regularly bothers a person, then you definitely need to visit a doctor. And after a general examination and diagnosis, the necessary treatment will be prescribed.

The gastrocnemius muscle is located along back surface shins. It is represented by two large beams - external and internal. Top end fixed to femur at the level of the medial and lateral condyles. Then, together with the soleus muscle, it continues into Achilles tendon, which, in turn, is attached to the tubercle calcaneus. Functional purpose is to maintain body balance and ensure foot movements. If the calf muscles hurt (myalgia), then it is necessary to find out what was the predisposing factor.

Causes of pain

There are many reasons why the calf muscles hurt. Doctors distinguish two main groups – physiological and pathological.


Representatives of the fair sex most often experience unpleasant sensations in the calf area. They love beautiful, but very uncomfortable shoes. high heels. If you walk in such shoes all day, then by the evening you will feel pain, fatigue and heaviness in your feet. In the absence of a woman concomitant pathology the main symptoms disappear after a few hours or overnight.

Athletes also suffer from pain in the calf muscle. Myalgia and tension occur due to too active training, the introduction of additional exercises on the lower extremities, especially lifting on toes with weights. Professional athletes note a certain pattern. If a person is left-handed, then most often the calf muscle of the left leg hurts, because it will be the pushing muscle.


Pathological initiators include fibromyalgia syndrome, osteomyelitis, diseases of peripheral nerves, pathologies of the spine and blood vessels, as well as intrinsic diseases of muscle tissue.


It is an extra-articular rheumatological disease, in which there is pain in almost all muscles of the body, without clearly defined localization. This condition is characterized by the presence of trigger points (areas of pain), when pressed, an increase in pain is noted. With myofascial syndrome, the calf muscle cramps and hurts for several days in a row.

The causes of the development of common myofascial syndrome are: previous viral infections, emotional tension, hormonal imbalance, as well as taking certain medications.

Refers to infectious and inflammatory diseases and is characterized by destruction (destruction) of bone tissue. A specific sign of osteomyelitis is the undulation of the course with the presence of periods of activation of the process and attenuation. At the moment of exacerbation, the integrity of the bone is disrupted with the formation of cavities. As the process spreads, fistulous tracts may appear on the surface of the bone. And then the aggressive component enters the soft tissue, which leads to the development of pain. Osteomyelitis develops against the background of trauma, after metal osteosynthesis (surgery for fractures to stabilize bone fragments), against the background of bacterial damage.

Peripheral nerve diseases

In our body, there are two parallel powerful systems - the central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS) nervous systems. The central nervous system is the main coordinator and manager of all actions, located in the brain and spinal cord. The PNS is represented by a network of many nerve fibers distributed evenly throughout all tissues and organs. Performs tasks coming from the central system.

If the proper functioning of the nerve elements at the level of the lower leg is disrupted, pain occurs. The character is sharp, shooting, but not long-lasting. Unpleasant sensations intensify when moving, trying to stand on the sore leg.

Nerve trunks are deformed due to injury, inflammation, hypothermia or prolonged immobilization after injury and being in a cast.

Spinal diseases

Nerve roots extending from the lower limbs and pelvic organs are responsible for the work of the spinal cord at the level lumbar region. Pathological changes in this part of the spine can lead to pain and movement disorders in the legs, and in particular in the calf muscles. Such diseases are osteochondrosis, scoliosis, inflammatory processes of various etiologies in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

This disease is characterized by:

  • Height reduction intervertebral discs in combination with deterioration of shock-absorbing properties;
  • The presence of hernias and protrusions that put pressure on the roots and cause certain neurological symptoms. If the calf muscle on the right leg hurts, then these are criteria that the hernia is pressing on the right root.
  • Reaction of adjacent vertebrae in the form of edema bone marrow, formation of edge bone growths, defects of vertebral endplates;
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal with subsequent compression of the spinal cord.

All changes indirectly or directly provoke the development of pain in the spine itself, in the innervated muscles and joints (hip, knee, ankle).

