Lack of air hurts my heart. Causes of pain

If your heart hurts and it’s hard to breathe, this indicates a manifestation of coronary heart disease (CHD). This cardiac pathology has high degree distribution and therefore is considered the most probable cause occurrence of heart pain. Difficulty breathing is not the main symptom of the disease, but often accompanies it. Lack of air in combination with ischemia is a sign of an atypical course of coronary artery disease and angina.


Why does it hurt around the heart, and what hurts? When every breath is difficult, your head is spinning, your ears are blocked, and your chest is very sore, it’s easy to mistake the source of the pain. It is very easy to conclude that the problem is in the heart.

However, this is where the danger lies. Having confused the reason for the appearance of such severe symptoms, you can hurt yourself improper treatment. Taking strong heart medications in this condition, provided that the pain has another source, a person can aggravate the situation.

The fact is that heart pain is similar to pain caused by a number of other pathologies: myalgia, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, lung pathologies and disorder digestive system.

In order not to make a mistake and not to treat yourself to the detriment of your health, you should know the main signs of heart pain:

  1. The pain is concentrated in the retrosternal region - in chest behind the central bone.
  2. If you have difficulty breathing and the pain gets worse when you cough or inhale, this may indicate another cause. Pleurisy, bronchitis or tracheitis are a more likely source of suffering than heart problems.
  3. If the pain radiates to left hand, shoulder or shoulder blade, this may indicate coronary disease hearts.
  4. Aching pain in the heart is a rare occurrence. Pain in the heart is dull or nagging. Lasts about 10 minutes. If it is provoked by physical activity, rest and rest, taking nitroglycerin and validol will help.

Pain syndrome of neurological origin has similar features. A sick person experiences pain similar to shooting in the heart. They appear depending on the position of the body and disappear when correct position. The lumbago is relieved with painkillers.

To a simple person who has no special medical education, difficult to determine character pain. He can’t figure out why there’s a tightness in his chest and it’s become difficult to breathe. Without accurate data, it is difficult to provide the right help. Only a full diagnosis in combination with a survey of the attending physician can clarify the situation in order to begin treatment.

Causes of symptoms

There are many reasons for this combination of symptoms. However, there are four ailments that most often cause a person to choke, suffering from pain in the heart.

Pre-infarction condition, cardiac ischemia

In cases of ischemia, there is not enough air due to a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. Such a shortage entails interruptions in the supply of oxygen to the pulmonary artery. Thus, one problem provokes the emergence of another.

When coronary arteries narrow, this leads to disruptions in the nutrition of the myocardium, and its cells die. This is how a heart attack occurs. It is preceded by the so-called pre-infarction state, which has clear signs:

  • strong pressing pain behind the central bone of the chest, similar to angina pectoris;
  • pain syndrome often hurts left limb, sublingual and subclavian region and right side breasts in cases of atypical manifestations;
  • increased excitability;
  • severe anxiety;
  • tachycardia;
  • lack of air, a person cannot breathe;
  • in rare cases, there is a severe headache, nausea, and vomiting;
  • Sometimes there are signs of suffocation.

The pre-infarction state is dangerous due to its unpredictability. There are often cases when he was accompanied by signs that were completely unusual for him. The incomplete picture, blurred by unusual symptoms, makes it difficult to determine the source of the problem.

Unusual signs are:

  • sleep problems;
  • pain sensations from the epigastrium pass to left side breasts and provoke a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach;
  • there is a feeling of aching at the bottom of the jaw;
  • dizzy;
  • weakness appears;
  • shortness of breath even at rest.

One of the most dangerous and rare manifestations of a pre-infarction condition looks like an asthma attack and has no pain. The duration of the condition ranges from 3 days to several weeks. Due to the difficulty of recognition, the risk of serious injury increases dramatically. Therefore, to avoid complications, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of strange asthma.

Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is a continuation of cardiac ischemia. Occurs if the treatment of the pre-infarction condition was carried out incorrectly or was absent. The result is a complete cessation of nutrition supply to part of the myocardium.

