Expert comments. How to whiten teeth at home? Interesting video: criteria for high-quality teeth whitening and important nuances of this procedure

The use of any traditional medicine must also be done with caution. Professional whitening is not a cheap procedure, but inept independent actions can seriously damage the enamel surface, which cannot be restored even for a lot of money. When following tips on how to whiten your teeth at home, you must strictly adhere to the conditions listed below.

Nuances safe whitening at home:

  • All procedures are carried out on the condition that no dental problems, especially with tooth enamel. Elimination of such diseases should be carried out exclusively by a specialist.
  • Do not allow bleaching agents to come into contact with the gums and oral mucosa. This can lead to chemical burns and mechanical damage.
  • The frequency of procedures must be strictly observed. Very often, in order to quickly whiten teeth at home, there is a temptation to enhance the effect a little and resort to the chosen method as often as possible (and sometimes use all recipes at once). Such a rush will not lead to anything good, except that it can cause serious damage to tooth enamel.
  • Usage pharmaceuticals for teeth whitening, which will be discussed a little later, should also take place at certain intervals. For daily hygienic cleaning, you need to choose strengthening or restoring toothpaste, and not with a whitening effect, the use of which is no more than once a week.
  • Abrasive substances often included in similar recipes, may damage tooth enamel, so the cleaning direction is strictly vertical.
  • After the whitening procedure, for its long-term effect, you must also review your diet and get rid of bad habits, which provoke the appearance of dark plaque. Smoking, abuse of strong tea and coffee, as well as excessive consumption of aggressive products have a particularly strong effect on the condition of the enamel. The use of food coloring in the preparation of some usual food also contributes to contamination of the surface of the teeth, so you will have to refuse such tasty harmful things.
  • Despite compliance preventive measures, the effect of the whitening procedure cannot last forever and gradually the tooth enamel may darken again. To avoid neglected conditions better time use gentle whitening methods from time to time and adhere to high level personal hygiene.

The following recipes, which often include: regular soda, salt, peroxide and activated carbon. More about this in the following information.

How to safely and quickly whiten teeth with baking soda

To whiten your teeth at home, you can go in two different ways:

  • safe;
  • fast.

Let's look at how to whiten teeth with soda in more detail.

Safe and effective whitening

The use of this simplest remedy is familiar to many first-hand. Periodic brushing of teeth will help restore whiteness and even help strengthen the enamel.

Among the disadvantages is the risk of damage to the sensitive surface of the teeth, so it is often recommended to mix soda with regular toothpaste. The main advantage of this method will be safety for the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach.

Additional ingredients will also help you whiten your teeth at home with baking soda. To do this, you can use pharmacy hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice and fine table salt. The dry ingredients are diluted with water to a mushy state; teeth are brushed with a cotton swab or a regular brush.

Do not rub soda too hard on the surface of your teeth, otherwise there is a risk of scratching the enamel.

Fast whitening for emergencies

For emergency situations There are different methods. The following recipe is recognized as one of the most effective: mix baking soda in equal proportions with fine salt, dilute it with hydrogen peroxide to form a porridge and add a few drops lemon juice. Gently wipe the enamel with the resulting mixture and leave on the teeth for about fifteen minutes.

Afterwards, rinse your mouth with water or the peroxide solution described earlier. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat acidic foods for at least half an hour. Teeth should be whitened using this method no more than once a month, otherwise the surface of the tooth enamel may be damaged.

Hydrogen peroxide for home teeth whitening

The second popular ingredient for these purposes is regular pharmacy hydrogen peroxide.

It must be used with caution: contact with oral mucous membranes may cause chemical burns. You should also not whiten your teeth with this product too often.

The method is as follows: apply a little peroxide to a cotton swab or bandage and carefully treat the tooth surface. The result will be noticeable after two to three procedures, but such cleansing should not be used frequently.

Rinsing with a peroxide solution will also be very beneficial for dental health. To do this, just dissolve two tablespoons in a glass. warm water. You can rinse with this solution every other day, this will give a good antibacterial and mild whitening effect.