The spinal column should normally have a smooth course; with scoliosis, lateral curvatures appear. Similar changes can lead to significant narrowing of the root canals with subsequent compression of the nerves.

Spondylitis (inflammation of the vertebra and intervertebral disc). Each vertebral body has an artery that supplies blood and oxygen. In the presence of an infectious agent that circulates through the blood, infection spreads inside the vertebra and inflammation develops.


The inflammatory process in the muscle fibers themselves is called myositis. Appears in the background infectious lesion, direct injury, too active training. Accompanied by the formation of nodules leading to pain.
IN chronic stage Dense calcified components are formed, which put pressure on the fibers themselves, nerves and blood vessels. Serious complication is suppuration of these nodes.

Blood enriched with oxygen comes through the arteries to the tissues and organs. Thanks to the veins, reverse outflow occurs. If the patency of the vascular bed is impaired, muscle pain occurs.

Phlebitis is manifested by inflammation of the vein wall and is accompanied by an increase in general and local temperature at the level of the affected vein. There may also be weakness and pain in the lower extremities.


In the veins, blood flows at a lower speed than in the arteries, which is a predisposing factor for the accumulation of blood clots inside the lumen of the vessel - thrombosis.
If there are many such clots or they are large in size, then the blood flow is sharply limited. A certain clinical symptoms. A complication of this disease is the detachment of a blood clot. It will travel through the veins and can cause strokes or heart attacks.

Arterial diseases

The most serious disease arterial bed – atherosclerosis. If you ignore it, the consequences can be extremely severe.

The artery wall consists of several layers, which is necessary to maintain high-speed blood flow. Refers to metabolic diseases - fats and proteins. With atherosclerosis, fatty components are deposited along the inner wall of the vessel - atherosclerotic plaques.

Over time, their size may increase, leading to blockage of the vessel lumen. It's fraught ischemic lesions muscles. If the vessel is not completely closed, the volume of incoming blood decreases, and therefore the muscles do not receive the required amount of oxygen. The result is pain and increased fatigue in the legs. Patients note that their feet are cold. This is due to impaired microcirculation.

Traumatic injury

Violation of the integrity of muscle fibers can be a result of direct trauma, for example, in a traffic accident. Or after active physical activity in gym, when running, cycling.
The pain in this case will have two stages. Initially caused by rupture of individual components and swelling. The accumulation of fluid and blood accompanies injury.

When the main symptoms subside, a natural dynamics occurs in the form of muscle transformation with a predominance of scar tissue. It is denser and less elastic than muscle. Therefore, any movement will be accompanied by tension and a feeling of discomfort. It is for this purpose that doctors recommend working out the injured leg.

Many people notice that when sitting for a long time, swelling occurs at the level of the lower leg, goosebumps and contractions appear. And after a cramp, the calf muscle hurts. This condition is due to insufficient supply of blood and oxygen. They can also cramp their legs at night. Reasons, in addition to oxygen starvation, are:

  • Lack of fluid intake;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Last trimester of pregnancy;
  • Incorrectly selected shoes.

If you notice such symptoms, then you need to contact a phlebologist who will tell you what to do for cramps and pain in the calf muscles. If the doctor deems it necessary, in the presence of a specific clinical picture, will send you to a vascular surgeon.

Pain in children

In children's and adolescence There is an active growth of all systems and muscles as well. As a result, the child experiences pain in the calf muscles. It is important to assess the nature, frequency and intensity of pain. Ordinary healthy baby very restless, his parents cannot watch him 24 hours a day. He runs and jumps, which can lead to injury to the most vulnerable areas, which are the lower limbs.

When baby is coming to school, then his formation takes place in a small society. They strive to prove to themselves and others that they are strong and resilient. This is especially evident in physical education lessons. Overstrain of the calf muscles sports activities causes pain.

