Are dental x-rays done for pregnant women? Is it possible to take dental x-rays for pregnant women? Dental X-ray during pregnancy - doctors’ opinions

If you do not have the habit of taking care of your oral cavity and regularly undergoing preventive dental examinations, then during pregnancy you are unlikely to be able to avoid dental treatment. And even if, as it seems to you, your teeth were in perfect order, there is still a very high probability that the condition will worsen now. And all because during the gestation period, teeth fall into the “risk zone”: due to stress, hormonal changes, deficit minerals in the body and other factors, dental troubles and problems begin.

Dental treatment is not fun for anyone. But when it arises under the heart new life, the expectant mother is primarily worried about her. The most important question is whether the treatment will harm the baby. Today, in particular, we will talk about x-rays: what are the dangers of dental x-rays during pregnancy and what the consequences may be.

Are dental x-rays harmful during pregnancy?

Several decades ago, this question most likely did not arise at all. The answer to this is obvious: X-rays are dangerous in principle, so there is no need to talk about pregnant women at all. But to today A lot has changed, and dentistry has not been left behind. Nowadays, at a dentist’s appointment you can sleep and relax, but it was a different matter in the years of our childhood, when going to the dentist was in fact nothing more than torture and punishment. Service, quality of equipment, level of professionalism have improved... This, of course, if we talk about good modern offices and specialists. And these are the ones you should visit, and pregnant women should visit only these.

In order not to bore you with reasoning, we will answer right away: a dental x-ray during pregnancy, carried out using modern equipment, is harmless! This is what dentists say, working with this very equipment and studying its properties. Their arguments follow.

The dose of radiation, including X-ray, according to the International System of Units, is measured in millisieverts (mSv). We are constantly exposed different doses radiation, receiving it from sun rays, radionuclides (in the atmosphere, soil, food products, water, building materials). The average annual natural radiation dose to humans is 2.4-3 mSv.

A dose of more than 3 mSv received once is considered lethal.

When undergoing an X-ray examination using a modern Visiorgaf apparatus, the radiation dose is approximately 0.02 mSv, which does not exceed the normal background radiation. For comparison, during an air flight over a distance of over 2000 km, a person is exposed to 0.01 mSv of radiation. Moreover, being under the rays summer sun, a person receives a much larger dose of radiation!

Therefore, a dental x-ray, even during pregnancy, does not pose any danger. But in order to reduce possible risks to a minimum, dentists recommend treating teeth in modern clinics that use visiographs, and not outdated fluorographic equipment.

A radiovisiograph allows you to take targeted X-rays, that is, the sensor is applied specifically to the tooth being examined, and the radiation beam is directed to the point of interest without affecting the surrounding tissue (and especially does not penetrate the fetus). If such a need arises, using a visiograph you can take up to 15 pictures at a time without any harm to health, experts say.

Some doctors say that this is “gentle” fluorography. But it should be understood that x-rays are used in any case: to enlighten hard tissues It’s impossible to live without this tooth! However, when using modern equipment, the radiation dose is minimal (since the sensor is much more sensitive than traditional X-ray film), and the beam itself is aimed precisely at the tooth and does not scatter around. This makes it possible to reduce the radiation dose to the patient by more than 10 times compared to a conventional radiograph.

If x-rays are performed using the latter, then the pregnant woman’s stomach and chest are additionally protected by a lead-containing apron, which does not allow x-rays to pass through. Under no circumstances should you take an X-ray without an apron during pregnancy! But when using a visiograph, as stated, additional protection is not required due to its local impact and low radiation dose. However, to be on the safe side, an apron is often worn in this case as well.

Is it possible to take dental x-rays during pregnancy?

It will be interesting to know that neither the harm of x-rays during pregnancy for the fetus, nor its absence has been scientifically or practically proven. All existing opinions are based only on theory. However, in America, scientists did conduct some research and came to the conclusion that dental x-rays during pregnancy can increase the risk of having a low birth weight baby by 5%.

In practice, many dentists prefer to play it safe and refuse pregnant women dental treatment that requires fluorographic examination. God forbid, if something happens to the baby, go and prove later that the dentist is not to blame...

