High insulin after exercise. Deciphering the results of the study

Insulin is one of the most important hormones produced in human body. It is responsible for the normal functioning of many systems and organs, but its main task is to control the level of glucose in human blood. If this level is higher or lower than normal, then the metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, and if you do not pay attention to the violation of this ratio in time, serious diseases can develop.

The need and norms of insulin

All processes occurring in the human body are somehow "tied" to insulin. Without this hormone produced by the pancreas, they cannot be broken down nutrients entering the body with food. In case of malfunctions of the pancreas or other problems, energy metabolism is disturbed, which has the most detrimental effect on health.

At healthy person the level of insulin normally ranges from 3 to 25 units, in children the upper limit is slightly lower - 20 units. In elderly people, the upper limit is considered to be no higher than 35 units, such indicators can be after 60 years. All this is the norm. And anything above normal is a reason for immediate medical attention, as increased performance blood insulin is alarm bell, notifying that the coordinated work of all human systems and organs has given a serious failure.

The greatest concern should be caused by high insulin levels during normal, normal sugar in blood. By the way, doctors strongly recommend keeping a glucometer at home, with which you can always measure the level of both sugar and insulin without going to a medical facility.

The most objective picture of blood sugar can be obtained by measuring the level every 2-2.5 hours, but in such a way that at least five measurements per day are obtained. But not everyone has such an opportunity, so it is advisable to check your blood for sugar, at least immediately after waking up, in morning time, and before going to bed.


A significant increase in the level of insulin in the blood is called hypoglycemia. Symptoms of this pathological condition:

  • depression,
  • oppression,
  • deterioration of memory and memory abilities,
  • extremely difficult to concentrate.

With progressive hypoglycemia, the main symptoms develop very quickly:

  • chronic fatigue,
  • rapid weight gain.

Besides, elevated level insulin directly affects the condition blood vessels, provoking the occurrence of hypertension, and if you do not pay attention to all this set of symptoms, then non-intervention in the situation may lead to more serious violations blood circulation, in which a person can overtake:

  • disruption of normal sleep
  • increased secretion of sebum,
  • kidney failure,
  • gangrene of the lower extremities.

Women usually notice these changes more often, as they begin to worry about the transformations taking place with them: firstly, overweight, which at any age is perceived as adverse event, and secondly, increased fat content skin. The latter phenomenon directly changes the appearance: the skin not only acquires a characteristic oily sheen, but also multiple acne appears, and the hair quickly becomes “greasy”.


Let's make a reservation from the very beginning: always, under any circumstances high insulin- this is not normal. But only a doctor of the appropriate profile can, with a high degree of probability, determine what kind of pathology we are talking about, and how it can and should be dealt with.

Based on the root cause of this phenomenon, we can talk about:

  • primary hyperinsulinism,
  • secondary hyperinsulinism.

Primary hyperinsulinism is an increased level of insulin with a low level of sugar in the blood, that is, it primary form development of pathology. Such hyperinsulinism is also called pancreatic, as it develops against the background of a violation of the production of an insulin antagonist hormone, which is called glucagon (glucagon hyposecretion). Both of these hormones are produced in the pancreas, in the so-called islets of Langerhans. When there is a malfunction in the production of glucagon, an excess of insulin occurs in the body.

Elevated or high level Insulin in the blood at a normal sugar level may indicate the following disorders:

  • neoplasms (benign or malignant tumors) in the body of the pancreas,
  • decreased production of glucagon.

Secondary hyperinsulinism is also an increase in insulin levels with normal sugar levels. With this type of hyperinsulinism, the work of the central nervous system, and in addition, there is an excess production of:

  • adenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin),
  • somatotropin, or growth hormone (both of these hormones are produced by the pituitary gland),
  • hormones produced by the adrenal cortex (glucocorticoids).

The reason for this phenomenon can be multiple factors, both external and internal, including:

  • liver failure or impaired liver function,
  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism,
  • pathological changes anterior section brain,
  • the occurrence of tumors in the abdominal region,
  • development of malignant neoplasms in the adrenal glands.

