Hormonal pills affect body weight. Eating salty foods

Birth control pills is a colloquial term referring to hormonal contraception.

Besides them there are:

  • transdermal patches;
  • injections;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • implants.

All these ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy secrete certain hormones. After reading reviews about birth control hormonal pills, many do not know whether they can be afraid of the appearance of overweight after using them?

Contraceptive effectiveness

The effectiveness of oral contraception depends on the type of drug (one- or two-component), regularity of use, use of other drugs and individual characteristics specific woman.

Hormonal contraception is characterized high efficiency, compared to other methods of birth control.

Simultaneously, list side effects contraceptive pills very long. Among them is an increase in body weight, which, according to research, occurs when using any type of hormonal contraception.

Despite this, many patients talk about gaining weight precisely after taking the pills.

Birth control pills are oral hormonal contraception. common name, including whole line drugs. They are varied in composition and proportion of hormones - progestins and estrogens.

There are 2 types:

  1. single-component tablets containing only estrogens (for example, ethinyl estradiol)
  2. two-component - include both ethinyl estradiol and gestagen.

Moreover, in terms of the similarities of the endocrine system with respect to natural cycle women, one, two and three-phase drugs are released.

Is it possible to gain weight after taking the pill?

Ladies taking birth control are afraid of weight gain, which can be caused by water retention in the body, increased appetite and decreased metabolism of fat tissue. This fear of large doses hormones that can provoke obesity is completely justified.

Experts say that the use of oral hormonal contraception does not significantly affect body weight gain. Some studies found that such weight gain occurred at the very beginning of drug use.

This applies to both one- and two-component drugs and is due to the fact that new generation drugs contain less and less hormones. This also reduces the number of side effects.

The same effect is observed when using other hormonal contraceptives such as patches or implants.

The only exception to this group of drugs are gestagens administered intravenously, which lead to weight gain.

Birth control pills and weight gain

The reason for weight gain when using birth control pills may be:

  1. Incorrect eating habits+ increased appetite. Perhaps before taking oral contraceptives, the woman’s diet was high in saturated fat, simple sugars and overly processed foods, and it had no effect on her figure. With the use of birth control pills, appetite increases, but the habit of monitoring the amount of food does not. This situation can surprise you with weight gain. To control the amount of food you eat, start counting your calorie intake and intake, and if you do not exceed your norm, a slim body will remain with you.
  2. Delay significant amount water in the body, which directly affects weight gain. This factor is facilitated by an analogue of the hormone progesterone, which is often found in birth control pills. Excess salt in the diet has an additional effect. The swelling may look like a set excess weight and add 1 to 4 kg to body weight. Before an important event, you can take diuretics, and excess water will go away quickly. However, this method should not be abused, as it negatively affects electrolyte and water balance body and can cause heart problems.
  3. Irregularities at work hormonal system . If all the previous options are absolutely excluded, you should pay attention to the condition of the thyroid gland. If its function is disrupted, in addition to weight gain, hair falls out, mental activity decreases and drowsiness appears, which also affects low mobility and contributes to excess weight gain. While taking OK, this problem may become more pronounced and the weight gain will accelerate. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor.
  4. The drug is not suitable for individual hormonal levels. But even with this development of events, the weight should not increase by more than 3-4 kg.

Contraceptives that do not affect weight

Before starting a course of oral contraceptives, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist who will carry out all necessary research and tests and, based on the results and the state of the hormonal system, will prescribe you OCs that are suitable for a particular woman and absolutely will not affect her weight.

Possible list of drugs:

  1. Low dosage– Yarina, Janine, Triziston. Not suitable for teenagers.
  2. Microdosed- Lindenet, Mercilon, Logest. Designed for young people nulliparous women who have regular sex life.
  3. Mini-pill– Charozetta, Exluton. Contraception is suitable for those who do not have regular sex life.

These and other OCs should be used only according to the instructions and prescription of a doctor.

Are there contraceptives that make you lose weight?

There are also contraceptives, which, in addition to their main function, normalize hormonal background in case it is violated.

There are the following birth control pills for weight loss:

  1. Regulon - suitable only for those who have undergone pregnancy;
  2. Novinet - tablets are prescribed if a woman has never been pregnant;
  3. Regividon is prescribed only if a woman has diseases of the genitourinary system.

Does a woman have hormonal problems, can only be determined by a doctor after examining the tests. Under no circumstances should you take birth control pills on your own to lose weight, otherwise it may have the opposite effect.