There are certain childhood diseases that provoke muscle pain (myalgia):

  • At infectious diseases toxins are produced which are trapped nerve endings, leading to myalgia;
  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system can be congenital. In this case, there is a lack of blood supply;
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and microelements from food is the cause of weakness of bone and muscle tissue. This is especially noticeable by children actively involved in sports. Noted increased fatigue and severe pain after training;
  • Pathology of the osteoarticular system (flat feet, scoliosis) leads to a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the load only on the left or only on the right leg what causes myalgia;
  • Tumor formations of bones increase fragility. If you notice that a minimal injury causes severe pain in your child, you should consult a doctor;
  • Pain in the lower extremities can accompany endocrine diseases - diabetes, pathology of the thyroid gland.

If you notice that the pain is constant or shooting in nature, then you need to contact a traumatologist, pediatrician or pediatric neurologist. A child’s body during growth is very fragile and it is important not to miss a developing disease.


When contacting a doctor, you need to describe the problem in as much detail as possible.

QuestionsDescription options
When did it appear?· Unexpectedly, I woke up in the morning and my legs hurt;

· After hours;

· Against the background of physical activity.

Which side hurts more?· On right;

· Same on both sides.

What came before?· Training, long walk, jogging, calm walking;

· Injury, fall;

· Against a background of complete peace.

Character· Fatigue;

· Heaviness;

· Aching pain;

· Shooting;

· Convulsions;

· Feeling like a spasm;

· Goosebumps (paresthesia).

At what time of day does pain predominate?· During the day;

· Constantly.

Intensity· Sharp, shooting;

· Constantly aching.

Duration· Appears unexpectedly and goes away quickly;

· Constantly accompanies.

Having received all the necessary information, the treating doctor will find out why the calf muscle hurts and tell you what to do in such a situation. Each disease requires specific tactics.


First-line drugs to relieve the main symptoms are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the form of tablets (Nurofen, Ketonal, Ketorol), ointments (Finalgon, Fastum, Voltaren) or patches (Voltaren).

Facilities traditional medicine can perfectly complement standard scheme treatment.

  1. Dissolve the extract from mountain arnica(2 tablespoons) in one liter of water. Use the solution as a compress or for rubbing.
  2. Remedy for muscle pain against the background of ARVI: take 4 tablespoons of sweet clover flowers, pour 0.5 cup of boiling water, wait half an hour, filter. Drink 2 tablespoons 5 times a day.
  3. Combine the yolk, turpentine (1 teaspoon), Apple vinegar(1 tablespoon). Before going to bed, massage onto the surface of the skin, wrap it up and go to bed.
  4. Mix lard (40 grams), flour from horsetail(10 grams). Apply the resulting mixture to the area of ​​discomfort.

The use of traditional recipes should be previously discussed with the attending physician.

Help at home

If you experience pain in the calf muscles at home, you can use the following tips. First, take a painkiller (Nise, Ketonal, Ketorol) and apply ointment with similar action on the sore area. Reduces pain and bruising (in case of injury) in the calf area cold compress based on alcohol or vodka.


Diseases leading to myalgia need not only to be treated, but also to be prevented. Preventive measures play an important role in this process. With regard to pathology of the lower extremities, the following recommendations will be basic.

First of all – shoes. In everyday life, it should be comfortable, the heel height should not exceed 4 cm, so as not to strain once again legs. It is advisable to purchase orthopedic shoes.
In second place is diet and lifestyle. It is advisable to minimize bad habits. Your body will tell you Thanks a lot! Include moderate physical activity hiking at a calm pace, swimming. Adjust your eating style, reduce volume harmful products, add vegetables, fruits and vitamin complexes.

The gastrocnemius muscle provides movement of the foot in the sagittal plane and stabilizes the body during movement. Sharp pain in the calf muscle can occur for many reasons. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital, when examining a patient, find out the cause of pain using modern methods examinations.

Once the diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of severe pain in the calf muscle, the mechanism of development of the pathological process and eliminating the pain syndrome. Rehabilitation specialists prescribe modern physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, and acupuncture. The senior instructor-methodologist composes special program physical therapy, conducts individual and group lessons. Their goal is to remove muscle spasm, increasing the tone of the calf muscle and eliminating pain.