This often happens when the signs of the disease are misinterpreted. Eg:

  1. Time was wasted because the patient was referred to radiography because the symptoms were mistaken for signs of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.
  2. Atypical manifestation. There have been many cases when they were mistakenly confused with acute poisoning. As a result, the patient underwent gastric lavage, which led to death.
  3. Heart attack due to the administration of aminophylline. Occurs if without differential diagnosis and lung diseases, administer this drug.

If it has reached the stage of a heart attack, then the risk of dying is much higher. The fact that even medical help is not always effective should encourage a person not to sit idly by.

You should not wait for a state when your whole body is chilling, your hands are shaking, every breath is difficult, there is a buzzing in your ears, and your heart is beating with difficulty due to pain. Be proactive and consult a doctor immediately at the first suspicious symptoms. Good specialist And competent diagnostics will help you correctly assess your health and find the best way treatment.


Thromboembolism pulmonary artery- one of the pathologies that provokes pain in the heart and breathing problems. Appears as a result of blockage of the pulmonary artery or its branches by blood clots. This can happen if the patient suffered from deep vein thrombosis. The clot or part of it breaks off and enters the pulmonary artery along with the bloodstream.

Accompanies it all following signs:

  • shortness of breath, patients often say “I’m about to suffocate”;
  • chest pain radiating to the shoulder or arm;
  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • hemoptysis, but in rare cases.

Complete blockage of the artery is characterized by Blue colour skin and swelling of the superficial cervical veins with the appearance of pain, even if they have never hurt before.

Cardiac asthma

– a complication arising due to heart defects, ischemic heart disease, heart attack and others serious pathologies. Changes breathing, making it heavy and whistling, provokes pain in the heart.

With cardiac asthma, a cough may occur. It starts out dry and then develops into a moist, sputum-filled Pink colour, similar to foam. This occurs due to blood entering the sputum. The phalanges of the fingers and lips acquire a bluish tint.

About two days before the attack, a person feels that he or she inhales air with great difficulty during physical exertion. These difficulties are accompanied by noticeable weakness throughout the body.



What to do if the victim has difficulty breathing? The actions are always the same no matter what causes the symptoms. You just need to follow a few rules.

  1. First, ensure peace for the victim. However, it is important to remember that he should not be put to bed. IN supine position There is increased blood flow to the lungs, which will make breathing more difficult.
  2. Sit the patient so that he has support. Call an ambulance. Make sure nothing is blocking the flow of oxygen.
  3. Measure your blood pressure: if it is high, you can give a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue. This will help reduce pain.
  4. If there is reason to believe that a heart attack has occurred, give aspirin. Crush the tablet and help swallow it with water. There should be little water.

These are the main actions that need to be done on the spot before the ambulance arrives. Doctors will do the rest after diagnosing the heart.

You should treat pain in the heart area yourself only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming your health. Treatment at home is carried out on the condition that the patient periodically consults with the attending physician.

People experiencing stabbing pain or those suffering from pressing sensations in the heart should be attentive. These symptoms always accompany serious illnesses. Can not be healthy people with similar problems.

Diseases that cause similar symptoms occur in people different ages. They can be laid before birth or acquired after. Therefore, everyone is susceptible to them.

For example, heart pain in children under one year old, or a sudden feeling that the heart is pressing in a 10-year-old child, stabbing heart in a 16-year-old teenager, it becomes difficult to breathe during pregnancy adult woman or it is difficult for a 60-year-old man to breathe.

Therefore, be attentive to yourself and your loved ones. At the first such signs, go to the hospital for help. This is the only way to avoid trouble.