Sometimes people ask me how to lose weight after hormones? Solved a health problem with the help hormonal drugs or took contraceptives, but now they can’t lose weight. That's why I decided to write an article about it. After all, in fact, many are worried about where they come from overweight and why, after stopping one or another hormonal drug, they cannot be reset. Are the pills really to blame?

The confusion arises from the fact that some people lose weight on hormones, while others gain weight. There are those who begin to gain weight after stopping hormones, there are those who cannot lose weight for years and blame it on hormonal drugs or contraceptives that they took in the past. How to figure it out and what to stick to? In the article I will answer these questions, and at the end of the article you will find amazing news, read to the end!

There are hormones that are most often prescribed by doctors for thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, polycystic disease: thyroid hormones, progesterone,. Progesterone is also found in birth control pills.

High level estrogen promotes fat deposition in adipose tissue and increases appetite.

Progesterone acts in a similar way, in addition, it also promotes fluid retention in the body.

If thyroid gland hormones are not produced in the required quantities, any product takes much longer to digest, and it will be difficult to lose weight. This is why many weight loss programs include medications to improve thyroid function.

To understand why women’s hormonal imbalances occur and diseases appear, I recommend that you watch this video:

Very often, after taking hormonal drugs, and even during taking them, many people note that a “wolfish appetite” wakes up. It gets to the point where a person consumes everything and cannot get enough. Of course, there will be weight gain.

The saddest thing is that it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight while taking hormones, so first we “get off” hormones, and then we begin to solve the problem.

Where to start losing weight after hormones?

  1. Calm down. If you look at yourself in the mirror in a panic, jump on the scale every hour to make sure that the numbers are not decreasing at all, or try to fit into your favorite pants that have become so narrow, then you are unlikely to be able to lose weight beautifully and steadily. Panic never led to good result. Calmly assess your problem, find solutions, and act with feeling, sense, and alignment.
  2. Rule out health problems that may interfere with the weight loss process.

This means: you definitely need to visit an endocrinologist!

It will help correct hormonal levels. Self-medication in in this case Not only will it not help you lose weight after using hormones, but it can also lead to health problems.

By the way, another video for those who are interested in hormonal contraceptives:

  1. Adjust your diet. Since hormonal drugs often provoke severe hunger, you need to control how much and what foods you eat.

Moreover, I want to highlight what to starve or use strict diets it is forbidden!

This will not solve your weight problem, and I will explain why.

After stopping hormonal medications, hormones are normal, and using the wrong diet can lead to hormonal imbalances. Therefore, it is best to plan your daily diet and exercise.

Do not think that you will be able to lose weight quickly; many experts say that after stopping hormones, the metabolism is restored within 6-18 months, so you need to be patient.

For all those who claim that they cannot lose weight after taking hormonal drugs, although they don’t eat anything harmful and move a lot, I write the following:

It doesn’t only matter what you eat, but how many times a day you eat, in what quantity, how much water you drink, and, by the way, it also matters what you put into this “I eat very little and can’t lose weight.”

Check yourself on these points:

Proper nutrition for weight loss after taking hormones

  1. It goes without saying that you should remove sweets, fast food, fatty, smoked, salty and fried food, marinades, mayonnaise and semi-finished products.
  2. Limit white rice, potatoes, White bread, semolina porridge and all the porridge instant cooking, fatty dairy products, processed cheeses and fatty varieties cheese.
  1. Be sure to increase water in your diet. And don’t think that if you are swollen from taking progesterone, water is contraindicated for you. Quite the opposite! Read. And don’t take diuretics, they will only harm you. Replace coffee with green tea, it’s also good to drink parsley decoction.
  2. Eat often, every 3.5 hours, organize snacks in the form of fruits, raw vegetables, natural yoghurts without fillers, crispbread, fruit, vegetable salads, a couple of spoons low-fat cottage cheese. This way you can control the “wolf” that may have settled inside you.

If your body is full, it will require 15% fewer calories - that's a good saving. And don’t forget that your diet must include foods that contain a lot of proteins. Then the body will not lose muscle mass, and this is very important for proper weight loss.

  1. Supplement your diet with vitamins and mineral complexes. Your cells need nutrition, they demand to fill this deficiency through loss of energy and cravings for unhealthy food.
  2. Any physical activity is suitable, except for too heavy, heavy lifting. Swimming, treadmill, Pilates, yoga, hiking 5-6 kilometers a day – choose any activity.