Ancient method with activated carbon

Another ingredient, whose action has been tested by time and was successfully used by our ancestors, will also help you achieve a snow-white smile. This is ordinary wood ash, which previously replaced the toothpaste we were used to.

A small amount of ash was mixed with water and the tooth surface was cleaned with this paste. This helped not only to get rid of food debris and disinfect oral cavity, but also preserve the natural whiteness of teeth.

A modern analogue of wood ash is activated carbon, found in every first aid kit. You can whiten your teeth with activated carbon, crushed into powder, quite effectively, just as wood ash did before.

To enhance the effect, you can add a little soda or lemon juice to the powder, and to get rid of the characteristic taste, rinse your mouth weak solution peroxide.

A snow-white smile with the help of berries

A little unusual and very delicious way for snow-white teeth is to use strawberries and strawberries as active component. Apply the mashed fruits to the tooth surface and leave for at least 15 minutes.

Afterwards, rinse your mouth with water and use your regular toothpaste to neutralize the acidic composition. This way you can whiten your teeth very effectively, but unfortunately this method is not always available, since maximum effect They produce fresh fruits.

The peel of citrus fruits has a similar effect. If you wipe it every day inside zest the surface of the teeth, you can get a good result after a short time.

Usage acidic foods has and reverse side: increased sensitivity and weakening of tooth enamel can become unpleasant consequences such therapy.

How to whiten teeth using unconventional methods

At all extreme tips We will not offer any advice on the use of substances that are unsuitable and harmful to the human body, but there are several effective recipes, the composition of which is not very common for such purposes. A striking example would be whitening your teeth at home with Coca-Cola. To do this, rinse your mouth thoroughly with the heated mixture for 5-10 minutes.

It should be taken into account that regular use The above-mentioned drink and its analogues, on the contrary, promotes the formation of plaque and stains.

Apple cider vinegar, which can be used to rinse your mouth, has a similar effect. After rinsing briefly (try not to swallow the liquid), rinse your mouth additionally warm water. Apple cider vinegar can be diluted baking soda and rub the resulting mixture onto the tooth surface. Brings good effect regular use such rinses no more than once a week.

Special products for teeth whitening

In this case, the labeling of the toothpaste must necessarily indicate such a beneficial effect, as well as contain short instructions for use. The range of such products is not limited exclusively to hygienic pastes and is classified into the following categories.

Toothpastes with enamel whitening effect

This option will not surprise anyone; there are many varieties of whitening pastes on sale. All of them have this effect to one degree or another, the difference will be in the composition and result.

Most toothpastes successfully combine daily protection and a comprehensive effect on plaque and darkening of tooth enamel. Some varieties of this toothpaste are not recommended for daily oral hygiene.

Want something interesting?

Your dentist will help you answer the question of which toothpaste is good for whitening teeth, and you can purchase suitable products in any convenient way, including ordering through online stores.

The best option would be to buy the paste at a pharmacy with a good reputation..

This way you can protect yourself from counterfeits and not overpay for ineffective treatment.

Teeth Whitening Gel

Another product that is no less common is special gels for teeth whitening. Their action is more aggressive than that of toothpastes, but they are also more effective.

Buying teeth whitening gel at a pharmacy is not difficult, but before use you must read the attached instructions.

The duration and method of applying the composition to tooth enamel must be strictly adhered to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Otherwise, instead of the expected snow-white smile, you may end up with dental problems.

Often there is a set of whitening gel and a mouth guard - a kind of “bath” for teeth. Such sets are more convenient to use, but can cost significantly more than a simple gel or paste.

An improved option “for the lazy” are special strips with a whitening composition applied. Used in a course of four weeks. Long-term results and gentle effects on enamel have deservedly gained immense popularity for home use.

The principle of action is the same as that of a whitening gel, only they differ in the convenient method of application. The duration of one procedure is from 5 minutes to half an hour, all recommendations must be indicated in the instructions.

Another type of applying gel to the surface of the enamel is the use of a special pencil for teeth. Its impact will be more effective, because you can capture all hard-to-reach areas.

You can often find a variation on sale - teeth whitening varnish, which is somewhat reminiscent of an office corrector. Which of these products to purchase is up to you, especially since the pricing policy similar means has a wide range.

