Where vitamins contain more magnesium. Which product contains the most magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the vital important microelements, necessary for a person to maintain health. To prevent your body from experiencing a deficiency, you need to know which foods contain magnesium.

What foods contain magnesium?

The lack of this microelement negatively affects the work endocrine system, brain, of cardio-vascular system. Are slowing down metabolic processes in the body, fatigue accumulates and performance deteriorates.

Products with high content magnesium:
  1. Wheat bran is one of the most magnesium-rich foods and is included in the diet for quick disposal from a lack of mineral in the body.
  2. Cocoa and natural chocolate
  3. Sprouted wheat grains also quickly eliminate magnesium deficiency. Sprouted grains are eaten half an hour before the main meal.
  4. Sesame seeds
  5. Cashew nuts
  6. Buckwheat is especially useful for losing weight and for people suffering not only from magnesium deficiency, but also diabetes mellitus.
  7. Pine nuts - in addition to magnesium, contain easily digestible protein and many other useful vitamins and microelements.
  8. Almonds
  9. Hazelnut
  10. Rice (unpolished)
  11. Cereals
  12. Pumpkin seeds

Some vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, as well as herbs, contain magnesium, but in smaller quantities than the above foods. In descending order by the amount of microelement content:

  1. Dates
  2. Parsley
  3. Spinach
  4. Dill
  5. Apricots
  6. Persimmon
  7. Fennel
  8. Arugula
  9. Prunes
  10. Fresh corn
  11. Bananas
  12. Carrot
  13. Broccoli

Knowing which foods contain magnesium helps you balance your diet and avoid a deficiency of this microelement in the body.

What foods contain magnesium and calcium?

The most beneficial for a person is to eat foods that contain magnesium and calcium. They are interdependent, and their content in the human body should be in a ratio of approximately 1:0.6.

Increased calcium in the body provokes a lack of magnesium, and with a deficiency of magnesium, calcium is less absorbed.

Products with magnesium and calcium at the same time:

  1. Cocoa
  2. Sesame seeds
  3. Apricots
  4. Almond
  5. Broccoli

The list of foods that contain magnesium and calcium is small, so the diet should be enriched with vegetables, fruits and dairy products that contain a large number of calcium. These include:

  1. Beans, peas, beans, lentils
  2. Strawberries, grapes, peaches, gooseberries
  3. Radishes, turnips, celery, asparagus, cauliflower
  4. Tofu, Parmesan and other types of cheese, cottage cheese, milk and dairy products.

These microelements are important components of a person’s daily diet; their deficiency can lead to brittle nails and hair loss, deterioration of tooth enamel, increased irritability and nervousness, high cholesterol and the appearance of kidney stones.

What foods contain magnesium and zinc

Magnesium and zinc are the microelements that are best combined, since together their effect is enhanced. These minerals, supplied with food, help improve the body's performance and help cope with nervous disorders and prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with the functioning of the cardiac system.

Products with magnesium and zinc:

  • Cocoa, natural chocolate
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame, sesame oil
  • Wheat bran

The list of foods that contain magnesium and zinc is small, but there are many available products, rich in zinc. These include:

  • Lean beef, lamb and veal liver
  • Unsalted peanuts
  • Seafood – oysters, crustaceans, squid
  • Vegetables – cauliflower, spinach, radishes and carrots

Knowing which foods contain magnesium and zinc, and using them in daily diet, it is necessary to remember that zinc is absorbed better from animal products than from vegetables.

What foods contain potassium and magnesium

Potassium is another important element for good health.

Products containing potassium and magnesium at the same time:

  1. Cereals – buckwheat, millet, oat flakes
  2. Lean meat
  3. Sprouted wheat
  4. Sesame
  5. Nuts
  6. Apricots and dried apricots

Together they are microelements necessary for heart health, since they have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and supply the heart with nutrients.

  1. Potatoes in skin
  2. Green peas (fresh)
  3. Beans, soy
  4. Watermelons and melons
  5. Apple juice
  6. Apples, kiwi, pears
  7. Currants, blackberries, grapes
  8. Avocado

Eating these foods will not help if you drink a lot of coffee, strong black tea, carbonated water and alcohol, since they lower the level of all microelements. Pickles and sweets consumed in large quantities have the same effect.

