The effect of smoking on the body. A smoker cannot have healthy blood vessels

Everyone knows about the dangers of tobacco and about the effect of smoking on the human body. However, the number of smokers from year to year is only growing. Modern doctors are sounding the alarm ...

A spoonful of tobacco tar ...

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 toxic substances that can cause cancer and various mutations. At the same time, it is difficult to isolate the most harmful component in the composition of tobacco smoke. Experts classify tobacco tar as such, or the tar formed during smoking. It is solid particles that float in the smoke and then settle on the smoker's airways and lungs, forming a layer of carcinogenic tar.

Tobacco tar also contains phenols, naphthols, cresols, naphthalenes. Only a fifth of these substances are retained by filters, the rest penetrates into the lungs. Every person who sensibly assesses the impact of smoking will refuse constant inhalations from a mixture of naphthalene and phenol.

How does it manifest negative impact fly in the ointment on the human body? For normal gas exchange in the lungs, their surface is required to be clean. If it is covered with a layer of resin, then breathing is difficult.

Nicotine Threat

Some experts consider the alkaloid nicotine to be the most dangerous substance that negatively affects the human body, since it is it that causes tobacco addiction. Through the lungs, nicotine penetrates into the bloodstream, and then, having overcome the blood-brain barrier, into the brain. Here it provokes the release of the hormone of pleasure, dopamine. Over time, its amount decreases, and the smoker again reaches for a pack of cigarettes. The average person smokes once every forty minutes. This is the time it takes for dopamine levels to drop by half.

However, the impact of smoking, and in particular nicotine, is not only that. Nicotine is a potent neurotoxin that acts on nervous system, leads to bradycardia, or a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. As a result, the body lacks oxygen, blood volume decreases, the frequency and strength of heart contractions increase, and arterial pressure.

In addition, the effect of nicotine on the human body is that it can cause spasms of peripheral skin vessels (this is evidenced by the complexion of smokers), as well as the expansion of coronary vessels, slowing down intestinal and stomach motility, stagnation of undigested food, loss of appetite . Knowing about the last property of nicotine, girls, not appreciating the negative impact of smoking, start smoking in order to lose weight. This method of body shaping is more likely to lead to indigestion. In addition, nicotine causes involuntary spasms of the excretory part of the intestine, which can impede blood circulation and lead to hemorrhoids. A girl with an unhealthy complexion, an unpleasant smell from the mouth and hemorrhoids will not cause sympathy!

Additional risks

The pharmacological effect of smoking also includes the complex effect of all substances included in tobacco smoke. And there are a lot of them. One of them is carbon monoxide, or carbon monoxide. It can combine with hemoglobin hundreds of times better than its "colleague" oxygen. Therefore, carbon monoxide replaces oxygen, and the organs and tissues of a smoking person are subject to hypoxia, or lack of oxygen. To compensate for it, the lungs and heart work harder, and this leads to problems with blood circulation. Under the influence of carbon monoxide, the walls of the arteries are also damaged, which can cause narrowing of the coronary vessels and heart attacks.

Another component that is part of the smoke is hydrocyanic acid. This toxic substance negatively affects the nervous system, as it reduces the ability of its cells to take in oxygen. In addition, hydrocyanic acid harms the cells of the ciliated epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, and in fact they are the protection of the bronchi from pathogenic bacteria, dust and mucus accumulation. If these cells are damaged, bacteria and toxic substances accumulate in the lungs, and consequently, the smoker suffers from bronchitis and morning cough.

Other components of tobacco smoke, such as ammonium, acrolein, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, also affect the ciliated epithelium. All these odorous and caustic substances make the smoke more irritating.

In addition, a huge list of harmful components of tobacco smoke includes acetic, formic, butyric acids, arsenic, bismuth, lead, potassium, manganese and radioactive metals potassium-40, polonium-210, radium-226 and radium-228, thorium-228. Thus, smoking is tantamount to inhaling exhaust pipe smoke.

Scientists working at the FGU Research Radiological Institute and the Institute of Toxicology examined the blood of smokers for the content heavy metals. Hundreds of people have been tested healthy women, men and children. In the blood of smokers, the content of lead, cadmium, and manganese was three times higher than that of non-smokers.

Tobacco is able to suck out cadmium salts from the soil. Consequently, this substance, accumulating in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, causes various diseases. And cadmium oxide, penetrating into the human body along with tobacco smoke, can lead to lung cancer.

An increased concentration of other metals in the body is also not harmless. For example, manganese leads to the activity of enzymes in men that break down DNA. Lead can increase sensitivity to radiation, shorten human lifespan, and promote disease at an early age. High level this substance disrupts the normal activity of the kidneys, adversely affects motor activity, coordination of movements, speed of reaction, auditory perception, memory.

A burning cigarette is like a whole chemical factory producing more than 4,000 different compounds, including more than 40 carcinogens. The most toxic to the body is nicotine - an alkaloid of tobacco leaves, which is an oily colorless or light yellow liquid with a burning taste, with an unpleasant odor. In connection with the rapid addiction of the body to nicotine, acute poisoning with this poison during smoking is relatively rare. Signs of nicotine poisoning, as a rule, are observed at the first attempts to smoke.

Tobacco smoking is one of the most common types of addiction in the world. Many millions of people around the world are addicted to smoking. On average, more than 50% of men and more than 25% of women smoke worldwide.

Tobacco was brought to Europe at the end of the 15th century, to Russia - at the beginning of the 17th century. Smoking at that time in Russia was persecuted by the authorities. Peter I, addicted to smoking tobacco during his stay in Holland, allowed the sale of tobacco in Russia, imposing a trade duty on the distribution of tobacco, which went to the state treasury.

Composition of tobacco smoke

We get high on radiation And the “roof is going” from suffocation. But we will not listen to anyone: Hallucinations are more important to us!

Light up...

The physical and chemical mechanism of smoking is that air is sucked in through the ignited and slowly smoldering tobacco. The oxygen contained in the inhaled air, passing through the layer of smoldering tobacco, intensifies its combustion, and the sublimation products, together with the rest of the air, enter the lungs. It usually takes 12 to 18 puffs to smoke a cigarette.

Tobacco smoke is a kind of physical and chemical system consisting of air and tobacco combustion products suspended in it. They are solid particles and liquid droplets, the size of which is fractions of a micrometer. The number of such particles in the smoke of one cigarette is measured in tens and hundreds of thousands of billions! All these particles are sent to the lungs.

Lungs of a non-smoker

Lungs of a smoker

As you know, the lungs consist of many tiny alveoli, the total surface of the walls of which reaches more than 100 m2 at the time of inspiration. It is not difficult to imagine what a huge number of smoke particles and toxic liquid suspensions settle in the lungs.