Causes of pain in the calf muscle

Sharp pain in the calf muscle at night or during the day can occur for the following reasons:

  • damage to the calf muscles after excessive exercise;
  • pathologies of blood vessels of the lower extremities ( varicose veins, obliterating diseases of the arteries);
  • sedentary or standing work, when oxygen starvation occurs due to venous stagnation, toxins accumulate in the leg muscles.

Severe pain in the calf muscle when walking develops in patients suffering from obliterating atherosclerosis or endarteritis. Pain in the calf muscle at the back is a sign of acute venous thrombosis. Pain may occur in the calf muscle of the left leg due to injury. Heel pain radiates to the calf muscle due to inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Pain in the calf muscles may be a symptom of ankylosing spondylitis.

Spinal diseases provoke pain in the calf muscles. In case of violation of structure and function intervertebral discs There are radiating pains that radiate to the legs. Peripheral nerve diseases can also cause pain in the calf muscles. With neuralgia, the pain is paroxysmal in nature and occurs along the nerve fibers. During the intervals between attacks, the patient does not feel pain.

How to relieve pain in the calf muscle

In order to relieve pain in the calf muscle after an injury, it is necessary to provide rest to the lower limb, place an ice pack on the back of the shin, apply elastic bandage and give the leg an elevated position. 72 hours after the injury to the calf muscle, a heating pad should be applied to the lower leg.

As soon as the swelling subsides, you need to rub the skin over the calf muscle with a pain-relieving balm (Bengay, Finalgon) and wrap it with an elastic bandage. If there is severe pain in the calf muscle, you should take a tablet of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug – ibuprofen, ketanov – orally. If the pain does not go away after 7 days, you should consult a doctor.

If you have pain in the calf due to an injury, you need to reduce the load on the heel. Heel pads can reduce stress on the tendons and calf muscles. You can make them yourself. To do this, just cut out pieces of cork 6 cm thick and put them in your shoes. It is necessary to avoid activities that involve additional stress on the calf muscles. No need to climb on foot upper floors, ride a bike. Wearing comfortable shoes reduces pain in the calf muscle. Traumatologists recommend wearing sneakers and avoiding stiletto heels during illness.

If the cause of pain in the calf muscles is varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is useful to use compression stockings. Arch supports, which are installed in shoes under the instep of the foot, help correct imbalances that affect gait and cause pain in the calf muscles.

At sudden appearance acute pain in the calf muscles, you need to stop, lie down on a bench, place a cushion under your feet and call an ambulance. In this case, the patient needs to consult a phlebologist and provide emergency care. Sharp pain in the calves, reminiscent of a whiplash, goes away after resting for a few minutes. If it appears again, you should contact an angiosurgeon.

Exercises to Prevent Calf Pain

Stretching and strengthening your calf muscles will help prevent future pain. Before classes, you need to warm up your feet. It is better to do the exercises immediately after a hot shower.

Stand facing the wall, touch it with your palms. Place the toe of one foot towards the heel of the other. Leaning on the floor with the heel of your “back” leg and slightly raising your toes, bend the knee of your “front” limb. Lean against the wall, resting your palms on it. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, toes pointing up. If you can reach your toes, grab them with your hands and pull them towards you, stretching the calf muscles. If you can’t reach your toes, you can hook your toes with a towel and pull on the ends for 30 seconds.

While sitting on a chair, raise and lower your heels. You can rise on tiptoes, or lower yourself, leaning on the back of a chair or table. Repeat each exercise 20 times, eventually increasing the number of repetitions to 40. If during the exercise you experience pain in the calf muscle, you should stop doing it.

Strengthening the lower leg helps relieve pain in the calf muscle. Place 1 kilogram of rice in a stocking and place it on your toes while sitting on a chair with your knees bent. Without lifting your heels from the floor, lean forward and pull your toes towards your shin. This exercise strengthens the finger extensor muscles, which reduces the load on the calf muscle.

