How to cook chicken liver while breastfeeding. Vitamins in pork liver necessary for a nursing woman

After giving birth, girls who become mothers are advised to adhere to special diet. Despite a number of prohibitions, doctors strongly do not recommend excluding beef liver when breastfeeding. A dish with this component turns out to be quite satisfying and very healthy if prepared correctly. It is permissible to include the ingredient in your diet on a daily basis without fear of harming the baby.

But before use, you should definitely consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself and your child. The baby's stomach is very delicate and requires some caution in the mother's actions during the lactation period. It is important to understand that it is better not to overuse experiments and innovations in the first months of the baby’s life.

It is extremely necessary for a nursing mother to eat liver if the woman (or her baby) suffers from low hemoglobin in the blood (anemia). The product contains unique substance- ferritin, the presence of which contributes to rapid saturation body hemoglobin. Doctors strongly recommend that a nursing mother eat beef liver if the problem of anemia arose during pregnancy, and if there was a large loss of blood during childbirth.

Such useful product rich also:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • potassium

A dish made from such a food product turns out to be very satisfying and rich in vitamins, but you shouldn’t worry about your figure. Beef liver is low in calories; one hundred grams contains only 125 kcal. It is also very rich in protein and contains little fat, which will help you lose weight quickly.

Young mothers very often complain about their figure after childbirth while breastfeeding, and regular consumption of this menu component will help eliminate excess fat, decrease excess weight and maintain muscle elasticity. It is recommended to eat liver regularly also for those people who suffer from increased level blood sugar and memory problems. The unique components in the composition can overcome these ailments.

The liver of a nursing mother will become an indispensable storehouse of vitamins and minerals, as it contains:

  • folic acid (very good for female body, especially during pregnancy);
  • vitamin D (necessary when it is cold outside and there is a significant lack of sunlight);
  • ascorbic acid (increases immunity);
  • choline;
  • beta-carotene (helps improve vision);
  • vitamin E (responsible for the beauty of hair, nails and skin).

Beef liver has several advantages during breastfeeding:

helps effectively lose excess weight, supplies the body exhausted after childbirth sufficient quantity iron and improves memory, and is also rarely the cause allergic reaction at the baby's.

Harmful properties

Positive points in regular use There are quite a lot of problems with breastfeeding, but there are also several unpleasant factors. Pate or roast will have increased content cholesterol, this negatively affects the health of mother and child.

The product may also cause the following hazardous conditions:

  1. Heart attack.
  2. Stroke.
  3. Atherosclerosis.

To avoid the appearance of unpleasant diseases and alarming symptoms, it is necessary to prepare the dish correctly and consume it in moderation several times a week while breastfeeding. It is also very important to pay attention to appearance, raw product must have an attractive, shiny surface Brown. Dark spots, dry edges, bright red color, streaks, bubbles, growths or bad smell- should be a reason to think and refuse a dubious purchase. The question of whether this can be eaten should not arise.

What to pay attention to

The shelf life is strictly limited and it’s worth remembering: you shouldn’t store what you buy in the refrigerator for a long time, it’s better to use fresh and cook it right away. After purchase, it is important to store no more than two days. If you exceed the deadline, the product will be considered stale and prohibited for consumption. It is allowed to use freezing while breastfeeding if there is such a need.

Only the attending physician can give an accurate answer as to whether it is possible to eat beef liver during breastfeeding.

If there are no contraindications, you need to know the intricacies of preparation so as not to spoil the dish. There are several tips. Before starting cooking, you need to remove the film from the surface. Next step consists of soaking the product in a small amount of milk or water (can be mixed in equal parts if desired). This manipulation is done in order to remove possible bitterness, unpleasant odor and avoid hardness in the finished dish.