Safe whitening can be carried out at home using time-tested products. ethnoscience offers many methods of effective, and, most importantly, safe techniques. You can whiten your teeth with baking soda, apple cider vinegar, activated carbon or hydrogen peroxide. Extreme techniques suggest the use of berry and citrus therapy, as well as rinsing with warm Coca-Cola.

Remember a simple rule: Healthy teeth may not always be white, and a snow-white surface does not mean ideal dental condition.

Everything is good in moderation, which is why regular visits to the dentist and personal hygiene are more conducive to a flawless smile than simple cosmetic procedures.

Beauty is a powerful force that has always set certain standards in society. If earlier in Rus' it was customary to blacken teeth in order to differ from monkeys and not attract evil forces, now whitening tooth enamel has become a fairly common phenomenon. IN modern world Teeth whitening is no longer considered something new. Some people turn to specialists for help, while others try to achieve a snow-white smile using traditional methods.

It is no secret that in nature, people most often have dark, gray or even bluish enamel. This individual feature for every person, which is genetically determined, and many dentists assure that dark color enamel guarantees stronger and stronger teeth. Therefore, bleaching can further cause diseases and destruction of enamel. What to choose in this case: health of tooth enamel or beauty?

Who should have their teeth whitened?

If you recline genetic features tooth enamel, there are several reasons for tooth discoloration. Many reasons contribute to the formation of plaque, which firmly eats into the base of the tooth enamel and makes it dark or yellowish.


One of the main reasons for enamel discoloration is smoking. Tobacco smoke contains substances that Over time they get eaten into the teeth, which is why they take on a dark, “smoky” appearance. In some cases, special whitening pastes help correct the problem, but this method only works for early stages. The home whitening technique helps to whiten “smoked” enamel, but it also has its own nuances. Home procedure can help, but if you don’t give up the bad habit, the dark shade of the enamel will still return.

Abuse of sweets

Constantly rinsing and brushing your teeth does not help remove the entire mass of living organisms from the oral cavity. When you abuse sweets, the enamel becomes thinner due to the intake of a large portion of easily digestible carbohydrates. As a result, the base of the teeth or the so-called dentin, which naturally has a yellowish tint, begins to appear. With such a problem the only way getting rid of an unpleasant shade means restoring a healthy layer of enamel.

Coffee and black tea

Black tea and coffee help changes in tooth enamel, so lovers of these drinks should be wary. With constant consumption of black tea, coffee or even red wine, the color of the teeth becomes brown.

Excessive intake of tetracycline

A yellowish color may develop in childhood due to large quantities tetracycline. In addition, the development of tetracycline teeth also occurs during pregnancy, when it is necessary to take this drug.

Intake of fluorine compounds

Bad ecology, dirty water or poor nutrition often cause yellow discoloration of teeth. This is due to the excess intake of fluoride compounds, which cause fluorosis.

Improper development of dental tissues

How beautiful your smile will be depends on the quality of development of dental tissues. At abnormal development tissue hypoplasia occurs. This is a disease in which the teeth of the same name appear dark spots. Only a specialist can fix the problem, who first whitens the infected area, and then fills it.

Why should you avoid teeth whitening?

Whitening tooth enamel does not always benefit people. There are many reasons why you should avoid whitening. These include:

What should you not forget when whitening your teeth?

Teeth whitening in most cases can be compared to the hair bleaching procedure, which, as many people know, causes enormous harm to health. Therefore, the main task when returning the white color of enamel is to minimize the damage caused.

Before whitening at home, you should see your dentist to check the strength of the enamel. In addition, the specialist will tell you about possible deformations or problems that appear during whitening or after this procedure.

Enamel whitening is carried out only in cases where there is confidence in good health teeth and gum tissue. If periodontal gum disease occurs or alveolar processes, then it is better to avoid teeth whitening at home. We must not forget that the yellowness should be located on the surface. Otherwise, there will be no effect after bleaching. You should not experiment on your health during anomalies or growth of wisdom teeth.

Home whitening techniques are generally recommended only for after a complete audit of all areas where the fillings are installed. The problem is that over time, a gap forms between the dental tissue and the fillings, through which the whitening substance can leak and begin to corrode dental tissue from the inside.