Taping for pain in the calf muscle

The gastrocnemius muscle is located on the back of the lower leg and consists of two heads that are parallel to each other. They smoothly pass into the Achilles tendon, which is very often injured. Given this structural structure, rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital use only Y-tapes or lymph tape for taping the calf muscle. Y-tapes are more effective for sprained or torn ligaments. Lymph tape is used to accelerate the resorption of swelling and hematomas after bruises.

Tape is applied for pain in the calf muscle caused by contusion of muscle fibers, sprain of the calf muscle, tears of ligaments and muscle fibers. If the calf is torn or sprained, you can apply the tape to the calf muscle from bottom to top. In case of a bruise, lymph tape is applied from top to bottom. Before gluing the tape, the hair is shaved off and the surface of the shin is thoroughly wiped with alcohol.

The patient's position should help stretch the muscles of the lower leg - the foot should be in the direction towards itself. This can be done while lying on your stomach with your leg bent and your foot pointing towards you, or standing with your leg back and your heel on the floor.

The doctor selects the optimal tape length. It should correspond to the anatomical length of the calf muscle, taking into account the percentage of elongation of the middle part of the elastic band. The tape is placed from the plantar surface of the heel to knee joint. The first and last 2-3 cm are glued without tension. When the calf is stretched, a tension of 20-30% is applied, and when there is a bruise, the tape is applied without any tension at all.

The rays of the tape should be located according to the location of the muscle fibers in the calf muscle - along the shin. If there are signs of injury to the Achilles tendon at the site of attachment to the calf muscle, apply a short tape perpendicular to the axis of the lower leg.

Treatment of pain in the calf muscles

If you feel pain in your calf muscles, contact the Yusupov Hospital. Doctors will prescribe anti-edema and anti-inflammatory treatment. After comprehensive examination Using radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, blood and urine tests, a collegial decision will be made on the treatment of the syndrome that causes pain in the calf muscles.

Severe cases of diseases that cause pain in the lower leg muscles, professors and doctors highest category Yusupov Hospital is discussed at a meeting of the expert council. Leading neurologists, rheumatologists, orthopedists, and rehabilitologists establish accurate diagnosis and jointly develop tactics for further patient management. A comprehensive treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the cause of pain, the mechanisms of development of the pathological process and relieving the pain syndrome. Therapy is carried out effectively medicines with a minimal range of side effects.

After treatment, patients are offered a comprehensive rehabilitation program. She lets you have it all necessary procedures at a stable price and save money. If you experience pain in the calf muscle, call the Yusupov Hospital, where the call center is open every day 24 hours a day, without days off or lunch breaks. Doctors provide emergency medical care around the clock.


  • ICD-10 ( International classification diseases)
  • Yusupov Hospital
  • Badalyan L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308.
  • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation (manual, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
  • Popov S. N. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.

Prices for services *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Pain in the calf muscles cannot be accidental and cannot develop for no apparent reason. This is always a symptom of some kind of trouble. This is potentially a sign of vascular pathology, disruption of the innervation process, muscular dystrophy, destruction of the ankle or knee joint. Physiological discomfort in the leg muscles can occur after inadequate physical activity, for example, after a long climb uphill without prior preparation. but the revealing feature of such pains is that they disappear without a trace after a short rest.

If pain in the calf muscles persists for longer than 24 to 36 hours, then you should urgently seek medical help. This may be the first sign of a vascular problem, such as thrombosis. But even more often it manifests itself in this way carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the sciatic nerve responsible for innervation is injured in the back of the knee. shins. The pain in this case is of the nature of burning, cutting, pulling sensations, similar to electric current discharges when moving. If the cause of tunnel syndrome is not eliminated in a timely manner, necrosis of the nerve fiber may begin. In this case, dystrophy of the calf muscles will inevitably occur, trophic ulcers of the lower leg and other serious complications may occur.

This material describes the potential causes of pain in the calf muscles and treatment methods that effectively help overcome the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and vascular systems.