During preparation and consumption, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. When the question arises whether a nursing mother can have fried beef liver, the answer will be negative and categorical. While on strict diet, it’s better for a girl to completely avoid fried foods.
  2. Do not use when breastfeeding: breadcrumbs, large amounts of sunflower (or butter), a lot of spices and salt, batter mixture, flour.
  3. What you can do: boil, stew, bake, steam.
  4. It is better to combine with herbs, vegetables, cereals and durum wheat pasta. This approach will allow you to receive only benefits, maintain health and not harm your figure.
  5. Do not use bread or other foods as a side dish flour products, fried potatoes and pickles.
  6. It is forbidden for nursing mothers to add various sauces to the prepared food: mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and store-bought dressings.
  7. There is no need to cover the pieces with hard cheese or sauce when baking; such a combination contains a lot of fat and can negatively affect the baby’s well-being.
  8. If after consumption the baby’s well-being worsened: frequent regurgitation, abdominal cramps, nausea, restless sleep or other unpleasant symptoms, - this indicates that the baby has developed an intolerance or an allergic reaction. After this, it is recommended to exclude the product for several months.

What to cook

It is important to understand that during culinary experiments only a few types of processing are allowed: baking, stewing and boiling. You should not use a lot of spices or add industrial sauces of questionable composition.

Here are dietary options that are suitable for a young mother while breastfeeding and will not take much time:

  1. Boiled with white sauce. Boil half a kilogram of the main ingredient in lightly salted water until tender, cut into arbitrary pieces. Serve with a sauce of sour cream, onion and broth (all components must be simmered together for 15 minutes, adding a little salt and pepper).
  2. Baked with vegetables. Pre-soak the sliced ​​offal in milk, then squeeze it out after a while. excess liquid and place in the oven (wrapped in foil), cook for ten to fifteen minutes. Serve with separately baked or boiled vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli and others).
  3. Hearty casserole with rice. Grind the offal (450 g) with onion until minced, add boiled rice (100 g) to the mixture. Beat in the egg and add some spices. Pour the mixture into suitable form for baking, greased with a small piece of butter. You need to bake for an hour, monitoring the readiness of the dish and focusing on your oven.

Liver is an integral and recommended food product for a breastfeeding woman; it is included in the list of foods that can be eaten almost from the first days of a baby’s life (subject to the recommendations for its introduction into the diet, the mother’s absence of allergies and compliance with quantitative restrictions).

Liver should be included in the diet, adhering to certain rules and advice - so the likelihood of manifestation adverse reactions in the baby it decreases:

  • in the first days after birth, you can introduce chicken and veal liver into the menu, after a month - all other animals (for example, rabbit or pork);
  • It is recommended to give preference to boiled, stewed or steamed liver, especially in the first three months after childbirth;
  • It is recommended to carry out the first tasting before lunch, not on an empty stomach, and you can eat 1-2 small pieces. After which it is necessary to follow all recommendations for monitoring the child’s reaction to New Product– do not eat new foods for 2 days and monitor changes in the functioning of the intestines and skin;
  • gradually increasing the single portion to 150g, and the weekly portion to 400g. finished product.

It should be remembered that the work of the liver is aimed at cleansing the body; we can say that it is a natural filter that retains (and subsequently removes) all toxic, infectious and harmful substances to the body. That is why you need to be extremely careful when choosing this product, because if the animal was on chemicals. feeding - there is a high probability of consuming these substances in the diet. Therefore, it is recommended not to buy it at the market or supermarkets, but to pay attention to sellers who sell household products.

Healthy and maximum healthy liver must not have the following characteristics:

  1. light or yellowish tint. It should have a dark brown color, possibly with a burgundy tint;
  2. the dull, viscous and sticky liver most likely belonged to a sick animal;
  3. should not appear when cut or punctured dark blood– this is a sign of old age of the product (the blood should be bright scarlet);
  4. the smell of ammonia is also a sign of old age. The fresh product has a pleasant sweetish smell;
  5. greenish spots or inclusions - such a liver will taste bitter after cooking, because such spots indicate damage to the gallbladder during evisceration.


For a breastfeeding woman, a simple but very tasty liver salad is allowed for consumption:


  • chicken liver – 500g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • unsweetened homemade yogurt or sour cream – 200ml;
  • spices - salt and pepper.