After the whitening procedure, you should stop smoking, drinking coffee, black tea and go on a diet consisting of: healthy products, which will not contribute to the deterioration of the shade of the teeth. Such restrictions should be introduced for at least a month so that tooth enamel has time to recover. During this period, it is useful to brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush, use only gentle toothpastes, and avoid tooth powder.

After a few months, the whitening procedure is repeated to consolidate the effect.

Teeth surface whitening

There are many modern and effective methods restoring white teeth at home. One such method is based on using special strips with bleach solution. They can be bought at any pharmacy or ordered online.

The principle of operation of the strips is extremely simple. They are applied once every day for half an hour. At the beginning of the procedure, increased sensitivity of the teeth appears, but it goes away within a few days. As a result, after a month, the teeth become 2-3 shades lighter. True, the whiteness does not last long. The enamel remains white for only two months, after which the dark shades return. There are also more expensive types of strips that can lighten the surface of teeth by 6 tones, and the effect lasts up to a year.

In any case, the stripes have one significant drawback. The whitening material only affects the surface of the teeth, while the interdental spaces remain untouched.

One of the most effective whitening methods is the use of special gels. For some, this method may seem radical, since gels help to quickly lighten the enamel due to its destruction. At correct use With the drug, the deformation of the enamel is insignificant, but the effect is impressive. The gel is applied evenly to the entire surface of the teeth, and even the interdental space is whitened. Residues dissolve and are excreted along with saliva.

The gel is often used and in combination with a mouth guard. This gives a more significant effect due to close contact with the surface of the teeth. The plastic structure is installed on the upper or lower row of teeth. The free space is filled with gel. In this state, the mouth guard should remain in place for no more than half an hour.

At home, you can make a similar gel based on hydrogen peroxide. It works more effectively, but there is a chance of destroying tooth enamel. In addition, hydrogen peroxide can increase sensitivity to cold and hot food or cause gum burns. Therefore, it is better to use carbamide peroxide with less aggressive properties.

Whitening Pencil

There are also portable varieties of teeth whitening gels. This whitening pencil, which can be used in any situation, not just at home. Apply the gel with a special brush for half an hour, after which the substance is removed from the tooth surface. There are brands of gels that do not require removal. They dissolve and are removed by saliva.

Compared to real gel, the pencil has a weak concentration. It can remove plaque from cigarettes, coffee or black tea, but it cannot whiten teeth. Gel pencil is more suitable as an auxiliary substance for maintaining whiteness.

The use of hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening is one of the most accessible, cheap and effective methods. This component is capable quickly withdraw dark coating . Hydrogen peroxide is found in most modern drugs for teeth whitening, including toothpastes, but we must not forget that all this was previously tested, unlike the use of hydrogen peroxide at home.

In order to minimize the risk of enamel destruction, you must follow step-by-step whitening method.

  1. First, you need to clean your mouth from accumulated plaque.
  2. Dilute 20–30 drops of hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of water for rinsing.
  3. A cotton swab is dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide and wiped on both sides of each tooth.
  4. Mouth needs to be rinsed plain water and, if desired, brush your teeth with a toothbrush without toothpaste.

Such a procedure can give the desired result in a short period of time, whitening teeth by 2–3 shades within a month, but it is not recommended to rush. Using undiluted hydrogen peroxide leads to enamel destruction and gum burns. Excessive repetition of this procedure during the day can lead to the same consequences.

Lightening enamel with soda

Teeth whitening with soda is more mechanical in nature. Soda acts as an abrasive substance, which is wrapped in a piece of gauze and rubbed on the teeth. As a result, you can whiten your teeth in a short period of time, but the risk of gum damage and thinning of the enamel increases significantly. Therefore, the use of this procedure is recommended only in isolated cases. To minimize damage, soda is diluted with toothpaste and thereby softens the abrasive properties.

Various Teeth Whitening Methods

In addition to using baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, you can use a whole host of different methods to whiten your teeth at home. Many ways help even at one time make significant changes.


