What breathing exercises help smokers and quitters: gymnastics. Cleansing the lungs after smoking

Marina Makarova, head of the exercise therapy department of the Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, talks about these exercises.


  1. repeat all exercises no more three or four times, since even former smokers the bronchi are irritated by tobacco smoke and are very sensitive to air currents;
  2. Avoid coughing attacks.

People who have smoked for a long time have problems respiratory functions. Quitting smoking significantly improves your respiratory health, but you can help your lungs by doing simple breathing exercises.

Part one

Start with an exercise, increasing the volume of breathing in the lower parts of the lung.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart for a comfortable standing position. Place your hands above your waist - on your ribs. This way you can control whether the exercise is performed correctly.

Stretch your arms to the sides, bend back slightly and inhale through your nose. Then lean forward slightly, place your hands on your ribs and exhale, lightly squeezing your ribs with your hands. After exhaling, pause.

Second exercise. From the same position, raise your arms up, straighten your back and inhale. Then return your hands to the starting position, bend slightly and exhale.

Third exercise. Leave your hands on your lower chest. Place your feet wider. Bend to the side, raising one arm above your head. Take a breath. Return to the starting position - exhale.

Repeat this exercise on the other side.

Part two

The main task of someone who quits smoking is to increase the range of motion of the chest, and therefore the volume of the lungs. The exercises in this part of the complex are designed to develop additional respiratory muscles.

To “breathe” all parts of the lungs, you need to perform the exercises in three positions: standing, sitting and lying down. We looked at exercises in a standing position in the first part of the video course. Now let's move to the horizontal plane.

When performing breathing exercises while lying down, the air evenly fills all parts of the lungs - even those that usually do not work enough.

In addition, in this position the effect of “smoker's kyphosis” - curvature of the upper spine - is leveled, and the load on the diaphragm is distributed evenly.

Let's start the exercises. Lie down on the floor. Stretch your arms out to the sides, place them on the floor and inhale. Pull both knees towards your stomach, press them with your hands and exhale.

Second exercise. Place your knees bent on the floor. Stretch your arms out to the sides and place them on the floor, palms down. Tilt your bent legs to one side, trying to place them on the floor, and turn your head in the opposite direction. Exhale. Return to the starting position and inhale.

Third exercise. Get on all fours. Inhale as you sit back on your heels. Perform a wave-like movement of your torso forward, bending towards the floor, exhaling.

Then, from a position on all fours, extend one arm forward and a diagonal leg back. Exhale.

Bend your outstretched arm and leg, pulling your knee towards your elbow in the abdominal area. Exhale.

Lie on your back again. Place your hands on your chest under your collarbones. Take a deep breath, controlling the tension in the muscles under your palms. Place your palms on the ribs in the lower chest and inhale until you feel the ribs spreading out.

Now place your palms on your stomach. Take a deep breath so that your arms rise, then exhale deeply so that your stomach is drawn in as much as possible.

Finally, place your hands under your shoulder blades. Inhale slowly until you feel the rib cage in the palm area

Final exercise. Place your arms along your body, legs slightly bent at the knees. Relax. Raise your shoulders slightly and inhale. Lower your shoulders and exhale.

Part three

Experienced smokers usually develop slouch. It is due to the usual posture: the hand is brought to the mouth and pressed tightly against the body, and the head is tilted towards the cigarette.

When breathing in this position, the air flows to the area of ​​the shoulder blades. More developed muscles in this segment of the chest cause a curvature of the spine, which is called "smoker's kyphosis".

In addition, it practically does not work when smoked anterior section chest. Similar problems also occur in people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Lung function can be improved by using regular breathing exercises.

First exercise. Sit on a chair. Spread your arms to the sides, take a breath. Lift one leg and pull your knee towards your stomach, helping yourself with your hands. Exhale. Repeat the same with the other leg.

While continuing to sit on the chair, spread your legs as wide as possible and place your feet on the floor. Place your hands on your shoulders.