What do we have to do

First of all, for proper treatment you need to find out the cause of this pathology. Without finding out the cause, treatment should not be started, since it cannot be effective. And independent symptomatic treatment, especially long-term (reception antihypertensive drugs to reduce blood pressure, analgesics for headaches and so on), can "lubricate" clinical picture and postpone your visit to the doctor. And in such a situation, the sooner you apply, the more likely favorable outcome.

Only a thorough and comprehensive examination can reveal the cause of hyperinsulinism. But often patients end up in a hospital with hyperinsulinism already in acute form when the patient needs to be injected to normalize the state of glucagon and adrenaline. But even if a person was hospitalized before an exacerbation of the disease, very often one cannot do without a dropper with glucose, since high insulin will sooner or later lead to a decrease in blood sugar, this phenomenon is called hypoglycemia. Symptoms of this condition:

  • increased sweating,
  • tachycardia,
  • increased fatigue and weakness,
  • pallor of the skin.

In this case, the patient constantly experiences a feeling of hunger. At sharp decline sugar loss of consciousness is possible, if sugar is not brought back to normal - hypoglycemic coma.

Often the question arises: is it possible to lower the level of insulin at home?

Yes, of course you can. But reducing insulin levels at home is not synonymous with self-treatment without resorting to specialists. It is possible to be treated for hyperinsulinism not in a hospital, but at home, but only after the doctor with whom the person visited fully writes out and explains the treatment regimen to him and prescribes all the medications necessary for this. But since the treatment is prescribed complex, then in the list curative measures there may be those for which it is necessary to visit medical institutions: for example, when prescribing physiotherapy or manual therapy, acupuncture, acupuncture, etc. Droppers, too, not every patient can put himself at home, so in no case can you ignore either clinics or even hospitals.

If we talk about home treatment, then doctors emphasize: the main thing is self-control. And this applies not only to the mandatory five-time measurement of insulin levels, but also to some other points. Sometimes, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to step on the throat of your “I” and your desires (but it’s more honest to call them human weaknesses). It is difficult to force yourself to do what you are not used to doing, and to refuse what you really want. But it is precisely this that boils down to two points of home treatment:

Body weight should never increase. To do this, you need to follow a diet, which can be very strict. If a person does not feel enough willpower in himself, it is better that one of his relatives monitors his nutrition.

Diet at elevated insulin should be built on fractional nutrition- the patient should eat at least five times a day, while servings of food should be small. Carbohydrates should be reduced to 150 g per day. If a person experiences moral discomfort from some food restrictions, you need to pay attention to the readings of blood tests: as soon as the doctor's prescriptions are scrupulously followed, the insulin readings in the blood will return to normal. And when the patient sees with his own eyes that he is getting healthier, this will have a positive effect on his condition.

But in addition to psychological moments, there will also be an undoubted objective improvement in the state. But in any case, you will need to periodically visit a doctor for preventive examination and several times a year to do a blood test.

In addition, you need to continue to follow a diet and try to keep healthy lifestyle life. What is included in this concept? The list is not that big:

  • watch your weight, don't overeat,
  • do morning exercises
  • before going to bed, take at least a short walk in the fresh air,
  • try to give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol).

By detecting the disease in time and coping with it, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of relapses.

Insulin is a protein hormone produced by the pancreas. Renders big influence on metabolic processes in almost all tissues of the body. One of its main tasks is to control blood glucose levels.

Thanks to insulin, the process of absorption of glucose by fat and muscle cells accelerates, inhibits the formation of new glucose cells in the liver. It creates a store of glycogen - a form of glucose - in cells, contributes to the preservation and accumulation of other energy sources, such as fats, proteins. Thanks to insulin, their breakdown and utilization are inhibited.

In the event that the function of the pancreas is not impaired and the gland is in order, it constantly produces the amount of insulin necessary for normal functioning the whole organism. After eating, the volume of insulin rises, this is necessary for the qualitative processing of incoming proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In the event that there are functional deviations in the activity of the pancreas, a malfunction occurs in the work of the whole organism. This disease is called diabetes mellitus.