But smoke particles are only one component of tobacco. When smoking, the so-called dry distillation occurs: the air, when puffed with tobacco, heats up to high temperature and extracts various substances from it, which, together with smoke, enter the lungs.

Chemistry, physics… radiation

In tobacco smoke highest value have:

Proved the presence in tobacco smoke and the radioactive element polonium, which is in the smoke in the form of an isotope with an atomic number of 210 and a half-life of 138 days. By emitting alpha rays, polonium easily penetrates the skin, quickly turns into an aerosol state, and poisons the air. 50% of the polonium contained in a tobacco product passes into smoke when smoked.

According to pharmacologists, when smoking one pack of medium-strength cigarettes with a total mass of tobacco of 20 g, the following is formed:

  • 0.0012 g of hydrocyanic acid; about the same amount of hydrogen sulfide;
  • 0.22 g pyridine bases;
  • 0.18 g of nicotine;
  • 0.64 g (0.843 l) ammonia;
  • 0.92 g (0.738 l) carbon monoxide (II); at least 1 g of concentrate from liquid and solid products of combustion and dry distillation of tobacco, called tobacco tar.

The latter contains about a hundred chemicals, including:

  • benzpyrene;
  • benzathracene;
  • radioactive isotope of potassium;
  • arsenic and a number of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons - carcinogens.
But there is a filter on the cigarette!
Some smokers believe that cigarette filters, by freeing the smoke from the particles it contains, make it harmless. In reality, it is not. The proposed absorbers do not achieve the desired goal. The most commonly used filters retain no more than 20% of the substances contained in the smoke. Thus, the overwhelming mass of substances during the dry distillation of tobacco enters the lungs.

Being absorbed through the mucous membranes into the blood and spreading throughout the body, these substances in their totality produce that peculiar effect for which the smoker starts smoking again after some time.

"Chemistry" of tobacco and the body

A smoker greedily inhales smoke, without thinking, of course, about what each such puff causes in the body. The mouth and nasopharynx are the first to come into contact with tobacco smoke. Passing through the layer of tobacco stuffing, the smoke from smoldering tobacco, although it has time to cool, but not enough to equal the temperature of the oral cavity. Typically, the temperature of tobacco smoke is around 55 - 60ºC.

The destructive effect on the body is the first to start with heat. To introduce smoke from the oral cavity and nasopharynx into the lungs, the smoker automatically and imperceptibly, slightly opening his mouth, inhales a portion of the air. At the same time, the temperature of the air entering the mouth is usually 40ºC lower than the temperature of the smoke. Such significant temperature changes affect the condition of the tooth enamel. Over time, microscopic cracks appear on it, “entrance gates” for microorganisms. As a result, the smoker's teeth begin to decay.

Violation of tooth enamel contributes to the deposition of tobacco tar on the surface of the teeth, as a result of which it acquires yellowish color, and the oral cavity begins to emit specific smell felt when talking to smokers. Smoke temperature affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx. Their capillaries expand, the mucosa is irritated, inflamed. The heat of tobacco smoke and the chemicals in it (ammonia, acids, etc.) irritate salivary glands. There comes an increased secretion of saliva, which smokers are forced to spit. They swallow some of their saliva. Poisonous substances of smoke (aniline, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), passing into saliva, act on the gastric mucosa, which does not remain without a trace. Loss of appetite, pain in the stomach, alternating constipation and diarrhea, chronic gastritis and, finally, gastric and duodenal ulcers - these are the disorders that begin in smokers many times more often than in non-smokers.

The mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, their smallest branches - bronchioles and, finally, pulmonary vesicles - alveoli - are also exposed to tobacco smoke. The components of tobacco smoke (ammonia, acids, pyridine bases, solid particles, etc.) irritate the mucous membranes of the lungs. It is not for nothing that a smoker, at the first attempt to inhale smoke, has a cough - reflex jerky exhalations, with the help of which the body strives to remove what has got into Airways foreign body(smoke).

"Traces of smoking" appear on the face very early. smoking girl or a woman usually looks older than her age: premature aging organism occurs as a result of tobacco intoxication. Chronic smoking is usually accompanied by bronchitis, which is manifested by coughing upon waking and expectoration of grayish, dirty-brown sputum. Chronic mucosal irritation vocal cords affects the timbre of the voice. It loses its sonority and purity, which is especially noticeable in women who abuse smoking. Even more clearly, smokers change their complexion.

As a result of the intake of smoke, the blood of the alveolar capillaries, instead of being enriched with oxygen, is saturated with carbon monoxide, which, combining with hemoglobin, forms the so-called carboxyhemoglobin, as a result of which part of the hemoglobin is excluded from the process of normal respiration of the body.

The action of hydrocyanic acid is insidious. Penetrating into the blood, it reduces the ability of cells to perceive oxygen from the flowing blood. Coming oxygen starvation. And since nerve cells need oxygen more than anyone else, they are the first to suffer from the action of hydrocyanic acid.

With a large dose of hydrocyanic acid, after the strongest excitation of the central nervous system, paralysis occurs, breathing stops, and then the heart also stops.

With each puff of cigarette smoke, the absorption of oxygen by the body is disrupted and thus the normal course of one of the most important physiological processes- breath, without which life is impossible.

Other components of cigarette smoke, in particular ammonia, are also important. This gas is highly soluble in water to form an alkaline reacting solution known as ammonia. With the properties of alkali, ammonia irritates mucous membranes, causing fever-free bronchitis in smokers. As a result, the resistance of the lungs to various infectious diseases especially for tuberculosis.

Tobacco tar, being a concentrate of liquid ( organic acids, essential oils, aniline, etc.) and solid (carbon particles, carcinogens, polonium) substances, settles on the walls of the airways, and accumulates in the alveoli. Part of tobacco tar is secreted when coughing with sputum, and part penetrates into the tissues of the mucous membranes, giving them a dark color.


The main active principle of tobacco is nicotine. Its content in tobacco leaves usually ranges from 1 to 1.5%, but in some varieties it reaches 6-8%. One cigarette weighing 1 g usually contains 10-15 mg of nicotine, and a cigar weighing 10 g contains up to 150 mg of this substance.

IN pure form Nicotine is a clear, oily liquid with a pungent taste. The cigarette filter accumulates enough nicotine to kill a mouse. In fact, nicotine is toxic to the same extent as hydrocyanic acid.

Nicotine is an extremely strong poison, acting mainly on the nervous system, digestion, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular vascular system.