Now turn your torso to the side, moving your elbow back, and inhale. Bend towards the opposite knee and exhale

Place your feet in such a way that you are in the most stable position. Place your palms on your waist.

Reach one arm toward the floor at the side of the chair, leaning toward it. Pull your other hand along the side of the body to the armpit area. When moving in one direction, inhale, in the other – exhale.

When performing the following exercise, place your hands on the middle of your chest. Tap your chest with your palms, exhaling air with the sound: “A-a-a,” “O-o-o,” then “Br-br-br.”

Then move your hands to bottom part chest, pat them on the ribs and exhale the air with the sound: “W-w-w.”

Finally, clench your hands into fists, lightly tap them on your chest and exhale with the sound: “O-o-o.”

Final exercise. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms above your head and stretch them. Take a breath. Bend down towards the floor and cough.

Heavy smokers are sure that quitting smoking through exercise or yoga is a utopia. But we should not forget about the amazing ability human body to self-healing even after the damage that tobacco inevitably causes. How does exercise help you quit smoking?

The essence of the method

Breathing exercises are far from new method. It was also used by the legendary yoga as a way to restore the bronchopulmonary system and vocal cords. In the fight against smoking and its consequences, this gymnastics will come in handy. What kind of damage does regular and long-term smoking cigarettes? In short, carcinogens (arsenic, formaldehyde, nitrogen, tobacco tar and others) a smoker accumulates in the lungs over many years. How quickly and to what extent this happens depends on the number of cigarettes smoked. But in any case, the result is disastrous: over time, the resins systematically destroy the protective layer respiratory system, so nothing prevents further poisoning of the body. A smoker gradually deprives himself of his natural filter. But while there is a process of self-healing, all is not lost: by properly regulating your breathing, you can speed up the process of ridding the lint contaminated by smoking cigarettes from poison. For this purpose, breathing exercises have been created for those who quit smoking. It is presented as modern exercise therapy complexes, and ancient yoga practices. This great method, helping against smoking. And someone who quits smoking will definitely find strength and support in their decision with the help of breathing exercises.

Learn to breathe correctly: technique

So, how to properly perform breathing exercises to stop smoking? Despite the apparent simplicity of the method, there are certain nuances:

  • Several approaches. It is recommended to do them at a certain time interval (up to 30 minutes at a time). Usually three approaches are performed for half an hour.
  • Regularity. A person who is deciding how to quit smoking and has chosen such exercises must understand that this is a gradual and lengthy process, but the result, provided all the rules are followed, is guaranteed. It is highly undesirable to skip classes, since the efforts expended will be annulled very quickly.
  • Keeping the rhythm. Tempo is important in the methodology of such exercises. Pay special attention to the timing of inhalations and exhalations. Done correctly, they will help get rid of not only nicotine addiction, but also from the stress associated with it.
Breathing exercises can help you quit smoking.

In general, breathing exercises were invented to get rid of smoking and help in the treatment of asthma and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. With its help, the decay products of cigarettes remaining in the body are intensively removed.

Interestingly, exercise affects the brain center responsible for appetite, regulating its correct functioning. Due to this, those who quit smoking do not gain weight so quickly. Gymnastics normalizes metabolism, speeding it up, and also works as a general strengthening and relaxing method.

Restoration complexes

To quit smoking cigarettes, you should start with simple exercises created by yogis:

  1. "Air baths" You should go outside as soon as you feel the urge to smoke. You need to stand up straight so that nothing interferes with your chest breathing. You need to inhale, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and then exhale. After making 10 approaches, the smoker will feel slight dizziness. But don't worry - this is normal. But the desire to smoke will disappear completely.
  2. "Locomotive". The exercise is performed in cycles (30 breaths per approach). Three cycles are enough to get started. Then their number is increased to five. Inhale slowly through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, a little faster. Towards the end the pace increases. After this, the craving for smoking cigarettes will go away.
  3. "Yogic Storm" The exercise is positioned as a complete breathing cycle, performed literally in a “wave”. First they fill with air lower sections lungs (the stomach swells), then oxygen smoothly flows upward. Later, everything happens the other way around. Inhalation and exhalation are performed in 4 counts each. Gymnastics is designed to be performed ten times. This is a very effective exercise.