The function of magnesium in the human body is extremely high, but various reasons remains underestimated. Scientists believe that magnesium is part of a line of minerals of paramount importance for the harmonious development and functioning of the body. Let's look at which foods contain the most magnesium.

Why is magnesium needed in the body?

Effectively improves the condition of the body due to its useful properties. In the required quantity it:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • Regulates work nervous system. Reduces fatigue and irritation, improves sleep, normalizes the functioning of the muscular system;
  • Improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Promotes high-quality functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Resists the formation of kidney and gallstones;
  • Takes part in the formation of bones and teeth.

With a lack of magnesium in the body, processes of disruption of the functioning of basic vital systems are observed. Observed:

  • Poor appetite, nausea and dizziness;
  • Nervous tics, convulsions and spasms;
  • Hair loss and brittle nails;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Tachycardia or anemia;
  • The likelihood of developing atherosclerosis increases;
  • The flexibility of the joints decreases.

Which foods contain the most magnesium?

Daily requirement healthy body in magnesium is 400 mg. The maximum consumption level is 800 mg. With a normal diet, 200-400 mg of this microelement is consumed per day. For pregnant women, the need for this microelement increases. If there is a shortage of it, you should eat food rich in magnesium. It is worth understanding which foods contain the highest amount of magnesium. The list includes:


Amount of magnesium (mg/100 g)

Pumpkin seeds


Pine nut


Dried dates

Is not full table foods that contain magnesium. There is some magnesium in dairy products.

No less important product What is a lot of magnesium? seaweed. In addition, it has a very low calorie content and becomes a real godsend for overweight people.

A number of other products that contain magnesium in small quantities:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Peas, corn, barley;
  • Seafood;
  • Bananas, prunes;
  • Cabbage, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, parsley.

If it is not possible to compensate for the lack of magnesium by consuming foods rich in this microelement, there is worthy alternative- preparations containing magnesium in combination with vitamin B6. They also include potassium in sufficient quantities:

These drugs are designed to normalize magnesium levels in the body and restore its balance. The consumption rate for children and adults is set by the doctor depending on the level of deficiency of this microelement. And in case of prophylactic use, you should follow the instructions for use.

Please note that magnesium is absorbed in the body along with calcium. Calcium is necessary for smooth muscle contraction blood vessels. And magnesium, in turn, relaxes them. The optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium consumption is 2:1.

Video: What foods contain magnesium

For the normal functioning of the body, it is important every day to receive the daily requirement of not just proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but also vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The latter are required in minute quantities, but, oddly enough, it is their sufficient consumption that turns out to be the real problem.

Products rich in magnesium are quite accessible and common. But at the same time, its deficiency is a problem for many people. What's the secret?

The role of the element in the human body

Magnesium is one of the most important biogenic elements, that is, it is irreplaceable and its loss is fraught with dysfunction of most systems. This is due to the fact that metal ions are activators of more than 300 enzymes that provide protein synthesis. And without the latter, it is simply impossible to imagine at least one process in a living organism.

Why does the body need this metal?

  • at the cellular level, the element initiates enzymatic processes;
  • at the muscle level, it provides the muscle fiber with energy for contraction and relaxation, since it “manages” the synthesis of the ATP phase;
  • for the nervous system – participates in the process of excitation and inhibition of nerve impulses;
  • at the level blood vessels thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, it is this microelement that ensures relaxation of the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels.

Like any other biogenic substance, the element interacts in a certain way with other micro- and macroelements. That is, its excess or deficiency affects the absorption of other substances, and the influence is mutual. So, in order to synthesize and assimilate proteins, but at the same time their lack in bone tissue promotes leaching of calcium from bones.

Norm, excess and deficiency

On average in human body contains at least 1500–1700 mmol of the substance. The content in different tissues is different, most of all this element accumulates in bone tissue. To maintain the concentration of metal ions at the proper level, an adult man needs to receive 400–750 mg per day, and adult woman– 310–660 mg.

The norm per day depends on body weight, the amount of muscle fiber, type of activity and physical activity. People who exercise need to consume foods containing magnesium more often. And those who are experiencing stress cannot do without artificial additives, since nervous tension literally “eats” the microelement.