  1. chop the boiled liver into strips;
  2. pickle the onion in large half rings (which you don’t have to eat, it will add flavor to the salad);
  3. if sour cream is used as a dressing, lightly salt and pepper it, beat until thickened with a mixer with straight whisks;
  4. Combine all salad ingredients and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

The general conclusions are as follows:

Liver can be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding already in the first week after the baby is born. In most cases, there are no allergic reactions to this product, with the exception of individual intolerance. Negative reactions to the liver occur in approximately 2% of infants.

Often during lactation, mothers, wanting to diversify their diet, ask themselves a question that directly concerns whether it is possible to eat an offal such as liver while breastfeeding, and which one is better to choose. Let's try to understand the situation and give a comprehensive answer to this question.

Is liver allowed when breastfeeding a baby?

Most doctors claim that there are no contraindications for introducing this product into the diet of a nursing mother. Moreover, many believe that liver during breastfeeding is not only possible to eat, but also necessary.

It contains many useful microelements, including phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium and, of course, iron. It is because of the latter this product often included in the diet of people who have problems with the hematopoietic system (for example, anemia).

The liver also contains a lot of vitamins: A, E, K, D. Separately, it must be said that this offal is very rich in protein (about 18%) and at the same time contains a small amount of fat (no more than 3-4%).

Which liver is better to choose?

It is worth noting that the fact of what type of liver the nursing mother uses is also important. That is why young mothers often specify and try to understand: is it possible to use chicken or beef liver while breastfeeding, and which one is better?

Nutritionists recommend the liver of these pets for consumption. Thus, beef contains in its composition a large amount of easily digestible substances, which is important in postpartum period, because helps restore blood lost during childbirth.

Chicken liver is also useful. According to nutritionists, such a product can completely replenish the body’s need for certain vitamins. For example, contained promotes better absorption iron entering the body, which has a positive effect on increasing hemoglobin levels.

While breastfeeding, you can also eat rabbit liver, regardless of whether it is part of the dish or consumed separately.

As for whether it is possible to eat pork and cod liver while breastfeeding, doctors advise abstaining, or eating them in very small quantities. The thing is that such an offal contains a lot of fat. To the splitting of such compounds children's body not ready yet. Therefore there is Great chance development of colic in infants.

All nursing mothers try to make their diet so as not to harm the baby. There are even a number certain products, which do not cause trouble for the child, but there are others that lead to stomach upset and other diseases. The question of whether liver can be used during breastfeeding interests many mothers, and doctors advise using only beef liver. In addition to beef, there are other types of liver, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed.

Nutritional properties

Liver is a valuable ingredient that contains almost everything important vitamins and elements for normal life. To improve hemoglobin, an element such as ferritin is needed, which is found precisely in beef liver. In addition, any liver has a number of beneficial properties:

  1. A large amount of vitamin B, which allows for the full development of the baby.
  2. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.
  3. Vitamin A allows vision, skin and hair to develop normally.
  4. Folic acid promotes the development of nerve cells.
  5. Calcium strengthens bones, and zinc allows the skeleton to form, and also promotes fast healing wound
  6. Iron maintains and improves hemoglobin.
  7. In one serving of liver, the child and mother will be able to receive the proper amount of amino acids.

Compared to meat, liver is digested much faster. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to eat liver while breastfeeding is obvious and positive, but there are certain risk factors. The fact is that not all people can eat this or that liver.

Benefits and harms

Due to the low calorie content of the offal, it can be used during diets. In addition, the animal product will alleviate some symptoms of diseases. The ingredient is recommended for mothers, because it does not cause allergies.

Despite the great value and benefits of the liver, it also has disadvantages. One of them is cholesterol, which is quite high in offal. Cholesterol itself can contribute to the occurrence of certain diseases, including:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Stroke.
  3. Heart attack.

Equally important, it is important to use only fresh product before cooking. If the liver has a discolored color, and there are spots or mucus on the surface, then it is better to refrain from cooking, and especially from further consumption.