In addition to the ancient practices of yoga, there are completely modern complexes based on ancient techniques that also eliminate smoking. This is pressing on the ribs - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the ribs. After inhaling, during which you need to bend back slightly, you should pause, and as you exhale, lightly press on the ribs.

Light bends. The body position is the same. While inhaling, you need to straighten your back and raise your arms up. As you exhale, sharply but slightly bend over and let the air out of your lungs.

Lateral deflections. Legs are wider than shoulders, arms are slightly higher than the waist. While bending sideways, you should inhale, and when returning to the starting position, exhale. The same thing in the other direction. It is wise to combine gymnastics with frequent walks at an average and fast pace, which will contribute to the natural ventilation of the lungs, which are badly damaged by smoking cigarettes. It is important not to increase the load, scrupulously following the instructions so as not to harm the body. If you regularly and methodically perform these exercises correctly, the desire to smoke will gradually disappear, and the cigarette will be forgotten.

With regular breathing exercises, the number of cigarettes smoked gradually decreases, and over time, a person suffering from cigarette addiction completely abandons the addiction. Breathing exercises help cleanse the bronchi, lungs, trachea and vocal cords of nicotine deposits. All this plaque is removed along with mucus or sputum. Regular exercise will allow you to maximally cleanse your body of tar, nicotine and other harmful substances.


According to the method, it is assumed that breathing exercises need to be done for half an hour in 3 approaches daily. Almost everyone who tried to practice gymnastics noticed that their desire to smoke slowly disappeared. It is very important that this process occurred gradually, because in this way there was no sudden weight gain. This is especially important for women.

The peculiarity of breathing exercises is that the weight is regulated spontaneously. This is because breathing exercises help improve the functioning of the centers in the brain. This is especially true for the center that is responsible for appetite; its functions are regulated. Breathing exercises help speed up the metabolism that occurs at the cellular level. There is no deposition of new fat cells, and those that already exist in the body begin to burn.

It cannot be said that breathing exercises were developed modern doctors. Breathing exercises have been used very successfully in yoga for several millennia. In addition to quitting smoking, breathing exercises have an effect on the health of the body as a whole.

The basis of all breathing exercises in different options and breathing rhythms. Such breathing exercises will also allow you to control your emotions, quickly calm down and relax if the situation becomes stressful. There are exercises that will help you concentrate, cope with panic, psychological problems, and even fears.


Here are some simple exercises. Anyone can try them on themselves and choose those that suit them best. The most effective exercises will be in the morning, as well as in the afternoon, when there is a strong desire to smoke. Usually, after performing these exercises, the desire to take a drag on a cigarette disappears.

1 Exercise. This exercise is also called “Full Yoga Breathing”. It can be performed in a straight standing or sitting position. First you need to relax. Inhale gradually, filling the lower part of the lungs first. At this time, your stomach needs to stick out. After this, the chest begins to rise upward from bottom to top. This can be compared to a wave that passes through the body. For the movement to be performed correctly, the spine must be kept absolutely straight. Then an exhalation follows, and then the wave goes back through the body: first, the stomach begins to fall and be drawn inward, followed by the chest. This needs to be done several times, while inhaling in 4 counts and exhaling in 4 counts. The exercise should be done slowly. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

2 Exercise. It will help make your lung volume larger, especially in the lower part. You need to stand so that there is a distance of 30-40 cm between your feet. Place your hands just above your waist, where the ribs begin. Then, as you inhale through your nose, you need to bend back and spread your arms to the sides. After this, you bend forward, return your arms to the position on your ribs, and exhale. At this moment you need to slightly squeeze the ribs with your hands. When you exhale, you need to pause. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. Stop doing the exercise if a coughing attack begins.