Insufficient insulin production leads to type 1 diabetes. In this disease, the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin are destroyed. The body is not able to qualitatively assimilate the incoming food.

To keep the body working normal condition, such a patient is given insulin "for food" before meals. The volume that must cope with the high-quality processing of incoming food. Insulin is also administered between meals. The purpose of these injections is to ensure the normal functioning of the body in between meals.

When insulin is produced in the body the right amount, but its quality is impaired - type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs. In this type of disease, the quality of insulin is reduced, and it cannot have the desired effect on the cells of the body. In fact, there is no sense in such insulin. It is unable to process glucose in the blood. At this type drugs are used to induce insulin to act.

The level of insulin in the blood is normal

Insulin. Norm in women by age (table)

The level of normal insulin in the blood in both men and women is approximately the same, there are slight differences in certain situations.

When glucose levels rise in the body, the pancreas begins to produce more insulin. Such moments in a healthy female body occur during puberty, pregnancy and in old age.

All these situations are clearly reflected in the tables below:

The rate of insulin in the blood of a woman is different depending on age. It has increased markedly over the years.

The norm of insulin in the blood in men

In men, as well as in women, the amount of insulin in the body varies with age.

In old age, additional energy is required, therefore, after sixty, in men, as in women, the volume of insulin produced increases and reaches 35 mcd / l.

Insulin in the blood. The norm in children and adolescents

Children and adolescents constitute a special category. Children do not need additional energy, so their production of this hormone is slightly underestimated. But during puberty, the picture changes dramatically. Against the background of a general hormonal surge, the indicators of the norm of insulin in the blood of adolescents are becoming higher.

When insulin levels fluctuate within the above indicated numbers, this means that the person is healthy. In a situation where the hormone is higher than the indicated indicators, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and other organs, these processes can become irreversible.

Insulin is a hormone with character. Many factors can affect its level - stress, physical overstrain, pancreatic disease, but most often the violation is caused by diabetes mellitus in a person.

Symptoms that indicate that there is an increase in insulin - itching, dry mouth, long healing wounds, increased appetite, but with a tendency to reduce weight.

Situation when insulin is low established norm, indicates prolonged physical activity or that a person has type 1 diabetes. Diseases of the pancreas should also not be ruled out. Often, pallor, palpitations, fainting, irritability, and sweating are added to the above symptoms.

How to know the level of insulin?

An analysis is required to determine the insulin content. There are two main types of analysis - after a glucose load and on an empty stomach. In order to make a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, both of these tests must be performed. Such a study can only be carried out in a clinical setting.

This analysis is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning, so that the results most clearly reflect reality, it is recommended not to eat at least 12 hours before blood sampling. Therefore, this analysis is prescribed in the morning, which allows you to prepare well for donating blood.

The day before the analysis, all fatty food, sweets, from alcoholic beverages also need to refrain. Otherwise, the result obtained may not correspond to reality, which will complicate the procedure. correct setting diagnosis.

In addition to menu adjustments, it is necessary on the eve of the test to lead a more relaxed lifestyle - to give up active sports, heavy physical work Try to avoid emotional experiences. It will not be superfluous to quit smoking a day before the analysis.

After sleep, before donating blood for analysis, you can not eat or drink anything except pure still water. Blood sampling is done from a finger, in rare cases, venous blood sampling is carried out, also on an empty stomach.

In addition to a blood test, doctors often prescribe ultrasound pancreas, which allows you to find out the reasons for the improper production of insulin.

Results may be lower than in the table above. So the normal indicator for an adult will be parameters from 1.9 to 23 mcd / l. for children under the age of 14, this figure can vary from 2 to 20 mcd / l. in women in position, this figure will be from 6 to 27 mcd / l.

Insulin rate at glucose load

To understand how quickly and how well the body is able to produce insulin, a test is performed to determine this hormone after an insulin load. Preparation for this method of diagnosis is carried out in exactly the same way as in the previous case. You can not eat for at least 8 hours, smoking, alcohol and physical activity should be abandoned.