Introduction to diet

Due to large quantity benefits from the offal, the answer to the question whether liver can be used during breastfeeding is positive; moreover, the ingredient can be used already in the first month of feeding the child. There is a certain proportion of doctors who advise eating the product from the first days of a child’s birth. Others recommend abstaining and starting to eat only from 2-3 weeks.

There is no definite answer when to introduce liver into the diet. Each person is individual, and although an allergic reaction does not occur after the offal, not all children can accept it normally. Some babies may suffer from stomach upset, others may develop allergies. Therefore, when introducing a new ingredient, you should monitor your child and be vigilant.

When introducing the liver, it is not recommended to add anything new to usual food mother. This rule must be taken into account within 2 days. The first dose should include a very small portion, literally 2-3 pieces. If the baby reacts normally, then the liver can be introduced into the menu. It is useful to use the offal 2-3 times a week, and if you eat it daily, it is better not more than 1 serving.

The best cooking methods for breastfeeding

Liver is prepared in different ways and can be used as a complement to different dishes. In addition, the ingredient is quickly prepared, which is important when the child is very small.

It is recommended to consume only stewed or boiled liver when breastfeeding. Cooking using this method preserves beneficial substances. Fried food is prohibited because it is of no benefit to either mother or baby.

Before you start cooking, it is better to first soak the liver in a small amount of milk, this will remove the bitterness, especially if you are using beef or pork offal.

The liver of different animals has its own characteristics, both in preparation and in benefits, so you need to familiarize yourself with each type in detail.

Beef liver

Is it possible to eat beef liver while breastfeeding? Of course yes, and this is the most popular offal among mothers who have given birth. This ingredient perfectly combines the amount of proteins and fats, making the dish dietary. Such a liver contains a lot of selenium, which protects against malignant tumors and vascular and heart diseases.

In cooking there are many recipes for preparing such an ingredient. It can be used for salads, pates, casseroles and rolls. But the offal is especially tasty and healthy when stewed under sour cream. Stew dish can be made with apples, plums, or herbs. Even 100 g of the dish can enrich the body with useful substances for the whole day.

Poultry liver

Is it possible chicken liver while breastfeeding? The answer is also positive, due to great content folic acid The ingredient is recommended for use during pregnancy and after childbirth. Chicken liver has a good effect on lactation and the normal formation and development of the child. Due to the large amount of vitamin B4, the brain, reaction and memory develop excellently. Answering the question whether it is possible to have chicken liver while breastfeeding and how best to prepare it, it should be noted that it is best to make pates.

An equally useful dish would be to cook with vegetables; to do this, you need to put the vegetables and offal in a pot and bake in the oven. The dish will be easily absorbed by the body and improve digestive process. For postpartum recovery It is recommended to use liver-based dishes 1-2 times a week.

The question often arises: is it possible to have turkey liver while breastfeeding? This ingredient is very similar in its beneficial and nutritional properties on chicken by-product, so it can also be included in the diet. Of course, turkey liver is a little more expensive, but the taste is much more delicate.

Pork liver

Pork offal has a bitter taste, so many people don’t like this ingredient. But if you cook it correctly, the bitterness will go away. To do this, you need to soak the ingredient for a couple of hours in milk or water, changing the liquid twice.

A pork dish is also beneficial for mother and child, since it contains all the amino acids that are necessary, as well as a lot of copper, iron and phosphorus. For those with anemia or diabetes, pork liver will be an ideal helper. It is recommended to prepare pates, pancakes and liver cakes. For nursing mothers, such an offal can be introduced into the diet only when the child is 3 months old. Until this time, it is better to use other types of liver.

Cod liver

Is it possible to have cod liver while breastfeeding? In principle, it is possible, but it should be introduced into the diet by analogy with pork offal. In addition, after 3 months of a child’s life, such an ingredient even needs to be introduced into the diet, since it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. This is a real treasure for a mother and her child, but such liver contains a lot of fat, so you need to consume the dish in limited quantities.