A systematic study of the effect of nicotine on a living organism gave scientists reason to assume a two-phase reaction to its administration:

  • initially followed by increased irritability and excitability of the most various systems and organs;
  • then this state is replaced by oppression.

Smokers instinctively feel this difference in the process of consuming nicotine. Purely psychologically “to invigorate”, for example, during tedious work, people arrange frequent smoke breaks. But in fact, they turn into even greater fatigue of the body due to the inhibitory effect of nicotine (the second phase of influence). Anyone who believes that smoking can calm a person tries to use the depressing moment of nicotine. So, during some responsible or unpleasant conversation, the smoker instinctively puts a cigarette in his mouth.

The smoke drawn in by the smoker sublimes the nicotine from the tobacco leaves. It dissolves quickly in water, so it is easily absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, bronchi, and, getting into the stomach with saliva, through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. It is often said that a drop of nicotine kills a horse. It really is. Why does a person endure huge doses of tobacco during chronic tobacco use?

  • Firstly, because in each individual cigarette the dose of nicotine is far from lethal, and only when smoking several cigarettes in a row can state of shock leading to death.
  • Secondly, nicotine poison is quickly addictive. In addition, it is quickly excreted by the kidneys from the body.

It is estimated that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. about 50 - 70 mg for a teenager.

But at the same time, it must be taken into account that a growing organism is approximately twice as sensitive to nicotine as an adult.

Therefore, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine.

True, at fast takeover tobacco smoke, as a rule, there is a feeling of disgust, nausea, and this leads to smoking cessation. Nevertheless, cases of death from smoking two or three cigarettes are known: death occurs as a result of a reflex stop of the heart and respiratory organs (due to a toxic “hit” on the corresponding nerve centers).

What does it show nicotine poisoning? This salivation, nausea, blanching of the skin, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness. In addition, a feeling of fear, headaches, tinnitus, increased heart rate and other disorders of the body.

Nicotine affects the transmission of impulse from the nerve to the executive muscle. Large doses nicotine act like a well-known poison - curare, paralyzing the muscular system.

But the adrenal glands suffer the most from nicotine. These paired hormonal organs of our body are responsible for many very important functions. It is the adrenal glands that secrete into the blood such effective means life support, like epinephrine and norepinephrine (catecholamines).

They are carried by blood to different parts of the body and affect the nervous apparatus of the internal organs. In other words, these are not local, but general regulators of the activity of the nervous system. Nicotine in small doses increases, in large doses it reduces the release of catecholamines. As a result, for example, small doses nicotine lead to an increase in blood pressure, and large - to the inhibition of activity of cardio-vascular system. This is what explains the sharp drop in pressure in the vessels during acute poisoning nicotine, which leads to dizziness, loss of consciousness and even death.

One of the main reasons for starting smoking is curiosity.

Another reason to start smoking in young age- imitation of adults.

In non-smoking families, no more than 25% of children become smokers, in smoking families this number exceeds 50%. For many, smoking is explained by imitation of smoking comrades.

Regardless of the nature of the reasons that prompted smoking, it tends to recur. The desire to smoke, inhale the aroma of tobacco smoke and inhale comes imperceptibly, but, unfortunately, becomes more and more strong. Over time, smoking becomes a habit.

But there is another important factor that determines the habit of smoking - addiction to nicotine. The constituents of tobacco smoke are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body. 2-3 minutes after inhalation of smoke, nicotine already penetrates into the brain cells and briefly increases their activity. The short-term expansion of the brain vessels and the reflex effect of ammonia on the nerve endings of the respiratory tract, which occurs in parallel with this, are subjectively perceived by the smoker as a refreshing influx of strength or a kind of sense of calm.

However, after a while, the feeling of energy and elation disappears. Physiologically, this is due to the onset of vasoconstriction of the brain and a decrease in its activity. In order to feel the state of elation again, after a while the smoker again reaches for a cigarette, despite the bitterness left in the mouth after smoking, profuse salivation and bad smell.

The seeming rise in energy, calmness, being fixed in the mind after a smoked cigarette, turn into a conditioned reflex. The smoker convinces himself that without tobacco he cannot work normally, live, and soon he becomes a real slave to his passion.

Nicotine, like some other poisons, becomes habitual, and it is already difficult for a smoking person to do without it, due to established reflexes.


The habit of smoking is based on individually different motives based on a complex of conditioned reflex connections, including the process of smoking and the specific conditions in which it occurs and is fixed in the mind of the smoker. For example, after getting up from the table after dinner, which created a feeling of comfort and satiety, the smoker smokes, and attributes the pleasant sensations from eating not to normal digestion, but to smoking.

Natural stupidity of "brilliant" smokers STATISTICS

Every year, two dates dedicated to the problem of tobacco smoking are celebrated - May 31 (World No Tobacco Day) and the third Thursday of November (International No Tobacco Day) - in order to draw public attention to negative consequences tobacco smoking. World No Tobacco Day is celebrated at the initiative of the International Society of Oncology and with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO). In May 2003, the WHO adopted the Convention on Tobacco Control, which was joined by more than 90 countries, including Russia.

In the Russian Federation, 300-400 thousand people die each year from smoking-related causes. It has been found that up to 90 percent of people start smoking at a young age. Average age beginner smokers in Russia - 11 years. In the seventh-eighth grades, 8-12 percent of students systematically smoke, in the ninth-tenth grades - already 21-24 percent. American researchers argue that it is young smokers (under 18) who cannot continue to part with a cigarette for the rest of their lives. Young people are sure that quitting smoking is easy. But not everyone manages to get rid of nicotine addiction.

Not so long ago, science added another deadly argument to the arguments of the opponents of smoking. It turns out that those who smoke, age degradation intellectual abilities goes five times faster than non-smokers.

This fact was confirmed by a team of scientists from the US National Institute on Aging led by Dr. Leonora Lawner. They tested 9,200 people over 65 at two-year intervals. And found out that mental capacity smokers decreased by 0.16 points, and for non-smokers - by 0.03 points per year. Dr. Loner explained this phenomenon by the fact that smoking narrows blood vessels that feed the brain, which leads to accelerated destruction of brain structures.

In this work, we have already said that the initial supply of blood vessels in humans is tenfold. At smoking vessels different parts of the body and for different purposes (including the brain) fail much more intensively than in people leading healthy lifestyle life. Moreover, when the natural supply of blood vessels in smokers comes to an end (with heavy smoking, this can happen at a very early age - in 30-40 years), mental and physical abilities smokers decrease exponentially. It can be said that with the onset of this period, the "brilliant" once in the eyes of others smoker becomes stupid in front of his relatives and friends. That is, from a fairly early age, a smoker becomes stupid "five times faster" than a non-smoker. This is a “retribution” for the seeming “genius”.