Now you know how to lose weight after hormones, that it can be done and you shouldn’t blame pills alone for everything. Just use these simple tips, and you can see for yourself that losing weight after hormones is possible.

Be healthy!

P.S. For those who still cannot relax and not worry about their appearance, I highly recommend this beautiful video for relaxation. I adore the sea, just like this, quiet, at sunset, when there is no one around, just you and the sound of the oncoming wave...

Tips on how to avoid gaining weight while taking hormonal medications

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You have been assigned hormonal medications... And you look at the doctor with horror: after all, this is a death sentence for your figure, getting fat from hormones is a couple of trifles! The treatment itself, its effectiveness, and the healing process fade into the background. There is a more important concern - weight! And you are seriously thinking about ignoring the doctor’s advice and giving up hormonal hormones in favor of your figure. Sorry, but what about the disease, what to do with it? Especially if it is gynecology?

Gynecological problems occupy a major place among all ailments that women suffer. And many of these problems are solved with the help of hormonal drugs. Average duration course of treatment - 6 months (but, of course, situations are different, depending on the disease)

says Natalia Ivanenko, a gynecologist at one of the Kyiv clinics

The possibilities of hormonal drugs, contrary to the “on duty” opinion that hormonal pills only work as oral contraceptive, have enough wide range actions. For example:

  • to regulate the amount of sex hormones;
  • with a “confused” menstrual cycle;
  • with premature menopause, that is, the “loss” of menstruation, not related to pregnancy (as a rule, this often happens in girls and women who exhaust themselves with diets, “constantly losing weight,” patients with anorexia, etc.);
  • at various problems with the ovaries (for example, ovarian hypofunction) and the uterus (for example, a sharp decrease, the so-called drying out);
  • with painful periods (pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, accompanied by dizziness, loss of consciousness, etc.);
  • for complications after childbirth;
  • for skin problems (pimples, blackheads);
  • when excess body hair appears.
The doctor makes a decision on treatment with hormonal drugs only on the basis of tests (as a rule, this is a set of tests - checking each hormone for normal levels) of the patient. And the most common questions are, as a rule, “How much weight will I gain?”, “How not to gain weight?”, “Can I replace hormonal hormones with something else to avoid the problem of weight gain?” - In fact, there is a risk of gaining weight when using modern hormonal pills very small. The main thing is to carefully monitor changes in body weight, your emotional state and well-being, and at the slightest deviation from the norm, immediately inform your doctor

- says Natalia Ivanovna.

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Reverse Special attention that you should not endure pain (for example, migraine), put up with discomfort or wait until you gain 10-15 kg, but stubbornly complete the course of treatment... These deviations indicate that the drug is not suitable for you. Therefore, you need to immediately go to a gynecologist who will prescribe you an analogue of the drug (that is, tablets with a similar composition aimed at treating your illness, only with a different name and from a different manufacturer).

The hormonal agent should not cause side effects- sudden weight gain, painful sensations during menstruation, migraines, swelling. The possibility of all this appearing is indicated in the instructions, but you cannot put up with it! You need to try, look for “your” drug, select it. Today this is possible thanks to the wide variety hormonal medications. One of my patients gained an extra 15 kg over the course of 6 months, and then, naturally, came with a complaint. But who is to blame: she calmly watched all 6 months as her weight increased, and did not bother to see a doctor. If she had switched to another drug in time, such a catastrophe with her figure would not have happened.

Natalia Ivanovna explains.

Are you afraid of hormonal, executioner-like figures? Observe the following rules:

  1. Weigh yourself regularly (buy a bathroom scale and weigh yourself at least twice a week, daily if desired).
  2. Follow your diet (perhaps it’s not hormonal drugs that are to blame for weight gain, but your habit of checking the refrigerator at night).
  3. Include it in your daily routine physical exercise(aerobics, shaping, running, Pilates, yoga, walking, etc.).
  4. Carefully and strictly control your menu: taking hormonal hormones often provokes an increase in appetite, keep this under control! The motto “Beauty requires sacrifice” is quite appropriate in this situation, especially if the victims are cakes, pastries, chocolate, pasta, fried potatoes, hamburgers, etc.
In some cases, even if all the rules are followed, the weight still increases by 1-3 kg. The reason for this may be the accumulation of fluid in the body, the molecules of which accumulate fat. In this situation, after consulting with your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas (sold in pharmacies labeled “diuretic” or “renal”) or chamomile infusion (pour boiling water over chamomile flowers, strain through a strainer after 15 minutes and drink like tea).