You will find more information about heart pain in the video:


How does your heart hurt? Symptoms of heart pathologies found in women

Similar manifestations are inherent in many heart diseases, the most common are:
  1. Myocardial ischemia: develops due to lack of blood flow to the heart, this is facilitated by cholesterol plaques, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels. They block their lumen, and blood does not flow to the heart. Such pain in the heart and difficulty breathing in pathology is mainly caused by stress and physical activity;
  2. Thromboembolism: marked by aching pain in the region of the heart, the patient finds it difficult to breathe, he begins to choke. The disease occurs when a pulmonary artery is blocked by a blood clot. If measures are not taken in time, the patient will face death;
  3. Cardiac asthma: the patient feels a strong heaviness in the chest area, it becomes difficult for him to breathe. It occurs during a severe heart attack or other heart disease, but cannot develop on its own. It appears mainly at night.
  4. Myocardial infarction: sharp pain in heart, hard breath and shortness of breath. Occurs when the symptoms of myocardial ischemia are ignored.
All these diseases manifest themselves with similar symptoms; the patient will not be able to determine what kind of pathology he has, much less self-medicate. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed.

What to do when it’s hard to breathe and your heart hurts?

For any symptoms of illness, the person must be provided with complete rest before arrival emergency care.

If possible, it is necessary to sit him on a chair so that he rests on the back, and ensure the flow of fresh air. Then it is recommended to measure the arterial blood pressure in order to know what pills can be given to the patient to relieve pain. If the pressure is low, it is better to put validol under the tongue; if it is high, it is better to put nitroglycerin.

What does diagnosis mean for heart pain?

When a patient complains of heartache and at the same time this is accompanied difficulty breathing, first of all, the doctor conducts an examination. Then a blood test is done to determine the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. Afterwards, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination of the chest and an ECG to determine the functioning of the heart and its valves.
Only after the research results, the doctor prescribes drug therapy.
In this case, it is strictly forbidden to make decisions about treatment on your own - this will only harm your health.

Discomfort and pain in the thoracic area can be nuanced and occur under a variety of circumstances. They are often intertwined with the breathing process. Then the occurrence of the syndrome can be caused by several reasons, some of which are not related to the work of the main human muscle. What causes pain to appear in the heart when taking a deep breath, which specialist will relieve it?

Read in this article

Dry pleurisy and pleural tumors as causes of pain when inhaling

The inflammatory process in the pleura can be a consequence of other pathologies of the respiratory system, occurring after a cold or as a continuation of pneumonia or tuberculosis. It is also found against the background of digestive problems. Dry pleurisy affects parts of the membrane without the formation of exudate. And therefore the pulmonary membrane is easily irritated.

The first sign of this is when inhaling. More often it is acute if the pathology arose quickly, increases progressively from weak sensations with slow development.

With dry pleurisy, in addition to chest pain, the following are noted:

  • temperature slightly above normal;
  • prostration, profuse sweating, especially at night;
  • weakening of breathing.

With this pathology, it is more comfortable for a patient to lie on the side where the area of ​​the pulmonary membrane is inflamed. After all, in this position the breathing is short, and the pain is correspondingly less.

Tumors of various origins can also form on the pleura. When they reach a significant size, they begin to interfere with neighboring organs. Then pain appears in the chest, accompanied by shortness of breath, an obsessive cough, slightly different from normal temperature, feeling of constraint.

Intercostal neuralgia provokes pain in the heart area

Irritation of the nerves passing through the chest area also leads to what appears when inhaling. The main reason the sensation becomes inflammation of the tissues, but the attack itself can be stimulated by awkward movement. The breathing process is also considered as such.

A special difference between intercostal neuralgia is the variety of pain symptoms. They can be growing, starting with dull ones. The incessant aching pains are also disturbing.

Heart pain or neuralgia - how to distinguish similar symptoms? After all, first aid measures will differ significantly.

  • Often there is acute pain in the heart. It can be sudden, strong, stabbing, sharp. In this case, the reasons may not be in the heart, but in other organs. What to do and how to understand what hurts?
  • Heart pain radiating to the left arm rarely indicates anything good. A person needs to seek help from a doctor and not self-medicate.
  • The main steps to relieve an angina attack are to take nitroglycerin and rest. However, when high blood pressure or low there are nuances. What medications can quickly relieve an attack at home?
  • If the heart hurts from nerves, then when the stress factor is eliminated, everything returns to normal. Can hurt after stress and strong nerves, and also when hormonal disorders and others. What to do? Heart attack from nerves. How to distinguish it from psychogenic pain, with anxiety, neurosis, how to treat it.