If you have pain in your calf muscles and need medical attention, you may want to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, or chiropractor in our clinic. You will be provided with a completely free initial consultation, during which the doctor will conduct a full examination, diagnose preliminary diagnosis and will give individual recommendations for further examination and comprehensive treatment.

Causes of pain in the calf muscle in the leg

Exist various reasons pain in the calf muscle, so it is quite difficult for the patient to self-diagnose. You need to know the distinctive and differential signs of a particular disease. Even experienced doctor You cannot always detect the causes of pain in the calf muscles of the legs without a special examination, so you should not risk your health. The best solution for those who have similar symptom- timely seeking medical help.

First, let's look at the most potentially dangerous pain in the area of ​​the calf muscle, which can lead to amputation of the limb and even death of the patient. They include the following diseases:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities, complicated by thrombophlebitis - a detached blood clot can lead to embolism pulmonary artery And fatal outcome in case of untimely provision of medical care;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities - is the first sign of coronary artery disease circulatory system, six months after the onset of pain in the calf muscles, if left untreated, a person may die from acute extensive heart attack myocardium against the background of total closure of the artery lumen cholesterol plaque;
  • diabetic angiopathy and neuropathy - can manifest itself even in those patients who do not yet realize that they are developing diabetes mellitus, therefore a blood sugar test is a mandatory examination when making a complaint about such unpleasant sensations;
  • obliterating endarteritis - total defeat blood vessels lower extremities, often develops in smokers and almost always leads to leg amputation.

The following group of causes of pain in the leg in the calf muscle is no less dangerous, since it can lead to loss of the ability to move independently:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine with radicular syndrome and compression of the sciatic nerve - leads to muscle fiber dystrophy;
  • cauda equina syndrome always leads to paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • deformation of the hip and knee joints;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • myofascial pain syndrome;
  • tunnel syndrome, in which the sciatic, tibial and peroneal nerves are damaged;
  • cicatricial deformation of tendon and ligament tissue in the hip and knee joints.

In addition, pain in the calf muscles of the legs may be associated with the action unfavorable factors. This may be excess body weight, improperly selected shoes and clothing, clubfoot and flat feet, valgus or varus deformity of the legs and hips, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, etc. do not forget about the possibility of disruption of water and electrolyte balance. For normal functioning muscle fiber it needs in sufficient quantity microelements. The most important of them are potassium, magnesium and calcium. if they are not enough, then pain occurs in the calf muscles.

Pain in the calf muscles at night and when walking

Pain in the calf muscle when walking is almost always a characteristic symptom. vascular insufficiency. it could be varicose veins or atherosclerosis of the arteries. It would seem that there is an urgent need to contact a vascular surgeon. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous. It is worth understanding that the performance and functioning of the vascular bed completely depends on innervation. If innervation is disrupted, vascular problems immediately arise.

Therefore, when pain appears in the calf muscles, it is first necessary to examine your health status spinal column. And for this you need to contact a vertebrologist or neurologist.

You need to know the following aspects:

  • when the intervertebral disc is destroyed in the lumbosacral spine, the radicular nerve responsible for the innervation of the tissues of the lower extremities is pinched;
  • Against this background, a problem arises with quality transmission nerve impulse from vegetative nervous system, which regulates the tone of blood vessels;
  • if the nerve impulse does not pass in a timely manner, the venous wall does not contract and blood stagnation occurs;
  • the vein stretches and gradually loses its ability to contract;
  • the venous valve system, without conducting a nerve impulse, loses its ability to restrain the reverse outflow of venous blood - this is how varicose veins of the lower extremities are formed;
  • in relation to arteries, the mechanism works exactly the opposite;
  • they are constantly in a narrowed state;
  • plaques form in them due to decreased patency;
  • the trophism of soft tissues is gradually disrupted;
  • The calf muscles do not receive sufficient nutrition during work - pain appears when walking.

If pain in the calf muscle persists at night, then this only confirms the theory that main reason its occurrence is a pathology of the spinal column. It is useless to treat vascular diseases. Until the correct innervation of the vascular muscle wall is restored, the disease will continue to develop.