There are many different opinions regarding the safety of x-rays during pregnancy, which often completely contradict each other. Naturally, there is no need to take an x-ray unless absolutely necessary, and it is unlikely that an adequate doctor will do this. But in some cases it is impossible to do without such research. In particular, only with the help of fluorography is it possible to:

  • determine the shape and length of the dental canals;
  • diagnose hidden caries;
  • see how the wisdom tooth grows and whether it needs to be removed;
  • identify a cyst;
  • determine the degree of periodontal inflammation;
  • see a tooth root fracture, etc.

Conduct effective treatment In such cases, dental examination is only possible with x-rays. Even an experienced, high-quality dentist cannot accurately predict how the canals in a tooth meander. anatomical structure and what processes are currently taking place inside. It is possible to treat blindly, but it is just unsafe. At a minimum, such work will have to be redone again.

Therefore, if such a need arises, then an x-ray of the tooth and its treatment should be carried out even during the period of bearing a child, since the consequences dental diseases can really pose a threat in the form of pain, inflammation, complications, infection and other things. In particular, when it develops in the oral cavity, the infection quickly penetrates through the gastrointestinal tract into the body and can have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

However, it should be taken into account that safety dental treatment to a certain extent it also depends on the period of gestation.

Dental X-ray in early and late pregnancy

The first trimester is the most important and riskiest in all respects. It is during this period that the majority of all miscarriages occur, and right now the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus is the highest! Therefore, in the first weeks of pregnancy, almost never any treatment is carried out, and X-rays are also not recommended at this time. It is advisable to exclude any stress loads and the influence of other negative factors on the body of the expectant mother.

The exception is situations when the indications cannot wait. In this case, doctors act in the interests of the woman. But, it must be admitted, in practice similar situations occur infrequently. Usually, a bad tooth can wait until the second trimester, the calmest and safest period of pregnancy.

At the same time, biggest problem is that in the very early stages many women still do not suspect that they are pregnant, and therefore no special measures security, of course, is not accepted. It often happens that a woman took a dental x-ray during pregnancy, and only after that she learned that a new life had arisen inside her. Doctors believe that there is hardly any need to worry about this, especially if all appropriate measures safety during such a procedure. But in similar cases especially cannot be ignored genetic screening. Of those women who had x-rays done in the early stages, many report that this did not cause any complications subsequently.

The most favorable period for dental treatment is the 2nd trimester: all the baby’s organs and systems are already formed, the mother feels better. Doctors recommend dental treatment in the middle of pregnancy, because when the 3rd trimester arrives, the risks will increase slightly again.

Summing up our conversation, we note once again: it is best, of course, to constantly monitor the condition oral cavity and treat teeth at the stage of planning conception. However no mortal danger is to take a dental x-ray during pregnancy, when it is really necessary. After all, we are exposed to all sorts of risks every day - we drink bad water, eat artificial food, breathe dirty air... You can't be afraid of everything.

However, the decision is always yours: you have the right to refuse both x-rays and treatment. Most importantly, do not forget to always warn doctors about your special situation.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Unfortunately, most expectant mothers are faced with the need to treat their teeth during pregnancy in one way or another. A growing baby takes everything from a pregnant woman for his development, including he needs a lot of calcium to build his own skeletal system. If the diet contains few foods containing calcium, the fetus will “take” it from the pregnant woman’s body. This can lead to weakened tooth enamel and tooth decay.

Once upon a time teeth were treated without x-ray examination and the quality of treatment was low. Radiography has elevated dentistry to new level, however, most doctors avoid prescribing dental x-rays during pregnancy due to possible adverse consequences for the fetus.

But are dental x-rays during pregnancy as dangerous as they say?

Modern dental radiography and pregnancy

IN dental offices It is not ordinary X-ray units that are used, but visiographs. The visiograph allows you to get digital photo tooth instantly and without the use of x-ray film. This device has features that have led many to doubt whether x-rays are harmful during pregnancy during dental treatment, and whether it can have any effect on the fetus:

1. A narrow beam of X-rays is directed directly at the diseased tooth.

2. High sensitivity The device made it possible to reduce the exposure time (irradiation) by 10 times compared to standard radiography.