Excess is extremely rare. It can be identified by lethargy, drowsiness associated with weakening, excessive sensitivity, decreased blood pressure. Eliminating excess is extremely simple - just take calcium supplements for a few days: metals are antagonists and suppress each other’s effects. Moreover, it is found in such quantities that you can get by only by changing your diet in favor of milk, cheese and cottage cheese.

A deficiency of the substance is almost the norm for a city dweller. This is due to the fact that vegetables, cereals, and herbs end up on a city dweller’s table after numerous heat treatments and long-term storage. At the same time, the amount of not only vitamins, but also microelements decreases - they simply turn into an indigestible form.

Many people are familiar with the signs of deficiency:

  • weather sensitivity is the first “bell” indicating that it’s time to switch to a diet with high content microelement;
  • suspiciousness, irritability, groundless fears up to panic attacks– the usual consequences of stress, which are precisely caused by a sharp shortage;
  • lethargy, fast fatiguability, disturbing dream, which does not bring relief - the microelement is involved in the synthesis of the ATP phase and adenosine phosphatase. In his absence energy supply becomes incomplete;
  • spasms are possible, eyelids twitch due to the inability to relax the muscles;
  • The worst effect of the deficiency is on the condition of the heart - the most important muscle - and blood vessels. The heartbeat quickens, tachycardia appears, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, and the risk of thrombosis increases significantly;
  • a lack of a microelement leads to the accumulation of calcium, and the latter is “in its place” only in the bones. Excess of it in the kidneys leads to salt deposition.

A deficiency of the substance is diagnosed through a blood test. If there is a sharp shortage, if the deviation is not too large, you need to reconsider your diet in order to eat food that contains the element in large quantities.

The element itself is very common and is found in literally any food of an animal or plant origin– more in the second, of course. The problem, as a rule, is that, firstly, its concentration is high in raw vegetables and nuts, and secondly, it is not absorbed as well as we would like.

What foods contain magnesium?

  • Wheat bran is the favorite in terms of concentration, 586 mg per 100 g. Unfortunately, they are not easily digested, and without habit they will not be “friendly” with the intestines at all. In addition, brewed wheat bran added to the finished porridge and bran added to a white bun are, nevertheless, foods of different categories.
  • There is a lot of the element in cocoa and chocolate, black, of course, since the content of cocoa beans is important here - 420 mg per 100 g. In addition, in this form the microelement is well absorbed, and phenylethylamine provides a mood boost.
  • Porridges - wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, provide from 130 to 140 mg per 100 g. If porridge is present in the diet every day, problems with shortages do not arise.
  • Sprouted wheat grain– dietary supplement natural origin, contains 320 mg. In addition, the germs are exceptionally rich in microelements and all B vitamins. Grains are not combined with food: the supplement should be consumed half an hour before meals.
  • Nuts and seeds - walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, cashews and so on provide from 230 to 320 mg per 100 g. Unfortunately, nuts and seeds contain phytic acid, which significantly complicates absorption, since it forms poorly soluble salts with metal ions .
  • There is a lot of substance in legumes - beans, peas, lentils: from 100 to 320 mg.
  • A good source is greens - parsley, dill, spinach: from 70 to 85, and other vegetables - cabbage, carrots, fresh corn.
  • Some types of fruits can fill the gap - watermelon and banana.

What do micronutrients contain when it comes to animal products? Found in almost anyone, but in small quantities: milk - 12 mg, beef and pork - 27, and so on. Moreover, after heat treatment the concentration decreases.

Rules of assimilation

Magnesium is found most in foods of plant origin. In addition to the fact that this makes life much easier for vegetarians, this same feature dictates certain conditions for absorption. To truly get the most out of your diet, you need to not only choose proper diet, but also to arrange it correctly.

Calcium and magnesium are antagonists: an excess of one leads to suppression of the activity of the second. But at the same time, the assimilation of both elements is dependent on each other. Best combination– this is 7 shares of the second and 10 shares of the first.

Achieving this is not at all easy, since the most accessible sources of calcium - milk and cottage cheese, for example, are not suitable: the milk fatty acids contained here will not allow the microelement to be absorbed into the body. to the fullest. So you need to choose plant sources of calcium - legumes, oatmeal, nuts.