Constant pain and cramps in the calf muscles

In most cases, persistent pain in the calf muscles is associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These may be degenerative destructive processes in the area cartilage tissue joints and intervertebral discs. Also, a similar symptom can occur with myofascial pain syndrome, neuropathy of the lower extremities, etc.

Also, pain and cramps in the calf muscles can occur when iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis, muscle fiber atrophy and magnesium deficiency. These pathologies can only be excluded with the help of special blood tests. Anemia can be detected at home by indirect signs, but they are not always reliable enough.

It is very important to understand that anemia, hypovitaminosis and deficiency of microelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium) are not always associated with nutritional deficiency. Those. Everything can be supplied with food in sufficient quantities. But the body may experience reduced absorption (for example, with diseases of the small and large intestines) or increased consumption (for example, with the development of oncological diseases, tuberculosis, etc.). Therefore, it is extremely important when any negative signs If you have any health problems, immediately seek medical help.

Pain in the calf muscles combined with cramps is an extremely negative clinical symptom. We recommend that you make an appointment with a neurologist or orthopedist as soon as possible to rule out serious diseases. You can get to these specialists for free and without waiting in line right now if you make an appointment at our clinic manual therapy.

What to do for pain in the calf muscles?

The first thing to do when you have pain in the calf muscles is to stop any physical activity. You should place your legs in a horizontal plane without bending your knees. if there is a sign of puffiness or swelling of the venous bloodstream (its pattern is visible through skin), then raise your legs to a level above your pelvis.

As soon as the pain subsides, you need to see a doctor. If it is evening or night time, and the pain is severe, call an ambulance team.

When seeking medical help, diseases of the spine, large joints of the lower extremities, bloodstream and endocrine system. Those. The doctor must give directions for the following examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic cavity (performed to exclude tumors compressing nerve fiber and large blood vessels);
  • blood tests (general clinical, biochemical and sugar);
  • X-ray images of the lumbosacral spine, hip and knee joints.

A number of diagnostic functional tests are also carried out to identify disturbances in the innervation or blood supply to the lower extremities.

Based on the results of the examinations, a final diagnosis is made and you can begin effective treatment.

Treatment of pain in the calf muscles

It is impossible to effectively treat pain in the calf muscles without a prior diagnosis. This condition is not an independent disease. Pain in the calf muscles is a clinical symptom of the disease. And the doctor’s task is to determine what disease manifests itself in the patient in this way.

Only after the final diagnosis is established, treatment begins. Manual therapy methods can be used to treat osteochondrosis, pathologies of the joints of the lower extremities, diabetic angiopathy, varicose veins of the lower extremities, neuropathy, myofascial pain syndrome and many other diseases.

If anemia and magnesium deficiency are detected, correction of the balance of iron and other microelements will be required. But first you need to reliably establish, after cooling the oncological processes, bleeding (including hidden ones).

Manual therapy methods can improve the condition of blood vessels, restore damaged tissue innervation, and restore the health of the spinal column and large joints of the lower extremities. Massage and osteopathy, reflexology, kinesiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, laser exposure and physiotherapy are used.

You can get a custom one. consultation with an experienced manual therapist in our clinic. Make an appointment for a free appointment and learn about all the possibilities and prospects for treating the disease that causes pain in your calf muscles.

Soreness in the calf muscles is a common process. Pain in the calf muscles appears when the step is taken incorrectly or during increased physical activity. Pain in the leg appears unexpectedly. Doctors consider discomfort in the calf muscles to be a vascular disorder. Such feelings are caused by stagnation of venous blood, putting pressure on the vessels. Limbs hurt when muscles become inflamed.

Pathological processes in the spine, joints, muscles or blood vessels are felt by patients in the form. Often pain in the left leg occurs due to pathological processes in vessels. Due to stagnant processes pressing on the nerve roots, which become irritated, patients experience pain.

With varicose veins, the pain is dull and lingering. With pathological processes in blood vessels due to thrombophlebitis, which causes pulsating spasms, patients feel a burning sensation under the skin.