  • It’s hard to breathe, chest pain, but why? What illness took you by surprise? We understand the main causes of difficulty breathing and chest pain. What to do if the pain does not go away and there is not enough oxygen? We will try to answer these and other questions below in the article.

    What diseases cause difficulty breathing and chest pain?

    The appearance of symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain can take a person by surprise. The first feeling that you can experience in this situation is a very real fear for your life. In many cases this is true alarm signal requiring emergency assistance - there are a number of pathological processes, which provoke discomfort in the sternum. Knowing the causes of pathology means avoiding the development of illnesses in time.

    The causes of pressing pain in the chest and breathing problems can be:

    • pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system;
    • inflammatory diseases of the laryngeal mucosa;
    • lesions of the peripheral nervous system;
    • pathology digestive organs;
    • complications after injury.

    Among the most common diseases that cause chest discomfort and difficulty breathing are the following.

    Disease Causes of the disease Symptoms What to do?
    1. Angina Cardiac ischemia is a harbinger of a pre-infarction state. The cause of pain is

    It manifests itself as a “burning” squeezing pain in the chest. Pressing sensationsfor the whole left half torso - shoulder blade, shoulder, arm.

    The attack lasts about a quarter of an hour, it can be stopped with the help of Nitroglycerin.
    2. Cerebral atherosclerosis Pathological process in which blockage of cerebral vessels with sclerotic plaques, is a pre-stroke condition. Manifests:
    • feeling of tightness in the chest;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • increased frequency and difficulty breathing;
    • the appearance of tinnitus;
    • acceleration or deceleration of heart rate.
    The main task in this condition is:
    3. Myocardial infarction "Heart disease" - manifests itself intense sharp pain in the middle of the sternum, radiating to the left. Clinical signs of pathology:
    • suffocation;
    • nausea;
    • cold sweat;
    • fear of death.
    The attack is not relieved by means that help with ischemia and lasts more than a quarter of an hour. A sick person needs urgent hospitalization in the cardiology department.
    4. Osteochondrosis thoracic spine Pathological process in which the vertebrae become curved, narrowing the distance between the intervertebral discs. Incorrect disc position squeezes nerve root , causing muscle spasm. Clinical symptoms osteochondrosis spinal column can be confused with pain in the heart muscle:
    • girdle discomfort in the chest, which intensifies with inhalation and exhalation or with body movements;
    • the appearance of “goosebumps” in the chest area – numbness of the skin and muscles due to poor circulation;
    • limitation of sternum mobility.

    The basis of assistance is the removal of the “lumbago”, necessary means are:
    • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal (non-hormonal) drugs – Diclofenac sodium, Ibuprofen;
    • relaxants (will help relieve muscle spasm) — Mydocalm, Baclofen;
    • Actovegin — improves blood circulation in nervous tissue.

    In addition to medications, relax muscle and nerve tissue will be able massage or acupuncture.

    5. Intercostal neuralgia Problem that is mistaken for heart attack. The cause of the disease is injury or osteochondrosis of the spinal column. Clinical manifestations caused by inflammation of soft tissues and nerve fibers. Pain sensations are most often localized on the left, they are caused by sudden movements or awkward position. Discomfort increases with coughing, taking a breath becomes almost impossible. The main task is to relieve the torment:
    • spasm of the spinal muscles will be eliminated by muscle relaxants - Clonazepam, Tizanidine;
    • corticoster. drugs – Dexamethasone, Prednisolone relieve myalgia;
    • usage pepper plaster in the rib area.
    6. Acute gastritis Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Diseases of the digestive organs often cause pressure on the sternum and dysfunction of the respiratory system - inflammatory process increases stomach volume and increases the level of digestive juice secretion. Clinical symptoms appear colic and stiffness when inhaling, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen and worsening general condition. The following will help you feel better:
    • antispasmodics – Belastezin, No-shpa;
    • anticholinergics – Homatropine, Methyldiazide;
    • enterosorbents – Smecta, Enterosgel;
    • prokinetics – Motilak, Ganaton.
    7. Sore throat Inflammatory lesions of the larynx and enlarged tonsils. A person feels stiffness when inhaling and exhaling, possible attacks of suffocation - increased breathing, blue lips and nails. With every turn of the neck and chest, a sharp tingling and squeezing is felt . With this disease it is important complex treatment:
    • taking antibacterial drugs – Sumamed, Flemoxin;
    • antiseptic gargling means - Bioparox;
    • anti-wax inhalations Chlorhexidine
    8. Pulmonary embolism Accumulation of blood clots and blockage of the lungs by blood clots. A person feels tightness in the chest and an increasing feeling of lack of oxygen– vessels and tissues cannot transport it. The condition can be fatal if left untreated proper treatment. Only a qualified emergency team can help a sick person!