Natalia Ivanovna explains.

Don't want to get fat? Limit or eliminate altogether:

  1. Fatty foods- promotes rapid weight gain.
  2. Salt- retains fluid in the body.
  3. Snacks(chips, nuts, crackers) - contain a lot of fat, preservatives and dyes.
  4. Flour products(buns, pies, pastries, cakes) - even if it weren’t for hormonal drugs, you know perfectly well how they affect your figure.
  5. Sweets(sweets, chocolate, ice cream) - increase the amount of glucose in the blood.
  6. Legumes(peas, beans, black Eyed Peas) - causes bloating.
  7. Potatoes b - because of high content starch contributes to rapid weight gain.
  8. Carbonated drinks(especially lemonade and all its brothers) - contribute to weight gain. This means that you will even have to give up Diet Coke!

Normal hormonal levels depend on the balance of hormones in the body. Consists of glands that produce various hormones endocrine system, which plays a huge role in regulating the weight of every person. The functioning of the entire body depends on the activity of hormones, including the processes of losing and gaining weight, metabolic rate, appetite, the formation of fat mass, and even the emergence of a sudden desire to eat something tasty. But how can hormones affect a person’s weight? To answer this question, you need to know not only what this or that hormone is responsible for, but also how changes in its level affect weight.

Hormones and weight: leptin

Translated from Greek, “leptos” means slender. This hormone is mainly responsible for the feeling of satiety and our appetite; it sends information to the brain about whether there are enough fat reserves in the body. Therefore, if leptin levels decrease, the brain immediately sends a signal to the human body that fat reserves must be replenished. And that’s why we really want to have a quick snack.

The conclusion suggests itself - by increasing the level of this hormone, you can “convince” the body of satiety and solve the problem of obesity forever. However, people with overweight noted and tens of times more high level leptin than in lean people. This may be due to the fact that in the body full man Sensitivity to leptin is lost, due to which the body begins to produce it in increased quantities. As weight begins to decrease, leptin levels also decrease.

A decrease in leptin levels also occurs due to constant lack of sleep. Therefore, usually those whose night sleep is less than 7 hours, prone to obesity. In order for the level of this hormone in the body to be balanced, it is recommended to eat seafood and fish.

Hormones and weight: estrogen

This hormone is female as it is produced by the ovaries. It performs many functions related to regulation menstrual cycle and distribution of body fat.

Estrogen is the main reason why body fat in young women they are usually located in the lower part of the figure, and in men and women after menopause - above the waist, in the abdominal area. It is believed that excess weight gain is associated precisely with a lack of this hormone in the body.

A decrease in estrogen levels in the body is natural and usually occurs about ten years before the onset of menopause. This often manifests itself in an increased love for sweets. Estrogen levels decrease and the body begins to obtain it from fat cells, which it has to store more and more of. At the same time, there is a loss female body testosterone, which manifests itself in sharp decline muscle mass. Due to the fact that it is the muscles that are responsible for burning fat, the smaller they become, the more fat is deposited. Therefore, after 40 years it becomes much more difficult to get rid of excess weight.

So that the body sufficient quantity produced these hormones, it needs a mineral such as boron, the amount of which is insufficient when supplied with food. This means that if there is a deficiency of estrogen and testosterone, additional intake of boron is indicated.

A dangerous decrease in these hormones also occurs during stress. You can maintain muscle mass with strength training.

Hormones and weight: cortisol

In another way, this hormone is also called the “stress hormone”; it is considered a close relative of adrenaline, since it is also produced by the adrenal glands.

Essentially, this corticosteroid hormone is part of the human body's defense mechanism, as it is produced involuntarily during times of stress.

The effect of cortisol on the body is not clear. Being an anti-stress mechanism, it launches some protective processes and suspends others. Therefore, many stressful situations appetite increases, thus, the body accumulates strength to withstand difficult life situation. At the same time, thanks to cortisol, the speed of the metabolic process decreases, for the same purpose - to preserve the energy that will be required to combat stress.

A person cannot influence the production of this hormone, therefore, if there is a tendency to “eat up” stress, one should try to avoid its sources. In addition, any methods of relaxation (dancing, yoga, meditation, etc.) are useful.

Hormones and weight: adrenaline

This cortisol-related hormone also affects metabolism, just in a different way. This is due to the fact that cortisol is the body’s response to stress, and adrenaline is to strong emotional excitement. So, when jumping with a parachute for the first time, a person experiences mainly fear, which means that the body produces cortisol. An experienced skydiver experiences an adrenaline rush at the moment of a jump, associated with emotional excitement.