3 Exercise. You need to inhale through your nose, and then exhale through your mouth, but a little faster. You need to start doing this exercise slowly, but gradually, the pace should become faster. At one time you need to do about 30 cycles of inhalations and exhalations. After completing the cycle, you should rest for at least 1 minute. To achieve good results, you need to perform at least 5-6 approaches. This exercise is also suitable if you have a strong craving for a cigarette. This exercise helps well, at least, to reduce the number of cigarettes consumed at first.

4 Exercise. As soon as an acute craving for a cigarette occurs, it is advisable to go outside. Try to relax and stand up straight. Take a deep breath and then hold your breath for about 3-5 seconds. The exhalation should be slow, and when you exhale, you need to hold your breath again for about the same time. You need to repeat this exercise 10 times. When you finish the exercise, you may feel a little dizzy as the brain is saturated with oxygen. However, the desire to smoke will disappear for a long time.

The first exercise is considered the most effective, because breathing exercises have been practiced in yoga for more than a millennium.

But you should not overuse the practice of breathing exercises. You cannot exceed the number of repetitions of exercises in one session. The fact is that this can lead to overstimulation.

According to the recommendation of some experts, it is especially useful to perform breathing exercises with short exhalation and long inhalation. This technique is especially good for toning during the day, but if you perform this exercise in reverse, the effect will be the opposite - the effect will be calming.

It is useful to combine breathing exercises and walks in the fresh air. For example, on the way home from work. If you give the body while walking high load on respiratory organs, smoking itself will be impossible.

Classification: Medical devices

I attributed this method to medical supplies. Perhaps it can be classified as therapeutic exercises. Breathing exercises are not an invention modern medicine. They have been actively used in yoga for thousands of years. Such exercises can have a significant impact on the human body. Breathing exercises for smoking are based on in various ways free and correct rhythmic breathing. It allows you not only to quit smoking, but also much more. For example, control your emotions, be able to quickly concentrate or, on the contrary, relax in stressful situation. Breathing control exercises help you cope with many psychological problems, fears.

Breathing exercises for quitting smoking helps to properly develop and train the respiratory organs, and helps cleanse them of undesirable consequences smoking.

I'll give you a few exercises and you can choose the ones that suit you best. These exercises should be done in the morning in combination with morning exercises and during the day when you feel like smoking. As a rule, after these exercises the desire to smoke disappears.

Exercise #1: When you feel a strong urge to smoke, it is recommended to go out into the fresh air. Stand up straight. Relax. Take a breath full breasts and hold your breath for 2-5 seconds. Then exhale slowly. At the end of exhalation, hold your breath for the same time. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times. After the exercise, you will feel a slight dizziness associated with the saturation of the brain with oxygen. On long time your desire to smoke will disappear.

Exercise #2: You need to slowly inhale air through your nose and exhale it a little faster through your mouth. You can imagine yourself as a steam locomotive, then the exercise will not only be effective, but also quite fun. Start the exercise slowly and gradually increase the pace. In one cycle, take 30 inhalations and exhalations. After each cycle, rest for approximately 1 minute. To obtain good result, perform the exercise for 5-6 cycles. Do the exercise every time you want to smoke. Gradually, you will notice that you no longer think about cigarettes and smoking so often.

Exercise No. 3 (“full yogic breathing”): Stand or sit up straight. Relax. As you inhale, first fill the lower part of your lungs with air; At the same time, the stomach protrudes forward. This is followed by raising the chest - from the bottom to the top. A “wave” seems to pass through the body. For this to be natural, the spine should be kept straight. Then, as you exhale, the “wave” passes in the opposite direction: first the stomach subsides and is slightly drawn inward, then the chest. Try, being in the starting position, to do this several times: for 4 counts - slow deep inhalation through the nose, for 4 counts - slow deep exhalation through the nose; again for 4 counts - inhale and for 4 counts - exhale...

The benefits of such breathing have been proven by thousands of years of practice. The lungs receive the required amount of oxygen (since sufficient ventilation leads to a general decrease in the number breathing movements in a minute); the chest receives proper innervation from the endings nervous system; organs abdominal cavity receive a light, systematic massage thanks to strong and rhythmic movements of the diaphragm.