In addition, when smoking, the level of oxygen in the body drops sharply, which is displaced by other gases contained in cigarette smoke. Therefore, many organs and systems suffer from oxygen deficiency. Since brain cells are most sensitive to lack of oxygen, they are the first to suffer and die faster. So smokers can think carefully about their prospects, while there is something. That is, when smoking, as well as when drunkenness hypoxia occurs and the access of oxygen through the blood to the brain cells stops with the regularity of drinking or smoking (partially or completely).

The memory of smokers

Nicotine kills brain cells and stops the formation of new cells in the hippocampus - in the gyrus of the cerebral hemisphere at the base temporal lobe, which is involved in emotional reactions and memory mechanisms.

French scientists came to this conclusion. This explains the perception problems in many active smokers who are trying to quit a bad habit, researchers say (this was reported in 2002 by the BBC Russian Service, citing the New Scientist magazine).

A group of scientists conducted experiments on rats. The experiments were carried out at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux. The animals were placed in conditions where they themselves regulated their nicotine intake for six weeks. The researchers found that at levels of nicotine in the body comparable to those seen in smokers, the rats' brains produced 50% fewer new hippocampal neurons. Cell death also increased.

The loss of "neuronal plasticity" of the brain caused by nicotine can lead to problems in the knowledge of the surrounding world - a group of French researchers recently came to this conclusion.

smoking and childbearing function. What happens to women who smoke.

Scientists have found that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contained in tobacco smoke trigger the process of egg death. These substances bind to a receptor (a special molecule on the surface of the egg) and activate a gene that programs cell death. This process is known as apoptosis. It turned out that smoking in young women is comparable to the removal of one ovary.

Among smokers, there is a high prevalence of secondary amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and irregular menstrual cycles. Thus, a woman's smoking can disrupt the menstrual cycle, reduce the ability to conceive, and shorten the duration of the childbearing age.

At smoking men the production of sperm, its morphology and mobility, as well as the secretion of androgens, change. Studies point to reduced sperm density and an increase in abnormal morphology (abnormal shape and structure) of semen among smokers.

The Health Priorities Research Group at the University of California reviewed all scientific publications since 1980 that reported the prevalence of smoking among men with impotence. For each publication, they took into account age, place of residence, percentage of smokers, and time period over which the data was collected. There were 19 studies identified that reported smoking in 3819 men with impotence. Of these 19 studies, 16 showed that these men were more likely to smoke than the general population. All 6 of the largest studies showed a higher prevalence of smoking among infertile men. A meta-analysis found that 40% of men with impotence are smokers, although among the population of the countries where studies were conducted, only 28% of men in general smoke. Twenty years of scientific research has shown that smoking is an important risk factor for impotence.

Men who smoke and are prone to hypertension (high blood pressure caused by drinking alcohol) are 27 times more likely to develop impotence. Hypertension, like smoking, in itself also contributes to sexual dysfunction. But high blood pressure in combination with smoking, it has a truly deadly effect.

Smoking mothers are several times more likely to have a child with a defect. The specific type of a birth defect in a child depends on the time of exposure and its coincidence with the sensitive stage of development of a particular organ in the womb.

Birth defects associated with maternal smoking may include cleft lip and palate, limb deformities, polycystic kidney disease, interventricular septum, deformities of the skull and others. These defects are associated with exposure to hypoxia and carboxyhemoglobinemia, which occur under the influence of carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke. Similar defects are typical for chronic poisoning carbon monoxide.

Even if a woman stops smoking immediately after pregnancy is discovered, there is an increased risk of birth defects. And the nature of these defects depends on in which particular sensitive period of the first trimester of pregnancy (12 weeks from the moment of conception) the most significant harmful effect was exerted.

The fetus receives nicotine not only directly from the mother's blood, it is also able to be absorbed through the skin and gastrointestinal tract fetus from the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). Such an intake is also possible in children of mothers who suffer from passive smoking, as evidenced by the presence of cotinine in the hair of newborns. In addition, studies show that the babies of passive smokers are at significant risk of exposure to nicotine.

Toxic substances in tobacco smoke affect the ability of the placenta to pass nutrients. Nicotine inhibits both the uptake of amino acids by the placenta and their transport to the fetus. This is due to the effect on the placental cholinergic system. Part of this suppression (10-16%) is irreversible. Nicotine blocks cholinergic receptors and makes it impossible the right influence acetylcholine, which enhances the transport of amino acids across the placenta. Acetylcholine dilates blood vessels and maintains placental blood flow. Thus, maternal smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke cause placental insufficiency in terms of amino acid transport, which partly explains the intrauterine growth retardation of the child.

Obviously, this is why nicotine causes a decrease in body weight of the newborn. This is due to the restriction of the supply of nutrients to the fetus through the placenta, in particular, the supply of amino acids is hindered. This may also be partly due to the vasoconstrictive effects of nicotine, but this alone cannot account for the fully developed changes. The disruption of the functioning of various amino acid transport systems that exist in the placenta is also important. The consequence of this is developmental delay, the lag of the physical size of the fetus from its intrauterine age. Smoking during pregnancy is responsible for 20-30% of underweight babies.

Exposure of a child to tobacco smoke before birth, in particular, leads to a delay in the growth of the lungs, development respiratory diseases accompanied by shortness of breath, especially in children preschool age. This influence subsequently affects respiratory health throughout life.

It is also important that subtle differentiation (changes in tissues during fetal development) and maturation of lung tissue occurs at the very end of pregnancy. high risk premature birth and prematurity creates a risk of insufficient lung maturity in children of smoking parents.

Research shows that children who were exposed to various psychoactive substances before birth experience behavioral and learning problems. In particular, there are subtle but significant deviations in the ability to regulate emotions and in focusing and holding attention. As a result, such a child may cope worse with the school curriculum, from which considerable consequences follow.

Smoking during pregnancy is associated with learning and behavioral problems, as well as changes in the functioning of the auditory area of ​​the brain. In newborns, this is manifested by a reduced reaction to sounds and altered processes of getting used to sounds.

Quite proven consequences of maternal smoking during pregnancy are growth retardation before birth and a decrease in the intellectual potential of the child after birth. How a student copes with schoolwork can largely depend on whether his mother smoked before he was born.

Studies have shown that babies whose mothers smoked 10 or more cigarettes a day before they were born are at increased risk of diabetes increased by 4.5 times compared with children of non-smokers, and in the case of smoking fewer cigarettes, the risk increased by 4.13 times. The risk of obesity in those children who did not have diabetes was 34 - 38% higher compared to those whose mothers did not smoke.