Thrombophlebitis causes long-term pain in the left leg and calf muscles.

Pain in one left leg is a pathological process that affects blood vessels. Cholesterol is applied to the walls of the vessels, narrows the lumen, and a growth has formed. The narrowing of blood vessels as a result of growth on the walls is called vascular atherosclerosis. Pathology causes density vascular walls, patients feel that the muscles are sore, squeezing the leg area.

With atherosclerosis, patients feel that the muscle closest to the ankle joint. The level of spasms increases with movement, patients complain of pain when walking. Features of the process: cold feet at any time of the year, at any temperature.

Another type of disease spasmodic in the leg - pathological processes in the back. The function of the spine changes and is reflected in the limbs. Patients often do not feel pain in the back.

When the nerves become inflamed, sciatic spasms are transmitted to the lower extremities.

When visiting a doctor, you discover:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • painful spasms in the area of ​​the sciatic nerves;
  • the patient does not lift his straight leg when standing;
  • restrictions on flexion in the spine due to spasms on the surfaces of the limbs;
  • in the chronic course of the process, complete necrosis of muscle tissue.

Acute pathology of the sciatic nerve must be distinguished from the tuberculous process of bones. With tuberculosis, pain in the joint persists. Upon examination, a dense skin fold is determined, this helps to establish accurate prognoses.

Another condition that causes pain in the calf muscles

Inflammation of the femoral nerve is a complicating factor against the background of another pathological process. These are osteochondrosis or tumor pathologies of the spine. The nature of the pain is determined on the anterior femoral or on the inside. On examination, the femoral nerve is sharply sensitive.

When trying to bend the leg at the knee, patients report pain. The knee joint reflex is reduced, often absent altogether.

The femoral nerve becomes inflamed. It is important not to miss inflammation of the psoas muscle - it is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdominal area when viewed through the rectum. During this period the temperature rises. This indicates the presence of pathology.

The calf muscle also hurts due to pathological processes in the joints. Over a long period of time, joint tissue is destroyed. The diagnosis and treatment will be determined by the doctor. Peripheral nerve disease causes spasms in the limbs.

Pain indicates the presence of infection, so the limbs and joints ache. In such cases, attacks of pain are prolonged.

Often the causes of pain are mechanical injuries- impacts, fractures and ruptures, sprains. Sometimes injuries occur due to physical activity or when using uncomfortable shoes.

The paroxysmal nature of the pain, together with redness of the skin and a sharp temperature reaction, indicates the presence of infectious inflammation. The formation of edema, pulsating, bursting pain indicates the occurrence of thrombosis.

If you have spinal diseases, have regular check-ups with your doctor. If the pain radiates to the leg, a course of massage is needed to strengthen the muscle layer in the anterior area. abdominal wall. This will reduce the load on the lower spine.

Contact your doctor if you have sharp pain in the leg, when the limbs become numb, cold and weak. In the presence of spasms radiating to the lower extremities:

  • blue discoloration of the skin in the affected area;
  • swelling where discomfort is felt.

Sometimes the following procedures are done:

  1. Give your feet some rest.
  2. Using elastic bandages and placing the legs in an elevated position.
  3. Cold on the calf muscles. Reduces swelling, reduces heaviness in the limbs.

Drug treatment

Pain in the calf tissues - not independent disease. It is necessary to establish the causes of pain and begin treatment of the underlying pathology.

If soreness is caused by overuse, give more rest.

Use massage, but remember that massage is not performed for varicose veins. In this case, consultation is needed vascular surgeon.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

If the prescribed procedures are ineffective, surgical treatment is possible. At surgical intervention damaged veins that cause venous stasis and circulatory failure.

In the treatment of varicose veins, it helps to take anticoagulants, which thin the blood, preventing the formation of stagnation and preventing the formation of blood clots:

  • Heparin;
  • Ardeparin;
  • Dalteparin;
  • Parnaparin;
  • Clexane.


  • limit sugar intake;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Use only comfortable shoes that do not press.