How to whiten teeth at home? This question is asked by many people who, due to money, time or conditions, cannot turn to specialists. They actually don't lose anything, because many methods help you achieve a dazzling smile even at home. The main thing is not to overdo it when using whitening techniques, because otherwise, this leads to the destruction of teeth and enamel.

It seems to modern people that snow-white teeth have always been an integral attribute attractive appearance, but this is far from the case. During the Roman Empire, wearing gold dentures was considered a blessing—a symbol of power and prosperity (by the way, in Russia, gold crowns once played the same role). The aristocracy of the Middle Ages was proud rotten teeth- a sign of high origin and wealth. IN Ancient China things were no better: women deliberately made their smile black in order to please the future groom. Of course, darkened teeth were not held in high esteem everywhere and not at all times, and there were people who were looking for more and more new means for whitening them.

Teeth whitening methods

All types of teeth whitening can be divided into professional and non-professional. The first ones are carried out by a doctor in a clinic or by the patient himself at home under the supervision of a doctor. These include methods such as photo whitening, laser, chemical whitening, endo whitening and home whitening using caps. Each of the listed methods of teeth whitening has its own pros and cons, indications and contraindications.

The second group includes various whitening products that can be purchased freely and used independently without the participation of a specialist. We are talking, first of all, about whitening pastes. Non-professional whitening includes special whitening plates, pencils and systems with universal trays, but doctors still do not recommend using them yourself, since careless use of such products can lead to complications such as sharp pains during whitening and increased sensitivity of teeth after it.

Effective teeth whitening

Before the patient agrees to whitening, the doctor must warn that the results may be disappointing. This is especially true for complex cases, such as teeth with fluorosis. In addition, the patient should be warned about the possible replacement of old restorations. Whitening of fillings, crowns, veneers or implants is not possible.

The most effective methods of teeth whitening are professional techniques. The leading place in terms of effectiveness is occupied by laser whitening, which to some extent can even cope with tetracycline teeth. Then comes photobleaching - the most famous and popular in-office technique today. Closing the top three is the chemical technique, which is used very rarely, but definitely deserves attention. Homemade professional whitening is also quite effective, but to get results you need to take a fairly long course.

As for non-professional whitening systems, the most effective of them are those that contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. All other products without the listed active whitening substances have only a good cleaning effect from plaque and polishing the tooth surface.

If we talk about the effectiveness of whitening in general, then, even when using the same product, different patients will have different results. The best and most quick effect is achieved by whitening teeth with a natural yellowish tint; teeth with grayish shades are worse whitened. And although everything depends on the specific case, to say that the effect of the procedure is completely unpredictable is also wrong. A dentist who has a good practice in simple clinical cases may well predict the outcome.

Composition of whitening gels

For various techniques professional and non-professional teeth whitening uses special whitening gels, active substances which are hydrogen peroxide or urea. Sometimes the preparations include amorphous calcium phosphate, fluoride or potassium nitrate to treat minor damage to the enamel, as well as to make teeth brighter and glossier after the procedure. In some cases, the whitening gel may contain special components that have a soothing effect on the teeth and gums.

Teeth whitening procedure

In the whitening procedure, it is very important to strictly follow its protocol.

    Before you start whitening your teeth, you need to conduct a diagnosis: find out the reason for the change in the color of the tooth enamel, take an x-ray, examine the gums and check the condition of the teeth. Based on the data obtained, the doctor selects the whitening system that is most suitable in this case.

    This is followed by mandatory professional teeth cleaning.

    Before and after the whitening procedure, remineralization therapy is performed.

    Rapid in-office teeth whitening is performed in the clinic directly by a dental hygienist. A gel with a concentration of a whitening agent of at least 30% is applied to the teeth, which is activated by light, laser, or acts on its own. The duration of the procedure depends on the specific technique, but, as a rule, only one visit is required. For home whitening in dentistry, individual trays are made, and a suitable whitening gel is selected. The patient carries out the procedure itself at home, following the doctor’s recommendations. The gel is applied to trays, which are placed on the teeth and worn once or twice a day or left overnight, depending on the teeth whitening technology. The course can last from two weeks to a month.

    At the end of the procedure, the result obtained is assessed using the VITA scale.