As you know, the fashion for smoking came to us from the West. Tobacco was legalized by Peter I, and Russia lit up. But in the West they began to fight against smoking. Apparently enough.

Heavy smokers are twenty times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. Therefore, we can safely say that lung cancer mainly develops on the basis of smoking. Lung cancer is often so neglected that it is impossible to save the patient even at the cost of removing the entire lung.

IN medical science There are many works that show the harm of smoking. Scientists took 200-300 thousand people close to each other in age, occupation, living conditions. The only difference is whether they smoke or not. It turned out: among non-smokers, lung cancer occurs 12 times per hundred thousand people. Among those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day - 112, and of those who smoke two packs - 284.

It has also been proven that tobacco tar, experimentally injected into the lungs or skin of animals, causes cancer in all cases.


Smoking causes premature wear of the heart, blood vessels, as well as other vital important organs. One smoked cigarette increases the pulse by twenty beats per minute, raises the pressure by several tens of millimeters, and lowers the skin temperature. These changes last for about thirty minutes. Thus, during the day, the heart constantly receives an additional load, which eventually leads to disease.

When you inhale tobacco smoke, the vessels constrict, and the blood flow through them slows down, and in some cases even stops for a moment. The slowing of blood flow in the vessels of the heart is manifested by coronary insufficiency, that is, an attack of pain in the region of the heart. Therefore, smoking tends to exacerbate or trigger seizures. coronary insufficiency. In many patients, these attacks disappear immediately as soon as they stop smoking.

The World Health Organization, studying the role of tobacco, found that smokers die from coronary thrombosis four years earlier than non-smokers.
In people with vascular disease, smoking causes them sharp spasm, as a result of which any treatment will be useless if the patient continues to smoke.

For such patients, even exposure to tobacco smoke can be fatal. Experiments with such patients showed that even a puff of an unlit cigarette led to a noticeable decrease in blood flow in the finger. Sometimes in these patients, during the entire period of smoking, a complete cessation of blood flow in the subungual bed was observed. The temperature of the fingers and toes dropped to six degrees.

It is interesting to note that the use of any filter in a cigarette did not prevent a decrease in blood flow and a decrease in body temperature.

The effect of tobacco on the heart is evidenced, for example, by the following experiment: the isolated heart of a rabbit works rhythmically due to the fact that a special physiological solution continuously passes through the vessels that feed the heart, approaching blood in some ways. But if you take a cigarette, shake out all the remaining tobacco from it, and drop this solution on a tissue paper and introduce this drop from a piece of paper into the system supplying the heart saline, the heart will stop.

The sharp effect of tobacco on the human heart is to some extent mitigated by compensatory mechanisms that are mobilized by the body to fight the harmful reagent. Nevertheless, its influence remains and gradually leads to premature decrepitude, disability and the approach of early old age.


The harmful effect of nicotine on the central nervous system can be judged by the effect of the first smoked cigarette: nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, sometimes loss of consciousness - these are the symptoms that speak of poisoning of brain cells.


Smokers sometimes say that smoking makes food taste better. Of course, if you first fill your mouth with some bitterness, then after that the most ordinary food will seem delicious. In fact, smoking reduces appetite. It has long been noticed: who quit smoking begins to gain weight. After the cessation of nicotine intoxication, all metabolic processes improved, better digestion of the food consumed.


Tobacco contains nicotine, an extremely toxic substance. Having smoked a pack of cigarettes, a person absorbs a lethal dose of it. But the pack is not smoked immediately - a person develops some resistance to poison.

Statistics says: deaths from cardiovascular diseases among heavy smokers twice as high as among non-smokers. According to the World Health Organization, smokers are ten times more likely to die from pneumonia and six times more likely to die from stomach ulcers than non-smokers.

I have chosen the topic "Negative effects of tobacco smoke on living organisms", as I am very concerned about smoking among young people. Knowing the dangers of smoking, many teenagers are prone to this bad habit, do not think about the future, thereby exposing themselves and others to mortal danger. According to the latest data, in comparison with other countries in Russia, the number of smokers has increased, so if in the USA about 25% smoke, then in Russia more than 70% of the population. And every year the number of smokers increases. Addiction to cigarettes and tobacco leads to various serious diseases.

In conducting my research, I used the methods of questioning, comparative analysis and experiment. Was held preparatory work, questionnaire questions were compiled.

My research consisted of studying the effects of tobacco smoke and comparing its effects on humans and animals. After conducting this study, observing the changes in the behavior of living organisms, namely cats and dogs, when exposed to tobacco smoke. She also considered the release of tar from cigarettes of different brands when smoking, thereby proving that filters do not completely clean tobacco smoke. This study showed the following: when animals were exposed to tobacco smoke, their nervousness was observed, their heart rate increased, the animals were aggressive, constantly sneezing and snorting, they cleared their airways; washing, getting rid of bad smell. Similar reaction observed in humans.

Certain results have been obtained that prove the negative effects of tobacco smoke. His research work, I wanted to warn smokers and inform them about the consequences bad habit. And I want to say that after getting acquainted with this information, several people refused cigarettes.


The purpose of my research was to confirm the presence of harmful substances in cigarettes, as well as negative impact tobacco smoke on the body of living beings.

I have set myself the following tasks:

1. Determine the number of students who smoke.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of cigarettes of different brands in terms of the content of nicotine and tobacco tar in them.

3. Conduct experiments on the effects of tobacco smoke on animals.

4. Draw conclusions and announce the results of your work in the school newspaper "Stimulus", thereby trying to influence the children - smokers of our school.

Sometimes from a smoker you can hear: “What is your business, I smoke or not. This is my body, I want and poison it. This is my own business". But is it? To answer this question, let's first understand what smoking is, what substances are part of cigarettes, smoke and what is its effect on the body.

The mechanism of smoking is as follows: the smoker sets fire to the tip of the cigarette and draws air into the respiratory tract. The oxygen contained in the inhaled air intensifies the combustion of tobacco, and the products of combustion with the rest of the air enter the lungs. Smoking cigarettes (cigarettes) usually requires 12 to 18 puffs.

Since tobacco burns, let's see what substances are included in its composition. Among them are the usual, inherent in each plant, and specific to tobacco leaves. Among the first group of substances are proteins (about 10% of the total mass), carbohydrates (up to 20%), organic acids (about 10%). When tobacco is burned, resins are formed (7 - 14%), and essential oils evaporate (about 1% by weight of tobacco). They explain the specific aroma of tobacco. In some varieties of tobacco, it is especially attractive, and in some cases, thanks to special processing, even pleasant. An unpleasant smell is formed due to the combustion of proteins that give tobacco bitterness and cause unpleasant taste sensations. What is tobacco smoke?