    9. Neurological pathologies Stress, depressive states, hysteria, nervous tension, etc. They can cause increased heart rate and breathing, and a feeling of tightness in the sternum. The condition is accompanied by:
    • panic attacks;
    • chest pain when inhaling;
    • redness of the skin;
    • breathing problems;
    • loss of orientation.
    No specific treatment is needed for such symptoms. A person can calm down sedatives(Persen, Fitosed, Dormiplant) and give it a rest.

    Providing first aid for chest pain and difficulty breathing

    The very first steps that every person should know are:

    Heart pain and difficulty breathing - this combination of symptoms is characteristic of many heart diseases. Signs such as these may indicate ischemic disease, pre-infarction condition, cardiac asthma, neuralgia, VSD and a number of other ailments. They are often accompanied by headache, dizziness, elevated temperature bodies. To establish the cause of such clinical manifestations and make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

    The appearance of symptoms such as It's a dull pain in the heart and lack of air often take a person by surprise. In most cases this is sure sign development of serious pathological processes in the body. Determine the exact cause similar condition- means recognizing the symptom in time and preventing complications in the future.

    The most common diseases that cause sharp pain in the heart and lack of air include:

    • Myocardial ischemia is a precursor to infarction. Pain in the heart and lack of air are most often caused by stress, physical exercise.
    • Heart disease or heart attack: and difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
    • It becomes difficult for patients with cardiac asthma to breathe. Patients experience severe heaviness in the sternum area. A feeling as if something is squeezing from the inside, suffocation occurs.
    • With pulmonary embolism, patients experience aching pain in the heart and lack of air, the person suddenly begins to choke, skin and the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint.

    As soon as one of the above symptoms appears, you need to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will refer the patient for a system examination gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels and other organs. Based on the results of the study, a diagnosis will be made and appropriate treatment will begin.

    Myocardial ischemia

    Develops against the background of functional and organic damage myocardium. It occurs as a result of a disruption in the blood supply to the heart muscle. Manifests itself in both acute and chronic form. In the first case, the patient faces cardiac arrest, in the second - angina pectoris, which is characterized by severe pain in the sternum and heart failure. According to statistics, ischemic disease is one of the most common causes of sudden death.

    The main risk factors contributing to the development of the disease include:

    • arterial hypertension;
    • serious problems with excess weight;
    • bad habits;
    • diabetes;
    • hyperlipedemia (characterized by a strong increase in lipid levels in the body).

    The pathology is more often diagnosed in males, as well as in older people. Despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease depend on its form, there are general clinical manifestations of ischemia.

    Patients often complain of heart pain, difficulty breathing, very rapid pulse, weakness, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath or lack of air (due to stressful situations, nervous strain, physical activity). During development chronic stage the patient experiences swelling in the area lower limbs, fainting conditions. More often indicated signs do not appear simultaneously, the prevalence depends on the form of the disease.

    Doctors may prescribe bypass surgery (performed surgically), support for optimal functioning with medications, coronary angioplasty. May interfere with the healing process wrong image life, worrying about any reason.

    It is necessary to eliminate all bad habits and choose the optimal diet. It should also be taken into account that any physical activity often causes serious complications, so doctors adjust the patient’s activity regimen.

    Heart attack condition

    In most cases, the cause of the disease is myocardial ischemia. In 35-45%, death occurs after a quarter of an hour. Clinical manifestations depend on the stage of development of the pathological process. There are four stages:

    • acute form;
    • necrosis;
    • subacute form;
    • scarring.