  • Promotes the absorption of vitamin B6. As a rule, in artificial supplements the vitamin is included in the composition to improve the absorption of the microelement in the intestinal walls.
  • The substance is excreted from the body through urine, so eating all types of food that have a diuretic effect helps eliminate the substance. This applies primarily to alcohol, of any kind, and to coffee. Fans of the latter need to increase daily dose, the same applies to patients forced to take diuretics of any kind.
  • Reduces absorption of excess fatty acids of any origin.
  • Iron supplements, as well as anticoagulants, also reduce the ability of the substance to be absorbed. While taking these medications, the daily dose must be increased.

Magnesium-rich foods are not scarce, expensive or exotic. So, replenishing microelement reserves is not so difficult: you just need to correctly prepare your daily diet.

Hello dear readers. For the health of our body, not only vitamins are necessary, but also micro- and macroelements. Moreover, it is important to maintain a balance, since an excess of one or another component negatively affects the body, just like a deficiency. Today we will talk about magnesium and its effect on our health. Magnesium occupied one of the leading roles in the life of all organisms on earth during the origin of life, because sea ​​water of that period had a predominantly magnesium chloride composition. And our body has an average of 25 grams of magnesium in its composition, most of which is concentrated in bone tissue. And today magnesium performs an important function in many biochemical processes our body. But how can we determine whether we have enough magnesium, and if not, how can we compensate for its deficiency? Answers to these and other questions regarding this element.

Why is magnesium balance extremely important for human health?

To answer as fully as possible this question, it is necessary to consider the functions that this macroelement performs in the body.

  1. The interaction between calcium and magnesium is very important for the cardiovascular system. This pair of elements regulates the tone of blood vessels and is important for the process of muscle contraction. It is also necessary for the absorption of calcium.
  1. On cellular level magnesium is responsible for maintaining the electrical potentials of membranes, which is a necessary condition for the passage of ions of other microelements into cells.
  1. Metabolic processes. The element is required for the set enzymatic reactions, there are more than 290 of them.
  1. Insulin. Magnesium affects insulin production. This element can increase the intensity of secretion, and also improves its passage into cells. That is, magnesium is simply necessary for regulating blood glucose levels, on which not only our health, but also our well-being depends.
  1. Takes part in the process of transmitting nerve impulses.

Let's summarize. Magnesium is beneficial for the body, as are other microelements. And below is a list of its beneficial effects.

Magnesium - what is its role in the human body

  1. Promotes proper development of bone tissue.
  1. Helps eliminate muscle spasms vitally important organs, including - reduces the likelihood heart attack, as it is able to relieve destructive tension in the heart muscle.
  1. A preventive measure against inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  1. Dilates blood vessels.
  1. Has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of the skin.
  1. Improves absorption in the intestine, and also improves its motility.
  1. Helps regulate metabolic processes
  1. Prevention of diabetes.
  1. Stimulates the secretion of bile.
  1. Helps remove excess cholesterol.
  1. Supports the body's immune system.
  1. Positively affects the health of the heart and blood vessels.
  1. Makes teeth enamel stronger.
  1. Prevents the deposition of kidney stones.
  1. Reduces pain syndrome with PMS.

And one more fun fact: Magnesium has become famous for helping people suffering from hangovers.

The body's need for magnesium is normal

The main source of magnesium for humans is everyday food. Certainly, daily norm- this is a very conditional concept, since the need for magnesium is influenced by age, gender, general physical state body.

The need increases in the presence of intense physical or intellectual stress.

For children, the norms are significantly different.

The optimal calculation for children under 10 years of age is 6 to 1. That is, 6 mg of macronutrients per 1 kilogram of weight.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body

What is the danger of insufficient magnesium intake?

  1. The risk of heart disease and hypertension increases. Most patients who had a heart attack had magnesium deficiency.
  1. Increases the risk of stroke.
  1. Worsens general state person. The reason for this constant fatigue, insomnia, depression.
  1. One of the culprits in the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  1. Magnesium deficiency can provoke bronchial spasm.
  1. The occurrence of constipation.
  1. A lack of magnesium causes fluid retention in the body.
  1. A lack of magnesium negatively affects collagen metabolism, which leads to skin aging.
  1. The risk of developing cancer increases.
  1. Deficiency leads to weakness connective tissue, and then varicose veins veins, and problems with the spine, and myopia.