This is a whole physico-chemical system consisting of air and tobacco combustion products suspended in it in the form of solid particles and liquid droplets, the size of which is fractions of a micrometer, and the number of particles varies by tens and hundreds of thousands of billions from one cigarette. All these particles are sent to the lungs. Every year, a person who smokes one pack of cigarettes a day sends about 1 kg of tobacco tar into their lungs.

The content of substances in tobacco smoke depends on the nature of tobacco, methods of its preliminary processing - winnowing, drying, fermentation, etc. And in finished products - on humidity, grade, and even on the speed of smoking. Smoke of absolutely everyone tobacco products contains the following substances, many of which are toxic: ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, mercury, acetone, lead. In addition, tobacco smoke contains a concentrate of liquid and solid foods combustion - tobacco tar, which includes about a hundred chemicals. The composition of tobacco smoke includes carcinogens (from the Latin word "cancer"), which contributes to the occurrence of malignant tumors. The presence of radioactive substances in tobacco smoke has also been proven, the main of which is polonium-210, first discovered by Pierre Curie and Maria Sklodowska on July 13, 1898. The half-life of polonium is 210-138 days. Emitting alpha rays, it easily penetrates the skin, quickly turns into an aerosol state, and poisons the air. It has been established that the tobacco plant has the ability to accumulate radioactive substances from the air, soil, water, so a pack of cigarettes was given the apt name "pocket Chernobyl". In total, tobacco smoke contains about 3950 chemical compounds, among which there are strong toxins.

The main active principle of tobacco is nicotine - an extremely strong narcotic poison, acting mainly on the nervous system, digestion, as well as on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The content of nicotine in tobacco leaves ranges from 1 to 1.5%, but in some varieties it reaches 6-8%. One cigarette weighing 1 g usually contains 10-15 mg of nicotine. In its purest form, nicotine is a clear, oily liquid with a pungent taste. It is this taste that a smoker feels when he finishes smoking a cigarette butt, where nicotine settles. A cigarette filter can accumulate enough nicotine to kill a mouse. Nicotine is toxic to the same extent as hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, in a person unaccustomed to smoking, a large number of cigarettes cause poisoning, and sometimes death. They say that a drop of nicotine kills a horse, but to be more precise, one drop of nicotine is enough to destroy three adult horses weighing up to half a ton each. Such is the real power of nicotine poison.

Such an experiment was carried out: leeches were applied to the human body, and a few minutes after smoking a cigarette, the leeches fell off in convulsions.

Consequently, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine for an adult. But there are cases of death from smoking 2-3 cigarettes in a row, then death occurs as a result of reflex arrest of the heart and respiratory organs, due to the so-called "toxic shock" to the corresponding nerve centers.

Research methodology.

The study was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, a survey was conducted among students in grades 3-11. A total of 191 students took part in it. Questionnaires were prepared with the following questions:

1. Have you ever tried smoking?

2. Do you smoke now?

3. How many cigarettes do you smoke (smoked) per day?

4. What cigarettes do you smoke?

5. How do you feel about smoking?

6. Do your friends smoke?

7. Does your family smoke?

8. Do your parents know about smoking?

9. What do you think is the most effective way to quit smoking?

10. What is your age?

After processing the results, the results were summed up, which were published in the school newspaper. The survey showed that out of 191 respondents, 86 people tried to smoke, 102 - never tried, 3 - are thinking of starting. As it turned out, most guys start smoking in adolescence.

At the second stage, I conducted a comparative analysis of cigarettes of different brands for the content of nicotine and tobacco tar in them. For the experiment, 3 brands of cigarettes were chosen: "More Lights" (light); "Maxim Full flower" (strong), "Ray" (cigarettes without a filter). These brands of cigarettes are the most popular in the territory of Tarasa village.

Then, with the help of a rubber bulb, all three cigarettes were smoked through white paper napkins. After burning the cigarette to the filter, the ashes were removed, the cigarette was pulled out of the pear. We determined how much tar is formed after smoking a particular cigarette by comparing napkins by color. The filter, on filter cigarettes, was gutted in order to look at its insides. We compared the filter before and after we “smoked” a cigarette. "Before" filter was white color, after smoking it turned brown with visible brown dots.

Then we observed the reaction of domestic animals, namely cats and dogs, to tobacco smoke. Air with tobacco smoke was blown into the rubber bulb, and then blown into the muzzle of the animal. Each animal instantly began to try to get rid of the unpleasant factor of influence, namely, it turned away, sneezed, and tried to run away. All observations were recorded on a control sheet. After the end of the experiment, conclusions were drawn.

Research results.

The survey showed that out of 191 respondents, 86 people tried to smoke, 102 did not try, 3 are thinking of starting. Of the 86 who have tried smoking, 29 people consider themselves a heavy smoker, 13 people smoke sometimes, quit - 4, do not smoke - 40. Of the 29 heavy smokers: 15 people smoke 1 - 2 cigarettes, 4 people - 3-5 cigarettes; 8 people - 5-10 cigarettes, 2 people - more than 10 cigarettes. Out of 13 occasional smokers: 10 people smoke 1-2 cigarettes; 2 people - 3-5 cigarettes; 1 person - 5-10 cigarettes, which most likely indicates his addiction to this bad habit, and not about self-indulgence. If we take into account these data and apply the classification proposed in the manual “Prevention of socially negative phenomena among children, adolescents and youth”, author Igolnitsyna L. M. and others, then we can say that addicted smokers (smoking more than 20 cigarettes) there are no smokers among students at school. The domestic stage of nicotine addiction predominates, i.e., smoking about 5 cigarettes, as well as habitual, constant smoking from 5 to 10 cigarettes. In general, smokers prefer light cigarettes (21 people answered), ordinary ones (17 people) are in second place, and 4 people smoke expensive ones. All smokers with experience had the following symptoms: yellow teeth, nails, not enough Thick hair, stoop. When talking with them, it turned out that they very often complain of abdominal pain in the stomach area, which is most likely associated with smoking, especially on an empty stomach. The performance of these students is not very good. From conversations with them, it turns out that earlier, before they started smoking, they studied much better. They also complain about memory loss. And smoking is probably the culprit.

In a comparative analysis of cigarettes of different brands for the content of nicotine and tobacco tar in them, 3 brands of cigarettes were chosen for the experiment: "More Lights" (light); "Maxim Full flower" (strong), "Ray" (cigarettes without a filter). These brands of cigarettes are the most popular in the territory of Tarasa village.