    The first signs include sudden painful sensations in the chest area, back. As the disease progresses, the pain takes on a different character: mild, aching, stabbing, cutting. Usually occurs against the background of stress (both mental and physical) and stressful situations. Similar symptoms may last for several weeks.

    For acute form The disease is characterized by:

    • sharp pain in the heart and difficulty breathing (lasts for several hours, even the drug “Nitroglycerin” is not able to help);

    • intense heartbeat;
    • cold sweat, shortness of breath, chills;
    • pale skin (caused by poor blood supply).

    Clinical manifestations of the subacute form are less pronounced. The body temperature constantly rises, the patient may feel nauseous, and it becomes difficult to breathe. Is the most dangerous period, as it often ends in death. The patient is overcome by sudden panic, feelings of anxiety, fear (cardioneurosis). Movement may be constrained. During the tissue scarring stage, symptoms gradually disappear.

    Cardiac asthma

    Most often, the cause of the development of the disease is left ventricular failure (in acute or chronic form), heart defects, myxoma, intra-atrial thrombus, infections, glomerulonephritis, and blood circulation disorders in the body.

    In most cases, attacks occur at night. During the day they are provoked by nervous stress and physical activity. The patient begins to gasp for air (dyspnea), followed by coughing, the person is in a stage of extreme excitement.

    Most people mistakenly believe that they need to lie down during such attacks, but doctors recommend sitting up. vertical position. This makes it easier to withstand the attack.

    The attack lasts from several minutes to 3 hours. Clinical manifestations and their intensity depend on the type and stage of the underlying disease. If it continues long enough, a person’s blood pressure drops, he feels a strong loss of strength, the neck veins swell, and the skin acquires a grayish tint.

    Seizures usually stop narcotic analgesics, nitroglycerin, diuretics medicines, therapy using oxygen. Bloodletting procedures may also be performed, and the patient is prescribed antihypertensive drugs.

    Caused by blockage of the trunk or branches of the pulmonary artery due to a blood clot that occurs in the area of ​​the atrium or right ventricle. The disease develops very intensively. If you do not diagnose it in time and do not take action necessary measures, the patient is expected to die. The main reasons for the development of pathology:

    Signs of pathology depend on the general condition of the patient, the intensity of the disease, the number and size of blood clots. Clinical manifestations may be mild, but can also cause sudden death.

    Among common symptoms isolate acute vascular and coronary insufficiency(feeling as if the heart is stabbing, short-term sharp pain). With cerebrovascular insufficiency, the patient experiences deterioration visual functions(begins to see double), tinnitus, fainting, vomit. Caused by focal or general cerebral disorders.

    With pulmonary-pleural syndrome, it becomes impossible for the patient to breathe deeply, pressure begins in the chest area, and the skin acquires a grayish tint. Heat body, intense cough, difficulty controlling your body, discharge of blood along with sputum (with infarction pneumonia).

    First aid

    Acute pain in the heart and difficulty breathing requires immediate action from a person. You need to call " ambulance"and try to remain at rest until the doctors arrive.

    It is recommended to take a semi-sitting position; lying on your back or stomach is prohibited. This will only make the symptoms worse. If pathologies of the cardiovascular system have been previously diagnosed, you should take the drug prescribed by your doctor. You can also put a Validol tablet under your tongue.


    Diagnosis of pathological processes is carried out in several stages. The doctor conducts an initial examination of the patient and studies his medical history. During laboratory research The level of cholesterol, sugar, lipoproteins in the blood is determined.

    The patient is sent for an ECG, ultrasound examination heart, which allows you to study its activity, evaluate the functioning of valves and cavities. Depending on the type of pathology, doctors may prescribe special stress tests to inpatient conditions. To determine the condition of blood vessels (for example, during ischemia), doctors perform coronary angiography.

    Timely diagnosis allows you to control and treat diseases on time, prevent complications and death of a person. Therapy is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. In some cases, surgery is performed. Self-medication with folk remedies forbidden. They are taken only with the permission of a doctor.