3. The radiation dose is only 2 μSv (when using a conventional device, the dose was from 7 to 80 μSv).

And now a little information for independent reflection:

1. When you watch TV, it also emits X-rays; in a couple of hours you receive a dose of 4 µSv.

2. If you go on vacation by plane, you will “grab” a dose of 30-40 μSv in just a few hours.

3. Even if you remove from yourself everything that can emit anything, all household appliances, TV, microwave, and so on, and live in the forest without amenities or electricity, you will receive approximately 6.5 μSv radioactive radiation from natural sources per day (from space, soil, inhaled air, consumed food). This is the normal radiation background in which we exist.

Did you manage to draw a conclusion?

Consequences of dental x-rays during pregnancy

If you take an X-ray of a tooth, during pregnancy the consequences for the baby will be no worse than from watching TV or using a laptop. Even now, you are unwittingly exposing yourself to radiation at the computer.

Despite these obvious facts, stories from British scientists on the Internet describe the harm of dental x-rays during pregnancy quite colorfully. But what do real scientists say?

Visiography is not the same as radiography; the radiation exposure during dental x-rays during pregnancy is almost 200 times lower than with plain radiography chest.

On the Internet you can find only one mention of research in this area, conducted in the USA in 2004. His results were published in The Journal of American Medical Association and were harshly criticized by scientists.

According to the results, children from mothers who had dental x-rays during pregnancy were 3.5 times more likely to be born with low birth weight. After the bombing of Jeroshima in this city, children were also born with low weight, which made it possible to link these results to dental x-rays.

The study has been subject to criticism that is difficult to refute. The sample included women without taking other factors into account. It is known that if the mother is weakened, she has a greater chance of developing deep caries and radiography, and for the birth of a low birth weight baby. It is possible that these women were generally less healthy, and it was this fact that led to an increase in the incidence of low birth weight babies.

Dental X-ray during early pregnancy

It is believed that dental x-rays are most dangerous during early pregnancy. If we were talking about the ordinary, this would really be the case.

However, what kind of danger can we talk about if the daily background of the external environment exceeds the radiation exposure obtained during dental x-rays by several times? Then it must be considered dangerous to eat, drink, breathe, and generally be in external environment, and our usual environment with a variety of household appliances is considered simply deadly!

Then why, when we go to our doctor and talk about pregnancy, we get a short and unambiguous answer: dental x-rays cannot be taken during pregnancy! Doesn't he understand that there is no threat here? The fact is that the doctor is simply forced to say so, he is forced by the law.

Possible or not: legal aspects

Most dentists will not order dental x-rays for their patient if she is pregnant until at least the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The rationale for this is the recommendation of SanPIN (mandatory sanitary and epidemiological rules). And in the second trimester, they will try to avoid this examination with all their might, because if something suddenly turns out to be wrong with the baby after birth, they will definitely remember the x-ray.

According to SanPIN, if radiography is necessary medical indications, it should be postponed if possible until the second half of pregnancy. In the early stages, X-rays may be taken during pregnancy only if it is unavoidable or if it is an emergency.

If photographs cannot be avoided, it is necessary to shield the pregnant woman’s body from radiation with all accessible ways, because a radiation dose no higher than 1 mSv is safe for the fetus, and if a woman receives an x-ray dose of 100 mSv, this is an indication for termination of pregnancy.

Some facts:

1. 1 mSv is 1000 μSv, or 500 images of a tooth on a visiograph.

2. 100 mSv is 50,000 images of teeth on a visiograph or 50 plain chest x-rays.

Let's assume that a pregnant woman had her teeth treated, and then she gave birth to a sick child. Parents always have a desire to find someone to blame, even if the mother took illegal drugs or worked before last day in hazardous production. And then the doctor who prescribed dental x-rays during pregnancy may turn out to be extreme.

In court, no one cares what the dose was, what was the fact of the photograph? Was.

The judge will not take into account the fact that the same dose of radiation can be obtained from watching TV for an hour.