Before testing for insulin in the patient's blood, two hours before blood sampling, he is given a glucose solution to drink - 75 ml for adults and 50 ml for children. After the solution is drunk, the body begins the process of producing insulin and its work to neutralize glucose.

During the whole time you can not make active physical actions, smoking. After two hours, blood is taken for analysis, measuring the level of insulin.

When sampling, the patient is required to remain calm, otherwise the result may be incorrect.
After such an analysis normal indicators there will be the following parameters: for an adult, numbers from 13 to 15 mcd / l, for a woman carrying a baby, the norm will be numbers from 16 to 17 mcd / l, for children under the age of 14, numbers from 10 to 11 mcd / l will be normal .

In some cases, it may be appropriate to conduct a double analysis to identify the content of insulin in human plasma. The first analysis is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning, after which the patient is given glucose to drink and blood sampling is repeated two hours later. Combined analysis will provide an extended picture of the action of insulin.

How insulin levels change after eating

After eating, proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the body, the pancreas begins to actively produce a hormone for the proper absorption of all this diversity. That is, the volume of insulin increases dramatically, which is why it is impossible to correctly determine the rate of insulin in the human body after eating. As the food is processed, the insulin content returns to normal.

If these numbers are more or less, then you should be worried and find out the reason.

Why measure insulin levels?

Measuring insulin levels can help identify certain medical conditions.

What can an elevated level of insulin in the blood indicate?

  • ABOUT diabetes second type,
  • About Cushing's Syndrome
  • About acromegaly (chronic excess of growth hormone),
  • About some liver diseases,
  • About insulinoma (a tumor that produces insulin),
  • About dystrophic myotonia (a neuromuscular disease),
  • obesity,
  • On violation of cell resistance to insulin and carbohydrates.

An increased amount of insulin can be found in the blood of a pregnant woman. In many cases, such an increase is due to the body's reaction to a new physiological state and is normal.

Deviation from the norm of insulin in women in a big way can be a signal of polycystic ovaries. This is especially likely if there is a marked increase body fat in the abdomen.

What can low insulin levels in the blood indicate?

  • About type 1 diabetes
  • About juvenile diabetes
  • About diabetic coma
  • About hypopituitarism (a disease associated with disorders in the work of the pituitary gland).

Prolonged physical activity can lead to a decrease in the amount of insulin.

Any changes in insulin levels can also indicate problems in the pancreas, because they immediately affect the production of this hormone.

For diabetics, at the stage of diagnosing the disease and determining the type of diabetes, an insulin test allows you to develop the right tactics treatment.

How do deviations from the normal amount of insulin affect well-being?

Changes in insulin levels have an immediate effect on blood sugar levels. It is with this that the sensations of a person whose insulin goes beyond the norm are connected.

Evidence of insulin deviation from the norm:

  • Thirst,
  • Itching of the skin,
  • Frequent trips to the toilet
  • Increased fatigue, lethargy,
  • Poor wound healing.

At sharp increase insulin levels will also drop sharply and sugar levels. In addition to the above symptoms in this case, there may also be:

  • Sudden bouts of hunger
  • Shiver,
  • heartbeat,
  • sweating,
  • Fainting.

How is insulin level determined?

A blood test for insulin is done on an empty stomach, because after a meal, the amount of insulin increases rapidly. It is produced by the pancreas in response to the presence of carbohydrates in the body. In addition, you need to stop taking medication the day before the test. Of course, this is done in consultation with the attending physician. To determine the level of insulin is taken deoxygenated blood. There are several ways to perform this analysis.

What are the dangers of deviations from the normal level of insulin?

An increased amount of insulin contributes to the development hypertension, reduces the elasticity of the arteries. As a result, there is a significant increase in the risk cardiovascular disorders. Insulin contributes to the thickening of the walls carotid artery, because of which the normal blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Such conditions can cause a loss of clarity of thinking in old age.