The table shows that the content of the main substances in different cigarettes is different. In terms of nicotine content, “light” cigarettes are only 0.2 mg inferior to strong ones, which also indicates their danger, as well as strong cigarettes, and unfiltered cigarettes contain the highest amount of tar. Some smokers believe that cigarette filters remove particles from the smoke and make it harmless. Unfortunately, it is not. The most commonly used filters retain no more than 20% of the substances, while their overwhelming mass enters the lungs.

With the help of a rubber bulb, all three brands of cigarettes were smoked through white paper napkins. After burning the cigarette to the filter, or to a certain point, the ashes were removed, the cigarette was pulled out of the "pear". It was determined how much tar remained on a paper napkin after smoking a particular cigarette. From light cigarettes, stain on a napkin, even brown, without visible accumulations of tar. Strong ones with a filter have pronounced accumulations of resin along the edge in some places on the stain. For cigarettes without a filter, the stain on the napkin is dark brown, shiny, with a visible thickening around the entire edge, which indicates large cluster resin and other substances. For filter cigarettes, the filter is unrolled to view its insides. The filter was compared before and after smoking a cigarette. "Before" the filter was white, after smoking it became brown with visible dark brown dots. This result says that the filter, of course, delays harmful substances, but the smoke is not completely cleared of substances harmful to the body. Consequently, a lot of harmful substances enter the smoker's lungs. The puff of smoke inhaled by the smoker (main puff) passes through the unburned portion of the cigarette and is filtered, even if the cigarette does not have a filter. The droplets of tobacco tar retained in this way remain in the cigarette butt and are especially clearly visible on the cigarette filter. Therefore, it is especially harmful to finish smoking cigarettes to the end or to smoke the so-called cigarette butts, because the tar accumulated in them begins to evaporate again and make the smoke more concentrated. Of course, the body tries to get rid of substances unusual for it, because it has amazing abilities for self-healing and self-purification.

After observing the reaction of domestic animals, namely cats and dogs (see Appendix 6) to tobacco smoke, they determined an increase in their nervousness. Theoretically, it is possible to calculate the lethal dose for animals, knowing the body weight and the lethal dose of nicotine 1 mg. per 1 kg. body weight. Therefore, with a body weight of 2300 g, a cat may die upon receipt of 2.3 mg. nicotine. The dog's body weight is 5150 g, for her a dose equal to 5 mg can be fatal. One cigarette contains from 3 to 15 mg of nicotine (depending on the variety). If these animals knew how to smoke, then only one cigarette would be enough for them. Air with tobacco smoke was blown into the rubber bulb, and then blown into the muzzle of the animal. Each animal instantly began to try to get rid of the unpleasant factor of influence, namely, it turned away, sneezed, and tried to run away. All observations were recorded on a special sheet.

After the end of the experiment, conclusions were drawn about the negative impact of tobacco smoke on living organisms. When animals were exposed to tobacco smoke, their nervousness was observed, their heart rate increased, the animals were aggressive, constantly sneezing and snorting, they cleared their airways; washing, get rid of the unpleasant smell.

After conducting a survey among students, a sufficiently large number of teenagers were identified as smokers. This is not a pleasant fact, since we all know that smoking negatively affects the body of a teenager. All smokers with experience had the following signs: yellow teeth, nails, not thick enough hair, stoop. When talking with them, it turned out that they very often complain of abdominal pain in the stomach area, which is most likely associated with smoking, especially on an empty stomach. The performance of these students is not very good, from conversations with them it turns out that earlier, before they started smoking, they studied much better. They also complain about memory loss. And smoking is most likely the culprit. After analyzing the survey, I thought that this should be dealt with urgently. Then the acute question arose before me: how does tobacco smoke affect living organisms.

To answer this question, I conducted this study, observing the changes in the behavior of living organisms, namely cats and dogs, when exposed to tobacco smoke. She also considered the release of tar from cigarettes of different brands when smoking, thereby proving that filters do not completely clean tobacco smoke. This study showed the following: when animals were exposed to tobacco smoke, their nervousness was observed, their heart rate increased, the animals were aggressive, constantly sneezing and snorting, they cleared their airways; washing, get rid of the unpleasant smell. A similar reaction is observed in humans.

For myself, from this study, I took Additional information about smoking. Material this study can be used for preventive conversations, on extracurricular activities, class hours, as a source of information for the celebration of World No Tobacco Day, which takes place on November 16th. With my research work, I wanted to warn smokers and inform them about the consequences of bad habits. And I want to say that after getting acquainted with this information, several people refused cigarettes

The harm of smoking is a destroyed genetic code ...
The result is suicide, albeit a slow one...

Slow suicide - there is the one harm of smoking. Although many people are skeptical of such claims, and you don't have to look far for examples, just ask any smoker you know about the dangers of smoking. And you will hear the answer that it is harmful, yes, but there is nothing to be done about quitting hard, or there is another type of smokers who also recognize this harm, but say that they can quit smoking at any moment, although in fact they are deeply mistaken. And the fact that smoking is a slow suicide, few people even think about it and sometimes they can just laugh at it. But at present, all scientists who have studied this problem and the harm of smoking, unanimously declare that smoking is just such a suicide, and also that this is a huge national tragedy, along with drunkenness and alcoholism treatment problems, especially when innocent children acquire this bad habit, unaware of the harm, and to what it results in. The same smoking, as well as the use of alcohol, children observe in enormous quantities on television, even in the most talented films and theatrical productions, many directors force their heroes to smoke or drink cognac. Children tend to imitate adults, and even more so what they are shown on television, and, accordingly, they absolutely do not think about the true dangers of smoking, imitating their favorite characters or just adults. This causes incalculable harm, both to the whole people and, of course, to the individual.

As for specific figures, there is no need to look far and intensively for them regarding the negative impact of smoking. The British Royal Society of Physicians found that every cigarette smoked by a smoker shortens his life by 7 minutes. Is it a little or a lot, let everyone decide for himself. If you take average the harm of smoking in terms of shortening the life of each smoker, then this very life expectancy of a smoker is on average less than that of a non-smoker by 6-7 years. In a concrete life, one can see the most terrible results of smoking, when lung cancer kills 40-year-old people. Here, think about how much this person has reduced, in general, his life, by no means 6-7 years. Perhaps this is the insidious intention of this bad habit that it literally blocks the willpower of a person and makes him steal decades of his life from himself.

The harm caused by smoking and the consequences of unbridled craving for cigarettes are considered not only in the context of mortality, but also in terms of morbidity. After all, the negative impact in this context also lies in the fact that it always exacerbates a particular disease. Smokers have a much higher mortality rate from other causes than non-smokers. Smokers are most susceptible to a variety of allergic disorders and colds, just as the recovery itself after a smoker's surgery or respiratory diseases takes much longer and has a high chance of giving certain complications. The whole “salt” of smoking also lies in the fact that the risk of getting sick with some kind of chronic diseases increases.