However, this practice should not be abused: consciously performing full breathing as an exercise should not exceed 10 times in one session. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in overexcitation of the nervous system.

Do the exercise every time you want to smoke.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova is considered the founder of breathing exercises. She developed a set of breathing exercises to help a person give up cravings for tobacco and free the body from the consequences of smoking. Those who regularly perform exercises according to the A.N.

Strelnikova, note spontaneous weight regulation and gradual extinction of the craving for smoking. In addition, gymnastics removes nicotine plaque from the vocal cords, trachea and bronchi. When performing exercises, this plaque is rejected by the body along with mucus and phlegm. Over time with regular classes the lungs are completely cleansed of harmful accumulations. On the recommendation of A.N. Archery gymnastics should be performed daily in three sets of 30 minutes.

You will find exercises and instructions for performing them in Mikhail Shchetinin’s book “Strelnikova’s Breathing Gymnastics.”

BodyFlex program Greer Childers

Breathing exercises formed the basis of bodyflex. This gymnastics was developed by the American Greer Childers.

Bodyflex combines deep breathing with performing exercises to increase flexibility and strengthen the main muscle groups.

The program includes 12 exercises. They should be performed every day for 15 minutes before breakfast. Greer Childers recommends doing the program on an empty stomach. In this case, you can drink a glass of liquid (water, tea, juice).

The exercises are of a healing nature, and the value of the program lies in its simplicity and short duration.

Greer Childers claims that the breathing exercises she developed will help cope with the craving for smoking, although the author calls this effect a side effect.

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How they can be useful breathing practices when quitting smoking? Firstly, they help reduce cravings for cigarettes. Secondly, the necessary training of the respiratory organs occurs, the volume of the lungs gradually increases, and the process of oxygen supply to the body is improved. Thirdly, breathing exercises for smokers help remove toxins and poisons from the body, gradually normalize well-being, and improve blood flow to the brain.

When deciding how to quickly and effectively quit smoking using breathing exercises, you need to take into account that you will have to do gymnastics every day. The minimum number of approaches is 3 times. The duration of the set of exercises is about half an hour.

3 breathing techniques for quitting smoking

  1. The first exercise should become a habit. This is where you should start your breathing training. It will help dull the strong desire to smoke. What should be done? You need to go outside, onto the balcony or stand near an open window so that there is an influx of air from the street. Close your eyes, try to relax, lower your shoulders. Then take a slow, deepest breath through your nose. First, the stomach should fill with air, swelling, and then the chest. After this, you need to hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Exhalation is also carried out slowly and smoothly. First, the chest is released, followed by the stomach. It is important to ensure that no unnecessary tension arises in the body. After 1-2 minutes of such breathing, mild dizziness may begin. Don't be afraid of this. The condition occurs because with such breathing technique from smoking comes to the brain a large number of oxygen and nutrients, the movement of blood in the body is stabilized. At first, it is not recommended to breathe in this way for too long; a couple of minutes is enough to prevent any problems at all. discomfort. Gradually, you can begin to increase the time of breathing exercises, making the intervals between inhalation and exhalation longer.
  2. The following exercise for smokers is very simple; it can be performed both at home and at work, without necessarily going out into the fresh air. You need to sit comfortably in a chair or armchair. Try again to relax as much as possible and stop focusing your attention on the craving for a cigarette. Then you should take a deep, full breath through your nose; it should not be intermittent, but you should inhale the air slowly. Exhalation is carried out through the mouth, it should be shorter and faster than inhalation. There should be no pauses between inhalations and exhalations. Gradually, the given breathing rhythm must begin to accelerate, as if “accelerating”.
  3. The third breathing exercise when quitting smoking should be performed while moving. You can walk leisurely around the room or go outside and take a walk. The second option is even preferable because fresh air. When you start walking, you need to take a quick breath through your nose for a count of one or two. Then hold your breath, slowly counting to yourself from one to three. Exhale through the mouth for 5-7 seconds. It is important not to lose the given rhythm and not get lost.