A low amount of insulin most often leads to type 1 diabetes. This disease disrupts the functioning of almost the entire body.

If you have doubts about the normal level of glucose and insulin in the body, then it is better to do tests. Then, if problems are identified, it will be possible to take action, preventing the development of serious complications.

Insulin is considered an essential polypeptide hormone that ensures the normal functioning of cells. It is produced by the pancreas and delivers glucose, potassium, amino acids to cells, regulates carbohydrate balance and is responsible for metabolic processes. The mechanism of action is to open cell membranes due to which glucose is supplied to the body. The most important indicator functioning of the system is the rate of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach, the value of which ranges from 3-27 mcU / ml, and after eating - 6-35 mcU / ml.

The effect of insulin on the body

1. The normal value of the insulin level is considered to be 5.5-10 mcU / ml. Maximum allowable upper norm- 11.5 units, but doctors say that such a condition, called intolerance, indicates initial stage diabetes disease. If the amount of hormones does not correspond to the norm, then the cells lose their sensitivity to secretion. Depending on the results of the analysis, the type of diabetes is determined and a treatment regimen is prescribed.

At a constant glucose level of 20 mcU/m and above, a person is at risk lethal outcome. Sharp fluctuations in insulin in the blood cause a malfunction in the brain, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache,
  • drowsiness
  • strong thirst,
  • diuretic effect,
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system,
  • constipation
  • overweight,
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

High insulin causes blockage of an enzyme (lipase) that breaks down fats in the body, which causes dandruff, trophic ulcers, impotence, seborrhea, increased greasiness of hair, excessive fat accumulation. Changes in lipid metabolism cause the formation cholesterol plaques, development of atherosclerosis and increased blood pressure. Scientists suggest that the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys, as well as the reproduction of malignant cells, depends on its level.

Excess content of polypeptide hormones is observed in the case of:

  • pathological condition of the liver,
  • obesity,
  • hereditary fructose intolerance,
  • muscular dystrophy,
  • with diabetes mellitus (type 2),
  • with inflammation and various forms neoplasms of the pancreas,
  • in case of pregnancy.

If the rate of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach is too low, then signs such as:

  • numbness of the fingers, mouth and nasal cavity,
  • panic state,
  • nausea and dizziness,
  • anxiety, tearfulness, bad mood;
  • the appearance of pain in the muscles and in the stomach,
  • irretention;
  • tachycardia, weakness during physical effort, shortness of breath.

drop to lower bound connected:

  • with excessive physical activity,
  • with the development of diabetes mellitus (type 1),
  • with some diseases.

Ways to Lower Insulin

The production of pancreatic secretion is influenced by sex hormones, carbohydrates from food, and lifestyle.

Sports activities and diet food facilitate the transport of glucose to the muscles, contribute to weight loss and activation metabolic processes blocking insulin resistance, called insulin resistance.

General ideas about insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced by the B cells of the pancreas. These cells are located in the islets of Langerhans. The hormone affects blood glucose levels. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, its main function is to deliver glucose to cells. When a person eats, the amount of glucose rises, and the pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin. In addition, the hormone performs the following functions:

  • participates in gluconeogenesis;
  • increases protein synthesis;
  • reduces the breakdown of glycogen;
  • affects the amount of ketone bodies.

How much insulin should be in the blood?

Since the hormone is actively produced by the pancreas at the time of eating, it is possible to determine that insulin is normal only on an empty stomach. Exists normal values insulin, these indicators will be used to assess changes in dynamics after a meal.

The rate of insulin in the blood of a healthy person is shown in the table:

In women and men, the amount of the hormone is identical. The output depends on the level of required energy costs. Only in pregnant women does the amount increase due to high energy requirements.

The elderly need, as well as pregnant women, more energy when making active muscle movements. This leads to an overestimated rate for old age.

In babies, the hormone is produced less, which is associated with low energy consumption, so the rate is lower than in adults.