Now that we understand how important magnesium is for every body, we should consider the main signs that signal its deficiency.

The main most indicative signs:

- paresthesia;

- convulsions and increased neuromuscular excitability.

Additional symptoms:

increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability, nightmares;

- difficult awakening in the morning, accompanied by a feeling of weakness;

- loss of appetite;

- nausea and vomiting;

- diarrhea or constipation;

high sugar and development of diabetes;

- the appearance of flickering before the eyes;

- dizziness and balance problems;

- headache;

- hair loss and brittle nails;

low immunity;

nervous tics;

- problems with memory and concentration;

- problems with heart rate and blood pressure.

If you experience such signs, then you should consult a doctor and review your diet in favor of foods rich in magnesium, as well as foods with elements necessary for its absorption.

Magnesium deficiency - main causes

Most often, magnesium deficiency is caused by insufficient magnesium in the daily diet.

In addition, there is a magnesium deficiency due to genetics, but this is the rarest case. Also one of the problems is modern methods food processing.

IN agriculture chemicals are often used to treat plants, and magnesium will be lost if the product long time keep in water.

The problem may also lie in a number of other reasons.

  1. Problems with excess weight.
  1. Renal dysfunction.
  1. Abuse fatty foods, sweets and excess salt in food.
  1. Use of diuretics.
  1. Unbalanced nutrition, strict diets.
  1. Pregnancy.
  1. Excessive consumption of coffee and strong tea.
  1. Stress.
  1. Alcohol consumption.
  1. Diarrhea.
  1. Problems with the absorption of the element due to excess lipids, phosphates and calcium.
  1. Problems with insulin production.
  1. Heavy metal poisoning.
  1. Impaired absorption functions of the intestine associated with diseases.

Magnesium in food - table and main list of products

To maintain our body with the help of magnesium, we should correctly formulate a diet, including food that is rich in this element.

Products - sources of magnesium

The first group of such products is nuts and seeds.

Give priority to the following:

Pumpkin seeds.

Sesame seeds.


Pine nuts.



Sunflower seeds.

It is worth remembering that all these products contain many beneficial minerals and vitamins, but at the same time quite high in calories.

Here are the products containing magnesium presented in the table.

Among them, the leaders include:

Rice bran.

Brown rice.




Sprouted wheat sprouts.

Cereal porridge is a great breakfast that will provide you with energy for the whole day. The advantage of eating grains is their ability to be well absorbed by the body.

The third group is beans. The leader among this group is soybean.

Also a great source:



Peas, especially fresh ones green pea.

But, you should not abuse these products, so as not to get problems with flatulence instead of benefits.

The fourth group is vegetables. They undoubtedly contain less magnesium, but it is worth paying attention to them, since in general fiber is the basis of a healthy diet.





Onion, parsley, basil.


Sweet green pepper.

Also included in this group are seaweed.

The fifth group is fruits. This is a way to treat yourself to something tasty and healthy.

The leading fruits are:

Watermelon, and especially its seeds.


Dried fruits.

In order to improve the absorption of magnesium, you should support the body with pyridoxine. It is also found in nuts and sea fish.

The sixth group is meat. Among the meats, it is especially worth paying attention to:



Rabbit meat.



The seventh group is fish and seafood.

They are rich in macronutrient content:





It should be remembered that the main enemy of magnesium is heat treatment. The same applies to all products that have undergone processing to ensure long-term preservation.

Therefore, focus on natural and environmentally friendly clean products, which can be consumed fresh.

And this is the minus of meat and fish, which in any case must be cooked over fire or steam, risking destroying all the benefits.

The process of magnesium absorption occurs in the intestines. It is best absorbed in the form organic compounds With organic acids. The worst option is inorganic salts.

Express option for enriching the diet - bran

Boil the water. Let it cool a little. Per 100 grams wheat bran you will need 500 milliliters of water. Fill the bran with water. Cover the vessel. Let it steam for half an hour. Afterwards they are ready to eat, as a complete dish with kefir or as an ingredient in other dishes.