Even if a pregnant woman signs her consent to the examination, her signature is unlikely to protect the dentist in court, since at the time of treatment she was in an “interesting situation” and might not have been adequate, which any of her close relatives can easily prove.

Based on this, the dentist will tell you in any case that dental x-rays during pregnancy are dangerous and should not be done. Personal safety comes first for any person.

Dental X-ray when planning pregnancy

Since dental x-rays cannot be taken during pregnancy, all problems in the oral cavity must be resolved before conception. It is necessary to treat your teeth at least a month before planning a child.

Despite all the positive things in this article, do not think lightly about the need for dental x-rays during pregnancy. In Russia, even in some major cities municipal dental clinics work on old Soviet equipment; if you need an image, check how it will be taken.

Toothache, threat of development serious infection oral cavity due to a canal cyst or chronic pulpitis is truly dangerous for the baby. Be sure to treat your teeth if necessary. However, if possible, it is better to postpone the visualization and do it later.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you suspect you might become pregnant, even if. All dentists are extremely attentive to pregnant women when choosing medications, examination methods and treatment.

Well, in order to avoid having to make a difficult decision whether to have a dental x-ray during pregnancy or not, you need to take care of your dental health with special care while bearing a child. Dental hygiene and good nutrition with sufficient calcium intake will prevent caries, and there will be no need to treat your teeth.

Toothache does not choose the time for its appearance, but more often it worsens during the period when a woman is pregnant. But won't dental x-rays during pregnancy cause harm to the unborn child? Despite the evidence presented for and against, the decision to make expectant mother.

Daily oral care such as rinsing, brushing twice daily, and flossing often provides reliable protection from caries. But during the period of bearing a child female body more calcium is required, otherwise the developing fetus will borrow a valuable trace element from maternal body.

Important! Even proper, balanced nutrition for the mother does not always lead to the accumulation of calcium. Toxicosis, nervous work, kidney problems are sometimes hampered by calcium deposits in the teeth - you have to visit the dental office more often. But the dentist must be informed about the woman’s interesting situation.

When necessary X-ray:

  1. If a diseased tooth is to be removed, they look at its root. At favorable conditions they try to preserve the tooth in order to avoid later violation of the density of the woman’s dentition.
  2. If tooth root treatment is performed. There are cases when an apparently healthy tooth caused acute unbearable pain due to problems with the root.
  3. Pulpitis, inflammation of tissues near the root, problems with the growth of wisdom teeth, if “kissing” caries occurs, gumboil.

In these cases it is difficult to treat without detailed study dental condition. But sometimes it is better to postpone such research, to postpone it. Before starting the procedure, you need to ask the dentist what equipment is used for the image.

If you do not refuse, it is better to do an x-ray in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

How are x-rays dangerous for the expectant mother and child?

Scientific works have been written on how x-rays affect the development of a developing organism. But radiography has not been fully studied. However, the negative impact of radiation after the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion, is known to the whole world.

The results of studies on pregnant dogs also prove the dangers of X-rays - nervous disorders, pathologies of the skeletal system of their offspring are confirmed bad influence radiation.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have dental x-rays done in the early stages? Doctors unanimously say that it is better to refuse the procedure and attempt to treat diseased teeth until at least the 17th week of pregnancy.

Possible harm from X-rays in the first trimester:

  • The child is just developing - in particular, bone and the immune system, the brain, liver, adrenal glands develop, reproductive system. The influence of x-rays at this time can affect the fetus in unpredictable ways.
  • According to American scientists, every 20th baby who is born with low weight was born this way due to medical X-ray exposure during the mother’s dental treatment.
  • Possible complications such as early heart attacks in children, developmental disorders of the spine and feet, pathologies nervous system.
  • There may also be signs of anemia in the unborn baby, and circulatory system develops throughout pregnancy, for this reason the child is always at risk.
  • Especially dangerous look studying the jaw using Soviet models of X-ray equipment. Today, visiographs are widely used. They are considered relatively harmless.

The expectant mother needs to remember: the 2nd trimester and beyond is considered a favorable period for carrying out such a procedure. Until this time it is postponed, even if the girl has a delay, but about future pregnancy she doesn't know yet.