After teeth whitening, you should not smoke, drink red wine or coffee, or consume any foods with strong coloring pigments, such as red berries and beets.

The effect of white teeth can last from six months to several years. It is very difficult to say exactly how long teeth whitening will last, since it depends on many factors. To maintain long-term results, it is recommended to use supporting whitening products. home use– pastes or rinses, and also adhere to a transparent diet. Besides, good care Oral care and regular professional cleaning can also maintain a snow-white smile for a long time. for a long time. It is likely that sooner or later the procedure will have to be repeated, but according to many experts, the original color of the teeth will not return.

Complications after teeth whitening

The most common problem that patients encounter after whitening is increased tooth sensitivity. Reason painful sensations is a process as a result of which teeth, under the influence of a whitening gel, lose moisture and are then re-saturated with liquid. Remineralizing therapy before the procedure and the use of special medications help neutralize pain after teeth whitening. Increased tooth sensitivity can also be relieved by taking painkillers.

From time immemorial, teeth have been used to judge a person's success and attractiveness. A woman will have healthy teeth healthy wife and healthy children. Strong teeth in a man - if anything happens, he will dig up and snack on a tasty root or bite a predator to death. A snow-white girlish smile means an airy creature who does not consume anything coarser than flower nectar.

However, white and healthier teeth Not everywhere were considered a sign of beauty. Vietnamese and Japanese women once painted their teeth black. The dye also smelled terribly, which gave additional flavor to the local beauties. In Pakistan, some peoples filed their front teeth and then chewed certain leaves: after this procedure, the sawed surface acquired a bright red color.

Among the exotic customs is drilling holes in fangs and inserting stones, flowers, rings and mirrors into them (this is where the legs of modern skyling “grow from!”). Saw grooves on the front teeth - to make it easier to twist ropes from plant fibers, holding one end in your teeth. To sharpen teeth with a file - a hunter needs fangs like those of a predator (by the way, in Ethiopia, to prove his “professional suitability” a young man had to bite through a not too thin tree). Well, the crowning glory of dental “design” is to completely remove some of the teeth and sacrifice them to the gods.

Dentists are very skeptical about the whitening properties of toothpastes and chewing gum...

Understanding these dental transformation symbols is difficult. One thing is clear: in any culture and at any time, you can’t live without the “right” type of teeth. Take modern man: If you want to look successful today, show off 32 perfect teeth. And if nature is stingy with impeccability, then go to the dentist: bite correction, braces, dentures, or at least whitening.

Types of whitening

There are quite a lot of whitening technologies today. First you need to remember that technologies are divided into homemade And professional.


Method 1. The arsenal of home remedies includes chewing gum, toothpastes(their action is based on the abrasive principle, that is, stains are removed from the surface by various solid particles), rinses, gels and special systems. It must be said that dentists are very skeptical about the whitening properties of toothpastes and chewing gums: the maximum they can do is to fight the pigments of coffee, tea, red wine, etc. that have just arrived on the enamel surface.

Method 2. Act more effectively gels and special kits: they are usually used in a course of 3 days to a month. Here the principle of action is chemical, based on the ability of various compounds to react with pigments and plaque and destroy them; concentration of the active substance is 10-15%.

The drugs are applied to a standard dental impression - a mouth guard, which is worn overnight or for several hours during the day. In some dental clinics you can order an individual mouthguard that fits perfectly to the teeth and does not allow irritant to the gums. True, due to the low concentration of the active substance in home kits, the results are modest and not very durable.


This type of whitening is carried out in the clinic using special equipment. Moreover, when choosing a specific method, it is worth consulting with several dentists so as not to get caught up in “selling” the leading method for the clinic, which may not suit you.

Contraindications for teeth whitening:

  • caries;
  • periodontal disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergy to peroxide compounds;

and also (except for photobleaching):

  • root exposure;
  • enamel cracks;
  • fillings that require replacement;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth.

In addition, it is better to carry out whitening before dentures, in order to then select the exact color of the crowns and fillings on the outside of the teeth.