As for the manifestation various diseases characteristic of smokers, the most terrible, of course, is cancer, but in addition to it, the list of these diseases is very long.

The threat that hangs over our society in relation to any human body is constantly increasing as tobacco consumption increases every year.

Tobacco smoke has several constituent elements that have a detrimental effect on the human body. A smoker, as a rule, smokes 1 kilogram of tobacco per month, which contains 70 mg of tobacco tar, which is one of the most harmful elements. It is easy to calculate that in 10 years the airways of a smoker pass through themselves 8 liters of this very tar. Now think about how destructive harm of smoking if the human body, which, although it contains ingenious self-defense mechanisms laid down by nature itself, is systematically supplied with such an amount of a carcinogenic substance.

For an example of the harm caused by tobacco tar, we present the following experiment and its results:

Experimental data, for qualitative evidence of harm tobacco tar was carried out using a special apparatus in the form of an electric motor, with the help of which 60 cigarettes were immediately smoked by him. After that, the resulting smoke was collected and cooled. This sudden cooling of the smoke causes the tobacco tar to settle, which is subsequently dissolved in acetone. The skin of ordinary mice was lubricated with this prepared solution 3 times a week. Control mice were lubricated with acetone alone. In these last mice, after lubrication with acetone alone, even skin irritation was not observed, while in those mice that were lubricated with a solution of acetone and tar, skin cancer developed in 44% of cases. Lubrication lasted just over half of the mice's lifespan, at approximately 71 weeks.

Thus, the catastrophic harm of smoking has been proven experimentally, and it has also been established that a disease such as cancer in smokers occurs 30 times more often.

As for the quantitative ratio of cancer mortality, we can give certain numbers per 100,000 population - non-smokers- 3.4; people who smoke less than half a pack a day - 51.4; from half a pack a day to one - 144; people who smoke more than 40 cigarettes per day - 217.

Smoking, if you look, in general, from the side of common sense, looks rather unreasonable. Now, if people who smoke could, at least for a short time, free themselves from the action and slavery of this drug, could imagine their future, as well as the harm that smoking causes to the entire human body, without exception, then it seems that they have an aversion to such insidious drug, with which they destroy themselves systematically.

Those people who think that the damage consists only in the fact that tobacco smoke has a negative effect only on the lungs are mistaken. In fact, the same harm is done to the heart, blood vessels, and germinal organs. The carcinogenic harm of smoking affects not only the lungs.

Cancers of other organs and specializations are also observed in smokers 2 times more often.

As for the negative impact of smoking in general terms, it can be expressed in the fact that smokers have much lower performance indicators than non-smokers. In production, the extremely negative effect of smoking can manifest itself in the form of a several-fold increased negative effect of a number of harmful substances on the smoker's body. Concerning chronic bronchitis, it occurs 4 times more often in smokers.

The next type of harm from smoking is " passive smoking", which causes lung disease not only in those who smoke, but also in those who inhale this smoke, especially for children. Frequently ill children under 5 years old, in a family of smoking parents, 73.9%. If both parents smoke, then the figure rises to 77%.And the most striking thing is that in the course of a study of families where three people smoke in relation to the above children, not a single healthy child was found in them. persistent cough day and night, but it is immediately necessary to mention that a non-smoker can receive such harm, even if he simply systematically communicates with a smoker. Together with all this, this negative habit is also manifested in the obvious degradation of a person, a change in his behavior, which, in turn, is manifested in the fact that a person can smoke freely in public place in the presence a large number people, including women and children, as well as simply throwing away a cigarette in a public place, or simply having a dialogue with an opponent with a cigarette in your mouth. Feelings of decency are simply lost, personal oral hygiene leaves much to be desired.

As for the harm of smoking in relation to the heart and blood vessels, here it is in no way inferior to the harm that is caused to the lungs. In addition to tobacco tar, tobacco smoke also contains nicotine, which in itself is a very toxic substance. lethal dose nicotine for a person, provided that he takes it by mouth, will be 1 mg. This dose is usually absorbed by smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. And only due to the fact that a person who smokes, with long-term smoking moreover, it develops a certain resistance to this poison, then its absorption by the body does not occur immediately, but during the day, and therefore poisoning does not occur. Probably, those who smoke or smoked remember perfectly the first, and sometimes the first few cigarettes they smoked, namely the influence of that smoking, the first, in the form of a sudden onset of not very wellness, namely - nausea, dizziness, sometimes vomiting, "cold sweat" - these symptoms are the first evidence of poisoning of brain cells with nicotine, and this poisoning is repeated every time a person smokes.

The effect of smoking on the walls of blood vessels is as follows - the vessels spasm. Tobacco smoking can cause and exacerbate attacks of coronary insufficiency. Therefore, smokers are most likely to suffer from angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Accordingly, the impact, as well as the harm of smoking on the heart.

When a person has seizures angina pectoris sometimes the basis of treatment for this disease, as well as a way to stop angio pain, can simply stop smoking.

In relation to the vessels, the harm caused by smoking affects and peripheral vessels, and a disease occurs, which is called obliterating endarteritis, and in Russian speaking, there is a blockage of the vessels from the inside. Characteristic symptoms The onset of this disease is intermittent claudication, which manifests itself as a sharp pain in the calves of the legs when walking. Pain after stopping a person disappears, but as soon as he starts to follow further, it reappears and makes the person stop again. This is the first call to the smoker that harm and damage has been done, and in order to recover from the above disease, one must immediately stop smoking, since smoking and simultaneous treatment this disease not being cured.

Since we are talking about the dangers of smoking in this article, we will continue further about this disease. If suddenly a person does not quit smoking, then the disease simply continues its development and this development gets its manifestation in the form of necrosis of the big toe and foot in the future. In this case, the leg has to be amputated. If the smoker is not convinced and does not clearly show the disgusting effects of smoking, then the disease can pass to the next leg, and then the hands.

The harm that comes from smoking can easily be seen in the presence of cardiovascular disease. It should also be warned that smoking creates all the conditions under which cardiovascular diseases occur very easily and vice versa more severely.

A smoker can be easily distinguished from other non-smokers even by appearance, namely the smoker dry skin, flabby muscles, yellow face, lethargy of movements. Everything is exacerbated many times over if a person still suffers from alcoholism, respectively, he must be saved not only from smoking, but also subjected to treatment for alcoholism.

/ Prophylactic agents and personal hygiene in the light of traditional medicine and the treatment of folk remedies / Medicinal plants in traditional medicine and the treatment of folk remedies