Otherwise, the doctor will suffer legally, even if the future mother signed an application for the possibility of using an X-ray machine for the purpose of taking an image.

X-ray radiation can be dangerous for both mother and unborn child


Every day a person encounters X-rays. Under the influence harmful radiation a woman is sunbathing under the sun, using a computer, watching TV. This impact has a more negative impact on the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Do right choice Information about X-rays used in dental practice will help:

  1. It is dangerous to perform irradiation examinations of the extremities, especially the arms, chest, pelvis, and lumbar region. As for the head, here doctors often give the green light.
  2. If in the first three months of an interesting situation, it is strictly forbidden to take dental photographs; in the third trimester, any adverse influences from the outside sometimes contribute to early labor activity, so the second trimester is considered ideal.
  3. The equivalent of ionizing radiation in the international system is called a sievert. A person receives approximately 3 millisieverts (mSv) per year, and during one air flight more than 2 km above the ground, the expectant mother is exposed to 0.02 mSv. A dose of 1 mSv is considered harmless to the fetus, but even this amount of radiation is not used. After all, 1 mSv is 300-500 photographs of a tooth. Why so much?

Whether to take a picture or not is a question that is best answered together with a qualified dentist at a clinic where there is a place for the latest equipment, and the doctor knows how to work with it.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that taking a picture of the lower row of teeth is safer, because the beam is directed from bottom to top. He will pass vitally important organs. If it comes to the top row, we can only rely on the doctor’s competence. But the radiation dose in any of these cases is relatively safe.

Whether to take an x-ray or not during pregnancy – always consult your doctor

How not to cause harm

In the first week of pregnancy, x-rays are dangerous. The girl may not yet feel her position if toxicosis, dizziness, or heightened perception of smells have not appeared. Sometimes, after a dental photograph is taken, menstruation that has started earlier is noticeable - this may be a signal of a premature termination of pregnancy.

To carry out a competent dental procedure, take into account the following nuances:

  1. In the first trimester, this service is refused; later carry out carefully, only inform the doctor about your situation. The expectant mother will be protected by wearing a special apron.
  2. They do not start dental treatment, but immediately make an appointment - in order to preserve the tooth as much as possible with treatment until the time when the x-ray is taken.
  3. Do not hesitate to tell the doctor about possible pregnancy– taking medications for pain relief and treatment depends on this.
  4. Ask questions about dental imaging techniques in more detail. The CT scanner produces a short, focused beam that is directed exclusively at the tooth rather than scattered. It is ten times safer than previous generation technology.

X-ray radiation is a stream of electromagnetic waves that a pregnant woman encounters even when she is not aware of it. Since it is too early to put an end to studying the influence of this phenomenon on the body, they are afraid of it. And for good reason. IN large doses it negatively affects the development of cells and leads to their mutation.

But almost 70% of cases of intractable medical problems are successfully solved thanks to accurate diagnostics obtained from x-rays.

Important! According to the documentation that dentists rely on (SanPiN, it is recommended to take a picture of a woman in an interesting position only in the second half of pregnancy, in the first half - in case of emergency.

In any case, it is possible to save teeth even in complex but not advanced cases. Damage to the roots and adjacent teeth often progresses, inflammatory or purulent processes, which risk becoming a hotbed dangerous infections. They cause more harm than a small dose of radiation.

Pregnancy is a period of waiting for the birth of a new person. And at this time his health completely depends on the expectant mother. In this regard, many restrictions are imposed on her life, sometimes even absurd. But what to do if, for example, a tooth hurts? Is it possible to visit the dentist or endure it? What if I have to take dental x-rays?

Let's deal with this situation in order. First, you need to understand what an x-ray is, how the method works and how it affects the health of the unborn baby. Often pregnant women ask these questions on a thematic forum, but there is little objective information there.

What is an X-ray?

Radiography (or x-ray for short) refers to non-invasive methods of examining the patient's body. It is based on the ability of X-rays to penetrate the patient's body without being refracted or reflected from it. At the output, the rays hit the photosensitive film. The image is of different intensity because some of the rays are absorbed soft tissues and bones of the body.