Method 3. For those whose teeth are naturally white, it is often enough to restore them natural color. Suitable for this purpose are based on mechanical(abrasive) bleaching principle, e.g. Air-Flow system. Using a special nozzle, the teeth are cleaned with a mixture of cleaning powder, water and compressed air supplied under pressure. Bacteria, plaque, interdental deposits, “deposits” of pigment from tea and coffee, cigarettes disappear, revealing the natural whiteness of your own teeth.

Method 4. Whitening has a gentle effect on enamel ultrasound. In addition to the disadvantages already listed, it also eliminates tartar. The final stage of this whitening is that the teeth are treated with polishing pastes, which will “repel” coloring pigments for a long time.

There is a technology that combines exposure to water and ultrasound: ultrasonic scaler. Thanks to double action it can cope with even the most dense and long-term deposits on teeth.

Method 5. The most common and familiar professional method teeth whitening can be called chemical bleaching. Active ingredients the same ones used for home whitening (carbamide peroxide, urea peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, chlorides), but their concentration is higher, which means the result will appear faster - in 1-2 half-hour sessions. Chemical method allows you to whiten your teeth deeply and strongly. There are options for its use, in which the effect on the teeth is limited dental office, sometimes wearing a mouthguard that is already familiar to us is expected at home.

The effect of chemical whitening lasts from 2 to 5 years, then the procedure can be repeated.

An important condition for chemical teeth whitening is the absence of fillings on visible surfaces, composite materials, veneers, dentures, pins, etc. Foreign materials react with active chemical elements completely differently than natural fabric, and uniform bleaching will be difficult to achieve. Laser whitening technology was invented especially for such cases.

Method 6. Laser whitening- less gentle, but more effective method, allowing you to act, firstly, more deeply on the tooth tissue, and secondly, in a targeted manner. That is, the doctor literally works like an artist, adjusting the degree of impact on each area of ​​the tooth.

The laser activates a special chemical composition, applied to the enamel, and cleaning occurs literally at the molecular level. This is the most quick way: in an hour session you can whiten your teeth by 8-10 shades! But it is also the most expensive compared to the others, and besides, the oral cavity must be fully prepared: all fillings are in place, caries and periodontal disease have been cured, no cracks or abrasions on the gums.

Method 7. At photobleaching Halogen light acts as a catalyst for the process. A special composition is again applied to the tooth, from which, under the influence of light, oxygen is released, which deals with dark spots. The peculiarity of the method is that it is suitable for sensitive teeth, for teeth with cracks and chips, loose fillings and even exposed roots - such a “fire” method for those who put off a visit to the dentist. The downside is that whitening turns out to be too dazzling (the effect of “porcelain” teeth), and this is not for everyone. But then proper care the color can last a lifetime.

Dental clinic advertisements also contain the terms conservative and transformative bleaching. The first is the very return to teeth natural color, that is, simply a thorough professional cleaning that does not affect the structure of the teeth. Visually, such teeth look whiter and brighter. The second type of whitening involves a more serious effect - a mild abrasive effect on the surface of the enamel or, as in the case of photo-whitening, on the entire tooth as a whole.

And a little about safety. A specific medical joke says that the most great harm The patient can inflict it on himself; the doctor’s duty is to help him with this. Translated into “dental”, this means: if you do not demand from the doctor to make Eddie Murphy’s smile at any cost (under the motto: “I’ll pay for everything!”), even with a violation of technology, exposure time and, regardless of caries, then all whitening technologies are absolutely harmless.

Irina Shumilina

Have you ever wanted to try teeth whitening? We will tell you how to do this effectively and safely.

Each of us dreams of snow-white smile, but not everyone can boast of it. We decided to tell you about how you can whiten your teeth and make a smile worthy of Hollywood stars. Together with an expert in the issue of teeth whitening, Elena Voropaeva, a dentist at the Master Dent dental clinic, will talk about the most common methods of teeth whitening from a medical point of view.

Method number 1teeth whitening in a dental clinic

This is the most safe way: the doctor prepares the teeth for the procedure and controls the lightening process. If problems arise, the dentist will immediately solve them: he will even out the color, patch up cracks in the enamel, take care of the gums, and recommend medicated toothpaste. And after such whitening, your teeth will not only become perfectly white, they will be even healthier than before.