The combination of calcium and magnesium for our health

Many people, for various reasons, prefer to take dietary supplements instead of a well-balanced diet.

Therefore, a course of such supplements should be taken separately from each other. And when long-term use magnesium, calcium levels should be monitored.

Symptoms of excess magnesium in the body

Excessive amounts of magnesium are harmful to the body. The two main reasons are and excessive use, and problems with exchange.

Do not forget that magnesium is a macronutrient, long-term consumption of which, especially in combination with calcium and phosphorus, can provoke poisoning.

The scientific name for excess magnesium is hypermagnesemia.

Hypermagnesemia may occur if:

- use anticides containing magnesium;

- taking laxatives if you have kidney problems;

- in case of renal dysfunction.

In turn, excess magnesium in the body provokes a number of disastrous consequences, including:

- psoriasis;

- dyslexia;

- diseases thyroid gland;

— deposition of calcium salts;

- arthritis.

Hypermagnesemia can be recognized by similar symptoms

  1. Constant sleepiness.
  1. Diarrhea.
  1. Problems with coordination.
  1. Nausea.
  1. Slow heart rate.
  1. Dry mouth.

If you have these symptoms without other objective reasons, you should consider consulting a doctor.

Magnesium - this is a component that regulates the mass of vital important processes our body.

There is absolutely no need to run to medical institution and in urgently check its level. It’s better to immediately review your diet, and at least as a prevention of deficiency, introduce recommended foods into it.

Exactly balanced diet And healthy image life is the basis of your health and longevity. It is better to give preference to nuts, cereals and vegetables, in particular I would like to highlight spinach. By the way, many women consume chocolate during PMS precisely because of magnesium deficiency.

The body needs to replenish macronutrient reserves and finds them in chocolate. But now that you know where you can find magnesium without harming your figure, you can suppress this taste addiction.

But, if you observe the symptoms indicated in the article without any apparent reason, you should consult a doctor to identify objective reason of this state.

And by the way, a few words about beauty. Magnesium is simply irreplaceable here. It prevents premature aging, helps maintain the beauty and health of skin, nails and hair. And the plus is wonderful helper for those who are trying to lose weight.

Firstly , magnesium is necessary to solve the main problem of people losing weight - accelerating metabolism. Magnesium is involved in metabolic processes, so it will be useful for normalizing the metabolic process.

Secondly , it will reduce the craving for overeating.

Third By replenishing the macronutrient deficiency, you will take a big step towards solving the problem of excess fluid accumulation in the body.

In addition, it will help solve and psychological aspect overeating, because many eat stress. No stress - no overeating. And the most important!

Often, completeness is not only wrong image life, but also a genetic factor. Our physique and metabolic processes depend on genetics.

So: magnesium, at timely use V sufficient quantity, is able to overcome the manifestation of this gene. Therefore, if you are going to get in shape, then magnesium is your assistant. Eat tasty and healthy, and be healthy!

Consuming foods and vitamins rich in magnesium modern society is everyday practice. And for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, this microelement is considered one of the most necessary, therefore modern medicine it is prescribed to almost everyone without exception.

It is one of the most important functional substances in the human body, affecting the strength and normal functioning bones and teeth, and in plants it serves as a component of chlorophyll. Magnesium is found in regular drinking water, and magnesium chloride component of sea water.

In the human body, magnesium functions as a kind of defense mechanism against attacks. infectious bacteria and viruses due to the reproduction of antibodies. Thanks to such properties as production female hormone estrogen, providing normal process To improve blood clotting and regulate the functioning of the entire body, magnesium is regularly prescribed to pregnant women. The main advantages of this microelement are:

  • Normalization of the functioning of the human nervous system, due to the creation of stronger neural connections between fibers;
  • Relieving muscle spasms;
  • The presence of a slight vasodilator effect;
  • Improving the process of absorption by the gastrointestinal tract nutrients;
  • Regulation of the bile excretion process;
  • Reducing cholesterol levels in the body;
  • Strengthening immune system person;
  • Preventive action against diseases caused by digestive disorders;
  • Strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessel walls;
  • Normalization of blood circulation, in particular, blood flow to the heart;
  • Improving the color and condition of the skin;
  • Removal inflammatory processes mucous membranes;
  • Control and regulation of the amount of calcium;
  • Serves as a kind of strengthening element for bones;
  • Normalization respiratory processes for respiratory diseases;
  • Brings noticeable relief from stress and depression.