Doctors do not advise using the ingredient in pure form, it is better to eat it with bread or as an addition to other dishes. The product is easily absorbed by the child and does not cause side effects.

Rabbit liver

Is it possible to breastfeed rabbit liver, since it is also an offal, and the meat itself is very healthy? You need to be careful with this ingredient, because it is rabbit liver that most often causes allergies in children. Although, on the other hand, it is healthy, and one serving can enrich the body with amino acids for the whole day.

The product is introduced into the diet, just like pork or cod, no earlier than when the child is 3 months old. It is easy to prepare dishes based on offal and it is best to initially soak it for about an hour, and then stew it in sour cream and with the addition of vegetables.

Having figured out whether liver can be breastfed, you should know some recommendations and rules:

  1. After childbirth, you can only include chicken and veal offal in your diet.
  2. A month after giving birth, you can gradually change offal.
  3. It is better to eat liver for the first time before lunch on a full stomach in a very small dose.
  4. A single serving should increase over time to 150 grams, and in general you can eat 400 grams of liver per week.
  5. It is better to use homemade offal and not buy it in stores.


Finally, it should be noted that the liver of different animals is allowed and recommended for breastfeeding. And using all the tips and rules presented in the article, you can correctly introduce the ingredient into the diet and not be afraid for your child. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat liver while breastfeeding disappears by itself, because it is not only possible, but also necessary to eat such dishes. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything and control the baby’s behavior and reaction.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hi guys! Lena Zhabinskaya is with you! indicator strong immunity for doctors it is an indicator of the level of hemoglobin in the blood. IN postpartum period it may decrease due to breastfeeding, thereby increasing the risk of developing diseases in mother and baby. To prevent this, doctors advise women to include in their diet foods that directly affect it. This includes the liver.

There is an opinion that chicken liver is most preferable during breastfeeding. Is this true and why? Let's figure it out together.

Chicken liver is an offal. In other words, it contains the majority useful substances that are found in meat. The only difference is that the liver is less fatty. Is it possible to eat it during lactation? Definitely. Moreover, the body itself absorbs it more easily, allowing a woman to recover and recover faster after childbirth. notices beneficial effect offal and the child's body. Thanks to him, it is growing and developing rapidly.

The benefits of chicken liver during breastfeeding are determined by its composition. Judge for yourself, it contains:

  • Vitamin A, which is responsible for visual acuity, as well as healthy skin and hair. This includes the absence of a grayish tint on the face and a minimum of split ends in the hair.
  • B vitamins. It is difficult to list all the processes in which these substances participate. But, in general, they are responsible for metabolism, as well as the timely development of all organs and systems of the adult and child’s body.
  • Vitamin C. It provides strong immunity.
  • Folic acid. Its effect on the body is multifaceted, but first of all it ensures the formation and development of nerve cells.
  • Calcium is essential for healthy bones, nails and teeth.
  • Zinc. The speed of wound healing depends on it. In addition, it helps strengthen bone tissue.
  • Iron. This is the very substance on which the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is so necessary for nursing mothers, directly depends.
  • Sodium. It is responsible for the sodium-calcium balance, the disturbance of which affects nerves and muscles, and also provides normal rhythm hearts.
  • Copper. This substance affects the functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems, participates in protein synthesis.
  • Choline. Improves memory, activates brain activity, relieves fatigue, promotes speedy recovery.


Scientists are still arguing about the dangers of chicken liver for a young mother and newborn. There is an opinion that in some dishes that involve the use of fats during cooking, it becomes too high in calories.

In addition, it itself is a kind of filter of the body that passes everything through itself. harmful substances, entering it. And let in normal conditions they are excreted in bile; when choosing a liver for use during breastfeeding, you should be extremely attentive to its quality.

Another drawback of the product is excess cholesterol. In moderate quantities it is even useful, but in huge quantities it is not.