Deviations of these values ​​from normal level indicates the presence of pathology of the pancreas. It is very important to determine the level of insulin in children, since it is in childhood develops type 1 diabetes. In this disease, an absolute lack of insulin is determined. This means that the gland cells do not produce the hormone. Therefore, the determination of insulin in this situation plays an important role.

Blood test for pancreatic hormone

Indications for an insulin test

The analysis is prescribed in case of suspected pathology of the pancreas. People who have

close relatives have diseases such as diabetes, they need to check their glucose levels once a year.

The appointment of an analysis for a child is also carried out by a doctor - an endocrinologist. The development of type 1 diabetes in a child is always accompanied by a sharp decrease in body weight, possible development hypoglycemic conditions. Symptoms such as weight loss increased thirst and increased volume of daily urine are absolute readings to submit an analysis.

Norms of insulin are also determined in order to determine the effect of the therapy. Medications diabetics receive every day. Therefore, the analysis is extremely important.

The first signal of a malfunction of the cells of the pancreas is the determination of glucose in the blood. This analysis is carried out for everyone upon admission to a hospital or clinic. In addition, the level of glycated hemoglobin is determined. This indicator also indicates the level of the hormone in the blood. At the same time, glycated hemoglobin is a more reliable type of analysis: glucose is determined, which the erythrocyte has “collected” on its membrane. Since the average lifespan of an erythrocyte is 4 months, we can assume that the level of glycated hemoglobin is the result of a change in glucose levels not at once, but over 4 months.

Analysis in adults

Laboratory determination hormone is taken by taking blood in the morning, before meals. This is due to the fact that when eating, the amount of the hormone increases. Therefore, the level of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach is determined.

It is also necessary to limit physical activity, one day prior to analysis.

When determining the level of glucose tolerance, blood is taken twice. In the morning, the first sampling is carried out, then they are given a glucose solution to drink and an hour later the blood is taken a second time. Thus, the dynamics of changes in the level of the hormone is assessed. In this case, the patient should not eat in the interval before the second blood sampling.

One of simple methods, allowing to judge the amount of this hormone, is the determination of the concentration of glucose in capillary blood. If the level is exceeded, this indicates a lack of the hormone or a decrease in insulin sensitivity to glucose.

Determining the level of insulin in a child

In babies, the amount of insulin is always the same. It is related to their physiological characteristics. Insulin dependence on glucose develops after puberty. A glucometer is one of the simple and convenient methods for testing insulin in children and adults. This method is based on determining the amount of glucose, which indirectly allows you to judge the hormone.

This requires the following:

  • wash the baby's hands thoroughly;
  • treat the puncture site with alcohol or any other disinfectant;
  • you need to set up the device according to the instructions;
  • insert a special strip from the box into it;
  • gently pierce your finger with a glucometer needle;
  • apply a drop of blood to the indicated place on the test strip according to the instructions;
  • evaluate the result after 30 seconds.

Interpretation of results

Deviations in insulin levels indicate the presence of pathological changes.

Low level

The decline speaks of the following diseases:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • hypoglycemic coma;
  • disorders of the pituitary gland.

There are two types of insulin deficiency, relative and absolute deficiency. The first occurs in type 2 diabetes. At the same time, there is a normal amount of insulin, but it is not able to affect tissue cells so that they absorb glucose. This condition, which underlies the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, is called insulin resistance. An absolute deficiency occurs in type 1 diabetes, and is often irreversible, that is, the pancreas does not secrete the hormone at all. Any changes in the hormone can talk about the pathology of the gland.

Elevated insulin levels

An elevated level may be a sign of:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • excess body weight, namely obesity types 2 and 3.

Often in pregnant women, insulin in the blood is elevated, this is considered a physiological norm.

In women, hyperinsulinemia may indicate the presence of ovarian cysts.

Symptoms of a change in the amount of insulin

Changes in hormone levels are always manifested by certain changes in the functioning of organs and systems.

signs sharp decline insulin and increased glucose levels are as follows (symptoms of diabetes):

  • strong thirst;
  • increased appetite;