Adrenaline also acts differently; it speeds up metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats. Adrenaline increases body temperature, which is associated with fat burning. In addition, usually when adrenaline is released, appetite decreases. But the more a person weighs, the lower his body’s ability to produce adrenaline.

Hormones and weight: insulin

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is responsible for regulating glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, excess sugar is converted into fat deposits. Disturbances in the body's production of insulin lead to diabetes. Simply put, this happens as a result of too intense activity of the pancreas associated with excess intake of human body starch and sugar. This means there is no need to overuse the products. white so as not to type extra pounds and do not put stress on the pancreas.

Minerals such as vanadium and chromium, as well as vitamin B3 (niacin), improve the functioning of the pancreas. Additional intake of these substances as part of vitamin-mineral complexes contributes to both the prevention and treatment of disorders associated with the functioning of the pancreas.

Hormones and weight: thyroid hormones

The short names of these hormones, similar in nature, produced by the thyroid gland are T1, T2, T3, T4.

If these hormones are not produced enough, the function of the thyroid gland decreases, which leads to a set of extra pounds. Increased production of these hormones (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) also leads to disorders.

For balanced functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is needed, which enters the body with food in the form of iodized salt, as well as as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing supplements. Iodine in combination with selenium is also useful.

Those who have low thyroid function should exclude peanuts and soy products. It is important to know that stress negatively affects the balance of thyroid hormones.

Hormones and weight: ghrelin

This hormone is produced by the stomach and sends hunger signals to the brain. The production of ghrelin provokes increased calorie consumption. The production of this hormone is stimulated by fructose, which is especially abundant in corn syrup. fruit juices and in carbonated drinks. Thus, regular use Eating foods rich in fructose leads to an increased feeling of hunger and, as a result, overeating.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that overweight people and those who are not helped by diets are recommended to have a blood test for hormone levels. And if a deficiency of any of the hormones is detected, it is often enough to change your diet and lifestyle, as well as start taking vitamin and mineral complexes as prescribed by your doctor.

Some diseases can only be gotten rid of with the help of hormonal drugs, but as soon as you hear this word from a doctor, you immediately imagine how your body weight increases and your mood drops. This scares many and, as a result, they refuse to take the drug, and all because of false information that is disseminated in the media.

Myths or truth?

  1. Hormones only cause harm to the body. This information is not true; hormones act on the body like other conventional drugs and also have their side effects.
  2. You need to take hormones that your sister or friend has already tested. Another myth. Such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor, this also applies to birth control pills. Before your appointment, you must undergo an examination and pass all tests.
  3. If you take hormones, you will definitely get better. Only part of this statement is true, since hormones affect appetite, but for some it decreases and they are not afraid of extra pounds. Initially, it is impossible to find out exactly how the drug will affect you; you just need to try it.
  4. Hormonal drugs are not excreted from the body. This is not true, since once the drug enters the body, it disintegrates almost instantly and is eliminated from the body after some time. For example, birth control pills are eliminated from the body after a day, which is why they must be taken daily.
  5. Alternatives to hormones can be found among conventional drugs. It is a myth. There are such serious illnesses, in which it is necessary to use only hormones.

Why are hormones prescribed?

Many people believe that the only hormones that are prescribed are, but this is not so. Problems that hormones can help cope with:

  • irregular periods;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • premature menopause;
  • diseases of the ovaries and uterus;
  • severely painful periods;
  • problems after childbirth;
  • problematic skin, For example, severe rash;
  • a lot of body hair, etc.

Justified fear

Modern medicine is so developed that the risk of gaining extra pounds is minimal. When using hormonal drugs, you need to monitor the condition of your body and even if there is the slightest change from the norm, you need to consult a doctor. Maybe the drug you are taking is not suitable for your body and needs to be changed. A properly selected drug should not cause any such phenomena.

Rules that must be followed in order not to gain weight from hormones

  1. Your weight must be monitored daily.
  2. Watch what you eat.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. If you want to eat, this does not mean you need to eat cake, replace it with an apple.
  5. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of extra pounds is excess water in the body. Therefore, after you consult with your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas.

During the use of hormonal drugs, it is recommended to limit consumption of:

Now you have all the necessary information that will allow you to maintain your weight and not gain extra pounds while using hormonal drugs.