  • overweight people;
  • those who have been diagnosed peptic ulcer, kidney pathology due to high content product protein;
  • allergy sufferers and those who have been identified as individual intolerant to the product;
  • people with high level cholesterol.

From what time and in what quantities can it be introduced into the diet?

At proper preparation, without use huge amount fats, doctors allow nursing mothers to introduce chicken liver into their diet from the eighth day after the baby’s birth. The main thing is to remember in moderation.

If everything went well, you can repeat the test after 2 days, after which it’s time to gradually increase the amount of food eaten. Any negative manifestations– a reason to give up chicken liver for 30–60 days.

The optimal frequency of use is 1 – 2 times a week.

How to choose correctly

When breastfeeding, it is important to carefully monitor the quality of everything you eat, and liver is no exception. It is better to buy it defrosted. It should be dark brown, glossy, smooth surface, on which there are no pronounced blood vessels or blood clots. The latter speak of depravity, as does a strong unpleasant odor.

By the way, about smell and taste. Young mothers often wonder if they can eat chicken liver. After all, even fresh and cooked, it is slightly bitter and has a special aroma. Will it affect the taste of the breast milk, forcing the baby to abandon it?

Doctors answer this question in the negative. According to them, get rid of unpleasant phenomena You can simply follow all the rules for preparing the product. About them below.

As for where to buy offal, everything is clear. During breastfeeding, it is extremely important to give preference to trusted manufacturers. The fact is that unscrupulous people can add feed with harmful additives to poultry food. accelerated growth or use antibiotics to prevent the development of various ailments.

If you have the slightest suspicion of this, it is better to purchase chicken liver from farms or with familiar relatives in the village, especially in the first month after childbirth.

We should not forget that due to the huge amount of water in its composition, chicken liver was and remains a perishable product. Therefore, it can be stored for no longer than 2 days.

How to prepare liver for nursing mothers

Every housewife has a lot of ways to prepare offal. Among them: frying, boiling, baking, steaming, stewing. All of them allow you to get delicious product, but not for a young mother.

Both in the first and second months after birth, she needs only low-fat, low-calorie foods. In other words, the following will do:

  • boiled liver dishes;
  • dishes with liver baked in the oven;
  • stewed liver;
  • steamed liver.
  1. The prepared liver is washed, dried, and then cut into pieces. Then place in a saucepan and boil in water under the lid for 15 - 20 minutes. Alternative option- stewing in a frying pan. Do not overcook the product, otherwise the finished pate will turn out too tough.
  2. While the liver is cooking, it’s time to peel the vegetables, after which you should cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots. Then they are laid out in a frying pan with butter and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. When all the ingredients are ready, they are cooled and ground in a blender. The finished pate is tested for salt and placed in a container.

It is worth noting that for all its usefulness, such a dish can be harmful for mom. It should not be abused, especially if the baby has a liver allergy that has manifested itself previously. In addition, the pate is heavy on the stomach, so in large quantities it can provoke the development of colic and tummy discomfort in the baby.

Liverwort in a slow cooker

Prepare delicious and healthy dish maybe even a real mom’s assistant. To do this you should take:

  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • flour - enough to bring the mixture to the state of thick sour cream;
  • salt, black pepper optional;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication.
  1. The liver and onions should be chopped in a meat grinder.
  2. To the resulting mixture you need to add eggs, salt, and lastly flour.
  3. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and pour the ingredients into it. Bake in the “oven” mode for 70 minutes (temperature 160 degrees).

Liver stewed with potatoes

You will need:

  • liver – 500 gr.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • broth - 2.5 tbsp;
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • parsley, salt.
  1. The liver is cut into slices and placed in a casserole dish along with onion rings and potato cubes.
  2. Then salt, pour in broth and leave covered over low heat for 25 minutes.
  3. The finished dish is seasoned with chopped parsley and served in a casserole dish. In addition to it, you can prepare a vegetable salad.

I hope, thanks to the article, you learned whether you can eat chicken liver while breastfeeding. Share it on social networks and subscribe to the blog! It was Lena Zhabinskaya, see you soon!