In addition to the above advantages, magnesium is considered an essential microelement prescribed to patients oncological diseases. Also, due to its interaction with sodium and phosphorus, it helps to normalize the nervous and muscular functioning of a person.

If a deficiency of magnesium is detected, this provokes the removal of potassium from the organs at the cellular level.

By interacting with calcium and phosphorus, magnesium contributes to the formation of a stronger skeleton. If the microelement becomes insufficient and there is too much calcium, then the bones become brittle and the person becomes prone to osteoporosis. Magnesium also contributes to the synthesis of proteins and the transmission of hereditary genes.

Daily norm

Nutritionists and biochemists focus on an indicator of up to 400 mg per day. Other scientists - 0.500 g per day for adults. The table below contains basic recommendations regarding micronutrient intake depending on a person’s gender and age.

  • Children: up to 3 years 75
  • up to 8 years 80
  • up to 13 years 130 – 240
  • Guys 14-18 years old 400
  • Girls up to 360
  • Men up to 420
  • Women up to 320
  • Pregnant women up to 400
  • Nursing up to 360

Thus, by adhering to the above indicators, each person will be able to strengthen their health and improve their well-being simply by normalizing the intake of magnesium in the body in sufficient quantities.

Magnesium-rich foods

Focusing on the place where the product of plant origin grew, the content of nutrients and microelements in it also changes. This can be influenced by the weather, climate of the area, care features, and the presence of nutrients in the soil. Even fertilizers can significantly affect the usefulness of a particular product, taking it from the soil or saturating it with nutrients.

In addition to food, large amounts of magnesium can be found in water. Moreover, hard water contains much more of it than soft water. And those people who use hard water for drinking and cooking are much less likely to suffer from diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.


Cereals that contain magnesium also include unleavened corn flakes, bran products, and sprouted wheat grains. The latter, in balance with potassium, improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition to rice bran, the leaders in magnesium content are buckwheat, millet, oatmeal and brown rice. In the above-mentioned cereals, it is quickly and easily absorbed and interacts well with the calcium and phosphorus they contain. Except great content useful minerals, these cereals are useful for the fiber they contain, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nuts and seeds

Peanuts, almonds, and sesame seeds, pine nuts, cashews and pumpkin seeds. Their content should be small, but even a small amount will be enough to cover more than half of the required minimum magnesium per day.


Almost at the same level as cereals are seaweed. 100 grams of this product contains 192% of the daily minimum magnesium.


Last but not least in terms of the presence of magnesium are legumes, among which soybeans are the clear favorite. In addition to soybeans, you can eat beans, lentils, and peas. You should not overuse legumes in adulthood, since they tend to be poorly absorbed in a mature body, which can cause an eating disorder.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are not among the leaders in magnesium content compared to other foods. However, in some its presence is quite noticeable. These include beets, cabbage, all kinds of greens, green peas and spinach. Fruits include watermelon and watermelon seeds, banana, dried apricot, prunes and dried grapes.

In addition to eating magnesium-containing foods, it is important to add foods rich in pyridoxine and/or vitamin B6 to your diet. Cedar and walnuts, legumes, as well as some fish delicacies(tuna, mackerel, sardine), cereals and beef liver are the richest in this vitamin.

Excess in the body

Except useful characteristics it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with negative aspects of this microelement caused by its excess content. These include:

  • Slow reaction to events happening around;
  • Constant desire to sleep;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • Disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed frequent diarrhea and long-term attacks of causeless nausea;
  • Low pressure;
  • Failures in food processing processes caused by diabetes and obesity;
  • Dry mucous membranes.

It is almost impossible to get a supersaturation of magnesium through food. This can only happen if you abuse drugs containing magnesium. However, this situation can easily get better on its own thanks to successful work kidneys and intestines. A diet will help speed up the process of removing excess magnesium from the body.

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