Why are x-rays dangerous?

The main harm from x-rays is concentrated in the body's ability to absorb the rays. X-rays are electromagnetic waves and are invisible to the eye. It can cause radiation sickness, cancerous tumors or burns to the patient if x-rays are taken too often without following safety precautions.

The ability of X-ray radiation to ionize atoms and molecules of the body makes it hazardous to health. The process of ionization consists of producing ions or free radicals from molecules. Free radicals, in turn, begin to destroy other molecules and protein chains, interfering with DNA recombination processes. Because of this it happens mass death body cells. Most susceptible to this harmful influence epithelial cells, stem and embryonic.

X-rays are believed to pose a threat to intrauterine development due to exposure to radiation.

What are the advantages of x-rays?

Despite such serious consequences of x-ray, it remains the main method of diagnosing the condition of the body in case of dislocations, fractures and other types of research. The whole point is that in order to get the above side effects, it is necessary to take photographs of the whole body at least 200 times in a row. In modern devices, the radiation dose received by the patient is relatively small and safe for his health. But it is still not recommended to do x-rays more than once a year, unless there is an urgent need for it.

Its main advantages:

  • usually not needed special preparation patient before the study;
  • it can be done in almost any clinic or emergency room;
  • relatively inexpensive cost of research;
  • the quality of the images obtained during the study does not depend on the professionalism of the doctor performing the study (unlike ultrasound);
  • the image is obtained immediately at the end of shooting;
  • a high degree of detail in the image allows you to impartially assess the condition of the body;
  • The method is not traumatic, no diagnostic incisions are required.

X-rays have a number of limitations:

How the research works

With modern machines, x-rays are performed quite quickly. The doctor asks the patient again about possible contraindications, about all the points that may be important when conducting research. In women, the doctor asks about pregnancy and whether it is planned. When the patient enters the office, he takes off his clothes and Jewelry from the part of the body being examined, he is given a protective apron. Then he approaches the device and the nurse adjusts it to the desired height position, then leaves the office.

The doctor who is conducting the study is in the next office. Using speakerphone, he asks the patient not to move for a couple of seconds and takes a photo. Sometimes the patient may be asked to turn 90 degrees to take another view.

X-rays are also required to detect tuberculosis.

This completes the shooting process. All that remains is to develop the images and describe them if the device does not have a digital recording function. As a rule, within 15 minutes the patient receives a picture or a multimedia disk with an image and its transcript from the doctor.

What happens if pregnancy was not known at the time of the x-ray?

If a woman took an x-ray without knowing that she was pregnant, then it is necessary to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist who will be managing the pregnancy as soon as possible.

It should be clarified that although the obstetric gestational age is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual cycle, conception occurs later. Typically, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14. At this time, the egg is released from the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube into the uterus. Fertilization can occur both during ovulation and 48 hours after it.

You can guess at what point you ovulate, for example, by visiting a thematic forum, or doing a special test. In most cases, ovulation occurs 14 days before the end of the cycle, regardless of its length.

Thus, if an x-ray was taken before ovulation, then it physically could not harm the embryo simply because it did not yet exist. That is, even at 2 weeks of pregnancy, you can take an x-ray without consequences for the health of the fetus.

When fertilization occurs, the egg continues to move through the tube for about another week. If during these days any impact has a detrimental effect on the unborn child, then the embryo will not be implanted into the endometrium of the uterus.

Therefore, the earliest time a woman could find out about her situation was 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. Right now she can see two lines on a highly sensitive test.

If pregnancy occurs despite a previous x-ray, then you don’t have to worry about the baby’s health. Natural defense mechanisms are strong, in most cases they do not allow an embryo with pathologies to develop. In this case, the embryo does not implant into the endometrium and comes out with menstrual bleeding.

X-ray when planning pregnancy

As a rule, when planning a pregnancy, doctors do not impose strong restrictions on a woman’s life. You can travel, play sports, meet friends, lead your normal lifestyle. In general, you need to do everything you did before, just without fanaticism.