Issue price: from 5,900 rubles and above.

Expert comments. This is truly the safest method of whitening, but also the most expensive. It is very important that dental clinic, which provides teeth whitening services, had good equipment, and the doctor was truly qualified. IN this method There are many teeth whitening options.

Method No. 2 – mechanical bleaching teeth

This is a routine cleaning of teeth from plaque and tartar. The dentist directs a stream of sand-salt solution or an ultrasonic device onto the teeth, which removes plaque from the teeth. This method can lighten the enamel of your teeth by a tone or two, but not lighter than your natural color. This is the most useful procedure, which not only can, but also needs to be carried out every six months; Thanks to it, your teeth will be healthier and cleaner.

Issue price: from 700 rubles and above.

Expert comments. I would advise performing a mechanical whitening procedure at least once a year and would even include it in free procedures in public clinics.

Mechanical teeth whitening is a procedure necessary for the entire dental cavity. It will not only not harm your teeth, but will also prevent many dental diseases.

Method number 3 – home whitening teeth

This is a method for those who are afraid of dentists. The doctor prepares mouth guards according to the size of your teeth and gives you a brightening gel. And at home you already do your own teeth whitening: pour the gel into trays and put it on your teeth before going to bed.

An obvious advantage: the whitening procedure goes unnoticed, and the color of the teeth ultimately becomes lighter than the original one, and then the doctor, although remotely, still monitors the progress of the whitening.

The downside is that teeth whitening in a similar way destroys enamel, causing teeth to become sensitive to heat and cold.

Issue price: from 4,000 rubles and above.

Expert comments. I do not recommend it to my patients this type bleaching. Teeth whitening with aligners leads not only to the destruction of enamel and increased tooth sensitivity, but also to an increased risk of caries. This method should only be used if the dentist is really worse than any horror story for you. But I still hope that this is not the case.

Method number 4 – teeth whitening with gel, or Colgate whitening

This is a slow and discreet way to lighten your teeth. For Colgate whitening, you apply the gel to your teeth with a brush, it hardens and stays on until it is washed off with saliva. The advantages include gentle whitening and lasting results.

There is, however, a minus: the effect is not as bright as if the teeth were whitened by a doctor, and the procedure lasts half a month.

Issue price: from 80 rubles and above.

Expert comments. It is very gentle and harmless way bleaching. True, it is not suitable for those who need prompt teeth whitening for a wedding or some other important celebration.

Method number 5 – traditional whitening teeth with lemon peels

Your grandmother probably whitened her teeth this way. Take lemon peels and just rub them on your teeth regularly. This method is economical and has no contraindications.

Its only disadvantage is that the result will not be visible immediately. And lemon is unlikely to make your teeth snow-white. Of course, they will lighten a couple of shades, but you won’t achieve perfect whiteness using this method.

Issue price: from 10 to 50 rubles.

Expert comments. There are really no contraindications from dentists to teeth whitening using lemon peels. But in cases stomach diseases I would not recommend using this method regularly.

Method number 6 – teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has long been used to whiten not only hair, but also teeth. All you need to do is take a cotton swab, soak it in hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the outside of your teeth.

The obvious advantage of this method is that the result is visible almost immediately. There are more than enough disadvantages: firstly, hydrogen peroxide destroys tooth enamel. Secondly, after whitening with peroxide, teeth may become unnaturally white.

Issue price: from 7 to 15 rubles.

Expert comments. I do not recommend using this method of teeth whitening, although it is economical and the result is visible immediately. Hydrogen peroxide is very harmful to teeth. The expression “A miser pays twice” fits perfectly in this case. Now you will save your time and money on going to the dentist, but after a couple of similar procedures you will have to visit the dentist more than once to cure your teeth.

Method number 7 - o T whitening with activated carbon

Take 1 tablet of activated carbon, break it into powder, mix with a small amount of water and brush your teeth with the mixture. This should be done no more than three times a week.

Keep in mind that with more frequent use of activated carbon, you can completely destroy your tooth enamel. This method gives good results, but only if used infrequently.

Issue price: from 4 to 20 rubles