Of course, you should carefully monitor your health, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and strong medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Therefore, there are no prohibitions on X-rays. Moreover, patency is checked using X-ray methods fallopian tubes if their obstruction is suspected. This procedure is recommended to be performed in the first week of the menstrual cycle. During it, the pipes enter under pressure contrast agent. It moves apart small adhesions, if any. If doctors don't see during an x-ray serious violations, then they are allowed to continue planning without waiting for the next cycle.

If you visit the forum for those planning pregnancy and expectant mothers, you can find many stories of those who have had X-rays done on different dates and they gave birth to healthy and beautiful babies.

When taking an X-ray, the pregnant woman's abdomen is covered to protect the child from radiation.

What are the dangers of x-rays during pregnancy?

The embryo is most susceptible to the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the formation of all internal organs, soft tissues, circulatory and nervous systems, brain. Now it is necessary to exclude any external influence on the body of the expectant mother, so as not to interfere with this process. Moreover, it is impossible to predict the consequences of x-rays in the first weeks. The first trimester is the most dangerous and difficult time throughout pregnancy. An X-ray can interfere with the development of internal organs if it was taken at a time when the organ was being formed or actively developing.

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, most women find out about it. On an ultrasound, you can already notice a small dot measuring 2–4 mm. But this dot is already forming ears, eyes, and is actively developing connective tissue, the rudiments of the lungs and intestines appear.

At week 6, the point stretches up to 7 mm in length, the embryo develops arms and legs, and the placenta is formed, which in the future will protect the fetus from external adverse influences.

When the fetus is 7 weeks old, its small heart beats quickly. While it is a pulsating vein. However, soon it will divide into chambers and will independently provide for the fetus.

When a tooth photograph is taken, the dose X-ray exposure minimal.

At 8 weeks, the embryo’s bones become stronger, the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart, Bladder. He is already floating freely in the space of the uterus.

When the embryo is 9 weeks old, it is able to make chaotic movements with its arms and legs and pushes off the walls of the uterus. His organs are developing reproductive system, the digestive system develops.

At 10 weeks, doctors begin to call the embryo an embryo. He is already almost like a baby, but much smaller. He weighs only 5 g, his internal organs are functioning. Marigolds appear on the fingers.

At week 11, the embryo’s tooth buds are formed; he can clench his hands into fists and unclench them, hear loud sounds. sharp sounds outside.

Week 12 – important stage in the formation of the nervous system. It is rapidly developing and improving.

At 13 weeks the first trimester of pregnancy ends and the second begins - the most favorable time. The belly is still relatively small, discomfort the beginning of pregnancy has passed. Now you can enjoy your position.

The second half of pregnancy is relatively safe time for various medical procedures that a pregnant woman needs. However, the third trimester is not always suitable for this, because the placenta is aging and may not be able to cope with external influences.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most unfavorable for x-rays.

How to do a dental x-ray

Toothache is unbearable. Expectant mothers are especially concerned about the sensations of the fetus. It is believed that he feels the same as his mother. X-raying of one tooth in the early stages of pregnancy is, as a rule, not recommended, but thanks to the development modern technologies became possible appearance visiograph - a special device used in dental clinics. The small size of the detector and radiation source made it possible to significantly reduce the radiation dose. In this case, dental x-rays during pregnancy do not have serious consequences.

To protect the bodies of women and children, it is necessary to wear a lead apron. It will not allow X-rays to penetrate itself. The visiograph is brought close to the tooth being studied, so the radiation passes through it pointwise, without reaching other organs and tissues. The pictures are taken immediately in digital form, which significantly improves the detail of the image. Therefore, there is no need to take several pictures, one is enough. Also, thanks to low radiation, you can take up to 10 pictures in one trip to the dentist. This allows you to ensure that the treatment is performed correctly.

A dental x-ray can be done during pregnancy if the doctor, knowing all the circumstances, recommends this procedure. Don't be afraid of radiation. As shown by observations of women who survived the explosion nuclear bomb in Japan, they were able to give birth to full-fledged and healthy children. No less complex issue– Is it possible to treat teeth using anesthesia; it can also affect the child’s health.